Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 08, 1912, NIGHT, Page 6, Image 6

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6 North Georgia Methodists Face Suffrage Fight WOMEN AFTER BALLOT Carrollton, ga.. Nov.« a wom an’s suffrage fight is expected during the coming session of the North Geor gia Methodist conference, which con venes here November 20, when n • ’>•>- lution will be introduced looking to the extending of lait.v rights of tin church to women. A committee will be asked tn investigate the matter 1913 and make report next full. The North Georgia conference is agi tated somewhat over the matter, for hundreds of circular letters have been sent to the preachers • Georgia and also to leading laymen. The church papers have entered into tin debate and given it still greater publicity. The Wesleyan Advocate has taken a bold stand against the innovation, which has been disapproved by the general con ference by a vote of 144 to 77. Some of the leading Methodist church women of the state are back of the movement, and will attend the confer ence here to help agitato the matter. Among the Georgia women connected with the move are Mrs. Luke G. John son. Mrs. J. D. Hammond, .Miss Ma bel Head, .Mis. Sam I’. Jones, Mis. J. N. McEachern. Mrs. 1.. P. Smith, Miss I.Tnma Tucker and Miss Tina Tucker. A sensational fight may b< cxpeet< d, the almost uniform sentiment is hostile to the movement. Di. W. I’. Glenn, one of the leading met. in Georgia Methodism for < score f years, In a signed statement, says: "If this agitation goes on. ami espe cially ir It should succeed, we will met. have our homes, our towns and slates and even our churches converted if" *~ll II '--- "II I •J* ASKIN & MARINE CO. A* I /w L I •; r l ✓/ w/ e ; wJW ] JW/ 1 )\ |Wf 7 \/ |\ i —The Tailored ' Sod Fou Want —The smartest styles of the season, with all of the little features that indicate good quality and good value. s There are worsteds, wide-wale serges and fancy suitings, smartly designed and correctly made. There Is a Special sh ft Assortment Here at s ‘ And there are other guaranteed qualities at ■ $lB, S2O, $22.50, $25, S2B and S3O. —We’ll gladly open a charge account with you. . Men: That Overcoat! . —Any price from sl2 to S3O will provide you with a guaranteed overcoat one of the season’s best styles. Box Coats, English models, Raglans. Chesterfields, Belt Coats any style you want. Make your selec tion NOW. We’ll charge it if you wish. ASKIN & MARINE CO. : 78 Whitehall Street : —zntrzz. it— —ir r—o into wrangles and contests, and the spiritual life of the church will reach a much lower ebb. We have had too much polities in our church already, and if every one who has been disap , < inted in the action of the genera! conference complains of being w ronged and keeps up these agitations, we shall sc or. have nothing but politics." DEATHS AND FUNERALS Harry Bird. Harry Bird, aged 5 years, died a 7:30 o'clock last night at the home ot | his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D Summerlin, at Riverside. The funeral will be held at the residence thia after noon at 3 o’clock. Interment will be at Hollywood. Weaver Kendall. The funeral of Weaver Kendall, who , died Wednesday night, was held this morning at 10 o'clock in Greenberg <£ ’ Bond's chapel. Interment was at West view. Mis. F. E. Wiisht. Tiie funeral of Mrs. !•’. E. Wright, who died Wednesday, will be held to night at S o'clock in Barclay & Bran don's chapel. Tiie body will be taken to Brooklyn N. Y.. for interment. Miss Edna P. Corley. Mi- Edna Pearl Corley, aged 29 years, died at the residence, 205 Davis street, last night at 10 o’clock. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at the residence. Interment will be at Hollywood. JIIE ATT.ANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 1912. Chamberlin-Johnson-Dußose Co. Chamberlin=Johnson-Dußose Co. ATLANTA NEW YORK PARIS ATLANTA NEW YORK PARIS Now Come the Days for Furs And Tomorrow You Shall See An Authentic Display of All That Is Fashionable I I I li The display of the Furs of Fashion is announced only after the ! /// siderations in regard to the quality and to style of the furs in regard .L \ \/// to our customers’satisfaction. ’lli / \ V //// We know well that women do not buy furs everyday—that such 'I J 7'l a purchase is a matter of importance—-w r e want you to understand, there- !' ./ y H fore, just how seriously we take this fur business, so that when you do go • i r f ' to make such a purchase you may better judge what store is most de- W// I 111 serving of your confidence. h kjl * / \ I// Our fur chief knows furs, which means that he knows not only //////A " r B 111 the finished article as you see and wear it, but also that he knows the I A '^fl/ pelts and the processes of dressing and manufacturing; as an expert he is I h capable of appraising furs at their real worth. And still, expert as he is, ' H. Kk/ ! he takes every safeguard and precaution when selecting prices for this I a I stock. He goes to none but the most reliable and trustworthy makers, HhJ BE I makers who stand head and shoulders above the ordinary. I ll 11/ An unreliable or unworthy fur can not enter here! / //// So for the quality of the furs we have gathered this season, and / ///// for their style, much the same might be said for these same reliable and H ///// trustworthy makers are they who originate styles. They are the author- // / / ////// //// ities, their styles set the fashions. ///////////aB v/// we ur S e y° u to buy furs just as we do. Whether you know ' f //W b ' furs or not, take no chances; go to that store that safeguards you with // ! /(! every precaution, and then your selection will carry with it the assurance 'll j/v) being right. / / K And the furs this season are glorious! Rich, luxurious, variously f Ji charming in their shapes, in the ways they are trimmed and finished! y / See them, see them tomorrow. They make up a display that 1 ' J any woman will enjoy. / Here are some of the notable sets: Set of Mole Coney Blue Fox Set A j AA low i n £ the broad shawl collar with the If CIEA AA ne le most elegant sets in the dis- Al illl s tole tabs, finished with heavy cord Al INI play: the fur is so thick and soft and richly tassels. The muff is large and flat. This ™ * colored. A plain circular collar. A large set shows the new blocked shadow effect. muff trimmed in natural effect. Set of Oscelot Blue Tipped Fox AT AA i ,H a V.d a uove l f ur marked and a > AA So the furriers call it. although the shade Al OltKvv hke a tiger, the fur is very soft A T INI °f hhie is very faint, blended as it is with a,H * short,; plain pointed stole; circular f allt T] le neckpiece is a broad circular pointed mult. Both the neckpiece and the muff show insets. stole of graceful length. The muff is the new bag shape. ” s< '' ’ Both are trimmed with satin rufflings, as favored by Paris. Set of Maron Fox AA A heauliful fur. soft and luxurious, and Al wlmV* vV ’*<fl o i’ed. The neckpiece shows the VxlllCr OCIS natural trimmings of heads and tails; the o i . . .. , , . ~ , muff is a large pillow shape ' , B P sld es the novelties this display brings all the _ style turs of all years in an abundance and variety vnrnno will be very pleasing to our customers—Black Fox ▼ ▼ VlVvlVllt Ovl sets at $29.75 to $l5O. Lvnx sets at $98.50 to $175. 4 Aft A set sur< ' t 0 "™ tat* l ” ‘“''or of ““ ,Vk, ' d J," l l l ,n P" ccs AtblZil.VV iN eolors-the shades of brown and tan up to +J..O. . Toe i there are .dliere ot W Into l-ox. Grey rtltpiMtl.VV , 1S( . (1 so |n|l ,. h ri 1)f box Otter and Beaver and Sable that you are going nud scarf, pointed muff with natural trimmings. to like and to want for your own. Fur Coats Anin with the idea that a tur coat must be heavy and bulkv and shapeless! ' Ihe opposite is true with those we are showing this si'ason. * • , a ! e aS k ,,;,r< hiil as the styles ot women's fabric coats —because thev arc softer and more easilv tailored And this display. It brings to the women ot Atlanta all the favored furs all richly lined with plain and brocaded satins usuallv shirred around the edges and the pockets. “ ‘ ‘ There are Taupe Squirrel C oats, Sable Squirrel, Moleskin, Hudson Seal. Muskrat Seal, Electric Seal, Near Seal, Natural Pony, Black Pony. Priced at $65.00. $75.00 $98.50. slls. $137.50. $175 to $250. Chamberlin=Johnson= Dußose Co.