Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, October 25, 1912, HOME, Page 5, Image 5
Cuthbert is Chosen to Entertain Georgia Clubwomen in 1913 Convention COLLEGE GIRLS HOLD SWAY AT FINAL LUNCHEON t ■; MWEIMSaflrj 1 I •Oik, Wife ■' & ISRL p »- jj <W WK' ii vK' - . -aMKISi L- *1 wa«HL ~ faag r ®smS»****' ’w.s||:■ - aSak W^^^mSv tl * |,R X' 1* ,- wfe* - Wv jjUKb* -*' ’ *&., ”'■ will tLwfire Hu JI;. ,;Ok'uJWIIV'-- J NfflHjgw 'BMT > &\ ? i USUM£' \ i » « l&cWfew*- WW ! Wk l / LTI » MUiSiS ✓ X. t WMmmE/ wl raw?. 3 fs! • 1 \j ri , \ ‘»mhm ' !• Bfct x>v I 111 / vWrlc r >. i iww • ' //I A? -X 5 iv tv.Y'-'-'/' ■ ■ • Jy *Wb%bw<Y -*-*• ils^KlßKz/A■ " : i/SKk. i M i ** <» «b iHHI IBKabMNk JL lH • f i L O' - W 5 L * if B W - W OBi I t lit >.;! i 1 -w;~~ w~-' -■ *1 '' ?s ■ 4 i; i afet JR?! Illllwlh Miss Ethel Thornton. Mrs. V. J. Adams. Miss Lamar Loleman. Miss Marie Mclntyre. Miss Sarah Lee Evans. Miss Willie Cummings. Pretty students of prominent Georgia colleges who graced, final banquet of Georgia Federation of Women’s Clubs. They formed an attractive feature of the onvention, and listened to alumnae tell of work that awaits them in club life after graduation. Institutions Toasted by Leaders of Federation While Students Lend Color to Affair. Cuthbert, in south Georgia, will be the host to the Georgia Federation of Women’s Clubs next year, that city's Invitation having been accepted by the convention at its closing meeting last night. The cause of women In politics was given a boost when a resolution by Mrs. John K. O.ttley .was adopted, providing for a department of political .science in the federated program. In order that women seriously may study politics. Mrs. Ottley is well known in Atlanta as an advanced thinker, an unusually able orator and a student of municipal problems. . Dr. Horace McFarland, of Harris burg. Pa., president of the American Civic league, was the principal speaker nt last night's session of the convention. He was presented by Mrs. H. C. White rhe federation -president, and his talk was a discussion. .of Atlanta’s civic needs, as he conceived them after a tour of the streets that afternoon. The clubwomen were given an auto mobile tour of the city after the after noon session, and were entertained at tea at the Old Women's home. The night session brought the convention to a close. Pretty girl students from six Georgia colleges held sway at the last luncheon in the Auditorium, the girls being honor guests of the Atlanta federation. They occupied special tables, with elaborate decorations in the main Auditorium, and the lavish floral display and the touches of color lent by college pen- WE WILL MAIL YOU $1 for each set of old False Teeth sent us Highest price paid for old Gold. Silver, old Watches, Broken Jewelry and Precious Stones. Money Sent By Return Mall. "hila. Smelting and Refining Co,. Established 20 Years. 863 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. , TO DENTISTS o<* will buy your Gold Filings, Gold bcrap and Platinum. Highest prices paid ARE YOUR GLASSES RIGHT? . I ' r Hines’ examination with per **'iuipnients is absolutely scientific so exact that a mistake is im- > '>sii)io j^ e t a | <eH each eye separ,- . . • to the root of the rf b ant * I s never satisfied until e i C \ ress ults are given. Glasses , l “’> by him always brings light to J proper focus on the retina, thereby Ing all strain from the nerves •'i muscles, gives perfect sight and n»‘Ves headaches and nervousness ■a used by eye strain. READ letter below from ONE OF THE BEST KNOWN BUSINESS MEN IN ATLANTA HEAL ESTATE BUILDING AND LOANS. •*' 6 Fourth National Bank Bldg Atlanta. Ga., October Sth, IHI2. 1 L. a. Hines, care Hines Optical ' ° ■ Atlanta, Ga. Dear Sir: Ten years ago you fitted 'he my first glasses in your Savannah 'ore, which opened up a new world " me. since that time I had occasion Kct new glasses and although I have '■ven to some of the leading special '*• have failed to get results or even relief. Two months ago you lifted me “Kam in your Atlanta store. I wish ''' ray that they are giving me entire satisfaction. Your "Dixie’ 5 mounting , great; cant shake them oft. No more broken lenses for me Yours very trnlv. L. S. TEAGUE. HINES OPTICAL CO. Optometrists and Opticians, Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. nant* made the scene unusually’ attrac tive. The girls, about IfiO of them, were representatives of Wesleyan, Brenau, Woodberry, Cox, Agnes Scott and Washington Seminary. Mrs. Charles J. Haden, president of the City federa tion, presided at the luncheon, and Mrs. John K. Ottley was toastmaster. Back , to the Sa _ zJHfI jimmy pipe, Men/ WBr Back to the good old jimmy for real smoking pleasure via Prince Albert, the one tobacco that -»~z won’t, that can ’t, bite your tongue jx I because the sting has been cut out by a patented process. A No matter what your grouch, no matter what kick you’ve had — simply forget ’em. You can smoke a jimmy pipe, smoke it long, smoke it steady, if you load up with this 100 per cent different tobacco. Fringe Albert ♦ the national joy smoke Sr 11 you h aven t ro H e d a cigarette with “P. A.” l makin’s, you just get right to it. There’s no two ways about it, M?’ I because “P. A.” is fresh, sweet and all to the good—so different i from those dust-brands that V t jwi \ y° u ’H wonder why you didn’t - | Wp" \ tr X out “P’ A-” before! Just r I I ; r W I wise U P on this tipi * ii 810 I ‘ , i AC > - I row can bay P. A. for 10 cent* in the " j}* •* ' '''■ > '^ y r t ' n " ' n to PPy & Cent CKA"' 1 | \ bag*, handy for cigarette making, in ■ \ pound and half-pound tin humidor* E ? > P ou,, d gla*» humidor*. I \ R ’ J ' REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. i. Winston-Salem, N. C. I’HE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25,1912. NIGHT FIRE THREATENS TO SWEEP CONEY ISLAND NW YORK, Oct. 25.—Fire which threatened for a time early today to sweep the great pleasure resort of Coney Island, wiped out three buildings and partly damaged another, doing SIOO,OOO damage, was discovered short ly before 2 o’clock in Herring's hotel and spread from there to the Majestic hotel. The entire fighting apparatus of South Brooklyn fought the flames. ESCAPED MANIAC TRIES TO MURDER HIS SISTER AUBURN, IND., Oct. 25.—Mrs. Min nie Kimmel, of Nobel county, is in a critical condition as a result of a beat ing received at the hands of George Earnhart, her brother, who escaped from the hospital for the insane at Richmond. While trying to escape Earnhart was shot by a. deputy sheriff and is believed to be dying. Earnhart was sent to the asylum a year ago and at the time threatened vengeance on his relatives. BIG PLANT TO MAKE BARRELS. SAVANNAH, GA., Oct. 25. —A fac tory capable of turning out 1,000 com pleted barrels a day will be finished ;pid ready for operation as an auxiliary plant of the Southern Cotton Oil Com pany within two weeks. $4 DOWN —$ 1A WEEK ANOTHER CHANCE! |||||| LAST WEEK’S GREAT OFFER CJHBI j .B REPEATED BECAUSE OF ITS 5 WONDERFUL SUCCESS! Wl The sale of Our Coat sale these same suits last we e k wa s last week delight- a success | j xv ij- r that our stock be- 1 ■»-’ t ed tre ladies of „„„ if I • gan to run very | s Atlanta to such low. Consequent a mar kc ( l extent ly we at once re- ■ that we imme- plenished it, and ' •’’’wl ’ diatcly wired to ’uamense ship- IwmßhMß W r ; W' B/'Wt KT „ , , ment just receiv- O«MraMW|Hi » New York for an- ed in^ludes the HMMW f other shipment, latest, up-to-date ' an d are now styles, in the most Pw' rea dy t 0 offer you fashionable fab- what we think is "C*?’ A U P ’■tfiKi *v i x v stairs will con- the bcst bargain Vince you of their 14 in suits ever put value, and their W on the market in prices will delight ™ the South. you. fl I__ YOU CATsTvE $2.00 TO $5.00 ON YOUR PURCHASE | RED SILK CORDUROY NORFOLKS THE YOUNG LADIES SATURDAYn=™« ’3.95--THINK OF 1T~*3.95 WOULD COST $6.00 ANYWHERE IN TOWN o»«**PTm6« OmirUPTeaCo 731 WHITEHALL WHITEHALL stairs. HHHHHHHBIfIHHHBHHHIHIMihJK up status J. H. Mitchell. The funeral of J. H. Mitchell, who died Thursday, will be held this after noon at 2 o’clock at the Rock Springs church. Interment will be in the churchyard. ! .wwniiHuTTuTTTH i sometimes start from mental strain g i|y or indigestion, but more often from B general weakness, and lead to appal g H ling conditions unless checked. Treat the cause, not the effect. SCOTT'S EMULSION overcomes nervous- I ® ness in a wonderful, permanent way by making a—ffi life-sustaining blood corpuscles; it nour- R—R ishes the nerve centres and acts as a || ?? '~~'n bracing tonic to build you up. I Scott’s Emulsion does not stupefy— JO 11 it feeds them in Nature’s way. rk' 1 i I Scott ft Bownx, Bloomfield, N.J. 12-96 Another Wardrobe Trunk a* $25.00 Our best efforts are surpassed in the produc tion of this splendid value. Full sized box, with drawers, garment hang ers and hat box. LIEBERMAN’S 92 Whitehall John W. Lee. John W. Lee, aged 28 years, died last night at his residence, 76 Lindsay street. He is survived bv his wife and two children. The f Veral arrangements will be announced later. 5