Newspaper Page Text
Whether You Have Suffered For
Years or Have But a First
Twinge or Two, Applications
on the Skin Can Not Get at the
Cause of the Pain.
Prnbaltiy just a bilious attack and a
Blight deposit of uric acid that was not
promptly expelled. Calomel and simi
lar mercurial purgatives do not dis
solve and expel the uric acid sediment
that forms from undigested, ferment
ing foods, and when this poisonous
• cfd gets in the blood stream it spreafis
through the system It accumulatt s
quickly, thickens the bleed, and settles
In joints and mnseb s And the joints
and - muscles then stiffen with rheuma
An it tempt to curt this- rheumatism
must b< directed t<> removing the uric
acid from the blood ml tissues. pre A
venting t he deposit of crystalline mates
and breaking up those already formed.
There nave been many so-called uric
acid solvents Tiny dissolve uric acid
in the test tube, but when they reach
the stomach the hydrochloric m id pres
ent changes tin H chemistry completely
anti triers them Ineffectual. JACOBS'
LIVER SALT dissolvt uric acid oul
of th- tissues, hold.- it in solution and
exp. is it in the urine
ftblv smccssiiii iii the ti.-.iiimnt of
hetinifitism. It lliorou.jhl' idealises
tne Jsti 1,1 of all fl ,nielli at ion and liri •
acid - dipeent and politic the blood II
will -riv prompt relief in all cases of
rheuimltism resulting from uric mid
pois uiing.
If u s”<Te' o ■Ph h'ltim'ilisin.
try .1 ACORS' I (VER SALT immediate
ly. It will H let. you more promptly
and s.irely i anything els< Effei-
A CSc I. a .1 i ible ill . 'iSi’' I loll'l
take .ip i ifi 1,. substitute. Some prep
era ti. is vi re closi ' imitate the mu nt*,
but tiv i a. "'l.' I.- vi v different to the
genuine .1 A< ol'.t" LIVER SALT. Large
jit - (by mail Hostage
]f’.c f.ti-n For <■ I. m a|| Jacobs’
J'harmaej Stores ami druggists g< ner
i ■ .t. I \ i.. |
IT’S fine: for
Cata arh
Millions of Catarrh Victims Have
Used Booth’s HYOMEI with
Wonderful Results.
This picture shows
* the little hard rubber
iSgggiKH HYoMI’I Inhaler the
'KjpjH If you own one you
can get a bottle of HY
OMEJ (liquid) for only
"■ If you do not own one,
Jk.OO will secure for you
a complete outfit, In
■ hiding inhaler. And
""" 'on have in your
possession some! king
Q MfcTW that * las hnntshed more
eases of catarrh than
" f 'he ‘’utiirrh spe-
WSwM ehtlists on earth.
in*M -lust HY
■UH <>.MEI that’s
have to do no stomach
dosing. The soothing,
healing air pattsea over
wfeiEßtv& 1 'he inflamed membrane,
kills the germs and
I mUMaUKUB heals the intlaminativn.
It is gu.i antecrl to end the distress of
eata ih. coughs, croup and colds, or
money back Distributed by diuggists
Ttooths HYOMEI (pronounce it
Higb-o-nn ) is Australian Eucalyptus
and othei grand antiseptics. It con
tains no cm line or othei injurious
drugs. (Advt.)
At Your Own Price and Terms
to Suit You.
SQ ti a 1 I fl cations:
k Graduate and post-
w graduate of seven
1 of th« beat eollogag
t lt> the 1 nit-3
States. Spee'aJ
J courses•*tn Europe
7 Reference: Several
Sj hundreds of cured
£ and grateful pa-
7 tlents.
IB You don’t pay
K. >ne any profession
n al fee ft I don't
cure you. I have
the moat complete
ly equipped offices
American European In the city, such as
Specialist. the X-rays. Vibra-
tory Massage. Static Electricity, Galvanio
FWradic and Sinausoldat Currents. et<y,
and Oxone Generator for successfully
Bure gonorrhea and gleet with the latest
■tocoverles. serums, etc blood poison
with "606'' or PH. as the case requires
and guarantee results Diseases of WOM
EN cured with local and electrical treat
ments without the knife or pain I can
eure you cheaper than other specialists
because I treat you personally and have
to pay no assistants I carefully prepare
and furnish al medicines fall today as
I make no charges for CONSULTATION
Butte 1-3-3-4-6 at 32U Peachtree street
Hours from 3 a m. to 7p. m Phone At
lanta 3607.
The South's Leading Specialist
Kryptok lenses These lenses have no
warns. no lines, nor edges in the lenses
KRVPTOK means "hidden eye." Tin
near lens is actually hidden in the dis
tance lens, making a solid piece of
glass. Let John L. Moore A Sons show
you <42 N Broad street. (Advt.)
Special sha|>es fm hunting, golf and
driving with large field of vision
ground in tinted or white glass, to pre
vent sun giaif Se<- John L. Moot a
kjume diapiuy at 42 N Broad street
<Adl I J
Jubilee Week at JACOBS’
This Week We Are Holding a Big Jubilee
Commemorating the Reopening of Our
Enlarged Whitehall Street Store
•J l BILEE Week at Jacobs ! It is a happy time for us, and for vou, too;
ves, indeed. Ihe occasion is the reopening of our 23 Whitehall Street Store,
our branch store No. 1. whioJi we started something over 15 years ago and which we have
just rebuilt throughout. It is now one of the handsomest arid best appointed stores in the
•ity. W<> have more than doubled the capacity of this store, and it will now share with the
.dain Store in our many special departments.
All Our Stores participate in the Jubilee Sale
See yesterday's papers for a more complete list of the specials. All of our stores will'
mte special prims during this Jubilee Week. And at 23 Whitehall Street and the Main
tore, 6-8 Marietta Street, souvenirs will he given away with purchases all week.
10 Cakes of | ** .
Ivory Soap Jr ’ Limit of Ten Cakes
T ursday for I to a Customer
At the Main Store, 23 Whitehall and 102 Whitehall Street
Special Jubilee Prices
Fat Off l. ........ LOO
SI.OO D D. D. 67c: 50c size ; .34
SI.OO Eskay’s Food 65c: 50c size 40
$3.00 Hospital size . . 2.40
4-oz. Neurophosphate 50
SI.OO Tu-ber-kv 90
SI.OO Pinkham’s Compound 65
SI.OO Pinkham's Blood Purifier 83
SI.OO Bernard's Extract of Bark 85
Quina La Roche, plain br with Iron 1.20
50c Barry's Trycopherous -43
Two-in-One Shoe Polish 10
25c Lypsol ...» 15
50c Hyomei Inhalent 35
SI.OO Hyomei Outfit, complete 69
SI.OO Danderine 67c; 50c size 34c: 25c size 17
50c Mentholatum 29c; 25c size 15
SI.OO Mercollzed Wax 59
SI.OO Hall's Catarrh Cure 50
25c Ramon's Liver Pills 20
50c Sulpherb Tablets «,45
75c Pompeian Massage Cream 49c; 50c size ..... -29
SI.OO Albolene Atomizers 75
50c Mansfield's Capillaris 43
SI.OO Hagee's C. L. Oil Cordial 85
SI.OO Harper's Headache Remedy 79c: 50c size
38c: 25c size 19
$2.00 G. & L. Protoiodide Mercury Pills $1.50;
One of the Biggest Improvements
’ Te of the greatest improvements in the 23 Whitehall street store, and one that will ap
i <ui.l to the largest number of patrons, is the Soda Fountain. This is now under our own man
agement. We have installed one of the handsomest fountains in the city and the service will
be incomparable. Jacobs’ lee Creams made in our own kitchens, from pure, sweet cream
lhe finest flavored, richest, smoothest ide eream served in Atlanta, and deservedly famous. All
fruit beverages prepared from pure fruit syrups made in our own laboratory.
Egg Flip. 10c. Orange Ice, from pure fruit. Sc.
Egg and Milk, 10c. Orangeade, made from pure fruit, 10c.
Frozen Egg Punch, 10c. Hot Coffee, sc.
Bisque Ice Cream, lOc. Hot Chocolate, whipped cream, 10c.
Pineapple Ice, from pure fruit, sc. Lactone Buttermilk, rich and creamy, Sc.
Banana Split, special 10c.
Bon Bon Holder With Block’s Candies
xBf.AVTIFFL hand painted Nippon China Bon Bon Holders Free with one pound
' * >r '" r K** r **•*’•» Os Block's Chocolates a' OOc or BOc a pound.
Block's 60c Chocolates have become famous —they are equal te any others sold
\ e,Bewhere al 80 t ents a pound or more. And Block's new box at 80 cents is finer
than anything else In the city anywhere, at any price. Every piece is a hand
vl made specialty of nut. fruit or some other fancy and inimitable Block creation.
V s ” Not one plain cream center in the box: and in this where it excels. The qual
y of the chocolates is the same as Block's 60 cent chocolates, for finer quality cannot be made in
i candy. Rut this is a fastidious box to please the most fussy epicure. Try it.
)2.C0 Fountain Pen Free with SI.OO Purchase in Any Department.
Every Pen Guaranteed. Xo other souvenir given with the Fountain Pen unless re
quired amount to secure it is purchased in excess of SI.OO.
A Graduated Medicine Glass and strong Corkscrew in tip-protecting Case Free
with Prescriptions.
All prescriptions originally tilled at 23 Whitehall street are now in their permanent
file at flint store, where refill orders should be taken.
10c Polishing Chamois Free 50c Rubber Massage Brush Free 25c Powder Box, Puff and Mir
with 25c purchase in housekeep- with Robinnaire Massage ror Free with Robinnaire
er’s sale. Cream. Face Powder.
50c Flannel Covered Infant Hot Our own Isboretory product—there a very fine smooth invisible,
Wsfpr Bottle Free with H1 00 io non * S’waJl jar. 50c aix« pure Moa powdar, beneficial
water some tree wirn si.uu in oth>r crwucl , 38c . sioo , lle to the oklii 4 aSc and gOo
Rubber Goods Purchase. es®. s »izee.
50c Cigar Lighter Free
/'V, In Cigar Department at 23 Whitehall // Dixon Set. warrant-
/ / ■ Street with purchases of SI.OO or cboniz.ed handles. Free with 1
/' ZfC-i' more. The department Is tinder our Jacobs Imported OWve Oil.
own management, and we want our men DO ’ a nel olive oil im-
J patrous to appreciate the Improvements qk ' ,or e<l ' _ a „ many high priced impor-
Piedmont Cigarettes, S for lOc. '_ aUoriS J ali far ® hort of our standard.
\ alia Rita, an all Porto Rican cigar fIF u ''“"rgia State Chemist pro-
1 selling for Sc straight; M for 25c. W , Jacobs Italian Olive Oil
Fatima Turkish Blend Cigarettes, 15c; uratimio r P ,lre an< l ’ from adttl-
« Mr «ac toratioua of any kind It has a very light bodv
* ’ and a fln *’ flavor which, for salads, sur
ra Preferencia, usually 10c straight; ♦ foi passes all other importations. Trv it. 1-2 nt rwc’
\nd a Complete Line of ail standard Brands Cigars, pt floc; q t gi.oo. " K
Cigarettes and Tobacco.
10c Bridge Score Pad Free * I,OO Book With 500 Sta ’
■'V’A,' 1 ' With Each Pack of Cards. [ Social 'ionery Purchases.
•’® r Congress Playing Cards, new -Jtstroairy an is. n,. joi.nd - ook, uius-
‘ backs, 3Hc. j l ’“ ed wlth eorrMrt forras
\ J 25c Columbia Whist, 21c. cial al,d correspondence
’“"'siHh 25c Steamboat Cards, 15c; 2 for 25c. 1 Kurd’s gew Papera and Cards,
'iln ' 25’’ Hornet Cards, t4c. 1 in Orchid. Pink and Blue; 2 qrs.
Auction Bridge. 50<. 1 *, a^ r ' 2 ’T C tf d * * ind Kn ' el °P« s -
25c Bicycle Cards. 21c; dozen $2.50. 11 containing new fabric papers 1
Pinocle Cards. 15c, 25c. or., soe; 2 qrs. *i.oo.
, Genuine Boyal Flax. In white, lavender, ptnk blue
Pinocle, long style, gold edges. 50c. scraen and eream Talus 50c; at 35c.
Poker Chips, unbreakable, 100, 50c. ) Now Bine and Geld XnlUal Fapev and (Hrda, linen
Paranoid Chip*, phun $1; inlaid. (1.50. finish, box, 350.
Jacobs’ Pharmacy
Main Store and Laboratory 6 and 8 MARIETTA ST.
23 Whitehall St. Qs 266 Peters St.
102 Whitehall St 152 Decatur St
70 W Mitchell St. 245 »»““<>" S‘- 42 3 Marietta St.
small size 50
SI.OO Croxone
25c Pheno Caffeine -20
25c Ripan's Tablets 20c; 50c size ......’I .40
Birt’s Head Wash, small . .25
50c William’s Pink Pills 35
25c Mennen's Shaving Cream 20
50c Kondon’s Catarrh Jelly 40c; 25c <ize .20
SI.OO Quaker Herb Tonic 85
50c Dillingham’s Plant Juice Liniment 40c; 25c
si2e 20
25c Pyro Dentine Paste 20c: Liquid 45
50c Cassidy's Face Powder 40
SI.OO Yale's Hair Tonic .85
50c Yale's Almond Blossom Cream 45
50c Regulin ’ ’ ' 35
SI.OO Sloan's Liniment 67c; 50c size 34c; 25c size J 8
SI.CO Antiphlogistine 60c; 50c size 37
SI.OO Bromo Seltzer 67c; 50c size 34c;*25c size, i .17
50c Sempre Giovine 40
25c Booth’s Pills 20
25c Synol Soap, 4 oz 20
25c Johnson’s Shaving Cream 20
SI.OO Miona 455
SI.OO Parker’s Hair Balsam 79c; 50c
50c Seven Barks .42
50c Malvina Cream 39c; 25c Soap "I ’ ” ’ .20
SI.OO Schiffman’s Asthmador 84c: 50c size.'"'. A2
Chamberlin=Johnson=Dußose Co.
It’s An Open Secret
That the Woman in Search of
Suits. Dresses, Coats, Wraps, Furs
has her greatest choice here in this big depaatment
of Ready-to-Wear; has not only greatest, but best.
Right now our buyer is in New York for the third
time this fall searching for, hunting out, finding
whatever is new and attractive in women’s apparel.
And it is this policy of keeping the department
filled with the fresh and the new that makes it al
ways a place that women may come to with a sense
of confidence and pleasure. They will find here what
they want, what the fashions dictate, what the best
of the style-authorities bring out.
Take these facts at their true worth, for they are
facts, and let this department help you individually
in the selection of your suit, dress, coat, evening
wrap or fur. For only as it helps you will this big,
generously collected stock be of interest to you.
*7 Qc for $1 Gowns
If Just for the one day, tomorrow, the quan
tity will not last longer, since the quality
is so unusual for even SI.OO. Os nainsook
and cambric, high and V neck, yokes are of strips of tucks
and embroidery insertions, dainty embroidery edges finish
the neck and sleeves. They are as full large and well made
gowns as ever $i bought.
Miss Jackson Will Fit You Perfectly in
a Bon Ton Corset
If Bon Ton Corsets were made with less care of different
materials, if they were not boned as thev are. if the models did
not so superbly reflect the lines and grace of this season’s fash
ions, we could not boast of Miss Jackson’s ability to fit you
But it is this combination of Bon Ton Corsets and Miss
Jackson’s corset-knowledge and skill that makes of her visit areal
opportunity-—an opportunity for every woman to start the win
ter season with the correct corset for her figure.
Miss Jackson will be with us through this week.
' - -
Make Ready for the Wintry Rains==Umbrellas
We will print this in small type, for there are not more than seventy-five umbrellas in this very choir#
lot marked at figures far less than value—not enough for every one who will doubtless want one.
Seventy-five Womens Silk Umbrellas, with natural wood, silver mounted and even all-silver handles
worth front $6.00 to SIO.OO. are marked at $1.50 to $7.50. Hardly two alike L the whole lot wm iou
hurry and get one? *
But now that we shall call your attention to this well se
lected and complete stock of umbrellas, bigger type would not
do it justice.
For here are:
Childrens school umbrellas of twilled cotton serge with
natural wood handles, at SI.OO and $1.25. and of silk at $1.50.
And a child prizes her own umbrella, so let her have one.
Womens utnbrelias. plainly serviceable and beautifully
serviceable—-at SI.OO. very, very slowly to $15.00. And between
those two prices comes the whole list.
Those at $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 are splendid affairs—they
are made of, not the usual gloria cloth in which the linen often
splits the silk, but of silk and worsted, the best wearing of all
umbrella materials—natural wood handles. As prices mount,
the use of gold and silver and pearl on handles becomes more
No possibility of not finding one you will like.
Men s umbrellas priced to $15.00. And as most men like a
curved handle, they are foremost in this display in natural wood,
ivory, stag, horn and silver and gold mounted.
Chamberlin=Johnson=Dußose Company