Newspaper Page Text
Hocdnd cock S. c t: I R, d «,.,
x*OUlt rx ■ i.- s. >. ■.(i .. ii i ( ,p, ~. ,x.,, ,| ■~. f
J 912. Atlanta. ■; •<•• ■ > -.. . .
«$> ‘3s
B> '* & *&*»(’■>'- ’'*&
Wk, < *‘^t/v # **’
I "i**. <-’<,«».
V *—wcawn-x - .«,,«>■ to., j,
£'.' Si- »nii cocker. , S. • it I. R«rl, Ga j
J . jpQiJhr? .•isH.M-iath.r <m i N »v< inber.
- I 912
M> ' ”»i(i cock bird is n wondvfui’j j
F ood tvpe of S •’ . R { Red \vh« n hi
lull feathei and .<> gu>>d ■> lb as <»»<••
would WRTit to breed t from. Shown
three thnes and won first nn< •• and
> 'cnii • twice.
Sv ord co'dc r •' is a son of «•*<• .n.i
rock and I- () , v < 11 proportioned R«-d. J
von fifth on puliel <<»nd s< < ond on p< i»
vlth pnilets that were sired by my old
cock bird, proving my strain ot Reds tn
I>«‘ true . '('Ill b« po as- ! to <-oi ; Spoi.'d
with prospective rnrtomers relative 4 o
Btu( k Ol
Eggk r 33.U0, $5.<M» and SIO.OO pci s»-,
tbiv Mis VL. Matthews, Redan. Gi.
'lfrffi’fo t T —ifljQ
i <'.« ■ -
- - - |ib 11,
P:u< <v Abbotts Buff i irpingtom '
|« ' r lb- biggest Atnnti' at Atlanta!
f l ei' 11- only Hii.i Grpillglou bre. lersl
'.ti lb mor. than one tirnt prize, i >ur
wer, first and it-naul hen,
tn ■ek rel. tbit pullet and fifth pen.
1.-—-k up the eomoel it i.-n and decide lor
yourself whether or not I: takes tin-;
b ' . ■»!:. I’ty p. .slide to -ariy iway the :
'a: i.on. o- in tie Mhni!:- - 1 .
Stating list ready January 1. Writ
for oik Mso write for prices on stoe?
It mutters not wi.-r- our bird- go n-.
what competition, ’ U-y i always •
leading winners, which our record up
th- present time j« proof. \V, .will I
phased to send it to you if desire
nruvi A Abbott., bio land, Jin
z*wm ZLA ttfcys ev*-.- osKpTiy
This Is a idt inio of niy prize Ain- :
»ilng White Orpington pullet at the
\tlanta show
In selecting a pen of breeders It is ■
a oil , nollgli to 1.10 g lluilx iduals, I
but eituallv as impmm.nt 1s the breed-
L tug * beniiMl thes. Individuals Mj
foundation stock Is from the best this
evtnnri has el . 1 produced I breed i
nothing hut the b--t that I raise tin re
fure my stock 1 offer is ~I S. h re i
to gw-.epstake whin -rs \\ . m , ;,. r
prices, it. I. Chandir. Xewnan, tin
breeder ->t Whit- Orpingtons . x,lu
< ! >
' * ?
w !
N<< prettier .ii-pmy of Whitt l.< -g- ;
hottie b.:ve I'.ei, ... eln it show room!
than llu’ on. . i . ; p, |» |.-, It,it.
owner of the <»;tk up; Parm/at College
Park. Mr. Hart w >n th, $25 no in gold !
for best display llu winnings in
White Leghorns w. re first, st cond, i
hgtl.. fourt . <i lift th ■ .
•>«<’ Il' P li'.r: < m. •■ 'v I
I'oJleg. l'*rk, U.'.
" ’
O' wi
' cS4
______ _
■;■ 1. d»ov<! photo is Oil) first »”ik<r.-
li-.ido'e 'is pen of b’awn and Whitt
Indi in Unme t din k- Also wirin' o.
|spe< i.l up fro best I-’ A W. j» nofl. R
du I : ■•how M \ winnings .■:
thi- show, judged by F. 11. Siudla-
I.a -'•■ < first am! second <-oc|: . f|r-i
at -• omj hen, first and st-cond . ■<. k
| * • ’i s! and sei’ond pullet., first an<
;l . pen. Also won the following ui
}’ • ; ducks; First cock, first s« < -
i •»"" and tid ’d cockerel and i drd pu’e ’
>’■•■• .i n< I -gg v f Un hot n pen - i
pdlu rood winning t’m sale at ai
>i • ii'■ -. I’Hces reason;.!•!• , ronsiderim
;uu.. I\. \V| satisfy all customers
|•) io'k l U ••aid -•»> that mil I. A? W J. R
(.0 ; ■ .. < ,<rt good as any, if not a liltlt
|l- tie , than any ducks judg’d ny hirr
lin I’ S A <».il. Ih.H. I'ouh .\ i'airn
tJSioie- .d'.umaiti, i»a. .'J .''iid VI s
1 ‘ ■
| Pirsl \\ liiic l‘l\momli Rock
( ockci't'l.
Bacon sV Ik vwood, of Guyton.
! Ga.. won three prizes out of live
'entries till White I’lynionth
I'oelis. Their winning's Imino
first cockerel third cot I. and
I'-iirih li'ii. Bi-sid-s White B]y
i month Rocks. this firm breeds
\t itii ■ l.eohorns, Bull Orping
tons and Rhode Island Reds, also
• They issue an interesting cfitalotr.
which is sent free on request
uAX . \
i his baby cockeicl headed second pen
Black Orpingtons. is >nly six and
tie-half months old -in,; w, ig i- l ight
pounds. Considered best ,k- .« for
age by most expert judges of country
w e can urn you witl st
eggs from tills pen and also all three
i i leties of Orpingtons good enough to
win In any show Prices low, consider
ing quality of stock. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Visitors welcome to on big
farm that contains 57 acres devoted to
poultry Write for matins list South
land Poultry t'ann, o. A Muse, mana
ger, Clarkston, Ga.
l|k * Ji®
\b»rris .i. ; ( Whi.i Wjandulb-s have
i\yn at tlh following shows: Chicago,
i Nashvllh. Kib xxilh 1 , Nvw Orleans. Au
g’usta and Atlanta, and at tin present
' Atlanta show have prov« n their quality.
I Abox» is m\ first priz. ( orkr trl line
bled and the type that makes the lec
|« rds The breeding is wr\ strong, as
I it • as\ to find the strong linos and
I♦tn v« - that tak< the hln< <. If you wpnt
l th- h. m in Wynndott* s. vr’u M F.
iba r \ in X.. >n d ♦ i '
I H lU ia. ana y.vie-
I V \
IM)\ ALPSOX'S 111 I? I IS.
Won lir>! lipii ;tii'l first pulh-1 al
tin- ur al Atlanta show; first cock
' I're). first hen, .‘irst anil third pill
, lets at I. rininohain.
I'brst pi-n. headed b\ !{»•<
I I’raii-i-. sire of first pullet, Atlanta
| Second p. ii, headed by l«e<
1 •'hanipion. a wonderfully strong
' I <-o<-k. twice a winner at Atlanta
I and once at Augusta.
,' t Tiiii d pen. headed by first cock
. i ere|. Birmingham.
I.ML'S s.fiMl per I.>. ('hicks .’>u<
■- each.
' I l)(».\ In >\AI,DSi ».\. lA-eatur. Ca
u f
This cock won first on White Ply
mouth Rocks over very strong cmfipe
■ tition. My winnings this week at At
‘ lanta show were first cock and second
hen (Whin Rock class), ami fourth
hen in Black Orpingtons. Stock from
pen of White Plymouth Rocks, headed
by first cock bird; also other winning
pens for sale. Have Black Orpingtons
and S. i'. Rhod( Island Red stock for
sale. My Black Orpingtons won $25.00
in gold for host display last year; also
swet psiakes pullet. Am closing out ma.
joi'lty of my stock at very reasonable
c prices. \\rit< for particulars and prices
•»n eggs ;md stork. White < >ak Fann,
‘’oinnien • , (hi. W. B Hardmair pro-
p ,
• JI
N- -■ ■- ■ ■
- i"
\l> Whit-' Leghorns are bred from
ihe best stock 1 , otild timi. I hate spared
nolth-r expense tior tim. in bring
ing my b rds up to the standard. Have
I made whit- beghorns .ox specialty'.
I This is th- first tim, I - ;ive entered
I the show rooms am, as io how well 1
| l av. succeeded can b- told by my win-
I idiigs at this week’s show, which are
Jas follows: l-'irst pen, first hen and
I I fifth pullet. Eggs and stock for sale
■I in any quantities at all times Prices
i reasonable, considering quality. I w ill
I phase you. Write Kimberlx's Leghorn
■ Earth. Ben Hill. Ga. Ren Hill is located
> eight miles from Atlanta-on A., B. & A.
I .
hr , fw i
\ 5*
oi .■ ;> city. ’i'll, Buntamry captured
th, t0i1.... nt prizes ot the Georgia
Poult', sMteiatlon show: I'irst. sec
. I ond. O'ui.l and fifth cock: first vock
. | erel. st-ioud. third, fourth and fifth lien;
- tirst, s innd. third, fourth and fifth pul.
let. first pen in B. B. Red Game Ban
tan s on Red Ptie Gaine Bant inis they
. won fust, second, third and fourth cock;
- first, second, third, fourth and fifth
( eovki el. first, second, third nnd fourth
hili: first, second, third and fourth nul
. at; first pen. ’’’ Himtnmry is owned
.I • .
Met leight
: 1 Sil
F ; >
» |J I <■■;..
it, |
1 My Buff Rocks won out of two
1- entries second 'cock and second
hen in hot competition. This was
( 1| going some. Eggs for sale at all
I-1 times $3.(10 and up per setting.
'I If you want good stock I can
--till the bill. W. F. Anderson. 233
a Oglethorpe avenue, Atlanta, (la.
Phone West 144.
; , ,1
Second Best, Hen in Show.
; 'I he bird shown above was ex
hibited by Paul A. Wright. tis 3
<<l<-nii street, city, and was the
i first hen in the White Rock class.
It lost the sweepstakes honors by
i one vote. The Wright winnings
- i v»’ere I, 3 hen; 2 cock, 3 cockerel,
-15 pullet and 2 pen. \lr. Wright
; i has for sale old and young stock
'' and eggs for hatching. Prices
111 , . , . --,
u upon request, raul A. \v rurhi.
lt 653 Glenn street, Atlanta. Ga.
This young W hite Kunner drake won
first prize in class ot fifteen. But few
i birds have ever been bred that will
equal this young drake. He is tall,
graceful and snow white. His brothers
upd sisters won fourth and fifth young
drake and first and second young duck,
first, second and third pen and cup. The
most sensational lot of young birds
probably ever shown in America. Every*
one of these birds are home bred, lay
pure, white eggs and 200. of them in
one year in flocks, with proper feeding
Third and fourth old drake; first, sec
' ond and third old duck, in class of
thirteen, complete one of the most won
-1 derful winnings ever made in a South
-1 ern show room. Smith’s “Invincible”
1 strain of typy White Runners are the
1 kind you should have. John Low Smith
‘ will use sdl tiie above birds in his 1913
’ bleeding pens at the famous XJ’onder-
i land Poultry I'arm, Kirkwood. Ga. City
ofiic-. 2-11 Peters street. Atlanta. <Ttt.
... y
l'ii< abvie 'holograph is a tine like-:
‘puss ot my Batted Plymouth Reel,'
cockerel, .which (leaded first pen atj
show this week at Auditorium-Annuly.
' This pen won the silver loving cup and
was greatly admired by many breeders
anti visitors. This cockerel is only six
months old, with pullets of the same
■ age. These birds are wonders in color
anti type and will be heard from at
later shows. Eggs and stock from this
pen. als.. from ollie- winning pens, for
sale. Writ, for prices Orders book, d
now tor later delivery. WHiilim .Um -
Piie'son Vote.. .ieKh I' .ice. ythciis. t.Jn
~ -
' ,x
■ ‘ -' Z>
1 ~ j* i
" I II I■! ,1 i ■ IMI ».i ■ ■ ■
Atlanta Penltry Yards. SSL Wc.-t
| Peachtree street. Atlant::. <t: won
iswtepstakes Barred eoek amt five first-.
| This above cock is swee;.stakes win
ner Barred Boek under <r cin, . .-inpeti
, ; tion. He also won first piiz e. •!•:■•r.-l
, Madison Square Garden lull. Mated
‘ ■ with this coek are two first nriz. Madi
, son Square pullets. Eggs from tills
i pen $25 for 15. Judge Pierce is quoted
as saying that this coek is the i> <’ li ■
. I has ever seen and easily worth sl,ooe.
, 1 We also won on R C. R. J., first pen.
‘(first hen, second coek c.rni fourth and
> fifth hen. Eggs and stock from both
j varieties at all times No dissatisfied
''customers. Ship on approval and egg
; fertility guaranteed. Atlanta Poultry
Yards, 582 West Peaehtre. street. At
i lanta, Ga. W. S. Thompson, manager.
: 'W r ''
If *
I This is the Columbian stock hen that
; won first award in Georgia Poultry as-
' sociation show. Tl.i, bird is owned by
- i the Gresentha Poultry yards, of College
j Park, Ga. The Gresentha Poultry yards
have been breeders for several years of
“ <'olutnbian Rocks Buff Leghorns. Blade
Langshans, S. C. R. I. Reds. The Co
; lumbian Rocks are one of the coming
breeds of the South. The above pic
; i ture is a fine specimen lien of- his
I breed. These hens are prolific layers
’j of large eggs. Their meat is fine for
I the table. .Although a comparatively
| new breed, they are named the “Best
Rocks.” Our stock is from the best ob-
1 tainable. Eggs for sale at all times.
Gresentha Poultry Yards, College Pirk.
This White Wyandott e eoek
iron second premium at Georgia
Poultry Association show, com
peting in a very strong class. Il
is bred and owned by Ben. 11.
New, of Carrollton, Ga. Any one
wishing White Wyandottes will
do well to write me. Eggs for
sale at all times. Ben 11. New,
Carrollton. < la.
****^**' •<.,
«!!!■ MMIII llMlll 11111111 - - -
This hdn won first premium in,
While \\ yamlol over verv
strong competition. I also won
fourth pullet in same, breed. Eggs
mid stock from these birds, also
from others of equal merit for
sale. Write Mrs. L. E. McClel-j
I land, 37 North Moreland avenue,
i Atlanta,' i la.
L .. ~ s ifttSWWjjMa
edfe. <-A- , ‘ ,fc|
My White Exhibition Racing Horn -r
Pigeons not only attracted much atten- ■
tion. but won first, second, third, fourth
and'tifth premiums. These are import
ed birds. Stock for sale at all times If
you .■«!• op the market f»».- them >»»n |
xx il' eonsu’t nt ti f... I will p;
yott. W f. An..!,- -.nt. i .gi. .. .. p,
n etiu. \tlattt.-• Gn Phon. \\ o«i iss I
Wil l
.a? . i
I ; I
1 j The best display of Buff Orpington
' i ducks ev< r shown in the South sue
i owned and bred bv Mrs. W. B. F'ranklin,
■J I
i (of t >rrn< wood Park. Atlanta. Ga. These
are undoubtedly the coming ducks*
I They are very tine layers, having won
j i oxer the Indian Runner ducks in the
, : Australian egg contest. In both At-
I I lant.-i shows last year Mrs. Franklin
; won first on all entries, hi the show
• - non going on she won the first coek,
■ I first and second hen. first and second
. I cockerel, first, second and third pullet,
land first pen. The above photograph is
the cock Buff t n-pington duck heading
nty first pen. Egg- for sale from this
pen. Mrs. W. B. Franklin, 24 Whitehall
street, Atlanta, Ga. Beil phone M.
I A,
Ohi <iMb.
The above bird heads my pen
that on first premium in Single
Comb Rhode Islands Reds at the
I Atlanta show. I won the follow
i iiig awards: First, fourth and
fifth pens, thjrd ami fourth cock.
On account of having sold my
farm my stock is for sale. If you
are looking for genuine bargains
see me. J. I. Hosford. East I
Point, Ga. Bell phone.
I .
This is the ie s' perfect Minorca hen !
in the South touay. She was winner '
of first p remium in h< r breed, which is
nothing unusual as she has never been
defeated in the show in seven entries.
She has a string of seven first prizes.
My Minorca® won all firsts at Macon.
t I won more prizes at the Georgia State
1 fair than all competitors combined. I
• have the best breed of Minorcas in the
; South and as good in this country.
* r l his has been proven at 35 leading ■
i Southern shows under twelve judges, j
I where my birds have captured over 350 I
: prizes. I have bred them for eighteen ;
•years. If you want the best Minorcas I
|in this country write inc. C. H. Led-
! ford. si-*3 Whitehall street, Atlanta,
■ Ga.
! ■
; .
First Prize Pullet Atlanta, October. 1912.
I Wot more prizes on Black Orpingtons
'than any other breeder: one, second and
fifth pullet, first pen. second and third
’ e. ckere.l, in competition with the best in
this country and imported biros.
Champion Black orpingtor breeder of
t* •• South. 'Von more places or. Blacks
i' season than any other breeder show
ing: Sweepstakes cock two years In suc
cession. Ifi;r ary. ">ll.. an.: January But. !
with Black Orf.haton cocks, all varieties.!
swe.-p-'■ < . -e.,. i .red more prize ;
i lords v i an; l.i:-.: livli,i. having sired I
j first, s.- oi o ihlrd. : -m-u ..nd fifth coek-i
rei. 5,...., v ,i m, i: . |(€n )n Ur , ,
- -peak Intern:..tiojia show. 1911: nrst. see- !
i oud and four'll pullet ami second eoek- |
I erel in Augusta 19i'; second and fourth i
i arm special pullet, third and fourth coek-I
j erel. second, third and fourth pen, \th-|
"rm 191 . 1 1
Ibis Is an unapproachable .record. Ufa
bleed sows in all my stock, as will as
sweepstakes bird this last January sired
'all the winners in present show.
Eggs and stock in season. Better hook
your orders now in Order to get early
hatches, as th : will be In demand, with
sue blood lines as they have
t 1.11 T't.X ttRPINGTtiX l Alt.u
a y i i.ii-Tt tx. i r>
Athens <ia j
f ■
Oil I
*1 ' J' I
*4- ••■'K
; I
\\ ilite I’ix ujoiith Rocks. p
; Second prize White Plymouth Re B
'pallet at Georgia Poult .x associatieu B
shot'. Ail birds exhibited l>v me ar. H
bred and raised in tnx- yard, tithe B
xvinnings at this show a ere third pul: B
! fourth and tCtit cock. These two coek.- ■
'being for siL. Have other stock ai, . ■
i little later will have plenty of egg... B
Book your orders for them now. AI- ■
dress Mis. W. A. Sharp. Decatur, D
Bell phone Deeatij" 3711. ■
« I
I m| B
? 3
k* / I
i I
The famous strain of Royal White Wx ■
hindottes were originated Ic. .1. S. Martie. ■
|of Port I lover, Canada, ami are one es ■
| the bigegst xvinning strains of While ■
; Wyandottes in America today. We have H
I about 100 of tlte tine young birds in our ■
yards at the present time. Also four ■
pens of these grand Wyaiulottes mater, ■
und can furnish eggs for hatching non H
if you are hesitating about beginning. ■
writ*- us fully and xve will be pleased to ■
lansxver all inquiries. Kegal Wyandotte ■
Yard. 230 Oglethorpe avenue, Atlanta. ■
The accompany Ing photo is a good
llikene-s of W hite In-Ji.-in Runner cocl.
, that won first premium in ■ lass of elev ,
>ck bird I I
entered. Eggs will be booked from this I
pen. headed by this drake, which is tin I
best In the South. This bird will be en- I
tered in the Madison Square Garden I
show this season, and if winner, eggs I
will advance to double the price 1 am ■
now quoting. With this drake ar-i I
mated six prize-winning ducks. Also I
have eggs from other winning bird 4 I
for sale. No stock for sale at present. ■
Am over-sold now. It will pay you t-- I
xx l it-' me if you are looking for number I
one stuff. Theo. A. Rr-nvn. Decatur, ■
Ga ■ I
Practical Notes I
i Save .ill the immature heads of cab I
i bag-- for the poultry next winter, when I
i place for future use. They are too val- ■
uable to waste. B
oth -r green food is scarce. Also sa\ ■ B
any other waste ¥-■■-• -tables. They wi’ B
all come in handy when tin- ground ■
covered with snow :tnd the chickens a B
confined In their houses. ■
Comm-nee now to train tin- birds in- ■
tended for the exhibition pens at nex* H
winters shows. Treat th, in in such fl
way that they will bo tarn- and traciu- H
ble, and a little later handle ttlem.evei' B
few days, teaching them to pose. Prop ■
er training goes a long way lowan'
winning the blue ribbons. ■
I I' l ' farmer' who says “hens are i
J nuisance" is the on, who gives them
| no attention -wept when taking a nlc
hunch t-> market. The check he gets
tor them is 75 per cent clear profit. M
though ho may not realize it. i iier-- is 9
;nore profit In a. load of poultry than !r H
a loud of any other product of tlr-
farm. fl
As -t-' at about this titi-e --ar BB
'- a r-.p-n't ,--l snoring-' of • ■ |fl
,u s-y -."op to. country, ami it fls
<ii • -mt -It- T'-ank.-gil Illg turk-.- bM
1 ■ v- ry sw r. e«>u inudity. T'.i-
| ,,l clr-'mai•-I :!ii!rj.,l!;,. -tn sou’.
j i>"" a-wa.-s’ untie- -i wh-n |B
I tin l ' 'CO"- tm in 'ey.- iirriv- fr,-' 91
.'•'.-■ry y boey --an not succeed nitii poll' hB
Iti y. an,’ more than every body can sm |S
feed in iithiji vocations. Study the h
and always keep both -y es open. T-’oci EH
but very little with scrub and sick her HE
Deal hom-stly advertise judiciously •: EK
after Imm oming well aeqtialnterl wit
on,'s seif, then study tl..- market cor Bl
ifi-ius Miik.- liens profitable. Tm-
nine mean a god deal, but without it
■i- ■ -all’ll-,p- to ueC' d. It a >. In t
. " '-file--, .loi.’t fail tv -i-iestlvr ■
lie -1 iilierally 9
i M