Newspaper Page Text
E'-SULHe it J -
Republican Com ? /tee to Name
Successor After the Elects
Seven Are Mentioned.
Continued From Page One.
v hen he was nominated and elected
yii« pr* .-aient n the ticket with Mr.
Seven Mentioned to
Succeed Shennan
WASHINGTON, Oct. 31.—Genuine
sorrow was felt by men of all political
parties todax over the death of Vice
President Sherman.
Then has been no intimation from
the Republican national committee as
to who shall succeed Mr. Sherman. His
name probably will be kept upon the
national ticket, so voters will be in the
position of voting for a dead man.
Mr. Sherman was the seventh vice
president to die in office, and as the
constitution does not provide for a suc
cessor to a vice president, there can be
no vice president until March 4, 1913.
The duties of vice president are as
sumed by the president pro tern, of the
senate, but, owing to a long standing
deadlock, there is no president pro tern,
Knox Would Be Acting President,
The constitution provides that, in the
event of the president being incapaci
tated the vice president succeeds him.
Under present conditions, should Pres
ident Taft be incapacitated, Secretary
Knox would become acting president.
It is likely the senate will come to
some sort of agreement this winter
and elect a presiding officer.
Selection of a succ<»ssor to Mr. Sher
man on tin national ticket can not be
made until after the general election.
Tlie Republican national committee
probably will be < ailed to meet on No
vember 12 in Chicago to make a selec
After tlie Republican national com
mittee makes its selection, the succes
sor to Mr Sherman will be indorsed by
the presidential electors.
Among the possible successors to Mr.
Sherman mentioned so far are John
Wannatnnker. of Philadelphia; Gov
ernor Hadley, of Missouri; Governor
Deneen. of Illinois: Senator Borah.
Senator •’’timmins. former Vice Presi
dent Fairbanks, and Senator Root, ot
Nev York
G O. P. Committee
To Select Successor
NEW YORK, Oct. 31.—" The selection
of a successor to James S. Sherman
as vice president on the Republican na
tional ticket is entirely In tjie hands of
the Republican national committee,”
declared Charles D. Hilles, Republican
national chairman, today.
"As there is no president pro tern, of
the senate, the speaker of the house will
appoint the house committee to attend
the funeral, and the secretary of the
senate will appoint the representatives
of that body. The power to make the
selection of a successor Is vested in
the Republican national committee,
which probably will meet in Chicago
for that purpose a week after the gen
eral election. Os course, any action will
depend upon success next Tuesday. The
rumors of conferences here during
President Taft’s stay had nothing what
ever to do with the matter."
If the Democrats or Progressives win
in next Tuesday’s election, It will not bo
necessary for the Republican national
committee to name a successor to Mr.
Sherman, although under those circum
stances the office of vice president will
be vacant until March 4 next.
President Taft
Depressed Greatly
WASHINGTON, Oct. 31.—Greatly de
pressed by the death of Vice President
Janies S. Sherman, his running mate for
the coming election. President Taft re
turned to Washington early tpday to
attend a number of official duties be
fore leaving for Cincinnati, via New
ark. N. J , and Utica, N. Y.
While no definite plans were an
nounced at the white house about the
president’s movements,' owing to the
fact that the date of the vice presi
dent’s funeral has not been set, it was
supposed that President Taft will at
tend the unveiling of the Washington
monument at Newark, going from there
to Utica for the Sherman funeral.
$19.35 WASHINGTON and
On sale November Sth to 14th, limit
December Ist. Full information at
City Ticket Office, 88 Peachtr. . ( Advt )
D is al
fn of al
Hr* *w |
You I
at the!
U yourß
ted or I
New York, 575 Feet Long, Built to Enter Canal
z z+\ //W
' IS®/ JJk
■Uhr. • I
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.«• ’ ' ' |M|K 1
w - -> WRWi & v RII
< j '-liiiMW 1 kWjjj I
sf ; farts a
if/ J Bb
KEz WMi j saw W
ol • Mbwi
k sy - mbkaiis
•f IE
[v. _j y
oi uie dreadnought New York, which was launched yes
terday. A glance at the group of spectators gazing up at the
great ligiiting ship gives an idea of her size.
Giant To Be in Commission in
Eighteen Months—Crew to
Exceed One Thousand.
NEW YORK, Oct. 31.—I’ncle Sam's
newest fighting monster, the $6,000,000
super-dreadnought New York, slid from
the ways at the Brooklyn navy yard
yesterday as 100,000 persons cheered,
and President Taft, from a private
stand, smiled upon Miss Elsie Calder,
who crashed the bottle of champagne
against the steel hull.
The New York, together with her sis
ter ship, the Texas, now building at
Newport News, is the largest battle
ship in the world. She is 40 per cent
complete, and it Is estimated that with
in eighteen months she will be in com
mission. manned with over a thousand
men and commanded by sixty-three of
From the time the keel was laid up to
the present, thirteen months have been
occupied in constructing the hull, .which
demonstrates, according to navy au
thorities, that the government ship
yards are capable of placing a dread
nought in commission as quickly as
any other nation.
When placed in commission the New
York will have an armament composed
of ten fourteen-lnch guns—the largest
In the world on a battleship. The aux
iliary armament will be twenty-one
five-inch guns and four twenty-one
inch submerged torpedo tubes.
Fully loaded, the vessel will have a
total displacement of 28,367 tons, or ap
proximately one thousand tons more
than the battleship Arkansas, at pres
ent the largest in the world. Her
length will be 575 feet, with a beam of
95.25 feet, which will permit her pas
sage through the Panama canal.
The New York will be driven at a
speed of twenty-one knots an hour by
two triple expansion engines, the four
teen boilers developing 28.100 horse
power. It is estimated that upon com
pletion the New York will have <i<st
$10,000,000, of which $6,400,000 was ex
pended on the hull and machinery.
The vessel will be protected up to the
water line by twelve-inch plating and
above that by nine-inch plates. The
turrets, of the big guns will have armor
plating twelve inchesfihick.
NEW YORK, Oct. 31.—Roy Rurstine,
who is in charge of the publicity for
the national Progressives, has three
friends camping in the Adirondack
mountains. Eight miles from the point
I where the men are camping Is a rail
road station. The railroad office Is
within 200 feet of a fast-flowing river.
Mr. Imrstine Is going to send the re
sults of the election to the telegraph
operator, who will place them in a bot
tl and toss the bottle in the river.
The campers will keep "frog lan
terns trained on the narrow stream
during the night and in th< earlv morn
ing, waiting for thy "bottled nev
George Wren's Mother De-
nounces Cousin. Who Was
Sleuth in Famous Case.
George Wren, last of the three youths
directly implicated in the Piedmont ho
tel diamond robbery, in which $30,000
worth of gems were stolen from sample
trunks of the S. F. Gilsey Jewelry
Company, of Cincinnati, will begin
serving a y ear's sentence on the chain
gang today. Wren was found guilty in
the superior court yesterday afternoon,
and Judge Edwards imposed a sentence
of twelve months.
Carl Roody and George Kaul, who
conspired with Wren in the theft,
pleaded guilty to simple larceny at a
recent session of court and were given
one year each. Wren fought his ease.
Mrs. Wren, mother of the boy un
der indictment in connection with tht
robbery, appeared in court and asked
the Judge to be lenient. She denounced
Detective George Bullard for his hand
in the conviction of her son.
"He is my cousin, judge," she said,
"but I hate to tell it."
GADSDEN, ALA.. Oct 31. —Forbad
Barnes and Oscar Ponder, two young
white men. have been arrested here,
charged with abducting Pertha Pankey,
sixteen years old, from her home at
Ellijay. Ga.
The two men were found with the
girl at Alabama City. They are being
held awaiting advices from J. 11. Pen
land, sheriff at Ellijay, who asked the
police here to make the a’rest.
PITTSBI'RG, Oct. 31. Mrs. Fred H.
Jacobs, ot Salt Lake City, wins a prize
of SSOO by riding on horseback the 3,300
miles from her Western town to Home
stead. in less than 94 days. She is 17
days ahead of time.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 31 Captain Rob
ert B. Mcßride, quartermaster corps, from
Fortress M mroe. Va . to office chief of
the quartermaster corps, this city. Major
James A Cole, quartermaster corps from
Omaha, Neb. to Fort D. ,\ Russell Wy
oming '"attain W \ Covington, signal
corps, from Fort Wood, N. V.. to San
Francisco, as assistant chief signal ot
| fleer ot that division. hirst Lieutenant
Elliott M Norton. Eighth infantry, de
tailed for general recruiting service at
| Fort Logan.
Danger of Wilson Not Getting
Majority Lies in Apathy,
Says Committee.
The Pulton county Democratic exec
utive committee today issued the fol
lowing appeal to voters:
"To the Voters of Fulton County:
"The Eulton county Democratic exec
utive committee urges each voter in
this county on November 5 to cast his
ballot for Wilson and Mai shall.
"For the first time in twenty years
the Democratic party is on the eve of a
great national victory. For Georgia,
and especially Fulton county, to lag
behind in the great triumphal proces
sion which will march to the polls on
Tuesday next would be nothing short
of a calamity.
"In all sections of the country th-
DemocratiC party is united as never
before. The Republican party is torn
asunder between the Bull Moose and
reactionary factions.
"The attention of the voters Is called
to the fact that In Georgia a majority
of all the votes is required in order for
the Democratic electors to carry the
day. To stay away from the polls and
not vote is equivalent to a vote against
the Democratic candidate. In order for
Wilson and Marshall to sweep the field
it is only necessary that a full vote be
pol!»d. The only danger the Demo
crats have in Georgia is from apathy
and overconfidence.
"Fulton county is the largest county
In Georgia and is the most important
community in the Southern states. It
would be a blow to the prestige of this
section not to give an overwhelming
majority for Wilson and Marshall.
“We had a heated primary in Geor
gia, in which Woodrow Wilson and
Oscar Underwood Were the only candi
dates voted upon. Whatever bitterness
is engendered by this campaign has
been happily forgotten. The leaders of
all factions have gotten together and
are putting their shoulders to the
wheel for Wilson and Marshall. We
may differ among ourselves as Demo
crats, but all honorable men recognize
that the obligation of a primary re
quites that the voter cast his ballot for
the victor In the general election.
"De.sperate efforts are being made for
the first time in years by the opponents
of Democracy to make a showing
against the Democratic candidates in
Georgia. There is a considerable ne
gro registration, which, it is safe to say,
will go for one or the other of the Re
publican candidates. Not only for the
first time in twenty years has Democ
racy a chance to win, but for the first
time in over half a century has the
South an opportunity to put a Southern
born and Southern reared man in the
presidential chair
"Georgians do not miss this oppor
A Leg On the Track.
of the fast express means serious trou
ble ahead if not removed; so does loss
of appetite. It means lack of vitality,
loss of strength and nerve weakness.
If appetite fails, take Electric Bitters
quickly to overcome the cause by ton
ing up the stomach and curing the in
digestion. Michael Hesshelmer, of Lin
coln. Nebr., had been sick over three
years, but six bottles of Electric Bitters
put him right on his feet again. They
have helped thousands. They give pure
blood, strong nerves, good digestion.
Only GO cents at all druggists. (Advt.)
Pimples Ruin
Good Looks
But Cheer Up! In a Short Time
Stuart’s Calcium Wafers Trans
form Worst Complexions Into
Perfect Loveliness.
Many a sigh and heartache have been
caused by pimples. But never mind.
You will shortly get rid of all those
spots and blemishes by using Stuart’s
Calcium Wafers.
The action of these Wafers is won
derful. They make the skin breathe
out Just as your lungs expel impurities.
Every minute of the day and nigiit
these wonderful Wafers keep the pores
Instead of clogging the pores In the
form of pimples, blackheads, eczema,
rash, liver spots and other skin erup
tions, these impurities cease to gather,
they dry up and Nature soon gives the
skin the bloom of youth and health.
If you would have a beautiful com
plexion. please stop using cosmetics.
Can you not realize how they plaster
up the pores? Were you to cover your
entire body with such a mask, you
would die in a day or two.
Stuart's Calcium Wafers are very
pleasant to the taste, are put up in con
venient form to carry, and can be ob
tained at any drug store at 50 cents a
Make your dreams of a lovely com
plexion come true. In a -hort time a
very bad complexion is transformed to
perfect loveliness. (Advt.)
The city Democratic executive com
mittee of Decatur has called a white
primary for November 20, at which
time three city councilmen are to be
nominated, this being the first white
primary ever held in Decatur. The
regular election will be held the first
Wednesday in December.
When the executive committee was
elected at a recent mass meeting of
Decatur citizens, it was instructed to
call a white primary for the council
manic nominations.
Two candidates have announced from
each of the three wards, as follows:
First ward, T. S. Hodges and H. G.
Hastings: Second ward, Bropks G.
Blown and D. O. Neel, and Third ward,
Joe V. Dunlap and E. T. Bowen. Mr.
Bowen is the only incumbent standing
for re-election.
A lively campaign is expected.
MACON, GA., Oct. 31.—A state-wide
campaign to secure SIO,OOO forth
Georgia Industrial Home will be start
ed in Macon on November 4. When
th? canvass is completed in Macon it
will then be pushed in other cities. Im
provements are planned at the home,
which now harbors more than 350 or
phan children.
WAYCROSS, GA., Oct. 31. —Way-
cross is going to undertake this winter
to provide two new brick dormitories
the Bunn-Bell institute. There is a
waiting list of students who can not
get quarters and the erection of at
least -two structures is necessary. With
these increased facilities 500 students
can be secured.
“The Traveling Salesman" has visited
Atlanta once before, at higher prices, but
it is no exaggeration to say that tlie
present production of the play at the Lvric
this week is quite up to the Standard set
by the original company. The comedy
has proved a success with Robert Lee
Allen as Bob Blake, and in the placers
surrounding him Mr. Allen has a support
worthy of him. No one can fail to ap
preciate the humor of "The Traveling
Salesman." Matinees will be given todav
and Saturday.
It is estimated that "The Girl in the
Taxi" has caused more people to laugh
than any ten plays combined. It has
been acclaimed as the superior of “Char
ley's Aunt.” winch, until "The Girl in the
Text” was produced, held first position
as the greatest laugh-producer this coun
try has ever known.
"The Girl in the Taxi" conies to the
l yric theater for an engagement of six
nights and three matinees, beginning next
Monday' night. On Tuesday night the
election returns will be read from the
Relieves Urinary and Kidney
Troubles, Backache, Strain
ing, Swelling, Etc.
Stops Pain in the Bladder, Kid
neys and Back.
Wouldn’t It be nice within a week or so
to begin to say good bye forever to the
scalding, dribbling, straining, or too fre
quent passage ofruine; the forehead and
the back-of-the-head aches; the stitches
and pains in the back; the growing mus
cle weakness: spots before th? eyes; vel-,
low skin; sluggish bowels; swollen eyelids'
or ankles; leg cramps; un-natural short
breath; sleeplessness and the despond
Take Stuart’s Buchu and Juniper Com
pound for above troubles if you want to
make a quick recovery. Stuart’s Buchu
and Juniper Compound contains only pure
ingredients and quickly shows its power
over kidney and bladder diseases. Cures
where all else fails. All symptoms quick
ly vanish. $1 per large bottle at drug
stores. Samples free by writing Stuart
Drug Company, Atlanta. Ga.
! A®
Tj'ROM ocean ||
A to ocean S
there is more
money spent
for Fatimas than I?
I for any other ci- j
garette. A Turk- I
ish-blend of re- |
markable quality. |
Suits the Ameri- 11
can taste to a tee! h
20, in plain pack- Is
age—allows us to
sell at 15 cents.
“Dbtincticely Individual'*
| TO———
Charges of Drunkenness Made
Against Maj. Winn Sustained
by Report of Trustees.
Governor Brown was expected today
to stand pat on the Soldiers Home row
and allow the findings of the board of
trustees to end the matter.
A partial exoneration of Winn is the
finding of the board of trustees, who
conducted a thorough investigation of
the charges made by Mrs. Mackie Clare,
head nurse at the Soldiers Home.
The formal report of the board, placed
in the hands of Governor Brown today,
declares that Colonel Winr. did go to
the Soldiers Home on the night of Oc
tober 18 in an intoxicated condition, but
did not offer personal insult or injury
to Mrs. ('hire, the head nurse, as he had
been accused.
While the governor appoints the
members of the board, he is without
power to remove them, and the board,
by its action in completely exonerating
Winn, has declared that it will not
prosecute the charges further.
Only two members of the board —A.
J. Snelson and -R. D. Lawrence—voted
to convict Winn for drunkenness on Oc
tober 18, and three —A. C. Fate, Charles
E. McGregor and A. P. Perham—•
thought tljat Winn had made impropei
advances upon Mrs. Clare. Captain
Bloodworth, of Savannah, and Captain
Charles Wiley, of Macon, were the only
members of the board absent when the
report was drawn up.
Colbnel H. H. Colquitt, an inmate of
the home, charged by Winn with being
a favorite of Mrs. Clare's, issued a
short statement, in which he denied
Winn's allegations completely. He said
that Winn would not have dared to say
the things he did outside of the home.
In his remarks Winn took advantage of
his official position, Colquitt asserted.
Local Druggist Who Sells Dod
son’s Liver Tone Guarantees
it to Take the Place of
If your liver is not working just right,
you do not need to take a chance on
getting knocked all out by a dose of
calomel. Go to any Atlanta druggist
who sells Dodson Liver Tone and pay 50
cents for a large bottle. You will" get
a harmless, vegetable remedy that will
start your liver without violence, and
if it does not give complete satisfaction
the druggist will refund your money
with a smile.
If you buy a bottle of Dodson's Liver
Tone for yourself or your children, you
have insured your family relief front
attacks of constipation, biliousness,
lazy liver and headache. It is as bene
ficial and safe for children as for adults.
A bettie of Dodson's Liver Tone is
something every man or woman should
keep in the house. Your money is safe
because you can return the bottle if it
fails to satisfy. (Advt.)
Better than castor oil, calomel or cathartics to cleanse
your stomach, liver and 30 feet of bowels. Harm
less Laxative for men, women and children.
Primitive folks did not need laxa
tives. The? lived outdoors, ate plenty
of fruit, and all of their food was coarse.
Wo modern people are different. We
exercise too little, eat little fruit, and
our food is too fine —too rich.
We simply can’t have our ten yards
of bowels clogged up, liver choked" with
sour bile and stomach full of foul effete
matter and feel well. It means that the
food and waste retained in the stomach
and 30 feet of bowels ferments—decays.
The decay creates poisons, gases and
acids, and those poisons are sucked into
the blood through the very ducts in
tended to suck in the nutriment. Then
we have sick headache, become dull,
bilious, tongue coated, nervous, meals
don’t digest, and we feel miserable all
over. So we must make our choice. We
must live like primitive folks, else we
Scaled Like a Fish
Mr. P. J. Weimer, of Pennsylvania, a
sufferer from Eczema, writes:
"I sealed like a fish—had two doc
tors, but got worse all the time—after
using only three bottles of D. D. D. I
can truthfully say I am cured.”
This D. D. D. Prescription is a mild
wash, scientifically compounded from
Wintergreen, thymol and other ingredi-
Chronic Ulcers Mean Bad Blood
If outside influences were responsible for chronic ulcers, then exter
nal applications and simple cleanliness would be a curative treatment.
But the trouble is always in the blood which has become unhealthy arm
diseased, and keeps the sore open by continually discharging into it the
mipunties and infectious matter with which the circulation is filled,
halves, washes, lotions, etc., may cause the place to scab over temporarily,
o chronic ulcer. In addition to purifying the bi™
b. b. b. enriches this vital fluid and in every way assists nature in ove.
coming the bad effects of a chronic ulcer. Book on Seres and Ulcers anu
' any meaical advice free THE swlfT S p EC ff IC QQ. ATLANTA, GA.
Keep your liver and bowels active
and you feel bully
for months.
Put aside—just once—the Salts c.
thartie Pills, Castor Oils or purgative
waters which merely force a pa**/-
way through the bowels, but do n
thoroughly cleanse, freshen and pu " f ‘
these drainage or alimentary organs
and have no effect whatever upon th
liver and stomach. w
Keep your inside organs pure am
fresh with Cascarets, which thorough '
cleanse the stomach, remove the und
gested, sour and fermenting food and
foul gases, take the excess bile from
the liver and carry out of the system ■>
the constipated waste matter and poi s
ons in the intestines and bowels
A Cascaret tonight will make vou
feel great by morning. They work
while you sleep-never gripe, sicken
and cost only 10 cents a box from your
druggist. Millions of men and women
take a Cascaret now and then and
never have Headache, Biliousness
coated tongue, Indigestion, Sour Stem '
ach or Constipated bowels. Cascaret*
belong in every household. Children
just love to take them. (Advt)
i 1 Fl
Do your lungs ever bleed?
Do you have night sweats?
Have you pains in chest and sides 7
Do you spit yellow and black matter?
Are you continually hawking and coushins?
Do you have pain* under your shoulder blade*?
These are Regarded Sympteme of
Lung Trouble end
Ton should take immediate steps to check the
progress of these symptoms. The longer you allow
them to advance and dore lop, the more deep seated
and serious your toudUitm becomes.
We Stand Reedy to Prove to You sbsointeir.ttnt
■■ ■■■■ .in ■■■■ ,i Lung Genuine,
the German Treatment, has cured completely ana
permanently case after caseof Consumption (Tuber
culosis), Chronic Bronchitis, Catarrh of the Lungs,
Catarrh of the Bronchial Tubes and other lung
troubles. Many sufferers who hod lost all hope and
who had been given up by physicians have beenper
manetly cured by Lung Genuine. It Is not only a
cure for Consumption out a prevehtatlre. If your
lungs are merely weak and the disease has not yet
manifested Itself, you can prevent its development,
you can build up your lungs and system to their
normal strength and capacity. Lung Germine has
cured advanced Consumption, In many ewes over
five years ago, and the patienta remain strong and
in splendid health today.
Let Us Send You the Proof—Proof
that will Convince any Judge
or Jury on Earth
Wo will gladly send yen the proof of many remark
able cures, also a FRKK TRIAL of Lnng Gennlns
together with our new 40-page book (In oolorelonth,
treatment and care of consumption and lung tronbl.
must take artificial means to move the
excess bile and waste matter on and out
of the system.
The safest, most harmless and effec
tive stomach, liver and bowel cleanser
and regulator for men, women and
children is delicious Syrup of hig"-.
which doesn’t Irritate, gripe or weaken
Its effect is the effect of fruits. It >'
composed entirely of luscious figs, senna
and aromatics. Don’t think you ar
drugging yourself. Syrup of Figs can
be constantly used without harm.
Ask your druggist for “Syrup of Hgs
and Elixir of Senna," and see on the la
bel that it is prepared by The California
Fig Syrup Company. This is the onl)
genuine—the old reliable. Refuse,
contempt, the so-called Fig Syrup imi
tations sometimes offered to decei'c
you. (Adv
ents which penetrate to the disease
germs. This cooling wash destroys the
germs and throws them off. leaving tee
skin smooth and healthy. ,
We guarantee the first full
bottle. You are to get it and decide
it Is worth the price. If not. pay not
Jacobs Pharmacy, 6-8 Marietta -
(Advi *
but the blood is not made purer by such treatment
and soon the old inflammation and discharge wl
return and the sore be as bad or worse than before.
Nor will removing the place by surgical operation
i insure a cure; the cause still remains in the b 00.
land the sore is bound to return. S. S. S. heals <
’ sores by going down into the blood and removing
the impurities and germs which are responsible r
the place. S. S. S. thoroughly purifies thecirciib'"
tion and in this way destroys the source of every
t V 1 X*. • A . .. * ♦I.