Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, October 26, 1912, NIGHT, Page 15, Image 15
1- rAy AXD NEW> 'HEAD FOR PROFIT— GEORGIAN WANT ADS— USE FOR RESULTS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1912. Real Estate For Sait Real Estate For Sale "central property” p\ the first Tuesday iu November we are going to sell at the court house door, at 12 o’clock, at Commissioner’s sale, No. 45 Peach n .. street, opposite Walton street, now occupied by Daniel Bros. Also S 2 feet on Bell street, immediately south of Edgewood , avenue. Also '4 on Marietta street, just beyond Thurmond, extending ack to the W. & A. railroad right-of-way: known as Nos. 336- 335. k> Marietta street. WE would be glad to show the property or furnish any further in formation desired. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR 142 St. Clair Avenue $4,250. F’VF.-ROOM COTTAGE, with all modern conveniences; lot 100 x 156. Room enough to build another house. Will arrange etrms to suit. J. H. EWING 116 Lobby Candler Building. Will Exchange 100 Acres FOR GOOD 5 or 6-room house in good section of Atlanta. Land is near Macon. Has house and out buildings. Good land, and lies well. Price S3O acre. Submit what you have. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton St. Both Phones 458. BUILDING BUNGALOWS-LARGE LOTS—ORMEWOOD PARK BUILDING FOUR NOW. SEE THEM. A most desirable suburb, cherted roads, good car service, water, electric lights, everything to make you •run fort able. WILT. BUILD TO SUIT YOUR IDEAS. WILL ARRANGE TERMS TO SUIT YOU. CALL UP. J. R. McADAMS BELL PHONE MAIN 4245-J. ATLANTA PHONE 8027-M. DIL.UIN-MORRIS CO. 609-10 Atlanta National Bank Bldg. Both Phones 4234 BARGAIN, NORTH SIDE HOUSE: ALL IMPROVEMENTS. ( OST $4,500. FORCE SALE CAUSES US TO OFFER FOR $3,750. THIS IS IN PIEDMONT PARK SECTION, RIGHT AT TENTH STREET SCHOOL. DON’T MISS IT. WE HAVE SOME CENTRAL HAPEVILLE PROPERTY. BOTH VACANT AND IMPROVED, AT A BARGAIN. LET US SHOW YOU. NICE 5-ROOM, NEAR GRANT PARK. ON GOOD CHERT STREET; HAS ALL CONVENIENCES. $2,750, ON EASY TERMS. WILL SHAVE PRICE FOR LARGE CASH PAY MENT. WAVERLY WAY WE OWN a nice, up-to-date, 6-room house, all conveniences, on this beautiful street in INMAN PARK This place is easily worth $6,000. There is a long-time loan of $2,300 at 6 per cent. Our equity in this place is $3,700. Will accept for same PURCHASE MONEY NOTES. ATLANTA DEVELOPMENT CO., 610 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Houses For Rent. Houses For Rent. ~~ FOR RENT Chas. P. Glover Realty Co. 2 1-2 WALT ON STREET. ARE YOU in the market for a warehouse or an ideal place for a wholesale or manufacturing business? If so, we have what you are looking for. Let us show you. for rent. FLATS* NO 400 PIEDMONT AVENUE. WE have several very desirable flats at this number; from four to ■ rooms; all conveniences, except heat. Prices from tin to s2o. This property is in Up-top condition, and is exceedingly cheap at above prices. , "wTpUBLIBH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving e. good description of everything we have for rent. Get a copy- JOHN J. WOODSIDE, TTIE 12 AUBURN AVENUE FOR RENT-Warehouse Space Two floors and cement-floored basement, 45 by 120 feet, in mill-con structed building one block from new Southern Railway freight depot. Electric elevator; front and rear entrance. Phone Main 340 or apply to 1- W. ROGERS CO., 29 Garnett St. FOR RENT ?' h:: MeW $0? 406 south Pr^ A s?r?el E 4 and 5- - 2100 U r h., 695 Capitol avenue.. 20.00 10 Confederate avenue, 6 rooms, Knipire Trust and Safe Deposit Co. EMPIRE BUILDING. ’HIE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for rnectricity. Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale. « Turman, Black & Calhoun 203-8 EMPIRE BUILDING. 190 GRANT STREET. $250 CASH, S3O per month, assume loan of $1,700: lot 41 bv Price, 34 ROSALIA—CORNER WALDO. $250 CASH, S3O per month, assume loan of $1,500; lot 56 bv 100. Price, $3,500. 23 LAKE”AVEN UE? SIOO CASH, S2O per mont£, assume loan of $850; lot 35 by 150: renting for $17.50 per month. Price, $2,400. 25 LAKE AVENUE? SIOO CASH: same terms as 23 Lake avenue. Price. $2,400. Also rented. 27 lake~avenue7~ SIOO CASH, same terms as 23 Lake avenue. Price, $2,400. Also rented. 29 LAKE AVENUE^CORNER KROGG. SIOO CASH; same terms as 23 Lake avenue. Price, $2,700. Fine store. “atwood'stoeetT $250 CASH, balance easy like rent; lot 50 by 113. Price, $3,250. TaugwtaavenueT S4OO CASH, balance like rent; lot 40 by 100. Price, $2,800. (TIEROKEE”A\ r ISNUE. SMALL cash payment, balance easy; lot 62 by 128. Price, $3,500. egglestonstr est S4OO CASH, balance easy; lot 50 by 105. Price, $3,350. EAST GEORGIA AVENUETbETWEEN HILL AND GRANT. s‘soo CASH, balance s2u per month; lot 50 by 450. Price, $3,500. ”7ILE^W()ODAA r ENUET ♦6OO CASH, balance S2O per month; lot 50 by 50. Price. $2,750. ’"IIOLTZCLAW SI'REET—PRICE $17500?” S2OO CASH, balance $lO per month; lot 47 by 110. ~KI LLIANSTREET—PR I( 'E $2,950. SIOO CASH, balance $25 per month; lot 45 by 190 feet. ALL of the above houses have from 5 to 7 rooms; every one is a selected bargain and a fine Investment to the rent-paying man. Select the loca tion liked best and come and talk to us about it. Turman, Black & Calhoun 203-8 Empire Building. $8.40 PER ACRE IN THE HEART OF SOUTH GEORGIA. • > EIGHT MILES fronting main line of Southern railway, Atlanta-Jackson ville line. Station on the property. A most excellent development prop osition. Small farms will sell for S2O to S3O per acre; 8,330 acres; $20,000 cash, balance on or before 1.2, 3,4, 5 years, at 6 per cent. Release contract on sale of small farms. This offer not good after 10 days. ' EDWIN P. ANSLEY Land Department. Realty Trust Bldg.. Atlanta, Ga. INMAN PARK BUNGALOW. BUH/r BY OWNER, who Is moving to country; stone front, furnace heat, six rooms, large bath, big basement, lot 50x160 and perfectly level; Tale locks and best of everything. It sold by next Monday, will take $4,710 for It. Small cash payment will do. This is a little beauty and worth SI,OOO more than Is A C V M /] WILSON BROS PHONE M. 4411-J. 701 EMPIRE BLDG ACREAGE - BROOKHAVEN Oglethorpe University » . THESE two influences are destined to work magic in the adjacent territory. Land out there means big money to wise buyers. A special deal on this week, located so you can ACTUALLY SEE bigger values. This is all we will say in print about it, and nothing over the phone. But if you are an actual buyer and want to talk business, make an appointment with Mr. Graham at once. Some small tracts CUT TO SUIT at S4OO per acre, on public road and close to Peachtree road, railroad and car line. Out of such stuff as this are fortunes made. Terms easy. Chas. P. z Glover Realty Co 2 1-2 WALTON STREET. ■ < BUY A HOME. W. M. Scott & R. S. Mor ris can locate you in any part of the city at inside figures and terms to suit. Call them up over either phone. MONEY-MAKING LOTS EAST FRONT, level lot. 49x236, in rapidly growing, high-class section, one block of car line, only S6OO. Easy terms. CREW STREET lot. 50x190, level, with oak shade, all improve ments. and ideal for a bungalow. Price SBSO, on easy terms. RAMSEY. GREEN & ANDERSON 214-215 Empire Building. . M. 66, Atlanta 344. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDINU Phone 3106 Main. I HERE 18 A GEM-Steam heat, hardwood floors, tile floor, front porch and bath; beautiful celling beams, stone mantel, hammered brass gas and electric fix tures, book cases W’fth leaded glass fronts, plate rail, birch veneered doors, but ler's pantry, stone steps. We honestly believe that there Is not a beter value in a new 6-room home In Atlanta. The location and surroundings are the best. It can be had for SI,OOO cash, balance S4O per month. The property looks better than thia description sounda. Ji,650 HERE is another baig.un. 7 . ■ an< • alif. nearly new bungalow. It Is located in splendid resident section, lot 50x160 fret; no loan to assume, SSOO ash balance 135 per month. To_see this Is to buy it. ~ tri'S'n END Herr la a -landv 6-room home in Wes'. End. eMt front, close to car line, splendid arrangement and this in SSOO under the actual value. We have another 6-room with furnace heat and hardwood floors for $4,100. This Is t beaufy. Terms easy, - Tj’T -is do your building Make eis; terms Real Estate For Sale ADAIR’S LIST. A FACTORY SITE ON A.. B. & A. R. R. THIS is at Julian street, one block south of Bellwood avenue, one of the best sites we have on our list; lies practically level with track; fronts 360 feet on right of way. Price. $3,500. This tract has five small houses on it bring ing in rental until utilized; a safe in vestment. Easy terms. Magnolia Street. Corner Mangum Street. THIS piece of property rents 365 days in the year; on leap years it rents 366 days. A corner bringing $720. Price $7,500. Terms. PRYOR STREET. Between Trinity and Garnett. A 25-room brick building, lot 70x185, alley in rear, at small cost can be remodeled and put on ten per cent rent al basis. Price, $42,000. A Factory Site On Southern R. R. MARIETTA ST., adjoining Atlanta Agricultural Works, u track front ing 480 on Marietta St,, at Ashby St., runs back to Southern railway, side track already in, good grade, one of the best sites in city. Price $25,000. North Boulevard. Corner Old Wheat. AN investment proposition, 12-room house, two tenants, lot 64x90, right at circus grounds, room on corner to build store. Price $4,500; SI,OOO cash, bal ance monthly. NO. 620 PRYOR STREET. Near Ormond Street. A TWO-STORY, 7-room house, lot 60x140, close to Pryor street school; has every convenience, alleyway to rear. Price. $3,500; SSOO cash, balance S3O a month. 82 Lake Avenue. On Easy Payments. THIS 5-room is near Inman Park; lot 45x120; has gas, water and plumbing; price $2,100; terms, SIOO cash and S2O a month. A 50-Acre Place Near East Lake. THIS tract Iles on northwest corner of Handler street and Pharr, in the ter ritory lying south of Decatur, toward East Lake. Pharr road runs off the paved road that goes through Druid Hills, and road. Price, $15,000, Country Horne Sites At East Lake. WE are now selling bungalow sites at East on Fair street, one block from club grounds. 100x300, for SI,OOO. Sewer and water accessible. East Lake Road. A Fine Corner. THIS is 200x372 on southwest corner of East Lake road and Tupelo street; two blocks from car line. Price $3,250, SSOO cash. WASHINGTON ST. Corner Fair St. ITH IS tract fronts 192 1-2 feet on Washington and runs back 227 feet along north side of Fair street; brick residence in- center of lot; one of the largest near-in tracts In the city. En tire property for $30,000. DECATUR STREET. Near Grant Street. NOS. 362 AND 364 DECATUR ST.— Lot '50x120, just a little beyond Fort street, In one of the busy spots on a busy street. Price, $8,750. only $175 a foot. Bellwood Avenue. The New Viaduct. EVERY trader should have in his col lection a piece of property in the vi cinity of Bellwood avenue viaduct There is going to be lively trading out around there. A strong local center is developing. We offer railroad frontage it $lO a foot. Small houses on it pay fair rental until used for factory or warehouse purposes. 277 E. FIFTH STREET, Price $4,000. HOUSES in this locality are usually priced at”s6,ooo to SB,OOO, but here Is a 6-r<>oin cottage that can be bought for $4,000. It Is about half way be ! tween Be lford Place and Jackson , street, on south side, of Fifth street. I Needs only the finishing touches of | home occupancy to make It a decidedly attractive place. We have marked it down low in order to sell quick. Easy terms. A SUBURBAN COTTAGE AT OAKVIEW. HALF A BLOCK from ear line and near East Lake Drive, a 6-room bun galow, on lot 100x260. We have decid ed to offer this place at $2,850; terms $250 cash and $25 a month; a very un usual opportunity for some one to own a nl< e home. FORREST A GEORGE ADAIR Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sala. “your”oppor TUNI ty” THE MOST INCONSISTENT PRICE ON < ATLANTA REAL ESTATE. Opposite the postoflice—within ten feet of property that could not he bought for three times the amount, we are offering a lot for SI,OOO per foot, with a ten-foot alley on two" sides. Five thousand dollars cash will make you tun thousand dollars inside of twelve months. No information over the phone. ANSLEY PARK LOT A home must be well started’ with a high, big lot, on a broad street overlooking a park, with all improvements. Ansley Park is the most permanently active lot section that has ever been developed in the entire South. It trades and sells every week in the year, and among the banks and financiers it is good property and good collateral and a splendid investment. Today we have an unusually choice bargain—a lot that is high and well t appointed, in fact, ideal; 94 feet front and’ 300 feet deep. EDWIN P. ANSLEY Second Floor Forsyth Building. Phones, Bell, Ivy 1600-1-2. G. T. R. FRASER BUYS AND SELLS REAL ESTATE. E. ELLIS STREET BUSINESS LOT. 19 AUBURN AVE.. Y. M. C. A. BLDG. BELL 1817 IVY. 40x117. with alley on side and 25-FOOT ALLEY IN REAR—al most equal in value to a CORNER LOT. One block from Elks’ Club, and 2 blocks and a quarter from corner of PEACH TREE, where the proposed 16-story HOTEL will be erected. Admirally adapted for close-in business purposes, an data reasonable price, with quick access to the very heart of our fast growing city. Price $250 per foot. Cash $2,500.00, balance • terms. BIG BARGAINS. IWk EACH, SSO cash, balance $lO per month. Five lots, Nos. 11, 12, 14, 15, 'T— • D.Ut ’ 16, j n blocks No. 4 and No. 8 Peachtree Heights—E. Rivers’ sub- division land lot dOrui MO —sl®® CASH, balance sls per month, for one lot in West End— <pwOO.UV jsjo. tai Carolina street, block F. Ware & Harper sub-division land lot No. 116. Just think of a lot like this In West End for the price. Ki 950 (U| sso® cash and assume a loan of S6OO at 7 per cent; balance of ip.l ,*jOU.UV $l5O, payable at $lO per month, for one four-room house. No. 29 Ashland avenue; water and gas; lot 50 by 100. This Is a snap and a sure money maker. rTV( M | EACH; SIOO cash, balance sls per month —two lots. No. 1 and No. 2 «p«>Ov.Vn ' Burns street, in block 6. Thomson & Lynes’ sub-division. About 60 feet from Confederate avenue, Just beyond Soldiers home. Lots 85 by more than 200 feet. Confederate avenue Jis cherted and will soon have a car line. $64 AND 306 EAST THIRTY-EIGItTH STREET. Savannah, Ga. —Two two-story wooden residences, one block from the new public school, one block from Aber corn street car line This lot Is worth SI,OOO and the buildings would cost $5,500 to replace. AU can be had for a quick trade at $4,000 cash, or would exchange for At lanta property or good Atlanta notes. EMPLOYEES INVESTMENT COMPANY. 601 Fourth National Bank. Phones M. 1126 and Ivy 4162. Attention, Home Seekers and Investors! WE HAVE SEVERAL 6-room houses in West End and West End Park at from $3,500 to $5,500, on easy terms. One in particular is on Gordon St., stone front, bard wood floors, furnace beat, brand new and up to date in every respect, at $5,500; SSOO cash, balance monthly. A SIX-ROOM HOUSE, built for a home, on Ninth St, $5,000; SSOO cash, bal ance easy. DECATUR ST. INVESTMENT, on corner lot 21x68, two-story frame build ing; store room downstairs and living apartments upstairs; rented for enough to meet the payments after SSOO cash has been paid. WILL TRADE THIS. CLAUDE E. SIMS CO. 718 Empire Building. Main 2539. H. S. WILLINGHAM 'SUCCESSOR TO GILMER ft WILLINGHAM. REAL ESTATE AND I’. ENT I NG. No. 6 WALTON STREET. PHONES: MAIN 3995; ATL. 3742 .1. M. WORSHAM. MGR., DECATUR DEPARTMENT BARGAINS IN DECATUR NEW. TWO-STORY, 7-room residence, all city improvements, piped for furnace, east front, and one block from Agnes Scott Institute, public school and car line. Price $4,500. Can make reasonable terms. NEW. 6-room bungalow, thoroughly up-to-date in every respect: lot 100x225; one-half block from car line. An ideal home, and ihe best place for chickens in Decatur. Price $4,000. Best Section For Homes or Invest ments On North Side 812 PIEDMONT AVE., corner of Tenth street. Practically new eight- room cottage. House has eastern frontage, furnace heat and ev ery requirement of an ideal home. Only half block from Tenth street school. Let sis show you this Monday. 95 WEST FIFTH ST. That ideal of a mission bungalow, that you have had In mind. Is made a reality in this beautiful place. Lo cated among cultured homes and attractive residences. The six rooms and bath are thp acme of convenience; the electric fixtures delight the eye; tiled mantels, tinted walls and fumed oak finish to the woodwork, all unite to make this the prettiest little home that we have ever seen at the price. Some one will buy this soon. Let u? show 1t to you Monday. THE L. GREEN COMPANY 305-6 THIRD NATIONAL BANK B LDG PHONE IVT 294:: 15