Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 07, 1912, EXTRA, Image 12

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THE ATLANTA GEOR<i IAX ANT) NEWS. f Auetion Sales. AT AUCTION. SEVERAL CONSIGN MENTS 01’ I* IN I. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. INCLUDING bedroom. DINING ROOM AND PARLOR FURNITURE, ART SQUARES. RUGS. BL ANKET S. BRASS BEDS. CURTAINS, POR- I TIERS. ETC' FULL LIST OF ARTICLES IN TO MORROW’S AD. .SALE FRIDAY AT 10 A. M. I CENTRAL AUCTION CO., 12 E. MITCHELL ST. | “ AT Al l"I liYx. ~ Till RSDAY, 10 a. in. sharp), at 143 S. I’ryor street, we will of fer several consignments of fur niture, household goods, office and L, store fixtures in high-grade as E well as medium —in fact, goods too numerous to list. It is worth your while to come. Every piece will positively be sold without reserve. PEMBROKE SAI ES CO.. I 143 S. Pryor St. Main 187. It so EXCHANGE* Tl b< - cl mate~and soli in the world for a tired and frost t- bitten farm back Kc t. The Ninth An niversary Edition Os The Loh Angeles Ex g? aminer _/? fipcemlter JlHh, will tell where gv . the# Are and how to get one Mailed »o Hriy address in United States or Mexico, fe- 15 cenls; Canada or foreign points, 25c. Send fnjyour order now. 10-21-1 | CENTRAL ’AinT »N (’(l2 I' Mitchell fit., buys and sells everything, regular jß' auction Tuesday and Friday. Bell phone I ain 2424 _ _ I PAWN BPjd-.Ti’S n -i:. .1 Decatur street. We buy and sell any O-■ and everything Atlanta pnone 2285; Bell P l>one Mui t n 1431 Ma a- IS7. _ 7-29 .0 SPRINGEH’S Aucti »n House, at 25 South K • Pryor will buy <■ 'i ll your fr household goods, pianos and office furnl |L tore M io 3-6 I’iM I■ 1 •dx I: Sales Contp.i ny nndci new management; will accept your surplus H Block of any Hind oi. consignment: cash L adv a need; settlement on date of wile. 143 E' South Pryor street Bell phone Main HU, I Main 187. Mbinta pi.. -tie 6-6 30 Hte WANT El i Manufacturers ami merchants to help manage the business end of the E Panama canal. It Is located at Los An- E geles, the key to the great Southwest. | The Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25, K will have the facts about this great proj- E. ect. Matted to any address tn United ' States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or for- L elgn points 25 cents S«nd In your or- der now. 10 21-4 Business Opportunities. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE One Cole |jg, sawmill outfit: 25 horsepower; almost EJ new; tn use about, sixty days. Will ex change for Atlanta property. Glenn E’". Snow. Hogansville. Ga.__ 41-29-10 | #’<•!: SALI? ITirni-i frigs and lease of twenty-room hoarding house, filled, block of Candler building, on Ivy street. I cat" Georgian 11-5-2 WANTED Families to own some mor. of those beautiful .Southern California homes. It is a habit, get It. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Eos Angeles P Examiner, out December 35th, tells how the habit is acquired. Mailed to any ad dress In United States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or foreign points. 25 cents Send in your order now. 10-31-4 Money to Loan. FOR <"> per cent and 7 per cent loans. See John E. Gay, SOI Empire Else Bldg Main 141 10-4-45 WANTED Families to own some more of those beautiful Southern California homes. It is a habit, got It. The Ninth ' Anniversary Edition of The Eos \ngeles I |' Examiner, out December 26th, tells how i £ the habit is acquired. Mailed to any ad ■ dress In United States or Mexico 15 cents; 1 Canada or foreign points, 25 cents Semi In your order now 10-31-4 K money’ f<»’r~sala'iuei>" E ANT' OTHERS, upon their own names, cheap rates, easj payments Conflden- I a). D It Tolman. 524 Austell building. SiONEY ON HAND for immediate loans on uropet ly In or near ttlatita. J. E Van valkcnburg, 50! Equitable building ; _ t-f-33 ON FIRST mortgage real estate security. Home funds and In- trance money. It. tes o’- to 8 per cent interest. We also make monthly payment loan We car give you the nmney a* icon as titles are ap- B:;. proved. RALPH 0. COCHRAN CO., I'l S. HK< )AD ST 1. H -d ’ll INE. I. an Manage ■ ‘ ”W EY MAN \ Ct IA N< 'RS ? ESTaBI .ISHED 1890. Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-3 SPECIAL HOME FUNDS !'■ I FIND, any E amount C per ■••nt Write or call. S. W Carsol! '.'l Scutl Broad street. 4-117 THE PR! DEN’IIAL IX SURANUE CO. of Ameri ea can make you a loan on |'< Atlanta improved property, | through their loan eorre- | gpondents, Turman. Black ' & Calhoun, 203-8 Empire Building. 6-7-12-1 F FARM EGANS placed tn any anmunt’~on lit.proved farm lan.l: tn Georgia. The Mrfr M •uthern Mortgage Company Gould build- d __ "-13-1 Tr z '- JEWELERS AND BROKERS 4-7 T~. 301 P,T,I ’ S II " ° LOAN (J- /< phone main >i> T Ls) | VTKCTLV PRIVATE ■ WE 11 .X \ E I’! I ' til lend at lowest ratis on \tlanta if and nearby property, either for / straight or monthly payment j** plan. Also for purchasing pnr- E chase money notes Foster & Robson. 11 Edgewiod Ave. For Exchange—Real Estate E HAVE GOOD renting property worth 44.- JSM> to exchange for farm land, near ■J:.- by; also have good 4.;.500 residence |u ex ‘ pliangi tor the same Main 4411-J. PoR • i ' argi and five times as g. •><! as the one you | I are tolling on buck East Tuk< mivan tage of the la-rcentage m jour favor The I E Ninth Anniversary edit., n of The b.s An E getea Examiner, nut I>ee. über 25. w ill tell i K you how this can be .Mailed t. any ad I Iraes In United Stat. ■ q. ■ cents. | KJ ?anada pr foreign points 25 nut s«■if i 1) your order now. 10-31-4 Real Estate For Sale. ltd; SAEE Six-room modern cottage; walking distance: good tenant; might consider well located vacant lot in part payment I‘hone Ivy 308 or address Mrs. '. 133 la. utree street. 42-5-li ’1 u"0 liotvy. balance 430 per month for ipiick sale; near In; H-room house; all conveniences; non-resident cause of sai. I'G Crumley, near Central avenue. Write Mrs <• Brandon, Fort Myers, Fla. 11-4-34 I i: SALE Fourteen acres land In northern part of Quitman, in high state of cultivation. City now building on II ••,.,. sides of property Good to sub- divide Price right Write J. W. Spain. 'AllllniSPyyiA 75-2-11 i'l >R SAEE <lll River car line, new three- room house; $1,000; sls a month; no • ash payment. John Carey, 2 Whitehall jtreet 11-2-55 WANTED One hundred thousand ready made families to share in the prosperity of Southern California. The Ninth Anni versary Edition of The Eos Angeles Ex aminer, out December 25th, will tell why and how Mailed to any address In United Stalos .r Mexico If. cents a copy; Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21 -4 T'.'.'i new bungalows m Kirkwood; will sell cheap, or will exchange for vacant property or purchase money notes. Ad ore- I , Box 700, care Georgian. THI'J HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. Real Estate Wanted. WANTED Small acreage on Paces Fer ry road State lowest price and terms. Phone Ivj ::12 11-6-47 WIEL buy from owner 4-room house, near Southern shops, on terms; SIOO cash and S2O month. Johnson, care Georgian. 11-4-39 Farms For Sale. MR TRUUKER: I've got 40 acres best trucking land in Cobb county; lust 10 miles from Atlanta on good graded road; good, cheap three-room house; will take $2,000; one-half cash balance to suit. Address owner, Box 885, care Georgian. WANTED Ships of all kinds to burn California oil and carry merchandise for tl e port of Eos Angeles to and from the Panama Canal. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Eos Angeles Examiner, out December 25th. tells Just what the canal will do to Southern California. Mailed to any address In United States or Mexico, 15 cents; Canada or foreign points, 25 c< nts. Send In your order now 10-21-4 Farms For Rent. WANTED One hundred thousand ready made families to share in the prosper ity of Southern California. The Ninth An niversary Edition of The Eos Angeles Ex aminer. out December 25th, will tell why ami how. Mailed to any address In United States or Mexico, 15 cents a copy; Can ada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now 10-21-4 Farms Wanted. WANTED- To rent, between Stone Mountain ami Atlanta, eighteen acres of land, on halves. Must have good tools and good stock. Write E. C. Wade. Stone .Mountain, Ga. 43-6-11 Poultry—Miscellaneous. FOR S.ALIL Six Black Minorca hens and one cock, one year old, Ledford strain; quirk sale. $lO. R. 1. Reds and regis tered Berkshire pigs, cheap. R. E, Fin -1 *l\__ * {e 4 > Atlanta. 11-6-12 M Y WINNINGS at Macon fair October 15~ were six firsts, three seconds, one third, one fourth out of eleven entries in R I R., I. W., Bit Games, F. ami W. Ducks. Stork and eggs of above breeds for sale. /\lso Black Orpingtons. Write 4> - Danville. Ga. 10-23-28 CIjOSTNg i'l'T s\i .'count of moving to Atlanta. I am offering 300 head of fine R I Reds, White Leghorns and Cornish Indian games for quick sale. Manx prize winners in the lot. A. A. Webb, Adel. Ga 11-1-42 n. G. HASTINGS & co.. .'lisinen for the South, 16 West Mitchell street. Four City De liveries Daily. North and South Side 9 a. m., Inman Park and West End 2 p. m. Bell Phone M. 2568, Atlanta 2568. "IDEAE" EGG CARRIERS can't be beat for carrying eggs. Can be stacked very conveniently. Hohl even one dozen eggs, with no breakage or overcounts. Price, 15c a dozen; two dozen 25c; 75c a hun dred, SHEPPARD'S SONG RESTORER will restore song to canaries that have lost them from cold or moulting. Price, 25c a bottle; postpaid. 35c CONKEY’S CHICKENPOX REMEDY is a sure cure for fowls that have the sorehead. This remedy consists of a box of salve for rubbing the head and powders for giving in the food. Price, 50c a box: postpaid, 55c. RUST’S ROUP PILLS are fine for roup among your fowls and for pigeon dis eases. Price, a box of 50 pills, 25c; a box of 112 pills. 50c. \ < ;00l • IO) give vour fowls Conker's Poultry Tonic now, as It will help them while moulting and tone them. Price, 25c a box. ARMOUR'S FLOWER FOOD wilTTnake your potted plants and bulbs grow off fast. No trouble to apply. Just mix in water and pour over the soil. Price, half pound package. 25c. postpaid, 30c. pound package, 50c, postpaid. 60c. Horses and Carriages FOR SALE Good buggy and harness; can tn seen at 19 Highland avenue Call Maln_2674. _ 11-6-38 WANTED To sell horse and buggy'. Bill phone Ivy 3144-L. 11-6-28 Mules. For SALE Good mule; can be seen at Newsom Stable Company. 11-6-37 Dogs. \\ ' NTED Good male yard watch dog. State age ami price. Address Dog Box ■ " cure Georgian 46-6-11 l ol; saI.F: Setters, pointers and hounds; trained, partly tralneil and untrained; rei ised list ready for mailing. R. L. Wl itj. Kernersville. N, C. 41-6-11 Foit SAI.I. Pair male hounds. 3', years old, guaranteed to be the best coon and possum dogs in Georgia. M. L Crawford. Tiger, Ga. 10-31-47 Hogs. TAKING ORDERS for eight weeks fine B< rkshires at sl2 pair. Morris Farm, Clarkston. G*. io-i9-< Disenfectants. ( FOR SALE. CREOSOTE is an excellent germ destroyer for poultry raisers to io ■ about the premises. We have it in any quantity. Atlanta Gas Light Co. Incubators. FREE poultrymen; ' GET ot.r big catalogue of Incubators and hr, oder- Southern States Incubator and lio l. r Company, Cvlkgc I'ark, Ga 10-30-16 READ FOR PROFIT— GEORGIAN WANT ADS— USE FOR RESULTS FOULTIY' KDITLD Jlim r.J.MRSHAIU. What Is Faking? This is the subject upon which I have been loth to express my self, but I can say in a few words what comes to the surface in my mind in regard to all this talk about feeling. There is no one more than I who has been in the business as long as I have, both as an exhibitor and a judge, who would like to see an entirely clean sheet in the matter of show preparation, entirely free from even the appearance of faking. But where are you going to draw the line? In other words, where is the line drawn to day, taking 90 per cent of the representative breeders as exhibitors, many of them judges them selves. Ask tJieni how they looked at the matter of show preparation when they first entered the show arena? They will practically all tell you t.h<; same story, which is that they made up their minds at the same time to exhibit their stock strictly upon its merits and entirely without preparation, ex cept the washing of the mud from their shanks and feet. They did not believe in pulling off col- ored feathers at all, would not think of such a thing. After one year’s experience in the show room, they decide to pluck a few dead feathers which had not moulted out. Another year they listened to some of the veterans tell about getting rid of all of the black feathers in Barred Kocks. They became some what surprised, but when they be came convinced that it was abso lutely essential to success, they reluctantly took to the practice. Finding an otherwise surprising spec imen In quality, with one little Insig nificant sprig of a feather between the toes, they promptly remove it and the specimen goes to the show room to win. Things which at first gave our friend a twinge of conscience to do are now done without a tremor. In the course of two or three years this exhibitor can prepare his stock for exhibition as suc cessfully as any of the veterans. The question conies up like this: It it right to try to make a new, ignorant exhibitor believe that he should not at tempt any of this preparation? That is faking. It is morally wrong to keep him in such ignorance as long as you can .in order that you may be able to win him over by your sharp and expe rienced practices. One of two courses should be adopt- Judge Marshall will be glad to answer in this department questions on all points of rearing utility and fancy poultry. He can not undertake, however, to reply personally to such let ters of inquiry. Address Judge F. J. Marshall, College Park, Ga. Rhode Island Reds. ARE YOU In the market for good stock of Rhode Island Reds? My S. C. Reds will win in good company. My winnings at Georgia State fair, Macon. Ga., were ribbon for best type and best colored bird in show, all breeds competing; first and second pen, first, second, third, fourth cockerel, second and fourth pullet, sweep stakes cockerel I had sixteen birds en tered and each one was a winner. Stock and eggs for sale. Mrs. P. T. Callaway, Washington, Ga 10-26-9 SEE my display of S. C. Reds at Audi torium this week where I won first, fourth and fifth pens, third and fourth cock. On account of having sold my farm my stock is for sale. If you are looking for genuine bargains see me. J. I. Hosford, East Point, Ga. Bell phone. 10-25-32 Orpingtons. FEW PENS or single birds. Buff Orping tons; high-class stock. Morris Fann. Clarkston. Ga 10-19 8 ALL my last season's winners for sale. Pens and single birds. Ribbons and cups go with birds. V. A. Ham, Newnan, Ga. 9-21-1 Plymouth Rocks. BARRED F’LYMOITTH ROcl<S-Hens and pullets, $1.50 each. In ordering state whether hens or pullets are desired. Worth more than this for eating. Theo. A Brown. Decatur, Ga. 11-4-36 EGGS from prize-winning Barred Plym outh Rocks; four ribbons, first cock, first, fourth and fifth hens. Silver cup i sweepstakes) on Just four birds. Fine cockerels for sale. Benjamin H. Spurlock, Lithonia. Ga. 9-14-5 Leghorns. FOR SALE Thoroughbred S. C. White Leghorn pullets and hens: first class. E B. Havey, Box 81, Lithonia, Ga. FOR SALE--Twenty-five White Ixphorn In ns and one cock. Belmont strain. $1 each. T. Warthen, Leesburg, Ga. 49-5-11 150 FINE White Leghorns $1 each. Ik S. Bottenfleld. Phone 27-J Decatur, Ga. DILLIN-MORRIS CO. 60S-10 Atlanta National Bank Bldg. Both Phones 4234. $5,750 For a beautiful six-room north side bungalow; has hardwood floors thrtnighout; stone front; beautiful fixtures; terms SSOO cash and balance easy. SI,OOO will buy a good little tliree-roo m house near Capitol avenue on good size lot; rents for $8 per month; terms SSO cash and $lO per month. $2,000 —Close in on the south side, we have a good six-room cottage we are offer ing at least SSOO under its value. See us about this. Good terms. MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST mortgage real estate security. Home funds and in surance money. Rates 5 1-2 to 8 per cent interest. We also make monthly payment loans. We can give you the money as soon as titles are approved. RALPH O. COCHRAN COMPANY 19 SOUTH BROAD STREET. L. H. ZURLINE, Loan Manager. • INMAN PARK HOME THE REST BUILT eight-room, steam-heated, east-front home; lo cated on level, shady lot in best section : best schools, churches, stores and car lines in the city. Worth $7,500; will take $6,500 on easv terms. WILSON BROiS. l’HUNi£ M 4UI-J. 701 EMPIRE BLDG. Real Estate For Sale. F.J MA'CSHAX-T 1 ed: Either the whole practice of prep- ■ aration should be abolished, further ■ than the simple washing and cleaning . of the specimen, and the matter rigidly enforced at all shows at all times (a thing hard to do), or else the practice • of modern methods of show prepara- ■ tion, including the pulling off of col- ■ ored feathers and removing of stubs i from shanks, the use of bleach on the > plumage, and butter color on the -legs, . and like accessories should be recom- I mended openly and above board, so that ’ the man or boy new in the business i would stand on an equal footing with i the veteran as possible. They should be adopted by and included in the show rules of the American Poultry a.ssocia t tion. A line should be drawn and on t the other side should be specified the • objectionable preparation, considered t faking, to be such as splicing, coloring > of ear lobes, etc. I should like to see i .the former obtain, but can see how > much more easily the latter could be • obtained. Justice should be done. In other words, let the admission fee be ■ the same to all. Bantams. BANTAMS—Game bantams. Sebrights, Buff Cochins. Carlisle Cobb, Athens, Ga. 4-26-30 Turkeys. TEN 51AmSioth' Wl- ite' HolianYturkeyT twenty-five Fawn and White Indian Runner ducks for sale. W. D. Bennett, Molena, Ga. 10-23-29 Ducks. TWO HUNDRED pure White Indian Runner ducks, Carlisle-Fishel strain, full grown and Just beginning to lay, for next ten days at $lO trio, sls pen of four ducks and drake, or $4 each single duck and $2 single drake. These birds are beauties and will not last long at these prices. Three settings of eggs will bring you the price of a pen. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Refer ences Sale City Bank. Farmers and Merchants Bank or any business house here. South Georgia Poultry Farm, Sale City, Ga. t 11-6-41 FOR BARGAIN in Indian Runner ducks and drakes call Main 538, Atlanta 303. INDIAN RUNNERS White and Fawn and White. Grown stool ducklings and eggs. Prices right. Sail: tion guaran teed. Georgia Duck Farm. Smyrna. Ga. 47-29-10 Eggs. I WILL GIVE 10 cents above Philadel phia quotation, current receipts, f. o. b., Philadelphia, for fresh eggs from the ship per's own hens or from other hens which the shipper guarantees to be absolutely fresh. Gerhard Bros., 2117 Venango street, Philadelphia. Pa. 40-6-11 THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs, $1 per 15. 126 Windsor street. Main 3588. * 10-9-15 Pigeons. PlGEONS—Carneaux. Runts and White Homers; big bargain if sold at once. Theo. A. Brown, Decatur, Ga. Bell phone Decatur 202. 11-4-37 Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Salt. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson REAL ESTATE. RENTING AND LOANS. Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. Atlanta Phone 1881. “IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD.. IT’S SO.” FOR SALE. ( for RENT. WE HAVE a corner on Peachtree, be tween Ponce DeLeon avenue and Tenth street, that Is priced cheaper than any other corner on the street. It contains one-half acre of ground, and has a sub stantial residence on it. Attractive terms can be arranged. We recommend the purchase of this as a sure profit-maker. See Mr. Hook. ON EAST FIFTH STREET? not far from Jackson street, a practically new eight room two-story residence, on lot 50 by 125 feet, to alley; lot slightly elevated; all city conveniences; hardwood floors, tinted walls, furnace heat. We consider this a real pick up for $5,500. Any reasonable terms. See Mr. White. WE HAVE the beautiful Dunwoody home on Kirkwood road, in Kirkwood, for sale. This is a delightful seven-room cot tage. on lot 200 by 200 feet, on corner of Dunwoody street. Proper!' is only a step from the South Decatur car line, and lies perfectly level: beautiful shade, shrubbery and flowers; in fact, a most delightful suburban home with all the city conven iences, including furnace heat. $9,500 — one-third cash and balance to suit. See Mr. Eve. If You Have Money to Lend, We Can Place it Safely. FOR RENT. 10-r. h., 432 Central avenue $27.50 I 9-r. h., 9 East North avenue ....$55.00 9-r. h., 8 West Ellis street .... 75.00 ! 9-r. h., 347 Central avenue 32.50 9-r. h., 24 AVest Baker street .. 40.00 I 8-r. h., 117 Cooper street 35.00 9-r. h., 42 West Baker street .. 40.00 I 8-r. h., 183 Highland avenue 25.00 . WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of everything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 618. FOR RENT, WE HAVE two apartments of 5 rooms, with beauti- ful grounds, which we will rent very cheap to right parties. THE L. C. GREEN COMPANY 305 Third National Bank. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. G T R FRASER 19 AUBURN AVE., Y. M. C. A. BLDG. BELL 1817 IVY, “Buys and Sells Real Estate.” EAST LAKE. 23 ACRES of fine land, with dwelling an d outbuildings, right near the CLUB GROUNDS, for $250 per acre. Buy 11 NOW. MOST BEAUTIFUL unsold corner lot on fashionable part of Morgan street, 187 by 740 feet, facing GOLF' LINKS and another street, and covered in part with trees. It has no equal, and you’ll m ake the mistake of your life if you don’t build a handsome home on it. A gentleman’s estate for $8,500. JUNIPER STREET. IMPOSING LOOKING ten-room dwell! ng, on corner of Seventh; elevated lot; fine stone wall all around, servant’s house and garage on alley. Backs up against PEACHTREE CORNER WORT H MORE THAN $60,000. Price $12,500, for short time only. Fowler St.—s2oo Cash THIS cottage, in excellent condition, this side of Tech school, can be bought on dead easy terms. It is convenient to the new library, public school, etc., and is on the mile circle from the city’s center. Price, $2,500. Make us an offer. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton St. Both Phones 458. FOR SALE CBN^/ G^ NUE TrY UNT T (Nerr Glenn st > 11/ I I I 'U I WELL built cottage; 6 rooms and bath; j j. j.-»- x j, lot 50x142 t o alley; rental, $25 per <■-» t x T~x T I—month;1 — month; terms. Price, $3,000. \A/ I II I I I I I H THOS. R. FINNEY, Sales Mgr. VV V/V JlvO I 12 Auburn Avenue. G. R. MOORE & COMPANY Real Estate, Building and Loans. 1409 CANDLER BLDG., ATLANTA, GA., PHONE IVY 4978. $5,000 —North side bungalow; six rooms; hardwood floors; on large lot. 50 by 130, south front, within two blocks of two car lines. Terms, SSOO cash, assume loan of $2,000 at 7 per cent, balance S4O a month. See Mr. Moore. LOT 65 feet front. Just off Peachtree, In one of the best sections of the city, at a bargain. Has water, sewer, sidewalks and everything. Bargain price of $3,000, one-fourth cash, balance easy. This is a beauty. See Mr. Moore. BAKER STREET CORNER, one block oft Peachtree street. $260 per foot. This Is a good chance to make $5,000 within the next sixty days. See Mr. Reid. $i,600, $2,250, $2,750 Homes $1,600 —A four-room house, in the city; convenient to car line; no loan. Lot 52 by 160. Would take 10 to 15 acres not more than two miles from car line, In part payment. $2.250 —Five rooms and bath, right where things are humming. This is bargain. s2,7so—Five rooms, barn and shed; large enough for livery; fine garden; new cy press roof. No loan. A real home. MERCER W. GILMER XO. 8 AUBURN AVENUE. AUBURN AVENUE 26x120, RUNNING through to another street—store and residence rented at $36.00 per month; $4,500. The vacant lot is worth the price. J. H. EWING 116 LOBBY. CANDLER BUILDING. Ivy 1839. Atlanta 2865. FOR SALE BY WEST PEACHTREE, p* (That Future Thoroughfare) *—WE have large lot. practically vacant, j—j » - e-TA -* r small house on same. This lot suitable rx zA. Lrf 1 1 ,or nlce apartment house, or can be di- vided into three lots, on which nice homes X T I ) A XZ can be built and sold for fine profit. We U7 1\ I 1 zA. 1 X I have low price of only SBO 00 foot. See us. 511 EMPIRE BUILDING. REAL ESTAT E, RENTING. LOANS, Phones 1599. THE HOUSE you will build, buy o- will not be a modern home unless it is wire 'or Electricity. Houses For Rent. 2-r. apt., corner Juniper and Tenth streets $35.00 2- h., 37 Savannah street 4.60 3- h., 107 Fowler street 6.00 3-r. h., 721-B East Fair 6,30 3-r. h., 354 Edgewood 10.60 3-r. flat 17 Crew street 20.00 3-r. h., 20 Kirkwood avenue 7.60 3-r. h., 51 Kennedy street 7.60 3- h., Gordon road, and 20 acres of ground 15.00 4- h., 42 Virgil 11-25 4-r. h., 140 Whitehall terrace 11.60 4-r. h., 308 Windsor street 10.60 4-r. h., 324 Angier avenue 10.00 4-r. h., 24 Lampkin street 7.60 I 4- h., 32 Virgil street 9.0 C 5- h„ 184 Stewart 15.60 5-r. h., 450 Orme street 27.5 ff 5-r. h., 299 North Ashby street .... 13.60 5-r. h., 14 Norwood street, Kirk wood. Ga 15?? ' 5-r. h., 12 Dundee 18.00 WE HAVE A LONG LIST of larger houses. We have automobile, surries and buggies for the purpose of showing our property, and take pleasure in doing so. 1 Come to see us. Real Estate For Sale. gHARP & gOYLSTON FOURTH WARD. WE HAVE a proposition in thia ward that we think Is mighty good. Th-, is covered now with houses that rent for SSO per month, aza with a littia money spent on it it can be made to pay a good deal more. THIS IS IN A COMING SECTION AND PAYS VERY WELL ON THE AMOUNT WE ARE ASKING FOR IT. SUBURBAN. ON A NICE shady lot that is 100x360, we have a dandy six-room cottage with water, sewer and electric lights, car line in front, and this property Is in a section that is coming fast. This \ is one of those propositions that you ] have to see to appreciate. LET US SHOW If TO YOU. The price is right. PONCE DE LEON AVE. TALK ABOUT YOUR HOME, but lis ten to this; Eight rooms, two sto ries, stone front, hardwood floors, steam heat, sleeping porch and a lot that is over 200 feet deep. This house is not , quite finished yet, but we would like for you to go look at it and see for yourself what the material is. We ln v ite inspection on this place because we know it’s worth every cent we are asking for it. —S—J | || ! Legal Notices. noiicUYo debtors ... ITORS. vixen. All creditors of the estate of I n Crockett, late of Fulton county deceased are hereby notified to render in thel? de ’ mands to the undersigned according L aw. and all persons indebted to said es tate are required to make immediate nay .. „„ MRS » » GEORGIA—FuIton Count}’ ' ” '" Iln pe e rior J ' 4 Car,lsle ' Su ' To J. G. Carlisle, Greeting- By order of court you are notified that on the first day of November, 1912, Minnie L. Carlisle filed suit against you for <li vorce returnable to the January term 1913. of said court. •■cihi, ? re required to be at the January term of said court to be held on the first Itionday in January, 1913, to answer the plaintiff’s complaint. Witness the Hon. George L. Bell iuden of said court, this November 1 1912 ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Aotiee is hereby given that on the 7th day df December. 1912, at 9:30 o'clock a ni.. it is the Intention of Mrs May c’ Grant, as testamentary guardian of the c J llldren , of herself and John A Grant, deceased, to-wit; John Audlev Grant and Gladys Grant, to apply to the superior court of Fulton county, Georgia for an order to sell at private sate cer tain shares of stock held by her as tes tamentary guardian for her said minor children, being 106 shares, of the nar the Ue cLn l t°°T each » ° f the ca P lta l stock of the Grant Investment Company, evid enced by Certificate' No.s 7 and 8 and to reinvest the same in securities paying a larger dividend. HFyuq, «♦ J?ir e ppl \ c $ atio P to Bell sa,d shares of stock of said minor children, and to re h«? S f t h the s at ? e ', is J nade the reason st °ck, for the present, pays a «^ a »i dlvldend ’ because of an old lease!^ rope L t 1 y x° f tI ?S Grant Investment Company, which said lease has many t 0 ru ?i and while said prop ?l^o! la *!, been su blet for a'much higher rental the company will receive no in creased revenue therefrom until the ex- Pt Os l he .e ase exlstl ng at the time It purchased said property, said property bemg located at the southeast corner of Peachtree street and Auburn avenue. Ihe proceeds arising from said sale can be safely reinvested so as to secure a larger return, which is necessary for the present needs of said wards. MRS. MAY C. GRANT. Guardian of John Audley and Glad vs . Grant - 11-6-9 heretofore r r. between Dr J. w. Blosser and no Ji » T? S ' 4°L ng business under the . h ' 6 . Modern Construction Com pany, has this day been dissolved by mu nJL C !°h nS Y nt ’. Mr ’ J ’ D ’ Rlves "ill con tinue the business under the name of the « Id l ern . 7l’J l ®^*y c X ,on Company, with of fices at 408-409 Gould building. Atlanta, Ga„ and be responsible for all the Ifabil nu „ 2 £o m P a ny and be entitled to co U?? t al . ! dabts in favor of the company. This 31st day of October, 1912 J. D. RIVES. J. W. BLOSSER. ll-6-8 TAKE NOTICE. That Theo P. Miller has applied to the superior court of Fulton county, Georgia, for removal of disabilities fixed by the ver dict In the divorce suit of Ethel Miller ver sus Theo P. Miller, and the same will be h?ard in said court at Atlanta. Ga., Janu ary term, 1913. ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk. - 54-6-11 EXECUTOR'S SALE OF LAND. By virtue of the power contained In the last will and testament of Frank T. Ryan, probated in solemn form at the August term, 1907, of the court of ordinary of Ful ton county, the undersigned, as executor of said last will and testament, will sell before Fulton county court house door in the city of Atlanta, on the first Tuesday in December, 1912, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and be/’ bidder all of the following tract or parcel of land, to-wlt: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the city of Atlanta, being part of city lot twenty-eight (28) in block seven (7) of land lot seventy-six (76) of the Fourteenth district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, Georgia, more partic ularly described as follows: Beginning on the east side of Wash ington street at a point one hundred and five (105) feet, more or less, no»th of tlie northeast corner of Washington and Raw son streets at the north line of the prop erty of Junius F. Oglesby and running thence north along the east side of Was: ington street one hundred (100) feet, more or less, to the alley lying between the property herein described and property now or formerly owned by Geo. M. Brown: thence east along the south side of said alley two hundred (200) feet, more or less: thence south one hundred (100) feet, more or less, to Oglesby's line; thence west along said Oglesby’s north line two hun dred (200) feet, more or less, to point of beginning; said premises being im proved property known as No. 178 Wash ington st., according to present numberin': of houses in -city of Atlanta, and being the former residence of Frank T. Ryan, as referred to in the 6th item of the will of said Frank T. Ryan, as the same appears of record in the office of the court of ordi nary in Fulton county, Georgia. The title to sa'd property will be insured by the Atlanta Title Guarantee Company Terms: All cash, or half cash and balance in equal payments due one, two and three years, with Interest at 7 per cent, pay able semi-annually, at the election of the purchaser. TRUST COMPANY OF GEORGIA. By E. Woodruff, President, Executor of Last Will and Testament of Frank T. Ryan, deceased. 11-6-18 GEORGIA—FuIton County. Robert Pitts vs. Mamie ifltts. Superior Court. , To Mamie Pitts. Greeting: By ord'Z of couft~you are notified that on the 6t!i o*: / of November, 1912. Robert Pitts filed suit against you for divorce, to the January term, 1913, of said court. You are required to be and appear at the January term. 1913, of said court, to no held on the first Monday in January. 191 ■ then to answer the plaintiff's complain' Witness the lion. W D. Ellis, judge • said court, this 6th of November, 1912. ARNOLD BROYLES. Clerk 11-6-15