Newspaper Page Text
For Sale—Miscellaneous. Automobiles.
FOR SAi.i. Contents In rooming lion**’. . ’ST I URCHASED Atlanta braffcli
best location; close In. Iln\. 1.e.-n here I stock tire firs •. l<mn as they
nine years. 11l healt) A XV R . are, ,•«, on. ’.'Bx3. -? «•. 30x3. ,<x <«•; 30x3'4.
Georgian i.ij $11.90 ::zx3H. ■*!: :«0, 32x4. sl7.''o; 34x4.
-p, .K g \ 11 jo i\ IIS ! tl' l 1 I.'*x4 j’ 1 I*o .>ox4, 819.90; ■■’•xl'j.
Fifteen shares Atlanta journal j"’ 'l*' “j’.V”' A Er!',
pany, preferred 6 r . stock, price 99 ,!„■ 52.1 " l,r " ■ Atlanta
This stock is a 67: cumulative stock in- T« ■ 11.ANGI-; the best • Uniate and
tereat payable semi-annuallv; •niCitt -oil in th»» world for a 'lred and frost
good, safe investment bl “n farm hark l ast. The Ninth Annl-
CIIARLE'S t. THOMPSON versary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex-
Stock and Bond ’broker. 'ol li.pjitabi. aminei. cit !><•< ember 25th, will tell where
Building, --lanta Georgia eand how to get one Mailed to
•‘.l 14-11 ary address in I’nited States or Mexico IS
’ rrr”«\ , cel t , Canada or foreign points, 25 cents.
I IAaO HAtuiAlV’' Senn in your order now. 10-21-4
WANT to exchange or will sell a fine
Must hav- room for Hiilid;.. residence lot. and will tab. part pay in
eo i • a second-hand automobile IL C., care
•Stock. Georgian.ll-13-42
$450 Fischer ljpri«rhi Handsome automobiles for sali.
Walnut $l4O FOR ! R< ■■ n J U:.|. ra< r;
S4OO Fischer Upright ' - T. .
am sl3:>| 1 j
s3o(.' Harvard Epright English urn’lo^r ,^ ( "■H l lrA'o^
Oak .. s]]() Itersei ..%•< r; five passenget Excellent con-
kozxz, T —•' i, dition. A'idre: s Automobile, care Geor
.*3oo Kingsbury I pright.. .$ 90 gian i i b
•fjcfi Pianola with fc*>o worth >4' E " ! ' iv ~ ptuwengei i
. . lek. i omploo- equipment and in exeel
milSjC $ .>0 j lent condition A big bargain for cash <»r
ejtA C1.L.l- ■ . < , --lean take half cash and balance In note.
*4.111 I nit kt rum <V >■'lls.sq.. .* i 0,./ s'mijii, Itl'l pel.,s Street II 11'8
s4o<’ Kranich & Baeli. sq.. .$ 50 for rale—Tw . .:
horsepower. 11'11 mod* 4 1, In <on<li-
H-M-M'-TT o l>.\\ IS PI AMJ , • -- C’ • ’ =
, WANTED Two-paKHenger four-cylinder
.»O \orth Prvor Strops. car; must .>e good and cheap. Address
I I. A , care Georgian 52-6-11 ■
W M. I ARPER. Manager
1 1-14-38 I ~.
WANTED To buy late model Excelsior
•—. ._. I motorcycle, twin-cylinder,
b’OR SALE, <’HEAP All furniture in I power Must be in good condition and
four-room apartment; gas stove dining cheap for cash. Address Motorcycle, 271
,« . chairs, etc. T »k» Orme street car, Marietta street. 85-13-11
MCt <»ff at Lovejoj X 5 Ix)vejoy street. —-— —— — —
[ ‘ _3X-14-11
• Money to Loan.
well placet and paying well For quick
sale. 81(H) cash Address M M. care WANTED Families to own some more of
Georgian. 29 '4 n I those beautiful Southern California
RiWTQnV'Q QPVITAI.k " homes It is a habit, get It. The Ninth
IMIKISOX * *1 f,l 1.\1,S Anniversary Edition of The Loa Angeles
11? Mahoganv rolltop desk 435.'>(i Examiner, out I >e<'ember 25th, telle how
Mahogany flat-top desk .5 00 th,. hab|( 1h acquired. Mailed to any ad
160 Brass beds 48 oo dress in United States or Mexico 15 cents;
•i! 1 , r “ KF beilr 32,00 Canada or foreign points. 25 cents. Send
20 Brass beds 14.50 in your order now 10-21-4
, pe. Ir ' . . rlnn or all cluing room tvpTnT'V T37>i' rat (PTirT. i'rvxi.r ,• ~
furniture, ladle.-' desks, Morris chairs. . PEOPLE
mush cabineis and <dlie> nlc<- pieces of OTHERS, upon tneh own names;
furniture for Christmas gifts, at verj low „. c l he W I? , S?', e “’ y J 2" l,len "
•ol jar. •■. * . 'th’4-1! bulldir g
ROBISON’S 27 E Hnntw St M'’Ney •». hanit r<>r imme.dat, loans
*• 1 ‘ ■*Hillvi ’~L. on property In or near Atlanta. f E
-ECONH HANIT SAFES- Small, medium Van Valkenburg, 501 Equitable building
and large hoafes, 116; Hall’s hank 6 6 62
find fireproof safes, vault doors etc. C. “ ' WkYMAN &~CONNORS.
J. Daniel. 410 Fourth National Bank build- ESTABLISHED 1890
* B W' 9-7-38 Mortgages on Real Estale. 4-1-3
\ AOl F? T*r \\O NOW amount. « per cent Write or call S.
I I’H n I I.t.NU wun W Carson. J South Broad .'lreet. 4-117
SSOO Worth of Music Free. THE ’ PRL’hENTLAL IN-
■ "Wt 18 of th *“ f’iu n ,fi d's- SI’RANCE CO. of Ameri
ucult for our salesmen to vifslt all of
their prospective cubtonuWH in time (‘ft ran make VOU H loan Oil
t<> be given an opportunity to explain all x •
?ostnF r ! l ' ,w .s , ‘In<l 1 n<l "Y”’“ order Atlanta unproved property,
facilitate their work and make every , ■ ■ * ’
visit count, we are offering Bf. worth thTOUffh tlieif loan COITC
of music free to even one who is now , , Fl ,
ready to take the matter up with one SpOIKUGIIS. I liriliaTL Black
of our salesmen Cut this ad out and ‘ ,
mail to uh. stating when our sale* i\ r ( 4)11101111. 203-8 EniDirC
man may call on you, how much you ti ’i* ~ 1
wish to pay cash, etc. Regardless of l >lll Id 1110“ 6-i-12-1
whether our salesman can satiafy you lC—
or not, this offer is open to you !f you ON EIRST mortgage real estate security,
will advise us of your intentions to Home funds and insurance money. Rt\tes
purchase s<> a> tu give uh an oppor- Kto S per cent interest. We also make
lunity to explain to your our prices monthly payment loans. \\ e car. give
and terms Bh sure and state in your you tbe money as soon as titles are ap-
reply when our salesman may visit proved.
L 11. ZI RUNE, Loan Manager.
PROSPFCT 1)1' I* ART FARM LOANS placed In any it >iint on
HX/K.TA ic I I’l.l ,\I» I improved farm lands In Georgia The
As tTX’fp Southern Mortgage Company. Gould bulld-
'I I , A I . ing |
Post Office Box 1623. ———
\t!-, ~T . , Ho !>>- JEWELERS AND BROKERS
.AlldHld. <ta. 301 MT«»S
i i RNiTi'kc I'ttr sale h- Yor
_ ' 'lts 1 ! TH ST. _ FHONiMAMiI,
Complete set >f blacl ml STRICTLY PRIVATE '--N«
tools, cheap for . ash or terms. Call L—
’ _
ehe^^ E,^o n Vi^ f 5f rWurll ß6” H^V E plenty of money to
( j gfpQy |? lend at lowest rates on Atlanta
•NE Ol the new - ' Hnd . nParb .V property, either for
Hon; will sell reasonnble. t E a .-t Fair !S1 raight Or mollthl payment
etreet, corner Whitehall tl-13-9 i i », •,.*-
FOR -SALE-Too shares" Eagle Mining ; P‘« n - A ‘B° t,,r puretiasing puT-
stock for j'.'O Notice )>ook value r ' chase inones notes l-’oster &
Georglai 89-12-11 ~, , . , .
'<lso to ° baon > 11 hdguv.Toil lye
• ors &sh • *
.Old mantels, chea) r num * FTournov. | M ...
■ Money Wanted.
caErlages r paired and iu t-i.v ;
A lVrY'\ R, c , YO VV I HAVE fine opening ami proposition to
(»76 A lii 'T' ' ’CimqTT-1 i’ mm !•> V niako to an\ n’l- shdan te.sirfng a good
(Crrnn . M1 - 1 H t-.l .L. 229 EDGI. locality. Address J |t„x 221, ,-ure Gcor-
'YP°L’ 7-18-';. . glan. 57-14-11
LAM Book BARGAINS Sets of Amer?
Baek! iptcj Repot - Century Digest, I
‘ ' ! ’i"ivr. and terms on' Stocks ttlld Bonds.
eqe.est rhe Harrison • ompany, Atlanta.
r L \\< ~ > w i) water » ack. S3O and i TEN shares <>f the Bank (»f West End
up Souther . s>., ve ant j Supply Com- stock at 5100 per share. This stock haw
21 ivhhjeiian "< if, 4 been used carelesslj bj some people, but
. 1 , ’ it’s worth more than par. believe pros-
’ tz.’Ali. ’ A r.\ H. nect of a dividend before VVilson g<»es in.
IELLICO I.l'Ml’ Bitv it. Bank making money now.
j. < Forty-one shares Warren Manufaetur-
•TT. I,). ing Company stock at $:;5 per share. Met -
'c.l'M >NT <’<>Al. Ci'Ml'yAl cantile reports show s. .< k worth around
BOID I'Hi'NLs MAIN :ii4B w '" H” 11 ar ‘J’ " i,r ’ " f I*'' 3 stool, (> T
vi, ■-ip „ ’ , , Hennessee Is president; Dr. E. .1 Sprat-
ard sJ.• ss Cve™ '' 1 ?’ llr ' K ’ ami treasurer.
C.nrr < ,>,.3 ’ ' ll HtI.ES E I’ll' ■MI 'So’<.
Ninth Am.;xer-..r\ ..lit!..,' o't'"'r>.» Loh Kt "'’ k ’" ';. l<'iultl>ble
Angeles Examiner will get vop ngh' out Building, Atlanta, <.a.
December Mallet an- address in ~0-14-11
united States 1 m ■ ents a ci>pj
*'kiiiaiia or i »rt*igr, •"> cfmts Send _
in your »r r_n. w 4 Real Estate For Sale
Gooki’i. •* ' * .‘t, ? 1 cast LAKE, 'ii section of new road
. ... paving and >ar -xt. imi in, a lot 51x857,
TPpwv —m 5 if you hoi
„T, fl ' r ’" t ' woven from your IWI . rears you -an a, ,-bl. vom im.m-v.
ulaln r Lm, '' Pn ' ?r to ? ny >" •’rrvlce; 1 Address High Ground. Box 24. c«r<
Plain or .<» gneu an> size Catalogue K i al; 11 14-46
free Oriental Rug Company. Baltimore
-16-31 IF you want to enjoy life bn- tills place:
1 7T" iTV - —7 better than g..iin; abroad: tine fishing,
-N,l LlOlia 1 < IlSll KeiJIStCrS boating and bathing: 5-room house, plenty
335-850: 860-875 and up Term'- easy I.l’b- f ” u ” an< ’ ,imh * r ' ’ . 1,,,ur s rlde " f
era! exchange allowance Both nhones Atlanta; on, mile of electric plant; lights
THE NATION \l. xsil REGISTER CO l ’ < ' h “ li llle “l' ,!tl 1 '"’“I 1 U- E. Fin
-60 North Eroad Street. 7-20-fti ’• Houte 4 Atlnnta. Ga 11-14-34
XinprifM ; kt a bargall my equity o
J 1 • * i atest improvements $2 150 in a good fiv» room cottage on h
reg!-tern exchanged oorne’ lot. R5x264. in West Etui; fruit,
uani! Ail sizes; east’ tern. chicken runs, etc.; citj improvements
TJpfrietnrsi Atlanta Cash RegN-ter Co down nnd paid for. Owner Box 206. rare
aAr^r> lk 1 34 East Alabama street Georgian.ll-12-26
Business Onportunltlef r* i acit*
''’OR SALE one „| tieal outb Aph (’(H \"TY tIL'ORfU \
i 0 1 Hunter st 1-4 ' ' 1 ' ’ ' 11 1 IO ■ I \ .
lTi"iT»7V'7 , . D;"7u~<;;,~ . I’llkKH sT"t;l STORE ami lo.lxliiij
/-l'., I, ' .u .. TV**’’ '' l, ’« | l house, twenty renting houses in town:
Ami new «.? : T • .?>*■;,. -o '.’- .n ,n, . i,! "' ’t'V acr.- Ims' farming- land, rents sl.B(m
I .A ■< i '• i-' <■ " 1 ’’ l ‘" .''“ar. w 111 exchange for Atlanta property
tu T, ; ‘ ■ heat offer takes all or par WH. ci. <
' ' • ' Sout B' ■ id \ t ■ . • ’ u Ga,
4® 11
f l ash. I*. <». E< ' btckhi nd M.-.z-r 1 ''A \ i 1<) sell wo Jot* near cur lit
k_\»uniy f *;» rghi. 43-l i-ll t’i<l a;.',* with lilt ualkr. 4350 each;
'a'i »”v ‘ v -.n," ; * Y'- ' li t then $7 monthly without inter-
1 ; T,' ' ” ’ * ' ■ "O splendid future Thia is
,11 . '.O?- I' W i"'"" 1V " * -Vldi-ss If. I. I'. 8.. X 24. care
all particulars In letter. I. <> Box oHt. Georgian, ._ It-g.gO
- . . . fOI. s■. I. ....... ... m, K .
, ' '" ' 7 ’ ’ ... Ive times as g: ae th< one you
*’.■ . . .
/: ■ ,1‘ , ' ."...y 11 , 1 x '.l 1 ■■ m rcentage In ■ mi: favor. The
’ 1 h ,* A"*’ x ■' tn; v. rsaix edition ot The Los An-
re hl b o ’, e ‘ - F.xamii., r. out Dm oml>ei 25. will tell
tae hamt I. a Mailt-., to anj .1- you l "ix inis can be Mailed io anv ud
’. rt L K , s ,' !1 *“ r s ' a " s '' r >i-'X Ro la cents. | n Vniied State- ..r Mexico 15 cents,
. at.aila i.i f.*re gn points, -■> ‘tents <eml t'ai ada or ♦‘.coign points 25 cents Send
in your ..rder now . | . , ■ ■ r . v 10-21-4
Nntimoc —— WANTE > bin 1 ndred thousand ready-
.ouLiitfi. made families o share in the prosperity
O s southern Eilifornia. The Ninth Anni-
X<’lH E Having bough’ the stock m versar> Edition ->t Tim Los Angeles Ex-
and fixture* of L \\ \llen. aminer. out December 25th. will tell wb.v
an* how Mailed > anj address in United
* ’’ ‘ ’, 1 ’ r ' Statv? .r Mexico 15 .tit* . ’opj Canada
o’.k lm Iva.-. 1. Ih !L s i «,r foreign p-dots. ’ cent send *n v..ur
Real Estate For Sale.
F( »R SALE—On Hiver <ar line, new three
room house; 11,000; Sls a month; no i
I cash payment. John «’arey, 2 Whitehall,
street,ll-2-55 I
'TWO new bungalows Kirkwood; will
sell cheap, or will exchange for vacant ,
property or purchase money noteg. Ad- i
i dress J.. B->x TOO. care Georgian.
10-22-34 I
THE HOUSE you build, buy or!
rent will not be a modern home I
' unless it is wired for electricity.
I Twenty-eifflit acres—A real nice
little country place, 9 miles
I from the city, on public road, It..
* F. I)., and in less than half mile.
! to cherted road : fine orchard, all !
i kind of fruits, 3-rooin cottage.
i barn and other out buildings. |
A'oii couldn't find anything morel
i.siiilable for a chicken ami truck i
I farm. Owner lives in south
pieorgia, ami has insirm-ted inc |
to sell for sl.4iK) cash, and give j
possession Jauuari 1. This will i
sell to first part.\ investigating
that has the cash.
Fourth National Bank Bldg.
Real Estate Wanted.
WANTED Vacant lot, on or near car
line. Must be bargain, on terms. A. B.
Hayes, 33 <’range street. 40-12-11
. \NTEI> Six or seven-room house >r
bungalow; state price, terms and where
located. 8.. Box 203. Georgian. 46-12-11
For Exchange—Real Estate.
One two-story, six-room bun
galow. built one year, 100 feet
from car line near in. My equity
is $1,500. Cost to me. Wil] Ex
change for an auto roadster. Must
he late model, and in the boat of
condition. Won't consider car
been painted over. In answer
ing describe fully the car—make,
year, horse power and color. Ad
dress B. E. G., P. 0. Box 626,
Atlanta, Ga.
WANTED Tn exchange 490 acrea of gooil
fertile, dry wihl land in Clinch county,
for Atlanta property or automobile; good
titles; will give or take difference on
terma. Value SB,OOO. L. A. Wood. Car
rollton, Ga.
Are -of anything today?
Then a Want Ad In The Georgian win 50
get it for you. Phone your ad to rue
Georgian. Every phone in a. sub station
for Georgian Want Ads Competent and
polite men to serve you.
Farms For Sale.
WANTE!' Ships of all kinds to burn
California oil and carry merchandise for
the port of Los Angeles to and from the
Panama Canal. The Ninth Anniversary
1 Edit ion of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th. tells just what the canal
will do to Southern California. Mailed to
any address In t'nited States or Mexico,
15 cents; Canada or foreign points, 2l>
cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4
Farms For Rent.
'WANTED One hundred thousand ready
mail.♦ families to share In t'ue prosper
ity of Southern California. The Ninth An
i niversary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex
, aminer, out December 25th, will tell why
mo bow Mailed to any address In United
states or Mexico, 16 cents a copy; Can
ada or foreign points, 26 cents. Send In
your order now 10 21 4
Railroad Schedule.
S( )I ”I’ll AY.
The following schedule figures are pub
lished only as Information, and ure not
: guaranteed:
No. Arrive From—[No. Depart
36 N Y0rk..5:00 am 36 N. Yorkl2:ls am
13 Jaxville 5:20 am 20 Col’bus. 6:20 am
43 Was’ton 5:25 am 13 Cincl 5 30 am
12 Sh’port . 6:30 am 32 Ft. Vai. 5:30 am
u.l Jaxville. 6:soam 35 B'ham 5:45am
•17 Tot co.: 8:10 am 7 C’nooga 6:40 am
20 Heflin. .. 820 am 12 H'mond 6:55 am
29 N York 8:20 am 23 K. City. 7:00 am
3 Chat'ga 10:36 am 16 Bruns'k 7:45 am
7 Macon. 10:40 am 29 B’ham,.lo 45 am
27 Ft. Vai. 10:46 am| 38 N. YorklUOlam
21 Col’bus .10:50 ami 40 Ch'l'tte 12:00 n'n
6 Cinci ..11:10 arnl 6 Macon . 12:20 pm
29 Col’bus.. 1:40pm! 30 C’bus .12:30 pm
| 30 B’ham... 2:30 pm I 30 N. York 2.46 pm
40 8’ham...12:40 pm 15 C’nooga 3:00 pm
i 39 Ch'lotte 3:65 ptn| 39 B'ham... 4:10 pm
| 5 Macon... 4:00pm!’18 Toccoa. 4:30 pm
i 37 N. York. 5:00 pm: 22 Col’bus. 5:10 pm
| 15 Bruns'k. 7:50 pm 5 Cinci. . 6:10 pm
I 11 R’tnond 8:30 pm> 28 Ft. Vai. 5:20 pm
24 K. City. 9 20 pm 35 Henin... .".:45 pm
lii C'n-iogn. 9:35 pm! 10 Macon. 5:30 pii,
I 19 Col bus 10:20 pm ! 44 Wash'n. 8:45 pm
31 Ft. Vai. 10:25 ptn 24 Jaxville. 9:30 pin
36 B’ham .12:00 ngt 11 Sh'port 11:10 pm
14 ClncL 11:00 pm 114 J'xviiie 11:10 pm
1 Trains marked thus (•) run dallr, ex
-1 cept Sunday,
other trams run dally Centra! time.
City Ticket Office. No 1 Peachtree St.
A3L ‘IC _
Insert a small ad under
“Lost and Found” in th*
Classified Section of
Want Ads
Die larpe circulation
of th* paper inaicag you
To Find It
ii i iiiiit i—l ii I'nwiiiiuMi-Hmii
Editor Poultry Department:
Will you be kind enough to tell me,
through your columns, what the dis
tinguishing features of the Black Lang
shans are, as compared with Black Co
chins? To me they seem to be about
the same. MRS. S. E. J.
Winder, Ga.
Reply.—True, both are black,
both have feathered legs, and both
have single combs. However,
whenever approximately true to
breed type, they are quite different
in shape and makeup. The Lang
shan stands well up, on legs of
good length, with head carried well
up. The back is short and well con
caved: the tail large and well
spread; tht legs feathered to the
outer toe, but with the middle toe
smooth and bare. The bottoms of
the feet are pink or flesh-colored.
The whole general appearance Is
one of style and getup. On the
other hand, the Black Cochin has a
short neck, carried rather low. The
back is rather long, but, owing to
its very full cushion, it appears
short. The tail Is short, small and
carried low. The body—-in fact,
the specimen all over—should be
very full and loose feathered, while
the Langshan is much more closely
feathered. The legs are short and
heavily feathered to the tip of out
er toes, the middle toes being well
feathered. The bottoms of the feet
are yellow—in fact, the whole body
should be yellow when dressed.
The skin of the Langshan should be
white. True, there are cases where
they have both been bred in a
slipshod manner, and perhaps al-
Rhode Island Reds.
MT WINNINGS at the recent Georgia
Poultry association show is conclusive
of the high standard of my S. C. Reds. I
am disposing of iny stock and am offer
ing rare bargains. See me during the next
few days J. I. Hosford, East Point, Ga.
Bell phone. 10-25-32
STOCK AND EGGS for sale from prize
winning White Leghorns, at ell times.
Mrs. Robert West, 132 Carter Hill road,
Montgomery, Ala. HdL*?
150 FINE White leghorns 81 each. L.
S. Bottenfield. Phone 27-J Decatur, Ga.
SACRIFICE—Breeding pen White Or
pingtons, sixteen head; must go at once:
S3O, Cole & George, Atlanta. Ga. 11-14-2
INGTONS, bred from prize winners at
Gadsden, Ala.; Dalton, Ga. Knoxville,
Tenn.; Chattanooga, Tenn., shows. March
and April hatch. Trios, sl6. S2O, $25;
pens, $25, S3O, $36. Guarantee satisfac
tion. George M. Moseley. Menlo, Ga.
Plymouth Rocks.
WHITE Plymouth Rocks, 75c to $1.25;
have sold my farm, ano chickens must
go A. K. Chamlee, Worthen, Ga.
THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs,
$1 per 16. 126 Windsor street. Main
3588. 10-9-15
: TURKEYS -Mammoth Bronge toms $4,
hens $3. These are fine young birds.
Miss L. Holbrook, Ashland. Gu. 86-9-11
BR< >WN’S Perfection strain White Indian
Runner eggs, $3 and $5 pen, selling
till January 1. Now Is the time of year
!10 raise ducks. Theo A. Brown, Decatur,
Ga. Bell phone.ll-14-52
WHITE RUNNER ducks of quality; stock
ami eggs for sale. Snow White Poultry-
Yards, O. O. Ray, manager, Kirkwood, Ga.
PURE White Runner ducks; 810 trio; 816
pen; satisfaction guaranteed or money
refunded. South Georgia Poultry Farm,
Sale City. Ga. 11-6-41
WHITE RUNNERS; from first prize
stock; mature trios, pairs, ducklings
and eggs. Prices right. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Georgia Duck Farm, Smyr
na. Ga_ Phone 90<o Smyrna. 61-9-11
A FEW White Indian Runners. Fishel
strain; young ducks beginning to lay,
$4.60 each: $12.60 a trio: also English
standard, $1 each. Sawnee Farm, Cum
ming, Ga. 11-7-30
GET our big catalogue of Incubators and
brooders. Southern States Incubator
and Brooder Company, College Park. Ga.
CREOSOTE is an excellent germ
destroyer for poultry raisers to
use about the premises. We have
it in any quantity.
Atlanta Gas Light Co.
Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale.
Only 300 Feet From Atlanta’s Center
Only $i,300 Per Foot
THIS includes .lot fronting 211-2 feet on one of best business streets with
depth of 116 feet to alley and a good 2-story and basement brick build
ing suitablef or wholesale or retail purpose*.
Empire Trust and Safe Deposit Co.
_• -
SIOO Cash, Balance $12.50
Per Month
(IN \\ LS I I'LNTH STREET we offer a four
room house for $1,250 on the above terms.
717 Third National Bank Building.
801 l Phone Ivv 4286. Atlanta Phone 672.
. ' ii.nm » i" J"*". JlL_ J, .. _ ■■■■■ ■■■■■Li J ■
,TUE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a
I modern home unless it is wired for Electrieitv.
lowed to cross with each other, and
the natural result has been to bring
them very closely together In gen
eral makeup. In the hands of
careful and judicious breeders,
they are very decidedly different
in type and breed characteristics.
In our estimation, the Langshan Is
a much more profitable breed for
the average poultryman to keep for
meat and eggs, being of an active
disposition, while the Cochin is de-
• elded ly lazy.
Judge F. J. Marshall:
I have about 75 week-old chicks that,
owing to the bad weather, I have bad
to keep nearly all the time in a large
coop with dirt floor. Xjiey are doing
well, except they constantly pick each
other’s toes and make them bleed. They
are well fed, have plenty of sweet milk
and water. Can you give a reason for
this? How can I prevent it? Also
the best treatment for the poor little
pi eked-up toes.
Please answer through The Georgian,
and oblige. Very truly,
MRS. H. P.
Waycross. Ga.
Reply.—l think if you will feed
your chicks some good, fresh beef
scraps the tendency to pick each
other’s toes will soon pass away. If
you would get some nice fresh beef
lunge and hang up where they can
peck and pull at them it would
keep them busy. In fact. I would
tiy to give them all their feed in
such a manner as to keep them on
the move as much of the time as
possible. Keep them scratching.
Put a little ointment of some kind
on their toes. They will soon get
well If left alone.
WHITE Indian Runner ducks, best of
stock White Plymouth Rocks, winners
for years and bred for laying; fox terrier
puppies C. O. Harwell, 116 North Pryor
” I r 11-11-18
ENTRIES close for Sbuth
Georgia’s Greatest Poul
try Show November 19. For
premium book and entry
blanks address A. F>. Moore,
P. O. Rox 85, Savannah, Ga.
Seedsmen for the South, 16 West
Mitchell street. Four City De
liveries Daily. North and
South Side 9 a. m., Inman Park
and West End 2 p. m. Bell
Phone M. 2568, Atlanta 2568,
THIS IB THE SEASON to feed your
fowls beef scraps. We can supply you
witn both Swift’s and Darling’s Scraps;
i. l !£ utlds 25c ’ 60 P° un ds $1.65, 100 pounds,
"RED COMB" MEAT-MASH should be
wept before your laj'lng hens and uucka
all the time. It is an egg-producing; food
to be fed wet nr dry; Io pounds 25c 50
pounds $1.15, 100 pounds $2.25.
GOLD FISH -We have a beautiful lot on
hand. Price 10c. 15c and 25c each.
Prepared Fish Food 10c a package 3
packages 25c, By mall add 2c a package.
LEG BANDS, poultry markers, drinking
founts, grit and shell boxes, food hop
pera and pans.
WHEAT BRAN, chicken wheat, shorts,
whole corn, alfalfa meal, crushed oy
ster shell, poultry grit, granulated bone,
one that Is green summer and winter
on well prepared soli, try our Evergreen
Lawn Mixture. Price, 1 pound 20c; 3U
pounds 66c, 14 pounds $2.50.
LIQUID LICE KILLERS, disinfectants,
lice powders, roup, canker, cholera,
diarrhoea and chicken pox remedies.
Horses and Carriages
ONE mule and one horse and two dalrv
wagons for sale cheap. Southern Dairi-
Company, 179 South Forsyth street
WANTED—To buy large, pony or med
ium-sized horse. Must be safe and
sound. Price right. Box 271, care Geor
G<>OD horse for rent. Call Atlanta phone
Decatur 74 M. 11-7-39
WANTED—Good cow. fresh since July, to
pay for In instalments. R. F. D. No. 3,
Box 71, Atlanta, Ga. 26-14-11
FOR SALE—Setters, pointers and hounds;
trained, partly trained and untrained;
revised list ready for mailing R. L.
Whitt, Kernersville. N. C 41-6-11
Coops For Rent.
EXHIBITION COOPS for rent or for
sale. Georgia Poultry Association, 115
North Pryor street. Atlanta. 11-7-2
VTT— <T==
Want to buy your second-hand furni
ture. stoves, household articles and mis
cellaneous things? Your ad In the "For
Sale, Miscellaneous” columns will be read
with interest and your used but useful
articles will be sold et a big profit to you.
Real Estate For Sale
W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson
Bell Phonea 1081-1032. 11 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. Atlanta Phone
ing 862 per month net, for 84,600, and a
third cash will buy it. If you are looking
for big returns on your money, buy this.
Also buy another parcel which brings in
$64 per month net. for only $5,500. Half
cash. Better pick these up See Mr.
CLOSE IN, on Cooper street, neat and at
tractive six-room home for the bar
gain price of $3,000. Terms SSOO cash
and $25 per month. See Mr. Winn.
A PICK-UP on Jackson street, near Pine,
consisting of s complete two-story resi
dence, for only $5,200; $1,200 cash will han
dle it. Balance easy. See Mr. White.
TWO five-room cottages on big lots, near
Grant park. Genuine bargain for $3,350
cash. A practical handling of these will
make SI,OOO profit. See Mr. Radford.
GO LOOK at the corner of South Pryor
and Doane streets, opposite the new
school. Fine place for a store. Good
home already on part of the lot. Price
$3,650. Terms. See Mr. White.
If You Have Money to Lend, We Can Place it Safely.
WE have only one steam-heated apartment left. Apartment F, Adriatic No
312 Rawson street, a five-room apart ment, modern in every respect Price
WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description ol
everything we have for rent. Get a copy.
Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale
7-r House, Just off Highland Av., for
$3,250. Will Rent for $25.00 month.
All improvements.
lot 50x200. A 2-rootn house in rear. $250 cash, baianea tlt OO per montj..
SIOO Cash, sls Per Month
FOR a pretty flve-rootn bungalow o n Howard street, Kirkwood. This la
the best bargain in Kirkwood property ever offered, and you will have to
act quick to get It.
Lot 100x400.
SIX ROOMS, a beauty, at a sacrifice. Name your terms. Owner
ninst sell. Call at 31 Inman building, or Phone M. 2053.
between Ponce DeLeon and St. Charles avenue l -.
It’s a corner; elevated, level and 60 feet east front.
18 and 20 Walton Street. Both Phont-- 458.
FOR SALE ” 5,::50 REVT “
TMUAT T iOfi Love Street.'
Iyl A J. J. N I " A GOOD proposition; stays rented; white
\i T 7SrvrAC i rvr' tenants ’ o "' ner wants money
VVVH /17 II ) \ THOMAS R. FINNEY, Sales Manager
V V X X -~r A- Auburn Avenue .
35 Boulevard Terrace
NORTH SIDE, six-room, modern cottage, lot, 50x185, half block
from North Boulevard; fine residence section; among high
class homes. Price cut from $3,750 to $3,200 for quick sale. If you
m ant a real bargain, see us at once, somebody will get it.
214-215 Empire Building. }[. 66, Atlanta Ml
Phone 8106 Main.
BAH a2 A -!m lme T r-n -
835'1 cash ba an.-aA-tl 55 ° U A 4 p «.'' e,K ” n tlle Vice, wlii"h is -4,76" ter- ■
vacant k.t month. Might consider e.xehang- for g. u.l t> it:
vacant lot, can also shave price a bit on larger cash payment.
BEA O^ sriD^nVo^ow^t^^ 111118
NO^em^ V B6O0 U S«h ,O T<>i t . C l. OiKhland, a beautiful vacant lot. for only jaToOO*
1 erms ;500 cash, balance s2o per month. Get busy on this.
HA A^k A for a M°r D wmtaml !de ' Ot trad ’ ,n <® piece of renting'
IO T-C T7* TVT TT* . J WE HAVE what you want
X IV Mz Jllz 1N rC ON EAST LAKE DRIVE, we have t«"
beautiful shaded lots; east fr»»i HL ‘
both for only $2,006.
C“ A f V_> \ \y <>N PRETTIEST FAIT in West El i par
I.V-1 < I ‘Commanding a splendid vi#>w. si •
oungalow. I ’ice sx.7’o Te”iis.
IN \ Ol K trading and building, you ran ofr<‘ii "ch t"
advantage by placing a loan on the property. V
have home funds and insurance money, 5 1-2 per reid
to 8 per cent.
Come to see us.
L. H. ZURLINE, I -<oan Manager.
Houses For Rent.
Stocton apartments, just opposite th!
main entrance of Grant park, we hsv.
second-floor five-room I'pann'er. 8
equipped with all modern convenie:, „ '
such as cabinet mantels, tile hearth!'
electric lights, gas. bath, sink in n,.
kitchen. We furnish gas stove wat».
heat and janitor’s service. This anart
ment is in nice condition, on one 7r
the best ear lines in the city, convenient
to schools and churches. Price S3O M
Boulevard apartment, at the abAv.
number, on Highland avenue, vrj have •
nice five-room apartment, equjppe-, .'..i.r
all the modern conveniences, speh ax .>
inet mantels, tile hearths, electric llahu
gas. bath and sink in the kitchen wc;
steam heat; on car line, in good neltrh
borhood; convenient to schools V
churches. Price S4O. an<
above number on Jackson street
have a lower-floor six-room apartmatr
with all modern conveniences, sv. u .Y
cabinet mantels, tiling hearths ele.trl
lights, gas, bath and sink In the kit, h.l
This apartment Is In nice, first-class . .t.
dltion, situate.i on a large, elevated 1
In A-l good neighborhood, on a car line'
convenient to schools and churche.’
Price $35.
And a long list of residences of all kinds