Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 13, 1912, HOME, Page 14, Image 14

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14 • / THE ATLANTA UEOKUIAN AMI M-.WS. REAO FOR PROFIT-GEORGIAN WANT AOS-USE FOR RESULTS WEDNESDAY. NOV. 13, 1912. Auction Sales. I at SEVERAL CONSIGN MENTS, INCLUDING MAHOGANY DINING ROOM SUIT. DAVEN PORT. BRASS BEDS. OAK DRESSERS. QUAR TERED OAK BED ROOM SUIT. LOT OE STAND ARD BOOKS BY THE BEST WRITERS. LA DIES’ WRITING DESK. LINOLEUM. AXMIN . STER AND BRUSSELS ART SQUARES. WOOL BLANKETS. ETC.. ERI 'DAY, NOVEMBER 13 AT 10 A. M. CENTRAL Al < TION CO. 12 E. MITCHELL Sl'. AT AUCTION. Thursday morning al 10 a. in. sharp, several consign ments of household goods, furniture, and restaurant fixtures., including (id-fool wall mirrors, wall cases and floor cases in mahogany fin ish. bed room suits, dining room suits, kitchen furni ture. including gas and coal ranges, and other items too numerous to mention. This is one of our many regular sales. PEMBROKE SALES CO.. 143 South I*ryor S’tred. ?TO EXCHANGE she best climate and soil in the world for a tired and frost bitten farm bat I- East The Ninth An niversary Edition of ’Che l.os Angeles Ex aminer. out December 25th, will tell where the? are and bow to get one. Mailed 'o any address In United States or Mexico, 15 cents; Canada or foreign points. 25c Petn! in your order now 10-21-4 CENTRAL AUCTiON*C< > . >:? E. Mitchell st., buys and sells everything; regular auction Tuesda? and Friday. Bell phone Main 2424 10-3-41 FAWN BROKERS AUG rio.x ff< >1 HE, 61 Decatur street We bu? and sell any and over? tiring Olanta phone 2285; Bell phone Main 1434 Ma n 187 729 20 y SPRING ER’S Am-tinn House, at 26 South ; Pryor street, will bu?- or sell your household goods, pianos and office fumi tjire_Mnln 152 J 10-3-0 PEN BR< >l-' E Sales Crmipan?’ under new management. will accept your surplus stock of an? kind on consignment; cash advanced; settlement or, date of sale 143 South Pryor street Bell phone Main 1434. Mair £B7. Vliini.-i phone 2285 X 6 30 WtNTED Manufacturers ami merchants to help manage the business end of the Panama canal It is located at Los An geles. the key to the great Southwest. The Ninth Xnnlversary edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25. will have the facts about this great proj i ect Mailed to an? address in I nlted States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or for eign points 25 cents Send in your or der now. 10 21-4 Seeds. SWEETPEAS, rhubarb and asparagus roots, Bermuda sweet onion sets, fruit i, trees, shade trees. St. Regis everbearing rasplierr? . blue and lawn gruss Mark W Johnson See.d Company. 35 South Pryor street. 11-12-10 Automobiles. JI‘ST I’URUH ASED- Atlanta branch stock of tires, first; as long us tliey last, casing. 28x3. 87.90; 30x3. $8.90: 30x3'2. $1.1.90; 32x2'... $12.90: 32x4, $17.90; 34x4, 319.90; 35x1. $19.90; ::6x4. $19.90, '.'ixi 1 ;.. •27.50. Gnat stock Red Tubes MePher yon Am.. Tire Co.. Atlanta. ..9-1;’ 11 SFO EXCHANGE the lies! climate and soil in the world for a tired and frost bitten farm back East The Ninth Anni versary Edition of The Los Xngeles Ex aminer, out December 25th, will tell where they ar eand how to get one Mailed to any address in Vnited States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Eend in your order now 10-21-4 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE WANT to exchange or will sell a fine & residence lot. and will take part pay in a Second-hand automobile. R. C . ..are Georgian. 11-13-42 4’OR SAI >E Two-passenger roadster: 30- horsepowcr. 1911 model, in good condi tion and a bargain Apply Dr. Jones. 1011 i Candler building 11-13-4 AUTOMOBILES WANTED. WANTED —Two-passenger four-cylinder car; must ..e good and .cheap Address E. L. A., care Georgian 52-6-11 Motorcycles. WANTED To buy late model Excelsior motorcycle, twin-cylinder, seven-horsc- ■ power. Must be in good condition and ; cheap for cash. Address Motorcycle. 271 Marietta street. 35-13-11 Business Opportunities. LADY with SSOO capital would like part interest in good paying business Give all particulars in letter P ii Box 566 MEtltw „ 11-13-17 | itfANTED Families to .«n some mor* K. of those beautiful Southern California I homes It is a habit, get n The Ninth w Anniversai \ Edition of The l.os Angeles Examiner, out December 25th, tells how the habit is acquired. Maded to any ad ■X dress in United States or Mexico 15 cents; ! 4'anada or foreign points. 25 cents Send I; 5n your order now 10-21-4 Money to Loan | FURNITURE F<HI SA Li: I!' y, d WANT CASH BARGAINS. I'dMi' T<’ SOUTHERN WRECKAGE Co. in s J FORSYTH ST. 11-9-6 ■ FOR 6 per cent and 7 p«r .entTnans? See John E. Gay, 801 Empire Life Bldg I Main 141 10-4-45 E. AN TED Families to own some more ~f those beautiful Southern California | homes. It is a habit, get it. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of Tlie L>s \ngeb s i. Examiner, out December 25th. tells how the habit is acquired. Mailed to an? ad i dress in United States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or foreign points. 25 cents Semi tn your order now. 10-21-1 “"MONth- !-'■ di SALARIED PEOPLE."™ AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments Confiden tial. D, H. Tolman. 524 Austell building j. itUNEY •)N Jiand for immediate loans on propert?' in or near Atlanta J i: j Van Valkenburg. 501 Equitable building I _ 6.1 :’2 WEA MAN A OoNNoRS ESTABLISHED ’B9O ——— on Rea 1 Estate < 1-3 I 81‘HCIAI. HOME Fl ND;- TO LEND, anv L. *"'*>"nt. Sp. r tn Write or ••all S < arson, 24 South Broad «treet. 4-1 17 Money To Loan. THE ’PRUDENTIAL IN- SURANCE CO. of Ameri ca can make you a loan on Atlanta improved property, through their loan corre spondents. Turman, Black A Calhoun, 203-8 Umpire Ihuhling. 6-7-12-1 ON FIRST mortgage real estate security Home funds and insurance money. Rates , I to 8 per cer.t interest. We also make , monthly payment loans. We cat give you the money as soon as titles are ap proved. RALPH (). COCHRAN’ CO.. 19 S. BROAD ST. ■I i- 0 z.i iti.iNE, i.'.ii. Manager. FARM I.'(ANS placed tn any amount on ’ improved farm lands in Georgia The Siinilu.rn Mortgage Company, Gould burid- > ing_ II 1 -"-* [EC's JEWELERS and BROKERS 301 pmtirs BLDG. STRICTLY PRIVATE *" ... ■ d ■ I i \V E Il.’W’E plenty oi nioney to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearby property, either for (straight or monthly payment | plan. Also for purchasing pur , chase money notes. Foster & Robson, 11 Edgewood Ave. Money Wanted. MONEY W.WTEI™ HAVE line opening and proposition to maki to any physician desiring a good ’ i locality. Address J.. Box 221. care Geor- • | gian. 64-11-11 Real Estate For Sale. KOR quick sale, fifty dollars cash, balance 20 dolhii s month, six-room bungalow; water; half Block car; 2o minutes’ ride; Kirkwood. Snap, Box 804, care Georgian. FOR SALE AT HAWKIXSVJLLE. PFLASKA COEXTV. GEORGIA. THKIIKSTiiIIY STiiLri and lodging house, twent? renling houses in town: 100 acre- best farming land, rents SI,BOO year; will exchange tor Atlanta property. Heat offer takes ell or pari W. 11. Chiv ers. 51South Broad, \tlanta. Ga. 19-12 11 , b'l \ E-A( RE poultry plant and l()-rooni house. Will rent or sell. On new car ’ line. 11 's a lovely home in Clarkston, f ine new home on Highland avenue for sale at price of the lot. House handsomely finished. .Also a 3-acre home at Mt. View. Earms our special ty. Badger Real Estate \-<n<\. 11-12-19 i FOR SALL House for colored people, ! newr big college; SSO cash, $lO a month. Phone Ivy 6189-J. 33-11-11 1 \V \NT to sell two lots near car line ‘ and wafer with tile walks; $350 each; sl4 cash, then $7 monthly without inter est. They have spkmdld future. This is a snap. Address 17. 1,. I*., Box 24. rare Georgian. 11 -8-50 FOR SAUE Farm one-fourth as large and five times good as the one you are toiling on back East. Take advan tage of the jwret ntago in your favor. The Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los An geles Examiner, out December 25, will tell 1 you how this can be Mailed to any ad dress In United States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send Ir • *•. 111 LO-21-4 FX »I: SALE On River car line, nevi tjiree room house; $1,000; *ls a month; no cash payment. John Carey, 2 Whitehall street. 11-2-55 \\ \ x i’i :i > < >ne i undied thousand r<adj - made families to share in the prosperity of Southern California. The Ninth Anni versary Eilition <»f 'The Los Angeles Ex aminer, out T'ecember 25th. will tell wh> and how. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents a copy; Canada or foreign points. 25 cents Send °ln your - 1 TWO id u bungalows in Kirkwood; will sell cheap, or will «>xchange for vacant property or purchase tnom-y notes. Ad dress .1., Box 700, care Georgian. ' 10-22-34 i THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. ’ For Exchange—Real Estate. > v z V z z *wZX - W \NTED- To exchange 490 acres of good fertile, dry wild land in Clinch county. for Atlanta propert? or automobile; good , titles; will give or take difference on ; terms. Value $3,000. 1., A. Wood, Car- rollton, Ga. ’ Farms For Sale. WANTF.D Ships of all kinds to burn California oil and enrr? tnercltandiae for the port of i.os Angeles 10 and from the Panama Canal. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles examiner, out December 25th, tells just what the canal i will do to Southern t'aliforma. Mailed lo any address In United States or Mexico. 15 cents; Canada or foreign points. 25 cents. Send in j-our order now 10-21-4 Farms For Rent. W \NTFD one hundred thousand ready made families to share in the prosper it?’ of Southern California The Ninth An niversar?- Edition of The Los Angeles Ex aminer. out December 25th. w ill tell wh? and how. Mailed to any address in United i States or Mexico. 15 cent- a copy; Can ada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Legal Notices. a < ’it' dl. I I I.TON COUNT! It; iho i Sup< : ior t'ourt of Said t'oimtt To Whom It Ma? Concern: Edward \an Winkle as owner, having presented his l etio.u see' iiig - liment of Ins' I certificate No. 615, dated Jul?' 1. 1907. for ; twent.' i2oi shares of the capital stock ■ Os tile Lour? National bank, all persons comerned are heteb? called upon to show cause before inc. or the judge presiding in the third division of Fulton superior r I court, on Deeember 14. 1912. at 9:30 o elock i ,a. in . or as scon tbi-reafter as a hearing i can bo had. wh? ihe cop? sworn to should H not be established In lieu of said lost or destroyed original Tills Novon her 11. 1913. J T PENDLETON. Judge S C. A. C. I W IMBISH \- ELLIS Attorneys I 11-13-3 'TP Tl The co-partnership heretofore . | existing between Dr .1 W. Blosser and I I>. Hives, doing business under the name of the Modern Construction Com . 1 ar-., ha - thi» da? beet, dissolved b? mu tual consent. Mr J D Hives will con tinue the business under the name of the [ Modern Construction t'omouny. with of- ■ tlees al 4UB-109 Goubi building. Atlanta. ami be i-espot - bl. to, all the lial.ll ities of ihe eoiiibun? ami In entitled to * ; ' "11. < i all debts in tutor <o‘ tie eompant Thlw 31mI daj r, 1912 ’I i. i» i:i\ es J V BLoSSEi: * li-v ► >®U IT W’ LDITLD xJIW IJ.HARSHALL. Griffin Poultry Show The second annual exhibition of the Spalding County Association is being held with the Griffin Fair this week and is a grand success. In fact, it is one of the leading attractions of the fair. It is through the continued efforts of Presi dent L. (’. Daisey, of Sunny Side. the old Barred Rock specialist, that the poultry club was organized last year and gave a show. He has an able corps of workers with him in the persons oi Ja<fk L. Patterson, secretary, and Al. S. Turner, superintendent. There were about 700 fowls upon exhibition. I’ite BaVred Rock class ran over one hundred with most excellent quality. A number of At lanta and Macon winners were in the line. $\ hite Rocks were numerous and of fine qual ity. .Many of them good enough to make com-, petitors run for cover in our largest shows. I here was a splendid showing of White Or pingtons and White Wyandottes. The Rhode Island Red class was not as large as last year, but contained some nice birds. Indian Runner ducks were out in force, in Fawn and White. English Penciled and Pure White. Manv high valued specimens were among the number. There were some as good specimens in the Fawn and White as we have seen this season, and the AV’hties w D re about as good. The Griffin poultry boys are certainly planting a nest egg that is destined to produce well in the years to come. Located in one of the very richest counties in the state there is room for great work. Following are \the awards* Barred Plymouth Rocks. W. P. Barnes, GrifTin. 1, 2 cock, 1,2, 3, 4 cockerel, 1, 4 lien, I pullet, 2d ex. pen, I ekl. pen. 1 pullet pen; W. G. Norman, Griffin. 3 cock. 2, 5 hen. 2. I pullet, Ist ex pen, 3 ekl. pen, 2 pul. pen; Sunnyside P. Farm. Sunnyside, Ga.. 4 cock, 3 hen, 3 pullet, I ex. pen. 2 ekl. pen. 3 pul. pen; Miss B. 11. .Middlebrooks, Yatesville, 5 cock. 3 ex. pen. 5 ex. pen: Miss P J Slaton. Griffin, 5 pullet: M. S. Turner. Griffin, 4 ekl. pen. White Plymouth Rocks. Miss Maude Freeman, Griffin. 1 cock, 3 cockerel. 2 hen. I pullet, 3 pen; Mrs. J. ’l'. Freeman. Griffin, 1, 2. 4, 5 cockerel 1 2,3, 5 pullet. 1 pen; W. IL Barnes. Grif fin, 1. 3 hen; M. s. Turner, Griffin, 4, 5 hen, 2 pen. Partridge Rocks. Robert Powell Potter. Barnesville. 1,2, 3 i-ock, 1, 2. 3 hen. 1, pullet.. Buff Plymouth Rocks. W. P. Barnes, 1, 2. 3. 4 cock, 1 hen. t lien, M J. Barnes, Atlanta, 2 cockerel, 2,3, I pullet: 11. J. Israel, Newnan, 1 cockerel, 1, 5 pullet. Buff Leehorns. J. H. Wilson. Griffin. 1 cock. 1 hen. Bantams. Miss Emma Connor. Griffin, Ist pair. Blue Rocks. Mrs. TJarfleid, Griffin, 1. pen. Brown Leghorns. T. E. Elder. Pomona. 1 cock: J. I’. Nich ols. Griffin. 2 cockerel, 1,2, 3 pullet. 1 pen; 11. Q. Miller. Pomona. 1, 2. 3 lien. Games. It. L. Brooks, Griffin. 1, 2 cock, 1, 2 pair. , S. C. White Leghorns. Nathaniel Baile?', Griffin, 1 cock, 1 hen; E. E. Henderson, Jr., Griffin, 2 cock; Hillcrest Poultr? Farm, Griffin, 3 cock, 2 lien: Superior Poultr?’ Farm. Brooks. 1. 3 cockerel, 1. 2. 3 pullet: B. 1.. Adams, Ce dartown, 2 cockerel, 4 ben. 2 pen; I. H. Weams. Sunnyside. I pen; Mrs J. M. Thomas. Griffin, 3 pen. White Orpingtons. S. II Wilson. Griffin, 1 cock: Mrs. H. J. Garland, 2 cock; .Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Howe, Thomaston. 1, 2 cockerel. 1. 2 pul let, 1 pen; Superior P. Farm. Brooks, 3 cockerel. 1 hen. 3, 4 pullet; Miss M Shackleford. Griffin, 4 cockerel, 5 pullet; .Miss Nellie Corbin, Griffin, 5 cockerel, 2, 3 hen. 2 pen; Mrs. E. E. Wolcott, 4 hen. White Wyandottes. Miss Vesta Manley, Pomona, 2, 3 cock, 1. 3 cockerel, 1,2, 3 hen, 3, 4 pullet; Rockbridge P. Farm, Stone Mountain, 1 cock, 1 pullet: Hillcrest P. Farm. Griffin, 4 hen: Mrs. Stinelielmer. Brooks. 2, 4 cockerel, 2 pullet. 1, 2 pen. Buff Orpingtons. .Mrs B. |>. Brewster. Sunnyside. 1 cock; ■Mrs. C. R. Patterson, Sunnyside, 1 cock erel. 2, 3 pullet: Mrs H. <>. Mitchell, Sun nyside. 1 pen; Mrs. M Shackleford, Grif tin, I pullet. Black Orpinvitons. .Mrs. IL .1. Garland. Griffin, 1 cock, I, 4 lien; Mrs. E. E. Wolcott. Griffin. 1 cock- Rhode Island Reds. M? combined winnings so far this season at tlie Hagerstown. Macon and Au gusta shows on S. C. R. I. Reds were five firsts, four seconds, four thirds and four fourths. \s show birds they win and as utility stock they lay and pay. Eggs and stock for sale. For prices write Mrs. P. T. Calloway, Washington, Ga. iO-26-9 MY WINNINGS at the recent Georgia Poultry association show is conclusive of tin- higli standard of my S. C. Reds. I am disposing of my stock ami am offer ing rare bargains. See me during tlie next few days J I. Hosford, East Point, Ga. Bell phone. 10-25-32 Orpingtons. FEW PENS or single birds. Buff Orping tons; high-class stock. Morris Farm. Clarkston, Ga. I" I'.'S ALL my last season’s winners for sale. Pens and single birds. Ribbons and cups go with birds. V. A. Ham, Newnan, Ga. 9-21-1 Leghorns. STOCK AND EGGS for sale from prize winning White Leghorns, at ail times. Mrs Robert West. 132 t’arter Hili road. Montgomery . Ala.ll -9-66 i-.o I-1 N>: ”\\l■ i i e Leghorns $1 each. U S Bottenfleld. “Phone 27-. I Decatur. Ga. Plymouth Rocks. WHITE Plymouth Rocks. 75c to $1.25: have sold m? farm, and chickens must g,, ?. K. Chamlee, Worthen. Ga. fl-13-35 EG< ;S~from prize-winning Barred Plym outh Rocks: four ribbons, first cock, first, fourth and fifth hens. Silver cup (sweepstakes) on just four birds. Fine cockerels for sale. Benjamin H. Spurlock, Lithonia, Ga. 9-14-5 Bantams. BANTAMS Came bantams, Sebrights, Huff Cochins. Carlisle Cobb, Athens, Ga. 4-26-30 Turkeys. TEN MAMMOTH White Holland turkeys, twenty-five Fawn and White Indian Runner ducks for sale. W. D. Bennett. Molena, Ga.lo-23-29 9'OR SALE Another tine flock of Giant Mammoth Bronze turkeys of prise-win ning bloee Mrs J. H Odom, Niota. Tenm. Routt No 148-4-11 Egp. T will give io c«nta above Philadel phia quotation, current receipts f. o. b., Philadelphia, lot fresh eggs from tlie ship per's own bens or from other bens which the slilppei guarantees to he absolute!? fresh Get hard Dice. 2117 Venango strict. I'hlluileltildu. I’a 4<>6-il Tilt illol t ill l:l:EI i Buff t U'pliigton egg' si pvt 15 126 Wltiilsot sireti Main 3f>»». \ W-9-ii KJ erel, 1 pullet, 1 pen; N. H. Bailey, Griffin. 2, 3 cockerel. Rhode Island Reds. Kobt. Powell Cotter, Barnesville, 1,2, 3 cock, 1. 2. 3 hen; Mrs. H. O. MitcheU, 4 cock; T. H. Wynne, Griffin. 1 cockerel, 4 hen, 2 pen; IV. M. Childers. Griffin, 2 cockerel. 1,2, 3 puilet; Hillcrest P. Farm, Griffin. 4 pullet; Mrs. R. H. Middlebrooks. Yatesville, 1 pen. W. T. B. Spanish. Hillcrest Poultry farm, 1 cock. Black Langshans. Mrs. J. T. Westbrook, Griffin, 1 cock, 1 hen. Black Mlnorcas Mrs. E. E. Wolcott. 1 cock; Mrs. J. G. Davis. Griffin. 1 pen. R. I. R. Frizzles. Mrs. C. R. Patterson, 1 pen. White Indian Runners. Superior Poultr?- farm, 1 pair, 2 pair; T. H. Wynne, 1. cock, 1,2, 3, 4 cockerels, 1 lien, 1.2, 3 pullets, 1 pen, 3 pair, 4 pair. Mrs. 11. J. Garland, 2,3, 4 cocks. Penciled Indian Runners. Beckwyn Duck farm, 1, 2 cock, 1, 2 lien, 1 pair. 3 pair; Hillcrest Poultr?’ farm, 3 pair; R. P. Ellis. Griffin, 4 pair. Fawn and White Runners. T. H. Wynne, 1-2 cock: Turner Miles. Covington. 1, 2 pairs; B. P. Reid. Griffin, 3 pairs: Oakdean Poultr?- farm, Stone Mountain, 3, 4 cocks; 4 pair. White Peklns. Mrs. Ida Quick. Griffin, 1 pair. Mallards. Luke M. Brown. Milner, 1 pen. Buff Turkeys. J. T. Stanle?-, 1 cock; George Harchorn. 1 cockerel. 1 pullet. Largest displa?- all varieties, silver cup, TV. P. Barnes. Cup for ten best birds, an?- variety, T. H. Wynn. Cup best pen Barred Rocks, W. G. Nor man. Cup for best pen Buff Rocks, W. R. Barnes. Cup for best pen Wliite W?-andottes, R. P. Steinheimer. Cup for best pen S. C. It. I. Reds, B. H. Middlebrooks. Cup for best pen Buff Orpingtons, H. O. Mitchell. Cup for best pen White Orpingtons, Mrs. B. F. Roxve. Cup for best pen Black Mfnocas, Mrs. J. G. Davis. Cup for best pen Brown Leghorns, J. P. Nichols, Jr. Cup for best pen White Leghorns, J. H. Weems. Best cock in show, an?- variet?’ White Orpington, H. Wilson. Best hen in show, an?- variet?’ White Wyandotte, Mrs. V’esta Manly. Best cockerel in show, an?- variety, White Plymouth Rock, Mrs. J. P. Free man. Best pullet in show, an?’ variety. Barred Rock, w. J. Burnes. Best cockerel mating, Barred Rocks,best pullet mating, Barred Rocks, W. P. Barnes. Poultry—Miscellaneous. BROWN LEGHORNS, R. I. Red. Buff Orpingtons and Maud?’ Lee incubator for sale; more than need. Box 78, Harlem. Gtu ~~ 45-13-11 MY’ WINNINGS at Macon fair October 15- 25 were six firsts, three seconds, one third, one fourth out of eleven entries in R. 1. R.. I. W., Pit Games, F. and W. Ducks. Stock and eggs of above breeds for sale. Also Black Orpingtons. Write H. 1.. D, Hughes, Danville, Ga. 10-23-28 WHITE Indian Runner ducks, best of stock White Plymouth Rocks, winners tor years and bred for laying; fox terrier puppies C. O. Harwell, 115 North Pryor street,ll-11-19 ENTRIES close for Sbuth Georgia’s Greatest Poul try Show November 19. For premium book and entry blanks address A. B. Moore, P. 0. Box 85, Savannah, Ga. 11-9-63 11. G. HASTINGS & CO., Seedsmen for the South, 16 West Mitchell street. Four City De liveries Daily, North and South Side 9 a. m., Inman Park and West End 2 p. m. Bell Phone M. 2368, Atlanta 2568. THIS IS THE SEASON to feed your fowls beef scraps. \Ve can supply you with both Swift’s and Scraps; 7 pounds 25c, 50 pounds $1.65. 100 pounds. $3.25 "RED COMB" MEAT M.\SH should lie kept before your laying hens and ducks all the time. It is an egg-producing food to be fed wet or dry: 10 pounds 25c, 50 pounds $1.15, 100 pounds $2.25. GOLI» FISH We have a beautiful lot on hand. Price 10c. 15c anti 25c each. Prepared Fish Food 10c a package, 3 packages 25c. By mail add 2c a package. LEG BANDS, poultry markers, drinking founts, grit and shell boxes, food hop pers and puns. WHEAT BRAN, chicken wheat, shorts, whole corn, alfalfa meal, crushed oy ster shell, poultry grit, granulated bone. etc. IF YOIWANT A BEAUTIFI’L L.V\VN‘ one that Is green summer ami winter.’ on well prepared soli, try our Evergreen Lawn Mixture. Price, 1 pound 20c; 3L- Pounds 6f>c,_l4 pounds $2 50 LIQUID LICE kii.I.EHS, disinfectants, lice powders, roup, canker, cholera, diarrhoea ami chicken pox remedies. Horses and Carriagea WANTED To bu? large Mnj or nwd- ium-Blxe<l horse. Must be safe and sound. Price right Hox 271. care Geot - guiiv 29-12-11 G'liil) h<4|-H«’ for Hilt Call Atlanta phoiie Decatur 74 m. n-7-39 Real Estate For Sale. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND LOANS. Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. Atlanta Phone 1881. "IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD., IT’S SO.” FOR SALE. ing $52 per month net, for $4,600. and a third cash will buy It. If you are looking for big returns on your money, bu?’ this. Also bu?- another marcel which brings in $64 per month net. for only $5,500. Half cash. Belter pick these up. See Mr. Rail ford. CLOSE IN. on Cooper street, neat and at tractive six-room home for the bar gain price of $3,000. Terms SSOO cash and $25 per month. See Mr. Winn. A PICK-UP on Jackson street, near Pine, consisting of a complete two-stor?- resi dence. for onl?- $5,200; $1,200 casii will han dle it. Balance easy. See Mr. White. TWO five room cottages on big lots, near Grant park. Genuine bargain tor $3,350 cash. A practical handling of these will make SI,OOO profit. See Mr. Radford. GO LOOK at the corner of South Pryor and Doane streets, opposite the new school. Fine place for a store. Good klread?’ on part of the lot. Price 13,650. Terms. See Mr. White. If You Have Money to Lend, We Can Place it Safely. ONLY ONE LEFT. only one steam-heated apartment left. Apartment F. Adriatic, No. s4’’so I ' aWS ° n street ' a flv e-room apartment, modern in ever?’ respect. Price ME PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a. good description of everything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN «1». FOR RENT. Chas. P. Glover Realty Co. 2 1-2 WALTON STREET. 12r. h., 108 W. Harris 5t565.00 6-r. h., Cor. Greensferry and Well- 10-r. h., 127 Nelson st 45.00 ington 22.50 10-r. h„ 147 Cooper st 30.00 !' r - S’ ?” £ ee ‘'. he t st - 27.50 9-r b 970 Pierlmont it ar, 6 ‘ r ' h ' s 2 W. Boulevard, Kirkwood. 22.50 « . ave 45 00 6 -r- h ” Cornet- Hardin and Madison x-r. b., 6.) Merritts ave 42.00 streets, College Park 15.00 8-r. h., 42 Logan st 26.00 6-r. h., 63 W. Cain st 25.00 - r - I 1 -’ ave 45.00 5-r. h., 104 Ormond st 16.60 4-r. 11, 171-A Capitol are....', 37.50 5-r. h., 335 Crew st 18.00 Real Estate For Sale. Seal Estate For Sale. 7-r House, Just off Highland Av., for $3,250. Will Rent for $25.00 month. All improvements. ■ lot 50x200. A 2-room house in rear. $250 cash, balance $22.00 per month. ATLANTA DEVELOPMENT CO. 609-13 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. PHONE 2181 IVY SIOO Cash, sls- Per Month FOR a pretty five-room bungalow o n Howard street, Kirkwood. This is the besa bargain in Kirkwood property ever offered, and you will have to act quiclc-to get .it. EAST LAKE BUNGALOW, Lot 100x400. SIX ROOMS, a beauty, at a sacrifice. Name j’our terms. Owner must sell. Call at 31 Inman building, or Phone M. 2053. VACANT LOT BARGAIN—SI,6(X)—-On Barnett St., between Ponce DeLeon and St. Charles avenfies. It’s a corner; elevated, level and 60 feet east front. Terms. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton Street. Both Phones 458. Ducks. PURE~Wbtte Runner ducks’ $lO trio?*Jls pen; satisfaction guarantee.! or money refunded. South Georgia Poultry Farm, Sale City, Ga. 11-6-41 WHITE RUNNERS; from first prize stock; mature trios, pairs, ducklings and eggs. Prices right. Satisfaction guaranteed. Georgia Duck Farm, Stnyr na. Ga. Phone 9075 Smyrna. 61-9-11 A FEW White Indian Runners, Fishel strain; young ducks beginning to lay, $4.50 each; $12.50 a trio; also English standard, $1 each. Sawnee Farm, Cum ming, Ga. 11-7-30 Incubators. FOR SALE—I9II model 300-egg Cyphers Incubator cheap. Call Ivy’ 480-J. 33-12-11 FREE POUT/I’RYMEN. GET our big catalogue of incubators and brooders. Southern Slates Incubator and Brooder Company, College Park. Ga. 10-30-16 Cows. FOR SALE- Seven fine Jersey cows fresh tn milk. Rear 161 Decatur st. J. R. Roberts. 60-12-11 Disenf ectants. CREOSOTE is an excellent germ destroyer for poultry raisers to use about the premises. We have it in any quantity. Atlanta Gas Light Co. Hogs. ~~~ TAKING ORDERS for »lght weeks fine Berkshire.-* at sl2 pair. Morris Farm, Clarkston. Ga. 10-19-7 Dogs. For sale Setters, pointers and hounds: trained, parti?- trained and untrained; revised list ready for mailing. 11. I, Whitt, Kernersville, N. C. • 41-6-11 Coops For Rent. EXHIBITION COOPS feu m i ~i sot 'ale 'h argta Poultry lai m North I'ljur street, Atlanta U-7-2 Houses for Rent. APARTMENTS. STOCTON APARTMENTS—Out in the Stocton apartments, just opposite the main entrance of Grant park, we have a i second-floor flve-room apartment. equipped w-ith all modern conveniences, such as cabinet mantels, tile hearths, electric lights, gas, bath, sink in the kitchen. We furnish gas stove, water, heat and janitor's service. This apart ment is in nice condition, on one of ' the beet car lines in the citj*. convenient to schools and churches. Price S3O. 144 HIGHLAND AVENUE—Out in the Boulevard apartment, at the above number, on Highland avenue, we have a nice file-room apartment, equipped with all the modern conveniences, such as cab inet mantels, tile hearths, electric lights, gas, bath and sink in the kitchen; with steam heat; on car line, in good neigh borhood; convenient to schools and , churches. Price S4O. 1~63 NORTH JACKSON STREET—At the above number on Jackson street we i have a lower-floor six-room apartment, I with all modern conveniences, such as cabinet mantels, tiling hearths, electric lights, gas, bath and sink in the kitchen. This apartment is in nice, first-class con ’ dition. situated on a large, elevated lot, in A-1. good neighborhood, on a car line, i convenient to schools and churches. i Price $35. And a long list of residences of all kinds. Want to bu?’ your second-hand furni ture, stoves, household articles and mis cellaneous things? Your ad in the "For Sale, Miscellaneous" columns will be read with interest and your used but useful articles will be sold at a big profit to you. Real Estate For Sale. BARGAINS $412 per front foot Ivy slree - A°AA Per fr ? nt ’ .’.Peaciitree street $1 000 per front foot Peachtree street $325 per front foot atrei . t $42» per front foot stl . eet 18 \?®nl r0n .,- f A f>Ot L • Houston street tY ill be s2oo next spring. S4,OOO—A beauty of a lot. 100x400; shade and a’l improvements s3,Boo—East Lake drive, lot 200x270; east front and shaded WE WANT to see you in person about the above and vou need to see us Let us do your renting, leasing, etc. G. R. MOORE & COMPANY 1408 CANDLER BI.DG. PHONE IVY 497 WHO WILL BE FIRST TO INYEST IN A PROPO SITION THAT WILL PAY 40 PER CENT ON CASH REQUIRED AND A SUBSTANTIAL SUM ON WHOLE AMOUNT WE HAVE a small piece of property, near Williams St. school that can be made to pay this unusually large per cent by investing a few’ dollars nn Improvements. The improved property has reliable tenant waiting to lease the property for five years, which, in addition to present rental, will pav handsome returns. ’ JOHNSON AVE. Six-room, two-story house, now rented and paving good re turns on investment. House in good repair, walls plastered, water and sew erage In. Lot well situated. As own# r has been (’ailed ..ut -wf town this house can l>e had very reasonably. Small cash payment required and rents will carry rh« ng la nee. Price $3,000 441, 443, 445 DAVIS ST. In West Atlanta, only a few feet off car line, with a ten minute schedule to tlie center of t hy. M r have one double house and one single house of three rooms each Water and sewerage in Houses goo. renting property and always ocuplvd. owner awev from Htv and not able tr give personal attention, reason for spiling I HE L. C. GREEN COMPANY .<•5 I HIRD NATIONAL BANK BUILD ING PHONE l\) 2»43. Real Estate For Sale. gUARP & gOYLSTON INATSTMENT. PRICE $20,000. ANNUAL INCOME $2,640. LIBERAL TERMS. THIS is not one of those “get rich quick” schemes, but a good, solid, safe, sane investment. We want a lib eral cash payment and the balance can be put on a basis that will make it EASY for the property to take care of itself. SECTION. North side, and in a section that will insure a steady in come. BETTER LOOK INTO THIS. i ,e S al Notices. TO WOM itNiayYonceU? zi,., . V ls he , reb y given that on the 7ti, da? of December. 1912, at 9:30 o’clock- 1 Crint 1S tbe intention of Mrs Mav c Grant, as testamentary guardian nf minor children of herself and John “T Grant, deceased, to-wit: John Audlev Grant and Gladys Grant, to apply to th. superior court of Fulton conntv, GeorgF for an order to sell at private sale X lam shares of stock held by her as tes tamentary guardian for her Stt i cbildien, being 106 shares, of the --.a value of SIOO each, of the capital stoek’of Xd G u nt ci?hs: n eUMe^d ame SeCUrl ” eS The application to sell said shares of stock of said minor children, and to re invest the same, is made for the reason that the sani stock, for the present, pays a small dividend, because of an old lease on the property of the Grant Investment Company, which said lease has manv months yet to run; and while said prop rlns=i ha ?K been sub,et for a much higher rental, the company will receive no in creased revenue therefrom until the ex- R! be , I^ aae ex! sting at the time , hM ? d , sa l d .P roperty ’ sai<! Prooertx being located at the southeast corner of Peachtree street and Auburn avenue Tlie proceeds arising from said sale can be safe!?- reinvested so as to secure a larger return, which is necessary for the present needs of said wards. MRS. MAY C. GRANT. Guardian of John Audiey and Glad's Grant - 11-6-9 EXECUTOR’S SALE OF LAND ios7 y m tuthe P° w er contained in tli« last will ami testament of Frank T Rvar probated in solemn form at the August erm. 1907, of the court of ordinary of Pul thf„ undersigned, as executor ot said last will and testament, will sell before Fulton county court house door in the cit?- of Atlanta, on the first Tuesda in December, 1912, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and lies' bidder all of the follow-ing tract or parcel ot land, to-wit; r.A n „ t 1 ha k trac A or parcel of land lying and heing in the cit?' of Atlanta, being part of cdty lot twenty-eight (28) in block seven (7) ot land lot seventy-six (76> of the fourteenth district of originallv Henn, now Fulton county, Georgia, more partic ularly described as follows: Beginning on the east side of Wash ing ton street at a point one hundred arm nve < too) feet, more or less, north of the northeast corner of Washington and Raw son streets at the north line of the prop erty of Junius F. Oglesb?- and running thence north along the east side of Wash ington street one hundred (109) feet, more or less, to the alle?~ l?-ing between the propert?- herein described and properiv now or formerly owned bv Geo. M Brown thence east along the south side of said alley' two hundred (200) feel, mor£ or less: thence south one hundred (100) feet, more or less, to Oglesby's line; thence wes* along said Oglesby’s north line two hun dred (200) feet, more or less, to point of beginning: said premises being im proved property known as No. 178 \Yash ingtnn st., according to present numbering of houses in city of Atlanta, and being the former residence of Frank T. Ryan, as referred to in the 6th item of the will < ' said Frank T. Ryan, as the same appears of record in the office of the court of ordi nary in Fulton county, Georgia. The title to said property w ill be insured by the Atlanta Title Guarantee Company. Terms: All cash, or half cash and balance in equal payments due one, tw r o and three years, with interest at 7 per cent, par able semi-annually, at the election of the purchaser. TRUST COMPANY OF GEORGIA, By* E. Woodruff, President, Executor of Last Will and Testament of Frank T Ryan, deceased. 11-6-18 Real Estate For Sale.