Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 08, 1912, HOME, Page 21, Image 21

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. For Sale—Miscellaneous. —-———— l BRAND NEW "-jewel Elgin watch in 10- year case at less than wholesale for cash. Charles D. Barker, 19 Peters street. CAST RANGES, with water back, 530 and up. Southern Stove and Supply Com pany. 121 Wh 11 eh a 11. 10-15-4 COAL! COAL! JELLICO LUMP- $4. i o. PIEDMONT COAL COMPANY. BOTH PHONES MAIN FOUND—The best place for prosperity and success. Everybody's doing _ it. Come out to Southern California Ihe Ninth Anniversary edition of Hie Los Angeles Examiner will set you right. Out i December 25. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents a copy, Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send ; in your order now. 15:21; 4 SAFES files, cabinets, new & 2nd lid. Gookin Bank & Office Equipment Co NEW, beautiful rugs woven from your old carpet, superior to any in service; plain or designed; any size Catalogue free. Oriental Rug Company. Baltimore. 8- 16-31- * National Cash Regisrers. J 35-550; S6O-$75 and up. Terms easy. Lib eral exchange allowance. Both phones. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO - SO North Broad Street. 7-30-52 \ "It registers every thing. " -llllt ll' all Latest improvements. zq_„-L Old registers exchanged. Udbll All sizes; easy terms. n. Atlanta Cash Register Co. Ilf-LflSteiS East Alabama street 6-13-47 Auction Sales TO~EXCHANGE-The best climate and soil in the world for a tired and frost bitten farm back East. The Ninth An niversary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex aminer. out December 25th, will tell where they are and how to get one. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico, 16 cents: Canada or foreign points 25e. Send in your_ order now. _2l -1 CENTRAITAUCTiON CO.. 12 E. Mitchell st buvs and sells everything: regular auction Tuesday and Friday. Bell phone Main 2424. 10-..U1 PAWN BROKERS AUCTION HOUSE, 51 Deeatv- street. Wo buy and sell any and everything. Atlanta phone 2285; Bell phone Main 1434. Main 187. 7-29-20 SPRINGER'S Auction House, at 25 South Prvor street, wi'l buy or sell your household goods, pianos and office furni ture. _Main_ls2C. LC.C® PEMBROKE Sales Company under new management: will accept your surplus stock of any kind or. consignment; cash advanced: settlement on date of sale. 143 South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1434. Main 187. Atlanta phone 2285. BJ>_3o WANTED- Manufacturers and merchants to help manage the business eml of the Panama canal. It is located at Los An geles. the kev to the. great Southwest. The Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25, will have the facts about this great proj ‘eot Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or for eign points 25 cents. Send in your or der now. 10-21-4 Blue Prints. HvnTfnTirplTm 317 AUSTELL BUILDING MAIN 3840. QUALITY. LOW PRICES, PROMPT SERVICE. 9-30-5 U Sewing Machines. WE RENT new machines with complete set of attachments for $2 per month; also machines repaired; prompt delivery. Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Ma chine Company. 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44 Trunks, Bags and Suitcase*. RETAILED AND REPAIRED. ROUNTREE’S 77 PHONES: Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654 Furniture For Sale. OFFICE furniture suit, cost $-8. f.»r $10; parlor suit, dining room, bed room, rugs, docks, curtains ai sacrifice 45 Williams street. 35-2-11 Stove and Range Repairing. '’dAnTthe fixer. STOVES AND REFRIGERATOR RE PAIRING. We sell secondhand gas stoves. We sweep chimneys 121 WHITEHALL STREET Atlanta Phone 2235. Bell Phone Main 2639 4-4-7 Automobiles TO EXCHANGE the bee, climate and soil in the world for a tired ami frost bitten farm back East. The Ninth Anni versary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex aminer, out December 25th, will tell where they ar eand how to get one. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FOR QUICK SALE One model <> White Steamer, in good condition. Complete equipment. Price low enough to suit any one. Must be sold Immediately. Apply to C. D. Smith, 120-122 Marietta street. I OR SALE-Overland 40-horsepower five passenger automobile; an extra good. “Wong ear, and in perfect condition. Price 1475: cash $200: balance in good notes. Forsyth building. Phone Ivy 765 or Main 2571'. 11-2-22 AUTOMOBILES WANTED '• 'NTED To exchange five-passenger Mitchell touring ear. fully equipped and i perfect condition, for dry oak lumber ■ • will sell cheap for cash. Address I’. O. Hex 696, City. 52-7-fl Motorcycles. I ’ fit >ALE -One twin cylinder 7-horse -I‘i' 11*11 model Excelsior motorcycle v iti: free engine clutch; in perfect condi ’ on: a bargain at SIOO. John B. Miller. 4’.: Walton st., opposite post office. __ 11-7-19 Money to Loan <q. i, p.q- eel. and 7 per eent loans. See , lonn .. Gey. 801 Empire Life Bldg w , lO-4 -45 I 'J AN iED Families to own some more of those beautiful Southern California homes. It is a habit. get it. The Ninth I Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th. tells how the habit is acquired. Mailed to any ad dress in United States or Mexico 15 cents- Canada or foreign points. 25 cents Send in your order now, 10-21-4 MONEY FOR SALARIED '>EOPLF’ -— AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cbeap rates, easy payments. Confiden tlal. D. H. Tolman. 524 Austell building MONEY ON* HAND for immediate - loans on property in or near Atlanta .7 E van Valkenburg, 501 Equitable building -6-22 THE PRUDENTIAL IN- SURANCE CO. of Ameri ca can make you a loan on Atlanta improved property, through their loan corre spondents. Turman, Black it Calhoun, 203-8 Empire Building. 6-7-12-1 WEYMAN A CONNORS ESTABLISHED 1890 Mortgages on Real Eslafe 4-1 • : SPECIAL HOME FUNDS T‘ LEND. altvi amount: 6 per cent Write or .all s | w Carson, 24 South Broad street 4-1-17-1 Money To Loan. ON FIRST mortgage real estate security i _ Home funds and Insurance money. Rates to 8 per cent interest. We also make I monthly payment loans. We car. give I you the money as soon as titles are an- I proved. RALPH 0. COCHRAN CO., 19 S. BROAD ST. 1,. H. ZURLINE, Loan Manager. FARM LOANS placed in any amount on improved farm lands in Georgia. The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould build- i -18-1 AND BROKERS I L O AN PHONE MAIN . STRICTLY PRIVATE WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson, 11 Edgewood Ave. Business Opportunities. FOR SALE—Madison hotel, 56% West Hunter street. Atlanta 2371. 40-8-11 ANTED—Families to own some more of those beautiful Southern California homes. It is a habit,- get it. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December Ssth, tells how tne habit is acquired. Mailed to any ad dress iji United States or Mexico 15 cents: Canada or foreign points, T!5 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Real Estate For Sale. I AV INT to sell two lots near car line and water with tile walks; $350 each; sl4 cash, then $7 monthly without inter est. They have splendid future. This is a snap. Address E. L. P., Box 24, care Georgian. 11-8-50 I HAVE two beautiful, level, east front lots. 50 by 165 feet, on East Lake drive. \\ ill sell otle or both at a bargain, on easy terms. G. W., care Georgian. FOR SALE—Beautiful north side resid ence in Druid Hills section; splendidly located; nine rooms, two-story, frame house with modern conveniences. Terms If desired. Address Owner, Box 229. care Georgian. 59-7-11 FOR SALE -Farm one-fourth as large and five times as good as the one you are toiling on back East. Take advan tage of the percentage in your favor. The Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los An geles Examiner, out December 25, will tell you how this can be. Mailed to any ad dress in United States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 FOR SALE- On River car line, new three room house; $1,000; sls a month; no cash payment. John Carey, 2 Whitehall strefet, 11-2-55 WANTED -One hundred thousand ready made families to share in the prosperity of Southern California. The Ninth Anni versary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex aminer. out December 25th. will tell why and how. Mailed to any address In United States or Mexico 15 cents a copy; Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 TWO new bungalows in Kirkwood; will sell cheap, or will exchange for vacant property or purchase money notes. Ad dress J., Box 700, care Georgian. THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. For Exchange—Real Estate, WANTED To exchange 490 acres of good fertile, dry wild land in Clinch county, for Atlanta property or automobile; good titles; will give or take difference on terms. Value $3,000. L. A. Wood, Car rollton, Ga. Real Estate Wanted. M ANTED Small acreage on races Ferry road or close by. Phone Ivy 212 or Box 266, care Georgian. 11-6-47 Farms For Sale. FOR SALE- A farm of 245 acres of rolling land; one 5-room house: one tenant house: lying two miles southeast of Birkley, Ga.. on side of Hog creek; good range; 60 acres under fence. Price is low. For further information write T, B Raglev, Fairfax. Ga. R. F. D. No. 1. WANTED Ships of all kinds to burn California oil and carry merchandise for the port of Los Angeles to and from the Panama Canal. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th. tells just what the canal will do to Southern California. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico, 15 cents; Canada or foreign points, 25 cents Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Farms For Rent. WANTED —One hundred thousand ready made families to share in the prosper ity of Southern California. The Ninth An niversary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex aminer, out December 25th. will teli why and how. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico. 15 cents a copy; Can ada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Railroad Schedule. St )1 J TIIEI ? "PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH" ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS, ATLANTA. The following schedule figures are pub lished only as information, and are not guaranteed: N<>. Arrive From— INo. Depart 35 N. Y0rk..5:00 am 36 N. Yorkl2:ls am 13 Jaxville...s:2o amt 20 Col’bus. 5:20 am 43 Was’ton 5:25 ami 13 Cinci 5:30 am 12 Sh’port.. 6:30 am! 32 Ft. Vai. 5:30 am 23 Jaxville. 6:soam, 35 B’ham.. 5:45am •17 Toccoa.. 8:10am 7 C’nooga 6:40 am 26 Heflin.... 8:20 am 12 It'mond 6;55 am’ 29 N York 8:20 am 23 K. City. 7:00 am 3 Chat'ga.lo:3s am 16 Bruns’k 7:45 am 7 Macon. .10:40 am 29 8'ham..1.0:45 am 27 Ft. Vai..10:45 am, 38 N. YorkllcOl am 21 Col’bus..lo:so am; 40 Ch’l'tte 12:00 n’n fi Cinci 11:10 am 6 Mac0n..12:20 pm 29 Col’bus.. 140 pm 30 C’bus.. . 12:30 pm 30 B'ham... 2:30 pm 30 N, York 2:45 pm 40 8'ham...12:40 pm 15 C’nooga 3:00 pm 39 Ch’lotte. 3:55pm 39 B’ham... 4:10 pm 5 Macon.. 4:00 pm *lB Toccoa. 4:30 pm 37 N. Yerk. 5:00 pm 22 Col'bus. 5:10 pm 15 Bruns'k. 7:sopm’ 6 Cinci... s:lopm 11 R’mond. 8:30 pm' 28 Ft. Vai. 5:20 pm 24 K. City.. 9:20 pm 35 Heflin... 5:45 pm 16 C’nooga. 9:35 pm 10 Macon.. 5:30 ph. 19 Col’bus..lo:2o pm' 44 Wash'n. 8:45 pm 31 Ft Vai..10:25 pm 24 Jaxville. 9:30 pm 36 8'ham...12:00 ngt 11 Sh’port.ll:lo pm 14 Cinci 11:00 pm 14 J'xvllle 11:10 pm Trains marked thus (•) run daily, ex cept Sunday. Other trains run dally. Central time. City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree St. Dogs. FOR SALE Tov French poodle. Will _sen_cheap. Main _2’2o-l«. 11-7-58 FOR SALE Four fox terrier puppies; males 38 Forrnwalt_street. 11-7-46 FoX TERRIER puppies, beet stock in the South: males SB, females $5. C. O. Harwell, 115 North Pryor. Bell phone FOR SALE Thoroughbred fox terrier puppies. Either phono 573 or West 426. FoR SALE Setters pointers and hounds: trained, parti) trained and untrained, revised list ready for mailing R. L. Whitt Kernersville. N <’ 41-6-il KEZA.P FOR PROFIT— GEORGIAN WANT ADS— USE FOR RESULTS FOULTW' E-DITLDjmxjL I,J.MARSHALL. The Augusta Show By LEONARD H. GRAVES. AUGI STA, GA., Nov. B.—Here are the aawrds in the remoining classes at the Augusta Poultry show: Buff Plymouth Rocks. J. G. Ash, Raleigh, N. C., 4 pen: How ard C. Arnold, Thomasville. Ga., 1, 2 pen; John Low Smith, 3 pen. Barred Plymouth Rocks. E. B. Cartledge, Columbus, Ga.. 1 pen: william McPherson, Athens. Ga., 2 pen; John F. West, Graniteville. S. C., 3 pen; W. C. Shaw, Augusta, Ga.. 4 pen. Single Comb Buff Orpingtons. Sunswlck Poultry Farm, 2, 3. cock, 2. 3, 5 hen, 1, 5 cockerel, 4, 5 pullet, 4 pen; Mrs. P. B. Johnson. Thomson, Ga., 5 pen; Owen Farms. 1. 4 cock, 2, 3. 4 cock erel. 1,2, 3 pullet, 1. 2 pen: Clifton Or pington Yards, Athens. Ga., 3 pen; C. E. Whitney, Augusta. Ga., 5 cock. Partridge Wyandottes. Dutch Fork Truck Farm. 1 pullet. Golden Wyandottes. W. W. Tanner, Augusta, 1 pen. Silver Laced Wyandottes. H. H. Verdery, North Augusta. S. C., 1 cock, 1 hen, 1 cockerel, 3, 4 pullet. 1 pen: Gabriel Cannon, Spartanburg, S. C., 2 cock, 5 pullet: .1. L. Fleming. Spar tanburg, S. C„ 2, 3. 4 hen, 1 pullet; 11. A. Preacher. Brunson, S. C., 5 hen, 2 pul let. White Plymouth Rocks. William J. Brinkley, luka, Miss.. 3 cock. 5 cockerel, 4, 5 pullet, 3 pen; Harry M. Wall, North Augusta. S. C.. 3 cock erel, 3 hen; J. T. Tanner, 4 hen. 4 pen; J. W. Ergle, 5 cock; Owen Farms. 1, 2 cock, 1.2, 5 hen. 1, 2. 4 cockerel. 1.2, 3 pullet, 1, 2 pen; John G. Wilson. 4 cock. Bronze Turkeys. Mrs. W. H. Franklyn, Augusta, 1 pen. Single Comb White Leghorns. Dr. F. E. Newhall. 3, 5 cock. 1, 3. 5 her.. 1, 3 cockerel. 2 pullet. 2 pen; Monte Vista Poultry Yard, Greenville, S. C., 4 cock. 2 hen, 1 pullet; C. L. Hughes, Augusta, 1 cock. 4 hen, 2. 5 cockerel. 4 pullet. 3 pen; W. R. Munday, 2 cock, 4 cockerel, 3, 5 pullet, 1 pen. GEESE. H. A. Preacher, 1 pen buff. 1 pen white. BANTAMS. Red Pyle. Dr. W. C. Cleckley, 1 cock, 1. 2 hen. 1. 2 pullet; John Low Smith. Atlanta. 2 cock, 3 hen. Black Breasted Red Games. Dr. W. C. Cleckley. 1.3, 4 cock, 1.3, 4, 5 hen, 1,2, 3 cockerel, 1. 2 3, 5 pullet, 1. 2 pen; John Low Smith. 2 cock, 2 hen; H. F. and E. B. Peterson. Augusta. Ga., 5 cock; Winchester Keith, 4 pullet. Buff Cochin. Douglas L. Christian, Rocky Mount. N. C., 3 cock. 4 hen, 4 cockerel. 4 pen; H. H. Verdery, 2 cock. 2 cockerel, 1. 4 pullet, 3 pen; John Low Smith. 1 cock, I, 3, 5 hen, 1. 3 cockerel, 2,3, 5 pullet, 1, 2 pen. Black Cochin. John Low Smith, 1, 2 cock, 1, 3 hen, 1 cockerel, 1 pullet. White Cochin. J. L. Barksdale. North Augusta, 1 cock, 2 cockerel. 2, 3 hen, 2 pullet, 1 pen; R. S. Guess. 3, 5 cock, 3,4, 5 hen, 1 cock erel, 1, 4 pullet, 3, 4 pen: Miss Nell Daw son, North Augusta, S. C.. 4 cock. 3. 5 cockerel. 3 pullet. 2 pen; John Low Smithy 2 cock. 4 cockerel, 5 pullet. Indian Runner Ducks. Oak Dean Poultry Yards, 1 pair old; W. F. Dunnington. 2 pair old; .1. C. Patton, Charlotte, 1 pair young; S. A. Jahan, Adel. Ga., 2 pair young. Pigeons. Dr. J. D. Reynolds. 1 display; John William Jackson, 2 displays. Each Cup Winning. The Augusta Herald's SIOO loving cup. won by Owen Farms. Mr. L. J. Schaul’s loving cup, valued at SIOO, best pen in the show, Owen Farms. Judge Marshall will be glad to answer in this department questions on all points of rearing utility and fancy poultry. He can not undertake, however, to reply personally to such let ters of inquiry. Address Judge F. J. Marshall, College Park, Ga. Rhode Island Reds. MY WINNINGS at the recent Georgia Poultry association show is conclusive of the high standard of iny S. C. Reds. 1 am disposing of my stock and am offer ing rare bargains. See me during the next feu days J, I. Hosford. East Point. _Ga. Bell phone. 10-25-32 RHODE Island Reds for sale, breaking up housekeeping: will sell fifteen fine hens and pullets, one cock cheap. Ivy 1762-L. 11-7-16 Leghorns. WIN In this winter's shows. One S. C. White Leghorn exhibition cockerel, well Spread low tail and beautiful carriage, price sls: also one finer one at S2O; sired by Atlanta prize-winners (Young’s); keep in van! three days and if not satisfied re turn. W. F. Jones. East Atlanta, Ga. THIRTEEN S. C. White Leghorn utility pullets for $lO (young strain). W. F. Jones. East Atlanta. Ga. 11-7-29 FOR ' SALE--Twenty-five beautiful im ported White Leghorns; $1 each; going out of business. Bernard Neal. 885 I’once DeLeon ave.. Druid Hills. 39-7-11 FOR SALE Thoroughbred S. White Leghorn pullets and hens; first class. . K B. Havey, Box 81, Lithonia, Ga. 11-6-36 ; 150 FINE White Leghorn* $1 each. L S. Bottenfield Phone 27-J Decatur. Ga. Ducks. A FEW White Indian Runners, Fishel strain; young ducks beginning to lav. $4.50 each; $12.50 a trio: also English standard. sl. each. Sawnee Farm, Cuin mlng, Ga. 11-7-30 WHITE PRINCE, winner of second prize January show, and two nice White Runner ducks: the trio, $25; a better trio of White Runners. $35. Theo. A. Brown. Decatur, Ga. Bell phone. 11 -7-37 TWO HUNDRET’ pure White Indian Runner ducks, Carlisle-Fishel strain, full grown and just beginning to lay. for next ten days at $lO trio, sls pen of four ducks and drake, or $4 each single duck anrl $2 single drake. These birds are beauties and will not last long at these prices. Three settings of eggs will bring you the price of a pen. Satisfaction guaranteed or mono) refunded. Refer ences Sale City Bank. Farmers and Merchants Bank or any business house here. South Georgia Poultry Farm. Sale City. Ga. H-6-41 Pigeons. WANTED To buy four pair white ii er pigeons. R. D. Lasseter, Buchanan. Qa. ___________ <2-8-11 CARNEAPX pigeons, unmated. $1 each; mated pairs. $2.50 to $5 per pair. Theo. A. Brown, Decatur, Ga. Bell phone. 20 PAIR noted White Horners and a few squabs; if taken at once, S3O. Theo. A. Brown, Decatur, Ga. Bell phone. 11-7-36 Eggs. THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington egg“. $1 per 15. 126 Windsor street. Main 3588 10-9-15 Disenfectants. CREOSOTE FOR SALE? CREOSOTE is an excellent germ destroyer for poultry raisers to use about the premises. We have it in any quantity. Atlanta (las Light Co. 10-30-13 The Augusta Poultry association's $25 cup. for whitest bird, Owen Farms. Hon. A. L. Franklin's SSO cun. for best single bird, Sunswick Poultry Farm. Mr. T. S. Haworth's SSO cup. for the best pen of Plymouth Rocks. Owen Farms. Lt. George M. Woodbury’s cup, valued at $25, Clarence Young. The Augusta Poultry association's sls cup, best pen of Barred Rocks, won by E. B. Cartledge. The Augusta Poultry association's $25 cup for best pen of White Rocks, Owen Farms. Mr. J. Willie Levy’s cup for best cock erel. < 'wen Farms. Mr. L. D. McCullum's $25 cup. sos best pullet, Owen Farms. The Augusta Poultry association's sls cup, for best Buff Plymouth Rock cock erel, J. D. Ashe. Dr. W. C. Cleckley’s $25 cup. for best pen. Howard C. Arnold, Thomasville, Ga. Mr. J. Willie Levy's $25 cup, for the best pen Wyandottes. Onlya Farm. Mr. J. H. Milligan’s $25 cup, for best White Wyandotte cockerel, Owen Farms. The Augusta Poultry association's $25 £up, for best White Wyandotte hen, Owen Farms. Hon. Alex. Walton's cup. valued at $25, for best pen White Wyandottes, won by Onlya Farm. Mr J. 11. McKenzie's SSO cup. for best pen S. C. R. I. Reds, won by Mrs. P. T. Calloway. Mr. W. F. Eve. Jr., $25 cup. mr best S C. R. I. Red cock, A. Jerger. The Augusta Poultry association's $25 cup, for best S. C. R. I. Red cockerel, Mrs. F. T. Calloway. Hon. .1. C. C. Black. Jr.. $25 cup. for best S. C. R. I. Red hen. Mrs. P. T. Cal loway . Mr. Cecil Cochran’s $25 cup, for best pen of White Orpingtons, won by Owen Farms. Tlie Augusta Poultry association's $25 cup. for best White 'Orpington cockerel, Owen Farms. The American Buckeye loving cup. won by Mrs. James L. Reynolds. The Augusta Poultry association's cup. for best Black Orpington cockerel. Suns wick Poultry Farm. Dr. IV. C. Cleckley’s $25 loving cup. for best pen of Leghorns, all varieties com peting. Mrs. Robert West, Montgomery. Ala. Augusta Poultry association's $25 cup. for best White Leghorn cockerel, Beal wood Poultry Farm. Hon. Joseph S. Reynolds' silver cup. valued at $25. best S. C. White Leghorn cock, Model Poultry Farm, Colbert. Ga. Augusta Poultry association's $25 cup, for best S. White Leghorn pullet. Beal wood Poultry Farm. Mr. G. R. Tommin’s $25 cup. for best pen of S. C. White Leghorns. Mrs. Rob ert West. Mr. J. L. Barksdale's sls silver cup. for best pen of Asiatics, won by J. H. Milli gan. Augusta Poultry association s $L> cup. for best Light Brahma cockerel, Mr. John A. Pons. Mr. J. T. Cleckley’s $25 cup for best pen of Black Leghorns, won by Mr. J. H. Milligan Mr. Wm. H. Cartledge's $25 cup. for best Black Leghorn cockerel. Dr. T. M. Sehaorlock. S. C. Mr. W. A. Herman's $25 cup, for the best Black Breasted Red Game, Bantam, Dr. W. C. Cleckley. Mr. Ernest 'Williams' $25 cup. for best Black Breasted Red Game Bantam hen. Dr. W. C. Cleckley. The Augusta Poultry association's $25 cup, for best pen of Black Breasted Red Game Bantams. Dr. W. C. Cleckley. National Bantam association's silver cup. for best pen Bantams, Dr. W. C. Cleckley. Incubators, FREE POULTRYMEjf GET our big catalogue of incubators and brooders. Southern Slates Incubator and Brooder Company, College Park. Ga. 10-30-16 Poultry—Miscellaneous. FOR i • Cameaux and homer pigeons, guinea pigs, Belgian hares. Ho 27-7 11 CLOSING OUT SALE «»n account <’f moving to Atlanta, I am offering 300 head of fine R. T. Reds. White Leghorns and C’ornish Indian games for quick sale Many prize winners in the lot. A. A. Webb, Adel. Ga. 11-1-42 11. G. HASTINGS & CO.. Seedsmen for the South, Ifi West Mitchell street. Four City De liveries Daily. North and South Side 9 a. m., Inman Park and West End 2 p. m. Bell Phone AI. 2568, Atlanta 2568. I WE ARE PLEASED TO CALL VOl'R ATTENTION to our latest mutations on poultry feeds, f. o. b. Atlanta "Red Comb” Scratch. 50 pounds. $1.15. 100 pounds $2.25; Meat Mash, 50 pounds $1 15 100 pounds $2.25; Coarse Chick, 50 pounds $1.25, 100 pounds 52.50: Hah'- Chick .'o pounds $1.25, 100 pounds $2.50: Pigeon Feed. 50 pounds $1.25, 100 pounds Alfalfa Meal, 50 pounds $1.15, 100 pounds 52.25: Dyster Shell, 50 pounds 50. , 100 pounds $1; Poultry Grit. 50 pounds 50c. luO pounds $1; Charcoal, 50 pounds $175 100 pounds $3.50; Gramilate.l Hone 50 pounds $1.75. 100 pounds $3.25; Darling's Beef Scraps. 50 pounds $1.65. 100 pounds' $:>.25; Swift's Beef Scraps, 50 pounds $1 t;5. 100 pounds $3.25. BUI.US Fell IX AND "CTD'uiR i-I'l. TUBE Write for a copt of our Bulb Catalogue. It gives the prices, a descrip tion of the different varieties. LAWN GRASSES and lawn fertilizers SPRATT’S PARENT PUPPY Wf DOG CAKES. Or. Johnson's Dog Medicines WE HAVE A REMEDY for all poultry diseases. Phone us your troubles Horses and Carriages FOR SALE 'Good family horse worth $l5O but if sold a.t once, will take $75, also good buggy and harness cheap. Main 2053 :'1 inman Bldg. 46-8-11 waNT 1 > i To buj large tony or medium - sized horse. Must be safe and sound. Price right. Box 271, care Georgian FOR SALE—Saddle pony; beautiful bay. splendid gait; gentle; suitable for t oung boy or girl. A. B. Kellogg. 30 West Four teenth street 56-7-11 GOOD horse for rent. Call Atlanta phone Decatur 74 M 11-7-39 FOR SALE Good buggy and harr.''m; can be seen at 19 Highland avenue, t'all Main 2674. 11 -6-38 Mules. FoR SALE Good mule: ran bo seen at Newsom Stable Company. 11-6-37 Coops For Rent. EXHIBITION i' hq > t.r. i or f.,,- sale. Georg’i P'lUltrx Assoi-lution. 115 North Prvor -if.-. 1 Atlanta 11-7-2 Real Estate For Sale, W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND LOANS. Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. Atlanta Phone 1881. "IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD . IT'S SO." FOR SALE. FOR RENT. E HAVE a corner on Peachtree, be tween Ponce DeLeon avenue and Tenth street, that is priced cheaper than any other corner on the street. It contain*? one-half acre of ground, and has a sub stantial residence on it. Attractive terms can be arranged. We recommend the purchase <>f this as a sure profit-maker. See Mr. Hook. ON EAST FIFTH STREET, not far from Jackson street, a practically new eight room two-story residence, on lot 50 by 125 teet. to alley; lot slightly elevated; all city conveniences; hardwood floors, tinted walls, furnace heat. We consider this a real pick up for $5,500. Any reasonable terms. See Mr. White. " MiW'* f,ie beautiful Dunwoody home ? n b, 1 11. 1 road, in Kirkwood, for salp. 1 his is a delightful seven-room cot onJ°t 200 by 200 feet, on corner of I unwoody street. Property is onlV a step from the South Decatur ear line, and lies perfectly level; beautiful shade, shrubbery and flowers: in fact, a most delightful suburban home with all the citj’ conven iences. including furnace, heat.* $9,500 — one-third cash and balance to suit. See Mr. Eve. If You Have Money to Lend. We Can Place it Safely. FOR RENT. « a „ - FLATS. Br. flat 343 Whitehall street $25.00 5-r. flat 324 Capitol avenue $30.60 8-r. flat 400 Piedmont avenue .... 20.00 5-r. flat 92 East Linden avenue.. 35.00 7-r. flat 345 Whitehall street .... 28.10 . 5-r. flat 400 Piedmont avenue .. 17.50 5-r. flat 214 South Pryor street .. 30.00 5-r. apt. 312 Rawson street 42.50 WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of everything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 81» FOR RENT—I 2 PETERS STREET THIS IS a brand-new store and a very nice place: located just off of Forsyth on Peters street. The rent of this place is $35 per month, and we can give a good lease. This portion of Peters street is a good location for retail business, and it is pret ty close in. RALPH O COCHRAN COMPANY 19 SOUTH BROAD STREET. Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale. Fowler St.—s2oo Cash THIS cottage. 1n excellent condition, this side of Tech school, can be bought on dead easy terms. It is convenient to the new library, public school. etc., and is on the mile circle from the city's center. Price, $2,500. Make us an offer. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton St. . Both Phones 458, FOR SALE BY WEST PEACHTREE GT* C* "’NI TU (That Future Thoroughfare) •Tv. JL_z x_v 1- w wpj have large lot, practically vacant, r A * t *-ta ALT small house on same. This lot suitable rv lly A. I I , I (° r nice apartment house, or can be di- I vided into three lots, on which nice homes C-> A T T") A "V f 'VT can be built and sold for fine profit. We x * IvJL I x-X. Ixs I have low price of only SBO.OO foot. See us. 511 EMPIRE BUILDING. REALESTAT E, RENTING, LOANtS, Phones 1599. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDINa Phon* 1106 Main. BARGAIN THAT IS UNUSUAL—A good piece of white renting property, rented ail the time. Will pay you 14 per cent on the price, which is $4,750; terms $350 . a-.ii, balance s3’. per month. Might consider exchange for good north side vacant lot. ''an also shave price a hit on larger cash payment. BEAUTIFUL east front vacant lot, Druid Hills section; 50 by 175 feet; price $2,- 000. Will sell this on your own terms. NORTH A VENUE, cluse to Highland, a beautiful vacant lot, for only $2,000. T mis SSOO cash, balance $25 per month. Get busy on this. HAVE A good north side lot to trade In on good piece of renting property. Ask for Mr. Williams. New Six-Room Bungalow—s3,2so JUST completing a beautiful 6-roont bungalow, with all conveniences; citv water, electric lights, stone front and foundation: beautiful man tels; nice, large bath; sleeping room; on a nice, large lot. You can buy this for small cash payment, balance like rent, with loan or without loan. J. R. McADAMS Phones: M. 4245-J; Atlanta 6027-M. Ormewood Park. 7-r House, Just off Highland Av., for $3,250. Will Rent for $25.00 month. All improvements. Im sux2oy. A 2-room hm. •• in '-a cash, balance $22."0 per month. ATLANTA DEVELOPMENT CO. 609-13 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BLDG PHONE 2181 IVY dielin-morris co. 609-10 Atlanta National Bank Bldg. Both Phones 4234. OX ST CHARLES AVENUE we have an eight-room house on a very large lot This is an extra line place for $6,600. lie can arrange terms. WEST END. on Gordon street, we have a six-room furnace heated bungalow built of the best of material throughout. We can sell for $5,250, on terms of SSOO cash $5,750 FOR A BEAUTIFUL six-room north side bungalow: lias hardwood floors throughout: stone front, beautiful fixtures. Terms. SSOO cash and balance easy. SIOO CASH: sls PER MONTH. FOR a pretty five-room bungalow on Howard street. Kirkwood. This is the lest bargain in Kirkwood property ever offered and you will have to act quick to get it. ATLANTA SUBURBAN AND REALTY CO. 31 I. IAN BUILDING. MAIN 2053 , THE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for Electricity. < USE GEORGIAN WANT ADS Houses For Rent. 2-r. apt., corner Juniper and Tenth streets $35.00 2- h., 37 Savannah street 4.60 3- h., 107 Fowler street 6.00 3-r. h., 721-B East Fair 6.30 3-r. h., 354 Edgewood 10.60 3-r. flat 17 Crew street 20.00 3-r. h., 20 Kirkwood avenue 7.60 3-r. h., 51 Kennedy street 7.60 3- h., Gordon road, and 20 acres of ground 15.00 4r. h., 42 A'irgil 11.25 4- h., 140 Whitehall terrace 11.60 4-r. h.. 308 W indsor street 10.60 4-r. h., 324 Angier avenue 10.00 4-r. h., 24 Lampkin street 7.60 4- h., 32 Virgil street 9.00 5- h., 184 Stewart 15.60 5-r. h.. 450 Orme street 27.50 5-r. h., 299 North Ashby street .... 13.60 5-r. h.. 44 Norwood street, Kirk- wood, Ga 15.00 5-r. h., 12 Dundee 18.00 WE HAVE A LONG LIST of larger houses. We have automobile, Hurries and buggies for the purpose of showing our property, and take pleasure in doing so. Come to see us. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1912. Real Estate For Sale. di FOURTH WARD. WE HAVE a proposition in this ward that we think is mighty good. Jhis is covered notv with houses that rent for SSO per month, and with a little money spent on it it can be made to pay a good deal more. THIS IS IN A COMING SECTION AND PAYS VERY WELL ON THE AMOUNT WE ARE ASKING FOR IT. SUBURBAN. ON A NICE sh#dy lot that is 100x36#, we have a dandy six-room cottage with water, sewer and electric lights, car line in front, and this property is in a section that is coming fast. This is one of those propositions that you have to see to appreciate. LET US SHOW IT TO YOU. The price is right. PONCE DE LEON AVE. TALK ABOUT YOUR HOME, but lis ten to this: Eight rooms, two sto ries, stone front, hardwood floors, steam heat, sleeping porch and a lot that is over 200 feet deep. This house is not quite finished yet, but we would like for you to go look at it and see fm yourself what the material is. We in vite inspection on this place because we know it’s worth every cent we are asking for it. Legal Notices. GEt tRGIA—FULTON COUNTY—Amy7 Donovan vs. John F. Donovan. To John ’ Jl'movan; By order of court, you are notified that on tlie 7th day of October 1912, Amy S. Donovan filed suit against you for divorce, to the January term, 1913. of said court. You are required to be at the January term, 1913, of said court to be held O n the first Monday in Januart 191„, to answer the plaintiff's complaint M itness the Hon. J. T. Pendleton, judge of said court, this October 9 ARNOLD BROYLES. Clerk GEORGIA--FULTON COUNTY Rebab Perk.ns D.-nbar vs. Stiles H. Dunbar In the Superior Court of Fulton Countv State of Georgia—Libel for divorce. Mav Term. 1911. The verdict for total divorce granted the 11th day of April 1912 Notice is hereby given to all concerned that on the 9th day of October 1912 1 filed with the clerk of the superior court of said county my petition addressed to said court, returnable to tha January term, 1913, of said court, to be held on the first Monday in January, 1913, for the removal ot the disabilities resting upon me under the verdict of the above stated H” marriage with said Rebah Pefkins Dunbtir, which application will be heard at the said term of the rulton superior court, on the first Monday In January. 1913. This 9th day of October, 1912 STILES H. DUNBAR. - 10-10-2 Court of Ordinary, ,_. At Chambers, November 8, 1912. Vhe appraisers on the application of W. < . Hendrix, next friend and in behalf of Edna, Ethel, Neal. Doster and Charles 1 ope, minors, for a twelve months sup port for said minor children, having duly filed their return, all persons are hereby cited to show cause, if any they have, at next December term of this court why said application should not be granted. JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA Fulton County. Court of Ordinary, At Chambers, November 8, 1912 To the Helrs-at-Law of Elalfa Pauline Gray, Deecased. Who Reside Out of Said .state: Cora Marion Austell having as executrix applied for probate in solemn form of the last will of said deceased you are hereby cited to be and appear at the next December term of said court, on tiie first Monday in December next. n - sa,< J will of saitl deceased will then ne offered for probate in solemn form. JOHN R. WILKIN SON. Ordinary. GE( >R< JI A— Fulton < ’ounty? ‘ ‘ Office, November 8, 1912 Hugh O. Rosser has applied for letters of administration on the estate of L. Nor man Rosser, deceased. This is. therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Mondav in De cember next. J ( H I N WILKTNSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA Fulton < <’ourt of Ordinary. At Chambers, November 8. 1912. 'rhe apjiraisers <»n the application of Mrs. Fannie .\usten. widow of .1. \. Austen, deceased, for a twelve months support for her«elf and minor child, hav ing dul\ filed their return, all persons are hereby cited to show cause, if any they have, at the next December term "f this court, why said application should not be granted. JOHN R, WILKINSON, Ordinary GEf.tRtHA - Fulton County. ordinary's Office, November 8, 1912 Mrs. Sarah Irene Weathers, as admin istratrix of the estate of W. M Weath ers, deceased, has applied for leave to sell the land of said W. M. Weathers. This i« therefore, to notify all concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before tlie first Monday in December next else leave will then be granted said ap plicant. as applied for. JOHN R. WILKIX'SON. Ordinary. GEORGIA- Fulton County, ~ To tlie Superior Court of Said Counts The petition of Interstate Film and Sup- ply Company respectfully shows: 1. That it is a corporation organized under the laws of Georgia and that its charter was duly granted bv an order of the Hon. George L. Bell, judge of the superior court of Fulton county, on the 28th day of February, 1912. 2. Petitioner shows that at a meeting called for that purpose, on the 29th das of October. 1912, a resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of its stockhold ers, in terms and language as follows to-wit "Whereas. Interstate Film and Supply Company has disposed of all its property; and whereas, it is owing no debts what ever. and it being the desire of the stock holders to discontinue business; therefore be it resolved, that this corporation, the Interstate Film and Supply Company, d-> surrender its charter and franchises to the state of Georgia and be dissolved a-< a corporation; be it further resolved, that the president of this company be. and he is hereby, authorized and directed to tile such proceedings as msv be neces sary for the procuring of an'order of dis solution of said company as provided by ufo " C^S ' e^s * ature Georgia of Wherefore. The Interstate Film and Supply Company brings this its petition and prays that this court accept a sur render of Its charter and franchises, and that It issue its order and decree declar ing petitioner to be dissolved, completely and fully, as by law provided. MOORE POMEROY, Attorneys for Interstate Film and Supply Company. GEORGIA Fulton Countv Personally appeared william Oldknow. who on oath says that he is president of Interstate Film and Supply Company, and that the above and foregoing facts are true. WILLIAM OLDKNOW. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 29th day of October, 1912 A. L. SLATER. Notary Public. Fulton County. Georgia. The above and foregoing petition of In terstate Film and Supph Company read and considered. Let 'he same be filed ami published, as by law provided Let all parties interested show cause before one of the judges of Fulton superior court, on the 30th day of November, 1912, or at such other time as the same can be heard, why the prayers of petitionei should not be granted and said Interstate Film and Supply Comnanj dissolved In manner as by la» provided. This the 30th dav of Dctober, 1912 GEORGE L. BELL. Judge Superior Court. Atlanta Circuit • 11 1 4 21