Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, October 29, 1912, HOME, Page 17, Image 17
FOR PROFIT—GEORGIAN WANT' ADS—USE FOR RESULTS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1912. Auction Sales. XTfXCHANGE — The bcst Climate and e it tn 'lie world for a tired and frost ’™ farm back East. The Ninth An ’’l'.J.arv Edition of The Los Angeles F.x- out December 25th, will tell where •ff" „r P and how to get one. Mailed ’o he! address in United States or Mexico, •"> Canada or foreign points. 25c. ■ s nl 'n vour order now. 10-21-4 TV-rRAiTAI'CTIdN CO., 12 E. Mitchell t h tvs and sells everything; regular 8 , Tuesday and Friday. Bell phone S’n 242 k BROKERS AUCTION HOUSE, 51 "nicatur street. We buy and sell any a everything. Atlanta pnone 2285; Bell Sone -Won 1434. Main IS7. 7-29-20 Auction House, at 25 South “s'rvor street, will buy or sell your LLboltl goods, pianos and office furni- Main 1526.10-3-6 ortiHRDKE Sales Company under new management; will accept your surplus of any kind on consignment; cash canoed * settlement on date of sale. 143 rrvor street. Bell phone Main 1434. .Atlanta phone 2285. 8-6 30 Automobiles. £urf~trade good machine shop for au tomobile. Box 124, Covington, Ga. ton 49-29-10 ffTVF G<’DU little piece of property to ince for new runabout automobile. Auto, care Georgian. 10-29-24 J-pyfr - exchange vacant lot in Decatur for two-passenger car, worth S4OO to SSOO. v h s Hamilton, Decatur, Ga. Phone peratiir 413.10-29-3 tyU'fxcHANGE —the best climate and J e,>n'in the world for a tired and frost hitren farm back East. The Ninth Annl drv Edition of The Los Angeles Ex •mlner out December 25th, will tell where “hev ar eand how to get one. Mailed to onv address in United States or Mexico 15 Cana<’*i or foreign points, 25 cents. 4end in y<’t: * order now.lo-21-4 —' LES FOR SALE. FOR sale —Chalmers 1910 model 5-psa senger touring car; newly painted and good condition. 10 East Fourteenth street. 10-29-45 ijpft SALE—National four-passenger touring car, fully equipped with top, meedometer, electric lights. pres-to-lite •ank etc. Car In perfect condition and recently repainted. Will make a close >rlce for immediate sale, or wdll trade for zood real estate. Eugene V. Haynes. 37 Whitehall street.lo-26-32 WITiT SELL Cadillac, 1912 model, for $1 550; been used only five months; original price $2,100. Inquire L. U. Lar kin. 228 I>eachtree_streeL 10-26-15 WILL SELL Maxwell car for $800; been used ten months; original price $1,600. Annlv L U. Larkin, 228 Peachtree street. ' 10-26-14 Lost and Found. STRAYED from 35 Crumley street, brown but* beaded cow; dark head and neck, short legs. Return to above address and receive reward. 44-29-10 LOST ’Old-fashioned gold bracelet on trip from Inman Park to Sixth and Peachtree street. Reward given for re turn to 81 East Sixth street, or call Ivy 1706-J. l.i'ST Pocketbook Sunday afternoon on corner of Jackson street and Highland avenue or on West Hunter car. Phone Ivy 5235-L.lO-29-7 LOST- On Gordon street about 4 p. m. Monday black leather hand bag contain ing $5 bill and some silver, also postcard addressed Miss Bonnie Hood. 213 Oak street. West End. Reward for return to 213 Oak street. West End. 34-29-10 afternoon on Westview car or In cemetery, gold watch and sig net fob engraved M. B. Return to 260 North Jackson. Phone Ivy 4109. Reward 35-28-10 WANTED—Manufacturers and merchants to help manage the business end of the Panama canal. It Is located at Los An geles, the key to the great Southwest. The Ninth Anniversary edition of The Txw Angeles Examiner, out December 25, will have the facts about this great proj ect. Mailed to any address In United States or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or for >>gn points 25 cents. Send In your or der now. 10-21-4 Money to Loan, sss?7 DO YOU WANT MONEY?? s?s OWNERS, come direct to us. Money in any quantity at 5 to 8 per cent; $200,000 for apartment houses at 6 per cent. We handle purchase money notes, stocks and bonds Randolph Loan Co., 821 Candler Building. Ivy 5069. 10-1-49 WANTED—Families to own some more of those beautiful Southern California homes. It Is a habit, get It. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th, tells how the habit is acquired. Mailed to any ad dress in United States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now.lo-21-4 ON FIRST mortgage real estate security. Home funds and insurance money. Rates 5’4 to 8 per cent interest. We also make monthly payment loans. We can give you the money as soon as titles are ap proved. RALPH 0. COCHRAN CO., 19 S. BROAD ST. L. H. ZURLINE, Loan Manager MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy' payments. Confiden- La! D, H, Tolman, 624 Austell building. Money ox hand for immediate loans on property in or near Atlanta J. E. 'an Valkenburg, 501 Equitable building -6-22 ' WEYMAN A- CONNORS. ESTABLISHED 1890 Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-3 SPECIAL IIOMEFUNDS TO LEND, any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call S. W_Carson, 24 South Broad street. 4-1-17 the prudential in surance CO. of Ameri ca can make you a loan on Atlanta improved property, through their loan corre spondents, Turman, Black & Calhoun, 203-8 Empire Building. 6-7-12-1 FARM LOANS placed In any' amount on Unproved farm lands In Georgia. The southern Mortgage Company, Gould bulld- _ JEWELERS AND BROKERS I- O AN Cv * Ho *< main m \,O JTRICTLY private Without Indorsement Without Collateral Security Without Real Estate Securities Money loaned at LAWFUL RATES. NATIONAL DIS COUNT CO., 301-2 Fourth Nation - Bank Building. HAVE plenty of money to l p nd at lowest rates on Atlanta 'Uid nearby property, either for st Might or monthly payment pt'in. Also for purchasing pur 'hiise money notes. Foster & 2 ’ 1 "H. 11 Edgewood Ave Are you searching for a posltlol '’ 1 ' , r * ad tn the “Situations Wanted <’ol urnr.s o f The Georgian will aasiai you fatly. —----?T S i ßess Opportunities. < Tell , o'i n Tv t J 1 | ne Shop in live Lown; will Westings X change; also water pumps, ton VL 8 alr pump * Box 12 < Coving iUYt'cu re, - 48-29-10 • AL/r- One soda fount out*it chean o^ddr^. iO £ class drv n £°t °PI? ~r 'unity to buy first linerv hnctn2« S ’ c * othin B. shoe and mil- Pglited Large, roomy, well- glass winS. n with electric lighted plate ness L i™r> W „ ln sell stock und busi ——Ox 21 A 1 Ga. JO-28-25 li a bZ E J2j A buyer f,,r a well estab bama T ,aUra U ’°eated in a busy- Ala reTanA-, a . nd „! s considered the best age over •-nn‘ t 'n The monthl y sales aver iX tloK l nI reasonabl.. and long others 1e ? own this business have Si require their attention. Price v lie rLYI part ?ulars address the Nash- Bldl B Vo s eS n Ex ,change, No. 528 Cole pidg,, Nashville, Tenn. 10-28-24 1 , c - s , surveying and mapping course for sale cheap. Box 277, ca/e Georgian g-;- 46-25-10 1 nnn SA LE—Dental office outfit, with $3,- 7 ? o <’ a br’ ual practice. Write P. O. Box ‘'■ Milledgeville, Ga. 52-23-10 F Q fi ■ salj E— One well established Un Far or tln and plumbing together. For further particulars write W. H. R. Schroeder. P Cl Box 54. Americus, Ga a NTED —Families to own some more of those beautiful Southern California homes. It Is a habit, get it. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th, tells how the habit is acquired Mailed to anv ad dress in United States or Mexico 15 cents; anada or foreign points; 25 cents. Send In your order now. 10-21-4 Real Estate For Sale. SALE —On one of the best streets of West End. new bungalow, seven rooms* large corner lot, near car line; all con veniences; granite front, sleeping porch, handsome interior and fixtures; construc tion will bear close inspection. I need money. Any one with SI,OOO cash can se ! cure a rare bargain. Places like this are scarce. Owner, Box 212, care Georgian. 10-29-20 $275 -MY EQUITY’ in first-class cottage; worth $600; investigate at once. Ad dress A., Box 250, care Georgian. HAVE 40 acres of irrigated land In the famous apple country of southern Idaho; I win balls tract. Will trade for real es tate around Atlanta or a No. 1 automo bile. Apply 914 Austell Bldg., Atlanta. Ga FOR SALE -Bungalow: five rooms; new; on high ground; shady; Anniston ave nue; .half block from South Decatur car line; $1,700; to owner. Ivy 828-.1. 10-26-35 FOR SALE- -Five-room cottage, just be low Fort Walker, off South Boulevard, at 8 Grady avenue; $1,500; cheattest home in Grant park section. Answer J C. Glore, P, O, Box 50, Atlanta. 43-26-10 ONE-ACRE LOTS. WE HAVE a few' lots of one-half to one I and one-half acres at $450 to $750 each; I terms $lO monthly; elevated and wooded; | only 20 minutes' ride from the postoffice; lon car line to Marietta; a splendid in vestment. Bailey & Rowland. 1520 Fourth National Bank Bldg. Bell phone M. 3217. I TWO new bungalows In Kirkwood; will sell cheap, or will exchange for vacant property or purchase money notes. Ad dress J., Box 700, care Georgian. 110-22-34 WANTED —One hundred thousand ready made families to share in the prosperity of Southern California. The Ninth Anni versary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex aminer, out December 25th, will tell why' and how. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents a copy; Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now.lo-21-4 THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern borne unless it is wired for electricity. Real Estate Wanted. FARM. WE HAVE a client for 10 to 20- acre tract on cherted road near Atlanta. If you want to sell see us quick. ATLANTA SUBURBAN REAL- TY COMPANY. 31 Inman Building. M. 2053. For Exchange—Real Estate. BARGAIN in north side lot which I want to exchange for piece of negro property. My lot valued at $1,200. W. H. C., _care Georgian. 10-26-20 Farms For Saie. JUST THINK, 190L 2 acres near Stone Mountain for $2,000 cash. A. H. Nelson. 32 East Alabama st.9l-26-10 ■WANTED —Ships of all kinds to burn California oil and carry merchandise for the port of Los Angeles to and from the Panama Canal. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th. tells just what the canal will do to Southern California. Mailed to any' address in United States or Mexico, 15 cents: Canada or foreign points. 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Farms for Rent. WANTEIU-One hundred thousand ready made families to share in the prosper ity of Southern California. The Ninth An niversary Edition of The I.os Angeles Ex aminer out December 25th. will tell why and how Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico. 15 cents a copy; Can ada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10--1-4 Railroad Schedule, so rn lwa y. “PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH’ ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS, ATLANTA. The following schedule figures are pub lished only as information, and are not guaranteed: No Arrive From—|No. Depart To— -35 N Y0rk..6:00 ami 36 N. Yorkl2:lsam it "l ixvi11e...5:20 am' 20 Col'bus. 5:20 am Was ton 5.25 am 13 Clncl. 5:30 am 12 Sh'port.. 6:30 ami 32 Ft. Yal. 5:30 am io jaxville. 6:50 am 35 B'ham.. 5:45 am •1" Toccoa . 8:10 am 7 C'nooga 6:40 am Heflin .. 8:20 am 12 R’mond 6:55 am 29 N York 8:20 am 23 K. City. 7:00 am rhat'ga.lo:3s am, 16 Bruns'k 7:45 am 7 Macon. 10:40 am 29 8’ham..10:45 am 97 Ft Vai..10:45 am i 38 N. Yorkll:0lam 2t Corbus. l0:50 am 40 Ch'l’tte 12:00 n’n « rinci.....11:10 am! 6 Mac0n..12:20 pm 99 Col'bus . 1:40 pin 30 C’bu5....12:30 pm 20 B’ham 2:30 pm: 30 N. York 2:45 pm an 8’ham..13:40 pm: 15 C’nooga 3:00 pm to Ch’lotte 3:55 pm 39 B’ham... 4:10 pm Atacon . 4:00 pm *lB Toccoa. 4:30 pm 2" N York 5.00 pm' 22 Col'bus. 5:10 pm 15 Bruns'k 7:50 pm 6 C1nc1.... 5:10 pm it R’mond 8:30 pm ■ 28 Ft. Vai. 6:20 pm •>4 K City 9:20 pm 35 Heflin... 5:45 pm 16 C'nooga 9:35 pmi 10 Macon.. 5:30 pm in Col'bus 10.20 pm 44 Wnsh'n. 8:45 pm 21 Ft Vai. 10:25pm! 24 Jaxville. 9:30 pm 26 B’ham .12:00 ngt i 11 Sh'port.ll:lo pm 14 Clncl ...11:00 pml 14 J'xville 11:10 pm Trains marked thus (•) run daily, ex- other trains run daily. Central time, city Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree St. READ F3R PROFIT USE FOU RESULTS. GEORGIAN WANT ADS LDITtD JUP j£. IJ. MARSHALL. Poultry Show Notes By PERCY 11. WHITING. The ninth annual poultry show is a So i— the best ever—the classiest show ing of birds that Dixie ever knew! The difference between a real show and the other kind is impressive. There have been shows in which the real fan ciers had to spend hours prowling through a vast collection of coops, gaz ing at 2,000 barnyard specimens in or der to locate the 1,000 fowls which really had some class. At this show the barnyards are en tirely eliminated. It is a real poultry show of real poultry. A prominent Northern exhibitor of Orpingtons was a dazed looking indi vidual before the judging began. “Say, this is a regular Madison Square proposition," he said. "Here we come down looking for an average Southern show and find Owen Farms, the best of Cook's stuff, as repre sented by Mrs. Upson’s birds; and the best of Cook's and of foreign breeders, as shown by Mr. Candler. Why, a top notch string of Orpingtons is lucky to get one first with a dozen birds! All Monday afternoon the Candler showing of bears, monkeys, bantams and fancy' fowls was the center of at traction at the Auditorium-Armory. Never before in Dixie has any more beautiful collection of pheasants been seen. Some of those shown by Mr. Candler are marvelously beautiful in coloring and were a revelation to those who supposed the pheasant a bird of no unusual plumage. W. J, Stoddard’s showing of Par tridge Plymouth Rocks is attracting big attention. Owing to the fact that Mr. Stoddard was called out with the mili tia just at the time he was finishing the conditioning of his birds, they are not in as perfect shape as they would otherwise have been, but for all that they are fine specimens of the variety. Paul Wright’s big winnings In the White Rock class were not in the least I unexpected. This breeder has been' forging to the front with amazing ra pidity in the last few years. At the' show last year he was a moderate win- ’ ner. This year he did considerably bet- | ter Sales were reported good yesterday. ’ Mrs. L. L. Upson, of Athens, who is i showing some wonderful Orpingtons of the Cook strain, said, “It is wonderful how many orders I booked, even be- ' fore the crowds came. Just standing around and talking birds, I was able to make a number of sales.” Apparently, the Show is bound to be a big money-maker for the exhibitors. | There is every' reason why' sales, par ticularly' of stock, should be big. Last season was a notoriously bad hatching season. Nobody had any luck. The result was a shortage of stock. This was particularly true in the South, where the spring was marvelously' bad —just one long succession of cold rains that made the hatching of chickens and the rearing a most puzzling perform ance. In consequence, everybody in the business needs more stock and everybody is going to hatch more birds Judge Marshall will be glad to answer in this department questions on all points of rearing utility and fancy poultry. He can not undertake, however, to reply personally to such let ters of inquiry. Address Judge F. J, Marshall, College Park, Ga. Leghorns. 150 FINE White Leghorns $1 each. L. S. Bottenfield. Phone 27-J Decatur, Ga. 10-19-17 FOR SALE -Thoroughbred S. C. White Leghorn pullets; good stock. E. B. Havey, Box 81, Lithonia, Ga. 10-23-15 R. I, Reds. IF YOU WANT a bargain In Reds, see me during the next few days; have sold my farm; must sell stock females, $1.50 to $.3; males, $1.50 to $lO. J, I. Hosford, East Point, Ga. Bell phone. 10-25-32 • Plymouth Rocks. WANTED to buy a coop or registered or full-blooded Barred Rocks. Must be reasonable. Phone Mrs. Smith at office. East Point 79-L. 10-29-44 Ducks. INDIAN RUNNERS —White and Fawn and White. Grown stock, ducklings and eggs. Prices right. Satisfaction guaran teed. Georgia Duck Farm, Smyrna. Ga. RAY’S RACY’ RUNNERS are the best White Runner ducks; they are prize winners in the hottest competition; lay pure white, delicious egg“ See our string of beauties at the show: stock for sale; eggs from pen headed by “Georgia King" and four prize-winning ducks at $5 per setting of twelve. Snowhite Poultry Y'ards, O. O. Ray, Manager, Kirkwood, Ga. 10-25-24 Fife’s Pure White Runners WON on every entry last two Atlanta shows. I offer a limited number of fine young matured stock bred from my all prize pens. Special prices on drakes. George C. Fife. Box 1181, Atlanta. 10-24-23 Eggs. : THOROUGHBRED Ruff Orpington eggs, $1 per 15. 126 Windsor street. Alain 3588. 10-9-15 Incubators. Buckeye Incubators. NEXT WEEK at the big poultry show we will show the new 1913 models. 60, 175. ' 250 and 350-egg capacity. Awarded gold i medal and highest honors at the Chicago World’s fair. 1913. and at the St. Louis ex ; position in 1904. They are the world's best ' hatchers Get a catalogue Marbut & i Minor, East Atlanta. Ga. Both phones 10-23-27 Dogs. | --Z-x-XZZsZx-z Z—'ZzXA^ZVXZx*ZXZ--.-..-'Z , Z*Z-Z- —z I EOR SALK Coon und opossum dogs; fox | and cat hounds. M. L. Crawford. Tiger. Ga. IV 12-53 this winter, buy’ stock aryl make plans for an early start next spring. For another thing, these are good times in the South—and especially in Georgia. Money is plentiful—and that helps the chicken business. There were failures to exhibit birds entered. In one or two cases entrants were frightened out by the class of the exhibits, but in the main everybody who entered took the chance and sent in their birds. Mrs. Don Donaldson, of Decatur, is showing some fine Reds at the show. She has one pullet in particular that is a spectacular specimen and has a color rarely equalled by a Rhode Island Red. Oak Dean Farm, of Stone Mountain, is on hand, as usual, showing Indian Runner ducks, Pekin ducks and White Wyandottes. Harry H. Summey is in charge of the exhibit. He and his string of fowls will make most of the Georgia shows this season. Mr. Summey announces that the De- Kalb county poultry show has been abandoned. F. A. Goodlin, representing The In dustrious Hen, of Knoxville, is on the ground and is writing subscriptions ga lore to his magazine. The Hen is eas ily the greatest of Southern poultry magazines. It is being steadily im proved in pictures and in reading mat ter, and it is forging its way to the front. Right now it ranks with the best in the country. Another representative of the poultry press is O. T. Hallman, who travels the Southern shows for Reliable Poultry Journal. Mr. Hallman has been mak ing yearly visits to the Georgia Poul try association’s show for many years and is well known to poultrymen. His paper is among the best of the poultry monthlies. Mrs. L. L. Upson, of Athens, has a fine display of Buff, Black and White Orpingtons, and the breeders that are competing against her in this line will certainly have to show some fine fowls to capture first premiums. She has pens in each variety, and also single entries in each class. G. R. Berry, the Barred Rock man of Rome, Ga., is here taking in the show. So also is M. H. Collins, breeder of Barred Rocks, of Fairburn. They both say the show this season has more quality than the one last year. Both of them are enthusiastic over the com ing season in the poultry world. The Bantamry, Atlanta. Ga., have a swell entry of Bantams, showing over forty. They are high-class birds in their line, some having taken first prizes at Madison Square Garden show. Joe Brown Connally and John S. Mc- Creight are the owners of Bantamry. Barrett Phinlzy and his string of Rhode Island Reds are on hand and are ready for the struggle. Mr. Phinizy’s chickens have been making all kinds of records at the shows held so far this year, and he will make his usual strong bid in the R. I. R. line. Poultry—Miscellaneous. ' Vlli,e in Atlanta at the show this week, don't fail to call or. Cole .v George, 33 West Eml place if you want to pick up some bargains’ in Anconas ami JViitte (Irpingtons. 10-29-18 1 ! r ALI 'i <>n •■'‘■'■"'tnTTif mov- Ing, I offer for sale my entire stock of fancy and utility poultry. 125 fine S. C. R. I. Reds 75 Barred Rocks, 50 White Leghorns, 25 Cornish Indians and 15 White m r, tai? ,On ‘l' tnT5 ese were all raised in IJII and 1912 and are of the very best strains. M ill sell single birds or pens but would like to have some offers for the entire lot or by varieties. Many blue ribbon winners. Birds range in value from $1 to $25. A. A. Webb, Adel. Ga ' 10-26-28 U’J* SALE—Pure strain S. C. R. I Red B. P. Rock and Light Brahma hens, pul lets and cockerels at $1 and $1 50 each Irio Poultry Yards. Gordon. Ga 10-25-17 H. G. ilAS’i iNGS~&~Cb?r~ Seedsmen for the South, 16 West Mitehell street. Four City De liveries Daily. North ’ and South Side 9 a. m., Inman Park and West End 2 p. m. Bell Phone M. 25G8, Atlanta 25G8. BEGIN NOW FEEDING YOL'R HENS a good laying tonic. We recommend either of the following as being good: Conkcv's I-tylng Tonic. Lee's Egg Maker ami Rust's l roducer, unu 50c pu.ckcigcs of each. CONKEY'S ROUP REMEDY is "a sure cure for roup. Once tried, von will al ways keep it handy. Price, 25c, 50c and $1 a box. MEDICATED salt brier f,, r each. Pure Pressed Salt Brick for stock and pigeons, 15c each, or two for 25c. IF YOU WANT A BEAUTIFUL LAWN it will pay you to try Hastings' Ever-' green Uwn Mixture this season* 20c a pound; 3(4 pounds 65c; 14 pounds the standard bushel, $2.50. SAVE THOSE SOREHEAD FOWLsTdUi i t'onkey's Chicken Pox Remedy Price 50c a box. WHEAT It I.*A N, alfalfa rm a 1 wh. >le . rt chicken wheat, shorts, poultry bone' shell, grit, -rushed oyster shell, ’ and beef scraps. Cows. T WENT Y-FOU dairy cows, all fresh served July 1. : will be sold to highest bidder l Wednesday. October 30. 224 De catur street. S. M. Davis. Main 676. Stands rd 831. 10-26-12 i (CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN.)" Poultry, Pet and Live Stock. Ho SL _ BERKSHIRE PIGS I have for quick sale one hundred and twenty choice, long bodied, big boned English Berkshire pigs at $lO each. Buy some ami watch vour money grow. Joe J. Battle, Moultrie/Ga. 10-23-36 ILUMWORTH HOGS Boars, brood sowa an<l pigs from America’s best registered Tam worths. The bacon hog for the South They grow as large in twelve months as oth* r breeds in eighteen to twenty-four. Correspondence solicited. R. K. Ragland, Talbotton, Ga. 10-21-38 Monkeys. FOR SALE--Mamoset monkey, amiable and intelligent, only $lO. Call Main ’315 or address M.. care General Delivery, Atlanta. 10-28-36 Legal Notices. ADM I NI STRATOrY GEORGIA—FuIton County. By virtue of an order of the court of ordinary of said county, granted at the October term. 1912, will be sold before the court house door of said county, on the first Tuesday In November next, with in the legal hours of sale, the following property of the estate of Mrs. Nancy C. Moore, deceased, to-wit: Lying and be ing in the city of Atlanta, being part of land lot 76, of the Fourteenth district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, Georgia; more particularly described as follows: Beginning on the north side of Richardson street, thirty-two (32) feet east of Formwait street, at Noyes’ line, and running thence east along the north side of Richardson street thirty-two (32) feet; thence north one hundred and five (105) feet; thence west along Balch's line thirty-two (32) feet; thence south one hundred and five (105) feet, to beginning point; being No. 156 Richardson street. Subject to a loan of $2,000, in favor of Joseph Fader, of Shelby county. Tennes see, maturing June I, 1916, interest paya ble semi-annually at 6 per cent. Terms cash, subject to $2,000 loan. TOLLIE KIRBY MotlßE, Administrator Estate of Mrs. Nancy C. Moore. Forrest & George Adair, Auctioneers. APPLICATION FOR TRUST AND BANK CHARTER To the Secretary of State for the State of Georgia: The petition and declaration of Keats Speed. H. C. Bagley. I’. C. McDuffie, George. J. Yundt, F. E. Mackie respect fully shows: That they have associated themselves together for the purpose of organizing and carrying on the business of a trust and banking company, under the provisions of Sections 1903 et seq. of the code of Geor gia of 1895, and the acts amendatory thereof, and under the act of the general assembly of Georgia approved December 23, 1898, providing for the incorporation of trust companies, and do hereby declare as follows: 1. The name and style of the proposed corporation is Citizens Savings Bank and Trust Company. 2. The location of the principal office thereof shall be in Atlanta. Georgia. 3. The duration of the corporation shall be for thirty years. 4. The amount of its capital stock is <$190,000) one hundred thousand dollars, divided into 1,000 shares of the value of SIOO each, with the privilege of increasing same, according to law. 5. That the purposes and nature of the business of the proposed corporation are the organization and conduct of all such business as can be legally conducted by either or both trust companies or banks under the laws of Georgia. 6. That they desire all the rights, pow ers and privileges which the laws of Geor gia authorize the exercise of by either or both banking and trust companies. 7. That of the capital stock subscribed, over $25,000 has been actually paid in by the subscribers, and the same is in fact held and is to be used solely for the busi ness and purposes of the corporation. 8. That notice, as required by law, of the intention of petitioners to organize such corporation, has been published once a week for four weeks in The Atlanta Georgian and News, the official organ of Fulton county. In witness whereof, we severally do hereunto subscribe our respective names with our respective resident's this 19th day of October, 191.2. P. C. M'Dt'FFIE, Atlanta, Ga. F. E. MACKLE. Atlanta, Ga. H. C. BAGLEY. Atlanta. Ga. KEATS speed; Allanta, Ga. GEORGE J. YUNDT, Atlanta, Ga. STATE OF GEORGIA. Office of Secretary of State. I. Philip Cook, secretary of state of the state of Georgia, do hereby certify That the two (2) pages of printed ami written matter hereto attached, contain a true and correct copy of the application of the incorporators of Citizens Savings Bank and Trust Company for charter as the original of same appears of tile in this of fice. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office at the capitol, in the city of At lanta, this 21st da<’ of. October, in the rear of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twelve and of the Inde pendence of the United States of America One Hundred and Thirty-seventh. PHILIP COOK, 10-22-19. Secretary of State. A Submitting a proposed amendment to the constitution of the state of Georgia, to be voted on at the general state elec tion to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 1912, said amendment relating to the power of the general assembly to exempt from taxation public property, so that the general assembly may exempt from taxation certain farm products. By His Excellency, Joseph M. Brown, Governor. State of Georgia. Executive Department, August 24. 1912. Whereas, the general assembly at its session in 1912 proposed an amendment to the constitution of this state as set forth in an act approved August 6, 1912, to-wit: An act to amend article 7, section .’I, paragraph 2 vt the. constitution of this state, which relates to Hie power of the general assembly to exempt from taxation public property, so that the general as sembly inay exempt from taxation cer tain farm products, and for other pur poses. Section 1. Be it enacted by the gen eral assembly of Georgia and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That irtlcle 7. section 2. paragraph 2 of Hie constitution of this state be and the same is hereby amended by adding to and .it the end of said paragraph the follow ng words: "The general assembly shall further have power to exempt from tax ation farm products, including baled cot ton. grown in this state and remaining in tlie hands of the producer, but not onger than for the year next after theli production.” Section 2. Be it further enacted, That if this constitutional amendment shall be igreed to by two-thlrds of the members J Hie general assembly of tach house, the same shall be entered on their jour nals, with the ayes anti nays taken there on, and the governor shall cause the amendment to bt published in one or tnor ■ f the newspapers in each congressional district for two months Immediately pre ceding the next general election, anti the same shall be submitt'd to the people at Hie next general election and the voters thereat shall have written or printed on their ticket "For ratification of tunend ment of article 7, section 2, paragraph 2 of the constitution «f tills state" (for au thorise ng tire general assembly to exempt from taxation farm products), or “Against ratification of amendment of article 7. sec tion 2. paragraplt 2 of the constitution of this state" 'against authorizing the gen eral assemblj to exempt taxation farm products) as they may choose, and if a majority of the electors (pmlilied to vote for members of the next general assem bly voting shall vote in favor of ratifica tion. then said amendment shall become a part of at ticlt 7. .section 2. paragraph 2 of the constitution of this slate, anti the governor shall make proclamation thereof. He It further enacted that all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act be, anti ti e same are repealed. Now. therefore, I, Joseph M Brown, governor of said state, do issue this my proclamation hereby declaring that the foregoing proposed amendment to the constitution is submitted for ratification or rejection to the voter:- of the state qualified to vote for members ot the gen eral assembly at tin' general election to be held on Toestlay, November 5, 1912 IDSEI’H M BROWN, Governor. By tie < tovi • nor: ■ J’HlLir COOK, Secretary of State Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND LOANS. / Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 EDGE WO )D AVENUE Atlanta Phone 1881. ’•IF YOU SEE IT 1 N OUR AD., IT’S SO.” FOR SALE. fine country home in the city limits of Marietta, Ga. Fronts paved road, i louse contains nine rooms and is two lories; large barn, tenant house; assort ed fruits, running water. This place con tains 45 acres; land lies well; plenty of yood; city water in front; electric lights; tine shade. This is an ideal country • ome; reasonable terms. For full partic ulars, see Mr. Eve. A GOOD cross street, just half block off one of the main south side streets, a neat six-room cottage with hall running through the center; in good condition and renting t.ll the time for $25 per month; on lot 50x14(1 feet with alley on side; $2,650; SSOO cash am l balance $25 per month. Buy this and let the rent do the rest. See Mr. Bradford. IN a manufacturing district, eight houses renting to white tenants for $64 a month, not counting the water rent; on lot 100 feet square; $5,500; one-half eash, balance can run. See Mr. White. IN IN'MAN PARK, near Edgewood ave nue car line, a two-story eleven-room house, on lot 50x140, with alley on the side; a real bargain for $4,150. Terms can be arranged. See Mr. White. If You Have Money to Le FOR RENT. FLA TS. NO - ' lo ° PIEDMONT AVENUE. MII HA\ 1. several very desirable flats a this number; from four to eight rooms; all conveniences, except heat. Prices from sls to $25. This property is in tip-top condition, and is exceedingly cheap at above prices. WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of everything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 AUBURN AVENUE PHONE MAIN 618 FOR RENT 16-r. h., 605 Washinton streets7s.oo 5-r. h., Lakewood Heights $25.00 8-r. h., 334 Central avenue 30.00 5-r. h., 178 Ormond street 18.00 8-r. h., 452 Capitol avenue 30.00 4-r. h.. 230 S. Humphries street 12.60 8-r. h., 618 Edgewood avenue 40.00 APARTMENTS 7-r. h., College Park 16.00 406 South Pryor street, 4 and 5- 7-r. h.. 442 U South Pryor street... 28.60 rooms, new, each 25.00 7-r. h., 483 Capitol avenue 25.00 4 Confederate avenue, 6 rooms 25.00 6-r. h.. 695 Capitol avenue 20.00 10 Confederate avenue, 6 rooms, 6-r. h., 98 Boulevard place 20.00 furnished 35.00 5-r. h., 70 Norcross street2o.oo 456 Capitol avenue, 4 rooms 16.50 Empire Trust and Safe Deposit Co. EMPIRE BUILDING. FOR RENT. (105 Washington st., 16 rooms ..$75.00 I 199 S. Forsyth st.. 8 rooms ....$37.50 10 Clifford st., 10 rooms ....$40.00 | 64 Currier st.. 7 roomssso.oo 24 Bedford place, 10 rooms ....$32.50 i 621 North Jackson st., 7 rooms ..$50.00 19 Columbia ave„ 9 rooms ....$50.00 I 69 Highland ave., <> rooms ....$36.50 600 Flat Shoals road, 8 rooms ..$35.00 | 176 Grant st., 6 r00m5532.50 Ralph O. Cochran Company HEAL ESTATE, RENTING AND LOANS. .19 SOUTH BROAD STREET. Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale. HERE IS A SNAP SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE and basement, also two rooms in rear ot lot. Lot 50x200 to alley, on GREENWOOD AVENUE, within 100 YARDS OF HIGHLAND AVENUE CAR LINE. CITY IMPROVEMENTS. PRICE $3,250. $250 cash. $22 per month. (This place should rent for $25.) Call at once on ATLANTA DEV ELOPMENT CO. 609-13 THIRD NATIONAL BANK Rl/DG. PHONE 2181 IVY Washington Street WE HAVE 18-room home <>n a large, elevated, east front lot, that we can sell on easy terms or ex change for central property. HARPER REALTY COMPANY 717 Third National Bank Building. Bell Phone Ivy 4286. Atlanta Phone 672. FOIURENT No. 20 Curr er Street. A BEAUTIFUL 7-room coitage, close to Peachtree street and within walk ng distance of the business district. Take a look at t lis place before you rent. Price SSO per month. EDWIN P. ANSLEY Ivy 1600. REALTY TRUST BUILDING. Atlanta 363 BUILDING BUNC.ALOWS-LARGE LOTS—ORMEWOOD PARK BUILDING FOUR NOW. SEE THEM. A most desirable suburb, chermd roads, good ear service, water, electric lights, everything to make yu.. comfortable. WILL BUILD TO SUIT YOUR IDE AS. WILL ARRANGE TERMS TO SUIT YOU. CALL UP. J. R. McADAMS BELL PHONE MAIN 42ir.-J. ATLANTA PHONE 6027-M. INMAN PARK BUNGALOW. BCILT BY OWNER, who is moving to country; stone front, furnace heat, six r. "ins, large bath, big basement, lot 50x150 and perfectly level; Yale locks and best of everything. If sold by next Monday, will take >4.710 for It. Small cash payment will do. This is a little beauty and worth SI,OOO more than is asked. WILSON BROS. PHONE M. 4411-. T. 701 EMPIRE BLDG WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDINtt I'hone 3106 .Main. HERE IS A GEM Steam heat, hardwood flo ors, tile floor, front porch and bath; beautiful ceiling beams, stone mantel, ha'uimered brass gas and electric fix tures, book cases with leaded glass front* plate rail, birch veneered doors, but ler's pantry, stone steps We honestly believe ti at there is not a beter value in a new 6-ioom home in Atlanta. The location and surroundings are tlie best. It Can lie had for $1,900 cash, balance $49 per month. The property looks better than this description sounds. $4,650 HEHi: is another bargain, 7-room. story and a half, nearly new bungalow; It is located in splendid resident section, lot 50x160 feet; no loan to assume, SSOO cash, b.ilanee 535 per month. To see this is to buy it 'VEST END Here is a dandy 6-room here in \Ves* End, east front, close to caf line, splendid arrangement and this is SSOO under tue actual value. We have .•mother 6-room with furnace heat and hardwood floors for $4,100 This Is l hennty Terms easy. LET us do your building Make easy terms! , FOR RENT. 6-r. h.. Fair street and 3 acres of ground SIB.OO 6-r. h., 109 Greenwood avenue 35.00 6-r. h., 339 Ormond street 25.00 6-r. h.. Malden lane and Howard, College Park 25.00 6-r. h., 285 East Georgia and store attached 12.50 6-r h.. 27 West f air street 25.0*9 6-r. h., 289 East Fifth street 32.50 6-r. h.. r. 62 Candler street, De- catur 10.00 6-r. h., 21 Clay street, Kirkwood... 17.50 6-r. h., East Fair street 20.00 6-r. h., 108 Mansfield 25.00 6-r. h 406 Fraser street 18 60 6-r. h., 11 Helena, Battle Hill .... 10.00 6-r. h.. 48 Lucile avenue, West End 32.50 6-r. h., 244 Crew street 22.50 6r. h.. 11l LaFrance, Edgewood, Ga 17.50 6-r. h., Boulevard DeKalb, corner Morgan 15.00 6-r. h., 234 Chapel and 1 acre of ground 21.00 6-r. h.. 21 Florida avenue, Battle Hill 10.00 6-r. h., Corner Boulevard DeKalb and Clifton 17.50 6-r. h., Rockyford road, Kirkwood... 21.00 6-r. h., Holderness street and 3 acres of ground 11.00 nd. We Can Place it Safely. 17