Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 08, 1912, NIGHT, Page 20, Image 20

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN ANO NEWS READ FOR PROFIT-GEORGIAN WANT ADS'USE FOR RESULTS FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 1912. 20 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN ■ Published by The Georgian Company, 20 East , Atlanta. Alabain a -st. • < Jcor gl a ?* Entered at Atlanta poetoffice at second class matter. Subscriptions Payable 1n Advance BfeyPO year. mall, postage prepaid. $5 00 By-sß* months, mall, postage prepaid. 250 L Mchree months, mail, postage prepaid 125 One month, mail, postage prepaid. 45 _ _ i i£ Subscriptions Payable in Advance T Delivered by carrier, one year<’» 20 ; Delivered by carrier, six months . 2 »’<' ; by carrier, three months .. 1.30 j ff 2?!! by carrier, one month 4 v; Delivered by carrier in Atlanta ei.u other cities, oni- week I . Want Ad Rates and Rules in the Atlanta Georgian i | One cent a word each imeit'c.n * No ad taken for less than the price of ten words. Aus In larger »ype. ph 12c a line (four wunu- the lin» ». Out -of - town advertisements must be accompanied with cash. I Agencies* discount? 10 and 5 per cent. The Georgian will not he respon- I slble for more than ore incorrect insertion of any ad ord* red more | M Thar* one time Closing hours: To .‘retire pron er classification. a< s must >-e in 1 The Georgian office before 1 o'clock the day of the issue. All nds must hr ordered out in writing or at office. No diacon- K; tinuance notice taken over phone. j Every word in the advert sement, if Including the name and address. i is counted. Tach initial counts one word: compound worus are counted two words. 'Telephone your Want Ads to T1 c ' Georgian (both phones BQOOI when it in more convenient to d<» s< . and i collection will !.»•• made at vour K home or ar your office the follow- HE ing day. This is an acconunodu- | H tlon service rendered Georgian Want Ad patrons and payment should always he promptly made on presentation < f hill Always *«k that your telephone ad be re- I® peated back to you by the ad taker to tnal-.e sure that it 1-a: been , taken correctly. The Georg:' n can not guarantee accuracy or u.-sume H responsibility so. errors of any kind occurring m telephone advertise rnents. ; . ADVERTISERS should retain re ;H .. ceipts given in payment for Wat t Fl Ads over the office counter, as mis takes can not be rectified without them. In answering lulxertise- E ments addressed In care of The H- Georgian. If the advert’set requires f“' references, send a duplicate of B same ■ I Help Wanted—Female. |GIRI, wanted as nurse; oom in In.use. furnish reference* \ppl) 24'i St MfeCharlea eve. 51-8-11 I I WB NTeY> -Experienced help >»• l.i.lies tailor. Applj 345' a Peachtrei 1-8-39 IB Was?tt lt>—Woman to cook and do house- I work, family of three, 54 per week. Apply 755 Piedmont ave cottier Eighth w Street. 50 1-11 || WAN’Ti-'.l< “f soubrette, (hr- •• .5-1 <■)><>- I |M rim girls, A-1 blackface cornelian, must |s buck nance; also go<xl character man; f salaries and expenses guaranteed Apply r at once to Mrs Pauline Harter, Mgr . 34 | Garnett st.. Atlanta. Ga 51 8-11 ® W.INT’I -Ten high-class lady demon- I B strators to canvass. Good pay. If you ■ are a worker, c all at 403 Edgewood ave- | | Due after 9 o’clock Saturday morning I 39-8-11 « AiTti RATION H ANDS and salesladies , wanted Immediately. None but first ■ Claes hands employed Call in person to * da) Apph at the Manter (Viiipaiiy’s f atop, upstairs. 71 Whitehall stm i. first | stairway next J M. High c,,mpaiivs |. store. f I 8-13 I WAiWIT” Girl twelve or fourteen years . old. for house girl 41 Pulliui s'reet I 9 8 I' ■ w’ANTEU Inte.iitgent. refined Indies of ■ good address to solicit 20 Mule Team gfc,. borax Apply to S E. Bayliss. 43 (freon woo.i avenue. Phone Ivy 2565. 11-7-1 I WANTED licit ill >lr<-sms I ing N ■ Boiflevard Plioue Ivy 1569 I. 45 7-11 KWANTED Three ladles for specialty and UH repertoire work, musical preferred: K State all, lowest salat) and photo Hrst n letter: must join by 20tn Haiti- Amuse ■ inent Cin. Ebb, 5 < 58-7-11 ■L, Work. 43 Imam U-7-1S Colored woman of settled hub- | its to aecot ip.,ll' an Mlam.i faintl) ' B North to live I’enm nent home to the I K right party. Bring letters of recoin- j R menuation. ■ Xottn Howard sireet ■ Kirkwood. 26 7_-ll | ■RfTa'i l :i ■ to I fiw do general housework. Must room on' IB jy l - ? F 1 s 'xteeutli street 11 ii-21 ■ Hl AA A j'El ■ -seat ■ woman to nurse . three-year-old child and clean upstairs ( Stus: room in the house Good wages to I I right part) References required. Apply E t’gpitol avenue 11-6-11 ' i ■ W maid. Apol.' <t mm- t«. Mrs Adolph .'Montag, 489 AVashuiglor,. apartment X; IF rtrat rtoor. 116-7 KBAXTEI ’ I' bui perfectly I E: good men and women, to take a new I ■ grt!> on lite and try u little »i«i pii e ■ for a n change. The X’:t II \t t:i>, rs u r* Edl fp tlon of The Eos Ar.goje: I iner. out U JSscember 25. will tell \ I- w i.. do 11 jg Mailed to any address in rnh“d States . 2 or Mexico in cents, Canada or foreign j Bg pointb, 25 cent.'- Send in \our order n<-w ' Ji .. ... "'i-.'j i ■ COM BINA’I l< iN coal and g;<‘ ranges. • • Southern Stove and Supp’j t’omnanv. 1 E 121 Whitehall. 10-15-4 1 Help Wanted—Male. E*' •''Pi t'l-Al. I 1 .S kl.i S.l ■ \ •!.,.! K-aggressivo man of . x ptmnal , \pct ier.< e 11 Httid caliber to repres, ■> luutacturer In I tlm terrltorj Knowh •. advertising I preferred and proven : < - meess ab- ■ stoliiteiy essential v, ~ ,s and iuforma ■ ptlon seekers save shoe leather raj) pied ■ : inont Hotel Saturday "■ Sunday Mr IVAN'i'ET’ A-1 Plan tpply Mrs "..'.ib ji ine Harvey. Manager. I Garnett street IJy ■ J 8 - 8 - It WANTEI>- Marble u'tors Apply to Hie Kennesaw Marble ( otnoany Marietta. NICE, cloan. neat boy wanted to cook * and do housework. 19 East Harris. WAX’! ET>- Two boys at on< e Anderson .-Hardware Company, 32 an „ 34 South » Pryor. 11-8-20 O WANTED -Young man for clerical po wR sition. Must write a good hand, and know how to figure decimals and per ®centages. Address Manufacturers, cure :f®43eorgiam 11-8-12 Ji. WANTED -By lawyer, an oft ice boy’; B state in own handwriting qualifications and pay expected Address M H. T. ear, gtau I'.a-S-ll al W ANTED —llelivery boy with bicvcle. by If- the Shoe Renury. 89 NorJi Itr.'.ud | WANTED—Thirty fast mw». g«:s, with M or without wheels, best pay it. .itv ■ Miller's Minute Messenger Bervi< > . ill, 4.'' girlie .street tq.mie 23 I’ 7-62 I, WANTEI I (''asuail) ilieurai ' e ag.-t I ts I that appreciate a good Comitany. good. | easy-selling policies, and a good contract. 1 to see or Address General Agent, 419 IT <•■ t.Hiding. M.. -4..- n J it yNI El > . Iwa • man. No other need *»l.v Wxcelaior iauundry Gompanx L b 40 HLjvr <>NTfn>' Trained bu’h : Must umh i " ’I i Help Wanted—Male. ■ BOOKKEGPI-aR WANTED Must be com- j petent t«> handle hoary work; neat ap- ! pearance ami very accurate. Apply In < •wn handwriting, giving age, references an«i experience Wholesale Business, care I Georgian.ll-6-17 j DRAUGHON S BUS < OLLEGE Atlanto. Day and night sessions. I Enter any time. Catalogue free. ; ' 11-5-43 I Pl J:\ISIIHD room free for bov making » fires. 12 Kimball street. 44 ’ NTED to learn ba rbei trade • ’an , iil.f for position in few weeks. ' Wage learning No previous ex m Hence necessary. Everything in rhe I nusiness aught practically. Sure of sue-I < «>ss with i. a Tools given. Cal) or write, M-iler Barber (‘allege, 38 Duckie street. 10-2 H ! iotel heart of < tj ' 1 • !1 Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet room; tran. i» i t 50c. Open all night. J 1 WANTED Discouraged, but perfectly: «■< men ar-i women, to take u new! grip «n life and try a little happiness for h go Ninth Anniversary E<*i- I .on «»f Tlie I \ck»l»- Examiner, out December 25, will tell you how to do it. i Mailed to any address in I'nlted States j Canada • r '> t point. !5 cents. Sen 1 in your order now I WANTED—Bright, strong. boys to deliver routes in, .‘iffernoons. Good wages j and chance for promotion. Call at circulation depart ment The Atlanta Georgian. 20 East Alabama street. ■ 1 ML • ci ■. i RS, poi t< fflce clerks want - e»i. '»RO t. onth Atlanta, Ga Exami nations dur * p X->v« mber Free coaching Franklin ln.--ti. iite, Dept 4 >-T, Rochester, . N Y 25-9-10 i FREE MAS.-ACE, hair cuts, shaves, shampoos Al! barber work free Clean I‘non. 'tin Gt a Barber College. 10 East j f-:i 1 I’' » i : -j ; ' f<.,- fist of invent!*)’ •* wanted and prizes offered by manufacturers Aluo, bow to get vour patent Sent free to any address. Rar dolph a Briscoe, patent attorneys, VVash irgton, f» <’ A 11 ’*’ 3 r- ~f. •. > < o ip- ; . • J fng fil teU • you the barber trade (it’s easy). We leach ?n one-half time of < ther colleges. Course and jiosituc i.i our shops only 530. Whv pa- mote" Thousands of our grain ■: » -x running shops or making good wag- Atlanta Barber College, 10 East ’ 11 itreet S-fi 47 Help Wanted—Male and Female. i LADIES AND MEN wanted to sell the Wonder ’Transfer Liquid: transfers from ; common wall paper to draperies to match one’s room. The most beautiful evening gowns can be made by transferring the I flower in all the natural color on to < his- i sons. satins, etc. <'all R. Hurt. 124 ’Tv- | ■ • itre< i Room . fl FREI DENTAL CLINIC SOCTHEASTEI.’X Denial Ini- versity. 1i P L . Whitehall, open from 10 a. m. to 4p. ni. Charges made for material only. Compe tent demonstrator in const ant at tendance. 11-6-1 HUSTLERS can make money on maga zine proposition. Commission and sal ary. References required. See Mr Bark er, 21 Peters street 28-2,0 to WANTED to plant in southern California, where it grows bet let than anywhere else in the world. One dollar grows to ten before you know it. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los i Angeles Examiner will give some, exam- ' rdes <»f actual cases < »ut December 25. Msiie.l to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or foreign points 35 cents. Send in your order now 10 Teachers Wanted SPECIAL fall -m >uh:o f!. food OM&1H0S I vet. Foster's Teachers Agency, Atlanta, Ga 8-21-31 , ... I -- TL '. | Salesmen Wanted. ' • ,■ • ailing on business and professional ! men, for Mlanta, » ommission with \\< ek j ly settlements. ('ill on Mi-. Finch, 527 J ell I»u 111 I! 1 g 11 -7- 48 W \ nti 1 • 1 - ii; <jr<. > good£ 2nd silk alesman. If you are not an ex perieiieed. hustling -alesman, please do not npply. Hass Dry Gooiis Company, ' ■ 'it. ( 11-B*B \\ INTED Salt-- ■mu foi high - gra.!<- km eiders and vinegars. Exclusive or side j line. Liberal commissions, with weekly | settlements Fine opening for good man, ■ References required. Atlantic Vinegar ’ < ’"iHpaii.t ., Ya M .■ IT WANTED CLEAN, EXPE RIE.Xt ED STOCK SALESMAN’. I ATTRACTIVE, high-class industrial prop osllion. Address U., care Georgian. i i - ’ , 1 \\ E SELL ST< ES t-heaper h<- auK? OUT expenses are less. Southern Stove and Suppl> Compan.\. IJD \\ hl l eha 11 10-15-4 \|"\i-:y \v.\x’tei» to . lh- in ioutfiern California, where it grows better than anywhere plee in the world. < »ne dollar grows h» feu before you know it. The j Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Lot- Angeles Examiner will giv<- sonn- exam pies of actual eases. < nit December 25. Mailed to any address in United States .or Mexico ,15 cents, Canada or foreign i points 25 «*ents. Send in your order now. I 104!D4 Agents Wanted. AGEN t's w \.\Ti:D to introduce ai clc which helps reduce household expenses Wrltt toda? for free unrthmlars. Renja n’in Hay X- Co.. Lumpkin, «'.a. 42-641 AGENTS WANTED Men and women to sell the selling insurance on eu: h. (»ne agent sold 300,000 lust month. Dis trict managers wanted for Mississippi. \iabania ami Georgin Address Joiner x Hitch, 640 Temple Court building. At i FoR sale Farm one-fourth as largt and J\e tinu* es good as the <»ne you Lire lulling on hack i.est. Take adxan ’ tag** -•! . l .e percentage in your favor. The. ? nth \ uni versa ry edition of' The Los An- I gt-lcs Examiner, out December 25. will tell jj-ui huw this <--u l.« Mailed to any ad dress in United Stalos er Mexico 15 cents. ’ Canada or foreign points 25 cents Send 1 our •>! • ■ c-'\( 10 21 ’ Situations Wanted—Female YtH’NG LADY. ,>ne and one-half 'cars '..ospltal training ;in«l neverttl years' ; private exi>,-r!<>r. o mirsing. wants work a' once: woukl crept place as compan- I 101 l to el<l rl\ people or convalescents. I'luicss Nurse, B •• M>, care Georgian 158-8-11I 58-8-11 |THi>RoI GHLI experienced tailoress and dressmaker, out by the day. Mrs. W. .1 , 246 Pulliam streel. 45-8-11 \\ ANTED Stenographic position bv a r<~ lined business woman; have had three .tears exptrlencc in various lines Iw 25-8-I'l I WANT a position with Invalid lady or as companion, experienced nurse; best references Phone Main 2P75-.1 46-7-11 SiTi-TLlltl whit,, woman wants position to care for children, preferably mere than four years old. and assist with house work. Phone Ivy 789. 38-7-11 COM Pl' ii'N i young lady desires position at once Two wars ex perience furnished Z L. 369 Central atenue. 32 7-H <’<>M Pl :TDNT w hite nurse “wants post’’ tlon as nurse or companion Excellent references Patricia, H » 20’ care <ieor lrtsr - 25-7-11 I W anted Positron by eolweS gh: as | nurse. <'an give g.od references. ••I. • HE t'nrrier atreet 33-7-11 I WANTED H> young girl, ’poMiTon hs eompiunon -,r piivat, secretary to »)<icr Il' lefined hxlv best reference* Address P I ■' T' •. I'atoni., . Ga IX . -II * PHRI-L''Tit >.x on heaters. .‘1 So up • liouiberii Stove and Supply Company. Whitehall < Drassmafcing. i DRESSMAKING laidies’ tailoring and altering. 206 South Pryor. .Main 4'139. 11-8-35 Situations Wanted—Male. I YOUNG married man with several years' experience wants position as book keep er or stenographer and typewriter or gen eral office work; reference furnished. Address C., Box 200, cure Georgian. \\ ANTED P<.-Irion by young man as clerk in gi’ocery* store Some expe- i rleiK'<-. Atlanta plmno 231*9. 34 8-11 I . Y'H’NG ALAN wants v or\ hi factory or i clericaJ work; hard worker; best refer j enres. Hen, care ’' p< 20-8-11 ■ ! WANTED By young man, position as i clerk in store: <an give good refer <i ‘s small salarv aisi willing to work. ; I Address Uh-rk. Box 88‘», cart Georgian. 36-7-11 i S<_»HER young man must have employ-: ment; no objections to night work. Best j i references !>lu< a:ion. Kc< ently returned to rttv. Immediate. W. 11. Greene. 27 I Highland : • .■: . i - i : • ■ ■ ut.Af abili’ x and whiw bu din-ss e?;p» - | rDnre, to locate in Atlanta or xu inltj. Also export accountant. Would prefer i-ormection with lumber Arm. Ad- | dre>s s ♦' A’., 1217 Third National Bank I building, la <■ a 37-»;-11 WANTED I’ositloti requiring general oL flee work by experienced young man. ; Good in handling correspondence Ad- i Ureas E. r. 11., Box 10. care Georgian. 39-6-11 WANTEI’ Position by young man as 1 stenographer. Reference from funner I einployt r Moderate salary. Must have worl Ai ply Stenographic, 173 Spring street, Atlanta. .’54-6-11 i'(»LORED MAN wants d. coo’Us place. Apply Ira M< gun, «4 East Cain street, city. 27-6-11 I’(»SITb»N WANTED by bookkeeper, aged 30, want position giving all or most of time out of doors, where he can use experience gained in ten years railroad ami commercial work. Have handled la bor and <an give bond if required. H. \ L . Box jqo, « are Georgian. 53-2-11 WANT-By me plant engineer, place a ■ chief engineer or manager of 20 or 25-ti i capaeip plant; prefer Frick or York r.iaeh’ne: Am sober and all-round n d inm F>**st of references furnished. Ho]£_ Elbertuli. <la, 49-1-11 I’< e I j'ION wanted bj man thoroughly ex perienced in office work, business cor respondence, collections, etc., where abil ity and haM work will count; use type writer; references. Address IL, Box 882, care Georgian. 41-1-11 Situations Wanted—Male and Female. WANTED Ships "j ail kinds to burn California oil and carry merchandise f' ,r the port of Los Angeles to and from the Panama -anal. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los /Angeles Examiner, out December 25th, tells just what the canal will d<» to Southern California. Mailed to! my address in United States or Mexico, 15 cents: Canada or foreign points. 25 ! - nd in your order now. 10-21-4 Boarders Wanted. SEE ‘ Rooms and Board” Under Georgian Rent Bulletin. Lost and Found. LOST Package of photographs, left on .‘treet ear Monday. Os great personal value io owner. Notify A. D. Whitaker, i_3s East Tenth street. 26-8-11 EOST one black taiToia silk coat, full length, between Empire building and Eorsyth and Hunter streets. Liberal re ward. Atlanta phone 1502. 11-7-12 LOST Bunch of keys, with no name. Kinder will please return to John Mc- Cullough, 2 North Broad, and get re ’ wal fl ' 1-6-48 Lost Black mule. Strayed front 53 Courtland Wednesday morning. Reward for_ reuirm 11 -6-45 LOST Bunch keys, about twelve; shoe hook with them. .1. C. 8.. Main 3961-L, Ivy 4434 Reward. 49-6-11 | I,OST Diamond and pearl ring, three I pearls surrounded with small diamonds l was in small chamois bag, valued for as- I sedation. Return to .1. Graham, No. 190 North I'ors) th street. Reward. 11-6-6 V, anted Manufacturers and merchants i to help manage the business end of the i Panama canal. It is located at Ix>s An ; gelc-, the key to the great Southwest, i The Ninth Anniversary edition ot The I Los Angeles Examiner, out December .15, | will have the facts about this great proj ect. Mailed to mi) address In I nked States or Mexico 15 cents, I'muula or for eign pointe 25 cents. Send in your or der now. 10-21-4 Personal. t REE TO WOMEN A lady physician with twenty years experience offers to i send a trial of her home treatment and a I medical book on diseases of women to all j Who write her. Just write’ih’st ) iblnt; your ease fully and the trial treatment and book will oe sent free of charge. Dr. ‘ L’leila VtcK. Derbyshire. Box 30. Fort I ayue. J nd_ 43-7-11 I I.' Mr. Tom Austin, was seen on De i cutur street hist Wednesday morning, I October -0. will call his mother, Mrs. J. M. ■ Austin, or his sister, Mrs. 'l'. H. Herb, i Mlanta phone 2783, or 60 Kelly street (Gra park section) he will find so thing to nts interest. Any one having seen jor talked to him will do his mother a i gri tt favor by phoning her at above num ber. 11-6-2 . E<)UN.T' The best place for prosperity ami success. Every body’s doing it. ’.’ouie out to Southern California. The ; Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los Ar.geks Examiner will set you right. Gut Di'cembci 25. to any address in : United States or Mexico 15 cents a copy, i Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send i • *der now. 10 21-4 c\i , !.’i with cull Soutlusun s-ove and Supply Company, 121 White hall I \ SCREENS. ULV SCREENS, FLT SCREENS W oil fly screens, metal fly screens, h.ftlwooti floors. Venetian blinds, 1 nu tai writ ier strips furnished anywhere l ln the South. Write or phone W R. Cal ,’away, manager. 140.’. Courth National Bank building. Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310. si'uious lII'SULTS come from trusses unpr‘perly fitted. John B Daniel, at 34 Wall street. 1 as an export titte- and it will rust vow no more to him tit I you, and it m»ans Insurance 6-24-15 Palmistry. GYPSY PALMIST M ADAM It CAMILLE tells past, present ano future. Special reading. 25c. this i week Located 50 Edge wood avenue, be -1 tween Ivy ami Pryor.ll-4 29 Clairvoyant and Palmist. 'HAVE RETURNED to Atlanta and is tn w liK-atPd at 93 Auburn avenue 55 as located at U. East Mitehell street last winter Anything you desire to know, you are assured truthful and positive fn< ts about It. Iteudlngs. 25c and s#c. Make no mistake in the place. 93 Auburn avenue tin tentt.lo-26-22 WANTED Visitors to eonte out and see the great Southwest Most of them will want to stay. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th. will set forth the reasons Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico. 15 cents; Canada or foreign points 25 cents Send In your order now 10-21-4 Palmist and Life Leading. 17 E\ST MITCHELL ST , <IN TENTI GYPSY QUEEN. i IS NOW TAICATED In tent, corner For syth and Luekle; can be consulted on « life Charges moderate 6 : 1 Dropsy. 'i' • • ■ . '■ i i; i i • Relicvet shortneee of breath In 36 to 48 hours Reduces swell ng u. fifteen to twenty days s\'i .e for I !>ai ticulars Colloni l'ro|w; Remedy Com- 1 pat.). 5X3 Austell building. Atlanta 5 35-11 “The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin” Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin. Are you looking for the best Rooms, Houses, Apartments, Rooms for House eeplng. Offices, Business Locations, Garages, Storage Houses, Boarding and Rooming places, etc.? Tliis bulletin contains a complete list of every desirable and suitable place that is Tor Rent in the city and suburbs in each issue. , For the benefit and convenience of our pattons The Georgian employs special men to cover the city and suburb:- <4ach day in search of all the desirable places. Save time, useless steps, money and worry by consulting this bulletin. It is for your convenience, so take advantage of it. Rooms and Board. — —- —i ■177 PEAi'HTREE Two connecting fur- i riishe<i I'ooms with private bath, furnace . heal and 6j30 dinner. s - • I’E.U HTRKi: INN. THREE BATH ROOM STITES. SUITABLE FOR FAMILIES. NOW OBEX. AXD SEVERAL SINGLE ROOMS: STEAM! HEAT AXD BELLBOY SERV ICE; XIGHT AXD DAY: ETRO-I I’EAX AXD AMERICAN PLAN, i l-L-SMI... I NICE, clean rooms with excellent table | board, -» 1 to o; week. 123 Capitol ave. 11-8-33 WILL exchange nice, clean room and board dose in for diamond, piano, mo torcycle or typewriter, piano, Box 300. care Georgian. 11-8-32 RODMS ami board, suitable for ladies or gentlemen; reasonable; table board, I $3.50 per week. Ivy 4138-. L 11-8-42 SELECT BOARDING. 16 East Baker; "cleanliness our motto.” The best ta hjes in the city, ivy 2666-r. GOOD meals furfilshed, $: .50 per week, also furnished rooms. 178 Ivy. 11-8-37 TABLE "BOARDERS WANTED—Every thing lirst-class; prices right. 252 Ivy street. 11-8-36 TWO gentlemen to occupy nice room with board; separate beds; furnace heat. Ivy 433-L.IJ-8-25 LARGE, delightful front room, steam heat and best location; excellent ta.ble; home comforts; garage on lot. 211 West Peach tree. Ivy 1959-L. 19-8-11 LADY or gentleman can find nicely fur nished rooms, with or without board, in private Jew home. Main 5138 or 219 Crew.ll-8-1? NEXT ROoMS: home cooking; all mod ern conveniences. 226 East Fair. NICE Rooms and splendid board on For rest avenue, one block from Peachtree; also table board. Will be open December 1. Call Main 4865-J. tl-8-11 LOVELY I'NEIitNISHED ROOM HEAT and every convenience, with meals; new home. 41!' Gordon street. West. 95C-J. 11-88 NICELY furnished room, with morning and evening meals;; steam heat; private family; r.ortli side. Ivy 4538.11-8-2 ONE nicely furnished room with first- class meals. Reasonable. 173 Whitehall I n-7-61 ' ROOMS and ’ meals. 131 I Washington st. 54-7-11 WANTED Couple or :wo young men or young ladies. Excellent meals. Phone Main 122 8-J.ll-7-59 TWO young men can secure home com forts; excellent meals. 52 Form wait. 11-7-55 Room, with or without board. 32 East Cain. Phone Ivy 2903. Call Mrs. Thornton.ll-7-56 ONE couple or two young men to board ln_ private family. Ivy 1489-L. 11-7-26 WANTED Select couple or young men to occupy large steam-heated front room; every convenience, with board. Apply 3'l Peachtree. Ivy 8481-J. 11-7-5 BEAI'T! FIT.LY furnished room/: best meals; all modern improvements; honfe comforts. References exchanged. 28 East North avenue. Ivy 5551.11-6-46 TABLiI Board at 513 Peachtree: tickets limited. Mrs. Cunningham. 48 6-11 | TW<> VIJtV desirable fiiriiithexl rooms; board if desired. 53 Crew street. 11-6-29 V ERY SELECT Room ' and board for young men at 136 Washington street: furnace heat. Main 4R12-J. 11-6-26 THE ( OZY INN. .IUST < ppprd. 12 and 16 West Ellis street, ju.-’i off I>achtiee; clean rooms; table 1 hoard. electric lighted throughout. Ivy 29-6-11 '‘Tli’i: uur.g man desires congenial room mate- two nice rooms <or couples or • young men; well supplied table; good I service. Main 1978. 178 Washington I street. ll£x |nH’ELS furnished front room for cou p’rt. Everything homelike. 478 Rawson sße.-t. Uafl Mtdn 4238-J. 11-5-39 DELIGHTFUL front room, hot bath, best location: excellent table board; also sin gle room for gentleman or business lady. Musical people preferred. 256 Uapitol avei L large, excellent room, all con veniences; walking distance; special pru-e; best table. Call ivy 285t»-L. 28-4-11 WES’l’ END 156 Gordon street. Phone West 17-L. Board and table board reas onable. 11-2-76 \\ \\r» i> Boarders at 119 Washington street; close in; fine location. 11 -2-52 OPPOSITE THE CAI ’I T( )L. NICELY furnished rooms and excellent table board. 121 Capitol square. Main 4839-L.ll-2-26 Bt'ARDERS WANTED Terms reasona ble. Phone Ivy 2903. 30 East Cain. XE.W It'"'MS anil homelike cooking; also table board; close in. 127 Capitol avenue. Main 5172-J. 10-22-26 H I'ILP WANTED To develop the sources of Southern California, the land of progress and new ideas. Read about the opportunities In the Ninth Anniver sary Edition of The Los Angeles Exam iner. out December 25th. Mailed to any I address In United States or Mexico, 15 cents a copy; Canada or foreign points, 25 cents Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Board Wanted. w anti’.I 1 Two three unfiiHUshed rooms. th board, or near where board may be secured, in quiet private family of adults. North side. On or near ear line. Call Ivy 715-J. from 3:30 to 9p. m. Furnished Rooms For Rent. I t >ll KENT Two large, well furnished | rooms; heat furnished: private bath; by middle-aged woman, to gentlemen or ■ business women: space for portable ‘ garage or two; no other roomers; every -1 thing to make )>u comfortable. Call at [206 Spring st.. Just off Baker street. I 59-8-11 I NICELY furnished bed room: all conven iences; close In. 87 Nelson.ll -8-45 ' TW' > nice tirsl-elass rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; reasonable to par- I ties without children. Phone Ivv 1804-J. 11-8-49 Ft'R gentlemen, nicely furnished room: Georgian Terrace neigh borhoeal; on .Myrtle street, near Ponce DeLeoti ave.; private family; also garage Phone Ivy 1495.11-8-48 S’s EAM - HEATED room, adjoining bath, private apartment; gentlemen only. No. 26 Marlborough Apartments. Peachtree and I'lne streets Ivy 4615.11-8-38 Ft'RNISHED or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping in nice, north side home, or furnished rooms with or with out table board 15 Howard st 11-8-41 NICELY’ furnished, steam-heated room In private family, for young men; can ac- I commodate three. Trlnltv Apartment, No |4. Main 5200-1..11-8-43 j TWO furuisbeo rooms for light nouae keeplng 205^ South Forsyth. 54-8-11 ' WELL furnlshol room for gentlemen iu steam heated apartment: close in. north i side. He 8033-J ti-8-.iu i TV 1 ' furnished rooms complete for light housekeeping; bath convenient; private I tamily near East Georgia avenue 317 '■' s ' j TWO i rms'ied rooms, light houaeaeet ing or business couple. 79 East Harris 1 47-l-H Furnished Rooms For Rent. |F(|R RENT—Two beautifully furnished connecting first-floor rooms, on north 'side; private family; all conveniences; walking distance. 74 East Merritts ave-1 llue. 11-8-16 ! li 'iR RENT <>ne front room, nicely fur nished: close in; suitable for one or ; two gentlemen. 230 Houston street. IFOR RENT To gentleman, nicely fur nished room. In private deniily; modern I CQttVeiiienecK . F()R RENT—Nicely furnished front room in private home; $2.50 per week. 11l West Harris. WyJjSS'LI: _____il-8-C FOR RENT Steam-healed room. 315 I ICourtland. Phone ivy 6852-J. 32-3-11 I For RENT -Neatly furnished room, witii two Mothes closets, next to batii ann all conveniences, for gentlemen; near in. Ivy 3294.11-8-10 FOR ItEN’l'- Nicely furnished front room at 49 Terry street, near the capitol. FOR RENT Furnished rooms; n«wly fur nished; close tn; elegant meals next door. Terms reasonable. 75 AVashington. FOR RENT Two connecting rooms: el egantly furnished, for four young ladies or gentlemen; $6 a week; meals next door. Reasonable, 75 Washington. 11 8-3 NEAT rooms for gentlemen; rent reason able; two blocks Candler Bldg. 82 Au burn avenue. 60-7-11 ROOMS FOR RENT—Furnished and un furnished. Close in. All conveniences. 88 Pulliam. 11-7-50 FOR RENT—Eirge, sunny, connecting rooms for ladles; private home; privi leges; conveniences; good neighborhood. 66 Highland. Ivy 4809-J. 1.1 -7-51 FoR RENT Four desirable unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, with bath. Ivy 899-J. lk 7^ 54 FOR RENT - Small front bed room, fur nlshed. 58 West Peachtree. 11-7-57 TWO nicely furnished rooms cheap. 93 Pulliam street. Main 4528-.1, 11-6-13 ONE, two or three furnished rooms with kitchenette, one block from Peachtree, on two car lines. Apply 75 Easi Pine, corner Pine and Courtland.l.l -7-31 FOR RENT -Two newly nicely luridsiied rooms; will supply heat evenings and Sundays. 260 Ivy street. 58-7-11 FoR RENT—Two beautifully furnished rooms for young men only, with refined couple; close in; on Peachtree. Ivy 5450. 11-7-45 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room for young man or business lady. Main 150 E-L or 290 South Pryor.ll-7-44 FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished rooms, for light housekeeping; bath. 209 South Pryor.ll - 7-47 ■ NICELY’ furnished rooms at 178 S. For- syth st. Phone, hot water, etc. Call i and phone M. 3568-L.41-7-11 ■ FOR RENT —Five neatly furnished rooms; all conveniences; private entrance; in last block of E. Georgia ave., near Grant ’ P ar U at 12L _Rbl? n b a ble rent. U-7-2S ONE nicely furnished room; all con ven- ■ iences; close in. 353 Central. 51-7-11 NICELY’ furnished room; reasonable: ! close In. 308 S. Pryor.ll-7-35 ■ NICELY’ furnished room, adjoining bath; 1 will be vacant Monday; gentlemen only. L Peachtree. 11-7-38 ' FI’RNISHED room with all conveniences! $2 per week. 286% Whitehall st.. Apart- L ment C.ll-7-40 i ; NICE light room, second floor, $lO per ; month. 102 Ivy st,ll -7-20 ; i'OR RENT—Nicely lurnisiied light i housekeeping room, with kitchenette, $3.50 per week. References. 388 Peach i tree. Select nei.'.d:lu.rii■ ■ D-7-11 , FOR RENT -Nicelj furnished roomsi close in. All conveniences. Ivy 5025-J. r il-7-3 : Foil RENT—Nicely furnished looms; all ■ conveniences. 117 West Baker. . Atlan- i ta __ 4^r !l FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; ; close In: all conveniences. 339 Court ; land street.ll-7-6 1 TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping, $3 per week> all conveniences, r “'j® Whitehall. 53-6-11 1 FOR RENT -One furnished front room; i first floor; $8 per month. 46 Capitol ( avenue. 50-6-11 . MARLBORO! GII \ PARTM ENT; large? ! front, steam-heated room, adjoining i bath; newly furnished. Ivy 3720. 11-6-14 t WANTED—Roommate for fir“t-class young man: also upstairs furnished bed room; steam heat. Main 2719. 18.’. Wasli j Ingtun. References. 1 FOR RENT —Nicely furnished upstairs 7 front room; all conveniences; rent very 1 reasonable. Apply 223 Capitol avenue or 1 < all phone Main 2958-Ij. j FoR RENT—Nicely furnished single room for one gentleman. 61 East Cain, No. i 5. Ivy 3137.11-6-23 j FOR RENT -Nice front room; also house- • keeping rooms. 210 Spring street. Ivy - 3205 J.ll-6-24 FOR RENT—Two front rooms: all con- t venlences for light housekeeping. Alain > 1592-J. 11-6-25 L FOR REN'T Nice front loom for two young men; close in. 378 Piedmont. 11-6-27 ? FOR RENT—One. two nr three rooms. ; furnished complete for housekeeping. 73 1 Williams street.ll-6-30 ’ FOR RENT -Front upstairs room; new furnishings; very bright and comforta -5 ble - 78 East Ellis.s 11-6-31 1 FOR RENT - Two front rooms, furnished; also one large room for housekeeping; ' close in; private family. Call Atlanta • phone 5851-B. or apply 216 South Pryor ’ street. 32-6-11 j ' INE, two or three furnished rooms with either one or two beds; coal and lights; furnished: meals next door. 170 Washing ton street.2s-6-11 UPSTAIRS furnished front room: close 7 in: use of telephone; hot water; private 1 tdtnily. 85 West Ikirrls street. 30-6-11 ,■ ■ NICE, clean front room for rent, fur r i nished. Apply 258 North Boulevard. . 1 11-5-49 1 ONE furnished room, also roommate tor ■ young man; private home. 19 East Ilar- ris street. 11-5-29 FURNISHED ROtIMS. 22 «■ EST”pi:A<’iL TREE; LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING IF 4 PREFERRED.II-5-27 r FOR RENT Deliglitful front room: pri . vale bath: gaiage; refined home. . Peachtree, care ijeorgiun. 43-5-11 t FOR RENT —Furnished rooms and light housekeeping apartment; all conven -1 iences; hot baths; private family; close ? in. 151 Spring street. 11-5-22 1 I FOR RENT NICE. LARGE ROOMS, :| COMPLETELY FURNISHED FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. ALL CON VENIENCES. CLOSE IN REASONA -4 I BLE RATE 138 PULLIAM STREET. • jll-5-1 J FOR RENT -Nicely furnished front room. walking distance. 31 East Fair street. '. Very reasonable 49-4-11 i BOARD at 30 East Harris street. Ref- ■ erences exchanged. 11-4-27 FOR RENT -Rooms for light housekeep- ? ers and lodgers. 145 Spring. Ivv 2904-U 8 11-4-25 r FOR RENT—Nice, large front room. Ivy » 788. ask for Miss Jones. 11-4-24 ■ NICELY furnished r<«mi with board; all i conveniences; close in. 11l YVashlngton t Main 5361-J.ll-2-62 • NICELY’ furnished room, reasonable. 308 South Pryor. 11-1-50 j - THREE furnished rooms; no children I taken. 2763-J M Ulk 4B FOR RENT For two gentlemen, large. ; furnished room: twin beds; In steam . heated apartment; north side: pritate family No other boardet s Tw o meals if ; desired. Telephone lv) 6851 ’l-1-28 ! I LOOK at our stoves and range* betore [I you buy one anywhere. Southern 1 Stove and Supply Company, 131 White- L kali 10-15-4 Furnished Rooms For Reni. WANTED—Visitors to come out and see ! the great Southwest. Most of them ' Will want to stay. The Ninth Anniversary : Udit.on of The Los Angeles Examiner, out j December 25th, will set forth the reasons. ! ALided to any’ address in United Slates <>r i Mt xieo. Io cents; Canada or foreign points ! Sert d in your order now. 10-21-4 NICELY furnished roomsTsOc’night, $2750 a week and up. Broadway Hotel, N. Broad street. Hot and cold water. Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. rHREE large rooms, furnished or unfur nished, 371 Pulliam street; car at door, phone and parlor; cheap if taken at once. Phone Main 4975-J. 11-7-24 SLE. ORR for furnished or unfurnished ! rooms, light housekeeping. !00% Pen- I tral Place, corner Capitol ave. *6-5-11 Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. TWO rooms and kitchenette; close in; real cheap. Ivy 2378,i 1 -8-46 Fol R ROOMS ami reception hall: first or. °? r * P r i'' at b bath; hot water; near in. 251 Central avenue. 11-8-44 FOR RENT—Three unfurnished <onne<-’- ing rooms for light housekeeping; gas, water and sink. 135 Logan street I'OR RENT—Three rooms and private bath, with owner. 399 Washington street. Phone Alain 3254-L, 27-8-11 FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms, near capitol building; $8 per month. J ’hone Alain 2214-J. 29-8-11 Foil RENT- Two, three or four unfur nished connecting rooms; reasonable. 210 South Pryor. 11-7-52 FOR RENT Three connecting rooms light housekeeping, in cottage with cou ple; modern conveniences. 80 East ave nue. Ivy 3120-L. 47-7-11 FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms, all conveniences; close in. 230- \ South Pryor.ll-7-48 THREE large unfurnished connecting rooms. 135 Logan st. Atlanta phone "87. ■ 11-7-27 TWO unfurnished connecting rooms, suit aide f o r light housekeeping; separate en trance, on car line, with private family. 189 Highland ave. 40.7.11 FOR RENT Three unfurnished connect ing rooms, suited for light housekeep ing; gas. water, bath: separate entrance i Rent reasonable. With owner. 236 Hill I street. 11-7-10 F'oß RENT—Two rooms, with owners? References exchanged. 26 Orange street. 31-7-111 FOR RENT—Three or four rooms, freshly papered; near capitol; modern improve'- ments. Bell phone Main 3889-J. 44-6-11 FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms on first floor at 339 Whitehall street FOR RENT—Two connecting rooms, un furnished or furnished, for light house keeping. Apply «19 Kiser building. . 11-6-20 ONE large unfurnished room. 17% East Cain street. 11-6-4 FOR RENT—Two or r7.,, m < and kitchenette, with use of bath. 52 Queen street. 27-4-11 Housekeeping’ Rooms For Rent. H)R RENT—One or two rooms, with kitchenette; everything furnished for housekeeping, to congenial couple. No children. Steam heat. Ivy 3713. 11-7-49 UOl I’Ll’, owning home, would rent two. three or four rooms, furnished f«»r light housekeeping. Bath, hot water, electric lights, gas and phone. Main 296fi-L. KOR RENT Two first-floor connecting rooms for light housekeeping: r.-e o f phone and water; $8.50. At 90 Kichard 3on - 11-6-16 Furnished Apartments For Rent. ONE large room with kitchenette adjolm Ing. furnished complete for housekeep ing. with private family on north side. Phoim ivy "154. 11-7-13 FIVE ROOMS on first floor, also two large bright rooms and kitchenette, second j floor: nice bath, modern conveniences, fine j neighborhood. Phone Ivy 2478. 11-1-35 Furnished or Unfurnished Apart mer.ts For Rent. FT>H RENT- Furnished apartment; five rooms; fine location: on south side on car line: for only S3O per month. Un furnished apartment, six rooms; well lo cated, on car line; has large front porch and nice sleeping porch, for onlv $25 per . Call 'Yebster. Alain 2106 day. I 2;>o'> night. 807-808 Fourth National Bank building. 11-6-44 Unfurnished Apartments For Rent THREE and four-room brick apartments' near_in, north side; heat, lights, bath'. Ivy 4tnt>, 11-8-29 Furnished Houses For Rent. F< lit KENT - Newly furnished eight-r house, north side, block from car line; party leaving city. For particulars ad dress E. C. L., Box 90, care Georgian . REFINED settled couple wish to rem beautifully furnished six-room bungr low jto strictly refined, settled couple for board; only two meals and Sundae meals required; north side, just oft' Pome De- Deon avenue: bargain for some one want ing a deliglitful home: references 40 Kennesaw ave. ivy 1762-L. 11-7-14 Unfurnished Houses For Ren? F< ’ K „ R F NT—Four * rooln bungalow with hall, bath room, sink in kitchen cab inet mantels; brand new; close to’West End avenue, on YVellborn street: sl3 a inontb. Apply 57 West End avenue Beil phone Alain 5:153. u .7.53 LI- ASF. OR SALE - Artistic 1 bungalow ~ screened, tiled, furpace, garage •• \ n <- ley Park," Georgian. 45-7-11 F't >R RENT—Modern north side cottage" six rooms and bath: «2" per monthi i 4 liq ne Ivy 6432. 11-6-10 SEVEN-ROOM house in InmarTParkTall ; conveniences: elevated lot. Call ivv *>UB-J.ll-5-2’B 118 WEST ALEXANDER STREET 1 close in; near corner Lovejoy street 1 four rooms, large hall and all’ conveniences sl2 0 0 per month. Apply Fitzhugh Knoxi 1013 Candler building. 10 31-4 HF.LP WANTED —To develop the resour ces of Southern California, the land of progressand new ideas. Read about the Op portunities in the Ninth Anniversary Edi tion of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th. Mailed to any address in 1 Tilted States or Mexico, 15 cents a copy- Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send In your order now 10-21-4 FOR RENT. HOUSES-Can. "’write or phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O Cochran, 14 South Broad street. 4-1-21 THE BOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. 55 ANT ED—Cii ildren to attend the best schools In the United. States The" are located in Southern Callforniti Bring the old folks along The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will ! 'ell the story of tne most remarkable ISi liooJ system evet devised, out Decem ber 2.‘th. Mailed to any address ,n United I State" "r Mexico 15 <■< nts; Canada or for eign pointe, 25 cents Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Stores For Rent. BRICK STORE and six-room cottage ad? joining, north side, good location, c 55. Hatcher, both phones 44, 221 Grant B| bg 16-18-45 Furnished Rooms Wanted. TWO or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping by young couple; no chil dren; good north side locality; reference given and required; private family pre ferred. Call Ivy 6180. J. A. Moseley 11-8-51 YVANTED- By refined couple, three furn ished rooms or apartirient for house keeping. Call Ivy 2466-L. 36-5-11 Furnished on Unfurnished Houses Wanted. WANTED—An eight to twenty roomed uouse. furnished or unfurnished, suit able for rooming or boarding. L. M.. care Georgian. 11-8-28 Fire-Proof Storage. \\ E STORE HOUSEHOLD goods and pianos. Office and warehouse, 239-241 Edgewood avenue. Ivy 2037. Joan J Woodside Storage Company. Medical. MRS. DR. YTOLET DISEASES of women and children. 200- 202 Hillyer Trust Bldg. Bell phone Ivy 4 619. 9- 28-58 DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy, Pennyroyal and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re liable treatment for iiainful and sup pressed menstruation, irregularities and similar obstructions. Trial box by mall, 50c. Frank Edmondson & Bro., manufac turing chemists. 11 North Broad street, Atlanta. 2-17-14 Wanted—Miscellaneous. AVANTED—To buy good second-hand bi cycle. J. W. Corey. Call Ivy 5635-J. 52-8-11 WANTED -To buy coal range. Must be in first-class condition. Phone Ivv 3730-J. H-8-7 HEATERS, $2.50 to $45. We save vou enough to buy your coal. Southern Stove and Supply Company, 121 White hall street. 10-15-4 FURNITURE and household goods, office fixtures and merchandise of any kind accepted on consignment. Cash advanced Pembroke Sales Co.. 143 South Pryor St. Bell phones Alain 1434, Alain 187, Atlanta »285. 8-15-12 WE PAY' HIGHEST cash prices for house hold goods, pianos and office furniture. Cash advanced on consignments. Central Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell street. Bell phone Main 2424. 8-26-26 DROP A CARD 2 —WiII bring cash for old clothes and shoes. The Vestiare. 16'i street. .. -27-42 WANTED—Y’ou to know W. M. Cox cleans all kinds carpets: rugs a spe cialty. Ivy 3135-J. Atlanta 1818. 145 Au burn avenue. 10-2-12 55 ANTED M’e pay highest cash prices on household goods, pianos and office furniture. Cash advanced on consign ments. Springer’s Auction House. 25 South Pryor street. Bell phone Main £s2£. I BUY MEN’S old clothes and shoes. Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell street. For Sale—Miscellaneous. FOR SALE—Gentleman's handsome dress suit: price $lO. Apply Apartment 1, The Lillian, corner Juniper and Eighth streets 11-8-24 F'OR ten cents (coin) will send formula, harmless, home-made hair tonic. Airs E. F. Oliviere. care J. T Davis. R. F. D No, 1, Cataula, Ga, 41-8-11 NESS feather beds, 40 pounds, with new ticking, very fluffy, guaranteed first class, giving free with each bed one pair 6-lb. pillows, only $8.65. The Rex Feath er Bed Company, Ayersville. Ga. 43-8-11 SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Legs -Lamb—whole 12 l-2c i Legs cut I,">e |Lamb Front . ...10c and 121-2 c ! Round Steak Lie I Loin Steak 15c | Porterhouse Steak 15c j Pot Roast 10c ami 121-2 c I Life-time experience enables ns to give best meats. No delivery. 89 Decatur Street. 150 Marietta Street. CAMPBELL BROS. DUNTLEY "PN EUMATT'C CLEANERs"re3 move dirt and germs from rugs, carpets, floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from $32.56 up; vacuum sweepers, $9.75. C. J. Daniel &_Co, 416 Fourth Nat. Bk. Bldg 12-2-11 L I K E-T l M E FURNITURE, REGS AND -DRAPERIES. $2.00 .Medicine Cabinet....s .98 I $5.00 Coal Vase $2.9S Never Tarnish Brass Bed. .SIO.OO National Springs $-3.98 i j Child's Desk and ('hair ....$2.98 ‘Doll Go-Cart $1.50 ■ $20.00 Library Table $15.00 I UOI.DS.XI ITII-\( TON- WIT! lERSPOOX co. I 62 I <• 111 u<• 61 North Broad. ; Fc»L SALL < double-barrelled Parker i hammerless shotgun, also one good Rem ington typewriter. 135 Peters street 5t- I ianta Phone 6102-F. 11-6-6 ■ FOR sale Remington typewriter, No 7~ in good order, for sls. Call Atlanta phone 2940. 11-2-42 C A RRI AG ICiTlt El > AIR ED~ANI > REI j< »V~ ERED. NEW RUBBER TIRES PUT ON YOUR RABY'S CARRIAGE PHONE IVY 3076. ROBERT MITCHELL, 229 EDGE WOOD. 7-18-15 BOARDING HOUSE KEEPERS AND ROOMING HOUSES TAKE NOTICE. WE HAVE quite a lot of beds, dressers, •hairs, tabled, etc., some shopworn, soni* reclaimed, which we offer on easy terms at ex<eedingly low prices, as w*' want to part company with these goods lat once, (’all at store end salesman will go with you to the warehouse, where the stuff is stored. RHODES-WOOD FI’RNITI KE COMPANY. I":' .’.-7-' -1 I WFJITI III.UJ, -Tltlj: 1 ! LAYY BOOK BARGAINS geti of im«i Bankruptcy KeiHjrtH. Century Digest, Eney. us livid , cl, . Price und tri ne* nn request The Hurrlson Company, Atlanta 11-1-37