Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 14, 1912, NIGHT, Page 18, Image 18
18 THE ATLANTA QEORGTAN AND NEW 8. RE AO PROFIT —AitOKGIAN WZKFM I ALBS—USE FOR RESULTS’ tn KSDAY, NOVEMBER 14.19 m Real Estate For Sale EAST LAKE ROAD AT THE southwest corner of East Lake road and 1 updo street we have a lot 200x372 for >O. It is a beautiful building site, just three blocks from cn trance to Country club. The lot runs iwaj back into an .oak grove; sewers and water can be obtained. It would be the stroke of wisdom tor someone to buy this tor a home and have a house sitting back 100 feet off the road. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR BUY A HOME AT A BARGAIN. $4 250—EAST GEORGIA AVE ; a real handsome little five-room home; the owner ""has fired In ■ «x. t since It wa:- finished, thr<-< y.ars ago; lot 50x150; no loan tosnumi T1 is < et h< part Let ui show It to you $3 650 WEST END bungrrlow. > x rooms, nt xlern and pretty; one block of Gor don street. 11 you ar, looking for something In this section, you must not miss this Tet $5,500- EDGEWOr'D AVE : right In the limelight, we are offering for a few days only a lot 58x1'1. with an up-to-date seven-room house on it. This is a bar gain and enhancing in vain, dally. You can live here a while and make a nice profit. Terms. 16 000—BUNGALOW, between Druid Hills and Inman Park; has six nice, large rooms, tile bath, hardwood floors, .Gone front. Here is a pretty, well-built home on a beautiful 101. <’an arrange terms to suit you, MARTIN-OZBURN REALTY CO. Third National Bank Building. Phones: Ivy 1276, Atlanta 208. Pace’s Ferry Road WE HAVE several tracts of l’at-s Foiit property: also some just off of this popular thoron tih fa re. II it is your inten tion to but acreage in this section. IIICIH XOW is the time. DELAY IS DANGEROUS. I CLAUD E. SIMS CO. 71S EMPIRE BLDG. PHONE MAIN 2539. _ . . ---- .. .. Attractive North Side House AT THE CORNER of Third street and Bedford place and one block north of Ponce DeLeon avenue, we offer a very attractive residence; state roof, hardwood floors, furnace heat, beautiful fixtures, and. in fact, everything that makes a comfortable home To appreciate this home is to see it. The street is to be paved right away. Price $10,500. on easy terms. J. H. EWING 116 LOBBY. CANDLER BUILDING. Ivy 1839. Atlanta 2865. A Farm In Decatur. FOR the next few days wo will <df t- a new bungalow of seven rooms, with tCater. sewer, tile walks and elect! ie lights. Is situated on a beautiful lot, 200x700 feet, to another .street. This place is on one of the best streets in Decatur, close to ear line, Agnes Scott college and public schools. We» very strongly advise anyone wishing a homo in litis delightful suburb, to take a look at litis place before purchasing elsewhere. For this week only we are in position to make a very attractive price and on reasonable terms. H. S. WILLINGHAM REAL ESTATE AND RENTING. No. 6 WALTON STREET PHONES: MAIN 3995; ATL. 2742. J M WORSHAM. MGR., DECATUR DEPARTMENT. DILUIN-MORRIS CO. 609-10 Atlanta National Bank Bldg. Both Phoms 4234. $5,250 FOR a new 6-room furnace heated bungalow; has beautiful hardwood floors; best of fixtures; sleeping porch ; in fact, one of the prettiest bungalows we have on our list today, ('an make terms. SIO,(W) —On Courtland street, right at Ellis, we have a good 10- room, 2-story house on lot 50x128 to alley, renting for S4O per month. You can not afford to oevrlook this proposition. No loan; good terms. DECA T U R $4,500.00 Two beautiful Broom houses on large, shady lots, with every city convenience. NINETEEN MINUTES FROM EQUITABLE BUILDING. The same style of houses could not be bought in Atlanta for less than $6,000. Terms. WHITEFORD AV F. sl|: D IVI s 1 onT TWENTY-FOUR of the prettiest building lots in Atlanta. Ideal proposition for some good contractor to handle, or for any body who wants t double his money by spring. About three blocks from Drnid Hills. Chert, tile. gas. water and sewer. This price can not be duplicated in any section of Atlanta. You can see. more new houses from the frontage than any givt’n point in the city. This means that a large portion of our 15.01X1 increase in population for 1913 are crowding this wav. . EDWIN P. ANSLEY REALTY TRUST BLDG. IVY 1600. H\T-ACRI< I’(>l’l.TßY PLANT AND W-ROOM house. Will rent or sell. On new ear line. H's a lovely home in Clarkston. Fine new home on Highland avenue for sale at price of the lot. House handsomely finished. Also a a 3-acre home at Mt. View. Farms our specialtv. BADGER REAL ESATE AGENCY. 305 Fourth Nat. Bank Bldg. Main 4877. HOME BARGAINS. WEST END— Best part, we offer a good six-room home on east front lot 50x160 just off Gordon street In built ui section; $3,750. on easy terms FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE on good mreei. near Forrest avenue school and High land avenue car line, for $3,000. on easy terms SIX ROOMS. Inman Park; hardwood floors, tile bath, etc; $5,000. on terms. WILSON BROS. PHONE M. 4411-J. 701 EMPIRE BLDG - in* .. . " 1 i Are received by telephone. Ask for 8000, both phones. b Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. A OOYLSTON INVESTMENT. PRICE $20,000. ANNUAL INCOME $2,640, LIBERAL TERMS. THIS is not one of those] ‘‘get rich quick” schemes, but a good, solid, safe, sane investment. We want a lib eral cash payment and the balance can be put on a basis that will make it EASY for the property to take care of itself. SECTION. North side, and in a section that will insure a -steady ii> conic. BETTER LOOK INTO THIS. Houses For Rent. ' FOR RENT'”' EDWIN P. ANSLEY. Second Floor Realty Trust Bldg. Bel! Phone Ivy 1600. Atlanta Phone 363. Local ion. Rooms. Price. 40 Hurt street 12 . $65.00 39 Inman circle Ans- ley park ....12 75.00 245 Peachtree circle furnished 10 80.00 Decatur. Ga., Candler st., furnished 65.00 234 Cameron street.. 9 32.50 124 Oglethorpe ave.. 9 50.00 387 N. Jackson st. . . 8 30.00 118 East Ninth st. .. 8 40.00 38 Walker st 8 27.50 452 Capitol ave 8 32.50 88 East avenue .... 7 30.00 20 Currier street .. 7 '•50.00 Decatur. Ga., Adams street 7 45.00 15 McLeod avenue. . 6 25.00 114 East Pine st. .. 6 25.00 5 Ormewood ave... 6 25.00 83 Gilmer st 6 21.60 16 Kelly st 6 20.00 54 Killian sts 21.00 Colonial Hills, St. Francis st. ... 5 20.(>0 61 Connally st 4 10.60 12 Welborn st 4 14.60 199 Means st 3 6.00 7 Hill street 3 11.60 If you are looking for a seven room cottage, don’t fail to see No. 20 Currier street before rent ing. This house is in first-class condition and within walking distance of the business district. EDWIN P. ANSLEY. Legal Notices. GEt>rnllA—Fulton County. Ordinary’s Office, November 7. 1912. Elizabeth E. Farris, as administrator of tlie estate of J. A W. Farris de ceased. represents that she has fully dis charged the'duties of her said trust and prays tor letters of dismission This is, therefore, to notify all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can. on or before the first Monday in December next. why said Elizabeth E. Farris should not be- discharged. .HAHN R, WILIx 1 NS< >N. Ordinary. GEORGIA- Fulton County. ' Ordinary's Office, November 7, 1912. Mrs. Sarah E. Crumley, Mrs Leila C Carroll and James Allen Morris, Jr, as executors of the w ill of Janies Allen Mor ris. Sr., represent that they have fully discharged the duties of their said trust and pray for letters of dismission. This Is. therefore, to notify all persons con cerned to show cause, If any thev can or or before the first Monday in Decem ber next, why said executors should not be discharged. JOHN It WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEOKGIA Fulton County. “ Ordinary’s Office, November 7. 1912. Anna Mitchell has applied tor letters of administration on the estate of It. T. Mitchell, deceased. This is. therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in Decem ber next. •It >HX R. WILKINSON, ordinary. GEORGIA Fulton County. ordinary's Office. November 7, 1912. John J. Perry Ims applied for letters of administration with will annexed on the estate of F. £. Griffin, deceased. This is. therefore, to notifx all concerned that the same w ill be heard on the first Monday in December next. JOHN R. WILK 1 NSoN, Ordinary. GEORGIA Fulton County. Ordinary's tiffice, November 7, 1912. Adline Wright, us administrator of the estate of Henry Wright, deceased, repre sents that she has fully discharged the duties of her said trust, and pravs for letters of dismission. This is. therefore, to notify all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can. on or before the first Monday in December next, why said Adline Wright should not be discharged. WILKINS'>N. onlmury GEORGIA Fulton I '> 'tint v Ordinary's Office, November 7, 1912. John H. Casey, as administrator of the estate of J. A. Casey, deceased, repre sents that he has fully discharged the duties of his said trust, and prays for letters of dismission. This is, therefore, to notify all persona concerned to show cause, if any they can, on or before the first Monday In December next, why said John H t'.isey should not be discharged. ■I I 'll X II WILKINSON, ordinar). GEORGIA Fulton County. Ordinary's office. November 7, 1912 R. S Armstrong, as executor of the w ill of Maudania E Armstrong, deceased, represents that be lias fully discharged ■ the duties of his said trust anti prays for l< tele of dismission This is, therefore, to notify all persons com erite.l to show' I< au e. If any they can on or before the first Monday in December next why said It S \1 mstroiiK should lug Iw dischaiKed I John It WILKINSON, ordinary Legal Notices. GEt>RGlA—Fuiton County. Ordinary’s Office, November 7, IFI2. W. M. Bruce, as administrator of the estate of John H. Bruce, deceased, rep resents that he has fully discharged the duties ot his said trust, and prays for letters of dismission. This is. therefore, •o notify all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can. on or before the first Monday in December next, why said W. M. Bruce should not be discharged. JOHN R. WILKINSON, ordinary. GEORGIA-- Fulton County Ordinary's Office. November 7, 1912. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that F. C. Loyd, late of said county, tiled intestate, ami no person lias applied for administration on the estate of said de ceased. and that administration will be vested in the county administrator, or some other fit and proper person, on the first Monday in December next, unless valid objection is made thereto. JrrllN It. WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA—FuIton County. ~ Court of Ordinary, At Chambers. November 7. 1912. The appraisers on the application of An nie L. Howard, widow of David T. How ard. Jr , deceased, for a twelve months support for herself and minor children, having duly tiled their return, all per sons are hereby cited to show cause, if any they have, at the next December term < f this court, why said application should not be granted. Ho IIN R, WILKTNSQ N, Ord ina ry . GEORGIA —Fulton County. Ordinary’s Office, November 7. 19J2. Thomas it. Scott has applied for letters of administration on the estate of John Covington, deceased. This is, therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in Decem ber next. B>HN R, WILKINSON. Ordinary. GE<tßGlA—Fulton County. Ordinary’s Office, November 7, 1912. T. B. Higdon has applied for letters of administration on the estate of Thomas It. Beach, deceased. This is. therefore, to notify all concerne 1 that the same will be heard on the first Monday in Decem ber next. JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary. (»E< tRGIA—FTiIton County. Ordinary’s Office, November 7. 1912. Mrs. Malinda Hairston has applied for letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. Rebecca A. Thomason, deceased. This is, therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in December next. JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary. <*lE(tßGlA—Fulton County. Ordinary's office, November 7. 1912. Jesse B l«ee has applied for letters of administration on the estate of John W. Lee (whose adopted name was John L. Hawkins), deceased. This is, therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in Decem ber next. JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA Fulton County. ordinary’s Office, November 7, 1912. Elizabeth Penn Williams has applied for letters of administration on the estate of Etheldred Williams, deceased. This is, therefore, to notify all concerned that the same wiH he heard on the first Mon day in December next. JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA—FuIton ■'County. Ordinary's Office. November 7. 1912. Forrest Adair has applied for letters of administration on the estate of Jack M. Wilson, deceased. This Is, therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in December next. JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA—FuIton County. Ordinary’s Office, November 1. 1912. Lucina Catherine Eubanks has applied for letters of administration with will annexed on the estate of J. B. Eubanks, deceased. This is, -therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in December next. JOHN R. WItKINSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA—FuIton County. Ordinary’s Office, November 7. 1912. Trust Company of Georgia has applied for letters of administration with will annexed on the estate of Anslev B. An drews, deceased. This is, therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in December, next. JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEoRGI A—Fiflton County. Ordinary’s Office, November 7, 1912. W. H. Kiser has applied for letters of administration on the estate of Leila Bush, deceased. This is, therefore, to no tify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Mondaj' in December next. JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA —Fulton County. Ordinary's Office, November 7, 1912. W. Q. Pope has applied for letters of guardianship of the person and property of Leon Pope, non compos mentis. This is, therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Mon day In I lecember next. Ji'llN R, WILKINS< >N, Ordinary. GEORGIA - -Fulton County. Ordinary’s Office, November 7, 1912. IV. Q. Pope has applied for letters of i guardianship of the person and property lof Neal Pope and Doster Pope, minors, under the ages of fourteen years. This is, therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Mon day in December next. JOHN R. WILKINSON, ordinary. GEORGIA Fulton County. Ordinary’s Office. November 7. 1912. W. y. Pope has applied for letters of guardianship of the person and property of Edna Pope and Ethel Pope, minors, under the ages of fourteen years. This is. therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in Deecniber next. JOHN R, WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEttßGlA —Fulton County. Ordinary’s Office. November 7, 1912. Mrs. Helen Lowenstein, as guardian ot Josephine Lowenstein, minor, has applied for leave to sell the land of said Josephine Lowenstein. This is, therefore, to notify all concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Mon day in December next, else leave will then be granted said applicant, as applied for. JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinan . GEORGIA Fulton County. Ordinary's Office, November 7. 1912. J. E. West has applied for letters of ad ministration on the estate of H. L. Wing, deceased This is. therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in December next. JOHN It. WILKINSON, ordinary. GEORGIA Fulton County. Ordinary's Office, November 7, 1912. Katherine IL Connerat has applied for letters of administration on the estate of R. V ('onnerat, deceased. This is, there fore. to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in December next. J< >HN 11. >.N. Ordinary. | GEORGIA Fulton County. Ordinary’s Office, November 7, 1912. l«ee o. Swain lias applied for letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. M. M. Farris, deceased. This is, therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in December next. JimN h WILKINSON, ordinary. GEORGIA Fulton County. Ordinary's Office, November 7. 1912. H. M. Dewberry has applied for letters of administration de bonis non on the estate of J. I> Dewberry, deceased. This is. therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Mon day in 1 >ecember next JOHN R. WILKINSON. Ordinary. GEORGIA Fulton County. Ordinary’s office. November 7, 1912. J. \ Mabry has applied for letters of administration on the estate of L M. Dalrymple, deceased. This Is. therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the flrgt Monday in Decem ber next. JOHN It. WILKINSON, ordinary GEORGIA Fulton County. <>r<linary's officta November 7. 1912. E. o. Williams has applied for letters of administration on the estate of Ric h ard I>. Morris, deceased. This is. there fore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday In De cember next. J< »H.N It WILKINBiX, ordinary GEORGIA Fulton County Court of ordinary, At Chambers, November 7. 1912 The appraisers on the application of laiura B Hall, widow of Elmer T Hull, deceased, for a twelve months support for I herself and minor child having duly filed I their return all person- are hereby cited Ito show came, if any they have st (he | next I n-i on tier term of thia court, why , said u pl'licaiiotl should lot la giati« I ’Lm*. 1{ WII-KINMttN. Ordinary ige<>)i<;ia Fulton I’ounti Court of Ot ulnars. O Cliamlaie, November 7, I‘IS I 1 l.i uppiuissia on the uppli' ulion of Legal Notices. Mattie Reed, widow'of William M. Reed, deceased, for a twelve months support for herself, having duly filed their return, all persons are hereby cited to show cause, if any they have, at the next De cember term of this court, whv said ap plication should not bo granted. JOHN R. WILKINSON. Ordinary. M E ANT applications for first mort gage loans on Atlanta property. We want purchase money notes, first and sec ond inortgage._ Bring your propositions to our office. We loan you money or loan your money, ijuick service. RANDOLPH LOAN COMPANY. 821 Candler Building. Court of Ortlinary, At Chambers. November 8, 1912 T he appraisers on the application of W , eni , lrl . x - r “ ex t friend and in behalf of c.dna, Ethel, Neal, Doster and Charles i ■ pe. minors, for a twelve months sup- I’J’q mr said minor children, having duly bled their return, all persons are hereby (‘•ted to show cause, if any they have, at f.te next December term ->f this court, why said application should not be granted. JOHN IL WILKINSON, ordinary. GEORGIA—FuIton County- Court of Ordinary. At Chambers. November 8, 1912. To the <f Elalia Pauline Gray, Deecased. Who Reside Out of Said State: Cora Marion Austell having as executrix applied for probate in solemn form of the last will of said deceased, you are hereby cited to be and appear at the next December term of said court, on the first Monday in December next, as said will of said deceased will then be offered for probate in solemn form. JOHN R. WILKINS< i.N. <)rdinary. GEORGIA- Fulton County Ordinary’s office, -November 8, 1912. Hugh (i. Rosser has applied for letters of administration on the estate of L. Nor man Rosser, deceased. This is, therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in De cember next. JOHN It. WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA —Fulton County. Court of Ordinary. At Chambers, November 8. 1912. - The appraisers on the application of Mrs. Fannie Austen, widow of J. A. Austen, deceased, for a twelve months support for herself and minor child, hav ing duly tiled their return, all persons are hereby cited to show cause, if any they have, at the next December term of this court, why said application should not be granted. JOHN IL WILKINSi iN, Ordinary. GEORGIA—FuIton County. Ordinary's Office, November 8, 1912. Mrs. Sarah Irene Weathers, as admin istratrix of the estate of W. M. Weath ers, deceased, has applied for leave to sell the land of said W. M. Weathers. This is. therefore, to notify all concerned to file their objections, if any they’ have, on or before the first Monday in December next, Here's "Jim" MacEachran Who Thinks / The Georgian's /kB. ♦ Marathon Racer . Is "Just Grand" I r TlWiMiiw V Hr wr 11 "" ■ i -jSQFi : BarJßt 1 aYX 1/ SB- ~ • V ’-’ ' ' nL. yL “Jim” MacEachran is -Atlanta’s best kno\Yn \ juvenile actress. She has been a footliglit favorite \ here the greater part of her young life. Delighted ? 4\ audiences liave been applauding her and taking / ’ lier into their hearts since s h e was five years old. / ; Even-theater in the city has had her name on its ’llBIMlBi W v program at one time or another. Naturally “Jim' is a lover of healthv, whole- II soine recreation. And that’s why The Hg Georgian s Marathon Racer appealed to her. A mo- I ment s study ot the picture will show von that ''W 7 “ Jin) ” is living the time of her life with this " A W / sturdy little car. ® / Every boy and girl who reads this advertise- \ y can obtain a Marathon Racer in return for a ■ I little service lor Ihe Georgian. No expense what- -<• / over. I’.very youngster who has won a Racer ha> agreed that the task imposed was “dead easy.” ,>e b r lt)J to tell you full details of the plan. Fill out this coupon and mail it today. Marathon Racer Department, The Atlanta Georgian CIRCULATIOX DEPARTMENT, 20 EAS7 ALABAMA ST. Pteaee send me instructions telling how I may secure one of The Georgian Marathon Racers without money. Nanl « ’• Age Address C'tX State Sample Car. are on display at The Georgian office, 20 East Alabama street. You are cordrally invited to come in ind try this new. 4nd popular Car. Legal Notices. else leave will then be granted said ap plicant, as applied for. JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA —Fulton County. Ordinary’s Office, November 8, 1912. W. A. Arnold has applied for letters of administration on the estate of Gertrude Martin, deceased. This is, therefore, to notify all concerned ihat the same will be heard on the first Monday in December, next. JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary. G EORGIA —Fullon County. Court of Ordinary, at Chambers, Nov. 9, 1912. The appraisers on the application of Mrs. Elizabeth Simpson, widow of J. R. Simpson, deceased, for a twelve months’ support for herself and minor children, having duly tileel their return, all persons are hereby cited to show cause, if any they have, at the next December term of this court, why said application should not be granted. JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary. -9-32 GEORGIA— Fulton County. Court of Ordinary. Chambers, Nov. 9, 1912. To the heirs-at-law of Hester Ann West, deceased, who reside out of said state: Sanford West, having as executor applied for probate in solemn form of the last will of said deceased, you are hereby cited to be and appear at the next De cember term of said court, on the first Monday in December next, as said will of said deceased will then be offered for pro bate in solemn form. ■KiHN R. WILKINSON. Ordinary. (lE<)RGlA—Fulton County. Court of Ordinary, Chambers, Nov. 9, 1912. To the heirs-at-law of John L. Hop kins, deceased, who reside out of said state: Charles T. Hopkins, Linton C. HOpkins and Charlotte Hopkins, having as executors, applied for probate in sol emn form of the last will of said deceased, you are hereby cited to be and appear at the next December term of said court, on the first Monday in December next, as said will of said deceased will then be offered for probate in solemn form. 11-9-69 JOHN R, WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA —Fulton County. Court of Ordinary. Chambers. Nov. 9, 1912. To the helrs-at-law of Joseph S. Raine, Sr., d.feeascd: Edith Appleyard, having applied for an order requiring Joseph S. Raine, Jr., and John H. Raine, the execu tors of the will of said deceased, to exe cute title under a bond for title; you are hereby cited to be and appear at the next December term of said court to be held on the first Monday in December next, then and there to show cause, if any you can, why said order should not be granted. JOHN R. WILKINSON. Ordinary. 11-9-32 Every desirable room, apartment, house, rooms for light housekeeping, business locations, garages, stores that are for rent in Atlanta and surroundings can be found in "The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin” on the Want Ad pages. LONGWORTH LOSES TO DEMOCRAT BY 97 VOTES CINCINNATI; OHIO, Nov. 14— T ', p official count of Hamilton county made public today shows’' that Stanley b , die. Democrat, defeated Congressman Nicholas Longworth by 97 votes. _COURT OF APPEALS OF GEORGIA Judgments Affirmed. r Central Georgia Power Co'rnnanv , Parnell: from city court of J aeks s ' Judge Fletcher. Hatcher * Smith i'.- ~ F. Johnson, for plaintiff in error 'k ee ? 8 Redman, O. M. Duke, contra L Luke vs. Batts: from city court nr «. ■■ la—Judge Oxford. Haygood & Cutt< r ' plaintiff in error. H. J Quincev 1Y r &-Wall, contra. wumcey, 1,1. , ns Puryear vs. Stansell; from Gordon perior court—Junge Fite. J. G B t'k for plaintiff in error. F. A. Cantrell . j?' tra. ’ Great American Co-operative Firn a soctation vs. Jenkins; from city cour- Brunswick—Judge Krauss. L. D M, , J for plaintiff in error. R. D. Meador. «' tra. ’ ‘ n * McCrory vs. State; from Fulton superior court—Judge Roan. C. B. Rosser r, John W. Moore, for plaintiff in errL’ Hugh M. Dorsey, solicitor general p i' Stephens, contra. ' -*■ Daniel v. Browder-Manget Comnan.. from city court of Atlanta—Judge nits’ R. E. Church, W. B. Hollingsworth plaintiff in error. Moore & Pomerov tra. ’ ’ Dobbs vs. Mixon; from Fulton sunorfm court—Judge Pendleton. Rollin H ball, for plaintiff in error. W F pLo' lips, contfe. Friedin vs. Fields; from city court Vienna—Judge Lasseter. Jule Felton nl plaintiff in error. Crum & Jones, contra Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Comnanv vs. Mcßee; from city court of Valdosta y Judge Cranford. Bennet & Branch f K. Wilcox, for plaintiff in eror. Wh'taker & Dukes, Denmark & Griffin, contra Ket Adams vs. Aycock, sheriff; from citv court of Madison—Judge Anderson w W. Baldwin. Jr., for plaintiff in error' E. H. George, contra. August vs. State; from Chatham su perior court —Judge Charlton. David q Atkinson.-for plaintiff in error. Walter C. Hartridge, solicitor general, contra Dill vs. Taylor and Council of Wash ington; from Wilkes superior court judge Walker. Colley & Collev, f or D i aiT . tiff in error. W. A. Slaton, contra Daniel vs. State; from citv court of LaGrange—Judge Revlll, presiding Jf rt Mooty, S. Holderness, E. A. Jones, Arthur Greer, for plaintiff in error. Henry Reeves, solicitor, contra. ’ Moore vs. State; from Randolph su perior court —Judge Worill. M. C Ed wards, for plaintiff In error. J. A Laing solicitor general; Reuben R. Arnold, con tra.