Newspaper Page Text
,»-pd by The Georgian Company,
, IbamLL Georgia.
> at Atlanta postoffice at second
er 1 ' * class matter.
<’ Ascriptions Payable in Advance,
vear '’tail, postage prepa d. $5.00
onth.’. mail, postage prepaid. 2.50
e months, mail, postage prepaid. 1.25
~^ tP „mnth. mail, postage prepaid. .45
" c »AriDtions Payable in Advance
, bv carrier, one >earss.2o
i bv carrier, six months .... 2.60
E l.v carrier, three months... 1.30
trod bv carrier, one month .... .45
; . e .i bv carrier in Atlanta and
cr cities, one week . • •
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in the Atlanta Georgian
.. « cent a word each insertion.
• "<a taken for less than the price
ter words. Ads in larger type,
a line (four words to the line).
r ,. t . of- town advertisements
i he accompanied with cash.
yx-ncies' discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgian will not be respon-
< . , for more than one Incorrect
y 'certion of any ad ordered more
than one time.
rioting hours: To secure prop
r reification, ads must be In
11 e Georgian office before 1 o’clock
the day of the issue.
\ll ads must be ordered out in
w-i'ing or at office. No discon*
Pmiarce notice taken over phone,
livery word in the advertisement,
■ eluding the name and address,
ib’n'unted. Each initial counts one
w ,,r<l: compound words are counted
two words.
telephone your Want Ads to The
„rgian iboth phones 8000) when
.. is more convenient to do so, and
~■’,,11 will be made at your
i o or at your office the follow
. Im This is an accommoda-
■ m service rendered Georgian
(V-ibt Ad patrons and payment
> iild always be promptly made
„i'i presentation of bill. Always
o ut vour telephone ad be re
used back to you by the ad
• ,k. r to make sure that it has been
• iiken correctly. The Georgian can
I • guarantee accuracy or assume
respopsiblity for errors of any kind
■’’iirring in telephone advertise
\ I > vERTISERS should retain re
, i is given in payment for Want
■ iver the office counter, as mis-
• aker can not be rectified without
• ln’in. In answering advertise
-,wilts addressed in care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
■(Terences, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted—Female.
u tN'TEIt An experienced fitter in our
alteration department. Apply Mr.
Chapman. Suit Hept., second floor, M.
111. I: ,( J"2jS_Co. 11-12-44
sewing machine operators
t<> make wash dresses.
Steady work and good pay.
Enterprise Manufacturing
('iiiiipany. 381-2 West Ala
bama st reel . 11-12-12
lurieticed, .voting and energetic. Can
r.i-,ly make from $3 to $6 per day. Gall
7« Walton street from 6 to 8 p. m.
WEEKLY at home addressing cir
culars. 25c and 5c postage for mate
■ ..e a:.,: instructions. I'nited Addressing
mpar y. Detroit,Mich. 53-13'-1
" \XTEI> A. good house girl. Apply 703
_i '■ lyrteod arc. ____ 47-12-1 I
b GATED A good cook; house on the
iol. LT. furrier st.l 1 -12-33
WaVI'EI' Cook at 37 Merritts avenue;
small unnily: $4.50 per week. -12-12-I1
WANTED Girls more than eighteen
.'ears of age for traveling show, with
larcnts’ consent. Good pay. Apply at
"ts e in person or letter to Leo Bistany.
• ate Muss Bros.’ Shows. Marietta. Ga.
WANTED Twenty-five
U’ii’ls for labeling and
packing. Applv Jones
Bros. A Co., 110 Peters
street 11-12-20
WANTED Nursery maid. Must Bleep in
the house. sls a month wages. Ivy
.‘8 |> -L. ll-12-1
A ANTED—-Competent white woman or
girl to do general housework and cook
ing: family of three; wages $3.50; steam
heated room in house. Ivy 2051. 11-11-20
" 1 ' ' ' to < ook, wash and iron for three
anil live on the place. Good wages.
Apply 56 Westminster drive. Anslev
w ANTED— Ladies' maid: middle age
preferred. Apply 916 Peachtree, be
tween 9 and 10 a. m. 45-11-11
"ANTED Young woman to do genital
housework; good salary. 65 Wabash
"„'STEl>—Good cook for small family.
Washington; apartment 2. 11-11-3
"ANTED Young ladies, A-1 demon
strators, to canvass city with higlt
< lass face preparations and toilet articles;
““capital needed: good pat; cost vou
nothing to investigate. Call at 403 Edge
''ood ave. 98-9-11
"AN I ED -At once, good literary teach
,arif' disciplinarian, one who can also
tew beginners in piano and take
•ft: • lessons herself in same school. Ad
'...tiD. 2' M ■ care Georgian. 90-9-11
' 'X I 1.l >—Colored woman to cook and
, ” general housework. Must room on
—_-• "est Sixteenth street. 11-6-21
ED—Discouraged, but perfectly
!". en an< l women, to take a new
o-' L"” " e an< l tri’ a little happiness for a
r. nK, f Ninth Anniversary Edi-
Los Angeles Examiner, out
■\iaiuH;b? r W "1 tdl y°u how to do it.
/h 'I to any address In Vnlted States
texEo 15 cents. Canada or foreign
' x -o cents. Send in your order now
Yb '..\Tlt»X coal an( j g. aR ranges.
! , ' rn Stove and Supply Company,
' 2 ‘ ‘teliall. 10-15-4
Help Wanted—Male.
'll l Stenographer, male; must he
accurate and willing to work:
!, h knowledge of fertilizer busi
iTvferred. Will possibly require
~ «ork and may wish to use on road.
"ages to tiie proper man. Address
- —LI/ I ' l ’' care Georgian.ll-12-9
Wanted A reliable
liitt* chauffeur. Apply
North Forsvth, corner
'e?’ , 1 l:[ ’ •’’lrst-class butler. 501 West
street. 11-12 27
i'wo z or three good milkers.
’ arm Supply Cumpunv. I’hone
. . 1 • 28-12-11
i”.„n AV . ."' all '’lerks wanted; s!'<'
Au.iniH exaininat lons coming
King tree. Kranklin Institute.
' torheMer, N Y 42*11-11
' ls ., Long job $5 pet- d.-M Will
•dlroad tare. Apply immediately
. ""h Heart! National Bank bulb!
v ' ' ' ' 'He. l-'la Il
Xsslstanl shlpiiiTig cTeri.”
i,■ • •’i' Position. (live teferenet'H
alury desired M n,.\ 700
'. ’ - 1 nil . i
••»i I » \\ lit r J;4 Ih»M| |)iss 111 tlx
I Jinuli ugi’i Scr\ h • II
*'!<<! Phone 23 II <G.
Help Wanted—Male.
wanted to learn the barber trade.
I his work growing better yearly. Ma
chinery can t kill it. Our graduates •
greatly in demand on account of our thor- I
ough training. Top wages to holders of;
our certificates. Few weeks completes. I
Tools given. Learn now. Terms com- I
pietes busiest season. See our plan. Mo
ler Barber College. 38 l.uckie St. 25-9-11
DR A1 ’GHON ’S Bl ;e7
Atlanta. Day and night sessions.
Enter any time. Catalogue free.
bl RNISIIED room free for boy making
fires, 12 Kimball_street ' 44-5-11
S Tw’^. at ™ burn hotelTheart of city, 10S
Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet
room; transient 50c. Open all night
WANTED—Discouraged, but perfectly
good men and women, to take a new
grip on life and try a little happiness for
a change The Ninth Anniversary Edi
tion of rhe Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25. will tell you how to do it.
Mailed to any address in I'nited States
or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or foreign
points 25 cents. Send in your order now
M ANTED—Bright, strong
boys to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages
and chance for promotion.
Call at circulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian,
20 Alabama street.
FREE MASSAGE, hair shaves,
shampoos. All barber work free Clean
linen. Atlanta Barber College, 10 East
Mitchell. 5-2 7- -6
WANTED—Ideas. Inventors write for list
of inventions wanted and prizes offered
by manufacturers. Also, how to get your
patent. Sent free to any address. Ran
dolph & Briscoe, patent attorneys, Wash
ington. D. C. 7-11-23
YES. Professor G. O Brannlng will teach
you the barber trade (it’s easy) We
teach 'n one-half time of other colleges.
SS> uree an< } Position in our shops only
S3O. Why pay more? Thousands of our
graduates running shops or making good
wages. Atlanta Barber College. 10 East
Mitchell street. 5-11-17
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
FR EE~ 1 )FN:fA L~CLIN fc
versity, 174 1, 2 Whitehall, open
from 10 a. m. to 4p. in. Charges
made for material only. Compe
tent demonstrator in constant at
tendance. 11-0-1
MONET WANTED to plant in southern
California, where it grows better than
anywhere else in the world. One dollar
grows to ten before you know It. The
Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los
Angeles Examiner wdll give some exam
ples of actual cases. Out December 25.
Mailed to any address in I'nited States
,or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or foreign
points 25 cents. Send in vour order now.
Teachers Wanted.
SPECIAL fall enrollment, good openings
yet. Foster’s Teachers Agency, Atlanta.
Ga. 9-23-31
Salesmen Wanted.
SALESMAN wanted for Southern or
\\ estern states; line of laces, embroid
i cries, veils and aprons on liberal com
-1 mission to party having trade, Morris
Fisher. 12-14 West Eighteenth street.
I New York. 46-11-11
: Wl7 SELL STOVES cheaper because our
expenses are less. Southern Stove and
; • S|| P! || >' Company. 121 Whitehall 10-15-4
i MONEY WANTED lo plant in southern
i California, where it grows better than
, anywhere else in the world. One dollar
i grows to ten before you know it. The
I Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Dos
; Angeles Examiner will give some exam
• pies of actual cases. Out December 25.
Mailed to any address in I'nited Stales
or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or foreign
points 25 cents Send in your order now.
Agents Wanted.
AGENTS WANTED—Men and wonien to
sell the best selling insurance,on earth.
One agent sold 200,000 last month. Dis
trict managers wanted for Mississippi,
Alabama and Georgia. Address Joiner
Hitch, 646 Temple Court building. Al
ianta. • 10 26-37
FOR SALE Farm one-fourth as large
and five times as good as the. one you
'are toiling on back East. Take advan
tage of .lie percentage in your favor. The
Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los An
| geles Examiner, out December 25, will tell
you how this can be. Mailed to any ad-
I dress in I'nited States or Mexico 15 cents.
Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send
in your order now. 10-21-4
Baarders Wanted.
SEE “Rooms and Board” Under Georgian
Rent Bulletin.
Situations Wanted—Female.
STENOGRAPHER with some experience
desires position at once; willing to start
on a reasonable salary. Address X. Y. Z .
NEAT, intenlgent young lady, good dispo
sition. two years' hospital training,
wants work at once; prefer place as nurse
or companion, but would consider any
thing worth while. I’hone Ivy 2629.
WANTED Position by stenographer with
several years experience: can furnish
references, I’hone Main 2145-1.. 25-12-11
WA NTF.I > Position as nurse or maid,
can sleep on lot; references. 165 West
Fair street.3o-12-11
COMPETENT typewriter desires extra
writing to do at home. Address ,\. B.
C., Box 801. care Georgian. 36-12-1 f
I tRESSMA KI NG neatly done. (heap, at
374 East Hunter street; will go out for
$1.25 per day. Made all Kirmess cos
tumes. Dressmaker. 36-11-11
MIDDLE-AGED LADY wants home with
small family, to do light housework, for
elderly couple. City only Call 47 < >gle
ilu.rpe avenue 34-11. 11
POSITION WANTED by white young lady
in small family; good worker. Ethel R..
20 Tye street./ 11-11-4
FoSTTIiON WANTED by young lady ste
nographer. Willing to start at moder
ate salary. Best references. Miss P. L..
374 Central avemm. 96-9-11
\V axTI j • |’(7sitii>ti bv colored woman as
maid in office or store. Address A. II .
Box 203. care Georgian.6s-9-11
A COLORED woman desires a position
as cook or maid. Address L. V., 17
Taliaferro St., Atlantasl-9-11
yTiT'NG lady desires an) kind of after
noon work: have some experience In
office work, bookkeeping Atlanta phone
llltl. 36-B'll
WA NTEI' By ) oung girl, position as
companion or private secretary to elder
ly refined lad) . best references. Addresa
P. o. Box 329, Eatonton. Ga 48-,-il
dressmaking Ladies’ tailoring and
altering 206 South Pryor.
Dl( ESSM AKI N~G,’ LadioF tailoring "and
altering 206 South i’r.vor. Main 4039
. 11-8-35
PARTIES wanting sewing d®*** ' 111
, 372 East Hunter strict Satisfacllon
;■ , I I 111 •■•’■ • ll'.
Cleaning and Dyeing.
[ i Chicago ('leaning and I>? cing <'o
I «*lll :MH ‘\ I Hinl drv « haii'i f I ;i
' i..'t "h .i. .< ;’ 1 L.i I liuti
Situations Wanted—Male.
WANTED—Position in Florida, on orange
grove, for four months; write what you
have. L. W. Carruth. Route 19, Winder.
WANTED —By an experienced colored I
chauffeur position at once. Address B I
A. Chauffeur, 317 North Buller st 64-12-11
WANTED—Position as bookkeeper; ac
curate A-1 man: open for postiion De
cember 1. ('an handle heavv work. Ref
erences very best. Address Z. E. R.. Box
265, care Georgian. 52-12-11
WANTED— By young man a position as
shipping clerk or assistant; A-1 refer
ences. Call West 303-.1. or address Work.
40 E. Ontario ave. 48-12-11
WANTED—Position in bank as book
keeper; have had nine months experi
ence: willing to start at $35 or S4O per
month if there is promotion to the Job
G.. Box 216. care Georgian.3s-12-11
Yol'NG MAN of 19 years, wants clerical
position with some good firm where
there is a good future; moderate salary to
start. Write fairly good hand and can
figure. Address G. H. A., care Georgian.
YOFNG MAN wants position at anything:
references. Address I. A., care Geor-
Kian. _4£-11-ll
YOL’NG MAN desires a position in office
of any kind; good at figures and is a
good penman. Address Position, Box 220,
care Georgian, 43-11-11
COLORED man wants job as porter, jan
itor. or cooking. A-pply Odell Ridley,
li2 E. Cain st,, City, 55-11-11
JANITOR wants a few rooms lo clean in
mornings. Call Ivy 6056. Slayton.
51-11 -11
ly experienced in modern methods of of
fice work, correspondence, etc.: good
typewriter operator; chance to demon
strate ability and worth. References.
Address W., Box 800, care Georgian.
EXPERIENCED young man of 20 desires
position as clerk in grocery business.
I'A'l.Jl'.’ 11 Main_s3l3. 40-11-11
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper ami account
ant desires position; can handle your
books with neatness, accuracy and dis
patch. Strictly sober and can furnish
bond. Address Box 86. Manchester, Ga
EXPERIENCED mechanic wishes position
in auto shop; references. Address
G. L.. 403 Poplar st., Marietta, Ga.
WAXJ’ED —Position as superintendent of
lumber company; thoroughly compe
tent. Address B. C. W.. room 2. 511
Campbell street. Augusta. Ga. 95-9-11
" ANTED—A position as butler. s6~per
week. J, S <»,, 184 Houston St, 62-9-11
WANTED—By high school graduate,
good in English, position at office work
in city; fair penman: very swift. Ad
dress J. A, T,, 115 Courtland st. 44-9-11
" ANTED- Position by young man with
two years’ experience as bookkeeper and
cashier and three years as stenographer:
prefer place where there is some book
keeping. G. E., Box 900, care Georgian.
Situations Wanted—Male and
WANTED —Ships of all kinds to burn
California oil and carry merchandise for
the port of Los Angeles to and from the
Panama canal. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th, tells just what the canal
will do to Southern California. Mailed to
any address in I'nited States or Mexico,
15 cents: Canada or foreign points, 25
cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4
LADIES—Ask your druggist to- Chiches
ters Pills, the Diamond brand; for 25
years known as best, safest, always relia
ble: buy of you- druggist, "ake no other
Chichesters Diamond Brand .’ills are sold
by druggists everywhere. 5-2-1
refined, homelike. Limited number of
patients cared for. Home provided for
i infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell. 26 Wind
sor St. 11-9-57
SWITCHES made from combings and cut
hair- prices. $1 to $1.25. Special atten
tion given to mail orders. 49 "'est Cain
street. Mrs. Elma Leverett. 11-9-7
FOUND —The best place for prosperity
and success. Everybody’s doing it.
Come out to Southern California. The
Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los
Angeles Examiner will set you right. Out
December 25. flailed to any address in
I'nited States or Mexico 15 cents a copy.
Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send
in your order now. 10-21-4
(FaDET HEATERS, with coil. Southern
Stove and Supply Company, 121 White
hull. 10-15-4
SCREENS—Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors, A’enetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
in the South. Write or phone w R. Cal
laway. manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank building, Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310.
SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses
Improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fltte- and ft
will cost you no more to have him fit
you, and it means insurance 6-24-19
GE XI ’I X I'7GYI ; S y7 AAI P
SHE tells your entire life by the planet
you are born under. Every hidden mys
tery revealed. Camp at 77 East Hunter
street, between Washington and Central
avenue. Moved from 138 Whitehall street.
ALA DA ME CAMILLE tells past, present
and future. Special rea<iing. 25c, this
week. Located 50 Edgewood avenue, be-
I tV, i’uti h ' a nil IT\ <>! 11-11 84
Clairvoyant and Palmist.
HAVE RETURNED lo Atlanta and is
now located at 93 Auburn avenue Was
I located at 17 East Mitchell street last
i winter. Anything you desire to know,
i you are assured truthful and positive
' facts about it. Readings. 25c and 50c.
i Make no mistake in the place 93 Auburn
I avenue tin tent).lo-26-22
i WANTED Visitors to come out and see
| the great Southwest. Most of them will
j want lo stay. The Ninth Anniversary
I Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
I December 25th. will set forth the reasons
! Mailed to any address in I'nited States or
! Mexico. 15 cents; Canada or foreign points
25 cents Send In vour order now 10-21-4
Palmist ami Life Reading.
IS NOW LOCATED In tent, corner For
syth and Luckie; can be consulted on
; .41 affairs of life. Charges moderate.
Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-1$
MRS Dft V I oi.ET XT■ M 11.1 .A N
DISEASES of women and children. 200-
202 Hillyer Trust Bldg Bell phom Ivv
461th '■l'? 8 ' 5 ®
DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy. Pennyr.oai
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, Irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail.
50c Frank Edmondson A Bro., manufac
turing chemists, 11 North Broad street.
Want to rent your rooms, apartments,
houses, business locations, etc ’’ An ad
in Tiie Georgian's Rent Bulletin on the
wnnt ad pages will fill your vacancies
Try it and see.
I DROPSY Cl RED Relieve* ehortiMM ot
breath in 36 to 48 hours. Redin ts swell
ing in fifteen to twenty dat- Write for
particulars C'ollom Diopsy Remedy Com
pany. 513 Auetell building. Atlanta
• M 11
Blue Prints.
PIXIE I'.IJ E I’lllXT < i»
117 >i s , i,1.l Bl H.DING M ■ 3140
'.'l ALII )', l.i'W I’Rh’E.- Pili •.'I'T
i»L V 11. L V «v u
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin.
Are you looking for the best Rooms, Houses, Apartments, Rooms for House eeping. Offices. Business
Locations. Garages, Storage Houses, Boarding and Rooming places, etc.?
This bulletin contains a complete list of every desirable and suitable place that is For Rent in the city
and suburbs in each issue.
For the benefit and convenience nf our patrons The Georgian employs special men to cover the city and
suburbs each day in search of all the dqpirable places.
Save time, useless steps, money and worry by consulting this bulletin. It is for your convenience, so take
advantage of it.
Rooms and Board.
ONE large front room; nicely furnished;
all conveniences; private family; meals
ifjiesired. Phong_lVy 3451. 11-12-31
w (NTEI i -Three refined'young women
to board; private home; all conven
iences: best Home comforts and prlvl;
leges. 3:> I'tirrier. Ivy 5335-L. 11-12-25
ONE NICELY furnished room, private
bath; breakfast and supper if desired.
Phone Atlanta 2454. 292 Rawson street.
- L2 _U i
CAN ACCOMMODATE a few boarders
31 West Peachtree place. I’hone ivy ;
ONE nicely furnished front room suitable
for two or three young men or couple,
wI th board. 11 West Pine .street. 11-12-ti
ONE large front room with large dressing
room attached; with meals; close in;
private family. 56 East Cain street. Ivy
5520-L. 11-11-31
NICELY furnished rooms and excellent
table board. 121 Capitol square. Main
4 839-L.ll-11-29
TWO nice rooms and board in West End
home for couple. Bell phone West 568-J
ROOM and board for three young men,
with private bath at 94 Washington st.
TWO gentlemen for table board. 24-1)
Carnegie way.ll-11-32
DESIRABLE ROOMS, with or without
private bath; Georgian Terrace neigh
borhood. Table board. Mrs. M. B. Nuck
olls. Ivy 1499-J. 18-11 11
BOARD 308 South Pryor street; S2O per
month. References. Main 2456-L.
FI.'RNISHED room in cottage with board.
420 Peachtree. Phone 778-L. 11-9-22
FOR RENT • With board, one large from
room at 20 East Ellis. 11-9-49
Fl ItNISHED room for rent, with or
without board, south side. Apply 188
Windsor St.ll -9-42
ONE large, light room, with board. t 49
West Peachtree.ll-9-44
EXEREMELY large front room; excellent
meals; furnace neat. 75 West I’each
tree. Ivy 1040.11-9-41
WANTED—Roommate for young man;
also young lady and congenial couple.
Elegant meals. Table boarders wanted.
Ivy 6516. 139 West Peachtree street.
LARGE furnished front room; board if
desired. 109 W, Harris.ll-9-22
NICE, clean rooms with excellent table
board, $4 to $6 week. 123 Capitol ave.
WILL exchange nice, clean room and
board close in for diamond, piano, mo
torcycle or typewriter. Piano, Box 300,
care Georgian. 11 -8-32
’’cleanliness our motto.” The best ta
bjes_in the city. Ivy 2666-. L 11-8-40
GOOD meals furnished, $3.50 per week,
also furnished rooms, 178 Ivy. 11-8-37
thing first-class; prices right. 252 Ivy
ROOM, with or without board. 32 East
Cain I’hone Ivy 2903. Call Mrs.
Thornton.ll 7-56
BEA I'T! FI.'LLY furnished rooms: best
meals; all modern improvements; home
comforts. References exchanged. 28
East North avenue. Ivy 5551.11-6-46
TABLE BOARD at 513 Peachtree; tickets
I irnited Mrs. Cunningham.4B-6-11
TWO VERY liesirablo furnished rooms;
board if desired. 53 Crew street.
JI ST opened. 12 and 16 West Ellis street,
just off Peachtree; clean rooms: table
board; electric lighted throughout. Ivy
6552. 29-6-11
NICE young man desires congenial room
mate; two nice rooms for couples or
young men; well supplied table; good
service. Main 1978. 178 Washington
street. 11 -5-34
NICELY furnished front room for cou
p'e. Everything homelike. 278 Rawson
street. Call .Main 4238-.1.11-5-39
DELIGHTFI'L front room, hot bath, best
location: excellent table board; also sin
gle room for gentleman or business lady.
Musical people preferred. 256 Capitol
avenue. Main 2031-L. ILS 11
NEAT ROOMS and homelike cooking,
also table board; close in. 127 Capitol
avenue. Main 5172-.1,10-22-26
HELI’ WANTED -To develop the re
sources of Southern California, the land
of progress and new’ ideas. Read about
the opportunities In the Ninth Anniver
sary Edition of The Los Angeles Exam
iner, out December 25th. Mailed to any
address in United States or Mexico, 15
cents a copy; Canada or foreign points.
|25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4
| - ~
Board Wanted.
WANTED- Large, bright, sunny room
with hath anti board for couple with in
fant; north of Ponce DeLt-on ave.; pri
vate family preferred. /Xddress L., Box
206, - ai■■ ' teorgian. 58 - 1 H
WANTED Board by young lady In pri
vate family, where there are no other
boarders. South side preferred Call
M a ni_4os3. 11-12 -_l6
w \ XT'i :i • bj elder!) !&dy, in pri
vate family. Must be reasonable. Ad
dress Board, care Georgian. H 4-9-11
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
TWO front rooms, nicely furnished; all
conveniences. 41 Cone st.ll-12-45
l 11< iX'f steam ln ate<i room, private bath.
II Cone 5t.62-12-11
l-riLXISIIED rooms wfth board; all corT
venicnees. 168 Luckie st. 61-12-11
FOR RENT Very desirable room, steam
heat; close in; bath connecting. Call
1v > 5033-.1. H -12 3!>
i’• j: KENT Isa di >meiy i'urnisii»'<i sis
teen-room residence. Everything new
and fresh throughout. Steam heat. Xive
tw(»-s!<4A garaue. Just across the street
from Georgian Terrace. Could be used
for lirst-ciass boarding or apartment
house. Possession given at once. Best
butler and cook in city. Several nice la
dies already in house Price $175 to right
party. Phone Ivy 6531. Reason for rent
ing.‘owners leaving cityll-12-38
FoS HEXT Nicely furnishe<l room, close
in; all conveniences. 210 South Forsyth.
IT iR RENT Two furnished rooms for
gentlemen, conveniences; close In 236
■ t i t V'i- 11 ;
l-'i »R R| :\T Th! <’t or f<>ur I . • kr» p
Ing rooms, also furnished rooms for
voting men 21 Whitehall terrace
i’• 1 ': i: i. \Neat fun
in; for two young men. Iv> 1877.
|E< iR IILX'T Two benutifullx furnished
rooms for young men ' illy, with refined
(•ouph*. rloae lt» on P«achtree street
! .’L'. 12 ' 32
I't »R RENT N. a l fii t i '• i' f i • ' •
I ptiviiti fatoll) conveniences. north
side Ivv 1506 ,11 LIL-35
’I• i: lil .NT I lundsoinrly furnished
riiuiii- e\« i s thing reu and firs)
througl out Nope but tn st < lass need ap*
ph ITicif from 12 50 to $lO |»cr werl
* • I’ ii« DeLeon incline, just a<t<*
Hu fl in Georgian Tvria< v II 12*3.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT -Nievly furnished front room,
electric lights; hot and cold water, ivy
5487. 11-12-34
For RENT Furnished room, convenient
to heated hath, with plentv of hot wa
-'-8 - 11-12-86
LARGE, comfortable east front corner
room, upstairs; very nicely furnished
and well cared for, in the home of the
owner; pleasantly situated in high loca
tion on north side; easy walk from Can
dler Bldg and Ij. block of 5-minute car
service. Modern conveniences. Call at
658 Candler Annex. Phone Ivy 1442-J.
THREE furnished rooms: no children
taken. 2763-. I M.ll-12-22
Ft iR RENT One or two furnished rooms,
private family. 109-A Richardson
street. 43-12-11
FOR RENT line large, beautifully fur
nished front room, in private residence;
all conveniences; in West End; to gentle
men or couple: with or without board. 45
Grady |>lace. I’hone West 659-1,. 11-12-4
BARGAIN Five nicel) furnished down~
stairs rooms, opposite Grant park;
cheap to proper partv. Main 2975-J
ONE nicely furnished room, steam heat,
electric lights, hot water, gentlemen
only. Apply 44 East Harris street. Apt.
No. 1. I’hone Ivy 441211-11-39
NICELY furnished rooms, with or with
out board. 311 Courtland street.
NEWLY furnished room, adjoining bath
in private home. 37 East Harris. Ivy
dne nicely furnished room; conveniences;
dose in. Ivy 3540-L. 11-11-30
Nl<' 1 •:LY furnisiied rooms with all con
veniences, within three blocks of Termi
nal station: meals nearby. Apply 173 S.
Forsyth street. 99-9-11
TWO nicely furnished rooms for rent.
Atlanta phone 5949-M. 319 Central ave
nue. 11-11 -U
lOR RENT Newly furnished upstairs
room, nicely 'ocated in Inman Park; two
gentlemen preferred. Bell phone Ivy
4572-.1. References. 41-9-11
FOUR-ROOM cottage, furnished as renter
wants it, or two suites of housekeeping
rcoms; four minutes to Candler Bldg.,
also well kept front bed room Applv 37
Carnegie Way. 46-9-11
FOR RENT In private residence, one
large front room on first floor; private
entrance and private bath; furnace heat;
prefer young men. Call West 335-L.
ONE furnished, furnace-heated room, hot
water and use of phone. 485 Peachtree
street, upstairs. Phone Ivy 2933-J.
ONE large, nicely furnished second floor
front room. 56 West Peachtree street.
Ivy 5552-. L 39-9-11
FURNISHED front room; connecting
bath; reasonable. Phone Ivy 1443-L.
ONE beautiful front room; brand new
furniture; in strictly private family;
first floor flat; to one or two gentlemen
or ladies; must have quiet habits and
first-class references; could furnish morn
ing and evening meals; also one fur
nished or unfurnished room. 324 White
hall street. 67-9-11
FOR RENT Two nicel) furnished front
rooms, block of Lyric theater. Mod
ern. Rates reasonable. 49 West Cain
street. 11-9-61
FOR RENT -Two rooms for light house
keeping; all conveniences. Main 1592-J.
FOR RENT Two front rooms, furnished:
also one large room for housekeeping;
close in; private family. Call Atlanta
phone 5851-B or apply 216 South Pryor
LARGE furnished front room; close in.
Main 1552-.1. Mrs. Terry, 207 Rawson
streeL 11-9-24
TW' i single steam heated rooms at 352
Whitehall st. Ivv 6118-J. Mrs. Murphy.
ONE nice, ni'w furnished front room. 28
West Peachtree place. Ivv 6537-J.
SINGLE room, steam heat; every conven
ience: gentleman only. 61 East Cain.
Apartment,s. Ivy 3137.[ 1-9-27
FOR RENT Furnished room; also light
housekeeping rooms; steam heat. Ivy
2003-J.ll 9-37
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room for
one or two gentlemen in private family.
All conveniences. 125 East Georgia ave
nue, near Capitol avenue. Main 3744-L.
Nb’ELY furnished upstairs front room,
ail conveniences; rent very reasonable.
Private home. Apply 223 Capitol Ave., or
call Bell phone Alain 2958-L.ll-9-54
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms
at 353 Washington street Main 3257-L.
FOR RENT Two beautifully furnished
connecting first-floor rooms, on north
side: private family; all conveniences;
walking distance. 74 East Merritts ave
nue.■ 118-16
FOR RENT- Furnished rooms: newly fur
nished; close in: elegant meals next
door. Terms reasonable. 75 Washington.
FOR RENT Two connecting rooms; el
egantly furnished, for four young ladles
or gentlemen; $6 a week, meals next door.
Reasonable. 75 Washington. 118-3
N EAT rooms for gentlemen; rent reason
able; two blocks Candler Bldg 82 Au
burn avenue.6o-7-11
ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished »ind un
furnished. Close in. All conveniences
88 I’ulliain.ll-7-50
Ft •!< RENT Sn ail front bed room, fur
lshed. 58 West Peachtree, 11 -7 ■ ."■• ■
TWO nicely furnished rooms cheap. 93
Pulliam street. Main 4528-J. 11-6-13
FOR REN’I’ Five neatly furnished rooms:
all conveniences; private entrance; in
last block of E. Georgia ave . near Grant
park, at 437. Reasonablerent.LLlLlr ß
FOR RENT—One, two or three rooms,
furnished complete for housekeeping. 73
Wflllains street. _ LL®!?®
NICE, clean from room for rent, fur
nished. Apply 258 North Boulevard.
1 I -5-49
ONE furnished room, also roommate for
)oung man: private home. 19 East Har
ris street. 11-5-29
I FOR RENT Delightful front room, pri
vate bath; garage; refined home.
Peachtree, care 43-.', 11
'F"R REN’I' Furnished rooms and light
housekeeping apartment; all conven
■ fences; hot baths; private family: close
'in. 151 Spring street. 11-5-22
-1 111,1-; RATE. 138 PI'LLIAM STREET.
LOOK at our stoves and ranges before
you buy one anywhere. Southern
Stove and Supply Company, 121 White
hall 10 -15-4
I WA NTED - Visitors to come out and see
the great Southwest Most of them
will want to stay The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th, will set forth the reasons
Ma.led to an) address in I’nited States or
Mexico. 15 (ints; Canada or foreign points
2‘> cents Send in \ our order now 10 21-4
• NICELY furnished rooms. 50c night, $2 50
a week and up. Broadway Hotel 7’ s
I N Broad street Hot and cold water
Fire P'oof Storage
;" i si<Gti: hoi siiih'i.D ’g.H.uf and
pianos < >ffic< and warehouse, ",19<41
Ijigewoiid avenue l)\ :‘U37 John J
"A • dslde Slulugi t’ompuh)
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
BX’R RENT—One large upstairs front
room, electric lights, heat and hot wa
ter. 43 West Peachtree Ivv 2160
ROOMS furnished or unfurnished: also
for light housekeeping 11-12-12
LARGE, nicely furnished and unfurnish
ed, steam heated room. 41 East Cain.
SEE ORR for furnished or unfurnished
rooms, light housekeeping. 100 U Cen
tral Place, corner Capitol ave 56-5-11
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT—Four unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping; close In. 172 South
TWO large and one small connecting un
furnished rooms with sink and separate
gas on second floor. Apply 54 Williams
street between Baker and Harris. 11-12-2
THREE nice connecting rooms, all mod
ern Improvements, with private family.
Apply 328 Central avenue.s4-9-11
FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms on
first floor at 339 Whitehall street.
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
FOR RENT—Two pretty, bright rooms
and kitchenette; second floor: also en
tire first floor of five rooms; comfortable:
modern; north side. Phone Ivy 2478.
IN owner’s home, private apartment; four
rooms and bath, furnished complete for
housekeeping; walking distance. Refer
ences. Ivy 2825-L.ll-11-38
FOUR-ROOM furnished flat; north side;
rent reasonable; leaving citv. Phone
Ivy 1443-L. 11-9-73
Furnished or Unfurnished Apart
mer.ts For Rent.
FOR RENT—Furnished apartment: five
rooms; fine location; on south side, on
car line: for only S3O per month. Un
furnished apartment, six rooms; well lo
cated. on car line; has large front porch
and nice sleeping porch, for only $25 per
month. Call Webster. Main 2106 day,
2506 night. 807-808 Fourth National Bank
building. 11-6-44
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
TWO CHOICE high-class north side
apartments for rent; never been occu
pied. Apply Glover Realty Company, 2%
Walton street. 11-6-33
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT—Modern north side cottage,
six rooms and bath; S2O per month.
Phone Ivy 6432.11-11-10
LEASE OR SALE —Artistic bungalow,
screened, tiled, furnace, garage. "Ans
ley Park,” Georgian. 45-7-11
in; near corner Lovejoy street; four
rooms, large hall and all conveniences:
$12.50 per month. Apply Fitzhugh Knox,
1613 Candler building. 10-31-4
HELP WANTED To develop the resour
ces of Southern California, the land of
progressand new ideas Read aboutth* Op
portunities in the Ninth Anniversary Edi
tion of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th. Mailed to any address in
I'nited States or Mexico, 15 cents a copy;
Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send
in your order now. 10-21-4
FOR RENT, HOUSES -Cali, write or
phone for cur rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochran. 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
WANTED—Children to attend the best
schools in the United States. They are
located in Southern California Bring the
old folks along The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will
’ell the story of the most remarkable
school system ever devised. Out Decem
ber 25th Mailed to any address in United
Slates or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or for
eign points, 25 cents. Send in your order
now. 10-21-4
Stores For Rent.
BRICK STORE and six-room cottage ad
joining. north side, good location C.
W. Hatcher, both phones 44. 221 Grant
Bldg. 10-18-45
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
" ANTED—One furnished room by widow
and little girl three years old; prefer
suburbs: will consider board Mrs. Wilson.
457 Whiteball st.ll-11-36
YOUNG married student wants one or
two rooms furnished for housekeeping
within three or four blocks of Grady hos
pital; must be cheap; state price. Stu
dent, care Georgian. 37-9-11
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted. ’
WANTED—Three or four unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping in West
End by couple with baby. Phone West
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
WANTED—Two first-floor rooms, one
furnished, other unfurnished, on south
side. Must be on car line. Unfurnished
room desired for office evenings only.
Prefer with private family. Give loca
tion. price, and conveniences. Address
W E . Box 803, care Georgian 38-12-11
Housekeeping Rooms Wanted.
" ANTED Close In. two or four unfur
nished rooms for housekeeping; north
side. References. Ivy 1818-.1.’ 11-11-6
Furnished Apartments Wanted.
WANTED Furnished apartment; nortli
side. Address L., Box 207. care Geor
gian. 57-12-11
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
WANTED Up-to-date bungalow with
furnace and all modern Improvements;
must be convenient to car; rent $35 with
option of buying Bert Green, care Geor
gian 11-12-3
Stove and Range Repairing.
n.w. THE riXKiu
We sell secondhand gas stoves
We sweep chimneys
Atlanta Phone 2235 Bell Phone Main 2699
4 t ;
Sewing Machines
WE HEXT now machine* with complete
, net of attachments for $2 per month:
I also loachlnrs !• paired prompt delivery
Both i i "lies IX ewil f Ma
I'bH t Cuini an>. 7V \\ hr.ehall v 14 44
Lost and Found.
LOST—From 280 North Jackson, black
and white female setter, with chain on,
about 7:30 Tuesday morning. Notify R.
H. Hogg. Main 2128, and get reward.
11-12-18 '
LOST Two weeks ago, on Courtland line,
gobi skeleton glasses. Finder call Ivy
38,4 and get reward. 26-12-11
LOST Blue-hla"ck and white speckled
cur dog, left ear split, had on cellar with
piece of wire attached. Finder phone
Hart. Main 627. Atlanta 556, or return to
105 State street from reward. 11-11-7
FOUND—Collie dog at Ponce DeLeon
park, last Saturday. Owner can get
same by calling Atlanta phone 3097 and
paying reward.ll-11-2
WANTED—Manufacturers and merchants
to help manage the business end of the
Panama canal. It is located at Loa An
geles, the key to the great Southwest.
The Ninth Anniversary edition of Tho
Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25.
will have the facts about this grei:' Twoj
ect. Mailed to any address in T.Jlted
States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada for
eign nolnts 25 cents. Send in ym:r or
der now. 10-21-4
WANTED—Showcases; good condition
and cheap; prefer floor cases. W. L.
Kelley, 120 Whitehall. Atlant* phone
WANTED —An old-fashioned drop-leaf
table, round or square, either mahogany
or walnut. J. W. 8.. Box 802, care Geor
gian. 27-12-11
WANTED—To buy one or two log carts
cheap. J. W. H., 506 Candler Bldg.
WANTED—To rent good piano with In
ner player for home use. Phone Ivt
5490-J. 11-9-46
HEATERS, $2.50 to $45. We save you
enough to buy your coal. Southern
Stove and Supply Company, 121 White
hall street. 10-15-4
FURNITURE and household goods, office
fixtures and merchandise of any kind
accepted on consignment. Cash advanced.
Pembroke Sales Co.. 143 South Pryor St.
Bell phones Main 1434, Main 187, Atlanta
WE PAT* HIGHEST cash prices for house
hold goods, pianos and office furniture
Cash advanced on consignment* Central
Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell
street. Bell phone Main 24248-26-26
DROP A CARD—WiII bring cash for old
clothes and shoes. The Vestlare, 166
Decatur street ..-27-43
WANTED —You to know M. Coi
cleans al! kinds carpets; rugs a spe
cialty. Ivy 3135-J. Atlanta 1818. 145 Au
burn avenuelo-2-1$
WANTED—We pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and offles
furniture. Cash advanced on consign
ments. Springer's Auction House, 25
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526,
I BUY MEN’S old clothes and shoe*
Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell street.
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
FDR XAL Eb-1 bo" Til a D-i Eagle
stock for S9O. Notice book value. .1.
S., care Georgian.B9-12-11
COME to corner Peachtree and Eflis
streets for brick, lumber, doors, sash
and mantels, cheap. Denton ft Flournoy,
house wreckers. 11-12-15
and large home safes, sls; Hall’s bank
and fireproof safes, vault doors, etc. C.
J. Daniel, 416 Fourth National Bank bulld-
SSOO Worth of Music Free.
At this season of the year ft Is dif
ficult for our salesmen to visit all of
their prospective customers in time
to be given an opportunity to explain
our prices and terms. In order to
facilitate their work and make everv
visit count, we are offering $5 worth
of music free to every one who is now
ready to take the matter up with one
of our salesmen. Cut this ad out and
mail to us. stating when our sales
man may call on you, how much yr’;:
wish to pay cash, etc. Regardless or
whether our salesman can satisfy vou
or not. this offer is open to you if you
will advise us of your intentions to
purchase so as to give us an oppor
tunity to explain to your our prices
and terms. Be sure and state in your
reply when our salesman may visit
your home to talk the piano question
Post Office Box 1623.
Atlanta. Ga.
$45 Mahogany rolltop desk $35 00
$35 Mahogany flat-top desk 25.00
S6O Brass beds 48 00
S4O Brass beds 32.00
S2O Brass beds 14.50
.Special reduction on all dining room
furniture, ladles' desks, Morris chairs,
music cabinets and other nice pieces of
furniture for Christmas gifts, at very low
ROBISON’S, 27 E. Hunter St.
F(»R SALE—Five-horsepower gasoline
engine. Apply to Decatur Lumber Co.
87-11-11 j
FOR SALE—Household furniture, nice
and new; must be sold at once at pri
vate sale. 225 Ivy St. Phone Ivy 5364-.1.
WANTED—To sell small housekeeping j
outfit cheap. Leaving town. Call 92
Davis St. 53-9-H
FOR SALE— One double-barrelled Parker
hammerless shotgun, also one good Rem
ington typewriter. 135 Peters street. At
lanta phone 6102-F. 11-6-6
WOOD. 7-18-15
WE HAVE quite a lot of beds, dressers,
chairs, tables, etc., some shopworti,
some reclaimed, which we offer on easy
terms at exceedingly low prices, as we
want to part company with these goods
at once. Call at store and salesman will
go with you to the warehouse, where the
stuff is stored.
LAW HOOK BARGAINS -Sets of Amer. 1
Bankruptcy Reports. Century Digest.
Ency. of Evid., etc. Prices and terms on
request. The Harrison Company, Atlanta.
CAST RANGES, with water back, S3O and
up. Southern Stove and Supply Com
pany, 121 Whitehall.lo-15-4
$4. i <).
FOUND —The best place for prosperity
and success. Everybody's doing It.
Come out to Southern California. The
Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los 1
Angeles Examiner will set you right. Out
December 25. Mailed to any address In
I’nited States or Mexico 15 cents a cop).
Canada or foreign points 25 cent*. Send
In your order now 1(1 21-4
SAFES, files, cabinets, new # 2nd hd.
Gookin Bank & Office Equipment Co
NEW. beautiful rugs woven from your 1
old carpet, superior to any in service; I
plain or designed; any size Catalogue 1
free oriental Rug Company. Baltimore
8-16-31 f
t .... .. , - ... I Mil 1 nil Di
National (’ash Registers.
$35 S6O; $(>0175 and up Terms easy Lib
eral exchange allowance Both phones.
THE N (I o’.\ Al I’ >SII REGISTER C" !
Ani<*i i• - <ill i s,, . (eciet tx
f '.uli nid registers exchanged j
' HiY' l All sixes easy terms
I *,>■> i<l ACanla C i-Oi Beglster Ct ’
" s 34 East Alabama street.