Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 13, 1912, HOME, Page 5, Image 5

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FIGHT ON SMOKE BOARD STAYED BY ACTION Commission Orders Prosecu tion of Violators to Proceed, Rescinding Former Act. Councilman Charles W. Smith, who , s been leading the fight to abolish smoke commission on the grounds , 1; was blocking the enforcement smoke ordinance, said today that would not introduce an ordinance to wipe the board out if the commission adhered to the policy adopted yesterday afternoon. The commission is now proceeding ~n .orrect lines,” said Councilman Smith. -I have prepared two ordinances, one to abolish the commission and the oth pr to place the authority to make cases against violators of the smoke law in " o hands of the inspector and the chairman of the commission. I will hold both of them and watch future de velopments. ■■l am speaking the sentiment of a large majority of the city council and v s 90 per cent of the people of Atlanta when 1 say the smoke ordinance must be enforced.” Following The Georgian’s fight gainst the attitude of the smoke com mission and for a continuation of a vigorous smoke crusade, the commis sion yesterday ordered Inspector Paul McMichael to docket cases in the re corder's court against all violators of Ihe smoke law who were not making a sincere effort to comply with the law. He also was instructed to make new cases against the violators of the law who have already been fined in the re corder’s court if they have not taken steps to comply with the law within fifteen days. The board withdrew its instructions to the inspector that he must make no cases without instructions from the commission on each Individual violator. The commission unanimously adopted a militant attitude against smoke and there was no evidence of its former reactionary attiude. The specific instructions to the in spector were that he must make cases against offenders who have been given two notices that they are violating the law and who have made no real effort to comply with the law. The offenders are required to notify the inspector in writing of their efforts to comply with the law. 100 Facing Prosecution. Inspector McMichael said today he 1 ad a list of about 100 owners of steam plants who had twice, been notified of violations and who had not yet notified him of any real effort to comply with the law. In these cases he was in structed to make confirmatory’ observa tions and proceed with prosecutions in the courts. Many’ cases for violations of the smoke law will be made within the next few weeks unless there is some very diligent work on the part of own ers of steam plants to comply with the «w. Inspector McMichael told the com mission that the furnaces in many ipartment houses and buildings could not be made to comply with the law, and that the only way’ the owners of ihe buildings could live up to the smoke ordinance would be to tear out their bld furnaces and build new ones. The commission Instructed the in ipector that he should notify’ these peo ple that they’ must build new furnaces If their old ones could not be made to comply as soon as warm weather comes fcgam. Chairman Satisfied. 'TiaJrman R. M. Harwell, who re declared that the commission Inould be abolished, said today that he *as satisfied with then we attitude of the board. The commission adopted a resolution U a sub-committee requesting the .abroad commission to fix a standard >t twenty candle power for all gas sold n Atlanta. Inspector McMichael was nstructed to confer with City’ Attor- ? Hon 08 ,0 how 10 Proceed with •> tttlonlng the railroad commission. "It Is a pleasure to tell you that ; mmberlain’s Cough Remedy is the >est cough medicine I have ever used,” Krites Mrs. Hugh Campbell, of Lavonia, I, i have used it with all my chil ,7, and th « results have been highly ’ factory. For sale by all dealers. (Advt.) open all night BOTH PHONES 461 FORSYTH AND LUCKIE ,n GOOD DENTISTS AND GOOD EQUIPMENT more practice and LOWER PRICES crowna 83.00 S 5 O ° Atlanta dental parlors cfr i OOMWAJfTIMt, Frou I F »*®htr»» nd Dr t »t ur St, t-ntrsse. »>, at ATLANTANS INVESTIGATE CHATTANOOGA RESOURCES CHATTANOOGA, TENN.. Nov. 13. Harry G. Granger, an experienced min ing engineer, formerly of Cartersville, Ga., but who has spent some years in South America, developing power plants and investigating mineral resources for toieign capitalists, is in Chattanooga today in the interest of Atlanta people, investigating the mineral resources and shipping and railroad facilities of Chat tanooga. He is particularly interested in the future development of electric power and the repeal of the back tax law. He has been in conference with Secretary Evans, of the Chamber of Commerce. ST. JOHN M. E. CHURCH TO CELEBRATE GROWTH 'Greater St. John day” be ob served with appropriate exercises next Sunday at the St. John Methodist church in the handsome new edifice at Georgia and Central avenues. P ro^rain ‘s being arranged *^ b0 ‘ h morning and evening services, and effoi is are being made to have Rev ry <? e M bei ;-° f the Church Present. M Bakes. the pastor, will preach a special sermon at each serv ice, and splendid musical numbers will be rendered. At the morning service the board of ’J®* E tS ' 1 30 In number, will be in ‘ f, the flnanc ial system of the church for the next year planned. A stubborn backache that hangs on, week after week, is cause to suspect kidney trouble, for when the kidneys are inflamed and swollen bending the back brings a sharp twinge that almost takes the breath away. ' It’s hard to work and just as hard to rest or sleep Doan’s Kidney Pills re vive sluggish kidneys— relieve congested, aching kidneys. The proof is an amazing collection of backache testimonials. Here’s an Atlanta case J.AIJIIGH CGWNY. I CCGffiW. After two months extraordinary sell ing of Fall Silks we offer SILK REMNANTS Values to $1 Per Yard For days we have been planning this sale, and gathering all short lengths , , out of stock to make th ehiggest ag- gregation of remnants to dose out at one price. The styles and kinds in- ||||| ( Plain and Fancy Messalines > Plain and Pompadour Taffetas Pretty Plaid and Striped Silks Foulards and Silk Serges Pongee and Fine Tub Silks Also a few Crepes and Chiffons ..,, Come early and get your choice Sale Begins 8:30 Wool Remnants One Table of Dress Goods Remnants, Embracing useful lengths of all kinds and classes of black and colored fab rics. (’mne and look them over. You will find exactly what you want for your dress, suit, waist or coat, all marked down. % and l Off Regular Prices J.M.High Comtany. J.M.Hjgb Company. JHE ATLANTA GEUKUIAxN AN I) NEVV 8. W EDN ESD AY, NOVEM BE K 13. 1912. GEN. FELIX DIAZ HIDING IN H. S. Rebels Confirm Story of Es cape of Leader After Being Sentenced to Die. SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS. Nov. 13. Andrez Garza Galan, a leader of the Mexican revolutionary junta here, to day confirmed the report that General Felix Diaz, nephew of the former presi dent, has escaped from the military prison at Vera Cruz, where he was held pending his execution at the order of a courtmartlal. According to Galan. Diaz has made his way across the American border. Just where the general is. Galan would not say, but it was intimated by other members of the junta here that Diaz is now hiding in New Orleans. The information concerning the es cape was contained in a letter sent through secret channels. Diaz escaped from the prison last Friday. He made his way northward in a launch and finally, through the aid of friends, readied Brownsville, Texas. Oh! My Back! •When Your Back is Lame—Remember the Name" DOAN’S KIDNEY PILLS Sold by aR Dealers. Price 50 cents. Fosicr-MHburn Co, Buffalo. N. Y, Proprietors ifc sor “ Every Picture Tells a Story." MILLIONAIRE HOBO PLANS COLLEGE FOR UNEMPLOYED MEN ST. LOVIS, Nov. 13.—A hobo college is the latest plan of James Eads How, millionaire benefactor of the tramp. How wants to establish a school where the "unemployed” in St. Louis may spend their spare time during the win ter. They will be afforded a chance to study the arts and sciences. "There is a workingman’s college in England that has been successful,” said How. "My idea is to establish one here that will be something similar. Some of the unemployed who come here are devotees of literature; others of art. They should be given a chance.” DAUGHTER OF TERMINAL SUPERINTENDENT DIES Mrs. E. S. Mansfield, daughter of J. D. Patterson, superintendent of the At lanta Joint Terminals, died last night at her home. 45 Park avenue. Besides her mother and father, she is survived by her husband, two children and two sisters. Mrs. Mansfield was a member of the First Methodist church and had a wide circle of friends. She was 28 years old. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. ATLANTA PROOF Testimony of a Resident oj Cooper Street E. \\ . Brooks, 198 Cooper street, Atlanta, Ga., says: “I can recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills. Some months ago I procured a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills at Ja cobs’ Ding Store for a member of my family who had been suffering with kidney disorders. They quickly removed all traces of this trouble. 1 advise all suffering from kidney disor ders to give Doan’s Kidney Pills a trial.” £ ],!*■» i 11 i| I Jubilee Week at JACOBS’ This Week We Are Holding a Big Jubilee Commemorating the Reopening of Our Enlarged Whitehall Street Store J TBILEE Week at Jacobs’! It is a happy time for us. and for you. too; yes, indeed. The occasion is the reopening of our 23 Whitehall Street Store, our branch store No. 1, which we started something over 15 years ago and which we have just rebuilt throughout. It is now one of the handsomest and best appointed stores in the city. We have more than doubled the capacity of this store, and it will now share with the Main Store in our many special departments. All Oar Stores participate in the Jubilee Sale See yesterday’s papers for a more complete list of the specials. All of our stores will piote special prices during this Jubilee 'Week. And at 23 Whitehall Street and the Main Store, 6-8 Marietta Street, souvenirs will be given away with purchases all week. ■ 25C of Ten Cakes Thursday for f ***-'*■' to a Customer At the Main Store, 23 Whitehall and 102 Whitehall Street Special Jubilee Prices Fat Off 1.00 small size .50 SI.OO D- D. D. 67c; 50c size 34 SI.OO Croxone 65 SI.OO Eskay’s Food 65c; 50c size .... .40 25c Pheno Caffeine -20 $3.00 Hospital size 2.40 25c Ripan’s Tablets 20c; 50c size4o 4-oz. Neurophosphateso Birt’s Head Wash, small 25 SI.OO Tu-ber-ku 90 50c William’s Pink Pills 35 SI.OO Pinkham’s Compound 65 25c Mennen's Shaving Cream . . .'2O SI.OO Pinkham's Bfood Purifierß3 50c Kondon’s Catarrh Jelly 40c; 25c size 20 SI.OO Bernard's Extract of Bark3s SI.OO Quaker Herb Tonic 85 Quina La Roche, plain or with Iron 1.20 50c Dillingham’s Plant Juice Liniment 40c; 25c 50c Barry’s Trycopherous ’43 size 20 Two4n-One Shoe Polish 10 25c Pyro Dentine Paste 20c: Liquid4s 25c Lypsol 15 50c Cassidy’s Face Powder4o 50c Hycmei Inhalent3s SI.OO Yale's Hair Tonic 85 SI.OO Hyomei Outfit, complete 69 50c Yale’s Almond Blossom Cream 45 SI.OO Danderine 67c; 50c size 34c: 25c sizel7 50c Regulin 35 50c Mentholatum 29c; 25c sizels SI.OO Sloan’s Liniment 67c; 50c size 34c; 25c size .18 SI.OO Mercolized Wax 59 SI.OO Antlphlogistine 60c; 50c size 37 SI.OO Hall's Catarrh Cure 50 SI.OO Bromo Seltzer 67c; 50c size 34c; 25c size. . .17 25c Ramon’s Liver Pills 20 50c Sempre Giovine 40 50c Sulpherb Tablets 45 25c Booth’s Pills 20 75c Pompeian Massage Cream 49c; 50c size - 29 25c Synol Soap, 4 oz 20 SI.OO Albolene Atomizers7s 25c Johnson’s Shaving Cream 20 50c Mansfield’s Capillaris 43 SI.OO Miona 85 SI.OO Hagee’s C. L. Oil Cordial 85 SI.OO Parker’s Hair Balsam 79c; 50c size 39 SI.OO Harper’s Headache Remedy 79c; 50c size 50c Seven Barks .42 38c; 25c sizel9 50c Malvina Cream 39c; 25c Soap2o $2.00 G. & L. Protoiodide Mercury Pills $1.50: SI.OO Schiffman’s Asthmador 84c; 50c size 42 One of the Biggest Improvements of the greatest improvements in the 23 Whitehall street store, and one that will ap peal to the largest number of patrons, is the Soda Fountain. This is now under our own man agement. We have installed one of the handsomest fountains in the city and the service will be incomparable. Jacobs' Ice Creams are made in our own kitehens, from pure, sweet cream —the finest flavored, richest, smoothest ice cream served in Atlanta, and deservedly famous. All rnit beverages prepared from pure fruit syrups made in our own laboratory. Egg Flip, 10c. Orange Ice, from pure fruit, sc. Egg and Milk, lOc. Orangeade, made from pure fruit, 10c. Frozen Egg Punch, 10c. Hoi Coffee, sc. Bisque Ice Cream, 10c. Hot Chocolate, whipped cream, 10c. 'Pineapple Ice, from pure fruit, sc. Lactone Buttermilk, rich and creamy, sc. Banana Split, special 10c. Bon Bon Holder With Block’s Candies Beal Tll-I’L hand painted Nippon China Bon Bon Holders Free with one pound or larger boxes of Block’s Chocolates at 6Oc or 80c a pound. Block's 60c Chocolates have become famous—they are equal to any others sold ' elsewhere at 80 cents a pound or more. And Block's new box at 80 cents Is finer , \than anything else in the city anywhere, at any price. Every piece is a hand made specialty of nut, fruit or some other fancy and inimitable Block creation. Not one plain cream center in the box; and In this where it excels. The qual ity of the chocolates is the same as Block's 60 cent chocolates, for finer quality cannot be made in candy. But this is a fastidious box to please the most fussy epicure. Try it. $2.00 Fountain Pen Free with SI.OO Purchase in Any Department. Every Pen Guaranteed. No other souvenir given with the Fountain. Pen unless re quired amount to secure it is purchased in excess of SI.OO. A Graduated Medicine Glass and strong Corkscrew in tip-protecting Case Free with Prescriptions. v All prescriptions originally filled at 23 Whitehall street are now in their permanent file at ttiat store, where refill orders should be taken. 10c Polishing Chamois Free 50c Rubber Massage Brush Free 25c Powder Box, Puff and Mir with 25c purchase in housekeep- with Robinnaire Massage ror Free with Robinnaire er’s sale. Cream. Face Powder. 50c Flannel Covered Infant Hot Ol,r owa laboratory product—there A very fine and smooth invisible, UFni- C1 nn l ’ none better - Small i ar - 50c slzo T> ure Jav « rlce powder, beneficial Water Bottle Free with SI.OO ln other creams, 33c; 81.00 size, to the skin. 4 tints; 25c and 50a Rubber Goods Purchase. 6f >c- Bize “- 50c Cigar Lighter Free more The department is under our 1 rmVu- ‘' P , *’ « '** e .< OII - own management and we want our mon n .f or i a ''° a u? V °. ' e oil im ’ ajjkpa'rons to appreciate the improvement*. M ' .*» /JVshnrt PnCe< ? ' n ! P °'? Piedmont Cigarettes. 3 for 10c. JF % ’ ons ' a > .J?/ °5 1 of «" r standard. \ alia Rica an all Porto Rican cigar fflr wk Tbe Geoigta State Chemist pro- *—■_ T,Bleu.l Ogar,,,™. .»■; X IST. 2for ~x. and a fine delicate flavor which, for salads, sur- i.a I’refercncia, usually lO< straight; I for »c. passes all other importations. Try it. 1-2 nt 35c And a Complete l ine of all standard Brands Cigars. p<- gOc; qt. SI.OO. Cigarettes anti Tobacco. 10c Brid * e Score Pad Free 1 « 8100 » 00 u With 500 sta ‘ W'h Each Pack of Cards. , tionery Purchases. 50c Congress Playing Cards, new jMtwien' 1 t bo " nd book - iIIUB - ! backs, 38c. I I trated wlth correct forms in so- 1 / 25c Columbia Whist. 21c. clal and business correspondence. Steamboat Cards, 15c; 2 for 25c. Hurd's New Papers and Cards, th. 2f»c Hornet Cards. 14c. in Orchid. Pink and Blue; 2 qrs. Auction Bridge, 50c. 2 9/8. Card, and Envelopes. ■ i jjfi.oo. vx into, Zp1.30. Jumbo Pretty Cretonne Covered Boxes, 25c Bicycle Cards, 21c; dozen $2.50. j containing new fabric papers, 1 Pinocle Cards. 15c, 25c. qr 50o; 2 qrs $1 M ’ Genuine Boy al Flax, In white, lavender, pink, blue. Pinocle, long style, gold edges. sOc. green and cream. Value 50c; at 35c. Poker Chips, unbreakable, 100, 50c. New Blne c|. old initial Paper and Card., linen Paranoid Chips, plain $1; inlaid, $1.50. finish, box, 35c. Jacobs’ Pharmacy Main Store and Laboratory 6 and 8 MARIETTA ST. 23 Whitehall St. p , Q 266 Peters St. 102 Whitehall St. XT? reachtree- 152 Decatur St 70 W. Mitchell St. 245 Hou3ton bt - 423 Marietta St. 5