Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 14, 1912, HOME, Page 8, Image 8
8 BEST EGGS SELLING FOR 72 CTS. DOZEN IN NEW YORK MART NE'A Y<IRK. Nov. 14 Tl . , eggs this winter thre to !■■■ record set last x <-ai Y< st' , ,> ■» sale price.' advam d ten / it. tn increase of 36 cents a • !■■-. n -in September !<• T <2 cents a dozen. Dealers sax the - u- to /light receipts and heavy demand They «.<' cold storage. Biot, it ~m| We-u in •ggs are quoted fro'.: I<> to I'. cents ower than "sttictiy t ’ ■ ''bi 1 st •! - tgc eggs go begging at -4 cents ■■■■HKHUfIBKfIfIRMUIBUHn Z! Good Place to Pvt Your Savings to Work i-S * I * fsJ'ia *' 1 •V.’ i sj sb » rn t> ’■«> **’ ' : - > I- ’ • 9 IB >«/ f at i •>•* L ■ , The Illustration shows a section of our convenient and spacious department for Savings, where accounts of SI.OO or more are wel comed. and where deposits draw a liberal interest. Come in and see what has been done to attract YOU as one of our Savings depositors. Notice the convenient, business-like ar rangement which has been provided in order to make it a pleasure, as well as a profitable convenience, for you to deposit your spare money here. And in addition to this, we have a neat, handy little bank for home savings, which will help you to make good use of your stray coppers and nickels and dimes. 7 This department is oh the ground floor where are our great Safe Deposit Vault,. Individual Coupon Booths. Depositors' Private Consultating Room and Ladies’ Reception Room. THIRD National Bank Capital and Surplus SI ,700,000.00 JOS**A V. n " l.slstnn. < ashler JOH\ XX < V. o ' '• M "KROSTKOM 4mm. Cashier THOmA C FHWIX ” SYMMCKS 4,M. ra.hler THOMAS C. >.Rnn ( n.hler %. .1. HAM SKI .■4 i.t. Cashier ssbl. #t f, *” / f n I i yjf / 4 t _ U > o ■ ;t I hY ■' l\ r , I r • ' I. I \ / \ I\' I ' /*■ I II . \ or»»non F’rr'swcw*' ur£ ' I *£§*l w* 1 1 I • I Mli CMr MTM COWtWIDIt CViiM OVERCOATS Many are the advantages you II have in coming here to select your Overcoat. You 11 have the advantage of the most complete stock in quality, styles and variety. You 11 have the advantage of the best makes in the world from which to make your selection. \ ou 11 have the advantage of the best and newest Overcoat iabncs~-the best tailoring—- latest models.- Our Overcoats lit perfectly--retain their shape—and give long service. The cost is so little--the satisfaction so great. All styles for Men, sls to 569. For Young Men, Sl2 50 to S4O. For Youths and Boys, S 6 to $25. Agents for D. P. Guaranteed Gloves EISEMAN BROS. incorporated) J. 11-13-15-17 Whitehall St. NO MORE COURTING IN THIS VILLAGE; LAST GiRL IS WON’ PANTHEK \V Va.. Nov 14. With i i population of this town now is . x itiio.ii ,i :i i i.igo.ibl, woman between I il>. ,m. ,' <>t 13 nnd 4". Th.- last one : .it I- i .iiiio.i, Lotti. Uii.ri. li.-on, who ■ liar >• n . i<ht> n Minim, rs. announces :bat si: i> .ns <l. The favored niat lie .oni. ~ lat older than she. v y. ar ..go th. i< were twenty girls al.ot. 'ixte.n v.are who were willing to i .eix. sal.', but the marriage able 't rapidly dwindled until only ,\ll>s Hlnrieht-on was b ft. <o eligible young men the town has i p.' iity. Many ..f tiie y oung beaux are in a uu.indary. and the result is that t a . g., out of town on Satuiday and Sunday nights i’HE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS.THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1912. SPEND YOUR ALL. ’ THEN BORROW Feminine Ire Is Aroused by the: New Economic Doctrine of Professor Patton. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Nov. 14.—j "Spend all you have, then borrow more and spend tiiat. It is foolish to scrimp and save. The girl who draws ai week and buys a $lO hat is more re spected than the girl who buys one for fifty cents and is content to look .lawtly while piefaring for old age." Professor Simon N. Patton, instruc tor at the University of Pennsylvania, had just reached the middle of an ad dress at the Spring Garden Unitarian cliureh, in which lie advocated this new economic doctrine, and in getting to the middle of the address he got into the center of more pecks of trouble than a pessimist can think of. It was feminine trouble, too. He Gets a Call. "What you say is absolutely untrue." Mrs. Alice Longaker had risen from iter seat and all of the others in the audience turned at this number, not on the program. "I>i. you mean that tlte girl in poor circumstances who makes $s a week, and, ignoring the needs of the rest of the family, adorns herself with a ten dollar hat and other finely and does not help with the family expenses, is more moral than the girl who dresses plain ly that she may help her struggling father?” she asked. “That is just exactly what 1 mean,” responded the professor. "To call a poor girl immoral because she is generous to others is an insult,” retorted Mis. Longake.r, and the au dience applauded. This greatly sur prised the lecturer. What He Tells ’Em. "But.” lie argued. “1 tell my students to spend all they have and borrow more and spend that. It is foolish for per sons to scrimp and save. It is arguee that they are endeavoring to put some thing aside for a rainy day—for old age. “It is not the individual’s place to do this, but the community's. A man who is out of work, ill or old has a right to demand that he be cared for try the community. Men and women . should spend their earnings, for the more pleasure they have and the better they dress the higher the tone of the entire community. “You must take chances. Spend your money, dress well and you will get ahead more rapidly than one who "■ scrimps." HIS LAST"BULLeFsLEW BEAR ABOUT TO STRIKE COLORADO SPRINGS, Nov. 14. Eiring the last bullet in his revolver into the open mouth of a ferocious she bear that was so close to him that her breatlr fanned his face, Albert Mac- Kenzie, formerly a resident of this city, who is now in business with his broth er in Washington, recently, almost by a miracle, escaped being torn to pieces by the jnfuriated animal. As it was. he escaped without a scratch, but the claws of the beast tore his coat sleeve. TRIES TO HANG SELF IN SCHOOL, BUT FAILS CHICAGO, Nov. 14.—Charles R. Bowen, engineer at the Coudy school. Winthrop and Foster avenues, attempted to kill himself in. the basement of the school by hanging himself from a steam pipe. He fastened a rope around bis neck and jumped from the top of the boiler. The rope was longer than he thought, and he fell to the floor. Before he could repeat his attempt he was stopped by a I school teacher. WOMAN SLAYS COUGAR: SHOOTS TRUE AFTER DARK BOUNDARY, WASH.. Nov. 14 -With only a pair of shining eyes showing in the black darkness to guide her, Mrs. Alvin Thurston, a rancher’s wife, shot and killed a gigantic cougar. She was not sure she had killed the animal or . what kind of a beast it was until her I husband came home and lighted the lamps. PARISIAN SAGE Imitations of This Great Hair In vigorator are Abroad in the Land, Look for the Girl With the Auburn Hair on Every Package. I PARISIAN SAGE ask for it by limine when you want the real hair | grower and dandruff cure. | Thia is a picture of S' the carton in which each bottle of PAR IS 1A N SA G E is j packed. PARISIAN SAGE will banish dandruff, stop falling hair and Itching ‘ scalp, and promote a new growth of hair if the hair root is not dead. It is a clean tonic and contains no poison ous lend or other dangerous aubstanev. It will put radiant I‘cuuty into dull, faded, lifeless hair. I anti u« a dainty hair | dr- sing for umm r It " in not In- miUi-hed. >;. ■ .1 ML. . I butth of PARISIAN ‘ I * '<:i. '■ ’■ I' Idm -U’l give comp!, t. • i s.iH-l.mlmn. ■ money will b. I«- | ItilHi'd Mold i>y d. ul. is, x e ' u luri ‘ iWi i 1 25,000 School Children in Tuberculosis Crusade PUPILS IN PLAGUE WAR Twenty-five thousand Atlanta school children are being rapidly organized into an army of little crusaders against the great white plague. Many thousands of them arc already wearing the double red cross which is being distributed through the public schools of Atlanta, and in connection with which the children are being in formed as to the meaning of it and their interest enlisted in the light. So important does Superintendent W. AL Slaton consider the work which the Anti- I überculosis association is doing that, in order to further it through the school children, he broke, with the con sent of the board of education, what has been considered an inexorable rule to admit into the schools no feature whatever seeking donations or which had the slightest commercial aspect. Schools Enthusiastic. But with this consent obtained, the public schools of Atlanta have tajten hold of the work enthusiastically and the children arc responding with their pennies, wearing the red crosses, and telling at home and elsewhere what they have learned about the struggle against this disease. Superintendent Slaton not only wrote a personal letter to the school princi pals authorizing this work, but per sonally addressed 560 school teachers at the last normal school session, heart ily commending it. In his letter to the principals, Superintendent Slaton said: By authority- of the executive com mittee, I request you to make special emphatic announcements Wednesday in the grades of your respective schools to the effect that tuberculosis is a great plague, that it takes away hundreds of thousands of human lives, and that the Anti-Tuberculosis society of Atlan ta is trying to stamp it out. Endeavor to persuade the children to feel an in terest in the cause and urge them to bring a penny apiece to school for the purchase of the red cross badge which makes them a member of the Anti-Tu berculosis society. Such remarks as you deem proper are in order. Do not take the full pe riod devoted to hygiene for the purpose, as I am informed that the children have a lecture only- within the last two weeks on the subject of tuberculosis. “Mrs. J. Wade Conkling will call for AT THE THEATERS - “THE PINK LADY” BEGINS ENGAGEMENT HERE TONIGHT , K ....A’ Er'anger's musical comedv de luxe, Ihe Vink Lady,” will be. presented h ere by an organization of 100 people and with a most elaborate and massive pro duction tonight at the Atlanta. . Manager Homer George prophesies that tonight s audience w ill not only be a ban ner box office record-breaking attendance, but it will be a representative gathering of social and professional distinction when the curtain rises at 8:15 o'clock Foremost of the stage celebrities to at tract attention are John E. Young, Olga Deßaugh Harry Depp. Georgia Harvey, 1 tiailes Stone. Tessa Kosta, Alfred Oeetv Elizabeth McAfee, Abbott Worthley Viii nie Bradcotnb, Dan Loung and Lucile Carter. ADVANCE SALE AT ATLANTA FOR "COMMON LAW” BEGINS The advance sale of seats for Mondav, I uesday and Wednesday at the Atlanta opened today . Then the public, especially those artistically inclined, will be given the opportunity of witnessing "The Com mon Law." They will recognize at once the amount of work and pains that have been expended in getting the beautiful scenic results. This lias been brought about by the producer of the play, who is a great admirer and friend of Charles I’ana Gibson, the artist, who made the illustrations for the original novel of Mr Chambers. Mr. Woods insisted that the scenic pictures should be modeled after Mr. Gibson’s drawings and tiiat the make-up of the various players who in terpret the characters should be as much like Mr. Gibson's originals as possible. HENRY E. DIXEY DRAWS BIG CROWD TO GRAND Vaudeville at the Grand is on a par with the presentation of this form of entertainment in any city in the land. The same headline features that appear in New York are offered here. The fact that Henry E. Ttixey is the highest sal aried individual in vaudeville has an in teresting feature that draws people to see him. His vaudeville specialty is inter esting. and supported by six'other fea ture acts the big theater is being filled at every performance. Among the hits are Loughlin's comedy dogs, Donovan and McDonald, and the really famous Jung mann family. The bill tor next week is complete and is one of the best looking that has been brought here this season. Eddie Leonard, the minstrel star, will be seen in his newest success in song and, as sisted by Mabel Russell, a daintx and charming comedienne. Another great at traction will be Daniel Frohman's produc tion of "Detective Keen." conceded to be the strongest and most interesting play in vaudeville. The ishlkiwa brothers, wonderful Japanese gymnasts, and other features, will help make things inter esting. LARGE AUDIENCES SEE "WINNING WIDOW" AT LYRIC '.'The Winning Widow." this week's at traction at the Lytic, may be classed among the best offerings of that popular theater so far this season. .There is a laugh for every minute and the musical numbers, in which the chorus is seen to excellent advantage, are frequent. BEULAH POYNTER IS NEXT WEEK'S ATTRACTION The attraction at the Lyric next week xx ill be Miss Beulah Poy nter in Iter lat est sqceoss. "A Kentucky Romance.” The play develops an interesting plot of an artless girl who falls in' love with and secretly marries the son of a proud widow. While the central ligtirc. of course. Miss Poynter lias a capable cast to support her. By special request "Lena Rivers" will be presented for the balance of the week, opening with Thursday matinee. EMMA BUNTING IS SUCCESS IN "WISHING RING" THIS WEEK Little Emma Hunting and her playtrs at the Forsyth scored a hit this week In the production of "The Wishing Ring" and attendance has grown wltli every performance Miss hunting as ''Little Sally" is east exactly as n great number of her admirers like her best. She por trays a little country girl, who is fond of flowers, animals und birds, and who Is the most innocent little being in the world. Her experience.- with the dogs, monkey and birds, and her love for flow - ers make a story that Is Interesting "The Wishing Ring" will be the bill for the rest of the week, which includes an other matinee on Saturday afternoon For next week the play will be "The Two orphans." with a special cast and a magnificent product am <>f seven scenes. Miss Hunting as the blind girl will have a pari thin will make her a greater than ever favorite. Seats lor any perfornutnec can be engaged now and tlie demand is heavier Hian has l.evn recorded since the re turn of Miss Hunting ’Ally do .1)01 1), s gy ' BOO<| 111 '- '.mi - SAI ' R S PURE FLAVOR. IN’G EXTR ACTS' I if )• 'I , .>d thle. ecu ag’iest Ame: l<nn and Fi>e. r , j tiie money. Will you please take a re ceipt from her for the same? Mrs Conkling desires. I understand, the money’ collected by each grade in each school to be kept separate from that paid by the other grades.” Keen Rivalry. Atlanta's school teachers were enthu siastic over the plan as prevented in Superintendent Slaton's letter: their enthusiasm was communicated to the school children, and the result has been a keen rivalry in the grades of the schools as well as between the schools themselves to see which could achieve the greatest results toward helping the association in its work. Already thou sands of the children are wearing their pins, and a new supply has had to be ordered to furnish all who desired them. The returns so far have been splen did and from the pennies of the children i of Atlanta there will be added to the; anti-tuberculosis fund quite a comfort able sum. The children also feel that they are enlisted to aid in the eale of the holiday red cross seals. Th'e Anti-Turberculosis association is gratified, too, over the liberal response along the same line which has come i from the Sunday schools of the city, as i well as from the clubs and civic organ izations; but the churches, Mrs. Conk : ling- says, have not taken hold of the work und lent their assistance as was . expected, though the hope is expressed that tiie foundation has been laid for i better results in this direction another ! I year. WIFE IS THROWNiFwITH BOX OF STOGIES HE BUYS FINDLAY, OHIO, Nov. 14.—Writing a tender little love missive and placing it in a perfumed envelope in a box of Pittsburg "stogies,” -Miss Mamie Dus ' ky, a Pittsburg cigarmaker, has found a husband in Hancock county in the 1 person of Roy Launders, a well known young farmer residing at Arlington. Launders bought the box of "stogies" at one of the village Stores, saw the ■ note, wrote to its author and now they , are “one.” > CENSOR FOR WOMEN’S CLOTHES ADVOCATED CINI’INNATI. OHIO, Nov. 14.—The establishment of a great bureau to act as censor of women's clothes was ad vocated in an address by -Mrs. John C. Bessler, of Decatur. 111. i Greatest Nerve ; Vitalizer Known ' A 50-CENT BOX FREE * A. Recent Discovery .Kellogg’s Saniton® Wafers, the Mort Effective Nerve Strengthener for Men and Wo men Ever Found by Science. This is the world's newest, safest, most 5 reliable and effective nerve invigorator, . revltallzer, brain awakener, body strength ‘ ener, without equal in the world’s history of medicine. It brings about a change from that awful, dull, weak, lazy, don’t-glve-n --hang feeling to brightness, strength, I clear - headedness and courage which is i 1 remarkable. 1 <w ; WWk- ‘ Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers Make Tost Feel Fine All the Time. FOR MEN—Nerve force gone! You are xvhat your nerves are, nothing else. If you feel all run-down from overwork or • other causes, if you suffer from insomnia, "eaved-in” feeling, brain fag, extreme nervousness, peevishness, gloominess, worry, cloudy brain, lose of ambition, en ergy and vitality, loss of weight and di gestion. constipation, headaches, neural- ' gla. or the debilitating effects of tobacco or drink, send for a 50c free trial box ■. of Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers, and soon you will be well, strong and happv. FOR WOMEN—If you suffer froni nerv ous breakdown, extreme nervousness, "blue" spells, desire to cry, worry, neural gia. back pains, loss of weight or appe- > tlte. sleeplessness, headaches and consti pation, and are all out of sorts. Kellogg's i Sanitone Wafers will make you feel tiiat there is more to life than you ever real i ized before. Send today for the 50c free 1 trial bote > No more need of dieting, diversion, travel. tiresome exercises. dangerous I drugs, electricity, massage, or anything else - Kellogg’s Sanitone Wafers do the l work for each and all. give you nerve force and make you love to live. All first-class druggists have Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers in stock, at J’ a box, or they will be mailed direct upon re , cei'p of pH. e by F. J. Kellogg. DL* Hoff . master block. Rattle Creek. Mich. No free trial boxes from druggists. x 50c trial box of this gr«at discoverx will prove that they do the work. They are guaranteed every wafer. Send cou- I pen below today for free sdc trial box I of Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers. FREE TRIAL BOX COUPON 1 F. J. Kellopg. 1329 Hoffmaster block. Battle Creek. Mich. Send me by return mail, free of charge, a 50c trial box of the won derful discovery for nerves. Kel logg's Sanitone Wafers. I Inclose 6c in stamps to help pay postage and packing Name ; Street or R F D ' City State size of Kellogg’s Sani tone Wafers are for sale In Atlanta by Coursey ,<■ Munn. 29 Marietta street; El kin Drug Company, tO Peachtree slree' Jacobs Pharmacy, « Marietta street (e jthl stores,.' No free packages from druggists. iadvt.) I. I L J lOFi im. WhUkflv gnW Drue B B M H«»m» or at Saiutariurt. Bonk •• i fIUH I i <•<•. DA n M. WOdLLBY. M.N. Vi u>r Stlanta. Georgia. Buy for Buy at Cash Rogers’ Where Wh ere Prices vIHWTitJw Qualities Are Are Lowest Highest All Records Must Go. Since the first day of Jajiuary we have ridden on the top wave of the most prosperous business in our history, passing through the summer months (which to many are dull) with an enormous gain over our best previous record. With this wonderful record up to now, you can get an idea what our ambitions are for the remaining months of the year. It is our intention to create sales that will draw to our stores, by their value, a throng of new and old buyers eager to take advantage of our MONEY SAVING PRICES. Three Solid Carloads Extra Fine, Large, Smooth Irish Potatoes The Kind that Cook Mealy 23c a Peck Half Peck 12c Fancy, thin- Delicious skin Indian Sweet River Florida Grape Fruit Orang es 6c eac i Dozen 1J C Small size 4c Very Fine, Large Rutabaga Turnip pound j[ Standard Granulated Sugar 25 Pounds for $1.25 With each purchase of 3 pounds Rogers’ Fresh Roasted Coffee Royal Blend Java Blend Pound 4oc Pound 30c Regal Blend Santos Blend Pound OOC Pound 25c Fancy Red Western Onions, Peck 29c Half Peck 15c 2-quarts 8c New Santa Clara 4 New Evaporated 4 ft- Prunes pound I C.2U Apples, package. lUC New Evaporated Fancy London Layer 4 Peaches, pound ... OIC Raisins, pound IdC New’ Evaporated New Shredded Apncots, pound.... gUC Cocoanut, pound... .fcUC New Sauer Kraut, g- Fresh Cocoanuts j - P° und 0C Large Bc, Small ... 4C Two More Carloads Fancy Georgia Yams Friday and Saturday «• /-» Peck IOC Piedmont Hotel Brand Corn The tender, juicy kernels of the finest Indiana pure white sweet corn, fully matured, placed in cans without bleaching or artificial sweetening, and brought to your table, fresh, milky, “green corn.’’ 15c a can, Dozen cans $1.20 Buy by the dozen ROGERS’ 36 PURE FOOD STORES