Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 15, 1912, EXTRA 2, Page 4, Image 4

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4 CONSTIPATED. HW, BILIOUS. TONGUE MEO? MUFFS SURE —J Fuued Tongue. Rail I Indig' ■ tioii Sail., a Skin an.l Ab* table Head- Aches come from a tori'... and <‘|ogg< ■ mst ipai •. ■ boW'i-, whi< h mu.- your stomach to breonv- ti ith an a- -t. f<>. >.i. « !ii. h Sours and fei merit '.!!<• , eases, bad breath, y.-lio . «ki»: r.<-ntal f-ai>. .. .vt ng that horribh and nauseating. A t'asear. t tonight will st . g.:.<ii you ..nt b\ morning -a lu eent box from you How< eat regular. Stomach sweet Had lea n< ■ you • bully ■■ nonths Don't forget tht .hild ■ . - J 10 Cents. Never gripti or sicken. “CASCARETS WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP." Kv nc * oor I Occupations I ever y kind prevent the ’ freedom of sunlight exercise I which nature intended, and vital body-forces are slowly reduced. Scott's Emulsion is the concentrated I pure food-medicine to check this decline. I It refreshes the body by making healthy I blood and is natures greatest _ I aid to fortify the lungs and 4|BEglk| prevent tuberculosis, o / ' . S Scott's Emulsion makes r - energy, health and strength, s. . „•< B >w;ir Bloom Held. N.l 12-9 c if ■ . ~ , M.^ l -f“*^^ J 1 imii—WWiirmtwnmr ■ niiiWlT’ DR, E. C. CRIFFIW ’ S DENTAL ROOMS | $5.00 A Ou Scientific Caro Gives Modern Dental Health Set Teeth Only ss"‘ Delivered Day Ordered ▼ I' IJ* 22k ‘ °° l<J Cr?wns 53.00 jJljijJl Perfect Bridge Work $4.00 Phone 1708 Lady Attendant Over Brc;vn & Alien'* Drug Store 24j Whitehall Street PROVES SURE CURE FOR RHEUMATISM Quickly Eaaes Stiff. Sore, Swol len Joints and Muscles— Drives all Rheumatic Pains Away. I, needle** to stiff. :■ ixiiv longer with rnvinualisji. and b< all < rippled up, and bent out of shape with its heart-wrenching pain-. when you can be quickly and permanently cured. Rheumatism comes from weak, in nctive krtneys, that fail to tiller from the blood, tile polsonutis Waste matter and uric acid; and it is u*< h .-* to rub on liniments or take ordinary remedies to folieve the pain. This only prolongs the misery anil can’t possibly cure you The only way to cute rheumatism is to remove tile cuts. I'lie new discov ery. t'roxotie positively doe* this. It neutralizes and dissolves al! the pot sonops substances and uric acid that lodge in tip- Joint* an. muscles, to scratch and iriltato and cause rheuma tism. and clean- out uni strengthens tiie stopped-up. iiiaetiv. kidneys, so they filter all the poison from the blood, and drive it on and out of the system, 1 Tuxone is tlx* most wonderful medi cine ever made for curing chronic rheu. ■ disorders. You will find it different . from all etmi cm, die- Tin re is noth ing else on enrtli like it. It matters not how old you are. or how long you tuive .suffered, it is practically imposst . ble to take it into the human sy stem without results-. You will find relief from tile first few do*. - and you will be surprised how quickly all your mis ery and suffering will end. An original package of <’ oxone costs I but a trill, at any first-class drug stole, such as Jacobs’ Pnarmaev. who sei’s , it on a positive money-back guarantee Three <’oses a day for a few dins is usually ail that is cvet imeded to cure the worst backache or overeom, url s.. r. Ie i *. i Adv. TETTER Tetterine cures tetter Read wi.ut Mrs ' McQuiddy, Estill Springs. Tenn’ sx y *; I had a severe case of tetter on both hands and I finally got helpless. A leading physician knew of no cure. I decided to give Tetterine a trial. To my utter surprise and satisfaction it worked a speedy cure. Use Tetterine I: cures eczema. letter. erysipelas. itvh ii.g idles, ground itch and all skin mala dies. 50c at druggists or by mail. SHUPTRINE CO., SAVANNAH GA. Cr ■ 7~- ' While on the Pacific - - ■■■— - Coast read the l|San Francisco Examiner Are you searching for a position ' Then an ad In the "Situations Wanted" col umns of The Georgian will assist you treatly. What have you lost" Try a three-tln e ad in the "Lost and Found" columns if The Georgian and recover y our arucles MEN—THE MENTER CO. STORE IS FOR YOU DIVIDED PAYMENT CHARGE ACCOUNTS Winter Suits and Overcoats Ct Because of our large purchasing power (we own nearly 100 stores), we can furnish you with better qual ity winter clothing than most stores, and at a lower price. N° matter w’here you bought your last suit or over coat, K° to THE MENTER CO. store for your next /\ \ one, aR d save money. Divide bill into small weekly L A payments if you like. / offer you good quality, correctly made suits and V ! coats of the latest winter design as follows: fw SUITS f. dsT CL Mixtures. sls to $25; Black Clay, S2O; Cheviot, lH mm sls to S2O; Serges. $12.50 to $25. llhfW coats I till' f'a / V 11 AU materials and styles, sls to $25. Raincoats, $5 ull II to S2O. / J Separate Trousers, $2 to $5.50. Hats $1 to $2.50. Shoes, $2.75 to $4.56. Sweaters, $2.50 to $5. Suits / oats for Boys 4 to 17 years, $3 to $6.50. L rJo LADIES <L We have the most complete and up-to-date styles in Suits, Coats, Millinery, Dresses, Waists, Skirts, etc. THE MENTER CO. SUCCESSOR TO MINTER A ROSENBLOOM CO. 71 1-2 WHITEHALL STREET, Upstairs. First Stairway Bolow J. M. High Co. HIE ATI.\X’I A GEORGIAN AND NEWS. ERIDAV. NOVEMBER 15. 1912. FOB DANOHUFF. FALLING HAIR OB ITGHY SCALP-25 GENT OANDERINE Save your hair! Danderine destroys dandruff and stops falling hair at once—Grows hair, we prove it. if you care for heavy hair, that glis tens with beauty and is radiant with Ilf.-: has an incomparable softness and is fluffy and lustrous, you must use Danderine, because nothing else accom plishes so much for the hair. Just one application of Knowlton's Danderine will double the beauty of your h.-ir, be.ldes it imme diately dissolves every particle of dandruff; you can not have nice, heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs tile hair of its luster, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome it produces a fever ishness and Itching of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then -Jfc agj _ SUPERIOR TONE I 9 r wRHfiIBK TEACHES YOU I fl discrimination. ' r T , HE difference between the “K SaSst' tone of two pianos heard y*j\ in a ,tore ma * se*m unlmport- ant - Yet- after y° u have be- pM E come used to the tone of a Hal- M 3 RY , ‘3®-4r'v let &. Davis piano In your own p=j g B home, and chance sometime to ■ hear the other piano in the home of a friend, you are astonished = to note the gulf that separates the tone quality of the two pianos. HB 1 Fhe Haliet & Davis Piano B FA HAS THE PURE SUNLIGHT OF TONE AW I Z 4 which brim s you the fullness of pride, satisfaction and pleasure IVU <3 that no other piano can give you. The gX'li c| NEW COLONIAL (5>Q C r 'Mi □ STYLE AT *P«SOb Kj/I K Is a beautiful new colonial art design case at an exceedingly low bSjJ price - eRuI ST Come into the st»re and see and hear it. Our easy payment R/j V terms will interest you, too. IbyT] | HALIET & DAVIS PIANO CO. I 50 NORTH PRYOR STREET g Factories—Boston = Established 1839. |=| WM. CARDER, Manager. g ff=n I B eurwe «—■■■»<—rwesaw ■■— . -■ r r i T m ■ r~ r~ iimi wbiiw—i.. ■■■■! .ini—ii— ——mi_ji k'Tlt DiL WOOLLEY’S SANITARIUM Ow s ! OP'um and Whisky 1 years experience shows these diseases ire ■ urable Patients also treated at their homes Consultation confidential. A book on the sub jeet free. DR B B. WOODBEY & SON., No. 2-A Vie. lor .sanitarium. Atlanta, Ga. the hair falls out fast. If your hair has been neglected and is thin, faded, dry, scraggy or too oily, don't hesitate, but get a 25 cent bottlt of Knowlton's Danderine at any drug store or toilet counter; apply a little as directed and ten minutes after you will say this was the best investment you ever made. We sincerely believe, regardless of everything else advertised, that if you desire soft, lustrous, beautiful hair and lots of it —no dandruff —no itching scalp and no more falling hair—you must use Knowlton’s Danderine. If eventually—why not now? A 25 cent bottle will truly amaze you. (Advt.) Muse Shoes For Women- They Are What They Seem c . . a . Success in tke manufacture of shoes Street Boots , , . 7 ? c 1 of Character depends on the square deal. scarcely Women’s is there another article of wear on the ,S p S market that must carry such a surplus Children’s Dress Boots of worth underneath a polished surface, of Elegance In a shoe quality cannot he deter mined except hy actual wear. To wear Nluse Shoes is to dis- Smart cover the square deal. , p “ m P s , Tis the same here with shoe and Oxfords 1 xxr rr 11 r styles. W e otter you only those or standard acceptance and the novelty ones among the constantly changing S/fppers of fashions. Newest Seek here the shoes of established styles— Fashions the shoes with a surplus of quality. Women’s $ J. 50, SJ.OO and sg.oo -Geo. Muse Clothing Co. -l | Our Big Offer I I iff'Slf ===—of I few"' Highgrade Suits I W $17.95 lltfv 11 “■ I / f SATURDAY MONDAY J $3 95 Down! wL'M BALANCE $1 A WEEK I ' » •. * 1 ; 1 ?’ Hi # '' ; 1 • 1 f ’ ’ } : * i lb H i I It you have not bought your Winter Suit f); ‘ ; j you cannot afford to miss this “big offer.” •J‘* M; I These Suits are shown in all the latest fli 1 e dtn ■;!; | fashions for your inspection. We want 1 y ° U tO C ° me Up and take a look at them * n < i Then compare ours with what other il l stores offer you. There is no color, style 1 II I I ° r that is not represented in this »1 I" I line. Some are lined with Skinner Satin yK —others with Pure Silk Peau de Cygne. They are made in the new cutaway effect and have one large frog fastening. ! Really we cannot begin to picture in your mind the great value S we are offering in these Suits. PLEASE CALL EARLY. Line Over I a. I I Men’s Tea I I Clothing Company i I 73«/ 2 WHITEHALL STREET g Georgian Want Ads Bring Results