Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, October 25, 1912, HOME, Page 3, Image 3
LANDLADY TURNS SLEUTH,BRINGS NURSHOJAIL Pretty Young Woman Accused of Thefts of Clothes and Forging Checks. A woman’s desire to bring retribu tion upon one who had wronged her caused Mrs. 'E. M. Jackson to turn detective for a week and effected the arrest of Miss E. W. McLaws, a young trained nurse, last night, and now Miss McLaws is held On the charge of con ducting a series of bold forgeries and thefts Mrs. Jackson, of 689 Woodward ave nue caused Miss McLaws' arrest after Mrs. Jackson had turned detective’and searched for her for more than a week. Mis; McLaws boarded with Mrs. Jack son for some time, but several weeks ago Mrs. Jackson told the police, the young nurse disappeared while the fam ily was at supper. With her went a new SSO princess gown and a number of other valuable articles belonging to Mrs. Jackson. Woman Turns Detective. The landlady reported her loss tp the police, but when the detectives report ed that Mies McLaws was thought to have left the city, Mrs. Jackson deter mined to do some detective work her fsslf. She walked the streets of At lanta eight clays in the search. She heard that Miss McLaws was boarding on Ponce DeLeon avenue. She search ed that thoroughfare, visiting more than a score of houses, but the search was in vain. Yesterday she heard that Miss Mc- Laws was in Marietta. She went there Bnd spent almost the entire day looking fur the nurse, but the clew was false. I'll find her if it costs me everything WOLFSHEIMER & CO. 114-116 Whitehall St. FOR CASH ONLY FRESH MEATS Beef Stew 5c to 7c Beef Pot Roast 8c to 12 l-2c Beef Steaks 12 l-2c to 20c Beef Rib Roast ... ...........10c to 15c Mutton Fronts 9c Mutton Hinds . 12c.. Lamb Fronts ... . 10c Lamb Hinds .. 15c Lamb Chops 20c Pork Shoulder Roast 12 l-2c to 15c Pork Loin Roast 15c to 17 l-2c Pork Chops 20c Pork Sausage, extra fine..................... 20c Sausage—Mixed 15c POULTRY. Hens 21c Ducks 24c GROCERY DEPARTMENT. Imported Italian Olive Oil—pint 30c Hlckmont Asparagus—Fancy 25c BUTTER DEPARTMENT. Orange County Fancy Creamery 35c Premium Renovated 30c Butterine -. 15c to 29c Eggs—Fresh guaranteed -29 c Eggs—Storage 25c No telephone orders at above prices. WOLFSHEIMER & CO. I _ - - I Prestige is an Asset npHE BUSINESS MAN OF AF- 1 fairs, the man who KNOWS, accounts prestige as a very tangible asset, even though such an asset costs nothing. For instance, a banking connection with the ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK is such an asset. If you’re thinking of opening an I account or transferring your banking rela tions, your account will be welcomed by this strong, old institution. DIRECTORS C. E. Currier, W. F. Winecoff, F. E. Block, Jas. S. Floyd, A. R. Swann, Austell Thornton, Jack J. Spalding, E. H. Inman, Geo. R. Donovan. Atlanta National Bank Assets, nearly $10,009,000.00 fi L- ' i A D V.. ATLANTA. RUSSIA PRAYS FOR CZAREVITCH, NEAR DEATH FROM HURT ST. PETERSBURG, Oct. 25.—The condition of Grand Duke Alexis, the eight-year-old czarevitch, who is se riously ill at Spala. Russian Poland I where he suffered an iniury in the groin, was worse today. Peritonitis hav set in, and an operation will be neces sary probably. As the czarevitch is the only son of Czar Nicholas, his grave illness is caus ing serious concern. Daily prayers are still said in the churches throughout Russia. An abscess has developed from the wound, and the corps of doctors in at tendance now numbers six. Czar Nicholas and the czarina are grfefstricken. but my life." Mrs. Jackson told Chief Beavers, and continued her search. Late yesterday afternoon she located Miss McLaws at 89 Capitol avenue, and notified the detectives. When they got there they found that the nurse was gone, but at last they found her at 6 Love street, and carried her to the po lice station. More than $l5O worth of Mrs. Jackson's goods were recovered, but Miss McLaws first claimed that the landlady had given them to her, and then that she had purchased them from Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. Jackson is satis fied. Forgery Also Charged. The detectives had searched for Miss McLaws for some time. Chief Lanford says that reports have come in from va rious homes in the city, some of them in the Peachtree district, that things had been missing when Miss McLaws de parted, and he is investigating the charges. A local bank has also notified the de tectives that they wish to press charges against Miss McLaws for forged checks she is alleged to have passed. She stoutly maintains her innocence. The trial will take place this afternoon. The young nurse is strikingly pretty, refined and highly educated. She wears decidedly handsome clothes, and detec tives say that her wardrobe is elabo rate. xHE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS.FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1912 $100,000.00 CHANGES HANDS IN ONE DAY BY THREE REALTY DEALS Several important real estate deals were recorded yesterday. For >50,000 B. B. Crew sold to John B. Thompson the lOOx 200 lot at the northwest corner of Spring .and Harris streets, which is >SOO a front foot. For >45,100 James E. Hickey sold to Mrs. Helen Lowenstein the 20x112 lot on the east side of Peachtree street. 303 feet northeast of Baker street. This was at the rate of >2,225 a front foot. For >20,312 C. P. Murphy sold to D. A. Farrell a one-third interest in the lot on the north side of West Cain street, 190 feet west of West Peachtree street. The dimensions of this lot are 100x200 feet. PREACHES IN “MOVIE” SHOW. DALTON, GA., Oct. 25.—-Rev. J. S. Mc- Lemore, pastor of the First Baptist church, has introduced a novel feature into the revival being conducted at the church. A half hour’s service is con ducted each morning in a down-town mo tion picture theater, the service being ex pressly for business men. Eugenie Blair in “Mad ame X” this week at Lyric. EDGEWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH V. C. NORCROSS, Pastor Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. At 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. the pastor will preach special sermons on subjects vital to the saint and the sinner. Both of these earnestly invited. All visitors made welcome. The singing of the chorus and congregation will be led by the sweet singer Mr. Westbrook. H du r—i 4 COMPLETE CLOTHING STORE Guaranteed Suits and Overcoats-$l 5 j: L —These special sls suits and overcoats are the best styles of the season. —Come in and see them. Judge for yourself. Make your own comparison. This sls line is a popular line with men who want well-made, good fitting garments at a moderate price. —There are other assortments at $lB, S2O, $22.50, $25, S2B and S3O. Some, also, as low as sl2. You’ll i get full value and satisfaction in any one of them. 5 —We’ll gladly open a charge account with you. Smart Styles In Women’s Coats Johnny Coats - • $12.50 up Broadcloth Coats - • SIO.OO up Chinchilla Coats - - SIO.OO up Serge Coats - - $12.00 up Plush Coats - - SIO.OO up „ —Take your pick of the new styles —NOW — „ while the assortments are at their best. You can find just what you want at the price you want to pay. —The prices range from sl2 to s3s—and every coat is new. —Convenient payments if desired. ASKIN & MARINE ——CO. 78 Whitehall Street BILLY HITT DENIES THAT HE HAS WED KATHERINE ELKINS WASHINGTON. Oct. 25.—William F. R. Hitt, otherwise known as "Billy” Hitt, one of Washington’s leading catches in the matrimonial line, today denied without reservation a story pub lished in a New York morning paper that he had been married to Miss Kath erine Elkins, a daughter of the late Senator Stephen B. Elkins, from West Virginia. “There is nothing to the story.” said Hitt. "We haven’t been married, and we don't intend to be." Miss Elkins is spending a few weeks in West Virginia with her family. OUR COUNTRY EGGS Taste good, look and are good. It is your own fault if you don’t get fresh eggs. We sell them. Cash Grocery Co., 118 Whitehall St. (Advt.) BASS; BASS | BASS | BASS BASS | BASS | BASS 1 BASS BASS j BASS | BASS | BASS CD CO I Saturday Specials I co cd | In Bass’ October Sale I co 33 < We have broken all past selling records in this October Sale and expect to finish the month with still greater gains. The biggest bargains have been cd reserved for the last and will go on sale beginning tomorrow. Don’t miss the > S sensational specials here quoted. cd CO CO co - > S Open Untal 10 o’clock Saturday Nights % (O —1 gj 1 Great Sale of Suits I QQ * CD CO Q 3 Another big shipment of Tailored Suits arrived this morning, making > 00 more than 1,000 in the two special lots we will place on sale tomorrow. All $ are brand new styles—serges, diagonals and mixtures in black and all good Ji 2 colors. Complete assortment of all sizes. g}| $ Suits Worth £4ft AH Suits Worth CIE AA ? < Up to $20.00, at 3HU.UU j Up to $35.00, at M'lO.vU £ CQ CD | Big Bargains in Coats I CD CO <■ 500 Ladies’ Long Coats go in this great special sale at about half usual 00 prices. All are new models, 45 to 54 inches long; many of the popular “John s ny’’coats included. Materials are all wool and tailoring is excellent. Two ® great lots priced as follows: $ cd Coats Worth OA Coats Worth OA > < Up to $15.00, atUp to $25.00, at CD 05 < No Charge for Alterations—Fit Guaranteed CD OT CD > “ Dresses: Skirts Millinery Sale - CD * 05 , rv cc Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Hats, in many new ■> cd ,\ew models in Dresses of fine serges, whip- , , . ■ , , , ’.. , • . < cords, satin charmeuse, etc.; beautiful s > les , : also \ elvet and satin sha P cs in $ ” stvles: splendidly made ahd all colors; up to C1 QE - O worth up to $20.00; choice .. . soo ° values I ■vv 55 CD 500 beautiful new Trimmed Hats, in black *£ Great sale of Skirts, including the best new and all color combinations, at about one- $ ® styles in serges, whipcords and fancy mix- third regular prices; “ tures; up to $7.50 EQ OH Hats worth (jn ncjlats worth nr 05 CD values, at <ipvivU up to SB.OO atV«>‘3d|up to $15.00 atvAvv s “ % ' Children's Hats Worth Up to $2,50, at Choice 98 Cents g < CD CQ CD | Other Specials in 2d Floor > CQ " CD Ladies' Satin Messalina Petti- Ladies' Outing Night Gowns, well Ladles’ House Dresses of fine m rys coats, worth up to fijl QE made and worth < sQr> percale and madras; OQm. sZ Li $5.00; afc, choice QJI.CTW 75e; only O7U $2.00 values vOG P* CD CQ Ladies' Mercerized Petticoats, Ladies’ and Misses’ All-Wool Children’s heavy ribbed fleece- CD worth 75c; in this qQf' Sweaters; real fljl QEC lined Vests and IQa sale atwww $4.00 values Pants; per garmentl irG CD New line of Waists in lingerie Children’s Wool and Plush Coats. Ladies’ heavy ribbed fleece- I I and plain tailored CJlßrs sizes for ages QC? lined Vests and Pants; rr> 05 styles, at CJOW 2to 6 years per garment Beautiful Satin Mess-din, Waists, Children’s All-Wool Coats, sizes Ladies' heavy ribbed fleece- m CD worth up to $5.00; f°> ag< -6to 12 CJ*3 C&SS lined Union Sults, in “ts. at, choiceyears; only this sale at CD % Ladies’ and Men’s Furnishings ? “ Latest novelties in Ladies’ Neckwear; SI.OO Ladies’Hair Switches, black QOa values at 50c; and rowns: $3.00 values; only .. . vuC 05 50c values at CwG CQ , , , „ , T -., Very fine Switches in black. Ladies --clasp hid brown and blond; $6.00 values Zb 1 ( vO tD in black and colors; sl.oo grade... I w l *" pg < 16-button length Kid Golves, the G© New styles in Bags, worth jq > 2 $3.50 kind; this sale § I .St U P t 0 sl ”° at ’ (>holce R. & G. make Corsets in new Men’s Shirts—regular SI.OO > models: the SI.OO grade; only"rvw and $1.50 grades; all sizes; 0n1y....0wC CD I Velvets and Dress Goods I CD Plain and fancy Dress Velvets Table of plain and fancy Dress worth $1.50 yard; this sale Uvw Woolens worth up to $2 at, yard...OvC CO 1 < > Novelty Dress Goods and Silk- «| Finest Woolens and Suitings QQa CD Striped Poplins; per yard Ivv worth up to $3; all at, per yard.... WOC — 1 < > y, Blankets, Comforts, Spreads, Etc. g < > CQ Full 11-4 California Wool Blank- Full double-bed size Bleached ets; white and plaid 0A Full 11-4 heav y Cotton Blankets Hemmed Sheets; per pair an( j silkoline covered Cotton this sale OwC fz. White Crocheted Bed Spreads, Comforts; $2.00 values; Good size ' we 'l made Bleached S 3 full size and worth this sale JOU Pillow Cases; this S, $1.00; this sale sale /C ft CD We Give gWfe n j 18 West cj g Green * .-. n < i Mitchell, Trading g ML Near Stamps - ssf La Whitehall co < > CQ CD BASS | BASS | BASS [ BASS BASS | BASS | BASS | BASS BASS BASS • BASS BASS 3