Newspaper Page Text
. ......
The present unfair, unjust, untruthful attacks now being
made on Colonel Roosevelt by certain politicians in Georgia is
the best evidence that they fear the result of the balloting on I
It looks now certain that Roosevelt will sweep with a land
| slide all the big industrial centers throughout the North and ||
I West. Pennsylvania and Illinois are coming for the Progressive
ticket one hundred thousand strong. New York and New Jer
sey are hanging in the balance.
In every state throughout the Southland Roosevelt will poll j
the biggest opposition vote in thirty years. Taft and Debs are I
running hot race for fourth place.
We hope Georgia will keep step with her sister Progressive B
states of the North, Kentucky registering a tremendous vote for H
the greatest living American—Theodore Roosevelt. i
Chairman National Progressive Committee.
o Before you
board your car —
buy your
i K.
WAS yrx H refreshes your mouth brightens your /*•*
' r teeth—eases digestion after breakfast —lunch
—dinner. /z|W
Trj ~ The fragrant mint leaf juice purifies your
VpV.7 ' I breath for the evening kiss makes your /
. ! ' '/ food tastier. * £ »
’’ ea * er * cosis less. ~
fjjlVV r
V Look for the spear v
The flavor lasts
Read for Profit. Use for Results
'S A 22c Notion Package for Just 10c fl
1 aluminum thimble 2c Irouin ? , wax with handl * •• 2c 9
-5 1 dozen safety pins 5c 1 “ 1 ’ COtt ° n lc ■
flp ] box mourning pins lc ® 3 l' a l” 1 pms 9
1 dozen hooks and eves 2c AW* ' P ack * Ke faUt ‘ y lftCe ’ ,i,,s ••■ 5c ■
-Z 1 box hair pins 2c Total > 22e for J ust 10c <
$3.50 and $4 Woo Blankets $2.9
I —The lower price comes because these are more or less
"nJ soiled from display. All v hite with pink or bine xuiei.
,55 Silk taped bound. 11-4 size. 3
'5 Comforters 75c Blankets 50c a Pair J.
: A heavy cotton comforter, cov- I c ot Ton fleeced sheet blankets.
I ered with a cheap grade of silk- j rn ■
lj«* oline. Stitched; 3-4 bed size. | 10-4 size; gray, only oOc a pun. <7l S
» $1.25 Wool Dress Goods Only 19c | SG>9B Velvet
What's wrong—the pattern. It's a small plaid crossed Hqic as €1 QQ *9
with a large bar. Imported from France, and it didn t <ai. «pi.J7O 1M
“take" here. We have just a small 101. Finest wool A va]ne h] £■
dress goods, and 4.> inches wide. Less than the puce ol trimUied velvet hat Xpar|v 9
cotton. Snap for early comers. every size and shape (Jov »
15c Chailie 10c 121-2 c Percales 10c ered wd ]| g ood q Ua ]ity
!Yard-wide Persian chailie that Newest designs of 1912 ger- black velvet.
I will make the most charming ki- . . „ . „
l-SJ monos and dressing sacques. cales in nea upes • >.> (J? 1 jfl XX
Zfl 15c Ginghams 121-2 c * hirt waists dresses etc. J> 110 /I O
35 Famous Bates ginghams in White grounds with colored ng- f
CS solid colors and seersucker alld dark patterns also; • • Jfl
I JJB stripes. yard wide. Very special purchase of 3fl
39c Embrc dery Flouncings 25c On 9
| JIB 27-ineh embroidery flouneings of swiss and cambric m ga j e todav for the first *9
neat, open and eyelet patterns. tinie Almost any style S
15c Embroideries 10c 5c Laces 2c shape you want. None j 9
I .188 2to 10 inch embroidery edg- English Torchon cotton laces worth less than sl, many ?fl
| ZJB ings and insertings for all sorts and insertings from 1-2 to I 1-2 worth to $2. Choice 49c.
| of trimming purposes. inches wide. ________ 2fl
~fl Bliy Corsets 1 Genuine satin Marseilles bed spreads, fine and firm, and
i Inch highly finished. Immense double bed size, 96x84-in.
5 A clearance of odd 3 Pairs Women’s 19c Hose 25c 3
lots broken lines and Women's fine 19c gauze lisle stockings for about Bc, be-
’ cause they are “seconds”—they have slight imperfections J®
discontinued models at which do no one any hurt. Perfectly fashioned and finished, JJB
I . ... i double heel, sole and toe. Black only, 3 pair for 25c. 2fl
I JB lc, 2c and 3c an inch. ■> i w.g
[f 15c Towels 10c 15c Toilet Goods 10c <9
“fl take i Vot-- All-linen glass towels in pink 15c face powder, 10c. <9
wKSIWit . . 9n and • iue bars. 15c mentholated cream, 10c.
.> ,'..0i Z A //)_ c_ 15c Rose Liquid shampoo. 10c.
I*s V 20c 10c ban. Napkins 5c 15c bottle perfume, 10c. 3
Vn i. un? Women’s sanitary napkins, 15c Antiseptic tooth wash, 10c.
VJ® y } U< °i< i ’ each in individual box. Soft and z» r
fl / accor(tin s’y very absorbent. 65c Sheets 49c Jfl
rrr • »r . ,« Heavy muslin sheets, with lin- Sfl
tf)r 1( . , in 5 Hair Nets 10c en finish; deep hems; sizes 76i
Zfl wr ilic h ’ c ~r Invisible silk hair nets. Large 90 ln - 7<fl
5 W. 3c an‘inch with or without rubbers. All 25c Ticking 15c
IV\\\ ta The lc u L- i- r Heavy A - CA - feather tick 39
Im V ' an inch Hand her enters 5c mg. in plain or with neat stripes: Rfl
lllllt corsets for- Ladles’ dainty cross-barred w * dc ’ .
diJi 11 merly sold Swiss handkerchiefs with hem- 12 1-2 Curtain Swiss 8c
zS BTn ?bev ’a?e StltChed b ° rder ' The "-ell-known C. T. N. cur- }9
'a! .., ',.,,- 12 Thanksgiving m".'XlJs'l’?“ 3
a! S r e,‘““l Postal Cards Sc yard'. Hut ma'nyLdey.'s laatcb. 3
chieflyAor Very newest 1912 Thankagiv- a » d th «^ a ye plenty of the larger BM
honst. wom The ,n.i .... i..„ ymiiKogn pieces. All white, in neat cur- Hfl
house wear I lie _c and ..< an mg tiews. Many novel subjects. ,L. c i™ s «fl
i inch corsets are in fairly good Highly colored, etc. 12 for 5c td aes ’s ns - Kfl
modeis-iow and medium bust, n Curtain Ends 15c 3
I long hips, etc. and 3 pair ot hose IjirlS Dresses 49c . . . . . , Nfl
I supporters attached. Former in Bi 7P « c tr> i i n• i c . n cur * a lns these ends j|fl
' m-ices were $1 to J” Now <c in.i • A slzes ’ f> to 14—think of get- would be w-orth $2 to $3 a pair. *fl
pi ices were $1 to Now and tlug such size ( ] resses for onl „. . h travelers’ sanmles *9
JB I3c an inch, or about 40c to 60c << (r n f ° • . lnes *- are travelers sanipies
t fl I a corset 49 *' l of checked gingham, in lengths of 1 1-2 yards. Fine
I I ( n eat patterns, high neck, long for odd windows, etc. Just a
“eotes. Piped in solid colors. small lot to clean u.< at 15c each. N®
tsjj 50c Petticoats 39c Boys’ 25c Blouses 19c
Womens outing flannel petticoats in Made of stripe or check percales of solid J®
;fl sohd colors with scalloped ruffle Leading color chambrays. Neat styles, soft attached 3
colors Also black spun glass petticoats with collars and cuffs. Sizes 6to 12. Splendid O
aceordion pleated rutile. 2 5c blouse only 19c. *1
Be Honest With Yourself. Study
the Cause lor Your
“Be honest with yourself." says the
Quaker Health Teacher, “What is it
that gives you that sallow complexion,
those lusterless eyes and furrows on
your face which should be smooth?
Probably you think your health is good,
bur there must be some reason, and
more often than not your troubles art
caused by a sluggish liver and disor
dered stoniach. A good complexion, a
clear skin, a good appetite and a feel
ing of health and strength are everx
person’s desire, and there is no reason
You Can Allways Find Tamne
to Read Georgian Want Ads
Lt takes but a few minutes to carefully read Georgian Want Ads. Von «f*e.
our \\ ant Ads are conveniently arranged. For instance, if you wish to bur or rent
i house, merely clip out the column headed “For Sale—Houses” or “For Kent—
Houses. ou w ill have time to read it in the street car, during noun hour, or in
the evening.
Read Georgian Want Ads for any desiye you may have.
Don’t neglect to read them every dav.
why he should not have them all.
“A v ell known lady living in this city
who does not wish her name published,
told me: T thought 1 was in fair
health, but kept getting thinner and
thinner. I was so yellow that I thought
my complexion must be gone forever; I
was troubled with pimples on my face
and was told that the life and sparkle
had left my eyes; felt dull and listless;
getting up in the morning more tired
than when 1 lay down at night. lam a
mother and believe I love my family as
much as any one can, but I found 1 was
getting cross with my children and
snappy with my husband. It took me
some time to realize this, but when T
did I thought there must be a cause,
and I must cure that cause. 1 had been
reading of the cures that the Quaker
Extract had been making, and some
people I am acquainted With concluded
to give it a trial. Now. in less ll,a
three weeks my husband and child?*
are once more glad to meet «>’
kisses and m.v friends exclaim when
meet them: How well you look! U
may ret assured that 1 will
speak well of the Quaker EXtrav
has done so much for me.’"
Don’t put it off any longer, but C
started on the road to health tod*
The Quaker Remedies can be obtain*
at Coursey & Munn's drug -
Marietta street. ft you sutler >M
rheumatism, catarrh, kidney,
stomach, bladder or blood trouble-, I”
digestion, constipation, start t' , ' l ‘ l ' A
get well. The Quaker Extract ''lll o
y ou the same as it has cured hm
of others. Call today and obtain ~ .
ker Extract,' ! for $2.50. 6 for $• . ....
of Halm, 25c, or 5 for SI.OO. "*’ P
pay all express charges on all <
of $3.00 or over. (Advt.)