Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company,
20 East Atlanta.
Alabama-st. wliik*’' Georgia
Entered at Atlanta postoffice at second
class matter
Subscriptions Payable in Adva> **
One year. mail, postage prepaid pa
Rix months, mall, postage prepaid • p
Three months, mail, postagt i pmM 1••
One month, mail, postage prepaid 4
Subscriptions Payable in Advat < e
Delivered by carrier, one tear ';* -y
Delivered by carrier, six moptlir 2 M>
Delivered by carrier, three months. I **o
Delivered by carrier, one month ’*>
Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, <ne w'»K_.
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in the Atlanta Georgian
One cent u word each nsertion
No ad taken .* •> les? than the price
Hip* of ten words Ads in larger type.
12c a line (four words to the line). ■
Out -of - wn advertisements
must be accompanied with _cash.
Agencies' discounts 10 and 5 per
cent. I
The Georgian will not be respon
sible for more than <n< Incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time.
Closing hours- To seenre prop
er classification, ads must be tn I
The Georgian oft ice before 1 o'clock
the day of the issue.
All ads must bo ordered out In j
, writing or at office. No discon
tinuance iiotic* mken over phone
Every word It. the advertisement, ,
including the name and address. ■
Is counted. Each Initial counts one 1
word: compound words are counted
g ■ two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The :
Georgian (both phones 8001’t when ■
It Is more convenient to do so. and
collection will be made at yout
home or at your office the follow
ing day This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment 1
should always bo promptly made i
on presentation of bill. Always
t ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the at
taker to make sure that it has been i
taken correctly The Georgian cun
not guarantee accuracy or assume
t reeponalbllty for errors of any kina ’
occurring in telephone advertise- I
ADVERTISERS should retain re I
relpts given In payment for Want
j Ads over the office counter, as mls
t takes can not be rectified without
them In answering iidvcrtlse
t ments addressed tii care of The
Georgian. If the advertise] requires
references, eend a duplicate of
» name.
Help Wanted—Female.
WANTED-—A general hotiseglrl. small
family, references. 240 Courtland. Apart
ment 3.11-14-53 I
WANTED —A first-class, experienced I
hand to do repairing and altering on ;
clothing. Apply l»>t» 1-euatur st. 11 14-11
AV A NTED - Two iu tresses; would con- ,
Sider a good amateur Address A , Box I
279, care Georgian 40-14-11 .
Saleslady in dry goods Store who i
knows millinery; only one well experi- i
enced need apply 272 Decatur street.
XvaNTED —Good colored cook Must be I
experienced Apply SO Vest North ave
nue. 11-14-5 i
ANTED Good cook; must be neat ami
steady; steady position for right pat ty, i
Housekeeper, 354 Capitol avenue, corner
Georgia avenue. 31 -14-11 1
I»ADY WANTED, not younger than 31),
to do general housework and earn tor '
Invalid. Good salary to right party.
Apply 140 Trinity apartment 2 11-1.3-24
WaNTEI >- -Middle- aged lady to as«i.*t In i
all housework. Address H. H H.. Box i
401. care Georgian 33-13 11 j
sewing machine operators
to make wash dresses.
Steady work and good pay.
Enterprise M anilfact tiring
Company, 38 1-2 West Ala
bama street. 11-12-12
perlenced. young and energetic, (’an
L easily make fron 33 to $6 per daj Call
;*76 Walton street from 6 to 8 p. ii«.
'Wanted a g..i ,f cook; houF< oi ( »-
lot 26 Currier <t’ 1-1
iWA&TEh- Cook at 37 Merritts avetvo
small family: < 4.5 t ;.• r week 42 12 11
WANTED Twenh five
girls for labeling and
i packing. Apply Jones
Bros. eV Co.. Ipi I‘ptir*-
street. 11-12-20)
V’.x i’' Dlscourageo sut perfectly
rood men and women, to take a new 1
grip on life and try i little happiness foi n
change. The Ninth. Anniversary Edl- 1
tlon of The Los Angeles Examiner, out i
jpecember 35, will tell you how to do it. '
Stalled t«> any address in United States
or Mexico 15 cenie. Canada or foreign
joints. 26 cents. Send in your order now.
/COMBINATION coal and jit-' ranges,
r 1 Southern stove and supply Company.
.3 21 W! -f.-. 1-15-4
Help Wanted—Male.
Ki'- I’f’l; I'lt. ~n,> with factory
experience preferred. Enterprise Mig.
g» 4 . !<•<■.. 3k l ; V._. s* \hibHuia street >3 14 '
FftVANTUD At once a reliable am I "capa
ble young man who understands the
grocery business. \pplv tit 276 <>ak st
*WANTED—Appreiitlc. compositor; pre
fer one of about two-thirds ability; per
nunent work in a tlrst-eluss ’ office
(union); must be of good character and
willing to follow Instruct',..ns Implicitly;
• xto cfgaretter: a good place for the right
> young man. Address only by letter, giv
ing c.x)>erience, salary expected and rec
r ommendatlons. -i. P. Clarke, 425 Wash-
I? to« to n street.
P ■'{VANTED Boy ab..iit fourteen for c. it
eral work tn star,. Charles E. Miller,
t Jg 9 Peachtree, < 11 t i-u
Wa XTKD-I felly wry by with bicyTje"
Call at the Shoe Itenury. SO North
.. . » 1 ■I(- d
ANTED—-Sclentitlo alfulfu anti
hay ralsei- Morrou imbmer <‘a.. At
| famta, Ga. 1 1 -1- 33
Wanted Voting t'.w betweaf. w.-en
and nineteen years old, for general of
fice work. Apply kl<; Rhodes bulldi: g
manager 1; in■ 16
WANTED 'An »xpo: e, ,171 ,;.i ..
ano sandpaper ip tiu'Gdng r<n.m South
♦nt Vjtliolatering t'oinpoiiy 11-1:: ■.
» Stenograph' r, mule; tuust
rapid. accuraf< and willing to work
cme with knowledge of tertlllier Inisi
Xieas preferred Will possibly recpitre
other work and may wish tn use or, r. id
Good wages to the proper man Address
T'ertlllxer, care Georgia -12 -
RAILWAY mall clerks wanted; 21W
month; Atlanta examinations coming
goon: coaching free Eranklln Institute,
k Dept 4k W. It-•0e:0,.|. X y 42 11-11
WANTED Two <» three good milkers
Dairy Fann Supi<ly <?omj.any Phone
Main 1303 _ 22-12-11
fRANTED Thirty fast messengers wltn
■t without wheets, best pay In city
Slider's Minute Messenger Service, Ills
1-trlle (treat Phone 23 11-7-82
Atlunth. Dftv au<l uif'lit ai-HSKiiiK.
- t itiilttgui* roe'
Help Wanted—Male.
MEN wanted to learn the barber trade.
ThlF work gi' wing better yearly. Ma
| chin'T.v cHn’t kill It. Our graduates
I gr»*ath in demand <>n account of our thor
igl; training Ton wages tn holders nf
ir certlflrateM I-< w weeks completes.
■ t Tools given Learn non Terms com
, T-ietes busiest season. See our plan. Mo-
- •
S t d’ nr Hilburn hotel, heart of rifty,
WaP n street. If you. want a dean, quiet
i room; transient 30c Open all night.
J i 3-21-19
''WANT’D' Discouraged, but perfectly
g men and women, 1o ake a new
’ ; grin on life and tr\ h little happiness for
( ij t-hangi*. The Ninth Annl ersary Edf
•l o ’l’ - !.< - Examiner, out
i December 25. will tell you how to do It.
i Mailed to any address in United States
I <»r Mexico 15 ents. ’’anHoa or foreign
points 25 cents Send in your order now
: 10-21-4
i WANTED- Bright, strong
I hoys to deliver routes in!
ofl ernoons. Good wages]
and chance for promotion, t
Call ai liroulation depart-]
mom Tin- Atlanta Georgian,;
20 East Alabama street.
I 'SSACE. “hili " ruts~slTavc.; ,
sl.a/i p ah barber work free '.’H-an
’ liuct lanta Barber College, If) Ea. t
' V. .. . I f- < I r.’•**!') t nrv.-T’l' for !' t
* f invention! warted and prizes offered
,tn manufib turers Also, how to get your
Ipa. nt Sent free to anj Address Rar.
3olp ; v ftrh •<. patent attorneys. Wash- ]
' 7-11-23 I
-ES i >fi »r • ■ z BrannTng wifi teaci
you the bewber trade fit’s easy). Wc
‘ teach in one-half time of other colleges
; Course and position ou? shops only
S3O. Why pay more? Thousand?-' of our
• grsauates running shops or making good
' ' ages Atlanta Barber Colleg«» t 10 East
• Mitchell street. 5-11-17 j
Help Wanted—Male and Female
| MONES WANTED to plant In southern
I California, where 11 grows belter than
I anywhere els,- in the world. One dollai
; gr<«wß to ten before you know It. The
j Nij/ii Anniversary Edition of The Los
. Angf'h’s E’./n -Inei vi ill give Home exam
; ide , ( f hud < ws<-. i ;ut I ’ecembei 26
] Mailed iu any address in United Stater
r Mexico 15 (fiit-, (’anada <»r foreign
• point? 25 rbiits Send in your order now.
‘ 10 i ■' >
Teachers Wanted.
i SPECIAL fall enrollment; good openings
yet. Foster’s Teachers Agency, Atlanta
i ‘2 a 3*23-31
Salesmen Wanted.
WANTED Shoe salesman Must have
<’lty oxrerknee mil. Address Malleri,
S ■ " I I !■'- IS
V 1. SELL STOVES cheaper b.- ause our
expenses are less. Southern Stove ami
Supply Catnpany, t2l Whitehall. 10-15-4
MONEY wanted'">o plant In southern
; California, where It grows better than
anywhere else In the world, one dollar
grows to ten before you know It. The
I Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los
I Angeles Examiner will give some exam
] pies of ncftisl cases. < >ut December 25.
i Mailed to atty address in I’nited States
or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or foreign
I points 26 I'et't* Sene! in your order now
I —= .■
Agents Wanted.
AGENTS WANTED iici and women to
s'H the best selling Insurance on earth
i One agent Hohl 200,1m0 last month I»>«-
' trict managers wanted for MissiH.slppl,
Alabama and Georgia Address Joiner *
Hitch, 046 Temple Court building, At
lahta. 10-26-37
/Foil SALE Farm one-fourth as large
and five times as good as the one you
are toiling on back East. Take udvan
' tngc of the nereentetjo in vonr favor. The
j Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los An-
K»les Exanitner. out December 25. will tell
I you how this can be. Mailed to anv ad-
I dress in United States or Mexico 15 cents,
Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send
In your order now. 10-21-4
Boarders Wanted.
|IEt "Rooms and Board” Under Georgian
Rent Bulletin.
| - ~ 7-
] Situations Wanted—Female.
< >M PETENT stenograph*. wants tempo
. • ;ry \V‘»rk: eight years’ « xperience. ivy
I 11 -14-44
( i' »>iT|(i\‘ by luiiy with best 7»f
- v otcu cf: will work from 7 p. m. u.’tH
! ’ : .’Yperlemtekphoiie operator, book
' •■‘■’‘'•i vasiia r. Address I’. (>. Box 236,
| L’J/.r; 4%-l 1-11
-'3 1. -1•B< •< Ki i I i,! ,
. .ml peskion; u\<- years experience
beat Gnu.*;. "M trj* rie.” care Georgian.
| 30-14-11
IVA.\TKI' U is!th»it bj c«il rail girl as
; liurs- t’iii; give good references.
I • Talley. lui-A < Tirrier stn el.
| V'>r\'i: I.ADY. t-xpc-'i nc.-i, wonts posi-
tlon as clerk in groe< ry store or cashier:
| energetic: fto time waster. \<»ss Clerk
I cure>-1. 1 . -1 I
I Yol’NG I.ADS' stenographer, now em-
I ployed, desires <■' tinge; prefer real es
ttii. or insurance business; two years ex-
I perience. Miss It I'l.. Box 207.
1 1 'J"?’ ; 34-1.:-ii
i £ti..X'*‘ i:.\t’lti:i: with iimne ■\m-ri
dealtes poHilioit at once: willing to start
mt a rtt souabh- salary. Address X. V. Z.,
U'iy vltre Geoi-g'.-.n n.'l-12-li
\\ iyri ■ i tin stenographic with
several years experience; can fvrntsli
references, ’'hmm Main :''4s-1..
WANTED Position as nursi >r maM
can sleep on lot: refirences 165 West
' Fair street. 30-12-11
, C't Di I ‘ETENT typewriter desires extra
writing to do at home. Ailiiress A. B.
j < V H - -FI !-■ tan 36 12-11
mi di 1 1. i- \; i- 1 ■ i. \i * \ wants home with
small family, to do light housework, lor
elderly eouple I'lt.v only. Miss .1
163 Chapel street. 34-11-11
| DRESSMAKING, remodeling and altera-
I tions; first-class work; reasonable
| prices tils Ivy wtreet. Apartment A.
I _ IDtB-6<>
FIRST-t'l .ASS dressmaking 37 East
\lexah ler street. Phone Ivv 6523.
..'■ t'-'" '
! DIiESSMAKI Nt. ladies' tailoring and
altering 20t> South Pryor. Main 1031'.
p kHTiES wanting sewing done call at
3*2 East Hunter street. Satisf..ctio».
gnat. it-13 7
Cleaning and Dyeing.
|Ch cago Clei ning and I>y dng < u
; ’ <’HE.M(i'AL. stt '.m and <lrx cleaning lai-
II dies V. .1,. a HpeeUilty Work called
flor and dvHvereu 54 East Harns. At-
lantn 6245. Ivy 1796. 11-I|-14
Situations Wanted -Male
BOOKKI’.EPKK. now eui
ployed. wants position in
I small town, now or tor coni
| iny yt ar. Married, sober
land steady. 11. Box 62>”).
care G< •rmall. 11 14-11
IWANTI’.I’ b\ j’Uing <hui> Ai'b
Tl Xi* ’ »‘|i l ■ ♦\ | »#*r. * 11• ' l» |:4 *t -
and g.-.Mi primian \ i r» f» t• i. » * funi
I tshed ,1 C 1., Box 318 .up. Ge,.r
' «rhkl> 46 14- tl
Situations Wanted—Male.
; COMBINATION stenographer, bookkeeper
and general office man; can begin at
once Address F. B M., 103 Elizabeth
street.l ’hone Ivy 2290-J.55-14-11
I WANTKIr Position by registered drug
glstl ten months actual experience. Itef
i erencee. Address .). H. W., Box 209.
care Georg kin. -12-14-11
i FOR GENERAL hottse< leaning .1. H.
Davis, 51 Williams street. 33-14-lt
I POSITION WANTEIt by young man as
cylinder press feetier. Three years ex
perience. Wvllc R Wilson, 26 Wellington
I Htr " n '- H* ll Phoim Wes: 3S£ 34-1411
j YOl NG MAN boi kkeeptr, now employed.
wishes to make change. Can give good
reasons for doing so. Have Qtree years
experience. Address .1.. Box ."'l9, care
_ -"5-14-11
1 V\ AX'l’l-J > -u. a- . Uy salesman; six
years experience in this city; must have
a posit; >n at once; b.-st of references. X.
' Georgian.2B-14-11
| Pt i.StTK >.< WANTED by man with long
l - xperlenco In office work, business cor
respondence. <-t> . Hard worker. I'se
yoew titer. Mmleratt .-alary to start.
Iteferenc- - Amlr< -s < ompetent, care
I ' leorgiaii. 41-13-11
IVAN I’ED Position in Florida, on orange
grove, for four mouths: write what you
I Have. L. W. Carruth, Route 19, Winder.
Gau _55-12-ll
I WANTED Bj an experienced colored
chauffeur position at once. Address B.
;A. t’lmuffeur. ::17 North Butler st. 64-12-11
WANTED Position ns bookkeeper; ac
curate A-l man; open for postlion De
cember 1 ('an handle heavy work. Ref
erences very best. Address Z. E. It.. Box
'.l?’. ‘ -' I.''an. 52-12-11
I WANTED By young man a position as
shipping clerk or assistant; A-l refer
ences t ail West 30.2-. J, or address Work.
10 E. ' <ct il l ' aye. 48-12-11
WANTED Position In bank as book
keeper; have had nine months experi
ence: v. iiling to Start at ’35 or S4O per
month T ther** is promotion to the job
IL■ Box 216. care Georgian.3s-12-11
POSITION WANTED- By a man, ful
ly experienced in modern methods of of
tiii- work, correspondence, etc.; good
typewriter operator; chance to demon
si rate ability and worth. References.
Address W,, Box 800, < are Georgian.
WANTED Position by young man with
two y. ars' experience as bookkeeper and
cashier ami three years as stenographer;
prefer place w here there is some book
keeping. E., Box 900, care Georgian
Situations Wanted—Male and
WANTED Ships of all kinds to burn
California oil and carry merchandise for
the port of Los Angeles to and from the
Panama canal. Th** Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
1 teeeinber 25th. tells just what the canal
■ ulll do to Southern California. Mailed to
j iny address in United States or Mexico,
I ic cents; Canada or foreign points, 25
I cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4
Instrument Makers.
I Instrument Makers.
\\ ENt’E. All kinds of high-grade light
tnm hine work done. Special attention
given to repairing of engineers’ instru
ments. LEVELS and TRANSITS. 10-24-26
O. li. HENRY -Stoves repaired. 125 Ma
rietta st. All kinds of stoves repaired.
LADIES Ask your druggist for Chiches
ter Pills, the Diamond brand; for 25
years known us best, safest, alwavs relia
ble; buy of you- druggist. no other.
Chlchesters Diamond Brand .’ills are sold
by druggists everywhere. 5-2-1
M A TERN IT5’ SANfl' Private,
refined, homelike. Limited number of
patients cared for. Home provided for
infanjs. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 26 Wind
sor St.ll-9-37
SWITCHES made from combings and cut
hnlr: prices, $t to |1.35. Special atten
tion given to mall orders. 49 West Caln
street. _Mrs Elma Leverett. 11-9-7
FOI ND The best |Jai*e for prosperity*
and success. Everybody's doing it.
Conte out to Southern California The
Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los
Angeles Examiner will set you right. Out
December 26. failed to any address in
i.’nlted States or Mexico 15 cents a copy,
t'anada or foreign points 35 cents. Send
In your order now 10-21-4
CADET Heaters, with coll. Southern
Stove and Supply Company, 121 Whlte
hall. 10-16-4
SCREEN’S Wood fly* screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
:n 'he South. Write or phone W. R. Cal
laway. manager, 1403 Fourth National
Bank building, Atlanta. Ga. Main 5310
I 2-155
SEi’Jol S RESi'LTS come from trusses
Improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fltte- and It
will cost you no more to have him tit
you. and it means insurance. 6-24-10
Want ru ren your rooms, apartments,
houses. busiix< .*■.*■■ locations, etc.? An ad
In The Georgian's Rent Bulletin on the
i want ad pages will fin your vacancies.
Try it and see.
WANTED Private pupils; coaching done
in both grammar and high schol grades.
Best of references. Phone West 507-L
SHE tells your entire life by the plknet
you arc born under. Every hidden mys
tery revealed, t amp at 77 East Hunter
stre*;. between Washington and Central
; avenue. Moved from L3B Whitehall street.
| 11-11-11
j »! AI ’A ME UAMILLK tells past, present
and future. Special reading, 2oc, this
week. Located 50 Kdgewood avenue, be-
IWHtfii lvy and > ‘r>ju*. 11-11-34
<’laiiwiivaut and Palmist.
HAVE RETU RNED to Atlanta and is
now located at 93 Auburn avenue 55 as
located ut 17 East Mitchell street last
winter Anything you desire to know,
you are assured truthful and positive
facts about it. Readings. 25c and 50c.
Malic no mistake in the place 93 Auburn
avenue fin lent). 10-26-22
W ANTED Visitors to corue out and seo
the great Southwest. Most of them w ill
I want to stay The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out.
December 25th, w ill set forth the reasons
Walled to any address in Pnited States or
Mexico, 15 cents; t'anada or foreign points
“5 cents. Send In tvur order now. 10-21-4
Palmist and Life Reading.
: IS NOW LOCATED in tent, corner For
syth and Luckle; can be consulted on
Hi affair# of life Charges moderate
; Satisfaction guaranteed 6-25-11
MRS. r>R~vi< H.WmcMILLAN? '
DISEASES of women and children. 200-
202 Hlllyer Trust Bldg Bell phone Ivy
4619 9-28-53
DR EDMONDSON'S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment fdr painful and sup
pressed menstruation, Irregularities and
similar obstructions Trial box by mail.
50i Ftank Edmondson A Bro , manufac
turing chemists, 11 North Broad street.
- rti ess of
■ 1 * * *'■ i • i,. u<e» sweii-
1.,.* 1 ilf'eei. . Menty day Write for
! particulars Colloin Dropay Remedy Coin*
| pauy, 612 Auatell b'x'Ju c.i Atlanta
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin.
Are you looking for the best Rooms, Houses, Apartments, Rooms for House oeplng. Offices, Business \
Locations. Garages, Storage Houses, Boarding and Rooming places, etc.?
This bulletin contains a complete list of every desirable and suitable place that is For Rent in the city
and suburbs in each issue.
For the benefit ami convenience of our patrons The Georgian employs special men to cover the city and
suburbs each day in search of all the desirable places.
Save time, useless steps, money and worry by consulting this bulletin. It is for your convenience, so take
advantage of it.
Rooms and Board.
PHONE IVY 6239-J. 11-14-29
PEAf’HTREE HOME Near t'lne street;
large rooms: home table board; refer
ences requested. Ivy 778-L.ll-14-42
ft)K RENT—Two nicely furnished rooms.
71 Forrest avenue.l_v y 4315. 11-14-46
EXTREMELY large front room; excellent
tneals; furnace heat. 75 West Peach
tree. Ivy 1040 11-14-2?
NICE young man desiree congenial room
mate; two nice rooms for couples or
young men; good table. Main 1978. 178
Washington. 11 -14-24
TWO nicely furnished rooms, one connect
ing with bath, with good table, in pri
vate family. M. 5017. 34 Cooper st.
NICE front room for two; good table; rea
sonable. 79 West Peachtree. Ivy
TABLE boarders wanted; 150 Courtland;
nice metals; reasonable price. Atlanta
phone 1482.11-14-31
LARGE, sunny front room, well prepared
meals. 26 East Cain street. 41-1441
BEAUTIFUL steam-heated room; best
home cooking, $5 to 67 per week. 41
East Caln. Phono Ivy 6760-J. 11-14-12
WANTED—Roommate for young man.;
also young ladj- and congenial couple.
Elegant meals. Table boarders wanted.
Ivy 6516. 139 West Peachtree street.
NEATLY kept rooms and extra good
home cooking at 339 Courtland, corner
Ff'R RENT Larg*-. sunny front room, ex
cellent meals. Gentlemen or couple.
North side. 1vj_6675. U;l£± 2
NICE, congenial lady to share a room
with a girl of 17 years; references ex
changed. Call -Main 1592-.1.11-13-29
()Ne DOUBLE ItOOM. newly furnished,
and board; modern conveniences. 172
North Jackaon. Ivy 1907-J. 11-13-11
ROOMS, with board. 131 Washington
ONE large front room; nicely furnished;
all conveniences; private family; meals
if desired. Phone Ivy 3454. 1.1-12-21
WANTED —Three refined young women
to board; private homo; all conven
iences; best home comforts and privl
leges. 35 Currier. Ivy 5336-L. 11-12-25
ONE NICELY furnished room, private
bath; breakfast and supper if uesired.
Phone Atlanta 2554. 292 Rawson street.
CAN ACCOMMODATE a few boarders.
31 West Peachtree place. Phone Ivy
ONE nicely furnished front room suitable
for lwo or three young men or couple,
with board.ll West I‘inc street. 11-12-6
ONE large front room with large dressing
• room attached; with meals; close tn;
private family. 56 East Caln street. Ivy
5520 L. 11-11-31
NICELY furnished rooms and excellent
table board. 121 Capitol square. Main
4839-L. 11-11-29
TWO nice rooms and board in IVest End
home for couple. Bell phone AVest 568-J
TWO gentlemen for table board. 24-D
Carnegie way.ll-11-32
DESIRABLE ROOMS, with or without
private bath; Georgian Terrace neigh
borhood. Table board. Mrs. M. B. Nuck
olls.lvy 1499-J. 48-1141
BOARD 308 South Pryor street; 320 per
month. References Main 2456-L.
FOR RENT - With board, one large front
room at 20 East Ellis. 11-9-49
FURNISHED room for rent, with or
without board, south side. Apply 188
Windsor St.ll-9-42
WAN TED—lioommate for young 'man;
also young lady and congenial couple.
Elegant meals Table boarders wanted,
ivy 6516. 139 West Peachtree street.
LARGE furnished front room; board if
desired. 109 \V. Harris,ll-9-22
NICE, clean rooms with excellent table
board. $4 to $6 week. 123 Capitol ave.
WILL exchange nice, clean room and
hoard close in for diamond, piano, mo
torcycle or typetvriter. Piano, Box 300,
care Georgian. 11-8-32
"cleanliness our motto." The best ta
bles in the city. Ivy 2666-J. 11-8-40
GOOD nteals furnished, $3.50 per week,
also furnished rooms. 178 Iv). 11-8-3"
thing first-class; prices right. 252 Ivy
street. 11-8-36
ROOM, with or without board. 32 East
Caln Phone Ivy 2903. Call Mrs.
Thomt on. 11-7-56
NII’ELI furnished front room for cou
ple. Everything homelike. 278 Rawson
street, fall Main 4238-J.ll-5-39
NEAT ROOMS and homelike cooking;
also table board; close in. 127 Capitol
avenue Main 5172-J. 10-22-26
HELP WANTED—To develop the re
sources of Southern California, the land
of progress and new ideas. Read about
the opportunities in the Ninth Anniver
sary Edition of The Los Angeles Exam
iner, out December 25th. Mailed to anv
address in United States or Mexico, 15
cents a copy; Canada or foreign points,
25 cents. Send In your order now. 16-21-4
Board Wanted.
REFINED young couple desire room and
board in strictly private north side or
West End home: would prefer furnishing
own room Must be reasonable. L. T. S.,
care Georgian. '>6-14-11
REFINF.D, business young lady desire*
board in private family; close in; state
rates and location. Address H., care
Georgian. 38-18-11
Yol’NG T.IADT desires board and ntont
in private family. Price nuts’ be re'e
sonable References exchanged. 907. care
Georgian. 28-13-11
WANTED--Board by young lady in pri
vate family, where there are no other
boarders. South side preferred Call
Main 4053. 11-13-16
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
THREE connecting furnished rooms in
cottage, with or without board, in home
adjoining 420 Peachtree. Ivy ,78-D.
’ 11-14-46
NICELY furnished, heated room In north
side home; walking distance and also
best table board If desired, references ex
changed Ivy 6721 11-14-32
T\VO nice furnished rooms with all con
venlences. 261 Forrest avenue Phone
Ivy 6185 11-14-28
FOR RENT -One nicely furnished room
In private home: hot water, $9 Mrs
M., Box MOj care Georgian.ll-14-27
NICELY furnished, steam heated room,
adjoining bath, for gentlemen, walking
diatanca of town Call Ivy 6374-J.
' 11-14-26
NICE rovina, light housekeeping atart
ment; private family; close In. is>
Sphlng st ID 14 I
NICEIA furnisi tMi or unfurnh>b*i rooms
close in: re;>r»nce« Mam 4sf»'-J
U-l< •
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
ONE new’ly papered and newly furnished
room; furnace heat, electric lights and
hot water; close in, on West Peachtree.
Call Ivy 2160.11-12-41
HAS just opened up. oOtj South Forsyth
st.; nice furnished rooms from $2 to $3
per week. Atlanta phone 5386. 11-14-20
steam-heated room, eldctric lights, ad
joining bath, newly furnished. 195 Ivy
strjehApartment 454-1 4-11.
NEWLY furnished rooms, with or with
out board; excellent meals. 55 Luckle
street. 11-14-39
COUPLE w*lll rent large, cosy furnished
room in steam-heated apartment to one
or two gentlemen; private family; reas
onable. 28 East Alexander street, Aratrt
ment C, Ivy 6750.11-14-35
FURNISHED room, steam-heated apart
ment; convenient for two; ladies **r two
gentlemen; all conveniences and walking
distance. Ivj* 6565.11-14-36
NICELY furnished rooms for housekeep
ing; on two car lines: one block from
Peachtree. Apply 75 East Pine street,
corner Courtland. 48-14-11
ONE furnished room with meals If de
sired; private family. Call Ivy 1373-J.
F<’>R RENT—Very desirable well-heated
furnished rooms for couple, no children,
one block off Peachtree; nice bath: Bell
phone. Recfrences exchanged. 29 West
Harris. 11 -14 - 8
WILL RENT my six-room bungalow. at
tractively furnished, with every home
comfort, half block from Por'*'« Del*eon
avenue; lease to reliable adult family to
May. References. Ivy 1762-L. 40 Ken
nesaw avenue. 82-14-11
FOR RENT—One nicely furnished front
room, cheap. Apply 86 East Baker
ONE furnished room, also roommate for
young man; private home. 19 East Har
rls street. 11-18-39
NICELY’ furnished upstairs front room;
all conveniences; rent very reasonable;
private home. Apply 228 Capitol avenue,
or call Bell phone Main 2958-L. 11-13-41
NICELY' furnished front room, second
floor- all conveniences; reasonable. 66
West Peachtree. Ivy 5552-J,ll -13-32
LARGE furnished front room. Main
1552-J. Mrs. Terry, 207 Rawson.
ONE nice, newly furnished front room.
. 28 West Peachtree place. Ivy 6537-J.
ly furnished bed room; gentleman.
Phone Ivy 2979-J. 11-12.-28
FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms; rea
sonable conveniences; no children. 240
Central avenue. 1.1 -13-19
FOR RENT —Nicely furnished steam
heated room, adjoining bath, for gentle
men; walking distance of town. Ivv
FOR RENT—Newly furnished large front
room, in north side home; electricity,
tires; all conveniences, meals convenient
If wanted. Ivy 1327-Lll-13-15
WANTED—A gentleman to share a room
with another; ser>arate beds; convenient.
44 Houston street. Ivy 4963.11-13-6
Trainei> Nurse or couple can get
nicely furnishe.tL room, furnace heat.
219 West. Peachtree. Telephone Ivv 6756.
TWO front rooms, nicely furnished; all
conveniences. 41 Cone st.ll-12-45
FRONT steam-heated room, private bath.
11 Cone st. 62-12,-11
FURNISHED rooms with board; all con
veniences. 168
t’OR RENT*—Very desirable room; steam
heat: close in; bath connecting. Call
Ivy 6033-.LII-12-39
FOR RENT—Handsomely furnished ' i(f
teen-room residence. Everything new
and fresh throughout. Steam heat. Nice
two-story garage. Just across the street
from Georgian Terrace. Could be used
for first-class boarding or apartment
house. Possession given at once. Best
butler and cook In city. Several nice la
dies already* in house. Price $175 to right
party. Phone Ivv 6531. Reason for rent-
Ing, owners leaving city.ll-13-33
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room, close
in; all conveniences. 210 South Forsyth.
FOR RENT-—Two furnished rooms for
gentlemen; conveniences; close in. 236
South Pryor. 11-12-29
FOR RENT—Neatly furnished room; close
in; for two young men. Ivv 4877. ’
FOR RENT—Two beautifully furnished
rooms for young men only, with refined
couple; close in on Peachtree street.
Phone Ivy 5460,11-12-32
FOR RENT—Newly furnished front room.
private family; conveniences; north
side. Tv.v 2596-J.ll-12-35
I'OR RENT Handsomely* furnished
rooms; everything new and fresh
throughout. None but first class need ap
ply. Prices from $2.50 to $lO per week.
15 Ponce DeLeon avenue, just across
the street from Georgian Terrace. 11-12-37
POFt RENT—Nicely furnished front room,
electric lights; hot and cold water. Ivv
5487. 11-12-34
FOR RENT -Furnished room, convenient
to heated bath, with plenty of hot wa
ter. Phone Ivy 2728. 11-12-36
THREE furnished rooms; no children
taken. 2763-J M.ll-12-32
FOR RENT —One or two furnished rooms,
private family. 109-A Richardson
street. 43-12-11
FOR RENT—One large, beautifully* fur
nished front room, in private residence;
all conveniences; in West End; to gentle
men or couple: with or without board. 45
Grady place. Phone West 659-L. 11-12-4
BARGAIN Five nicely furnished dowti
stalrs rooms, opposite Grant park;
cheap to proper party. Main 2975-J.
. 11-11-18
ONE nicely furnished room; conveniences;
close in. Ivy 3540-L. 11-11-80
TWO. nicely furnished rooms for rent.
Atlanta phone 5949-M. 319 Central ave
nue. il-lt-14
ONE furnished, furnace-heated room, hut
water and use of phone. 485 Peachtree
street, upstairs. Phone Iw 2933-J.
F<'it RENT —Nicely furnished room for
one or two gentlemen in private family.
All conveniences. 125 East Georgia ave
nue, near Capitol avenue. -Main 3744-L
9 GI: KUN t' Two fceaut IP. i1 y furn I she 3
connecting rirst-floor rooms oi. north
side; private family; ali convet.ienees;
walking distance. 74 East Merritts ave
FoR RENT -Furnished rooms; newly fur
nished: close In; elegant meals next
door. Terms reasonable. 75 YVashlngton.
FOR RENT—Two connecting rooms; el
egantly furnished, for four young ladies
or gentlemen; $6 a week; meals next door.
Reasonable. 75 Washington. 118-3
NEAT rooms for gentlemen; rent
able; two blocks Candler Bldg 82 Au
burn avenue. 60-7-11
ftooMS FOR RENT Furnlslted and un
furnished. Close In. All conveniences
88 Pulliam. n -7-60
FOR RENT Small fronUhed riKtm. fur
nished 58 west Peftchtree. 11 7-87
Foil KENT Five neatlt furnishi**! raon>B
all conveniences; private entrance In
last block of E. Georgia ave , near Grunt
park, at 43*. Reasonable rent. 11-7-28
LOtiK at our stovee an<l~ra7ig*>« before
you buy one anywhere. Southern 1
Stove a'd Supply Company, 121 White- I
- io ir,-4
NfCELY f'lrnislied room*, Mt night, $2..'*6
e week and up. Broiuiwat Hou*', 7'. a
N Broad street Hot »n,t uvlu water I
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
UNFURNISHED front room: all conven
iences; walking distance; home with
couple; meals next door: north side. Ivv
542,-J. 11-13-21
ROOMS furnished or unfurnished; also
for light housekeeping. 11-12-12
WANTED—Visitors to come out and see
tne great Southwest. Most of them
will want to stay. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of Tlie Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th, will set forth the reasons.
Maded to any address in United States or
Mexico, 15 cents; Canada or foreign points
25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping, with private fami
ly; all modern conveniences: ten minutes
walk from center of city. Cali at 117 Pul
liam street.. 11-14-51
TV O nice unfurnished rooms with kitch
enette for light housekeeping; all con
venlences. 17 East Cain. 11-14-37
FOR RENT—Three or four housekeep
ing rooms; also furnished rooms for
young men. 31 Whitehall terrace.
ONE nice unfurnished room; close in.
. 47East Cain. 11-13-36
FOUR desirable unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping; north side; ten min
utes walk to Candler Bldg. Ivy 899-J.
FOR RENT—Four unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping; close in. 172 South
Forsyth, 11-12-31
TWO large and one small connecting un
furnished rooms with sink and separate
gas on second floor. Apply 54 Williams
street between Baker and Harris. 11-12-2
Housekeeping Rooms For Rent
FOR RENT—Two connecting rooms, suit
able for light housekeeping, furnished
or partlj furnished. Apply after 6:30
p. in. 217 Luckle street. 11-14-17
Furnished Apartments For Rent
HALF or all of steam heated apartment
B. 28 E. Alexander.ll-14-40
FIVE rooms, first flour, furnished apart
ment; every convenience. Ivy 6459-J.
FDR RENT—Two pretty, bright rooms
and kitchenette; second floor; also en
tire first floor of five rooms; comfortable;
modern; north side. Phone ivv 2478.
, 11-12-40
IN owner's home, private apartment; /our
rooms and bath, furnished complete for
housekeeping; walking distance. Refer
ences. Ivy 2825-L. 11-11-38
; ... .... ... —„
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
TWO CHOICE high-class north aide
apartments for rent; never been occu
pied. Apply Glover Realty Company, 2U
Walton street. 11-6-33
THREE and four-room brick apartments,
near in; north side; heat, lights and
bath; $25 and S3O, Ivy 4676. 1.1-13-37
Furnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT -Nine-room house, complete
ly furnished, filled with roomers. Party
leaving city. Address H. G. M., care
Georgian. 11-14-7
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
HELP WANTED—To develop the resour
ces of Southern California, the land of
progress and new Ideas. Read about th* Op-
I portunities In the Ninth Anniversary Edi
tion of The Isos Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th. Mailed to any address in
United States or Mexico, 15 cents a copy;
Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send
in your order now. 10-21-4
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O
Cochran. 19 South Broad street. 4-1-31
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
WANTED—Children to attend the best
schools in the United States. They are
located in Southern California. Bring th*
old folks along. The Ninth Anniversary
j Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will
tell the story of the most remarkable
school system ever devised. Out Decem
ber 25th. Mailed to any address in United
States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or for
eign points, 25 cents. Send in your order
Stores For Rent.
BRICK STORE and six-room cottage ad
joining. north side, good location. C.
W. Hatcher, both phones 44, 221 Grant
W 16-18-45
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
BY couple two or three connecting rooms,
close to bath with conveniences for light
housekeeping; must be in walking dis
tance and with refined people. Phone
Main 266 mornings. U-i 4-15
WANTEll—Three first-floor unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping: prefer
private entrance. Address zYY. p R
Box 400, care Georgian. 30-13-11
WANTED —Three or four unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping in West
End by couple with babv. Phone YVest
*>B3-J. 11-12-24
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
WANTED- Up-to-date bungalow with
furnace and all modern improvements*
must be convenient to car: rent $35 with
option of buying. Bert Green, care Geor
Fire-Proof Storage.
pianos. Office and warehouse, 239-241
Eagewood avenue. Ivy ?637. John J.
Woodside Storage Company.
Blue Print*.
SERVICE. 9-30-55
Stove and Range Repairing.
dan; tile fixer.
We sell secondhand gas stoves.
We sweep chimneys.
Atlanta Phone 2235 Bell Phone Main 2639
Sewing Machines.
WE RENT new machines with complete
•et of attachments for $2 per month
also machines repaired; prompt delivery.
Both phones 1893 Singer Sewing Ma
chine Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44
Trunks, Bugs and SuitcasM.
FHON'L.'I Bell Main 1676. AUauia 168*
Auction Sales.
COMMENCING at 10 a. m„ we will offer
to the highest bidder, a line consign
ment of furniture, including a soiu
mahogany dining room suit, cost $356
three elegant brass beds, cost S6O :
Pullman davenport, genuine leather
Turkish rocker, three-niece maliomrv
parlor suit, upholstered in genulri
leather, mahogany and Circassian wal
nut ladies' writing desks, single Iron
beds, with springs and mattresses
bird s-eye maple chiffoniers, Vernh
Martin iron beds, felt mattress Na
tional springs, oak hat rack, mahogam
buffet, quartered oak bed room suit
mahogany and fumed oak Hbrar
chairs, oak pedestal dining room ta
ble, with chairs to match; oak wash
stands, gas heaters, coal heaters
kitchen tables, Crex rugs, Axmlnster
and Brussels art squares, lace cur
tains, wool blankets, bed spreads ta
ble cover, portieres, pictures, fine lot
of standard works by the finest wri
ters, and many other things too nti
rnerous to mention. These goods are
all as good as new, and must be sold
l h m.^ida 8 y aIe N^XTO Ptly ai
12 E. Mitchell St.
TO EXCHANGE—The bast climate and
soli in the world for a tired and frost
bitten farm back East. The Ninth An
niversary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex
aminer, out December 25th, will tell where
they are and how to get one. Mailed to
any address in United States or Mexico
15 cents; Canada or foreign points, 25c’
Send In your order now. 10-21-4
AUCTION CO., 12 E. Mitchell
st., buys and sells everything; regular
auction Tuesday and Friday. Bell phons
Main 2424.10-3-41
Decatur street. We buy and sell anv
and everything. Atlanta phone 2285; Ben
phone Main 1434. Main 187. 7-29-20
SPRINGER'S Auction House, at 25 South
Pryor street, will buy or sell your
household goods, pianos and office furnl
ture. Ma In 1526. 10-3-6
PEMBROKE Sales Company under new
management; will gccept your surplus
stock of any kind on consignment; cash
advanced; settlement on date of sale u;;
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1434
Main 187, Atlanta phone 2285.8 -6 ■3O
WANTED—Manufacturers and merchants
to help manage the business end of the
Panama canal. It is located at Los An
geles, the key to the great Southwest
The Ninth Anniversary edition of The
Ixts Angeles Examiner, out December 25.
will have the facts about this great proj
ect. Mailed to any address in Unftec
States or Msxico 15 cents. Canada or fur
elgn points 25 cents. Send In your or
der now. 10-21-4
Lost and Found.
WILL the partj* that called Main 212*
Tuesday in regard to female setter that
was lost call West 914 or Atlanta 1740?
LOST—Wednesday night between Grand
theater and 312 Capitol avenue; plait l
gold locket, with monogram, “F. B. H
Reward is returned to 5 Nelson street
LOST—Automobile number 17785. Alex -
ander-Heewald Company. 39-14-11
LOST—Bunch of keys containing thr“f*
Yale, four small keys and button hook
on Whitehall street car Tuesday. Phone
Atlanta 282. 11-14 :
LOST —Brooch, with violet, enameling e* l
circling pearls. Call Ivy 6745-J. Re
ward. 59-13-11
LOST —Rock amber cigar holder at prizt
fight Tuesday night. Leave at Staten >
case and get reward. 54-13-':
LOST—String of gojg beads, between
North ayenue and downtown district
on West Peachtree or Peachtree street,
reward if returned to Mrs. Seaman.- 1?
East North avenue. 11 -IS-A
LOST—From 280 North Jackson- biu.
and white female setter, with chair
about 7:30 Tuesdaj- morning Notif; I'*.
H. Hogg, Main 2128. and get reward.
WANTED Manufacturers and merci;. ?
to help manage the business end of th*’
Panama canal. It is located at L* - An
geles, the key to the great Sou:hv**
The Ninth Anniversary edition of
Los Angeles Examiner, out Decembe. -
will have the facts about this great proj
ect. Mailed to any address in Unite-
States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or i ?' -
elgn points 25 cents. Send in your or
der now*. 10-21-4
WANTED—Second-hand gas and wed
stoves. D. G. Thomas, 125 Marietta si
WANTED—Guy derrick, three tons
pacity. Description and price for attei
tion. The L'ixie Culvert and Metal Com
pany. lULU 1
WANTED To rent good piano with
tier player for home use. Phone I
s**9o-.T. U-?- J L
Heaters, $2.50 to $45. We save "■
enough to buy your coal. Southern
Stove and Supply Company, 121
hall street. 10-1 '_4
FURNITURE and household goods, f
fixtures and merchandise of any
accepted on consignment. Cash advance
Pembroke Sales Co.. 143 South Pryor s'
Bell phones Main 1434 Alain 187, Ytlarta
2285. ” ’
WE PAY' HIGHEST cash prices for U s.
hold goods, pianos and office furnit ere
Cash advanced on consignments. Cer •
Auction Company, 1.3 East Mtb "
B'reef, B*ll phone Main 2424, 8-?'
DROP A CARD -Will bring cash for
clothes and shoes The vestiare
Decatur street. .. -27-4-
WANTED-You to know W~Td. ‘
cleans ail kinds carpets; rugs asp"
cialty. Ivy 3185-J. Atlanta 1818 146 A
burn avenue 10-1-1*-
WANTED—We pay highest cash pi ‘
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture. Cash advanced on consign;
ments Springer's Auction House. ,
South Pryor street. Hell phone Main U '
I BUY MEN'S old clothes and shoes
Drop a card. I. Bock. 32 Bell street
SWEKTI'EAS, rhubarb an<i asparaK
roots, Bermuda, sweet onion wet*. J
trees, shiuD* st. Regis overb«.
raspberry, blue and lawn gr.iafl Mark
Johnaon Seed Company, *»5 South I f
afreet. 1.1-E
Furniture For Sale
Ki >ll ,1 !■ ... .. , ,
parlor ’t, -bov dre**s« t-.
curtaUiM Barftwin 417 Hpiihy