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CliamberliicJohnson=Dußose Co.
A Rain Coat For You
It May Be Priced $5.00, $7.50, SIO.OO,
$15.00 or $20.00
These are newly come in and are just a bit smarter than
what you have seen at their prices.
Not only do they serve their purpose splendidly, but they
are more neatly fashioned and made than rain coats usually are.
Some are double-faced materials with either plain or plaid
rubber inside. Others are those wonderful English Cravenettes
that water just can not get through---these have not a particle
ui rubber about them.
In tan, navy, grey and black.
In Misses’ Sizes and Women’s, up to
44-inch bust Measure
And the best time to get one is now before the cold winter
rains start in earnest.
Chamberlin=Johnson=Dußose Company
I '
Chamberlin=Johnson=Dußose Company
Atlanta New York Paris
Fabrics In High Favor Right Now
It is one thing to start the season with a bright, fresh stock
of dress goods and quite another to keep the stock bright and
fresh throughout the season. And this is what we are concerned
with right now—to have the new fabrics not only at the first of
the season but whenever you want them.
If that time for you is right now, these newly arrived fab
rics should be interesting.
Two-Toned Whipcords in navy and black,
bldck and red, brown and black, Copenhagen and
black, gray and black, favored for suits and skirts.
44 inches wide at SI.OO.
New Diagonals and Serges, a variety that
spells satisfaction. Smart materials that tailor
splendidly—44 to 54 inches wide and the color card
shows, naw. Copenhagen, brown, green, rose and
black These are priced from $1.50 to $2.50.
Imported Charmeuse Serge, a new material
that brings all the serviceablity of a serge and the
soft finish of satin. It will be much wanted for rich
three-piece costumes. In navy, taupe, amber, brown
and black. 54 inches wide at $3.00.
Wool Ratine and Eponge, Paris proclaims them
and uses them for Suits and dresses whenever, it
seems, she wants’ something out of the ordinary. In
brown, navy and black. 54 inches wide at $2.50
and $3.00.
Zibelines that are lighter in weight than in
looks Wonderfull v soft materials, in rich autumnal
shades, usually two-toned, the darker shade in the
heavier stripe and they are a high novelty right
now. Navy and white, black and wlute, taupe and
brown. 54 and 56 inches wide at $2.50 and $3.00.
New White and Cream Serges, always wanted
fabrics in such a comprehensive variety that you
are assured just the weight that will best please
you. An unusual quality 52 inches wide is $1.00;
54 and 56 inches wide in grades at $ 1.50 to $2.50.
New Cloakings. A display that brings practi
cally all these heavy luxurious cloths.for -your
choosing—in naw, with black and white plaid..
bold blfck and white checks, dark castor with plaid
back, gray mixtures, brown mixtures, a new blaA
cloaking spot proof and London sponged and cream
chinchilla ?hat you will want for evening wraps.
Chamberlin Johnson Dußose Company
Rich’s Mid-Season!
Silk Clearance !
A Silk Sale to Stir the Town |
It includes---Rich’s Mid-Season Silk Clearance J
Plus $ 1 2,000 of New Silks to Sell for $6,800 5
Every November we set the town agog with our mid-season clearance of silks.
Greater values than ever this year to create even a greater stir. For in addition to our own good gg
silks, we have acquired $12,000 worth of new silks under exceptional circumstances which we can 4.'
sell for $6,800 at a profit.
These new silks, then, pins enr own good silks, which all season have sold so freely at their full J
prices, now- go at these mid-season clearance prices. ag
Rules of Sale 75c All-Silk Taffetas at 33c «
. g... C 1/1 D £ Cth 1 U *' ess tban price for this beautiful qualitv of all-silk taffeta. ‘Not the
INO SllkS uOlfl DCIOrC o‘All A. *l. thin, sleazy kind, but the rich, crunchy quality that retails regular’y over our
Na FvrhailffPC nr Poittrnc counters at 75c a yard. Every piece perfect, and you can choose froth 6\
I'o EALlldllgvS UI IyCIUmS full pieces. Every shade and color is represented, and white. No black: 1.9
Extva salespeople to insure inches. The usual 75c silk for just 33c. gg
prompt attention. ——— - - ——- 4
Mail Orders Filled $2 Cashmere de Soie at $1.49 5
Out-of-town customers can wire or ]() pj eC es blgck cashmere de soie—one of the prettiest and 3
them pr’omptlv. Don i semi for samples. nost silks of the season Soft and lustrous, fall n 4
specify what you want, for silks at these Dee. easy li nes. Drapes delightfully. 42 inches wide and only
prices won’t linger. $1.49. sg
$35.00 Imported Cl 9 $30.00 Imported CtQ QC *
Dress Patterns <P A Dress Patterns
Imported French novelty dress patterns, each in an ex- The charm of the mystic East expressed in the prettiest 4
elusive pattern. Dreams of fairy elegance in chiffons, of silk fabrics—radiums, meteor crepes, finest of satin
charmeuse and facconi imprime; delightful fabrics with. foulards. The designs are dreams of color harmony, dar-
exquisite colored borders, ribbon stripes, wonderful Per- ing Oriental and Arabian combinations, exquisite Persian
sian borders and all the charming color combinations that borders, floral and all-over effects, solid colors with bor
only a French artist could-conceive; 44 to 50 inches wide ders, etc; 28 patterns in all, and each delightfully differ-
in 3 1-2 to 7-yard lengths. Former prices $25 to SSO; now ent. Lengths are 3 1-2 to 7 yards and 44 to 50 inches wide.
at $12.95. Only 18 patterns in all—fair warning. Usual prices are S2O to $35; in this sale pay only $9.95.
$1 Silk and Wool /'Q Black 59c QcTI 89c Black 70 3
Poplins Messaline OOC Messaline * «JC •
This soft lustrous fabric is in high This little price for a heavy all-silk m ■ e ■ i i I
favor for pretty street and party black messaline with twill back that pieces o a rich, satin black mes- gg
dresses. Os silk and wool, soft and will give splendid service. A hand- sa me . yai d u ide—-cuts to best gg
sheer and very serviceable; 36 in. some, lustrous surface. Desirable for ad\antage. Fwill back, free flowing
wide. Choice of 30 pieces in all the waists, petticoats, dresses. Black qua ity. An unusually fine silk for
leading street and evening Shades. only, and only 10 pieces. sut i a itt e price. Only /3c.
$1 Paillette $2.50 Satin 1 ZJQ $3 Cashmere (fr 1 £
de Soie • c/C Charmeuse Charmeuse A• / O JJ
A beautiful silk of the messaline Every woman knows what char- The queen of all black 'fabrics; soft R
family with a wonderfully bright nwuse is. so we predict a rally tor it and satiny, drapes with classic grace.
satin‘surface. Pure dye silk, full at this price. Fme imported French l mporte d, now shown for the first S
plump weight. Drapes delightfully. abric never before on sale for less ti|np N()te Ihp p J
Black only. Too bad we have only than $2..>0 ; .>0 pieces m every wanted in) . hes . _ it takes ve litt]p fnr a
10 pieces. and shade i no black 5 42 lncheß gown; 10 pieces in black only. S
S6O Imp. Tunics Q Trimmings at 3
and Robes, at 1 </• / O Half Prices J
Surely the work of fairy fingers. Sheer nets, chiffons ~ Clearing the trimming stock. We’ve grouped all odd J
’ . i .• . lines, slightly soiled trimmings, various left-over numbers, *
and marquisettes are beautified by rhinestone and crystal hr()kpn linPß of nPW trimmings -and now we say choose at
trimmings. SomeAvith rosettes and garlands of flowers just half the former prices. M
are exquisite. Others in the regal Oriental colorings. Va- There are band braids, all-overs, metal bands and edg-
riously in semi-made robes and tunics in light and dark Barnitures, pendants, floral trimmings, ball and silk J
colors, white and pastel shades; 83 in all. and every one >ing<s 'r? thing, in fa< 1. used in a season that has been
imported. Each bears lhe imprint of Paris. The lowest remarkable for i s fine trimmings. Dark, hght and pastel J
■ i . • i . ■ i..>- colorings, suitable for street, and evening dresses
price robe or tunic in the 10l is s3.>: some are worth $100; - r ... . veniug uirsses.
— -
$2.50 Black I z?Q s’-50 to $2 Chis- EQ-TI 59c All Silk AQ _ J
Charmeuse tons, Nets, etc , v* Messaline
10 full pieces of thia--the season s I , ?’^ ona ’ nets ’ marquisettes and Choose any shade von wish and ••
most popular silk. Imported French ehifton cloths over foundations of black or white in all-silk messaline.
grade; soft and rich like satin, yet p ■ 'a |n solid colors, floral and Pure silk— note, we said, “pure," not
more souple. more subtle in its luxu- I eisian designs; 42 in. wide. Rose, poor—in a rich, crunchy qualitv
riousness; in black onlv, 42 inches. Copenhagen, navy, reseda, gray, Choice of 60 pieces. All colors 19 i‘n
maize, copper, tan, herry, white, etc. wide. '
$1 and sl.s° gQ 59c to $1.50 -|n $2.50 and $3 (M EQ 5
Fancy Silks VUV Silks at I£/C Crepe Meteor $ 1 .OU
45 pieces of fancy silks the brok- genera | setting of stocks to Imagine a heavv crene de chine 4
en lines from our owm good stock. Hghts, so all odd shades, many hrok- wi t h a charming hair line st line and *
Choose from fancy taffetas and mes- en lines shelf worn and slishtlv i Harming hair line stiipt and
’ ,• ann Sfighuy you have a faint conception of this
rd .ills fl/ral s Imir hncs S'lks. short lengths and rem- loveliest of silks. Au imported 5
plaids floral pattirns, hau lines, nants are swept out at the next-to- French silk 42 inches wide Choice 2
everything that has been in vogue nothing price of 19c I io lOvard 7on • *
the nn«t soason nr sn on tn 07 p ■ n ’ yard o t 20 pieces in maize, navy, primrose.
flu past season so. 20 in. lengths; some full pieces, 19 to 40 tun . Copenhagen, roval grav, Alice 4
mehes wide. ,-eseda. 4
& bros. co. »«» order by