Newspaper Page Text
blished I ' The Georgian Company.
7" Egst . Atlanta,
ibama-st. ’’Kffii.ab” Georgia
v ;ed at Atlanta postoffice at second
class matter.
. Ascriptions Payable in Advance
c ear. mail, postage prepaid. <5.00
s x . cnths, mail, postage prepaid. 2.50
months, mail, postage prepaid 1.25
month, mail, postage prepaid. ,45
ri pt ion a Payable in Advance
red by carrier, one year $5.40
, .ced by carrier, six months ... 2.60
.cred by carrier, three months... 1.30
• red by carrier, one month4s
ed by carrier in Atlanta and
- >er cities, one week 10
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in the Atlanta Georgian
:.e < nt a word each ihsertio:
ad taken for less than the price
' ten words. Ads in larger type,
a line (four words to the line).
Out -of - town advertisements
st be accompanied with cash.
\gencies’ discounts 19 and 5 per
■ nt.
The Georgian w ill not be respon
’ ble for more than one incorrect
.'li on of any ad ordered more
at, one time.
■losing hours: To secure prop
’s --sification. ads must be in
»e Georgian office before 1 o'clock
» day of the issue.
'll ads must he ordered out in
it ug or at office. No disson
ance notice taken over phone,
h.'ery word in Use advertisement.
.'it g tie name and address,
minted. Flach initial counts one
i d; compound words are counted
no words.
t elephone your Want Ads to The
.--nrgian t both phones BQOOI when
is more convenient to do so. and
lection will be made at vour
trie or ar your office the follow
i g da> This is an accommoda
service rendered Georgian
aril Ad patrons and payment
. old always be promptly made
. presentation of bill. Always
that vour telephone ad be. re
lied back o yon by the ad
• r to make sure that i.t has been
.‘ii correctly. The Georgian can
' guarantee accuracy or assume
iponsiblity for errors of any kind
"urring in telephone advertise
tIiVEKTISERS should retain te
mpts given in payment for Want
■ s over the office counter, as rais
' :'an no| be reel Hied without
‘-it’. In answering advertfse-
.icn:-' addressed in care of The
■ O'orgian, if the advertiser requires
■ Terences, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted—Female.
• < NTED—Dressmaking help on Kirmess
■ ostumes. Apply Mrs. M. Ellis. 374 E.
_____ 10-28-37
V X NTED—Colored house girl. 51 Sunn
mu ave, 61-28-10
\TED—Woman to wash and iron on"
■aen. Apply 62 Westminster drive,
iislei Park. 48-28-10
'NTED— A first-class maid and wait
ress Apply 299 Washington street.
' ANTED— A real good cook. Apply 196
' “Ui'tland street. 10-28-33
■' IITTENT chambermaid at 94 Wash
i.-.gton street. Pleasant and permanent
I-'-tom. 41-28-10
' N I'F.l' A good, reliable house girl.
cnees 703 Edgewood avenue.
■ fur general housework and wash
.an. 55 Colquitt avenue.lo-28-16
TED Woman to do cooking and
i.elp nurse baby three years old. Good
G“s and room on lot. 190 Dee street.
IN TED—Competent colored woman to
housework. Good wages Main
'l' ■'& Metropolitan avenue. 10-::8-la
.'".lt Housemaid to live on place
-I wages and good home ,Apply 641
Jackson street. Phone Ivy 5i42-L.
19-28 8
i USE- t West Fort McPherson. Phone
I i'.iday. Main 2062. _ J/IltU 2
'V a N'n-ID--Experienced waist help \p
_pl> ii'.. Whitehall stree’ 10 28_-4
TEI ■■ good cook ai once; roon on
liioi' 38 South T'ladu Anslev t’ar\
o)-2’.- .
> "M'.A I’HEH. graduate English
rnervial high school, ai leasi live
-ar ’ experience, wanted lav. office: 812
’la- \nswer Box .1.0. care Georgian.
10-2 >- 56
'NTED Good colored woman to do
.'uking and general housework Call at
5 l.ucile avenue. 10-2(D42
ANTED First-class • W for large
“’se: good wages. 241 IV Peachtree.
'A ANTED -At once, a good cook: good
■ ages: room in house. Apply 20 Fort
McPherson. 10-25-30
'' ' x i’ED A girl live as one of the
amily to go to south Georgia. C.. Box
1 rare Geoiglan. 56 25-JO
Eli Skirt su l «nds Some
'Hie used to doing first-class work. 11l
Pine street. :G-t5-10
■ NTED—A good cook at once Apply
'Greenwood avenue. 10-2a-4
Rl BACHELOR on fan., a working
••usekeeper; healthv. energetic, orderly
■ understands the work Apple Mi >.
” V Shutze. Stone Mountain. Ga.
19-2 : •:
■ ANTEIii -i iperators to make the Me
■>r. .- union-made overalls and pants
' work, short hours, good wages,
ake inexperienced people and teach
rm. so the.' will soon earn good pay.
s work is not hard, but is the very best
nloyment for women and girls. Call
lei us explain in detail 75 South
street Marcus Loeb <v Co
' XTEB - —Discouraged, but perfect!.'
s or. men and nomen. to take a new
i 1 on life and try a little happiness for a
•:k°. The Ninth Anniversary Edi
of The Dos Angeles Examiner, out
-."uber 25. will tell you how to do It.
■ n i. to any address in United States
Mexico 15 cents, Canada or foreign
is, 25 cents. Send in your order imw.
'M Bl NATION coal ~and gas ranges
- "cithern Stove and Supply. Company.
Whitehall. to-15-4
Help Wanted —Male
‘-•■■TED—High class city solicitors.
' 1111 Stag hotel, after • "-I"
■ IT! 1 A r . offj,, boy: must bt dill
'■■nt: no foolishness; ?3 a week '>■
• -s W S. A., care Geurgiun. 10-.'SC’i
'N I Eli—Good bookkeeper di - : I"-
II 6. accurate and willing ■ »«.-l i nto
advancement If vou haven't ill'-
Hies, do not answer Hox 208. . arc
rgiuu, ■'
■ "I'l.'D <;oo,i blacksmith and
y-r. No boor.e tighter \ppb m C
“tewart. Winder. <lu 63-2*-1"
\TED- A watvhmak.T Permaner
' lion t.» man. referem
’•late salarv expected. V
puny, ,Uek h. tivHlf. Elu. _
I’El* Experu nt »•<! job pt ess
•ply at once. The Bb»sH--r Cotiipaii.* .
•ilton stroet. 10-28--H
x • 'l'ln * ~uian to”drive lann<n .'
‘‘Son Box i.Ol. 'Hie Georgian.
•' 11 >1 \f \ v t■< >. ■ ■ ■. ’ ‘
~!4T have letter of recommendation
■ ,rf ei i< good home and good pay to
nun Third National Rani
' '■'T-<• LAsSTTiTN."“maIe "■ fenlale. at
p __jn jW-iD.i. ._JL’ !
ERN r MENT Pi »si ' are ‘
i "' My free booklet ' 41-' tflß I "V
--e todav - NOW Ear; lionkins. Was’’
8 m. r>. "c .'9-7- i"
' 'TED Ma- i I ravel .; 1 leorg u
aps groceries. •' w "It.’ I ‘‘'Ti
at- .ailored suit or twe- . ear c> ><
, *ii nint»\ bars Expei ewe tin
’ ■•«'■). J. E M' Bi a. ,x i■■ 'An ag.
4 ?♦»
—.-- I l e JL.2? rai ’ ted Male
t M We w'th'w l k. t 0 lea r n Harber .tiade.
*• t n ny ir<»* work and save adum
i i 36-26-10
"i uni'i ? arn.i. able-bodied
■'■ls .‘ft incn between ages of 18 and
'.•hie, ■'. . 1 “Med States, of good
i S|#| "L •‘■“'lierate habit-,
1 guaL- ' E I’-“Slisl. lan
' "ntfttu- >Wi lnfortlla ’-'n. apply to Re
-1 J-'orsTtn corner Peachtree and
At ’* nU > 4 " ':.-Y
■ roaF^l^£ HE ? a_ll '* r:| w
' bor'an'.l 1 n'Tg*’ m ® l:i *S«r. CbarlotU"'lkn--
I’lor'd ’ ' ,r ’ "’ rn Railway. Boca Grande.
iprAx- __’o-24-22
i ' -ir.V‘*"-1 'i'"?! 1 trf, ‘‘ 1,0) * milking,
I ■*■ ■ i- Ixnuball street 10- *.
■ "-'Y’Kfi Discouraged, but ‘perfectly
' g-m on nr 11 an i’ women - "•> tal <e a new
a r-ba » e m.‘ d V- a liltle happiness for
' tfon o BTb„ 8 Tb„ ‘ \ nt, ‘, Edi-
DevembJ ■»- L ''*„ M'g'des Examiner, out
MaiUd . , lell VuU bow to do it.
'.-t MeV/ i- y • d '’ r<? s g I nited States
1 Vk.f J- 15 cen ts. Canada or foreign
. points 2a cents. Send in your order now.
1 1 ree massage, hait cuts?
. sh ami .nos. All barber work free Clean
I JlitchelV 1 a ’ Ua Tsarber c <>lleg.'. 10 Gast
I - ;
! S Tv r L at hotel, l.eaTr*oFcTiv. lOUs'
I ror' I 1 • VO ' l wa ‘ ,: a ■ - ean lUtet
Iro .id, transient .Jh* Open .ill night
W!' ,' l:n 'l<KS. pustoffi.'e <•!< rks waiit-
nnV;., Atlania. <•.. Exumi-
nj.t,".ns < ur’i,g Novembei -oaelii-.g
’ v . r ' l hkh> Institute. Dept |9-'i lloehester
‘ *vAN I ~D- Ideas. Inventors write for list
of inventions wanted and ;>rii'fs offered
;oj liMlmi,,. tureis Also, bow t" get vour
I o®’''. ll ' Sent free to ant address
iik V 1 ’ ‘ . Rri -i'’oe. patent attorre's. Wash
> ington, 1?. ( . - il-23
G. O. Brannnig wiil f each
sou the narber trade (it’s easy) We
teach .n one-half time of - colleges.
rvn ur ' s ?rr * nd Position in o : shops oply
IVv .<' *‘ av n, ore? Thousands of our running shops .»r making good
agcs ~ Atlanta Barber College. ’0 East
' ’ 5-11-17
VV \\ I ED- Bright, strong
boys to deliver routes in
I aftpriioons. Good wages
| and chance for promotion.)
J all ai circulation depart
!nieiii Hie Atlanta Georgian,)
Easi Alabama street.
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
'A’ANTED to plant in southern
’ uiiiornia. where it grows better than
anywhere else in the world, o’ne dollar
grows to ten before you know it. The
• Airtn \nnive?sary Edition of The Los
■ I Angeles Examiner will give some e.xam
.! pies of actual cases. Out Pecembfcr 25.
Mailed to' afiy address in I nited States
or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or foreign
; , points 25 cents. Send in your order now.
' '~~ 1 | - ; -
Teachers Wanted.
ii YOU are lo< king for positioh as teach
' er. write or call to see us: ettsv terms.
South Atlantic Teachers' Agency. 1125 At
lanta National Bank building, Atlanta. Ga.
, : 10-26-31
. WANTED A few more first grade teacb
' ers for rural schools, five months, lanu
! ary openings: lady assistants 815. men
principals 8,5. Write for blanks. Regis
ter Teachers Agency, Register, Ga.
> 10-24-24
i SPECI AL fall enrollment, good oixntng.
yet. roster’s Teachers Agency. Atlanta.
; , Ga. 9-28-31
' j =
Salesmen Wan ted.
WANT'Ei» Salesman with automobile or
( ■ tire experience, to work on i-ornmiHsion
• basis, (iood money for hustler. Call ’4
Auburn avenue. 7 |». m. _l4-28-LO
i WE Si.’i.l. STOVES cheaper because our
expenses are less. Southern Stove and
Sup nly Coin pat) v. 121 Whiteha 11 0 -15 - 4
WANTED—A high-grade
salesman. Splen
did opportunity for a good
producer. Call ai once 604
Third National Bank Build
ing. 10-25-27
' i Money \\ \S tED tQ plant in southern
California, where it grows better than
i • anywhere ci.-T in the world. ()ne dollar
, grows to ten before, you know it. The
i Ninth Anniversary Edition of T1 e Los
, • Angeles Examiner will give some exam
1 ‘ pies of actual cases. < >ut December 25.
'jMaileti io any address in United/-States
ior Mexico 15 cents. Canada or foreign
1 points 25 cents. Send in your order now.
Agents Wanted.
AGENTS WANTED Men and women to
- 11 the best selling insurance on earth.
! tine agent sold 200.000 lust month. Dis
trict managers wanted for Mississippi.
Alabama and Georgia. Mldress Joiner
Ditch. 646 Temple Court building. \t
' lanta. _ 10-26-37
; FOR SA LE Farm one-fourth as large
and rive times as good as the one you
' are toiling on buck East. Take advan
i rage "f th< percentage In your favor The
■ Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los An-
Igeles Examiner, out December 25, will tell
I you hou this can bd. Mailed to any ad
, cress In I'nited States or Mexico 15 cents.
I'anada or foreign points 25 cents. Send
in your order now. 10-21-4
Situations Wanted—Male and
WANTED—Ship* of all kinds to burn
California oil and cam merchandise for
the port of Los Angeles to and from the
panama canal. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner out
[lecen ber 25th. tells just what the canal
1 will do to Southern California. Mailed to
1 air> address in t'nlted States or Mexico.
15'cents: Canada or foreign points. 25
cents Send in yourordernow. m-21-4
i Model 5 Before You Buv
t j
Situations Wanted—Female
i'"I(ST-CI \SS colored woman wishes a
a,.sition ;is laundress on the lot. A-d-
I Hampton 3 " North Boulevard.
■ 54-28-lu
IrOMPETENT stenographer dealrea tern
work; sewn rears experience
I -;..i 51-22 '"
>. , '<Ti:D B' lady experience and re
iiurt. rni. a position to-do st'-hogrupliic
work '.Hit'"-- Miss E IL. 53 W est Baker
i . 5 ’-28-10
i\V\ NT '.’l" Stenograph’-: - imsithm fine
English education Write Demonslra-
* low
~ girisYo ■ pera ‘ ■ casl st and*. Mua ■
I be over sixteen years old. References
required Salarr 35.90 per week. King
(Hardware Peachtree street , (i)
I coboREI? - WOMAN wanti poiltion as
,ook for -mall family. I'esi references
.... . - ■ . "■ 32 22 10
IV '\ TJ 'l' ( ’■ "■■" a * experienced
I housekeeper In lintel. Will consider
anythh g out of citj Answer P. O. Box
I nf,.;. \i w nta34 26-10
i vTTi'Li’ like a position as cook or house
worker with a good lamll) of people
I that are going to Florida for the_win_ter
,Call at 336 Fulton st
) Vl7| Xi ; i. ' I"' -visit'-- no-1 "'ll witl good
. , ,|, Seven 'rar- i xpeiiener in
, ei,..- bookkeeping " a , f.irnisli best of
1., e,....a B ishn", . (..IM. ns for making
i . , , K ,. *,ldles* M B S Hox 206. . are
. ../u-ran ’ 27-25-10
Situations Wanted—Female.
DRESSMAKING—Mra. N. 8. Smith will
be glad to see her customers at 96
Love street, near Washington Children s
dresses a specialty. Phone Main 1888-.1.
I 34-25 -10
COLORED GIRL wants work as office)
maid or other public work. Call At
lanta phone 3341. or write Rebecca, 370 I
\h I'a iiiol st!,-, i ~)
experienced stenographer wishes po- I
i sition at once; neat and accurate; can i
: give the best of references. Address Mrs. I
Higgins. 340 Whitehall, or phone Alain
Mili>i>LE- age! i LAIiV, well educated, I
want-' housekeeper's position, to super
vise atm do practical work in widower's
: home, with family, one servant, rm la- i
I borer. Particulars ar d references Lom a
■ Haley, general delivery. Macon. Ga.
.:■ 53-23 1C
IF' l . 1 : SAEII- Farm . me-four r n .is large
j and five times as good as ti e ui< 'ou
lari- toiling on back Hast. Take auvan
* l?.K e of the percentage in your favor. The I
j Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los \n-
I gelc-s Exurliiner, out December 25 w ill tell
I you how this can be. Mailed to au\ ad
i dress rn I'nited States or Mexico 15 cents.
Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Semi
in your order now 10-21-4
l PERFECTION oil heaters. STSO iip?
Southern Stove and Supplv Companx.
121 Vt hitohall. 10-15-4
W \ .\tei.i -Plain dressmaking. 485 Peach
tree street. Ppstairs. Phon.- Ivv 2933-J.
I ---i .T-;ye-
Situations Wanted--Male.
\\ A .x I Eli—Position by young man as as- j
si. tant shipping u lerk or .Hector.
strong and healthy; have mu had any ex- I
poHence. but can furnish best of refer- I
er.ces: willing to give small cash bond. J. 1
J.. M.. 105 South Pryor. 55-28-10
POSITION \i ANT 111 i by young mi.. . ex
perienced in clerical work, office or cler- I
hal work. Small salarv. Young sliyi
i-are Georgian. 6-2* ' 11
GERMAN FLORIST, landscape gardener
and truck farmer (married) wants posi- I
lion: twenty-one years experience in the
business, -\ddress German. Box 203, cure .
Georgian.>l-28-10 '
)' ANTED -A position in a dentai labor
tory or office: have been to school two "
.'ears; have good practical experience
carejJeorgian. 7-28-10
I WANTED Position by man
I rhoronghly experienced in mod )
(erii office methods, business cor-I
respondence. collections. etc.
I Hard worker. Chanee to prove i
ability and worth. Satisfactory l
referin-cs. Address (>. Box 2071
Georgian. 60-28-10
YOUNG man of 19 years of age desires a
position in an office, would prefer u po
sition as an assistant bookkeeper. Am
good at figures and a good penman Will
ing to start at bottom. Address Reliable.
Box_ 202. can? Georgian. 46-28-10
COLORED man wishes a place as buth-r
■ or porter .20 years old. References one
plat e. Mmr. ss 250 Connally st. 45-28-10
WANTED- Bj experienced office man
and good all-round bookkeeper, set of
books, or offict Work of anv nature, to
do at night. Address H. S, E . Box A. Z..
care Georgian. ■ - 10-28-7
FIRST-CLASS colored chauffeur, experi
enced in repairing, wants job; rm bad
habits. Address \\\ Jones, 276 Irwin st.
I ) 26-28-10
WANTED—Position by young man with
two years experience as bookkeeper
and three years as stenographer. Best of
refernces furnished. G. E.. Box 100. care I
Georgian.2B-28-10 '
position with Atlanta architect: in sin. - !
eessful business for self several years:!
good on perspective and preliminary work; j
renders in pen and ink and water colors;
age 28: married: .Mason. Christian;
thoroughly settled; will do anything coin
necteti with office or building trades: will
sun i on reasonable salary. Address
Draftsman, care Georgian, 9.3-26-10
WANTED—B> professional male teacher,
position in Misiness college or will es
tablish business college where one is de
sired. Also teaches literary branches.
Excellent indorsements. Experienced in
bookkeeping and hotel management. Ad
dress Reliable. Box 10, care Georgian,
' 66-26-10
SALESMAN with year's experience de
sires city work Address Box 219. care
Georgian. 60 - 26 - W
AN experienced chief cook wants work at |
once, with good references. 172 Pied- ;
tnoiit avenue 59-26-10'
W A NTED—Position in afternoons ami
Saturdays by gentleman; clerking or
keeping books. Address D., Box 215, < are
Georgian 28-26-10
WANTEDi—By young man. age 19. posi
tion in office: have knowledge of book
keeping and stenography: will take posi
tion as apprentice in mechanic shop. Ad
dress Hu Woodward ave. 51-25-10
POSITION W.INTED by bookkeeper,
aged 30: want position giving all or most
of time out of doors, where he can use
experience gained in ten years railroad
and commercial work. Have handled la
bor and can give bond if required. H.
A. I. . .ar." i ieorgian. 44-25-10
YOLNG MAX, 20. must have worl . good
character and willing, use typewriter,
collect ami office work. Salary rm object.
Let me prove. Sincere. Box 868. t are
• ■ gia i ! 2 10
WA El ■ ?.■ ■n< e, position bj yo • -
married man: have had long experience j
in general office work, loose leaf book
. keeping, and have had a little experience
as stenographer. Am now employed, but
wish a change. Addreas Box 99J». care
J 1 let).-;: ia .■.. '■ . .’. L 0
I COIX)RED bo> wants position as chi if
feur: willing to do butler work Ad
i dress Chauffeur. Box 864. care. Georgian.
, 35-35-10
WAITED By practical scientific far- u-r.
position as overseer 1913: good manager
of labo- . guarantee results under normal
conditions: systematic rotation: legitimate
responsibilty assumed. Address J. it.
Cotton, Bennettsville, S. C. 51-23-10
CAN REPAIR and tune any kind of mu
sical instrument: twenty-two years in
the business. Automatic and inner play
ers, orchestrions, and band organs, p. »».
Bo x 656. All anta. Ga. 43-22-10 !
WANTED By present foreman of i '
Motor Atlanta Company's garage to
make a change. References as to ability
, as salesman or to take charge of any
garage: salarv ou agreement, capability
unsurpassed. Address W. TY May. care
I'nited Motor Atlanta Company, 380
Peachllee io 21 -15
WANTED Manufacturers and merchai t
to help manage the business end of the
Panama canal. Jt is located at L<»s An
geles. the key to the great Southwest.
The Ninth Anniversary edition of The
I Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25.
I will have the facts about this great pruj-
I cd. Mailed to any address in I’nited
| States or Mexico 15 cen s. Can; da or for- ;
I e’g!i points 25 cents. Send in vour or- ■
der now. r 10 21-4
j GOOD. SuBKK. stead> man wants job
j running stationary engine. Cun give;
, good references anti have goud '•xi-»--
rionce Address \V. T. Jobnsun. ’2 Neu
York avenue. Atlanta. 31-2t-10|
Boarders Wantea
j SEE ’Rooms and Board" Under Georgian
Rent Bulletin.
■ - ;
;S I \l' ". 71 :.•) MILL \ X
DISEXSEB of women and children. 20(>- J
202 Hillyei Trust Bldg. Beil phone Ivj
DR S Tans.' . Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation Irregularities and
similar obstructions Trial box by mail,
50c Frank Edmondson A Bro., manufac- j
, turinr chemists L North Broad street
' Atlanta 2-17-14
, Dropsy.
• i HL! • ! :■ •
i breath in 3b ’o 48 hours Reduces .-well- ’
ing in fifteen to tuent> days Write for
’ particulars Collom Dropsx Remedy Cod
■ van', 512 Austell building. Atlanta
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin” 1
Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin.
Are you looking for the best Rooms, Houses. Apartments, Rooms for llotisi eeping Office.'’. Business
Lueations, Giiftiges, Storage Houses, Boarding and Rooming places, etc.? S
This bulletin > ornains a complete list of every ih-slrabh and suitable place that is "or Hunt in the city
and suburbs in each issue. S
Forth benefit and convenient ii of out natrons The Georgian employs special men to cover the citv and j
subutbs each day in search of all t'nv desirably places. . >
i i Save time, useless steps, mom y and worry by consulting this bulletin. It is for y<)ur convenience, so take
advantage of it. \
Rooms and .board.
«. J’LaCHTREE, one fropi room with
private bath, one large, sunny room:
furnace heat: meals, without luncheon, if
■ ■■■ 6 Mi"-! 10*28«27
LARGE del ghtful front room, priva •
l.'vJii. steam heat; best location; excel
led tabh : home comforts West Peach- !
SB-28-10 |
ONE small room with bo&rd 131 Wash- i
higton street. 10-28-17
TWO young men want close-in board.
Would consider room near good board
ing house, preferably on Washington st.
between Mitchell and Rawson. Must be
reasonable and not.have to use cars. Give
location, rate and full fnformntion. Ref
erences given. E. D. .1.. care Georgian.
I) E S I RA B I. E location.
Close i ii. Eirst-class ■
meals. Eor particulars call
ior phone 115 Auburn ave-,
"ime. Atlanta phone 4477.
1 _ . _______ jo „ _2G _-‘ o
CO \ COUP LI ir :■ '..- a
na<e heated home: everything first-
• » lass. Phone Ivy 3281. or call 200 W est
; I' hiiAll conveniences. 10-26-65
WEST I’L W’HTP.EE- Refined couple
or l\\<t refined ladies ran get room and
' board in nice home, where there are onlj
la ;ew select boarders. Ivy 17?*.
PLEASANT room with board; redbed
couple or young men; two beds: eon
veniences; references. Main 5361-L at
i W ashington. 10-26-53
WANTED Couple or two young men or
young ladies: day boarders wanted; ex
i eellent meals. 135 West Peachtree. iv\
i 1050-1,. 10-26-52
j ’ oi’l’< >site~ti n: (LWri)L.
LX’h’ELY furnished reoms and excellent
; table hoard. 121. Capitol square. Main
149 WEST PEACHTREE Large front
room, with board, in private home.
i LARGJI (omfortabk' rooms with board,
all conveniences, close in. Main 5527-.1.
58 Wa -! :.p *a. 10 2 ■ 10
I’LEAS ■XT !.• " >.d will, board 7' W o
I Va.-lnrec : 4-et. Ivy 1440-.1. 10-26-38
SINGLE R» " Al: first-clasa boards 28
East Harris. Ivy 3741-L. 10-26-48
WELL FfftNiSllED ROOMS in first
class boarding house; all conveniences.
179 Capitol avenue. Main 3758-. I 10-26-51
NICE rooms with good board; close in:
table board: reasonable rates. 72 Spring
street. 51-26-10
NEW Gordon street furnace heated home:
every convenience; unfurnished rooms;
sleeping porches; yvith board. Call Main
2312-.1. 10-25-31
ROOM and board to couple or business I
Indies. Main 1592-J. 53-25-10 |
LARGE, delightful front room, private
bath, steam heat, best location, extiel
; lent table West Peachtree Ivv 195;i L.
| 45-25 10
IXCELLENT front room and all conven
iences: walking distance; good table:
' '!l!*ne-like, <'all Ivy 2856-1.. 47- 25 -It)
" ROOM and board, block of Candler. Bldg
I 102 I vy street. 1.0-24-37
ROOMS and board in first-class house; I
every home comfort; no children taken i
under 12. 32 E. North ave. Ivy 5551.
10-24-31 ,
ROOM \.\'D BOARD for couple in pri
vate family. Steam-heated apartment
Ml "■oaveni.-i'ies I'.iii Iv.' 6792, ::i-22-toj
NICE sleeping porch, suitable for two
young men; excellent meals; $4.50 per j
month. Main 3618-J. 10-22-45 )
NEAT Ri'H '.MS and homelike cooking: 1
also table board: close in. 127 Capitol;
avenue Main 5172-1. 10-22-26 .
INMAN PARK One or two furnished
rooms, adjoining bath Board optional
96 Sinclair avenue. 1.0-21 -9
i HELP WANTED To develop the re
| sources of Southern California, the land
Jof progress and new Ideas. Read about .
the opportunities in the Ninth Anniver
sary Edition of The Los Angeles Exam
ine). out December 25th. Mailed to any
address in I’nited States or Mexico, 15
cents a copy: Canada or foreign points,
25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4
Furnished Rooms For Rent
ONE nicely furnished room; conveniences.
58 East Llhs ._ [vy 2403-J. 10-28-39
NIcLLY furnished steam-heat p<l front
room; two young men Ivy 5580-J
LARGL. front room. id rely furnished,
suitable for three gentlemen; steam
■ . . . " ■■ ■: *• i..1 v. : j' _’K ' .
NICELI furnished rooms; ail oonvenl
cnees: gentlemen only. 255 Courtland
R< >< »M adjoining bath: steam heat: every
convenient* : gentlemen only. 61 East
■ ‘.iin street \i■' 5 1v3137. 10-28 44
LARGE 1 • furnisl • d i oom. ele 11 <
lights; steam heat; north side: private
' • '*i 1. io.-jK (5
ONE nheiy furnished from room: every
convenience; steam heat; near in. 43
East Gain. Ivy 2020-L. 10-28-43
suitable for four; close in. M . Box 205.
care <leorgian 10-28-4 k
j.';s.7‘o PEACHTREE Nicely furnished
front room, steam heat: electric lights:
hot and cold water. Phone Ivy 2632-J.
NICEI V furnished front room in the
.Marlborough adjoining bath. Phono Ivv
372 0.10-28-29
NICELY furnished room adjoining i>atii.
ge ■ ten >nlj 486 I^eacht re< W2B 2-'
large, nicely furnished front room. 1.47
Spring street. 10-28-14
1 •»R RENT Well ventiCd room, large
closet, connecting bath. electricity,
jihon* . everything first class, walking dis-
• lance. Mjiin 9088. 33-28-10
(ONE or *w<» furnished rooms in very de
sirable neighborhood to y<»ung men. 295
East Linden avenue, or call Ivy 594-. I
28-’>- ] 0 I
I HREE * irnished rooms with either one
<.r two beds at 170 Washington street
• I
Sewing Machines.
WE KENT new machines with complete
sei of attachments for $2 per month, I
also machines i-'i jireu: prompt delivery.
Hoth Honea is ■” Singer Sewing Ma- i
'■hin* Company. 7’’ Whitehall U-14-44
Trunks. Bags and Suitcases.
PHO? I - - Main 1376. Atlanta l«M
Stove and Range Repairing
XV** sell secondhand gas stove*
' e«• wepp chimne\ *
. Allan a Phone 2286. B"ll Phone Main 2H.19 ,
‘4 4 7
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
NICELY furnished front room; north side; i
close in: one block from Lyric; rates I
i easoi a bit is w < ’ain. 0 26*81
FOR RENT In walking distance, be
tween Jackson and Boulevard, eastern
exposure, newly furnished four-room
apartment, $80; also three-room apart
ment newly furnished. S2O; nice section.
I locker rooms in basement. < >wn< r. 323
Houston st. 82-26-10
WAX ! i:D one or two business ladies to
share nicely furnished housekeeping
room Ph<»n< 1 ■ 6156. 10-36-34 I
Ft>R i;i x r Newly fumi*h *
with board; all modern conveniences. I
179 Not Ui Jack<"ii. i\ y 1907 J 0 26 36 I
E- »R RENT Six furnished rooms n ioi tl I
«’.. 11 1 x 614
NTCELY furnisl ed ro< m with board; all I
I conveniences. 62 West Baker. by
!_ iO-26- 47
Iyi- i v fun ■ froi iroom Ii
beaded apartment: bath adjoining. if
! Ea<; Baker. Ivy29t»s-L. 10-26-46
i F<»R RENT Nicely furnished steam
beatf < i cm.:; ver-*, ieasonablt. Apph
j b’!ciicrii h \partineiits, 352 Whitehall:
apartment D. - 6;;-26-10
TV •» nh ely im nisheo rooms for house
keeping; all conveniences: close in:
$3.50 per week Phone 3068-B. 242 Cen
tral avenue/ 57-26-10
WANTED Gentleman roumers, $2.50 aiu
$3 per week. Hear t of city, or.e block
from union depot. Young’s Hotel, 27L-
Sout h ITs or st i eet 44 26-10
FOR ILEN’i ■ icel ■■ tui nished
heatvd room, light and airy: near in:
sl6 18 East Alexander kpurtment A.
Ivj 4068 10-21
FOUR oi five furnished rooms for house
keeping. with all conveniences, will be
vacant on the first. 178 Forrest avenue.
with or without two beds; adjoining
bath. Call at No. 30 Avalon apartments.
Phone Ivy 5119-.1. 27-26-10
FURNISHED room, connecting bath; all
conveniences, private family, north
side; references exchanged. I‘hone Ivv
8913 10 '.
k it< ’h i:\ !■ ,'i T e ;»'id bed room for light
housekeeping private fa mils - 70 West
Baker. IvyJl**• L 1 0-25_- 2’•
FOR KENT Front room; new apartment: 1
first floor; nice bath: near in. Would;
allow housekeeping Main 318S-.I
_ 40
F< >R R i<N’T 'i wo from < onne< I ig root is
downstairs; furnished for light house
keeping; sls per month. 134 Funnwall.
70 25-10
I ' •!: RJ JNT ’i "■ o bi autlfuilj furni Jfied I
connecting, cheerful and homelike first
floor rooms, with all conveniences; north
side; walking distance: sls and $1.7.50 per
month. Gentlemen preferred. 74 East
Merrit t s a venue 10 25 -15
N ev I.Y furnished front room. prhat•
entrance. SB. 82 Simpson_street. 10-25-1
| ONE nicely furnished upstairs room. 117
West Baker Atlanta phone 4555.
! FoK RENT Two nicely furnished rooms,
steam heat, electric lights; gentlemen
only. Call at 44 East Harris, apartment 1.
<>r telephone IVy 4412 10-23 8
FOR RENT I delightful front room; pri
vate bath; garage; refined home. Peach
i .i: 27-23-10
FOR RENT Nicaly furnished rooms;
strictly private home. Gentlemen pre
fer red. 19 East Harris. 10-22 30
• F(‘)R REN 7 ! • Nice, large rooms, for cou
i ole or genUeim-n. 210 Spring. Ivy
3705-J 10-22-25
CONGENIAL young u -in Foommate; nice,
steam-heated room, close In. $9. Inquire
Ivy 5580-J 10-21-33
;FOK RlN'!’ Furnished front room for
| ladies only. 251 Capitol avenue. 10-21-2
\\ AN TED— Visitors to come out and see
j the great Southwest. Most of them
will want to stay The Ninth Anniversary-
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th. will set forth the reasons.
Maded to any address in United States or
Mexico. 15 cents: Canada or foreign points
25cents i.-i
LOOK a’ our stoves and ranges before
vou buy one anywhere. Southern
Stove and Supply Company-, 121 White
-10 15-4
NICELY furnished rooms, 50< night, $2.50
• a week atari up Broadway Hotel, 7 1 -.
N. Broad street. Hot and cold water
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT -Two or three beautiful
rooms, with electricity. 186 East Lin
den av.M, ■ • 10
F< )R RENT Two or three rooms and
kitchenette, with use of bath. 52 Queen
FOB RENT With ner, two or three
connecting rooms; north side. Ivy 2477.
10-28 9
'i'HREE unfurnished rooms lot light
housekeeping at 82 Angier avenue; hot
and cold water: on car line. 10-28-3
TW< > connecting unfurnished rooms with
kitchenette for light housekeeping 64
West 11 ' 10-28-6 ;
FOR RENT Fnfurnished, for light
housekeeping, four nice upstairs rooms
\> ith bi Call I'■ y 3885* J 1 0
ON pi WHTREE ROAD, beyond Buck
head, three upstairs rooms, $5: two
beautiful downstairs rooms. $lO A'irginia,
< leorgian.BQ-26-10
FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms: also
one furnished first floor front room
Fine location. Ivy 895-L.lO-26-62
9'<>R RENT Two or three unfurnished
connecting rooms, suitable for light
housekeping, at 90 Richardson street
10 26-43
TWO or three large connecting rooms: all
convenient s: private entrance; In f*
tage with couple. 16“. Oak street. West
I • . ' M
E<»i: RENT Four unfurnished rooms, two
blocks of Gaudier building No children
First floor 166 Courtland Main 4.D7 .1
FOIt REN 1 !’ Unfurnished room: close in.
$4. 210 South Pryor. 10-26-25
FOR _ R*I7NT • »r.o large downstairs room,
all conveniences: cheap; close in. Good
section 270 Houston street Phone Ivy
6654. 10-26-24
TWO unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping Main 1872 307 Whitehall
street. .> 2- -1 <»
FOR RENT- Three or four rooms, freshly
papered; near capitol; modern improve
ment* H'-H plume Main '.BB *-.1 10-25-2«»
FOUR ••innectii.g louii'A. clean :»nc • c»m
fortabb : No 5 Oglethorpe <’<>urt; en
trance No 14 Fiiust Cain 48-26-10
<L> .a—,... , ■ ■„ ■ —■ —■——*■■■■!,
Fire-Proof Storage
- . 1 ' ■ ' and
■ 841
I Edgewood avenue ivy 26 *7 John J
Woodside- sturagf Company
FOR SALE Half-and-half cotton seed, Si
oer bushel, f o. b ears If G. Latimer.
Blackwells. Ga 10-22-8
Blue Prints.
DpTrnTTrE'' pkFxt
j 31. Al STELL Bl 11. DING MAIN 3*46
SERVICE 4-90-55
Ever \ desirable room, apartment, house
••••■ms for hgi <Hisekrepirg business
I'KHtion* garwins. stores that are for
| found in ‘The Georgians Pent Bulletin i
on he Want Ad page*
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
I Full KENT Three large unfurnished
conneetlng rooms for light housekeep
ing to parties without children. Be!'
I* one M;< i m.
WANTED 'iiildren to attend the beat
s ’ heels .ii tli»* United States Tl ev are
.oeated in <'a!if..ri;ia Bring the
old .oiks along. The Ninth tnniversurx
it ion oi Phe Los Angeles E'.arnlner will
tell the story of the most remarkablr
school system eyer devised. Ont Decem
ber -Mh. Mailed to an> address in t 'nlted
I Mates or Mexico 15 cents: Canade or for
,eign points. :T, ( . c nt.« Send in vuui older
Housekeeping Rooms For Rent.
! rooms for hou vkeftping ■;■• - >
2l:» Centra! avenue. 10-23-7 i
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms |
For Rent
Foil GENTLEMAN or husincs’ w0"..,'.?
’•rn* large rnum. furnished nr unfm nis’ced , stPiiin heat; irnrth si.h ; nr.-va * •
home. Phone Ivy '.*1570-1
EOH RENT E-irni-!■. ■ i ... unlurnished I
large room. Phone Main 3395-L. 1 "I-:'S- ■
ONE furniel or t iree connei ling tin’’l
furnished rooms, i: ; \\ ..-i Baker st
—. .... J 3
I.Aft'ii.; front room: dost n g*s and
206 Ivy street. 10-26-4
ROOMS furnished and unfurnMied H.l
spring street 10-19-88
Furnished Apartments For Reni.
FIVE beautiful sunshlnj >•< ... oi three
looms anil two large with kitchen- !
etto; lovely for winter, both and modern ;
conveniences: north side. Phone Ivv 2478.
I'd: RENT Hail cottage, completely
rurnished; four connecting rooms and
bath; everything . hew g;.s range |
sinix m kitchen, Hot water attachments
phone, good locality, near cars; south !
i side P! 'ne Main 4488 J 10-21 -34 ;
■ W ANTED Children to attend the best ’
i schools in the United States They are I
located in S<>u: ern California Bring 1
old lolks along. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of Tl c Los Angele> Examiner will 1
tell the story of the most remarkable
school system ever devised. <>ui Decion- I
her 25th. Mailed to any address in United i
States or o 15 cents; (’acacia or for- :
eign point.-. 25 cents Send in vour order'
now. 10-21-4 ;
P —--
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent !
TIIKEE linge iiiifurnislied rooms vvitti ;<fl j
conveniences for housekeeping, with prl
vate family, on north side Phone Iv\ I
I in ~ «
Unfurnished Houses For Rent
FOR lti:\T.
pretty six-room cottage, lot. .',O to L’ijrt
choice neighborhood; $25.
A. J. 11. F. Wl-Kl .
I’hone Main 1754.10-28-11 i
FOR KENT -Modern cottages, six rooms I
and bath. $29 per month. 192 East Mer
ri"s aronue Bhone Ivy (14:::!. 10-28-1 !
Ei'K KE.\"'' My I',,l'niiT home? ioB W si I
Harris street, twelve large rooms two I
baths, house in good condition pleritv of I
lighL-close im Phone fvj SO. 10-28-51
l-'OK RENT Three and tour-room houses "
*0 and $10: also brick apartment. SBO. I
Ivy 4076. 10-25-6
A RTLSTIC BI NG A LOVS'~( reened. tin- I
nace. tile bath, garagi Vnslev Park.
care Georgian. 26-23 10
HELI’ WANTED To develop t!ie res.'ur.
res nt Southern California, the lartd of i
progress an<l new Ideas, Read about Hie Op- 1
portunities in the Ninth Arniiveieary Edi
tion of The Los Angeles Examiner, out ,
December 25th. .Mailed to any address it 1
I'nited States or Mexira , 15 cents a cop.’
Panada or io:eign points. 25 cents. Send
m -our order now. 10-21-4
IF VOL want your proper
ty rented list it with me. i
We act quick. See Mr. A.
S. Giles. Edwin I*. Ansley. |
Kent department. Phone
1600. 10-19-53
FOR BENT HOI EES Cali write or
phone for our rent bulletin. Kalp' O. I
'"... hran. 18 South Broad street 4 ' 2’
TIIE HOUSE you build buv or :
ret)! will not be a modern home i
unless it is wirml for elecirieity. |
Stores For Rent.
BRICK S'l’<»RE and six-room cottage ad
joining. north <idc. good location. <.’
W. Hatcher, both phones 44 22) Grant
Office Space For Rent.
HALF of pleasant office for rent. Apply
827 At stell Bldg.
«’AN DIXTDE large office in Austell bldg.,
including use of telephone, fur <lO. Ad
drern Box 759 care (c-'-rgian. 10-2
WANTED Some one to share office rent
and stenographer's salary' with me in
• istell bu Iding When reph ing state na
turo <>f your business. Address Rex, care
Georgia n. 49-25-10
FOR RENT Desk space with telephone
and stenographic service. Atlanta Build
ers Exchange. 1510 Candler Bldg 56-26-JO
Garages For Rent.
GARAGE foi i er. l 4vppl) 448 Peachtree.
Stables Wanted.
STABLE on north Hide: near in. Apply
:7i Piedmont avenue Phone Ivv 4576.
KOfXI The best place for prueperilj
and success. Everybody's doing it.
Cun.e out to Southern California. The
Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los
Angeles Examiner will set you right. Out
December <i.">. QJailed to unj address In
Cnited States or Mexico 15 cents a Copy.
Canada or foreign points ’5 cents. Send
t’AI'LT HEATERS, with coil. Southern
stove and Supply Company, 121 Whlte
SCREENS IVooi. fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwuoci floor*. Venetian blind*
rnetal wcaihei ■.-ips fnrnish-d anywhere
n the South. Write or phone W R Cal
laway manager. 14fl:: Fourth National
Bank builoing Atlanta. Ga. Main 5310
SERIttl'S RESVLTS .ome from trusee*
Improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at ,34
Well -tree; las an expert title- and it
«'ll eosi 'O'' no more to hav bim fit
you and it means insurance 6-24-19
Is yon: business worth admrHsing-'
| Then if vol frx a For Sale or Business
ttppori unlt > *d in The Georgian.
I CLAIRVOYANT and Palmist: reveals
past, present and future. Conayltation
ion all affairs of life. 138 Whitehall street.
Clairvoyant and Palmist.
Have RETURNED to Atlanta and is
now located at S 3 Auburn avenue. Was
located at 17 East Mitchell street last
winter Anything you desire to know,
you are assured truthful and positive
facts about it. Readings. 25c and 50c.
Make no mistake in the place. 93 Auburn
avenue (In tent).lo-26-22
WANTED Visitors to come out and see
the great Southwest. Most of them will
want to stay. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 26th. will set forth the reasons.
Mailed to any address in United States or
Mexico. 15 cents: i’anada or foreign points
25 cents. Send jn your order now. ;,0- 21-4
Palmist and Life Reading.
IS NOW LOCATED in tent, comer For
syth and Luckie; can be consulted oa
mil affairs of life Charges moderate
Satisfaction guaranteed 6-25-18
WANT to rent bedroom furniture for 12
months; best of condition: references
51.. Box 206, care Georgian.lo-28-47
iIIEA'IERS. $2.50 to 345. We save you
enough to buj your coal. Southern
I Stove and Supply Company, 121 White
| ball street. 10-15-4
I FURNITURE and household goods, office
fixtures and merchandise of any kind
accepted on consignment. Cash advanced
" F’embioke Sale- Co.. 11:; South Pryor St.
i Hell pliom-s Mau. l-Tt Main 187. Atlanta
,WE PAY hTg II 11ST , ;1 | p’-ices for house
hold goo,ls. oM.oo'- furniture.
, Cash advanced on consign cents Central
I Vuction Uonipsr,.'. U l a MKol-ell
; street Bell phone .Mamj.'i-I.
| DROP ' CARD \V I*l bring ■■- "--i. so" old
; clothes and shoes Ti e Vcstlare. 16«
■ Decatur street. . <7-42
11 A NTED- You to Ximw W.~ M CuX
cleans all I."nos ■■.,’•,•<■■.*; icg- a spe
ciallj Ivy f,'!.'.'. J Ytlanta 1818 145 Au
burn avem e 10- '-12
11 ANTED We ,a> highe I . ash ’dices
on houseliolc ; , .Is. ,'anos and oflce
furniture. Cash advaa'erd on conslg."-
i uients. Spring, r’" luetion House 25
I s>w ot Bell pin ■> M .In U'.r
i 1 lit Y MEN’S old ch ■ ai -i ,
Drop a card ! Boel .82 Bell street
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
| TW< • beiiu’ ful human hair sw’tcl t will
sell cheap, ivy 3654-. L .8
Set of I '..' ■ < nt
. nica, LX volumes bunnu in loalher •■heap.
i’ l 81 57-28-i<
< 'I1TSI! I<l >GR \ \ nT.
I 'ND 111 lIBI.E. Slone .11, unain Grani'e
■ <'orporaiion. Stone Mountain. Gu.
I-- _IO<?-2t
i Mai fs'" ii' T " ■ *\' :nT.ell
iFiKtSA LE i stove, gci d condition, $4:
I gns heater. -M..7"' Bo:, li.o. care leor-
I glan, c
I * '•' 'I- KA.XGfI for sale Been used s x
| incut. .-: half pile,. Phom Atlanta
; _ 10-'JS-i:
I FOR SALE Office furniture, Remingtoi
typewriter, Underwood typewriter, roll
top desk, cabin',, ehairs, etc. 1423 Can
dler buildi njf. 34-28-M
’ *13.00 Brass Bed SIO.OO
|$ 6. a0 National Spring ....$-3.98
1$ 9.00 Felt Matii-ess $ 7.50
; 135.00 I >|-i">:sers $23.00
j517..)0 Dining Table $12.30
|$ 2.’>o Dining t'liair $ 1.7a
I s I.Oil (' "ui ( n Ta bl,. $ 1.98
<ioi.Ds\irrii-Ai r ).x-
w rriiEßsPoox co.
i<’ I'eji-hf r,". . 61 Norih B’uad.
■•.'’'i.i. siio". : TWi:~ , , ;
•u. ■I. * ’ . . .... : .
I bin -t . >, oil i>Tl< ct
i \'< ■ i , ~ | , , )
tt’G; SAIJ7 * an ( i clothe
• cheap, by r« hn<?«; la.jy : nice
oats s iris, wa t? coat $ hi
lITuSS . I'- ’ . i,< y’s j| •
i Terr; , <api;< . »»
i <’• »ADq j’S’i’E six-room ai'H"! m» nt of tlio-
fin niluru f ( »r sub? at sacrifice,
i xtrert. first floor. 06-j5-J<»
11 ' - 1 ‘ . : '•' ■'■n ■' '* ' u
I «leF ;<!hl st..) 1‘h0;,..> Mato 54A.3-J
' 1 ' ' 10-2E-V9
move dirt hi <1 gp-m® from rugn. ca: pet
floor:, etc.: vconum cleaners trom '’L/o
up; vdeumu sv nepers. >9.7->. J. D init*
& ' .H 6 i our h Nat Bk Bldg I.' ■ ’
(*OAL! <
_ 10-25->
I't It.SfTURL for thiee rooms complete
lor light bouse, oping This is slight!)
used. Leaving it. and can give barga-n
i'ur cash. Artdrc. ' Furniture, care Geer
"> is n. 2? -25 -1 a
FOI ND—T.-e best i lace for prosperitj
and success. Everybody's doing ii
Conic ou’ to Southern California The
Niniu Anniversary edition of The Les
Angeles Examiner will set vou right Ou*
I)f. ember 25. Mailed to anv address in
I i.ited States or Mexico 15 cents a eopx.
Canada or foreign points 25 fonts. Send
■i' your crc.’r now. 10-21-4
CASH' RANGES, with wateT back. ss(> and
up. Southern Stoye and Supply Ct...-
pur. . 121 Whitehall. 10-15-4
saFFS, files, cabinets, new A, 2nd hd’
Gookin Bank * Office Equipment Co.
N I'lll beautiful rugs woven from vour
old earpet. superior to any in service.
plain or d"<.gned: any six. Catalogue
tree oriental Rug Company, Baltimore
National Cash Registers.
$35-450: S6O-$75 and up Terms easy Llb
«ral exchange allowance Both phones
THP I’l PR tl ** registers eve. y’hing
-VUltllt dll Latest improvements
Cash registers exchanged.
**’ 41 All sizes: easy terms.
T?p<yiesnr« Atlanta Cash Register Co
JACglSlf IS 24 i;ast Alabama street.
WOOD 7-18-15
SCREENED -Jollico. $-\OO. Call
Main 666 .1 Gate Citv Coal Co.
Want to buv your second-hand furni
ture stoves, household articles and mis
cellaneous thing Your ad in the "For
Sale. Miscellaneous columns will be rea '
with interest and your used but useful
article* will he sold ai a big profit to ynm