Newspaper Page Text
■ 11 1 "j'" . ii—
P by The Georgian Company,
•roast ■ Atlanta,
ka 'boa-st '’nSrt** Georgia.
-r"~77 at Atlanta postoffice at second
s’ ’ class matter.
riptions Payable in Advance.
\ r mail, postage prepaid. $5.00
?£ n'ths, mail, postage prepaid. 2.50
-or.tbs. mail, postage prepaid. 1.25
pjf tnth. mail, postage prepaid. . 45
""i-crlptions Payable in Advance.
n .bed bv carrier, one year $5.20
~d bv carrier, six months .... 2.60
by carrier, three months... 1.30
by carrier, one month ... .45
• w ! ird bv carrier in Atlanta and
L \ cities, one weeklo
i 'ant Ad Rates and Rnles
in the Atlanta Georgian
.. . cut a word each insertion.
~ ..• for less than the price
■- r ■ words. Ads in larger type,
, a ne (four words to she line).
-of - town advertisements
he accompanied with cash
agencies' discounts 10 and 5 per
t! <• Georgian will not be respon
for more than one incorrect
’."J.rt-on of any ad ordered more
;i . ne time.
, hours'. To secure prop
: .. istticatlon. ads must be In
I.' rgian office before 1 o'clock
a of the issue.
r, i.h- must be ordered out in
T •i g or at office. No discon
, ;.-c notice taken over phone.
■■ word in the advertisement.
jdit.g the name and address,
ted. Each initial counts one
w./-o 'ompodnd words are counted
two words..
•; . -phone your Want Ads to The
■• > both phones 8000) when
i ore convenient to do so, and
■ ~n will be made at your
‘■ame or at your office the foliow
rg ilay. This is au accommoda
,-ervii-e rendered Georgian
I \ , \d patrons and payment
always be promptly made
nr. presentation of bill. Always
’ji.di lat your telephone ad be re
j (i back to you by the ad
l.C.w make sure that it has been
irreetl?. The Georgian van
I ■ -mranlee accuracy or assume
-. iblity for errors of any kind
I erring in telephone advertise
Vent o
1 \l t t'RTISIIP.S should retain re
- given in payment for Want
.ver the office counter, as mis
at. not be rectified without
In answering advertise
>nt- addressed in care of The
orgian. if the advertiser requires
, 'erenees. send a duplicate of
i Help Wanted—Female.
a.\ ii- Dressmaking help on Kirmess
cosines. Apply Mrs. M. Ellis. 374 E.
Ilui:b street. 10-28-37
" 1 :!•- Colored house girl. 51 Sum
>r e 61-28-10
H> Woman to wash and iron or.
.’S' Apply till Westminster drive,
uslfi 'ark. 48-28- 1"
tl'lN I) A first-class maid and wait
ress Apply 259 Washington street.
" AVI' A real good cook. Apply 186
' 2 r 10-28-3:1
■?.I‘ENT chambermaid at 94 Wash
ngt. street. Pleasant and permanent
"A'lo , 4L-28-10
k” D—A good, reliable house girl:
•Trees 703 Edgewood avenue
GIHL r general housework and wash
:: .56_Colquitt avenue. 10-28-16
WAN'D—Woman to do cooking and
e'.p tree babj three years old. Good
wages id room on lot. 190 bee street
'AN' —Competent colored woman to
'I" usework. Good wages. Main
1836-.1 0 Metropolitan avenue. A
"• A N’D —Housemaid to live on place
Gwoages and good home. Apply 611
Nvttb '-kson street. Phone Ivy 5242-1..
JO-28 8
■ I !<> 2 West Port McPherson Phone
Tok y, Main 2062. 10-28-2
WAN" D—Experienced waist help. Ap
ply a Whitehall street.!A“U’
(VAN Is—A good cook at once: room on
. ' . ijpiy ?,8 South Prado. Ansley Park.
Sten tit A F7IER, graduate Engfisl
ort'rclal high school, at least five
rars-tperience, 1 wanted law office- sl2
‘U".Answer Box 10, care Georgian.
_ 10-26-f,'l
(S ID Good colored woman to do
c«> ig and general housework. Call at
■t>« £ lie avenue. 10-26-42
ID First-class cook for largo
■’O' good wages. 241 W Peachtree.
. 50-26-10
’•V !1D- At once, a good cook; good
ia‘ room in house. Apple 20 Fort
M P 10-25-3"
W.A? ED A girl to live as one of the
fat’ to go to south Georgia. C.. Box
-As Georgian. 50-26 10
>’ >.. El ‘ Skirt and" waist hands. Some
ised io doing first-class work 121
as ’hie street. 28-i.Tlo
Tr> A good cook al onee. Apply
heenwood avenue.lo-25-4
BY> ACIIELOR on farm a working
-■ ekeeper; healthy, energetic, orderly
A lii nderstands the work. Apply Mrs.
M JShutze, Stone Mountain. Ga
I 10-24-2 J
'I 'v‘ 'Operators to make the Me
. <*>»• unb n-made overalls and pants.
I’cr' work, short hours, good wages
Ii .. inexperienced people and teach
■I so hej will soon earn good pa.'
r "'i. is not hard, but is the very best
| for women and girls, ''all
' r' 1 us explain In detail. 75 South
' t street Marcus Ijoeb & Co.
I 10_-2l -10
''j’Tli Discouraged, but perfect!?
4'i men and women, to take a new
• I fe and try a little happiness for a
f- The Ninth Anniversary Edi-
The Ix>s Angeles Examiner, out
J i,0,. 25, xv ill toll you how to do It
I " any address in I'nited States
I'M'o 1.5 cents, Canada or foreign
1“ 25 cents. Send in your order now
'■J Hl NATION coal and gas ranges.
I'.i'bern Stove and Supply Company,
Whitehall. tO-1.5-4
Help Wanted—Male.
‘'l'- High class city solicitors
1 - f>4 ** ta g hotel, after 6. S<MB-IO
•*■.!> An office boy; must be dil--
no foolishness; $3 a week. Vd-
1 S \.. <•.<re Geoifftan ' s
1 1 ( Sood bookkeept r M•• r
accurate and willing to work I urd
ancement. if you haven't the
dp not answer Box 208 i
11 i«■ i.hi' kstiiHi. and h<>rst
! No booze hghter Apply to <’•
■ H. Winder, Oa W/S8 •
• I' A watchmaker. Permanent
1 " good man. Send referenc •*■
I '*• salary expected. V. E. .Jto-obs
bixpJrlenced JoE press feeder
at once. The Bloeser t’oinpatc
T ‘ii street. 10-28-29
' H ii -White man to drive latt.---
G . Box 201. care Georgian.
MaxTiook for "private ranitJ: - :
r bate letter of recommendatlot’
‘ >r a good home and good r>a}
'an 6io Third National Bank
y ‘ r m-2S 12
L.V-'S cook, male or female, a]
Ivj <2Bl-.1. 29 ■
' x M !•: XT P< >STTH i s are ra“' 'o
1? free booklet. A ■ 'l2. telle l>ov
oflai Xow Earl Honkin'-. Was’
-*Z I' C. 2T-'-l n
' .Man to irat el : Georg a
K"o r-; ,r.-
: <tilorcd suit or t wcnt^car
nilUf-y d*y. s Kxperip’n-c n
J. Is Mi’Rix-i' X- 1
41 I'l
Help Wanted— Male.
t 0 learn barber traded
of aprentm«>abir l lre^.- w< i r ' t an< ' Hftv ® years
ler Barber College. 38 buckle street.
VvTTmn ——— -36-26-10
*cn.“t*ng OffiJp forr " at * on ' e aPPIy l ' S to r£-
■ p'h’hg Officer, corner Peachtree and
bw'an'Y’v ene a al mana K e f.
Florida Northern Railway, Boca Grande,
AjL’tSi'. 10-24-22
Krlp on life and try a little happiness for
tfon'o’f g Tha T i he N ' nt J’, Anniversary Edi
’ Deeemh J h w- I '°?n An K eles Examiner, out
MalFal < 25 ' W , tP ' yOU how to do it.
or ‘t? 5 address in I'nited States
or Mexico la cents, Canada or foreign
points cents. Send in your order now 11
free massage, nan eut7,
lire h n rnP A?lanA^ l, n ar K er ’K ork free cl<,an
M!t'hell At ’ Barber College. JO East
ll,ll »urn hotel, feart of cltv' 10‘-
- f n vou wa "' a clean, quiet
room, transient uOc. Open all night
— 3-21-18
i postoffice clerks want-
i ’ B ,° '”°nth. Atlanta. Ga. Exami
nations during November. Free 'caching
I franklin Institute. Dept. 49-T, Rochester,
i C-JL 25-9-10
M ANTED- Ideas Inventors write for list
'? ns "'anted and prizes offered
i c, t ir cr“ Also, how to get your
i kS' 1 11! 1 free to any add rcss*. Rat -
. rto’ph fr Briscoe, patent attorneys. Wash-
I ington, L l . < . 7-11-23
YES. Professor G. O. teach
you the barber trade (it’s easv). We
teach ’n one*half time of other colleges.
<on Urs ? t rv an<i P O9lti on in our shops only
X’l' . ' r - v Pay more? Thousands of our
grat, ;a ruining shops or making good
n Atlanta Barber College, 10 Kast
Mitchell street. 5-11-17
WAN 1 ED— Bright, strong
boys to deliver routes in
I 'iltemoons. Good wages
jand '•bailee for promotion.
Gal] ai circulation depart
inient The Atlanta Georgian,
20 East Alabama street.
Help Wanted—Male and Female
v\ ANTEI> to plant in southern
(.alifornia. where it grows better than
I anywhere else in the world. One dollar
j grows to ten before you know it. The
i Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los
Angeles Examiner will give some exam-
I pies ot actual cases. Out December 25.
Mailed to any address in United States
or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or foreign
■ points 25 cents. Send in your order now.
Teachers Wanted.
IF YOU are looking for position as teach
er. write or call to see us; easv terms,
it'n Atlantic Teachers' Agency. 1125 At
lanta National Bank building. A lania. Ga.
W i.XTEIi- A few more first grade toacb
ers for rural schools, five months. Janu
ary openings; lady assistants $45. men
principals $76. Write for blanks. Regis
ter Teachers Agency, Register, Ga.
SPECIAL fall enrollment; good openings
yet. Foster's Teachers Agencv, Atlanta.
Ga. 9-28-31
Salesmen Wanted
WANTKH Salesman with automobile or
tiie experience, to work on
basis. Good money for dustier. CaU S*
■a'i; STOV :s che&per because our
expenses art less. Southern Stove ano
Supply Company, 121 \V!vHu!:ali n.';,-4
WANTEIL A high-grade
Fpeciuitt sab ,'inan. Splen
did opportunity for a good
producer, ('all at oni-c 604
Third National Rank Build
ing. 1-25 27
AIijNE) WANTED to plant in southern
California, where it grows better than
anywhere eise in ihe world. One dollar
grows to ten before you know it. The
Ninth Anniversarj Edition of TLc Los
Angeles Examiner will give uime exam
ples of actual cases. < >ut December 35.
Mailed to any address in United States
or Mcttico 15 rents, Canada op foreign
points .:•> cents Send in vour order now.
■ ■ ..i
Agents Wanted.
AGENTS WANTED-Men and women to
sell the best selling insurance or. ea:th.
One agent sold 200,000 last month. Dis
trict managers wanted for Mississippi,
•Maban a ami Georgia Address Joiner &-
Hitch. 'Atl Temple i'ourt building. At
FOR" SALE -Fann one-fourth as large
and five times as good as the one you
are ii’tg on back East. Take advan
tage ■!' the percentage in your favor. The
Ninth Annivorsarv edition es The Los An
geles Examiner, out December 25. will tell
vou how this can be. Mailed to any ad
dress in I'nited States or Mexico 15 cents,
Canada or foreign points 35 cents. Send
In vour order now. 10-2D4
Situations Wanted—Male and
\VAVrED Ships of all kinds to burn
California oil and carry merchandise for
the port of I.OS Angeles to and from the
Panama canal. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of Tile Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th. tells Just what the canal
will d<> to Southern California. Mailed to
anv address in I'nited States or Mexico.
15'cents: Canada or foreign points. 25
cents Send in your order now. ic'-'.'i-4
Model •'» Before You Buv
Situation? Wanted—Female
l-'IItST-*' I BSS colored woman wishes a
'.’.itiot as laundress on the lot. Ad
dre-s 1. Id Hampton, 85 North Boulevard.
ci i i'lT i'‘iNT _ - cnogtapliei desires t*m-
■ v ork seven "ears' experience,
o L. J? %1°
ii’TN"' 1 t ‘ By iadv of axpsrlfinSe and re
s,;p ‘ , j position to do stenographic
wor M - es-Mlss E R 53 West Baker
’t?eet. “-“A®
' \'ii:i' Stenographer’s position; line
English education. Write Demonstra
tion, care
.v;v,-.-, "o. tl) ,'mrirate cash stands. Must
b,‘ over ' Sost. cn ' ears "Id. References
t.qmred Suian 15.60 per week King
Hardware Peachtree street M<>re. g »
rnEodRED - V. I'M AN wants position M
for so al! family. Beat reference®.
i. ■ ■
, x si i tp Sltlon as experienced
■ ousel coper m hotel Will consider
HPUbW oEt Os . Answw PO. Box
•• ftg At;ar.’ja. ./I
vvfH’LD like a position as* cdoU or houfle
'worker w'lth a g—l famill of people
•a’ fi ,( ® sroiTig to Florida i
Ca ll aI 3.16 Fulton st.
a : 1 - r ‘ K"‘’H
' eorc'Ti! \ p<perjenrp hi
m'n-i>«o,.:.eeping Car ' 'inoj'. best nf
, ~ . j; « ■ . , iea<i..ns for 'nuking
M H<. I’.'\ 'O6. . are
Situations Wanted—Female.
be glad to see her customers at 96
Love street, near Washington Children's
dresses a specialty. Phone Main 1888-1.
I 34-25-10
COLORED GIRX. wants work as office
maid or other public work. Call At
lanta phone 3341. or write Rebecca, 370
McDaniel street. 57-24-10
EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes po~
sltlon at once; neat and accurate; can
five the best of references. Address Mrs
Itggins. .340 Whitehall, or phone Main
MIDDLE-AGED LADY, well eduVa'md;
wants housekeeper's position, to super-
I vise and do practical work in widower's
i home, w ith family, one servant, no la
i borer. Particulars and references Louisa
I Haley, general delivery. Macon. Ga.
: 53-23 10
FOR SALE—Farm one-fourth as large
and flve times as good as the one vou
are toiling on back East. Take advan
tage of the percentage tn your favor. The
Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los An
geles Examiner, out December 25. will tell
you how this can be. Mailed to any ad
dress in United States or Mexico 15 cents,
Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send
. in your order now.j(l -21-4
PERFECTION oil heaters. $3.50 up
, ?, tov e and Supply Company,
141 Whitehall. 10-15-4
WANTED—PIain dressmaking. 485 Peach
tree street. Upstairs. Phone Ivy 2&33-.1.
Situations Wanted—Male.
M ANTED—Position by young man as as
sistant shipping clerk or collector.
Strong and healthy; have not had anv ex
perience, but can furnish best of refer
ences; willing to give small cash bond. .1.
l'±_?J-.- 105 South Pryor. 55-28-10
POSITION WANTED by young man. ex'-
penenced In clerical work, office or < ler
leal work. Small salary Young Man.
care Georgian.62-js jy
GERMAN FLORIST, landscape gardener
and truck farmer (married) wants posi
tion; twenty-one years experience in the
business. Address German. Box 203. rare
Georgian. 51-28-10
WANTED A position in a dental labor
lory or office; have been to school two
years have good practical experience.
Address Dentist, care Georgian.
WANTED- Position bj man
thoroughly experienced in mod
ern office methods, business cor
respondence, collections. etc.
I Lard worker. Chance to prove
ability ami worth. Satisfactory
refernces. Address (~ Box 207
\ < >l ng man ot 19 years of age desires a
position in an office, would prefer a po
sition as an assistant bookkeeper Am
good at figures and a good penman Will
ing' to start at bottom. Address Reliable,
-"*• *' ar * Georgian. 46-28-10
>t.< >RE! • man wishes a place as bii'.Fr
or porter, 2'.' years old. References one
I ,, “2S_.:.V. l ' ;ir '' s ' s ?60 st. 46-28-10
WANTED By experienced ~ office "man
and good all-round bookkeeper, set of
books, or office work of anv nature to
do at night. Address H. S. E.. Box A. Z..
care Georgian. , h)-28-7
FIRST-CLASS colored chauffeur, experi
enced in tepafring, wants job: no bad
habits Address W, Jones, 276 Irwin si
J__ 26-28-jo
M ANTED—Position by young man with
two years experience as bookkeeper
and three years as stenographer. Best of
refernces furnished. G. E.. Box 100. care
Georgian. 28-28-10
position with Atlanta architect: in suc
cessful business for self several years;
good on perspective and preliminary work;
renders tn pen and ink and water colors;
age 28; married: Mason, Christian;
thoroughly settled; will do anything con
nected with office or building trades: will
start on reasonable salary Address
Draftsman, care Georgian. ' 93-26-10
\A AN'IDCD B'. professional male teacher.
I’ositi.iri ip iMtelness . oil, ee or will es
tablish business college where one is de
sired. Also teaches litgrarx branches
Excellent indorsements. Experienced ii:
bookkeeping and hotel management. Ad
dress Reliable. Box 10. care Georgian
SALESMAN wit!, year's experience de
sires city work. Address Box 219. care
AN experienced chief cook wants work at
once, with good references. 172 Pied
rnont avenue. 59-26-10
WANTED Position in afternoons and
Saturdays by gentleman: clerking or
keeping books. Address !>..■ Box 215. .'are
Georgian. cx-2<-1"
WANTED- By young man, age 19. ’posi
tion in office: have knowledge of book
keeping and stenography; will take posi
tion as apprentice in mechanic simp. \cl
dress 440 aye. 51-25-10
I' iSITK»N ' VNTED bj bi old e<p>£
aged 30. want position giving all or most
of time out of doors, where he can use
experience gained ii. ten years railroad
ami commercial work. Have handled la
bor and can give bond if required. H.
A. 1.. care Georgian. 14-25-10
YOUNG MAN. 20. must have work: good
character and willing: use tvpewriler.
collect and office work. Salary no object.
Let me prove. Sincere, Box 868, care
GeorfUn. 2_. 'i-D-l"
WANTED Ai once, pqgition bj young
marrleikman: have baa long experience
in general office work, loose leaf book
keeping. and have had a little
ns stenographer. Am now employed, but
wish a change. Address Box 99!>. care
Georgian. 35-25-19
COLORED boy wants position as chauf
feur; willing to do butler work. Ad
dress Chauffeur. Box 864. care Georgian.
WANTED- By practical scientific farmer,
position as overseer 1913; good manage:
of labor: guarantee results under normal
conditions: systematic rotation: legitimate
responslbllty assumed. Address J. IL
Cotton, Bennettsville, 8. C. 51-28-10
CAN REPAIR and tune any kijid of mu
sical instrument; twenty-two years in
the business. Automatic and inner play
ers, orchestrions, and band organs, p. i.?.
Box 656, Atlanta. Ga 4:1-22.-0
WANTED- By present foreman of I’nited
Motor Atlanta Company’s garage to
make a change. References as to ability
as salesman or to take charge of any
garage, salary on agreement: capabilii?
unsurpassed. Address W. D. May. ’ ar>-
I’nited Motor Atlanta Company, 880
PeacMree_streek 10-21-15
WANTED Manufacture ’s and merchants
to help manage the business end of the
Panama canal. It is located at Los An
geles. the key to the great Southwest.
The Ninth. Anniversary edition of The
Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25.
will have the facts a,bout this great proj
ect. Mailed to any address m I'nited'
States or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or for
eign points 25 cent's. Send in your o> -
der now. 1021-4
GOOD. SOBER, steady man wants job
running stationary engine Can give
good references and have good expe
rience. Address W T. Johnson. 2 New
York avenue. Ulanta 31-21-10
Boarders Wanted
SEE 'Room, and Board" Under Georgian
Rent Bulletin.
DISEASES of women and children. 20"-
302 Hillyer .Trust B'aig Bell phone Ivy
4«_1 9. 9-28-58
DR" EDMONDSON'S 'flarisy. Pennyruya,
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail.
60c Flank Edmundson A Rrn . manufac
turing chemists. 11 North Broad street.
Atlanta 3-17-14
DROPSY •'I P.'fi’’ !:■ ■ •• - - - ' ■
h. in 36 to 43 houi *» Ren i .
E in fif’den tn twenty da;Write for
: art- !a:« <’o] oni Dropgv Reit.edy Uorn
iar • , >'.g A )«;e!l building, Atlanta
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin.
Are you looking for the best Rooms, Houses. Apartments, Rooms for House eeping. Offices. Business
5 Locations. Garages Storage Houses, Boarding and Rooming places, etc.?
< This bulletin contains a complete list of every desirable and suitable place that is For Rent in the city
> and suburbs in each issue.
s For the benefit and convenience of our patrons The Georgian employs special men to cover the city and
? suburbs each day in search of all the desirable places.
Save time, useless steps, money and worry by consulting this bulletin. It is for your convenience, so take
j advantage of it.
Rooms and Board.
477 PEACHTREE, one front room with I
private bath, one large, sunny room;
furnace heat; meals, without luncheon, if
; desired 6:30 dinner. 10-28-27
LARGE, delightful front room, private
bath, steam heat; best location: excel
lent table; home comforts West Peach
tree.lvy 1959-L. ’ 38-28-10
ONE small room with board. 131 Wash
ington streetlo-28-17
TWO young men want close-in board
Would consider room near good board
ing house, preferably on Washington st.
between Mitchell and Rawson. Must be
reasonable and not have to use cars. Give
location, rate and full information. Ref- |
erenees given. E. D. .!.. care Georgian.
DESIR AB L E location.
Close in. First-class
meals. For particulars call
or phone 115 Auburn ave
nue. Atlanta phone 4477.
TO A COUPLE of gentlemen, in a fur
nace heated home; everything first
class. Phone Ivy 3281. or call 200 West
Peachtree. All conveniences. 10-26-65
:16 WEST‘"PEACHTREE--Refined couple
or two refined ladies can get room and
board in nice home, where there are only
I a few select boarders. Phone Ivy 1727
‘ 10-26-63
'PLEASANT room with board; refined
couple or young men; two beds; con
veniences; references. Main 5361-J, at
111 Washington.lo-26-53
’VANTEI' Couple or two young men or
young ladies: dav boarders wanted; ex
! eelient meals. 139 West Peachtree. Ivy
■ JOSO-L. 10-26-52
I NICE!A’ furnished rooms and excellent
table board. 121 (.’anilol square. Main
4839-L. 10-26-41
149 WEST P"EaCHTREE-Large front
loom, with board, in private home.
LARGE. rooms with board,
all conveniences, dose in. Main 5527-.1.
158 Washington. lii-2i;-4"
PLEASANT liiiOM with Hoard. 7!' (Vest
Peach tree street. Ivy 1449-J. 111 ;!6-38
SINGLE fiOOM; first-dan board. 22
East Harris. l-,y 3741J__10G-!k
class boarding house; all conveniences, j
171' Capitol avenue. Main 3758-J. 10-26-51 ■
NICE rooms with good board; dose in; I
table board; reasonable rates. 72 Spring !
. street. 51-26-10 i
I NEW Gordon street furnace heittßl Ttonw;
i every convenience; unfurnished rooms: !
I sleeping porches; with board. Call Main
12312-J. 10-25-31
| ROOM and board to couple or l>usiness>|
.•liefv_ Main i.l 63-25-1&
I LARGE, delightful front room, private
i bath, steam heat, best location, excel- i
! lent table West Peachtree. Ivj 1959 L. ,
j 45-25 10 |
] EXCELLENT front loom and all conven- ;
iences; walking distance; good table, i
; home-like. Jiall ivy 2856-L.
1 ROOM and board, block of Candler. Bldg
|lO2 Ivy street. 10-24-37 ;
! ROOMS and board in first-dass house:
every home comfort: no children taken
; under 12. *32 E. North ave. Ivy 5551.
■ROOM AND'"B<>TRD'fsf i-oiipie in pri- I
vale family. Steam-heated apartmeii-t.
AH conyemences. Oall fvy ST9Z. ’* L 0
NICE sleep ng itabl • * u
young men: excellent meals: $4.50 per
month Maiji 3618-. L 10-22-46 •
’NEAT anil huineliK? looking;
also table board, close in. 127 Capitol
avenue- Main 5172-J. . 26
INMAN PARK On? or two furnished
rooms, adjoining bath. Board optional.
J 96 Sinclair avenue. 10-21-9
|1 IE 1J > \V ANT EI ’To ~le velop Ihe r?-
sources of Southern California, the land
of progress arid new ideas. Head about s
the opportunities in the Ninth Anniver-
1 Mary Edition of The i.os Angeles Exam- ‘
' ner. out December 25th. Mailed to anv
i address in I’nited States or Mexico. In ,
i cent.a copy; Canada or foreign points.
25 pMs. Su’k'i jn v< ";f m-.i'*!' now 10-21-4
Furnished Rooms For Rem
<jNE nicel.v furnished room: conveniences.
58 East Ellis. Ivy 2403-.1,
NICELy furnished steam-heated front
i room; two young men. Ivy 5580-J.
LARGE, front room, nicely furnished,
suitable for three gentlemen; steam
heat: all conjv«s- i' v 252. 10-28-41
NICEI v furnished rooms; all conveni
ences; gentlemen only. 255 Courtland
; street 10-28- 42
ROOM adjoining bath; steam heat; every
’ convenience; gentlemen only 61 East
. I xiiGE. nlcelj furnished room; electric
lights; steam beat; north side; private
I family. Ivy_l2H- L. ' -15
I<»n E !..’■•■] • fuinh he I f ont >om; < e
I convenience; steam l\eat: near in. 43
East Cain, [vy , 020-i.. 10-28-43
'ONE k'.rgo. two small steam-heated rooms
! suitable for four: close in. M.. Box 205.
i care Georgian. 10-28-4»>
■' 4LBI. 10-28-4!*
Ngn'C. PEACHTREE- Nicely furnished
front room: steam heat; electric lights:
hot and cold water. Phone Ivy 2632 J.
I Nh’ELY furnished front room in the
Marlborough adjoining bath. Phone Iw
| 372 10-28-29
: NIt’ELY furnished morn adjoining bath,
j gentlemen onl.\\_ 485 PeacMree. 10-28-22
LARGE ’ celj furnished front room 147
_ 2?B’jJL? H1 reet __
F< )R RENT - Well ventiiaTeli room, large
closet, connecting bath, electricity,
pl.ore. everything first class: walking dis
vai'i e. MaiiiJ‘oßß. _ 33-28-10
.«»>.. • two furnitd i rooms 5
sirable neighborhood to young men. 296
I East Linden avenue, or call lv\ 594-. I
THREE furnished rooms wit! eithet one
or two beds at 170 Washington street.
Sewing Machines.
i WE RENT mv. machines with complete
set of attachments for 12 per month; ’
also machines repaired; prompt delivery
I Both phones 18!»X Singer Sewing Mu- ,
Trunks, Bags and Suitcase*.
RBJTAII ED AND tli:i'\lfii D
PHONES Bel) Main 1576. Atlanta 1654
Stove and Range Repairing
;v» sell lemndhatul exs sto'**
\\ e Kweep < nn e-. «
’ WHI ’’ll.\l f - I’Ri.r I
Via., i Phone 2J35 Bell Rhone Ma n 26j?
4i 7 ‘
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
NICELY furnish, d front room; north side;
close in; one block from Lyric; rates
reasonable 49 W. Caln.lo-26-64
FOR RENT In waikliiß distance, be
tween Jackson and Boulevard, eastern
exposure, newly furnished four-room
apartment, S3O; also three-rooni apart
ment, newly furnished. S2O; nice section;
locker rooms in basement. Owner, 323
Houston st. 82-26-10
WANTED One or two business ladies to
share nicely furnished housekeeping
rooin. JPlmne Ivy 6156. 10-26-34
FOR RENT—Newly furnished rooms,
with board; all modern conveniences.
17* North Jackson. Ivy 1907-J. _llh.2iß-M
FOR RENT -Six furnished rooms in north
si le home, '’all Ivy 3614-.1. 10-26-39
NICELY furnished room with board: all
conveniences. 62 West Baker. Ivy
5025- J.lO-26-47
NICELY furnished front room 1n steam
heated apartment, bath adjoining.
I . it Baler Ivy 2986-L. 10-26-46
I'ol'. Ri;NT Nicely furnished steam
heated room; very reasonable. Apply
Frederick Apartments. 352 Whitehall;
a pat t men t D, 63 : 26-10
TWO nicely furnished rooms tor house
keeping: all conveniences: close in;
83.50 per week Phone 3058-B. 242 Cen
tral avenue
WANTED Gentlernan roomers: and
$3 per week. Heart of city. One block
from union depot. Young’s Hotel. 2754
South Pryorstreet. 44-36-10
FOR RENT - Niedy furnished steam
heated room, light and airy; near in;
sls. 28 East Alexander. Apartment A.
Ivy 4068. 10-36-18
FOI'R or five furnished rooms for house-
■ keeping, with all conveniences, will be
vacant on the first. 178 Forrest avenue.
A NIi'ELY furnished, steam heated room,
with o’- without two beds; adjoining
bath. Call at No. 30 Avalon apartments.
I'bone Ivy 5119-J. 27-36-10
FI’RNISHED room, connecting bath: ail
conveniences; private family: north
side; references exchanged. Phone Ivy
1913 10-35-28
i< i'l'Cl 11: X i !T'l E and bed room for light
housekeeping; private family. 70 West
Baker. Ivy 3266-.1. 10-25-25
FoR RENT -Front mom, new apartment;
first floor; nice bath; near in. Would
allow housekeeping Main 8188-.1.
FOR KENT -Two front connecting moms
downstairs; furnished for light house
keeping: sls per month 134 Formwait
Ft >R RENT —Two beautifully furnished,
connecting, cheerful and homelike first
floor rooms, with all conveniences: north
side: walking distance; sls and $17.50 per
month. Gentlemen preferred 74 East
Merritts i.' .mi.- 10-25-15
NEWLY furnished front room; private
entrance; SB. 82 Simpson street. 10-25-1
i >NF, nicely furnished upstairs room. 117
West Baker. Atlanta phone 4555.
F< 'it RENT Two ntcelf furnished rooms,
steam heat, electric lights, gentlemen
only. Cal! at 44 East Harris, apartment t.
or telephone ivy 4412. iti-25 3
Fi'lt liEN'T I ’.-light fill fmnl room, pri
vate bath; garage, refined home. Peach
tree. . am Georgian. 27-23-10
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms:
strictly private home. Gentlemen pre
ferred. E East Harris.lo-22 30
FOR RENT Nice, large rooms, for cou
ple or gentlemen. 310 Spring, Ivy
170 1 __z in-;:-
CONGENIAL youn* m in roommate; nice,
steam-heated room, close in, $9, Inquire
ivy 5580-J,
Fill: RF.N':' Furnished front room for
'aules otii.'. 251Capito! avenue 10-21-2
W.X.x'l ED . tu . nine out ami see
the great Southwest. Most of them
will want to stay The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of Tim Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th, will set forth the reasons
Ma.led to any address in I'nited States or
Mexico, 15 cents; Canada or foreign points
26 oents. Send in .rinir order now. JO-21-4
LOOK at our stoves ami ranges before
yon buy one anywhere. Southern
Stove and Supply Company. 121 White
hall 10-15-4
NICELY furnished rooms, 50c night, $2.50
a week and up. Broadway Hotel. 7’6
N. Broad street. Hot and cold water.
Unfurnished Rooms Foi Rent
R1 ,\T 1 " or three be&uUful
rooms, with electrieitv. 136 Kat-t Lin
den avenue. 60 ->
!■’< •!: REN r 'i v. •• • r ihree r< oms and
kitchenette, v .th use of bath. 5- Queen
i '
FOR RENT With owner, two or three
connecting rooms; north side Ivy 2477.
U 28 ■
THREE unfurnished rooms for light
housekeeping nt 82 Angier avenue: hot.
and cold water, on <-ar line. 10-28-3
1 ■. ' ng unfurnished ro MRS ■
kitchenette for light housekeeping. 64
Wes • 10-28-6
R ‘ I’nfui ris he.!, for light
housekeeping, four nice upstairs rooms
wi bath • • •’■ l- iB36J
<>N PEACHTREE R< >AD. bej ond Bu k
head, three upstairs rooms, ipo: two
beautiful downstairs rooms. 110. Virginia,
Georgian. 80-26-10
FOR RENI’ -Unfurnished rooms; also
one furnished first floor front mom.
bine location. Ivy 895-_L 10-26-62
’•’» >i: iTNT Two or three unfurnlihed
connecting rooms, suitable for light
housekeping. at Richardson street
VO or . ir<e < ont» ting rot
conveniences; private entrance: in cal
lage with couple 163 Oak street. West
En.i._ 53-26-10
i< >R RENT Four unfurnhihed rooms, Iwo
bloc ks of Candler building. No children.
First floor. 166 Courtland. Main 4247-.’
Ft h< RENT i /nfurntehed ioo n e i;
sl. 210 South Pryor.lo-26-25
F(?»R RENT One large downstairs room
all conveniences; cheap; close in Good
section 270 Houston street. Phone Ivy
TW<> unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping Main 1872 307 Whitehall
y ’ r,..-1 ■-2 ! ‘ "
FOR RENT Three or four rooms, freshly
papered; near capitol; modern improve
ments. H«-H i • ,\l.) i:i 'ss ■ • 10 !5
FOI’R connecting rooms clean and com
fortable. No. o Oglethorpe Court: en
trance No. 44 East Cain 48-25-10
Fire-Proof Storage
WE STORE I 'f’i sElli H.l' gubde and
piano Ofli<e and warehouse. 239-241
Edgewood avenue Ivy 2»i27 lohn J
Woodside Storage Company
FOR SALE Ha •• • med■ I’
per bushel, f. o b cars H G.
Blackwells. <:a 10-23-8
Blue Prints
SERVICE. 9-30-55
ilesirable room, apartment. I:oum"
■. rims for light noua»lmeping. business
■■ atlons garage" ores tli ß ’ are for
■"f’l Olanta ami siirrmmdfngs ,-an he
, lorn d ” 'The ■’ • I'lan’. ID-lil Hu'l.-m
on the Wan: Ad vage.
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT— Three large unfurnished
. connecting rooms for light housekeep
"L g to .„?? r 9 es without children. Bell
WANTED to attend - the best
schools in the United States. They are
located m Southern California Bring the
old folks along The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will
tell the story of the most remarkable
school system ever devised. Out Decem
ber 26th. Mailed to any address in United
States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or for
eign points, 25 cents. Send in jour order
2.°''; 10-21-4
Housekeeping Rooms For Rent.
« roorna for housekeeping close in.
229 Central avenue. 10-23-7
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
FOR GENTLEMAN or business woman
one large room, furnished or unfurnished
with steam heat; north side; private
lmin<' i'bone Iyy :<-.70-,1. 10-38-85
FOR RENT FurnTshed*" unfurnished
large room. Phone Main 3:t95-L. 10-28-32
ONIi. furnished or three connecting un
furnished rooms. 137 West Baker st
LARGE front room: close in; gas and
bath, 306 Ivy street. 10-26-4
ROOMS furnished and unfurnished 148
Spring street. 10-19-38
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
bl\ IC beautiful sunshiny rooms or three
rooms and two largo rooms with kitchen
ette: lovely for winter; bath and modern
conveniences; north wide. Phone Ivy 2478.
itJ- .
BI'LNT Half cottage, completely
rurnished; four connecting rootna and
h*tn; everything private; new g»« range,
sink in kitchen, hot water attachment!",
phone, good localitj’, near cart?: south
'•i< hi, Main 1433 r io-21-34
WANTED -Children to attend the Best
schools In tin* I'nited States. They are
located in Southern California. Bring the
a long. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will
(ell the story of the most remarkable
achool system ever devised. Out Decem
ber 25th. Mailed t. f anj address in United
States or Mexico 15 cents; Cnnada or for
eign points. 25 cent«« Send In vour order
now. 10-21-4
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
THREE laifeT unfurnished rooms ~wit'll
conveniences for housekeeping, with pri
vate family, on north side. Phono Ivv
8«4 10-25-23
Unfurnished Houses For Rent
prettx six-room cottage; lot 50 by 200
■ hoiue neighborhood; s2o,
A. J. & 11. F. WEST.
Ph .tm Main 1754, 10-28-11
!■' di RENT Modern cottages; six rooms
and bath. S2O per month. 192 East Mer
ph2E! f ‘lYY_64B2. 10-28-1
Foil REN'!’ .My former hoiiie, - 108”West
Harris street, twelve large rooms, two
baths, house in good condition; plenty of
light; close In. Phone Ivy 80. 10-28-5
F(>R RENT Three ami four-room houses.
$6 and $10; also brick apartment. S3O.
Ivy 4676, 10 25-6
ARTISTIC Bt T NGALt'W. screened, fur
nace. tile bath, garage Ansley Park,
< at e Georgian, 26-28-10
HELP WANTED- To develop tile resour
ces of Southern California, the land of
progress and new ideas. Read about the Op
portunities in tlie Ninth Anniversary Edi
tion of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th. Mailed to any address in
United States or Mexico. 15 cents a copy,
Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send
in your order now tO-21-4
IF YOl’ want your proper
ty rented list it with me.
We act quick. See Mr. A.
S. (tiles. Edwin I*. Ansley.
f?ent department. Pho«ie
itioo. 10-ifCt;:
F'lP. itl' N' 1 ' iII'USES--Call. Vr'P or
phone fit <ur rent bulletin Ralph O.
'2>rliran. 1’ Broad street. 4-L3l
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Stores For Rent.
BRICK STORE and six-room cottage ad
joining, north side, good location C.
W. Hatcher, both phones 44. 221 Grant
Blcjg. 18-18-41
Office Space For Rent.
HALF of pleasant office for rent. Appli
327 Austell Bldg 85-26-10
CAN DIVIDE large office in Austell bldg.,
including use of telephone, for $lO. Ad
dri is Bog 789. care Georgian. 10-26-58
WANTED Some one to share office rent
and stenographer’s salary with me in
Austell building. When replying state na
ture of your business. Address Rex, care
Georgian. 49-25-10
FOR RENT Desk space with telephone
and stenographic service. Atlanta Bulld
ers' Exchange, 1510 Candler Bldg. 56-26-10
Garages For Rent.
GARAGE for rent. Apply 442 Peachtree.
Staples Wanted.
S'TABLE on north side; near in. Apply
271 I’b-drnont avenue Phone Ivy 4576.
i'Ol'ND The .est place for prosperity
and success Everybody's doing it.
Come out to Southern California The
Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los
Angeles Examiner will set you right. Out
De< ember 25. to any address In
I'nited States or Mexico 15 cents a copy.
Canada or foreign points 35 cents. Send
n. ... now ,
with cull s< .-.lthern
Stoye and Supply Company. 131 Whlto-
Fl,i SCREENS. FLT T’tl-.ilNs/ trEf
SCREENS Wood flj- screens, metal fly
screens, liardwooa doors, Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
in the South Write or phone W R C'al
lawav. manager. !403 Fourth National
Bank building Atlanta, Ga Main 5310
_ 8-IR-J
SERIi'l'S RESULTS come from trusses
improperly fitted John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall -tree’, has an expert title- and It
w’il cost vou no more to liav him fit
you and it means insurance. 6-24-19
Is your 1 (
Then if not try a For Sale or Business
Opporliittii; a.,< in The Geo-gian.
CLAIRVOYANT and Palmist; reveals
past, present and future. Consultation
on all affairs of life. 1.38 Whitehall street
Clairvoyant and Palmist.
HAVE RETURNED to Atlanta and is
now located at 93 Auburn avenue. Was
located at 17 East Mitchell street last
winter. Anything you desire to know,
you are assured truthful and positive
facta about it. Readings, 25c and 50c
Make no mistake in the place. 93 Auburn
avenue (In tent).lo-26-22
WANTED—Visitors to come out and see
the great Southwest. Most of them will
want to stay. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th. will set forth the reasons
Mailed to any address in United States or
Mexico, 15 cents: Canada or foreign points
25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4
Palmist and Life Reading.
IS NOW IAJCATED in tent, corner For
syth and Luckle; can be consulted on
JU affairs of life. Charges moderate
Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-18
W anted—Miscellaneous.
WANT to rent bedroom furniture for 12
months: best of condition: references
M., Box 20j6,_care Georgian. 10-28-47
HEATERS, $2.50 to $45. We save you
enough to buy your coal. Southern
Stove and Supply Company, 131 White
hall_street__ 10-15-4
FURNITURE and household goods, office
fixtures and merchandise of any kind
accepted on consignment. Cash advanced
Pembroke Sales Co., 143 South Pryor St
Bell phones Main 1434. Main 187. Atlanta
3385. 8-15-13
t'AY riIGHEST cash prices for house
hold goods, pianos and office furniture
Cash advanced on consignments. Central
Auction Company. 12 East Mitchel!
street. Bell phone Main 24248-26-26
DROP A CARD—WiII bring cash for old
clothes and shoes The Vestiare. 166
Deca Wr street. ..-37-42
WANTED—Vou to know W~. hL Cox
cleans all kinds carpets; rugs a spe
cialty. Ivy 3135-J. Atlanta 1818 145 Au
burn avenue. 10-2-13
WANTED -We pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture. Cash advanced on consign
ments Springer s Auction House. 25
South ITyor street. Bell phone Main 1626
I BUY MEN’S old clothes and shoes
Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell street.
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
TWO beautiful human hair switches: will
sell cheap. Ivy 3654-J.lO-28-38
FOR SALE—Set of Encyclopedia Britan
nlca, 28 volumes bound in leather cheap
Phone Ivy 6818. 57-28-in
AND RI RULE. Stone Mountain Granite
Corporation, Stone Mountain, Ga.
MAJESTIC range, slightly used. Will sell
reasonable. Call M 1368.10-28-21
FOR SALE - Gas stove, good condition, k.
gas heater, $1.50. G., Box 200. care Geor
B-an. 86-28-10 '
COAL RANGE for sale. Been used six
months: half price. Phone Atlanta 3548
FOR SALE -Office furniture, Remington
typewriter. Underwood typewriter, roll
top desk, cabinet, chairs, etc. 1423 Can
dler building. 34-28-10
, sl'f.oo Brass Bed SIO.OO
$ 0..50 National Spring ....$ 3.9 b
$ 9.00 Felt Mattresss 7.50
$35.00 Dressers $25.0(1
$17.50 Dining Table ..,...$12.50
$'2.50 Dining ('hair $ 1.75
$ 4.00 Center Tables 1.98
62 Bea ch tree. 61 North Broad.
WALL SHOWCASE, typewriter office
desk, baby carriage, gas stote (three
burne: >. oil Perfection cook stove. 43
street. 65-25-1"
r'i»R SALE Good scond-hand clothes
cheap, by refined lads : several nice
coats skirts, waists, coat suit, hats, silk
dress s. fur, boy’s rain coat. Call at 4!'
Terr?' street, near capitol. 86-26-10
COMPLETE six-room apartment of tine
household furniture for sale at sacrifice
45 Williams street, first floor. 56-25-16
FOR SALE One six-foot bookkeeper's
desk and stool. Phone Main 5403-J. 291
Marietta st. 10-25-29
move dirt and germs from rugs, carpets,
floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from $32.39
up; vacuum sweepers, $9.75. C. J. Daniel
& Co_. 416 Fourth Na Bk. Bldg 12-2-11
$4.50. <
l I 'RN IT I 'HE for three rooms complete
for light housekeeping. This is slight!'
used. Leaving city and can give bargain
tor cash. Adorers Furniture, care Geor
gian. 36-25-10
FOUND—The best place for prosperity
and success. Everybodj's doing it
Come out to Southern California The
Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los
Angeles Examiner will set you right Out
December 25. Mailed to any address in
United States or Mexico 15 cents a copy
Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send
in your order now 10-21-4
CAST RANGES, with water back, S3O arid
up Southern Stove and Supplv Com
pany, 121 Whitehall "10-15-4
safes, files, cabinets, new &. 2nd hd.
tlookin Bank A Office Equipment Co
NEM beautiful rugs woven from vour
old carpel, superior to any in service
plain or designed; anj' slae. Catalog’ -
free Oriental Rug Company, Baltimore
National Cash Registers.
>35-|:>U; S6O-876 and up Terms easv. Lib
. « : ; al « x £ han « e allowance. Both phone-
XlnPl'ii'fi 11 "V re <l6tcra everything
UltM l(. dII Latest improvements
Citiuh Old registers exchanged
.Ml sizes; easy terms
Atlanta Cash Register Co.
lx j.1.-lrl. 34 East Alabama strew
WOOD 7-18-15
SCREENED Jellico. $5.00. ('ail
Main 666-. J Gare Citv Coal Co.
Want to bui your second-hand furni
ture stoxrs. household articles and tni.«-
; cellaneou- things ' Your ad in the "J'oi
SaT. M eellaneous columns v. 11l he real
| with mterest am! your used but useful
articles w ill be sold ai a b'g profit to you