Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, October 25, 1912, HOME, Page 8, Image 8
8 Miss Badger and Mr. Morrison Wedded i The North ivntx Presbyterian (hurch was th< en< >f a prettj ding last evening when Mii-s Allison Badger and Mr. Alston Davis Morrison were married. An organ recital pre ceded the e. romony. which w is per formed by Rev. Richard Orme Flinn. An arrangement of palms concealed the chancel, forming an < ffeetiv- back ground for the bridal party The bride entered with her brother, Mr. <’hark s F. Whitner, who gave her away, ami was met at the altar by Mr. Morrison and his best man, Mr. Ha! Morrison, ot Charlotte. X. <’ The other attendants were .Mis. Porter Langston, tnatron of-honot ; Mis- Dorothy Selby maid ■ of-honor; Misses Lyda Whitner, Corrie Whitner and Alma Stanley, brides maids Dr Marian Hull anil Mr T. U. I Whitner. ushers: Mr. Irving Graha'm, Mr Horace Reeves. Mr. James Davis and Di. Gerold Selby, groomsmen The bride was handsome in her wed ing gown of ihite eharmeuse satin, the long tulle veil being worn over the face and extending to the edge of the court train. The corsag' was formed of duchess lae>. embellished with an em broidery of seed pearls. The bridal bouquet was of bride roses showered with valley lilies The matton-of-honor wore white satin, veiled in white lace, and her flowers were white roses. The mald-of-honor won shell pink m i qui sette. veiling pink satin, and carried pink roses. The bridesmaids wore whlt< eharmeuse satin with crystal garniture, and carried pink roses. Mrs. Charles F. Whitner wore ciel blue chiffon, veil ing satin. A reception followed the ceremony, at the home of the bride’s brother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Whitner, on Juni per street. Pink and white roses, with pink and white cosmos, formed the decorations, with smilax as a mural decoration. The bride’s table, with covers laid for fourteen, was handsome ly appointed and beautifully decorated in pink and white. A large mound of pink chrysanthemums, as a centerpiece, was flanked on either side by silver candelabra bearing pink tapers. As fa vors at each plate were individual al mond baskets with tiny pink roses tied on the bundles. The place cards were hand-painted in Cupids, and brides and grooms. The ices were molded as slip pers, bells and turtle doves. The favors, which were drawn by pink ribbons from the floral centerpiece, wv-rft won by Miss Lyda Whitner. Miss Alma Stanley, Miss Dorothy Selby and Mrs. Porter Langston. A buffet upper was served to the guests, who included aXimited number of friends. Mrs. Ernest Dallis and Miss M. A. Phelan presided over a prettily decorated punch bowl. Mr. Morrison and his bride left dur-1 Ing the evening for a wedding journey to Canada, the bride wearing a smart tailored sui* of blue broadcloth over a blouse of Irish lace. Her becoming hat was of blue velvet adorned with blue plumes and gold lace. Ab Miss Allison Badger, the bride has beer, one of the most beloved young women of the city, and Air. Morrison, who comes of distinguished ancestry, is a prominent young man who has been most successful since coming from North Carolina. Brookhaven Club Dance. A large number of guests attended the subscription dance at Brookhaven club last evening. Among those pres ent were Misses Mary Helen Moody, Isabel Kuhrt, Helen Hawkins, Marga ret Hawkins, Lyda Nash, Edna Mc- Candless, Martha Ryder. Emma Kate Amorous. Anne Orme, Ruth Stallings. Annie Lee McKenzie, Gladys LeVin and Allen Gentry', and Messrs. Graham Phe lan, Eugene Haynes, Arthur Clarke. Ernest Ottley, Henry Hull. Philip Head Arthur Lippold, Wallace Daniel, Clew Sima. Marsh Adair.* John Armsted, Al bert Thornton. Henry Kuhrt, Ed Gay. Clarence Knowles, Robin Adair. Milton Dargan, Jr., Tom Donaldson. Carl Fort, M. 8. Harper, Edward Alfrtend, James Ragan. Lewis Carhart. Joe Budd and Eugene Kelly, and Mr. and Mrs. John DuPree and Mr. and Mrs. Valdemar Gude. On account of the Halloween ball at the Piedmont Driving club, the Brook haven club has postponed its Halloween dance until a later date. BLOCK SYSTEM TO SAVE TIME. WAYCROSS. GA.. Oct. 25 -Officials of the Atlantic Coast Line have inspected and approved the newly installed block systems and automatic switch plant at Folkston. These improvements will en able the Coast Line and Southern trains, which use the tracks jointly, to save a few minutes time Thrilling Secrets of French B e aju t ywft Plain, Ordinary Women Trani- '*®L formed Into Start- ‘ ling Beauties. jr 'f? J Free Booklet: ‘Turning z A Back the Years." Beauty that you never before dreamed of may now be youra. Girls, middle aged women, el derly women. and ye n, reader, have the oppor tunity never before heard of in this country. Allis explained; how to quickly remove wrin kles and crow's feet ; how to make yourself look ' from five to twenty years younger; how to make ' freckles and spots disappear; how to make your •kin as pure, svit and luxurious as the petals of a rose; how to have cleat sparkling eyt ; how : to make tour eye-brow; and eyelashes and hair grow so luxuriously that you may appear! like some goddess; how to fill out the hollows iu your neck and shoulders and make them lonk positively angelic; low to make your ch**ek; . look naturally all the time how to get nd of pimples and b.ackheads; how to restore the ‘ original color of aout hair; iu short, how to 1 ♦ yourself from mere ordinariness to I hri-nng beauty. The fre*» 1»ooklet and infoi i mation wdl be sent to you lor a 2-cent stamp ’• postage. It is thrilling. Seud tori’ gßifek Marouise Lwr. Lake ,t Chicago, m. 1 BLESSED BE MEN WHO GO TO CHURCH WITH WIVES,SAYS MINISTER WORCESTER. < •< : 25.—the Rev. F. Hill <'rathorn. pastor of the Park Congregational church, has prepared a set of Biblical beatitudes brought up to date Here are some of his amendments: “Blesned ar* the men who accompany their wives to ulmrrh. for they shah save them from the suspicion of being widows. "Blessed are th** singers in the sanctu ary who can sing and will sing, for they shall never be sent to Sing Sing "Blessed are the people who are not forgetful to entertain strangers, for they shall entertain angels unawares. "Blessed is he who walketh not in the counsel of the gossip, nor sitteth in the seat of the fault-finder, but whose delight is in the peace and prosperity of the church. His name, shall be a continual praise In the sanctuary, and his friends shall be called legion. "Blessed are the church members who give the Lord and the minister as little trouble as possible: who are loyal .to the church, regular in their attendance, gen erous in their gifts, gracious in their sym pathies, and honorable in all their ways. ; Urjoirr ami bo ♦ xceedingly glad, for great : is your reward on earth and in heaven.’’ PAIR MARRIED MONDAY SEEK DIVORCE FRIDAY XEV\ YORK, Oct. 25. -After a party, Monday. Henry Murphy and Mrs. Anna Olin m.. cried. They were sorry Tues day. They fried to obtain a legal sep aration today. Mrs. • Ilin has" live < hil dren, Mr. Murphy a married daughter. | □S WE INVITE YOU T° Our Great Window Stove Display Special Qualities Special Prices Special Terms I ave our Big Windows into a salesroom for Stoves, Ranges, Heaters. More than 2 carloads o AS^° Wn * A* l ex P osltlon of all the good things of Stovedom. Three famous factories represented— "UCK S, the premier, the organization whose name instinctively suggests Fine Stoves-—COLE’S, S inventors of the Hot Blast Heaters, the fastest selling, most powerful heating Stoves ever made—EAGLE’S, I t ” e most lately use d Family Range sold in Atlanta. | your neighbor— most everybody knows about these 3 Leaders of the stove world. ■ to this incomparable array our immense buying capacity that enables us to quote the very lowest I puce s—our easy terms that place these goods within the reach of all, and you have Real reasons for satisfying your every stove want at this store M -5 -r-» Ail Our A Perfection 11 ■MH Stoves, Oil Jr' fWsi Heaters, JriF Heaters ' W Ra,iaes ’ $3.50 w at SI.OO lOIEBOr Weekly OiHb—l ;■ ( i. i? 111- 1 I pkYdr m L'’'T'": ; . tr7=-=n 1 Oit;| 111 m \1' — I'-'v WL lolS W zaOiiil*■ v iWbv \ THE EAGLE HEATER—just WF 11 , like cut —in five sizes. One ex- F H \A BICK'S HEATERS—IS styles acfly like cut delivered to you / / ■ \j| 4 «nnn S J n < t1 g Ur b ’ g StoVe for SI.OO cash, CO Est i T)2___ * * K store $50.00 to sls. jfl.oo weekly at " The ROYAL EAGLE is the biggest, heaviest. THIS BUCK’S NEW RANGE hi Ck'*\ Biick sdid us . real good Hirn Ulis season, l-’or nine wars sl.oO a wri-k. nt |i> ULVR we've been hammering at them to make us a real good (i-hole i-r i;» nuirr regular Burk's Steel Range to sell for less than SSO. Ib re ii is Mk 'ls' ‘Wi -.«»k t\fir —-IHE S'lAßr—full size Isl inch oven—every Buck's fratui’< J i l\rtnvv pouchfeed duplex grate, asbestos wall-. 5-coat nickel work, made ; W''/AMI If ot col< - , - rol,ed ,)llie stool, by the greatest stove factory in the lINI V country. Guaranteed to you by u.- guaranteed to 'vou bv * Buck's. You’ve been wanting a Buck's Range lure's your ■■ 1 ' 111,111111 chance. A (i-hole. large family size, for $45, set up complete in Iy; Akyi IIMBIWRgMMHB ’klS Illi - vour kitchen, and you only pay SI.OO a week. If that's not \\ jBMI ” KIGIIT-tell ns. nM| nhod S s>woods irw X^FURN \ COMPANY 4 103-5-7-9-11 Whitehall Street, Corner Mitchell bJek T tflfi MF , SI.OO down. SI.OO a week, at M# ' W J Si A- THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN’ AND NEWS.FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1912. 25 MORE INDICTED FOLLOWING GRAFT PROBE IN ALBANY ALBANY, X. Y.. Oct. 25. —Tewnty-five sealed indictments were returned today by the extraordinary grand jury empan eled at the direction of Governor Dix to follow up the seriate Investigation of af fairs in Albany. District Attorney Rollin B. Sanford also gave out a list of ten who were not in dicted. They included E. B. Canline, for mer commissioner of public safety; W. •I. Rice, his assistant, and George Q. Cow ell, who supplied the aidermen with sta tionery. William H. K. Cornelius, charged with embracery, the first one indicted by the jury, was sentenced to three months in the penitentiary and to pay a S3OO fine. CHARLESTON TO SEND DELEGATES. CHARLESTON. S. C., Oct 25.—Dele gates to the Atlanta Panama Canal con ference in November will be sent from ( harleston by the Chamber fit Commerce. EGGS TASTE LIKE WOOD If they are cold storage. Don’t eat them unless you like the taste of sawdust. We sell fresh country eggs. Cash Grocery Co., 118 Whitehall St. " (Advt.) BREAKS OUT OF JAIL AND INTO IT AGAIN MANCHESTER, X. fl.. Oct. 25.--Fred Tupper, a “trusty,” broke out of jail here, then broke in again. When Fred went he took Billy Donovan with him. Being thirsty, they broke into a liquor store. Donovan fell by the wayside and snored until the police awakened him. Tupper staggered back to jail, broke through a window, got inside and dropped into a deep sleep. The police say that when ar rested several years ago Tupper had swallowed Jlo. which was recovered with a stomach pump. pr/ch/ Complete Maternity Outfit 1 p d ri Z ' Sterillzed Vulva 1 yd. Rubber Sheeting (45 1 Package Safety Pins 1 lb. Absorbent Cotton (</ 2 1 Steriflzed"rape for Um- 1 Tube whlte Vaseline lbs.) billcal Cord 4 °z. Lysol or Eosol 1 doz. Small Sponges 1 Box J&J Baby Powder 4 oz. Boric Acid 5 yds. Sterillzed Gauze 1 Cake Castile Soap , 1 T Binder 1 No. 2 Catgut Ligatures 2 ol ’ TmC Green Soap 1 Soft Rubber Catheter and Needles 25 Bi-Chlorlde Tablets Delivered Anywhere f P r j Ce $4.50 1 Express Prepaid in Georgia ( IN ATLANTA j $5.00 711 °’J)rUgStORE5 CAPITOL AVE. 129 ANGIER Ai/E. 156 MORELAND AVE.. JR. BOTH PHONCS-S*s l*Y-fc4»«LANfA-2477. JVY 186 ATLANTA 4-li $1,000,000 DAILY TOTAL OF EXPORTS TO CANADA WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.—Continued in crease in exports from the United States to Canada are brought to light in a cur rent official report of the bureau of for eign and domestic commerce. A con servative estimate of the average export business is placed at more than $1,000.- 000 a day. Three years ago they averaged a half million dollars a day, and a dozen years ago they averaged *250.000. Lyric this week—“ Ma dame X.’’ DR. JONES CHARITY SPEAKER. COLUMBUS, GA.. Oct. 25.—At the annual meeting of the Associated Char ities of Columbus, held last night in | Child’s Jockey Boots I : i jms Patent Dull To P Button, I /TFT] With Patent Cuff. 1 I = */ 1 Gun Metal Button, With | J Dull To P- ! -1 I Sizes 11 to 2. <bn nr : • * 2 75 valucs j S Sizes 2 t 0 6 - d»n $3.50 values /5 5 1 . I Rich’s Economy Basement i “The Shoe Bargain Center of Atlanta” the Auditorium of the Chase <■ . tory of Music. Dr. M As'ibv 'r'” Sf va - Augusta, formerly past-r of o', s os Baptist church in this citv 1 ir9t i principal speaker. 1 ’ Wus the