Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, October 25, 1912, HOME, Page 18, Image 18
THE ATLANTA OEOIKiTAN ANO XWB.READ FOR PROFIT—GEORGIAN WANT ADS—USE FOR RESULTS 'FRIDAY. OCTOBER 25.19i 2 . 18 Automobiles. JUST RECEIVED: All of large Akron tir® factory Atlanta brane! st ck. Cas ing. 28 bv s’. . • ::■> I". ;: $s tu. :■• by $11.90. 3. 1 .' . 32 hv 4 $17.1'0, :':•; I a I )■• ." • b- 4 35 by 4 $19.90. 36 by 4 '-IJ.'.'O. :t« by 4’- $27.50. (Large t. . tob < McPherson Auto Tire Company. Atl-mta. Ga. YOUR punctured tubes vulcanized while you wait 25c. N'yln . 127 lion ton at. 47-21-10 STANDARD ..I'.iiii'el automobile tire and tubes a a :.<T cent saving. Mc- Graw Tire and Rubber Company. 127 I 1 48-21-10 I*o EXCHANGE th< best climate and soil in the world for a tired and frost bitten farm back !< >st The Ninth Anni versary Edition of The I.os Angeles Ex aminer. out December 25th, will tell where they ar cand lo w to g-» one Mailed to any address m I'ni’ed states or Mexico 15 cent:; t'.'tiad. or firepi points. 25 cents. Send in your ord now ALMCMOt’I LES FOR SALE. FOR SALE li'ivo-passenger automobile. Bell phono East Point 235-L. 10-25-2 Sewing Machines. WI. I: with complete sot of attachments for $2 per month; also r. j i. ire l; prompt delivery. Both .-ii ■• •• Sewing Ma- chine Company. • • Whitehall. 5-14-44 Trunks, Bags and Suitcases. RETAILED AND REPAIRED ROE> TREE’S 7:v S u PHONE! Il 76. Atlanta i 54 Stove and Range Repairing. dan; the eixer. STOVES AND REFRIGERATOR RE PAIRING. We sell secondhand gas stoves. We sweep chimneys. 121 WHITEHALL STREET. Atlanta Phone 22 15 Bell Phone Main 2699 4-4-7 Business Opportunities. I. C. S surveying and mapping course for solo cheap Box 277. rare Georgian. 4C-25-10 Foil SALE OR I - H A NGl’’ ’< Hie Pole sawmill outfit; 25-horsepower; almost new. tn use about sixty days. Will ex change for Atlanta property. Glenn Snow, lb gansvllle, Ga. 41-29-10 FOR SALE Dental office outfit, with $3,- 000 annual practice. Write P. O. Box TLMllk Ga. 52-23-10 ONE SODA I'd NT and fixtures for sale or rent.lßo_ Forrest aventie.lo-22-13 sale One well established tin business or tin and plumbing together. For further particulars write W. li. R. Bchl ■■■'.' r. I' ii 8..': 54. Americus. Ga. WANTED ■ ■ ■ to own some more of those beautiful Southern California homes It is a habit, get It. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th, tells how the habit is acquired. Mailed to any ad dress in United States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Stocks and Bonds. 7?' shares Vie the warrenYlann I FACTI RING COMPANY STOCK AT 50 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. WILL TRADE FOR LAND. ANYTHING OF VALUE. TO SEI.I. IT. CHARLES E. THOMPSON. STOCK AND BOND BRO KER. 201 fiQI'ITABLE BUILDING, AT LANTA, GA. 59-25-10 Money to Loan. FoR 6 per cent and 7 per cent loans. See John E. Gay, 801 Empire Life Bldg. Main 141. 10-4-45 WANTED Families to own some more of those beautiful Southern California homes It is a habit, get It. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th, tells how tlie habit is acquired. Mailed to any ad dress in United States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Semi in your order now 10-21-1 ON FIRST mortgage real estate security. Home funds and insurance money. Rates B's to 8 per cent Interest. We also make monthly payment loans. We can give you the mom i as soon as titles aro ap proved RALPH O. COCHRAN CO., 19 S. BROAD ST. I. H ZI 111.1 Mi. Loan Manager Ji' >NEY FOR S ’ O: il.i • I )p jsg AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments. Confiden tial D H. Tolman. 524 Austell building HONEY ON HAND for immediate loans on property in or near Atlanta, i. E. Van Valkenburg, 501 Equitable building. ti-t T-23 WEYMA'n’ * CONNORS ESTABLISHED 1830 Mortgages .■ ti ■ Real Estate. 4-1-3 THE PRUDENTIAL IN- SURANCE co. of Ameri ca can make you a loan on Atlanta improved property, through their loan corre spondents. Turman, Black A Calhoun, 203-8 Empire Building. 6-7-12-1 S PEC IA 17jp 5Kf E "FENDS TO LENT Urn v amount: 6 per cent. Write or call. S. W Carson, 21 Somh Broad street. 4-1-17 FARM LOANS placed In any amount on improved farm lands In Georgia The South- rn M< rtgag< Cotnpar.v, Gould build ing; 7 13-1 JEWELERS AND BROKERS 301 PETIRS BLDG. I N o EY loan rYc- PHONE MAIN (CT ) STRICTLY PRIVATE Wi’ hout indorsement Without Collateral Security Without Real Estate Securities Monev loaned at LAWFUL RATES. NATIONAL DIS COUNT CO.. 301-2 Fourth Nation al Bank Building. WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson. 11 Edgewood Ave. Farms for Rent. FOR re; i' Twelv< -acre tiuck and dairy farm, 3L miles from center of town: cheap rent.|o Auburn avenue. 37-33-10 WANTED -One hundred thousand readv made families to share in the prosper ity Os southern California. The Ninth An niversary Edition qt The 1... Angei, ■ i'x out Dl l ombe- 35th. w ill tell why r*r 1 Low Mailed to any address in United ‘ *♦■.<>■ or Mexico, 15 cents a copv; Can y;-i or foreign points, 25 cents .Send in Xour order now 10-31-4 Farms For Saie. FOR SALE- 5.000 acres of Blount coun ty farm lands. In tracts to suit pur chaser-. Prices from 85 to S4O per acre. We can please the most fastidious. Ad <oess B<,X 33. <H: : Ua 60-25-10 WANTED Ships Os all kinds to burn California oil and carry merchandise for tl.c port of Los Angeles to and from the ■' a (’anal. The Ninth Anniversary . e-n of The Los Angeles Examiner, out I 'ecembcr 25th, tells Just what tho canal will do to Southern ‘'allfomia. Mailed to . ny address In I nit.-d States or Mexico. 15 cents: Canada or foreign points. 25 cents Send m your order now 10-21-4 Real Estate For Sale. i‘*'U SALE tforth side bungßlow, neai West Peachtree hlx rooms, sleeping por p, hardwood floors, tile porch an<i bath, furnace, large lot; price $5,800; or will exchange for good lot. !>., Box 207. ■■ ■ Oeoi 54-:’--10 in K Past lake. SSOO, on easy terms. Owner, Box 278, care Georgian. ]<> ’ ■- beautiful Lui:gaP»w in I.rd; brand new, near Gordon on Hol derness; seven rooms, sleeping porch; granite front; substantially built; corner "4x150; a home to be proud of at bar- L'nin P-' 1 ’ ■■ key on premis<n. Phone West 10-24-6 <•?>'» I<)it NINE well-located suburban lots. 50 tr 175 feet each, if taken at once. Emergency, care Georgian. 4H-23-10 ONE-ACRE LOTS. WE HAVE u few lots of one-haif to one and on-.half acres at $450 to $750 each; terms $lO monthly ; elevated and wooded; only 20 minute.- ride from Hie j.ostoffice; on car line to Marietta; a splendid in vestment. Bailey * Rowland, 1520 Fourth National Bank Bldg. Bell phone M. 3217. TWO new bungalows In Kirkwood; will .sell cheap, or will exchange for vacant property or purchase money notes. Ad dress J., Box 700, care Georgian BY OWNER, 5-room up-to-date cottage, 252 East Georgia avenue, $2,500. Terms lye A. 11. Cook, carpenter at Atlanta Na tional Bank, 40-32-10 BOR SALE, $1,900 Six-room bungalow, with city water, in Oakland City, one block from tile sidewalk, small cash pay ment and monthly notes like rent to re liable purchase). Nice elevation and lot running through to another street; capable of division into two lots. Electricity one block away. Near East Feint car line. Owner, 408 Equitable Bldg. 50-21-10 WANTED One hundred thousand ready made families to share in the prosperity of Southern California. The Ninth Anni versary Edition of The I,os Angeles Ex aminer. out December 25th. will tell why and bow. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents a copy; Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 MY EQUITY in large corner lot and six room house at a. bargain for cash. F. <>. Bex 96. 10-12-76 i' ; < IR ~S A LE~I )R x( .|; A N ,. E WILL SELL or exchange for acreage dan dy five-room cottage. 1054 DeKalb ave nue. near Moreland. Inman Bark. Price $3,000. Call Milin 2405-J. Charles R. Cook. 480 South boulevard. 10-4-13 THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. Are you in need of anything today? Then a Want Ad In The Georgian wdR 50 get it for you. Phone your ad to rhe Georgian Every phone Is a sub-station for Georgian Wonl Ads Competent and polite men to serve you. Real Estate Wanted. WANTED—Pensacola lots. In answer ing, state location and price. Answer Realty, care < :■ orgian. 36-25-10 WANT Eli----SMALL"” FARM. WE HAVE a client for 10 to 20- acre tract on cherted road near Atlanta. If you want to sell see us quick. ATLANTA SUBURBAN REAL- TY COAH’ANY. 31 Inman Building. M. 2053. For Exchange- Real Estate. ■Wt'ULD SWAP equity of SI,BOO in good 1 renting property for some sort of busi ness or an automobile. W. McMillan, 309 Temple Court. 10-23-2 ! - I Legal Notices. I*orrest & George Adair. Auctioneers. GEORGIA- Fulton County. George Adair, et al, vs. Louies B Cal houn, et al. No. 26065, Fulton Supe rior Court. Partition. In pursuance of an order of Fulton Su perior Court, passed on October 2, 1912, in the above cause, the undersigned com missioners will sell at the place of hold ing public sales in said Fulton countv, at 12 o'clock, on the first Tuesday in Novem ber. 1913. for cash, at public outcry, the amount of said bid to be paid by the suc cessful bidder fifteen days after the con firmation of this sale by the court, the following described real estate, to-wlt: Land Lot seventy-eight of the Four teenth district of originally Henry, now Fulton county. Georgia, and more par ticularly described as follows: (1) Being the southeast part of city lot number eleven in the citv of Atlanta, commencing at the southwest corner of said city lot and running east on the south line thereof one hundred forty-two feet. more or less, to the lot formerly known as Mrs. Corry's lot; thence nortit along the line of Mrs. Corry's lot thirtv slx fe<"; thence west parallel with the south line one hundred twenty-seven feet to Peachtree street; thence south along the east side of Peachtree street thirty five and five-twelfths feet, more or less, to the beginning point; being lot and im provements conveyed by L. Scofield to lames A Turner by deed of April 17, 1872, and known as No. 45 Peachtree street, together with any increments or additions thereto by prescriptive title and now in the possession of said grantors. But it is understood there may be a deficiency of a few feet on the front line of said lot by reason of encroachment by adjoining owners, and the rear or east line should be described as twenty-six instead of thirty-six feel, which said deficiencies are not warranted against except as ft> any act of the grantors, their heirs or suc cessors. or any person claiming by, through or under them or either of them. <2l Lund Lot tifty-two of the Four teenth district of originally Henn, now Fulton county, and in the city of Atlanta, more particularly described as follows- Commencing seventy-five feet south of Hie southwest corner of Foster and Bell streets, running thence south along the west side of B>ll street, eighty-two feet: thence northwest one hundred six and one-half feet: thence* northeast thirty one ami one-half feet; thence east fifty five feet, to the beginning point. < '!) Land Lot seventy-eight of the Four teenth district of Fulton county, and more particular),' described as follows: Fronting fifty-four feet, more or less, on the west side • Marietta street, bound ed on tlie north by a five-foot alley ad joining property of 8 Marion, on the west by tlie right-of-way of the Western A Atlantic Kailroad, on the south by anoth er lot of s, Marion, on the east by Ma rietta street, being composed of the lot purchased by said Crawford from F. P. 1 Rice, as per deed of September 30. 1878. "corded n Book FF. page 191. and th« l-»t purchased by said Crawford from | i.Hise P 1 > an. per deed of November 9. I 1880, ref olded in Book 105, page 531. ly ' -uc in the Fifth ward of the city of At l.ftita, and containing one-eighth acre, more or less, the buildings on said prem ■e: being known as Nos 336, 338 and 340 Marietta street. lids notice is published as required by section ...165 <f the code of Georgia in such cases made and provided W. \V ORR. I. S. FLOYD. W. F WALTHAL. Commissioners 10-4-26 POULTW- f-DITLD J’JIXJL IJ MARSHALL. Poultry as a Side Line For the man with a family of children old enough to be of some help about the place there is nothing that makes a better or more interesting side line than some good breed of standard bred poultry. It is something in which all may become in terested. The father can take the lead in the fixing up of the houses and yards for their com fort. It matters not how small a lot, some few chickens may lie kept to an advantage. The city resident may put his matters in such a shape as to secure many a dozen of good eggs that, would have cost him twice the expense and then run the chances of breaking many a filthy stale egg. One is not obliged to put much expense into it; just a neat plain shelter and fence enough to yard the stock. A mighty good plan if one has but limited space is to divide the space into two about equal parts, one for yard for chick- ens and the other for a garden, both connecting with the chicken house. After the garden stuff is off in the early fall sow it down to wheat or rye, and then about the first of January turn the chickens into the gar den part upon the green wheat, using the garden part for the chickens the coming* season through. Plow up the chicken yard for garden and you will find it well fertilized for the garden work. Most families have enough waste from the table to keep a nice little bunch of hens with but little grain to be bought, and there is no bet ter way to dispose of such offal. • 'till stuff from the garden, such as faulty heads of cabbage, small pota toes, turnips, beets, etc., make first class green stuff for them and prevents its rotting about the place. When it comes to recreation and di version from the confining labors of the office and counting room, there is noth ing that can quite equal a yard of fine, healthy chickens. Poultry as a Side Line. The good, practical experience gained in this serves a very good purpose as one grows older and feels the push and burdens of active business and wants to get away from all of it. Poultry can Judge Marshall will be glad to answer in this department questions on all points of rearing utility and fancy poultry. He can not undertake, however, to reply personally to such let ters of inquiry. Address Judge F. J. Marshall, College Park, Ga. Orpingtons. FOR SALE—My Crystal White Orpington chickens; Kelierstrass strain; four pul lets and two cockerels, almost grown, and three hens and one cock, $1.50 each; if taken at. once. C. B. Carswell, Gordon, Ga. 10-19-28 Leghorns. FOR SALE—Thoroughbred S. C. White Leghorn pullets; good stock. E. B. Havey, Box 81, Lithonia, Ga. 10-22-15 MONTVIEW FARM —l5O White Leghorns, eight hens and one cock, $lO. L. 8. Bottenficld. Phone 27-J. Decatur. Ga. R. I. Reds. IF YOU WANT a bargain in Reds, see me during the next few days; have sold my farm; must sell stock females, $1.50 to $3: males, $1.50 to $lO. J. 1. Hosford. East Point, Ga. Bell phone. 10-25-32 Ducks. RAY'S RACY RUNNERS are the best White Runner ducks; they are prize winners in the hottest competition; lay' pure while, delicious eggs. See our string of beauties at the show; stock for sale; eggs from pen headed by "Georgia King” and four prize-winning ducks at $5 per setting of twelve. Snowhite Poultry Yards, O. O. Ray. Manager, Kirkwood. Ga. Fife’s Pure White Runners WON on every entry last two Atlanta shows. I offer a limited number of fine young matured stock bred from my all prize pens. Special prices on drakes. George C. Fife. Box Jlßl. Atlanta. 10-24-23 INDIAN RUNNEHS—White and Eawn and White. Grown stock, ducklings and eggs. Prices right. Satisfaction guaran teed. Phone Smyrna 9075. Georgia Duck Farm, Smyrna, Ga. 95-19-10 Eggs. THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington egg.7, $1 per fifteen. 126 Windsor street. Main 3588. 10-9-15 Dogs. DERBYSHIRE KENNEI.S. FRENCH BULL and Boston terriers, tlie winning kind; the winning French Bull Pipo II at stud; fee $lO. 1115 N. Twenty ninth st., Birmingham. Ala. 10-24-32 OPOSSUM, COON AND FOX refi bone hounds; bird dogs; well trained; guar anteed. J. S. Bobo, Villa Rica, Ga. FOR SALE One first-class opossum hound; four years old. First money or der for sl6 gets him. K. H. Crawford, Ti ger. Ga.lo-22-17 FOR SALE -Coon and opossum dogs; fox and cat hounds. M. 1.. Crawford, Tiger, Ga.lo-12-53 FOR SALE—One English setter bitch; Mayfly strain; thoroughbred; well trained: good retriever: three years old. Will sell cheap for quick sale C. B. Carswell, Gordon, Ga 10-19-27 Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. WILIJAMS-HARISOCKCO REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDINtt Phons $lO6 Main. HERE IS A GEM—Steam heat, hardwood floors, tile floor, front porch and bath beautiful celling beams, stone mantel, hammered brass gas and electric fix tures, book eases with leaded glass fronts, plate rail, birch veneered doors but ler’s pantry, stone steps. We honestly believe that there is not a beter value in a new 6-room home in Atlanta. The location and surroundings are the best It can be had for SI,OOO cash, balance S4O per month. The property looks better than this description sounds. $4 650 HERE is another'' bargain. 7-room, story and a half, nearly' new bungalow’ It is locatea in splendid resident section, lot 50x160 feet; no loan to assume SSOO cash, balance $35 per month. To see this Is to buy It. WEST END—Here is a damfyliWooiir h<7me tn West End. east front, close to eat line, splendid arrangement and this is SSOO under the actual value We have another 6-room with furnace heat and hardwood floors for $4 100 ' This is i beauty. Terms easy, ‘ ’ *- LET us do your building Make onsy terms. ~ THE HOUSE you will build, buy <// rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for Electricity. I al' Jr® i is KJ MA3MHA.VT. then be taken up as a means of liveli hood, if need be. It would not be so much of an experiment then as it is with the many who have never given it a thought until they decide to make it a business. I knew a twelve-year-old boy who made quite a success of the poultry in a city back yard by keeping little pails in two or three of the neighbors’ back lots to receive the table scraps as they were thrown out. He would then carry them home and feed a fine lot of hens he was keeping. In that waj- he could feed a good many more than their own scraps would take care of. In addition to all this part of the business, it gives the boys or girls who may take to tlie work the best kind of training, and in dustrious habit, worth more to them ii. after years p< rhaps than money spent on them in many other ways. This is no fine-spun theory of mine, but has been successfully handled time and again by people oi. thrift and sa gacity. If one should fail to do any good with it, it would be no more than many of us have done in other kinds of business where we have Invested hundreds of dollars and lost. Incubators, Buckeye Incubators. NEXT WEEK at the big poultry show we will show the new 1913 models, 60, 175, 250 and 350-egg capacity. Awarded gold medal and highest honors at the Chicago World's fair. 1913. and at the St. Louis ex position in 1904. They are the world’s best hatchers Get a catalogue. Marbut & Minor, East Atlanta, Ga. Both phones. Poultry—Miscellaneous. FOR SALE—Pure strain S. C. R. I. Red, B. P. Rock and Light Brahma hens, pul lets and cockerels at $1 and $1.50 each. Trio Poultry Yards, Gordon, Ga. 10-25-17 FOR SALE—Seventy-five White Leghorn pullets eight months old and Mann bone cutter used one season. Telephone Main 4330.10-25-20 H. G. HASTINGS & CO., Seedsmen for the South, 16 West Mitchell street. Four City De liveries Daily. North and South Side 9 a. m., Inman Park and West End 2 p. m. Bell Phone M. 2568. Atlanta 2568. FOR AN EVERGREEN LAWN, try Hastings' Evergreen Lawn Mixture. This mixture is composed of grasses that are adapted to this section. In well pre pared soil it will afford a beautiful, vel vety lawn the year round. Price 20c a pound, (14 pounds) the standard bushel $2.50. Can supply you with the best grade of fancy recleaned Kentucky Blue Grass. The price is the same as the lawn mix ture. If your lawn is sodded with Ber muda Grass, you will find by’ scattering English Rye Grass over it that vou will have a beautiful green lawn during the winter months, with the Bermuda replac ing it in the spring. You do not have to disturb the soil; just scatter It over the surface. Price 10c a pound, in quantities 9c. If you like clover on your lawn, we can supply you with White Clover at 50c a pound. As bulb season is here you will surely need some for either in or outdoor culture. We have received all of our Im ported bulbs Our Single and Double Dutch Hyacinths. White Roman Hya cinths, Paper White Narcissus. Freeslas, Single and Double Tulips in separate and mixed colors, Daffodils and Crocus are all large, strong, sure bloomers. We have all size flower pots, fern nans and pot saucers. The “Wizard Brand" Sheep Manure is an ideal fertilizer for lawns and all kinds of flowering plants. Put up in 100-pound bags. Price $1.50. Hogs. BERKSHIRE PIGS —I have for quick sale one hundred and twenty choice, long bodied. big boned English Berkshire pigs at $lO each. Buy some and watch vour money grow. Joe J. Battle, Moultrie. Ga. 10-23-36 TAMWORTH HOGS -Boars, brood sows and pigs from America’s best registered Tamworths. The bacon hog for the South. They grow as large in twelve months as other breeds in eighteen to twenty-four. Correspondence solicited R. K. Ragland, Talbotton, Ga. 10-21-38 Real Estate For Sale. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND LOANS. Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. Atlanta Phone 1881. "IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD.. IT’S 30.” FOR SALE. EIGHT ACRES at East Lake junction with Kirkwood water in front, and im mediately at 15-minute car service, at bargain price and terms. This is a money maker. See Mr. Hook. ON THE north side, we have a six-room cottage on good, level lot, 50x150, that we can sell for $3,000. This place is cer tainly a bargain. See Mr. Bradshaw. WE HAVE exclusive sale on several very’ attractive pieces of property on Ma rietta street. We beleive that anyone buying property on this street now will make handsome profits within a year. For particulars see Mr. Eve. IN A manufacturing district eight houses renting to white tenants for $64.00 a month, not counting the water rent. On lot 100 feet square. $5,500; one-half cash, balance can run. See Mr. White. ON THE corner of Hill and McCoy streets, one block from the South Decatur car line and the automobile drive to East Lake, a lot 142x200. Has shade and lies perfectly. We consider It a bargain for ¥1,250. See Mr. Radford. If Yon Have Money to Lend. We Can Place it Safely. FOR RENT. FLATS. NO. 400 PIEDMONT AVENUE. WE HAVE several very’ desirable flats at this number; from four to eight roo:i: ; ; all conveniences, except heat. Prices from sls to $25. This property is in tip-top condition, and is exceedingly cheap at above prices. WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of everything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTING AGENT. 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 618. FOR RENT—Warehouse Space Two floors and cement-floored basement, 45 by 120 feet; in mill-con structed building one block from new Southern Railway freight depot. Electric elevator; front and rear entrance. Phone Main 340 or apply to L. W. ROGERS CO, 29 Garnett St. Real Estate For Sate Real Estate For Sale 142 St. Clair Avenue $4,250. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, with all modern con veiiiences; lot 100 x 156. Room enough to build another house. Will arrange etrms to suit. J. H. EWING 116 Lobby Candler Building. Will Exchange too Acres FOR GOOD 5 or 6-room house in good section of Atlanta. Land is near Macon. Has house and out buildings. Good land, and lies well. Price S3O acre. Submit what you have. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton St. Both Phones 458. BUILDING BUNGALOWS -LARGE LOTS-ORMEWOOD PARK BUILDING FOUR NOW. SEE THEM. A most desirable suburb cherted roads, good car service, water, electric lights, everything to make you comfortable. WILL BUILD TO SUIT YOUR IDEAS. WILL ARRANGE TERMS TO SUIT YOU. CALL UP. J. R. McADAMS BELL PHONE MAIN 4245-J. ATLANTA PHONE 6027-M. DILLIN-MORRIS CO 609-10 Atlanta National Bank Bldg. Bot h Phones 4234 BARGAIN. NORTH SIDE HOUSE: ALL IMPROVEMENTS. COST $4,500. FORCE SALE CAUSES US TO OFFER FOR $3,750. THIS IS IN PIEDMONT PARK SECTION, RIGHT AT TENTH STREET SCHOOL. DON’T AIISS IT. WE HAVE SOME CENTRAL HAPEVILLE PROPERTY BOTH VACANT AND IMPROVED, AT A BARGAIN LET US SHOW YOU. NICE 5-ROOM, NEAR GRANT PARK. ON GOOD CHERT STREET; HAS ALL CONVENIENCES. $2,750. ON EASY TERMS. WILL SHAVE PRICE FOR LARGE CASH PAY MENT. WAVERLY WAY ME OWN a nice, up-to-date, 6-room house, all conveiiiences, on this beautiful street in INMAN PARK I lus place is easily worth $6,000. I here is a long-time loan of $2,300 at 6 per cent. Our equitv in this place is $3,700. Will accept for same PURCHASE MONEY NOTES. ATLANTA DEVELOPMENT CO 610 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. RALPH O COCHRAN COMPANY FOB SALE—WEST BAKER STREET Between Spring and Williams, we have the onlv lot that can be bought for $250 per front foot. Tliis is going up, and if you will buy now you can sell for a profit next spring. There is a good house on the lot, but some enterprising fellow should build a good apartment on it. HARRIS G. WHITE, Sales Manager. FOR SALE BY GREENE SIX shady lots. R . (Close in. South Side.) T z I'' "Xy EACH LOT 42x100 to ten-foot alley; ele- * 1 I vated and shady; right at double-track C ten-minute car line; fine purchase for in- A'l O IVT X7 vcs lpr; only $3,500 will get the six. but vy Ivl I lx I you 11 have to hurry. 511 EMPIRE BUILDING. REAL ESTAT E. RENTING, LOANS, Phones 1599. Houses For Rent. FOR RENT. G-r. H., Fair street and 3 acres of ground SIB.OO 6-r. h., 109 Greenwood avenue3s.oo 6-r. h„ 339 Ormond street 25.00 '■ 6-r. h.. Maiden lane and Howard. College Park 25.00 6-r. h., 285 East Georgia and store attached 6-r. h., 27 West Fair street 25.00 ’ 6-r. h., 289 East Fifth street 32.50 6-r. h.. r. 62 Candler street, De catur 10.00 . 6-r. h., 21 Clay street, Kirkwood... 17.50 6-r. h., East Fair street 20.00 6-r. h.. 108 Mansfield 25.00 i 6-r. h., 406 Fraser street .' 18.60 1 6-r. h.. 11 Helena, Battle Hill .... 10.00 6-r. h., 48 Lucile avenue, West End 32.50 6-r. h., 244 Crew street 22.50 6-r. h.. 11l LaFrance, Edgewood, ' Ga 17.50 6-r. h.. Boulevard DeKalb, corner Morgan 15.00 ■ 6-r. h., 234 Chapel and 1 acre of ground 21.00 6-r. h., 21 Florida avenue. Battle , Hill 10.00 • 6-r. h., Corner Boulevard DeKalb and Clifton 17.50 < 6-r. h., Rockyford road, Kirkwood... 21.00 • 6-r. h., Holderness street and 3 acres of ground 11.00 Real Estate For Sale, gHARP & gOYLSTON AUBURN AVENUE INVEST* MENT. THIS LOT is 50x104 feet throng to another street, with f Our small houses now renting for ,$5() per month, which makes about a 10 per cent investment. The lot alone is worth all we are asking for the whole thing. Auburn avenue is destined to be a busi ness street from Peachtree to Boulevard, and now is the tint, to get busy. - KIRKAVOOD. 100x360 FEET, with a good six. room cottage that has water, hath, sewer and electric lights’ Fronting the ear line near Wade, land. This will make you an ideal place for a small poultry farm. If taken at once it can be bought for $4,250— worth $5,000. Terms, one-half cash, balance in three and one-half years. LegalJNotices, A PROCLAMATION?'''"''' SUBMITTING a proposed amendment to the constitution of the state of Georgia to be voted on at the general election to be held on Tuesday, November 5 1912 said amendment providing for, aut’horlz? ing and empowering Judges of superior courts of this state to grant charters to private companies in vacation. By His Excellency. JOSEPH M. BROWN, Governor. STATE OF GEORCHA—Executive De partment, August 24. 1912. Whereas, The g neral assembly at its session in 1912 proposed an amendment to tlie constitution of this state as set forth in an act approved August II) 1912 to-wit: An act to amend article 3, section 7, paragraph 18, of the constitution of the state of Georgia, embraced in section 5780 of the civil code of this state, au thorizing and empowering Judges of the superior courts of this state to grant charters to private companies in vaca tion, and for other purposes. Section L Be it enacted by the genera! assembly of the state of Georgia, and it is enacted by the authority of Hie same, that paragraph 18, section 7, article 3. of the constitution of this state, em braced in section 5780 of the civil code of Georgia, be, and the same is hereby, amended by adding after the word “courts” in the sixth line thereof the following words: “It may confer this authority to grant corporate powefs and privileges to private companies to Judges of the st’.pefior courts of this state in vacation,” so that said section and par agraph, as aforesaid, when amended, shall read as follows: I “The general assembly shall have no power to grant corporate powers and priv ileges to private companies, to make or change election precincts, nor to estab lish bridges or ferric:-, nor to change names of legitimate children, but it shall prescribe by law the manner it which such powers shall be exercised by the courts; it may confer tliis authority to I grant corporate powers and privileges to j private companies to the judges of the I superior courts of this state in vacs ! lion. All corporate powers and prlri i leges to banking, insurance, railroad, i canal, navigation, express and telegraph companies, shall be !.-sued ar.d granted by the secretary of state in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. and if in any event the Secretary of slate should ■be disqualified to act in any case, hen in that event the legislature shall pro vide by general laws by what person such charters shall be granted.” Section 2. Be it further enacted, That whenever tlie ab ve proposed amendment to the ccnstitu’m 'shall be agrec-d to by two-thirds oi the members elected to each of the tw • houses of the general assembly, and trie same has been entered on their journals with the ayes and nays taken thereon, the governor shall cause said amendment to be published in at least two newspapers in each congres sional district in tliis state for tlie period of two months next preceding tl.e time of holding the next general election. Section 3. Be it further enacted, That the above proposed amendment shall oe submitted fcr ratification or rejection to the electors of this state at the next general election to be held after pim lication. as provided in the second sect’on of this act. in the several election dis tricts of this state, at which, election every person shall be qualified to vote who is entitled to vote for members or the general assembly. All persons voting at said election in favor of adopting tne proposed amendment to the constitution shall have writen or printed on tneir ballots the words. “For amendment or constitution authorizing judges ot superyr courts to grant charters ir vacation, y'- all persons opposed to the adoption w said amendment shall have written or printed on their ballots the “Against amendment of constitution ai-’ thorlzlng judges of superior courts grant charters in vacation.” , . Section 4. Be it further enacted, iia the governor lie, and- he is hereby •< • thorized and directed to provide for tn submission of the amendment propose* in this act to a vote of the people- a -’ ‘ ’ quired by the constitution of this s’-i In paragraph 1. of section 1. of 13. and if ratified the governor snam when he ascertains such ratification iron ♦he secretary of state, to whom tne i turns shall lie referred in the manner •_ In eases of elections for members 1 • general assembly to count ami ascena the result, issue his proclamation lore Insertion in one of the daily pai'er* ™ ' ' state, announcing such result and <ie< a Ing tho amendment ratified. . ~.h a. Section 5. Be it further cnacten. in‘‘ all laws and parts of laws in <'™‘ with this act be, and the same are Herein repealed. Now, therefore I, Joseph M. Brow*>• 6 . ernor of said state, do issue tins, -c proclamation, hereby declaring that foregoing proposed amendment constitution is cubmitted f or , r ®!„ !t ate or rejection to the voters of the qualified to vote for members of tne » . ral assembly at the general be held on Tuesday, November a ■ 1 ■ JOSEPH M. BROWN, Governor By the Governor. „ PHILIP COOK, Secretary of sta,e 9 . 6 .4 S Notice to debtorsGand <’REP! ORS—AII creditors of the estate James Miller, late of Fulton coU „ • ceased, are hereby notified to ren 1 their demands to tho undersign' * , ta ing to law, and all persons ,n !‘ p |nirne snid estate are required to make diate payment. October 10. 1912. m j L LER. 14 Copenhlll GEORGIAN Want Ads BRING RESULTS.