Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company,
20 East Atlanta.
Alabama-.* Geo!-jg!a_
• -titered at Atlanta prw-cfflce at second- |
class matter.
Subscript'oris Payable in Advance.
Cne yea’ r.-.ail. postage prepaid. $5.00 i
Six month. . postage p.enai 2.50
Three month*., trail, postage prepaid 1d»
One month. ; ail. r >n- tafre prepaid.
Subscriptions ? in
Delivered by aur-ff, me year
Delivered by carrier, months . 2.60 ;
Delivered by < arrle-. bree mon tbs 180 ;
Delivered by carrier. one month . . 4 • I
Delivered by earner n Atlanta and i
other cities, one week 10 I
' Want Ad Rites and Rules
in the Atlanta Georgian
I Dr# cor; a word each insert «>ii
Xo a- taken (■ c less than th* price
I of ten word*- \<ls in larger type,
112 c a line (four words io the line). I
Out of- town adverti. aments I
be acooniponlen with, rash
I Ag* ncics’ discounts 1# and 5 per
’ cent.
* < Georgian will no- be lespon
gihlc for more than one incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more ;
than one time.
! Closing hour- To secure prop-
er ( ’assifiratim .. ads. mus t be In
The Georgian office before 1 o’clock ,
I the day of the issue
I AH ads must be ordered out in i
> writing or at office. No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone.
i> or.- word in the advertisement.
Including the name and address,
is counted Each initial counts one
word: compound words are counted
two words
Telephone your Want auf to The
Georg ai <both phones 8000) when
It is more coir en < nt to do so. and i
collection will lx- made at your
home or al ?’our office the follow’- >
ing day. This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian »
v VI pati one and payment j
jipc .uh’ always be promptly made .
or presentation of bill. Always ' |
a-k that your telephone ad be re- |
» pea;ed back to you by the ad
taker 1o make sure that it has bccT' |
taken correctly. The Georgian can
r:<»t r < ran tee accuracy or assume
respui'sjblity for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
\DVEFITISERS should retain re
ceipts given in payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis- '
takes can not be nidified without 1
them. In answering advertise- j
i . in ■ of Th(
' ■' orgian, if the ad i • ■ requites
references, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted—Female.
LADIES to demo i.straic a useful article;
good commission. Gall Mrs. Hughes. 37
East Alexander street.s6-2!»- Ki
NI’RSE for young baby and to d<» gen- !
eral housework. Address G. B. K., care
< Georgian. 53 10
WANTED Middle-aged white woman to
do light housework in exchange for
room and board; good home; references.
84 East Alexander. 10-29-35
11< dsiM all • foi genera! work;
home and salary. 32 East North ave
WANTED- Competent woman for general
work. Apply 200 Angier ave, 10-29-20
WA NT I?D Twi• smart white girls to
work on collars and cuffs; stead? work
and good pay. Capitol <’it? Laundry.
WANTED Institutional housekeeper; one
t<» plan meals and diet economically
v \\ . G. A 10 25M.7
WANTED Good colored Woman to cool
and do general housework. A ppi? 5".
Capitol avenue; apartment 4.
10-29-25 j
EXPERIENCED hands for alteration on!
ladies’ coats, b'rohsin's. 50 Whitehall.
WANTED—A competent laundress.
Phone Ivy 2051. or apply ready to work
W< <lnesdav, 25 Alta ave.lo-29-21
WANTED—Waist help and dressmaking.
\ppl.v 71 Whitehall.lo-29-2
WANTED Cook. Good wages paid to
settled, reliable woman. Apply 91 East
Ninth street.3o-29-10
V\?»MAN for all around housework. Mrs
Corey, 619 West Peachtree iv? 5635-J
TWO girls to operate cash stands. Must
be over sixteen years old. References
inquired Salary $5.00 per week. King
Hardware Cu.. Peachtree street store
.\.\”ri:i' Colored house girl 51 Sum
mit ave.6l - 28-10
WANTED Woman tv wash ami iron on
place. Apply 62 Westminster drive.
Ansley Park.4B-28-1 u
GIRL for general housework and wash
woman. 55 Colquitt avenue. 10-28-16
WANTED Woman to do cooking and
help nurse baby three years old. Good
ttages and room on lot. 190 Lee street.
W \NTED—Competent colored woman b»
do housework. Good wages. Main
<Metropolitan avenue. 10-28-10
WANTED -Housemaid to live on plat e
Good wages ami good home Apply 641
North Jackson street. Phone Ivy 5212-1..
NURSE- 2 West Fort McPherson Phom
‘ ! 1 olliday, Main 2062.10-28-2
WANTED A good cook at cnee; room on
lot. A.' , piy South Prado, \nsle? Park
•> 10-26-57
WANTET* g-»«i colored wumaif* Ao d
cooking and general houst work ‘ «<lj ”
205 Lucile avenue. 10- 4 2
WANTED lirst-class cook for lai
house: good wages. 241 W. Peachtret
WANTED- \ girl to live as one of the
family go to south Georgia. C., Box
h‘9. care Georgian 50-25-10
WANTbJb \ good cook at Appb
29 Greenwood avenue. 10-25-4
W ANTED Dis< ouraged, hui nerfectiy
guod men ami women, to take a new
grip ou life and tr\ a little happiness for a
•hange. The Ninth Anniversary Edi
iOn of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25. will tell you how to do it.
Mailed to any address In Cnited States
or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or foreign
points, 25 cents. Send in your order now i
10-21-4 !
COMBINATION •< a! and gas ranges.
Southern Stove and Supply Company.
121 Whitehall. 10-13-4
Help Wanted—Male.
A GOOD MAN COOK for private family;
r.iuet have of recommendation.
Will offer a good home and good pay to
«right man 610 Tnird National Bank
Building. 10-28->2
GOOD Blacksmith and horsesiioer No
boose-i’gnte-. Apply to C H. Stewart,
Winder. Ga 10-20-4
AUTHORS having manuscript to pub
lish may flr.d it to their interest to con
fer .vlth us. Confftnem * us to advisabil
ity, terms. ot<-.. only by spacial appoint- I
merit. Never mind about sending stamp i
tfl'irrts by letter only the nearest office.
3. F. Johnson, Incorporated, publisher®, j
•■♦s I’er.nsylvania avenue N XV Wash- !
ngton, C.: room? 601-603. 61 Beekman:
■ •reet. Neu York. N V , V.u’.u 1 buih'.lr.g
Richmond "’•'a.; 516 Temnle Court builii- :
’ng. Atlanta, Ge.. COS South Dearborn
threat. Chisago, 111.
wTRFfISD--Al 158 Whitehall' street™.
< r>ok, white male preferred Apply at
olire. 42-29-10
Ml>X WANTED to '.aarn barber ttarie
Wo tee.eti i.y free work xn<. sav years
or aprentiosinp. No better w<.r». Jobs
eiv a. s watting. Tools glvei Wage® *r.
'■ rlehi: g denar': »n' :ceou ■ .if:, i t
hr Ba’ber College 38 !.ve'..le s’T<t
1 tvS’OGRA PIJEII n'l’l filing < le* ra !-
Address 1,, if Fonts, vice presi-
■ I. 1.-- IV .. i
Help Wanted —Male.
|FTI:NISH> U rofree to bov making
jit '-..'.’i 1. j -Discourag i, but perfet tly I
good net ani 'c:r.r-’ to t».s< a nor
Ig. tn n lift trj u little hapiv.t.esx tor I
la change. The Ninth Anniversary J-'di- t
I’ "s’ o ' Angelet Kxa nlner, out
Dec •>*•• 25. will il you Low to <!o i.
Malle,: to u -j adcre.-r. i nlte-.l States
i. r i’ . . Canada 'oreign I
I pr.'n s 23 Head in your or.-’e- now
I RBI ' s: A:. ■■ utl "i'.': .
•narnp', ■ .’ barbei v.o ’l ~r— d a::
jl’ner A: , '’.ntt i «rher College, .•'< ast
1 in l- 'li >’
I ' ■ • -■.■■■ I ~1, I, ,, . _. „..
■ .*• <>'' »{:: »’>—• h•»?<•; tea '• o' • t?. i')> ; I
I M’Jt *i. - . •' ; O’- v. -;d .3 clean 1
I roeir n Op- &li
; 1
jMML < M{i»!”l: 1 :. n> • e wa
. cd. SBO month Atlania <’• Et’ ,
Ir.ations du/lng Novcmbc.' F e** coßf'd ig
'•icTiki.r >n Dep' 4:--T, lb 1
I X — V - fi -’* !
| W ANTED incav Inventors writs f« •• 1..v i
< irventiom wano-d and p .lcs <*•(.* ’ 1
jby manufacturers. Also. Low to get vour |
I patent Sent free to anj address Rae*
! jm: A- Ei iscot , patent attorneys, W'a -t j
i J2_ f ’- 7 1 1
i’ES Professor G. 'Branning will tench
t you :< ba? • trade (it’s easy). W'e
teach ?n ‘Cie-half time of other colleges,
•’curse am. pcsiiS.n in our shops only
GO. W’hv ray more? Thousands of our
graduates urn? ing shops or making good
’.vage.'- Atlanta Barber College, 10 East
Mi’- Imd street 5-11-17
AX'l’Kl)—Bright, strong
hoys t<» deliver routes in;
piHernoons. Good wages
|and chance for promotion.
Call at eirculation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian,
20 East Alabama street.
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
!, . WIFE
I Illi’, woman to do cooking and
J general housework, the man to
I care for the yard and assist gen-
I erally about the place. This of
. fers a good home and profitable
employment to a worthy white ;
couple. Apply in person at room
314 Rhodes building, opposite gas ,
office. Marietta streel, or phone
Main 32(15 and ask for Mr. Bai
i ley. 10 27-27
I MONEY WANTED to plant in southern
California, where il grows better than ■
anywhere else in the world, one dollar
grows to ten* before you know it. The
Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los
Angelos Examiner will give some exam
pies ol actual eases. Out December 25.
Mailed o any address in I’nited States
or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or foreign
points 25 cents. Send in your order now.
Teachers Wanted.
H Vol’ are looking for position as teach-
er, write or call to see us: easy terms.
South Atlantic Teachers' Agency. *1.125 At
lanta National Bank building, Atlanta. Ga.
\\ ? A'i’i:i> \ I'-", more first grade teach~
ers for rural schools, five months, Janu
ary openings; lady assistants $45, men
principals $75. Write for blanks. Regis
ter Teachers Agency. Register. Ga.
SI‘E(?IAL fall enrollment, good openings 1
yet. Foster’s Teachers Agency, Atlanta. I
Ga. 9-28-31 I
Salesmen Wanted.
WE SELL STOVES cheaper because our,
expenses are less. Southern Stove and
Supply Company .121 Wldttdia’l 10-15-4
; MONEY WANTED to plant in southern
California, where it grows better than
anywhere else in the world. (me dollar
grows to ten before you know’ it. The
Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los
Angeles Examiner will give some exum
ples of actual cases. Out December 25.
Mailed to any address in I’nited States
or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or foreign
points 25 cents. Send in your order now.
Agents Wanted.
AGENTS WANTED M<m and women to
sell the best selling insurance on earth.
One agent sold 200.000 last month. Dis
trict managers wanted for Mississippi.
* Alabama and Georgia. Address Joiner &
Hitch. 646 Temple Court building, At
lanticlo 26-37
FOR SALE Farm one-fourth as large
and live times as good as the one you
are toiling on back East. Take advan
tage of the percentage in your favor. The
Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los An
geles Examiner, out December 25, will tell
you how this can be. Mailed to any ad
dress in I’nited States or Mexico 15 cents.
<’anada or foreign points 25 cents. Send
m your order now. 10-21-4
Situations Wanted—Female.
taurant, case or candy department. Can
give best of references. Call Ivv 3123.
EX PERI l h\’(’ED lady stenographer de
sires either permanent position, piece
I work or cogj t\? IStMDJ. 27-29-10
•\\ \,\ti:i» Position as laundress on !■•.
' Ipplv to Rosa. 591 Whitehall. 2t>-2!'-lO
I* >LORF2D nurse would like a position ml
odor’s office. Address Nurse, Box 869. i
' 1 ’ < Georgian.3l -29-10
Xl' E. neat colored girl wants a position
as maid or cook for small family. 109
I yraser _ 32-2!*-l0
l :\RST CLASS colored woman wishes a
lM*sttbm as laundress on the lot. Ad
dress\Lula Hampton. 35 North Boulevard.
COM st enog «ohor desires tem
porary woi»|<: s-” ears’ experience.
Iv\ 2559-L 58-28-10
\\ \.\ ri:i • t perience and re
finement. a p<»r do stenographic
work. Ad«lress \h 53 W est Baker
street. citj
w iNTI‘i • Stei 1 a Htion; nni
English education W .1 Demonstra
tion. car»‘ Georgian. 10-28-I’3
W aßted i *osition erlenced
housekeeper in hotel insider
anything out of city. Aicwt? A Box
356. \t 1h 111a I 26-10
AHI •' -LT \-; i:p'T\bY. w V lied?
wants housekeeper’s position, X> super
vise and do practical work in wiwiower’s
home, with family, one servot . kio la
borer. Particulars and references i\ouisa
Haley, general delivery, Macon. Ga.\
FOR SALE Fann one-fourth as iai\B> I
and five times as good as the olv >Vi
are toiling on back East. Take auv. \ I
lage of the percentage In your favor. A,
Ninth \nniversxry edition of The I.os
1: >! s Ex.-'nifner out December 25. will t
.-ou how this can be. Mailed to any a<
dis in Uniied States or Mexico 1 .5 cents
Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send
lin . oar >rde’.‘ now 10-21-4 i
1 ! ‘I!’.Fl .i”. r :< >o'l heaters? $3 60 up.
sh ut' ern Stove and Supply Company.
| 51 Whitehall W»g-4
I Situation!* Wanted—Male and
‘V» ANTED —Ships of «G1 kinds to burn
| California oil aid carry merchandise for
i the port of Los Angeles to and from the
• | Panama caju<’. The Ninth Anniversary
i Edition vs Ti’C Los /.rgelcs Examiner, out
11 December 25th, tells just what the canal]
; 1 will do o Soi-thcr- ’wllfornia. Mailed to!
'any in I’ldteJ. States or Mexico.!
]I. cents • a sade or foreign points, 25 I
‘cent 4 Send in vom order now 10-21-4
i Model 5 Before Y<»n Buv.
•' t-27-is
, (VANTED (’lain dressmaking. 'BS J’ea< !.-
I treestrec'. Upstairs Phone Ivy 2933-.1.
Situations Wanted--Male
(WANTED B'. experienced automobile
n ih repa op i tl
I private parties. No objections to leaving
! it; • Addrer? I. M.. rare Georgian.
W ANTED Young man, more than 21. to
ari a.« salesman and learn the real €‘S
ato busine-,-1. See Mr. .Fisk, 1107 Empire
Lifr (Elatiror, building, cr»rner Peaeh
| j ree and Broad. to 29- 42
GOOD piano player wants a job, picture
show or dance work. Address Piano
1 ■ , ' tl ver. B»»x JH71. care Georgian. 38-29-10
W.’ .NTED- Position a« clerk; have had
-< veral yearn experii me. (’an give ref
|c? enref.-. (’Jerk Box 872. care
• ’ • • z. : < ■ . 16-29- 10
WANTED ■ manage Stock and poultry
| ‘...rm on shares or salarv. \V. R. Smith,
i 1 40-29-10
Y'OI’NG AL\N, t;g< d 18. desires position Rs
office work'-: y< me knowledge of book
keeping typewriting, et<. Willing to ac
cept small salary ?o begin Address 11.
G., 33 Kennedy :-’rer-t, or phone Atlanta
-'-‘••K. '25-29-10
\\ ANTED Position by young man us as
six tarn . hipping clerk or collector.
Strong and nealthy ; have not had any ex
perience. but can furnish best of refer
ences; willing to give small cash bond. J.
M , U>s I ■j- 55-28-10
POSITION WANTED bj young man ex
perienced in clerical v. ork. oil ice «»»• cler
ical work. Small salary Young Man.
»’are (Georgian. 62-28-10
GERMAN FL< (RIST. landscape gardener
ami ttucl; farmer (married) wants posi
tion; twenty-one years experience in the
business. Address Gorman. Box 203, care
WANTED A position in a dental labor
tory or office; have been to school two
years; have good practical experience.
A ' l Dentist. < arc j leorgian.47-28-10
WANTED—Position by man
thoroughly experienced in mod
ern office methods, business cor
respondence. collections, etc.
Hard worker. Chance to prove
ability and worth. Satisfactory
refernees. • Address C, Box 207
care Georgian. 60-28-10
Y<>l N(; num of il* years of age desires a
I»osition in an office, woui'l prefer a po
sition as an assistant bookkeeper. An:
good at figures and a good penman Will
ing to start at bottom. Address Reliable,
Box 202. caro Georgian. 46-28-10
COLORED man wishes a place as butler
or porter. 20 years old. References one
place. Address_2soConnally st. 45-28-10
A YNTED By experienced office man
and good all-round bookkeeper, set of
books, or oftfee work of any nature, to
do at night. Address H. S. E., Box A. Z.,
care Georgian. 10-28-7
FIBST-t’LAHS colored chauffeur, experi
enced in repairing, wants job; no bad
habits. Address \V Jones, 276 Irwin st
WAN TED Position by yobng man witl:
two years experience as bookkeeper
and three years as stenographer. Best of
refernees furnished. G. E.. Box 100. care
Georgian. 28-28 -10
Position will: Atlanta architect; in suc
cessful business fur self several years;
good on perspective and preliminary work;
renders in pen and ink and water colors;
age 28; married; Mason. Christian;
thoroughly settled: will do anything con
nected with office or building trades; will
start on reasonable salary. Address
Draftsman, care Georgian. 93-26-10
WANTED By male teacher.
position in business • ollege or will es
tablish business college where one is de
sired. Also teaches literary branches.
Exeellent indorsements. Experienced in
| Itookkeeping and hotel management. Ad-
I dress Reliable. Box 10. car* Georgian.
SALESMAN with year's experience de
sires city work. Address Box 219, care
Georgiali. 60-26-10
.AN experienced chief cool; wants work at
once, will: good references. 172 Pied
mont avenue. 59-26-1.0
WANTED Position in afternoons and
Saturdays by gentleman: clerking or
keeping books. Address l>.. Box 215, care
Georgian. 28-26-10
P(>SITI(»N WANTED by bookkeeper,
aged 30, want position giving all or most
of tinn* out of doors, where he can use
experience gained in ten years railroad
and commercial work. Have bandied la
bor and can give bond if required. 11.
A. 1... <a' e 1 2 orgian. 44*25- 10
WANTED By practical scientlflc farmer.
position as overseer 1913; good manager
of labor; guarantee results under normal
conditions; systematic rotation; legitimate
responslbilty assumed. Address .1 H.
Cotton, Bennettsville. S. C. 51-23-10
CAN REPAIR and turn any kind of mu
sical instrument; twenty-two years in
the business. Automatic and inner play
ers. orchestrions, and band organs. I’, i>.
Box 656, Atlanta. 1 la. 13-22-0
W.ANTED—Manufacturers and merchants
to help manage the business end of the
Panama canal, it Is located at Los An
geles, the key to the great Southwest.
The Ninth Anniversar? edition of The
Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25.
will have the facts about this great proj
ect. Mailed to any address in United
States or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or for
eign points 25 cents. Send in your or
der now 10-21-4
Boarders Wanted.
SEE “Rooms and Board" Under Georgian
Rent Bulletin.
LADIES . k your druggist lor Chlches
, tera Pills, the Diamond brand; for 25
years known as best, safest, always relia
ble; buy of your druggist. Take no other.
Chichesters Diamond Brand Jills are sold
by dnyggists everywhere. 5-2-1
\ i THORS WRIT I ':> I iet us
your copyrights, print and place your
books on the inarke., Morton Publishing
Company. Dept. ATG. Alorton building,
N f* v, Y c.ri, 7-11-26
FOI ND The best place for prosperity
and success. FJverybody’s doing it.
Gome out to Southern California. The
Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los
Angeles Examiner will set you right. Out
December 25. flailed to any address in
I’nited States or Mexico 15 cents a copy,
Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Semi
in \our ordtr now 10 21 -4
CADET HEATERS, with ouil. Southern
Stove and Supply Company, 121 White
hall Jo_-15-4
SCREENS -Wood tly screens, metal tly
screens, hardwood doors, Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
in the South. Write or phone W. R. Cal
laway. manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank building. Atlanta. Ga. Main 5210
, . s --5
SERUM'S RESULTS con.e from trusses
improperly titled. John B. Daniel, at 34
1 Wall street, has an expert title" and it
I will cost you no more to havi, him tit
. y<m, and it meair insurance 6-24-19
youi bi ness worth advei g
• n if not try a For Sale or Business
• . j <>r'unity a■’ in The Georgian.
I'l.- • \SES of women and children. 200-
202 H: Iver Trust Bldg. Bell phone Ivv
■.!< \ I 'S' 'N S Tan?). Tennyruyai
in '.'ton P.oet Pills, a safe ajid re
liable ■■sitment for painful and sup
pi e*s-.'. menstruation, irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail,
60( T>i.i Edmondson A Bro., nianufac
tut ng • dsts. 11 North Broad street.
Atlanta 2-17-14
DROI ■ H';i> lldieves shortness of
br°a to 48 hours. Reduces swell
lug in rten > twenty days Write for
partic; • , ( 'loir. Dropsy Remedy Com
pany. ■ -is 11 building, Atlanta
. 6-I's-11
Win -■ ■ los Trj a hrae-t Ima
|ad m the “Lost and Found" columns of
Th<- Georgia|> and recover your articles.
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin.
Are you looking for the best Rooms, Houses, Apartments, Rooms for House eeping, Offices, Business
Locations, Garages, Storage Houses, Boarding and Rooming places, etc.?
This bulletin contains a complete list of every desirable and suitable place that Is For Rent in the city
For the benefit and convenience of our patrons The Georgian employs special men to cover the city and
suburbs each day in search of all the desirable places. '
Save time, useless steps, money and worry by consulting this bulletin. It is for your convenience, so take
advantage of it.
Rooms and Board.
A NORTHERN LADY has large, veil
furnished front room for rent, with ex
: cellent board at reasonable rates; nice
home in good neighborhood. 79 E..Mer
ROOM and board to couple or business
hidi<>.w_ Main 1592-.1.10-29-14 i
WANTED Two or three gentlemen
boarders in private home; close in; No.
66 Fraser street. Mrs. L. .landrew. At
lanta phone 5222. 35-29-10
PE >' IITIIEE, one front room with
private bath, one large, sunny room;
furnace heat: meals, without luncheon, if
desired. 6230 (Ijnner. 10-28-27
: i.AP.GI;. delightful front room, private
; bath, steam beat; best location; excel
lent table; home comforts ’.Vest Peach
lvv l! ; 5li-i.. 38-28-10
<>NE small room with board. 131 Wash
ington s. reel.lo-28-17
I ) K S I RAB L E location.
('lose in. First-class
meals. For particulars call
or phone 115 Auburn ave
nue. Atlanta phone 4477.
TO A COUPLE of gentlemen, in a fur
nace heated home; everything first
class. Phone Ivy 3281. or call 200 West
Peachtree. All conveniences,lo-26-65
It; WEST PEACHTREE— Refined couple
or two refined ladies can get room and
board in nice home, where there are only
a few select boarders. Phone Ivy 1727.
PLEASANT room with board; refined
i couple or young men; two beds; con
veniences; references. Main 5361-.1. at
1.11. Washington.lo-26-53
WANTED -Couple or two young men or
young ladies; day boarders wanted; ex
cellent meals. 139 West Peachtree. Ivy
NK’ELY furnished rooms and excellent
table board. 121 Capitol square. Main
4839-L. 10-26-41
149 WEST PEACHTREE—Large front
room, with board, in private home.
LARGE, comfortable rooms with board,
all conveniences, close in. Main 5527-J.
158 Washington. 10-26-40
PLEASANT ROOM with board. 79 West
_Peachtree street. Ivy 1449-.1. 10-26-38
SINGLE IKii’M: tirst-71ass board. 29
East Harris. Ivy 3741-L. 10-26-48
\Tei7L-Fi ’KNISHED ROOMS ‘in first
class boarding all conveniences.
17l> < 'apitol avenue. Main 3758-.1. 10-26-51
NICE rooms with good board; close in;
table board; reasonable rates. 72 Spring
street. , 51-26-10
ROOM and board, block of Candler. Bldg.
102 Ivy street.lo-24-37
ROOMS and board in first-class house;
every home comfort; no children taken
under 12. 32 E. North ave. Ivy 5551.
ROOM AND BOARD for couple in pri
vate family. Steam-heated apartment.
( All conveniences. Call_ Ivy 5792. 34-22-10
I NICE sleeping porch, suitable for two
young men; excellent meals; $4.50 per
' month. Main 3618-. J. 10-22-45
| NEAT ROOMS and homelike cooking:
I also table board: dose in. 127 Capitol
I /v( ' nll e. Alain 5172-J. 10-22-26
I HELP WANTED -To develop the re
sources of Southern California, the land
of progress and new ideas. Read about
the opportunities in the Ninth Anniver
sary Edition of The Los Angeles Exam
iner, out December 25th. Mailed to any
address in United States or Mexico, 15
cefits a copy; Canada or foreign points,
25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4
Board Wanted.
REFINED lady with little girl would like
board witli family in West End.
■X. 8., B<:x 870, care Georgian. ' 33-2'..’-10
TWO young men want close-in board.
Would consider room near good board
ing house, preferably on Washington st.
between Mitchell and Rawson. Must be
reasonable and not have to use cars. Give
location, rate and full information. Ref
erences given. E. D. J., care Georgian.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
LARGE, nicely furnished front room.
near in. 147 Spring street. I*o-28-11
TWO furnished rooms for light house
keeping in private family on north side,
sls per month tor both, also one bed
room for SB. Phone Atlanta 6073-A. 108
Simpson street. 55-29-10
FOR RENT -Furnished or unfurnished
t('em. large cook room, to couple or lady
remaining at home through the day. 131
Ivy street.lo-29-40
FOR 'RENT —l.arge. nicely furnished
rooms, near in; conveniences. 20 West
Darris. 10-29-39
FOR RENT -Two nicely furnished rooms
cheap; conveniences. Main 4528-J.
FOR RENT —One nice front room for gen
tlemen; all conveniences. 173 Luckle.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; close
in; all conveniences. 187 Luckie.
Foil RENT Two neatly furnished rooms;
all conveniences; close in. Ivv 6814-J.
For RENT Nicely furnished room for
gentlemen; all conveniences. 50 Orme
FOR RENT-Furnished room in steam
heated apartment, near in. 45 Williams,
u) (ailment 2. .10-29-36
FOR RENT Two nice front rooms at 28
West Peachtree place. Ivv 6537-J.
IOR RENT Two nieelx furnished con
necting rooms for light housekeeping;
modern conveniences; block of Lyric thea
ter.l.': West Gain. 10-29-38
BRIGHT second-floor from room, conve
nient to bath; three ear lines or walking
distance to center of city. Ivy 3707-.1.
TW<» rooms for light housekeeping, water
and sink in kitchen. sl2, also one nice
Single bed room; close in. 303 Rawson,
’ between Cooper and Windsor street. At
lanlu phone 3335, 37-29-10
NICELY furnished steam heated front
room; all conveniences; desirable loca
tion on West Peachtree, near Georgian
I Terrace Phone Ivy 3227.10-29-15
; FDR KENT Nicely furnished room: rea
sonable; north side; close in. Ivy
3915-.1. 10 -29 -26
FOR KENT Two connecting furnished
rooms for housekeeping; all conven
iences; sl6. Pulliam street. Phone
Main 4231-. I 10-29-19
TWti furnished rooms for rent; one large
front room furnished or unfurnished. 193
Washington street. Phone Main 3237.
FOR RENT Well ventilated room, steam
heat, large closet, connecting bath, elec
tricity. phone; everything first-class;
walking distance. Main 9088. 33-28-10
NICELY furnished room, all conveniences,
for a couple or two gentlemen in a re
fined home of small family. 375 Citpitol
'avenue. Plume Main 3770-L. 10-29-5
i Fi 'R RENT Two rooms and kitchen, fur*
nished to suit tenant. sls month. 7 Ln
I Fra nee 28-29-10
ONE nicely furnished room; conveniences.
58 East Ellis. Ivy 2403-.110-28-39
NICELY furnished steam-heated front
room, two young men Ivv 5580-J.
■ 10-28-40
385.. J PEACHTREE Nicely furnished
front room: steam heat; electric lights;
i ho' ami told water Phone lvv 2632-. T.
I 10-28-23
Furnished Rooms For Rent
LARGE, front room, nicely furnished,
suitable for three gentlemen; steam
heat: all conveniences. Ivy 252. 10-28-41
NICELY furnished rooms; all conveni
ences; gentlemen only. 255 Courtland
street. 10-28-42
ROOM adjoining bath; steam heat; every
convenience; gentlemen only. 61 East
Cain street. Apt. 5. Ivy 3137.10-28-44
LARGE, nicely furnished room; electric
lights; steam heat; north side: private
family. Ivy 1294-L, 10-28-45
ONE nicely furnished front room; every
convenience; steam heat; near in. 43
East Cain. Ivy 2020-L.lO-28-43
ONE large, two small steam-heated rooms
suitable for four; close in. M.. Box 205,
care Georgian. 10-28-46
NICELY furnished front room in the
Marlborough adjoining bath. Phone Ivy
. 3720.10-28-29
NICELY furnished room adjoining bath.
gentlemen only. 485 Peachtree. 10-28-22
THREE furnished rooms with either one
or two beds at 170 Washington street.
NICELY furnished front room; north side;
tjlose in; one block from Lyric; rates
reasonable. 49 W. Cain, 10-26-61
FOR RENT—In walking distance, be
tween Jackson and Boulevard, eastern
exposure, newly furnished four-room
apartment, S3O; also three-room apart
ment, newly furnished,' S2O; nice section:
locker rooms in basement. Owner. 323
Houston st.B2-26-10
WANTED One or two business ladies to
share nicely furnished housekeeping
room. Phone Ivy 6156.10-26-34
FOR RENT—Newly furnished rooms,
with board: all modern conveniences.
179 North Jackson. Ivy 1907 - J.lO-26-36
FOR RENT —Six furnished rooms in north
side home. Call Ivy 3614-J. 10-26-39
NICELY furnished room with board; all
conveniences. 62 West Baker. Ivy
NICELY furnished front room in steam
heated apartment; bath adjoining’ kji
East Baker. Ivy 2965-L.lO-26-46
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished steam
heated room; verj’ reasonable. AppLv
Frederick Apartments, 352 'Whitehall;
•apartment T>, 63-26-1(1
TWO nicely furnished rooms for house’
keeping: all conveniences; close in:
$3.50 per week. Phone 3058-B. 242 Cen
tral avenue.s7-26-10
WAlTED—Gentleman roomers, $2.50 and
$3 per week. Heart of city. One block
from union depot. Young's Hotel, 27 r -
South Pryor street. 44-26-10
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished steam
heated room, light and airy; near in;
sls. 28 East Alexander. Apartment A.
Ivy 4068.10-26-19
FOUR or five furnished rooms for house
keeping, with all conveniences, will be
vacant on the first. 178 Forrest avenue.
A NICELY furnished, steam heated room,
with or without two beds; adjoining
bath. Call at No. 30 Avalon apartments.
Phone Ivy 5119-J,27-26-10
FOR RENT Two beautifully furnished.
I connecting, cheerful and homelike tirst
floor rooms, with all conveniences; north
side: walking distance; sls and $17.50 per
month. Gentlemen preferred. 74 East
Merritts avenue. 10-25-15
ONE nicely furnished upstairs room. 117
West Baker. Atlanta phone 4555.
FOR RENT -Delightful front room: pri
vate bath: garage; relined home. Peach
tree, care Georgian. 27-23-10
FOR RENT —Nicely furnished rooms;
strictly private home. Gentlemen pre
ferred. 19 East Harris,lo-22-30
FOR RENT—Nice, large rooms, for cou
ple or gentlemen. 210 Spring. Ivy
WANTED—Visitors to come out and see
the great Southwest. Most of them
will want to stay. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of Tlie Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th, will set forth the reasons.
Mailed to any address in United States or
Mexico, 15 cents: Canada or foreign points
25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4
LOOK at our stoves and ranges before
you buy one anywhere. Southern
Stove and Supply Company, 121 White
hall. 10-15-4
NICELY furnished rooms, 50c night, $2.50
a week and up. Broadway Hotel, 7si
N. Broad street. Hot and cold water.
i .... —.. . rx
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
LARGE, unfurnished front room reason
ahle, 243 Courtland street. 54-29-1.0
TWO unfurnished rooms, first floor: price
$5. 11 Broyles st.. Atlanta phone
6037-M. 10-29-29
FOR RENT—-Two, three or four connect
ing unfurnished rooms. 210 South Pryor
FOR RENT—Two or three beautiful
rooms, with electricity. 136 East Lin
den avenue. 50-28-10
FOR RENT—Two or three rooms and
kitchenette, with use of bath. 52 Queen
street. 42-28-10
FOII RENT ’With owner, two or three
connecting rooms; north side. Ivy 2477.
THREE unfurnished looms for light
housekeeping at 82 Angier avenue; hot
and cold water-; on car line.lo-28-3
TWO connecting unfurnished rooms - with
kitchenette for light housekeeping. 64
West Harris. 10-28-6
ON PEACHTREIFroa’d: beyond Buel
head, three upstairs rooms, $5; two
beautiful downstairs rooms, $lO. Virginia,
Georgian. 80-26-10
FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms; also
one furnished first floor front room.
Fine location. Ivy 895-L. 10-26-62
FOR RENT -Two or three unfurnished
connecting rooms, suitable for light
housekeping, at 90 Richardson street.
: 10-26-43
TWO or three large connecting rooms; all
conveniences; private entrance: in cot
tage with couple. 163 Oak street, West
End. 53-26-10
FOR RENT Unfurnished room: close in;
$4, 210 South Pryor.lo-26-25
FOR RENT—One large downstairs room;
all conveniences; cheap; close in. Good
section. 270 Houston street. Phong Ivv
FOR RENT Three large unfurnished
connecting rooms for light housekeep
ing to parties without children. Bell
phone 2868-J. 10-22-3
WANTED —Children to attend the best
schools In the United States. They are
located in Southern California. Bring the
old folks along. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will
tell the story of the most remarkable
school system ever devised Out Decem
ber 25th. Mailed to any address in United
States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or for
eign points, 25 cents. Send in your order
now. 10-21-4
Housekeeping Rooms For Rent.
NEAT rooms for housekeeping close in.
229 Central avenue. 10-23-’’
Fire-Proof Storage.
WE STORE HOUSEHo£jT goods and
pianos, tiffice and warehouse, 239-241
| Edgewood avenue. Ivy 2037. John J.
Woodside Storage Company
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
FOR GENTLEMAN or business woman
one large room, furnished or unfurnished
with steam heat; north side: private
home. Phone Ivy 3570 - J.lO-28-35
FOR RENT —Furnished or unfurnished
large room. Phone Main 3395-L. 10-28-32
ONE furnished or three connecting un
furnished- rooms. 137 West Baker st.
LARGE front room: close in; gas and
batli. 206 ivy street. 10-26-4
ROOMS furnished and unfurnished. 143
Spring street. 10-19-38
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
FURNISHED apartment, two large front
rooms and hall, room with kitchenette,
in handsome home can be had November
1. on car line with 5-minute schedule,
choice location. Bath and telephone.
Couple without children. Northerners
preferred. $27.50 per month. Call at 210
Gould Bldg, Personal interview. 10-29-10
FIVE beautiful sunshiny rooms or three
rooms and two large rooms with kitchen
ette; lovely for winter; bath and modern
conveniences; north side. Phone Ivy 2478.
WANTED—Children to attend the best
schools in the United States. They are
located in Southern California. Bring the
old folks along. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will
tell the story of the most remarkable
school system ever devised. Out Decem
ber 25th. Mailed to any address in United
States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or for
eign points, 25 cents. Send in vour order
now. • 10-21-4
Unfurnished ’Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT—Modern: seven rooms; win
dows all around; sunny porches, yard,
garage; walking distance Owner. 88
Williams, near West Baker. 46-29-10
Furnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished 7-room
house; all modern conveniences. 51
Piedmont Place. Ivy 5733-J. 10-29-12
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
pretty six-room cottage; lot 50 by 200;
choice neighborhood; $25.
A. J. 11. F. WEST.
Phone Main 1754. 10-28-11
FOR RENT- Modern cottages, six rooms
and bath, S2O per month. 192 East Mer
ritts avenue. Phone Ivy 6432.10-28-1
FOR RENT My former home. 108 West
Harris street, twelve large rooms, two
baths, house in good condition; plenty of
light; close in. Phone Ivy 80. 10-28-5
ARTISTIC BUNGALOW, screened, fur
nace. tile bath, gatage Ansley Park,
care Georgian. 26-23-10
HELP WANTED—To develop the resour
ces of Southern California, the land of
progress and new ideas. Read about the Op
portunities in the Ninth Anniversary Edi
tion of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th. Mailed to any address in
UnWed States or Mexico, 15 cents a copy;
Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send
in your order now. 10-21-4
IF YOF want your proper
ty rented list it with me.
We act quick. See Mr. A.
S. Giles. Edwin P. Ansley.
Rent department. Phone
1600. 10-19-53
phone for cur rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochran. 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
■ . ■ ' rz ~~
Stores For Rent.
FOR RENT A new store at 534 Whitehall
street. Suitable for almost any line of
business. It's a great bargain at sls per
month. Apply to Eisetnan & Weil. 1
Whitehall street. 10-29-1
BRICK STORE and six-room cottage-a<T
joining, north side, good location. C.
W. Hatcher, both phones 44, 221 Grant
Bldg. 10-18-4
Office Space For Rent.
HALF of pleasant office for rent. Appb
327 Austell 81dg.85-36- lb
CAN DIVIDE large office in Austell bldg.,
including use of telephone, for $lO. Ad
dress Box 789, care Georgian. 10-26-58
FOR RENT—Desk space with telephone
and stenographic service. Atlanta Build
ers' Exchange, 1510 Candler Bldg. 56-26-10
Desk Space For Rent.
DESK SPACE for rent. Peters Build
ing. Call Main 5258-J. 10-29-46
Garages For Rent. ,
GARAGE for rent. Apply 442 Peachtree.
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
T\\ o furnished rooms for light housekeep
ing; young married couple: West End
preferred. Phone West 1044-J. 39-29-10
Housekeeping Rooms Wanted.
WANTED- F( ur rooms for housekeeping
quick; nortli side preferred. Phone At
lanta 2965. 84 Holdernesp street. 36-29-10
Stables Wanted.
STABLE on north side; near in. Apply
271 Piedmont avenue. Phone ivv 4576.
Sewing Machines.
WE RENT new machines with complete
set of attachments for $2 per month’
also machines repaired; prompt delivery.
Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Ma
chlne Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases.
ROUNTR EE’S 77 vv s H T I R r^ LL
PHONES: Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654
Stove and Range Repairing.
v DAN. Tin: FIXER.
We sell secondhand gas stoves.
We sweep chimneys.
Atlanta Phone 2235. Bell Phone Main 2639
pa ,T’ P rese nt and future oik ‘ideals
on all affairs of life. i 3B Whftehaff stVe
HAVE RETURNED to \tlan ta
now located at 93 Auburn a v«„ a and is
located at 17 East Mitchell sr?*
winter. Anything you desire tM IM ‘
jou are assured truthful an,t to kr “>’r.
facts about it. Readings 25? a p^'VVe
Make no mistake in the place 9’
avenue lin tent), v ' 83 A uburr,
WANTED—Visitors to come
the great Southwest. Most of'th* l ” l Bee
want to stay. The Ninth Will
Edition of The Los Angeles I’il versar J
December 25th, will si? tbrth th e ° ut
Mailed to any address in United St^ sons
Mexico, la cents; Canada or forliw, te ? w
25 cents. Send in your order
Palmist and Life
all affairs of life.Charges^ 11 1 ™ 1 011
Satisfaction guaranteed
WANT to rent bedroom fundmrT f
months; best of condition;
M ._Box 206, care Georgian '
HEATERS. $2.50 to
enough to buy your coal q n „.J° u
e st?e n e d t. SUPPIy C °
fixtures and merchandise of am-
Bell phones Main 1434, Main 187*
hold goods pianos and office furniGr,’
Cash advanced on consignments. CemS
Auction Company, 12 East mu-J. 1!
street. Bell phone Main 2424 g’w*!
clothes and shots. TheS’estia ° r
Decatur street. -27 4!
IVANTED —You to know W M 7C2
cleans all kinds carpets; rugs' a Al
cialty. 1vy3135-J. Atlanta 1818® 145 S A p u e '
burn avenue. 10-2-lj
WANTED—We pay highest" cash
on household goods, pianos and
furniture Cash advanced on cons m
L nen A_ s ’r, s P r,n se r s Auction House ’5
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526
1 MEN'S old clothes ana shoes
Drop a card. I. Bock. 32 Bell street
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
RANGE, in good condition, cost $45 tor
Bry'an. M BO Veda<l °
Fi.K h.Ai.E—Ladies’ black suit and tan
broadcloth motor coat; size 38. Ivy 2051
and large home safes, sls: Hall's bank
and fireproof safes, vault doors, etc C
J. Daniel, 416 Fourth National Bank buitf:
lr> g 9-7-33
SSOO Worth of Music Free.
At this season of the year it is dif
ficult for our salesmen to visit ail of
their prospective customers in time
to be given an opportunity to explain
our prices and terms. In order to
facilitate their work and make everv
visit count, we are offering $5 worth
of music free to every one who is now
ready to take the matter up with one
of our salesmen. Cut this ad out and
mail to us, stating when our sales
man may call on you, how much you
wish to pay cash, etc. Regardless of
whether our salesman can satisfy you
or not. this offer is open to you ff you
will advise us of your intentions to
purchase so as to give us an oppor
tunity to explain to your our prices
and terms. Be sure and state in your
reply when our salesman may visit
your home to talk the piano question
Post Office Box 1623.
Atlanta, Ga.
FOR SALE -Gas stove in good condition,
heat, also coal range. Phone Ivy 808-L
or call 132 East Merritts avenue. 10-29-8
MAJESTIC range, slightly used. Wil! sell
reasonable. Call M. 1368.10-28-21
COAL RANGE for sale. Been used sis
months: half price. Phone Atlanta 3548.
FOR SALE —Office furniture. Remington
typewriter. Underwood typewriter, roll
top desk, cabinet, chairs, etc. 1423 Can
fl ler building. 34-28-18
COMPLETE six-room apartment of fine
household furniture for sale at sacrifice.
45 Williams street, first tioor. 56-20-l4
FGUNIw-The best place for prosperity
and success. Everybody’s doing it.
Come out to Southern California. in®
Ninth Anniversary edition ol /I he lo-
Angeles Examiner will set you right. uu
December 25. Mailed to any address m
United States or Mexico 15 cent® a cop).
Canada or foreign points 25 cents, i
in your order now.i-u-di-
CAST RANGES, with water l»uck. S3O and
up. Southern Stove and Fuppiy ootn
pany. 121 Whitehall.
»• ICS, files, cabinets, new & 2nd hd.
Gookin Bank & Office E<i ui P ment 9 50%i
NEW, beautiful rugs woven from your
old carpet, superior to any in s ® r ’
plain or designed; any size, catajog
free. Oriental Rug Company, Balt g
National Cash
$35-SSO; s6lTs7s and up. Terms easy.
eral exchange allowance. U
60 North Broad Street.
. ‘ registers everythin?-
American Latest improvements
v oifi registers exchtns
Cash All sizes, easy terms
T> •4. Atlanta Cash Register c°
Registers 34 East Alabama Streep
WOOD. ——
SCREENED Jellico. *5.00. <
Main 666-J. Gate City ( ’ oa
, 10->H
Furniture For Sale
housekeepi !]m : mg on r'«"n'
six rooms; living room, m f(]r .
kitchen, three bed rooms, llvnm | . ar |,
nished fumed oak; ‘'’nlng. ’’ w 3U |t«;
English; bed room?, brass be I- ■ , a iso
a Block go-cart and child s (.. rd- u
Fischer piano (rriahogany ■> ” 50-29-”
Place. West 461.
DIXIE BLUE J3 in J u C k %
Every desirable room,
rooms for light housekeeping. ( ;or
locutions, garages, stores n )r m
rent in Atlanta and "’‘Hy'i?,.!. imlletl’ 1
found In “The Georgians Rent
on the Want Ad pages