Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 08, 1912, NIGHT, Page 10, Image 10

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10 PIEMEN 'GIVE' ANDREWS VIENNA. SMITH. PARIS. TO SA VE WILSON BOTHER Senator Hoke Smith is staying in Washington and avoiding the bushels of Office-seekers’ mail which is Hooding his office: Congressman William S.-hb . Howard, confined to his bed b\ a void, has the counterpane covered with ap plications from the faithful of the FlfC) district, and the coterie of Wood row ■ v Wilson men who claim credit for niak- >ng Georgia go Democratic already have fixed up a slate to save President ■ Wilson tropble and have named J. ft ’ Smith for minister to Franc, and Colo nel Walter P. Andrens for minister to Austria. Not satisfied with picking tires.- two plums, they have chosen Atlanta men for everything in sight, from collector of customs down to elevator operator, and are preparing to send emissari. s to Princeton at one. This much of the plans of the rock- • ribbed original Wilsonlans of Atlanta yame to light today when one of them exhibited a list—a purely tentative list, "of course—of the picking- they intended to ask from the first president who eve: practiced law in Atlanta. And they 'really have decided to urge ”< »u. Bob" Smith to fill tile embassy at Pails, where the styles come from, and Wal ter Andrews for the post at Vienna, home of the ’.Merry Widow and the well known hot roll. Now, there are two senators in Geor gia and twelve congressmen, and only one each comes from Atlanta or there abouts. So it is lather probable that one senator who lives in .Macon pud eleven representatives who reside h<-i --snd there about the boulders, the rod clay and the wiregrass, will file obj. <- tions against Atlanta making up its slate so early in the game and expect ing to cop everything w hich ha- a sal ary or perquisites attached. When Hoke Smith read in the Atlanta papers that he was to be chief dis penser of the patronaze. beginning next March, lie promptly decided not to come home until after the next session *Of congress, and wrote to say It- would be extremely busy in Washington pend ing that occasion. But there i- a va< ’cant room In the suit, of Pei.-rs build ing offices occupied by the senator’s firm, and into that room for the past three days the porters hay. been lug ging heavy bags of mail. Most of these letters begin “Dear Senator I write to apply for," and continue along that line. \\ illiam Schley Howard’s mail isn’t I quite so heavy, as he represents only •' orn- district, so the vomer table, the piano and one side of th. bed in which ( he is reposing at his country hom. Is sufficient to aeeommodattAhe letters of ’ congratulation, adulation and -well, everything but hesitation Hut Hie door, bell tings a perpetual ragtime of ,-all : ers. Mr. Howard said today that he ■ feared he would hardly have enough to go around, though lie would do the best 11. could. Bl “Seriously speaking," he said. "I do not lutow what policy tile president will f adopt in selecting suitable persons for ‘ vacant posilioits. If 1 should have any Bay in the noniinations for appolnt-l liients. I shall keep in mind solely the efficiency of the person applying, the wishes of the persons who ate to be served by the applicant, and the te- — ll ■ - H CASH GROCERY COMPANY ' Sells Saturday Recandled Storage EGGS 25c Dozen Guaranteed Country Eggs 30c Dozen CASH GROCERY CO., 118-120 WHITEHALL STREET. BLOOD POISON Piles and Rectal Dlseasea. CURED TO STAY CURED. By ii true specialist who possesses the ex , /gKP' "Y penence of years the I .jgUr A right kind of expert cnee—doing the same it A ' \ thing the right way T» *gr hundreds and perhaps thousands of times P with unfailing, penna- ■< nent results No eut 'y ting or detention from business Don’t you think it’s about* time to get the right treatment? 1 GIVE 6vC. the celebrated German prepara tion for Blood Polson and guarantee results. Come to me I will cure you or make no charge and I will make my terms within your reach. 1 cure Vari- By eocele. Hydrocele. Kidney. Bladder ami Prostatic troubles. Piles. Rupture. Stricture. Rheumatism. Nervous De bility and all acute and chronic dis charges of men and women cured Jr the shortest time possible If wi, ean i call, write I*>ee consultation and examination. Hours, * a m t< r m Sundays. St to 1 kL DR. J. D HUGHES. Specialist Qppo- te Third National Bank Nortn Broad St Atlanta Ga flection of credit upon the appointing power. ’ I do not expect to have much to say about tin- appointments, as there are others who probably will deservedly be consulted. My only interest will be in seeing that my constituents g< t com petent. honest and faithful servants, and I do not anticipate that any other kind of persons w ill make application.” NEW “WHITE WAY” WILL LIGHT ROUTE TO BIG AUTO SHOW Nearly half a million dollars worth I of automobiles already have been re ceived in Atlanta for exhibition at th- Atlanta Automobile -hoc which Opens November It; at the Auditorium-Ar niorv. Loch exhibitors hav. been gathe ing their machines fur Ihe show for three or four Weeks. While the rail-.oads ale busy milling | in the show machines llr-a., liecoratorl V. W. Slmpard is working double time, oveitim.- ami most of the time, with his full force of men. taking the necessary steps and getting al th. preliminary, out of the way so that he van run his whole gang to the Auditorium at the stroke of midnight Sunday night ami start the work of placing the decora tions. • ’ity Electrician K. lias granted pei mission for the erection of ornamental "white way" posts from th - to Peachtree strict, and ths people who go to the show will pass down the .most brilliantly illuimmtls u strset in all Dixie CITY ELECTRICIAN TO RENEW HIS FIGHT ON STREET LIGHT RATES I When the council committ,-e on elec- ■ trie lights meets this <o ■ •n- , shier the bid ol the Georgia Railway no Power Company for the city ’s street ligl-l i ing. City Electrician It. s’. Turner will; contend that the company will make 50 , per cent profit on all but the White Way contract, and that It should reduce its ! bids. Mr Turner said today that he would i Introduce as evidence the rates of other I cities. He said he would also urge that some I other sort of light posts be secured to ret lace ti e W hite Way posts on f’eas-l tree and Whitehall streets. Hr- said tl*e I posts there now take up too much room. NEGRO KILLS WHITE BOY. THEN HIMSELF , S< *ll ENE<’TA I >Y. X. Y. Nov. 8 A ne«r<. :«hout 36 years old, known n« Sandy Williams, supposed to be from Canton, Ohio, and known in Philadelphia as “Dia mond Dick,” enticed Louis Desalle. white, 18 years of age. into the cold storage room of the Melton case, this city, today, ami diot him in the face, killing him in stantly. Then Williams shot himself in the head, dying at once. There is no known reason for the crime. — . 1I THE MENTER CO. g I sls BLUE SERGE (MOCA SUITS, NOW <PIZ.DU C These Suits were real bargains at sls, and it’s just \ | like finding money to get them now for $12.50. <L They a e the latest Fall cut, i H carefully tailored and of handsome, -4\ durable serge. Any man who buys \\W onc °* these su * ts as a svat to b c / 1 \ \ proud of. and the biggest bargain V f* A \vß,' in this city to-day. Zjrvt u-iWfl Good selection of men’s Fall v 1 suits rnater ials at all prices. \A, L LML/ Overcoats, Hats, Shoes. T fcl LADIES SUITS ; /Wis AND COATS /I| Z| II C. Splendid showing of all latest S I«' I stylesand fabrics in Ladies''* / 11 II Suits and Coats. Come here for your new Fall Clothing and charge I **• Beautiful ready-to-wear Milli- & / nery, Dresses. Waists, Skirts. Pet- ;i jh ' / RsXx ti T COatS ’ Shoes ’ - I j\ 5 C. Dur prices are low because we LJ| 'wl own nearly 100 stores, and buy in '•.-•? h if 1 mJw enormous quantities, thereby get- ting a much lower figure than ordinary stores. DIVIDED PAYMENT CHARGE ACCOUNTS C. THE MENTER CO. offers a raapectable war for respectable people to dresa * \ well wiiboat inionretutocr. This plan is opr a for yoa. Take adrantad* of it. THE MENTER CO. •UCCISIOft TO MCNTKII • ROMNiIOOM CO. 71 12 WHITEHALL STREET I First Stairway next to J. M. Hiah Co. n- ~. ~^.n iniyq-irjii-i ißMiMiT nr i— iMiiiiiii irwmifiirTFnriin riirtiw Mir—w i i ■ HIE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 1912. STRANDED LINER STILL ON ROCKS AND IN PERIL QUEBEC, Nov. B—Although the 50- rnile easterly gale, which pounded the . stranded liner Royal George that went ashore on the rocks in the St. Lawrence river ten miles below this city the night before last, had abated today the vessel was still in a perilous position. Attempts to release the liner failed, although her . nose had been turned into deeper water and the tug captains who were standing by hoped to release the ship at high tide. Ail passengers are off. The crew of the Royal George remained on board Clears Stuffed Up Head and Catarrh Disappears —— i Breathe the Healing Air of the Eucalyptus Forests of Australia and Quickly Get Rid of Catarrh. Hyomei will banish catarrh if you will breathe it a few times a day. It is the only remedy of its kind before the people that can penetrate into every nook, corner, fold or crevice of the mu cus uiernbtant ami destroy the mi | < robes. HYOMEI is squeezed from the green leaves of the Eucalyptus trees of in land Australia, where catarrh does not exist, and combined with Listeilan an tiseptics. Four :♦ few drops into the inhaler and breathe this mighty germ destroy ing air; an air more healing than that of the pine covered Adiron dack*. 1 Notice how quickly that .stuffed up; t” 1 LET’S CELEBRATE | WOODROW I Our latest last. We picked it for a winner. Everv man who puts his foot in a pair says: I'k | ‘•They’ll do.” ■ Good for two terms. I Won’t you come in and try on yours? All widths—A Io E—s4.oo and $5.00; made to measure at &6.00. CRAIG'S RED SEAL SHOE SHOP ’ . I 93 Peachtree We fit absolutely. i MARINES RETURNED FROM NICARAGUA HAD BAD CAMPAIGN SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. S. —The) cruiser Cleveland, under Commander* D. W. Blamer, is in San Francisco har. I bor today after a voyage from the, scene of the Nicaraguan revolution. 'I he j Cleveland 1« the first of the American! warships to return. Not since the Sp uiisli-American war have American sailors seen such hard fighting as that in which the landing) parties of the Cleveland engaged, ac cording to the vessel’s officers. i head clears; keep at it a few days arid; I your suffering and hawking and di’s-,1 - charge of obnoxious mucus will cease • I entirely . Then continue until everyjl germ is destroyed; until the soreness 11 and dry ness in the throat have disap-| ■ j peared. .HYOMEI is guaranteed for H I catarrh, coughs, colds, sole throat. H I croup, deafness caused by catarrh or ■ I money back. Complete outfit which in- ■ I eludes inhaler, can be obtained for .sl.ttO ■ -1 at druggists every w here. To break up cold in head or chest in a few minutes, pour a scant teaspoon- I fill of HYOMEI into a bowl of boiling water, cover head and bowl witii towel | and breathe the vapor until blessed re lief comes in a-few minutes. (Advt.) Men and Religion Bulletin No. 29 THE LAW “Think Nol Thai I Cane To Destroy The Law,— I Came Not To Destroy But To Fulfill.” — To produce money, lawlessness must have undisturbed quiet. IT HAD BECOME A VESTED INTEREST, SO TO SPEAK, IN JERUSALEM NEARLY TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO; AND THE MEN, WHO FED AND FATTENED UPON IT, WRITHED AT HEARING ONE SPEAK OF FULFILLING THE LAW AS JESUS DID. At first, they sneered and called Him crazy. But, when He drove forth the thieves and grafters with their long tolerated methods of grinding God’s poor, the men, whose pockets were hit, planned to do more than abuse the Carpenter of Nazareth. To protect themselves and their city, they felt compelled to act, when men saw Lazarus alive and well; for great crowds were begin ning to follow Him, who voiced and lived the Lavr of life and love—- this Man. who caused those whom the world called dead to live again. They met at a friend’s house. “What do we?’’ they said. “If we leave Him thus alone all men will believe on Him; and the Roman will come and take away our place and nation.” Caiaphas, the worldly wise, said: “Ye know nothing at all, nor do you take account that it is expedient for you that one man should die—” And so they crucified the Christ. Hoping to preserve their way of living, they killed Him, Whom they could not silence, to keep the Roman from interfering. But, instead of succeeding, their cruel injustice brought destruc tion upon them. The Roihan came and, with carnage such as had never been seen, destroyed Jerusalem. God’s Law was, and will be, fulfilled. “HAVING EYES, SEE YE NOT? AND liAVING EARS. HEAR YE NOT? AND DO YE NOT REMEMBER? God’s truth can not be throttled. Sooner or later, men throw off the yoke of ever cruel ignorance. Today, they are doing this not only here, but everywhere. Fathers and mothers are realizing that “a boy is better unborn than untaught.” AND THROUGHOUT THE WORLD MEN ARE PUTTING AN END TO THE SLAVERY OF WOMEN. Crime against them is no longer condoned in the name of expedi ency and hidden beneath hypocritical silence. Rightly, in the South. Atlanta, has taken the lead; without the ad vice or interference of outsiders, her own Chief of Police has put a stop to police protected vice, the buying and selling of ivomen with the knowledge and approval of public officials; instead of punishment and persecution, her Churches have offered homes and help to the pitiful victims of men’s greed, and many have accepted them. But not one house of ill repute, known to the police, is, or will be, tolerated in our midst. HERE, AS EVERYWHERE, MEN ARE WAKING AND REC OGNIZING THAT IN PRIVATE, PUBLIC AND BUSINESS LIFE THE LAW OF GOD AND ITS FULFILLMENT ARE NOT TO BE FEARED; IN IT ALONE ARE PEACE AND PROSPERITY FOUND; AT LAST, HIS LAW IS ONLY COMMON SENSE. In Boston, another city where policemen do not protect vice. Wil liam Filene Sons Company, French Jews by birth, are today teaching these truths to the world in away that can not be overlooked or for gotten. In their great store, the minimum wage for girls is eight dollars a week. They will adopt no rule, nor policy, until it has been submitted to their employees and approved by them. When their profits reach a certain amount, they divide them with their employees. A hospital is maintained for them. And rest rooms and recreation for their workers are provided in their store. GOD’S SPIRIT IS AT WORK IN THE WORLD, WHEN MER CHANTS, WITHOUT THOUGHT OF PREACHING, ADOPT A POL ICY OF UPLIFTING AND UPHOLDING THEIR EMPLOYEES AND A LIVING WAGE FOR WOMEN, AS THE BEST METHODS FOR DOING BUSINESS. His Law can not be destroyed. It will be fulfilled. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE MEN AND RELIGION FORWARD MOVEMENT.