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1 End=of=the=Month Sale: A “Cleanup” of Broken Lines-Great Bargains !
'IJI ——____ ————— . ,
feß I . . «r . | Merchandise doesn’t last long in this big. busy store. Lines soon become
IB Waists, EZ broken, stocks dwindle to odds and ends, much merchandise becomes soiled from display. Women’s SI.OO •£
Worth to $3, at Guv Now we just can't have all this merchandise cluttering up stocks and inter- IlfliOTl SllitS at
Nearly all the white waists that t ering with regular lines—Rich’s stocks must always be clean, fresh and attractive.
<5! were carried over from the sum- -"--So every department manager has been set to rumaging—each has brought $1 L nion Suits at 50c JjC
131 ' 'fcV* n ° V £ IOU P e( I 59c, forth all his odd lots, broken lines, and odds and ends, and marked them at a price to clear them ver ß S j art of the
C t 0 . quickly. Many of the best items in lots too small to advertise. WJSL anTxptaXn FoSeom ■ SE
Choose from lingeries in high and low y an explanation, r ortncom
necks, long and short sleeves. Were $1 to The sale lasts two days—Wednesday and Thursday. But we have no way of knowing how long
sj* $1.50. Also lingeries of finer qualities, dain- these various lots will last, so we can accept no phone or mail orders. Sale starts Wednesday at V WWwi P a ? ( icular .
£B tily trimmed, worth to $3. Peter Pan styles 8:30 a. m. ' I | calls these seconds, but
of sheer linen lawn with initials on pocket, |ta» n| I you’ll have to be lynx-
fei were sl.7s—a very few tailored linen waists All Charge Purchases Made During This Sale Will Not Be Payable Until December Ist (M; A ey ® d t 0 find the hu f ta \ BB""
that were $2.50. Choice of several rn biffl Mh rhe sults are perfectly
-T* hundred in all and only’.OifC / = \ II |\W eat and fashioned, made of a W-
TB ' i ll®M fine soft rlbbed Sea Island
(Ready-to-Wear—Second Floor) 1 I" l|///|/j|/ * cotton. Full length sleeves, I
JB —————— ankle lengths, shaped body,
f-- ■ * r” Ci qr mercerized taped and crochet trimmed and pearl
I tlfllPC rUfIP 7S a> • ■ .. buttons such as shown. Fine elastic white rib-
M. J # LiUUIVj I HIV W W 4 4 0 < j • T bed- AH sizes - Worth regularly sl, at only 50c.
| French Gloves at OOC JJVIOSt SCllSjtiOlljl COfSCt NfWS
> That Atlanta Women Ever Read Over Our Name 5
J? we sold over 1,000 pair at 69c. xwauwu VUI Xiamv from top to bottom, so not to be confused S?
For these $1.25 gloves at 83c are an I , with the silk boot hose commonly offered
equally good value. Made of specially se- I at this price. Finely finished and full sash-
3* lected French lamb skins; perfect in tan- Tho IZ/sr-v NoiVoet nnrl Finoct ioned ( mi ghty unusual to get full sash-
nage and clear in color. Faultless in fit * “'J I*CU/cSI UTIU r IflCSl ioned silk stockings at 49c). Service as-
JBl and beautifully finished in every detail. a a I D ] sured by the lisle heel, sole and toe, and
The gloves are two-clasp style, over- CzOFSCtS \jTCdtly tSQIOUI) lisle garter top. Some have garter tops
seam sewn. Have three rows of self-colored !ynv.;.-:'MEr r r r ned - Chiefly in black, a few
” embroidery stitching on back. All sizes, in HALF PRICE odd c(dors -
» white, black, navy, brown, gray, dark red, " Children’s ISc Stockings, 11c
r -w- 'T'TTT' r-'r-'r* xTT''tT?r-* Serviceable stockings for sturdy boys and girls.
N. B.—We’ll be too busy to try any on, accept Vjg TTEKEb IHE BEb 1 COKbEI NEWS Medium and heavy ribbed, fast black, stainless.
phone orders or make exchanges ‘MHJWSISaf'' ‘r¥ /rF\ I 1 fW ™ on v otbov 0+z,..« Spliced heel, double sole and double knee. AJI
)- (Gloves—Main Floor) / ."/ JL JL that we or any other Southern store ever slzes .
——— /_Z ' printed. We have been favored with the (Hosiery and Underwear—Second Floor)
I in An Anthc C 2 AQ SQ./ •/■ { ' 1 T entire sample line of the renowned Madame Grace
W Lin&n UlUulb •JbJ.Uy IIIpW I ' ? / corsets —corsets that are absolutely the last word End=Of-thC=Moilth Sale Os '5 s
28 Small lot of linen damask table cloths in beautiful materials, exquisite workmanship and .
2® for round tables. Size 48 and 54 inches ||Sh| 7 ‘ I graceful styles. LntfininieQ HdlS 3!IU Isl HUH lllgS
with neat scalloped edges. Choice designs. '*k. : JI / Since these are the samples from which the maker Rare chances
2? Odd Table Cloths Save a Third '\ / convinced buyers “from Missouri,” you may be sure that in this End-
About a score of aii linen cloths without nap- each corset is as perfect as the maker could create. Every of-the-Month 2=
kins to match. Variously in sizes from 2 yards to y COPSet is of this season —each model is absolutely UCW. •‘ale o r
'*■ 2 1-2 yards square. All at about a third less than r°MtlH a ril? tilr biai l'\\Vhy'rTWTKbWh mi. . • , , v x > . • clever worn ■<.
e* regular prices. J The materials in these corsets are of the hnest im- en to (> ic k gs
2B J 9C /pl 4 ported batiste, coutil and silk and satin brocades and broches All are U p material Z 3
JbC lowels, Z3C // II lll filled with the genuine whaleboning. The models are the very newest fL a new hat at verv little nrices For ex-
j A fi OU H oo n nen h UCk m\ e a bnJders Ua NMt fl dT —perfectly molded lines, low and medium bust* extreme length hips. ample 8C
signs with place for monogram. Size 19x38 inches. ; Richly trnnmed ni French and Baby Irish laces, embroidery silks Hat* tt Sg
V I > and ribbons. Six hose supporters attached. All on sale at these less velvet nats, tJ.ya
75c Pillow Cases, 49c 77 '' than half prices. ’ I Smart styles in large and small shapes, some
- Made of a fine quality
embroidered in sprays and initials; some initials I MadameG ace Corsets Cf iQ Madame Gr AQ want in black, navy or brown. I
5 wWI?2£ ““ d ‘ rs; “ x “ few / f lIBM Usnally 5< to $7.5», at 4> J My $l« to $17.5», at 4>J.70 ' Sc
2 I2Jl 2 J. 0 ||f./ Mme. Grace Finest sls to S3O Corsets, $5.98 Sc
5 o„. America’s Best $5 to $12.50 Corsets at 8 .... SF
terpieces. 45, 54 and 72 inches tn diameter. gSgl / / *l/I chenille, velvet and metal effects. Very pretty. ’
f ]suai y S4T>O and JSX)O; Trade agreements with the makers prevent us r. —~~ $4 Fancy Ostrich, $1.25
•On sale at $2.48, s_.< and $3. lir from using names, but when you see the boxes you U* OO Large piece fancy ostrich feathers in smart I
, (Linens— Main Floor) w ’ b instantly recognize the corsets as America’s X f combinations of black and white. IJ,
CA CO RlqiiLpfc €{ OR IllL foremost makes. (Jorsets consist of broken lines / v $1.25 to $2 Fancy Feathers OQ_
«pV.vv IHdllßUlSq 4H.7U discontinued models, but all are good, up-to- and Wings O&C
If you don’t mind a blanket that is just sJcH. • date styles, and there are sizes and styles for all. All B| s lot of n(l,,a and ends of fanc y feathers and
Inocf cniln<l from disnlav VOU can save nr!“« I »' stick-ups in white, black and colors. Also an at- B<_
jS l he gn ibLe The blTn A 't Wahlon filled. tractive wing effect in black and white worth 98c,
from $1 to $1.50 a pair on these. pg Corsets are made of finest coutils and brocaded silks and satins. Beau- for 59c. I
kets are all wool, full 11-4 size, an m /idf/ff/Jftifully trimmed in laces, embroideries and ribbons. Not a corset in /?;/»/»«„<. U/ nr fh tn,,
JBI neat plaids. Just about a score in all. $6. the lot sold for less than $5; manv sold up to $12.50; sq n 0 Etbbons Worth s°c
>| $6.50 blankets for $4.98. Come early the average is easily $7.50. Choice SZ*7O ,to $1.25 lor |< -
1m (Blankets—Rear Main Floor) " v J RjCfo/S T Odd lot of messallne and taffeta ribbons In
- AH so,,d colors, 100 to
5 fiearina Odd Ru?s ; More Fine Corsets Below Half Price r ~““ 5
vivdrinz vllu “The Plume Store of Atlanta”—Millinery—(Second
-BB „ . t These are regular stock numbers of very prominent makes (wish Floor)
JBl Odd rug and d, s co ” tin . u . ed P at^ a ® ° Ol a ' T• IWK : ofj we could give the names). They are perfectly new and clean: differ
these little End-of-the-Mouth Sale only from The very latest models in being just a trifle higher in the 7C „ at a A 4ft «
$27.50 Axminster Rugs, . xh-• (4 t $ • bugt an j more moderate hips. Made of batiste and coutil and e’abo- |3C nCCKWCHF. 49C •T'
=2 S3O Wilton Velvet Rugs 9x12 (2) at $25 rately lace , embroidery and ribbon trimmed. ’ 7V
$35 Ardahan Rug, 9x12 (1) at Plauen or venise lace collars, with round,
~88 $32.50 Body Brussels, 9x12 (6 >at $25. Corsets. None worth M T Corsets. None worth O' < square or pointed yoke. White, ecru arid black. Bf.
"Mb S4O Wilton Rugs, 9x12 (2) at $27 50. less than $4; majority fl I 7Q less than $3.50; fl I /M rn MarLwaif
>■ $55 Fine Seamless Rugs, 9x12 (3) at s4u & worth $6.50, at ‘ 4/ > ♦/ U others worth to $6 $ > / dUC NCCkWCar, Z/C BC
-h* Fine Axminster Rugs, 9x12 (8) at S4O. wvxuu. i z
£>r w-u‘in,™ <lxl2 (15) at $27.50. (Corsets-Second Floor) ( Floor) Embroidery Dutch collars for dress and coat
$35 Wilton KUgs>, J*- 1 " ' ' * 7 , J trimming, and Dutch collar and cuff coat sets, of
- i ace an( j j awn
jjj (Rugs and Draperies-Third Floor) (M * in F '°° r)
10 Big Bar? A Sale of Usual2oc to 50c C ' g tO J 2 jQ c 25c Wash Embroidery -g Ac A Jewelry Sale £=
* Fairv So in 7 5c a Dozen Buttons at ... Several hundred belts—the ac- Edging, or Scalloping Braid AV i?c to 58c i q
rdllj JUap* “ t7V cumulations of past seasons—but IlfiS, etC. AW *l_
p.,; PV ; n More than 1,000 dozen buttons —the rem- many of them in very good styles. It’s a privilege to offer such a “plum.” Real 25c Clearing the stocks in nntini CL
vour^home?” 1 Eterv'one knows na nt lots of various lines—are offered at the bolts of embroidery edging or braid, daintily seal- pation of”early Christmas novel'-
this famous bath and toilet soap, riPYt-to-nothinff price 01 sc. jet and tapestry belts, etc. Some are loped with a dot between each scallop. Black, white
* eXwhS th a er?n ld be r a The price is no the buttons’ real val- others arc d all the want d eol sjx yanJs tQ bo]t W()f , h - -y P
ftS "Pt m I ii: 5c bars for Just 25c. ue. For none of the buttons so d tor less White metal and gilt buckles. Leathers 2oc, and not to be missed at 10c. prices 19c to 50c. gJL
N B.—lo bars limit. No phone or- dozen; many sold for 50c, and even more. are in all sizes and styles. The price (Notions Counter Center Aisle Main Floor) Just about anything you want is In
Ao ders- none sent c. o. D. T1 . p .. (1 are buttons for every purpose—bone but- justifies a look. Former price 50c to otions counter, uentei Aisle, Alam Moor.) the lot. Variously in rose gold, oxi-
JBa io; bottle Peroxide. sc. 11 "coats and dresses, silk buttons for trimmings, »2; now fOc. dized effects. French gray, etc. Only
15c bottle Peroxide. Bc. buttons with metal rims and silk or satin centers, buttons (Center Aisle—Main Floor) SciSSOfS tO /SC 3t 25C n or
50c Rosetta Face ‘ j n a ]j s | zeß from the size of a ten-cent piece to a quarter (24 to - Af«»cA Rnat $7 18 ' ” Bags at 25c
75c Ricffs Toilet Water, 49c. 45 and buy Unli’ned German silver mesh bags, A new style self-sharpening shears with 7, 8 and 9-inch
5c Toilet Soap, 3c. a plenty. For they are worth 20c to 50c a dozen, and m the charming round link mesh with blades. Tension springs, pointed bent trimmer. Every house- flap that buttons over with frog and
JH 5c Toothpicks, 2 packages w.. 11R h P c the End-of-the-Month Sale price per fancy link handles; large 6-lnch size w |f e should have one. See them at the notion counter. button Moire lined Long handles
10c for odd lot of Tooth urusne , dolen is only OC with plain frames. . A neat and inexpensive bag. Former *L
>• “ Si Buffers; worth 50c. < F ' lr#t Table—Center Aisle) (Center Aisle—Main Floor) (Center Aisle—Mam Floor) pnceß $1 to $1 50; choice now 25c
M. RICH & BROS, co