Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 15, 1912, HOME, Page 17, Image 17

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■ want ads- •1 IE ATLANTA GEORGIAN I ished by The Georgian Company, o East Atlanta, . bama-st. Georgia. ,-d at Atlanta postoffice at second class matter. scriptions Payable in Advance. . ,ir. mail, postage prepaid. $5.00 aths. mail, postage prepaid. 2.50 months, mail, postage prepaid 1.25 . .nth, mail, postage prepaid. .45 oriptions Payable in . red by carrier, one year $5.20 ed by carrier, six months .... 2.60 , d by carrier, three months... 1.30 icd by carrier, one month 45 by carrier in Atlanta-and , r ciiics. one week Want Ad Rates and Rules ,n the AGanta Georgian )ne cent a word each insertion. :d taken for less than the price ten words. Ads in larger type, a line (four words to the line). Out -of - town advertisements .st be accompanied with cash. ■.r.cies’ discounts 10 and 5 per cent. rhe Georgian will not be respon for more than one incorrect rtion of any ad ordered moro in one time hosing hours: To secure prop- ; -silication. ads must be In < Georgian office before 1 o’clock day of the issue. Ml ads must be ordered out in ... >iting or at office. No discon t.-e. notice taken over phone. .y word in the advertisement, - ding the name and address. ...unted. Each Initial counts one v .rd: compound words are counted wo words. telephone your Want Ads to The orgian (both phones 8000) when is more convenient to do so, and lection will be made at your me or ai your office the follow i g day. This is an accommoda t.ijn service rendered Georgian Want Ad patrons and payment >uld always be promptly i presentation of bill. Always k ‘bat your telephone ad be rc . ed back to you. by the ad t no r to make sure that it has’been ■ n correctly. The Georgian can ; t guarantee accuracy or assume i ■ msiblity for errors of any kind irring in telephone advertise ments.!. ADVERTISERS should retain re- . ipts given in payment for Want -.ver the office counter, as mis takes can not be rectified without them. In answering advertise ments addressed in care of The i rgian, if the advertiser requires n ferences, send a duplicate of tame. Help Wanted—Female. iI.X I Tlßl EN'CED power sewing machine’ ,-p< rators to make wash dresses; opera i.-rs experienced on overalls and other garments have little trouble learning our. .o,rk m a few days; our work is steady all the year and good pay. Enterprise M fg. Co., 38'-g W. Alabama st. 11-15-19 LAI-lES to make house dresses at home; to neat hands we can give steady work. Apply in person. Enterprise Mfg. Co., 3V-. W_ Alabama st. 11-15-20 AN i XPERIENCED cook wanted: good “wages, with room on lot. 8 Kennesaw avenue. 11-15-18 WANTED Good colored cook. Must be experienced. Apply 30 West North ave nue. 11-15-7 WA NTED—Middle-aged woman; no other need apply. 593 North Jackson. 11-15-13 '. 4NTED Cook for small family. i’hone. West 148-J. 8 South Gordon street. WANTED--Two actresses; would con sider a good amateur. Address A., Box 279. ran- Georgian. 46-11-11 WANTED Good cook; must be neat and steady: steady position for right party. Housekeeper. 354 Capitol avenue, corner Georgia avenue. - ■ ' 31-14-11 LADY WANTED, not younger than 30, to do general housework and care for Invalid. Good salary to right party. Apply_l4o Trl tiity; apartment 2. 11-13-24 WANTED—MiddIe-aged lady to assist in all house,work. Address H. H. H., Box * Georgian. 33-13-11 ' I 'i-■' mra goo, but perfectly good men and women, to take a new grip on life and try a little happiness for a ' I’.ange. The Ninth Anniversary Edi son J The Dos Angeles Examiner, out Pi, ember 25, will tell you how to do it. Mailed to any address In United States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or foreign plo ts, 25 cents. Send in your order now. Ci iMHIXATinv coal and gas ranges. Southern Stove and Supply Company, 121 Whitehall. 10-15-4 Help Wanted—Male. " IN PED Students to learn telegraphy at nights; positions always open. At lanta phone 5646-A. 22-15-11 WANTED Apprentice compositor; pre- ‘ •’ one of about two-thirds ability; per manent work in a first-class office* ' ir.’onl; must be of good character and will ng to follow instructions implicitly: 11,1 garetter; a good place for the right Joung man. Address only by letter, giv- ■ng experience, salary expected and rec- "ininendations. *J. P. Clarke, 425 Wash ington street. 11-14-11 A A NTED-Delivery boy with bicycle. ' h at the Shoe Renury. 80 North \\ ri:i>—Scientific farmer; alfalfa and ■5 raiser. Morrow Transfer Co., At !L nta > ( >a. 11-13-33 ' I El' Young man between sixteen a. nd nineteen years old, for general of wurk. Apply 616 Rhodes building; ■ u 43-16 l An experienced person to rub ;;I sandpaper in finishing room. South- J_. J I 'bolstering Company, 11-13-3 • l WAY mail clerks wanted; S9O ""’nth; Atlanta examinations coming f"' r > -oaching free. Franklin Institute. ' A . Rot Hester, N V t_-1 1- 11 ’’ Thirty fast messengers* with m \ without wheels; best pay In city. , ‘, ! s Minute Messenger Service, ll I .A 41 nJ «• street. Ph one 23. 11 -1 -62 I>R AI ’GHON’S Bl 'S. COLLEGE. , Atlanta. Day and night sessions. I ' 'i' any time. Catalogue free. -- - _ 11-5-43 wanted to learn the barber trad*-, work growing better yearly. Ma :,ry can’t kill it. Our graduates : ’iv in demand on account of our thor t raining. Top wages to holders of *•!'Micates. Few weeks completes, given. Learn now. Terms com busiest season. See our plan. M"- r J College* gg lai ’i ie 1 * i fiburn hotel* heart of city, 10 Mi ’iton street, if you want a clean, quiet ■ transient 50c Open all night -21-19 V" ■ \"p 1 '• ■ 11 —““ Nir.D Discouraged, hut perfectly men and women, to take a new "h life and try a little happiness for -'hge. The Ninth Anniversary Ed!- The Los Angeles Examiner, out , •■tnher 25, will tel! you how to do it /•I to any address in United States . . x Jr° 15 cents. Canada or foreign -’•» cents. Send in your order now A NTED—Bright, strong I'oys to deliver routes in ’■'moons. Good wages 'I chance for promotion. 1 'll at circidation depart ed The Atlanta Georgian, East Alabama street » . Ideas. Inventors write for list ’nventior.x wanted and prizes offered ■nanuto turers Al.-i .low to get ‘■’•t. Sent free to any add’ess lt*r . M A- BrScue, patent attorneys, Wn<n tAun, D. C " ’l-23 Help Wanted—Male. rkr-E MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves, n„2l? rnp ??i s - All barb *r work free. Clean Mitchell Mlta Barber College, lO East ' rofc-sscr G o. Brannine will teach you the barber trade (it's easv). We °" e - hal / time Os other colleges. l T n ur ‘ Position in our shops only -roA. P-'iy more? Thousands of our Kramiutes runnlnK shops or making good vib K > s o Atlanta Barber College. 10 East Mitchell street. 5-11-17 Help Wanted— Male and Female. 'ailf?r.l' .fun to plant in southern nnvwherl i w *?ere it grows better than aPowT , , l!,e 1 ,n - " ,e " orl,i - On e «io”ar vmVi ’? n befori ’ you know it. The i'v Ver ? iary Udftlon of The Los f n ? a T in, r will Blve son >e exam-I . ,al Out December 25. or Mexico i” y a,l,lrps « in United Stites ooints V- V c 'mts, Canada or foreign points 2.« cents. Send in your order now _ _ 10-21-4 Teachers Wanted. EC w\E- fall P nro "menf gocTYpenings yet. I Oster s Teachers Agency. Atlanta. T 9-28-31 Salesmen Wanted. ' V 4«v’ rs ’ o sa ! es man. MusChA'c ..•'.J',- ■ ■"'■'■ only - Address Mallerv. roiV-iA!- g ' a "’ - —» 11-14-18 W E SELL .STOVES cheaper because our expenses are 'ess. Southern Stove and Supply < ompany, 1 2 1 Whit eimll 10-15-4 RANTED to plant in southern anvwhere a i w ' ,erc . it Krows better than . . P A’ 1 ?- the w,,rlf '- One dollar t.° *t' n before you know it. The Uinth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will give some exam- V n"a , actual <'ases. Out December 25. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 1» cents. Canada or foreign points 2o cents. Send in your order now Agents Wanted. AfIEN'TS to take up territory for sotne , ' ll inK . nobody else sells. All users of pen and ink buys on sight. A two min utes demonstration makes sale. High commission or good salary. Addrwss (' General Agent, care Hotel Marion, Atian A( J l n'', l , ■' RANTED Men and women to sell tlie best selling insurance rm earth One agent sold 200.000 last month Dis trict managers wanted for Mississippi Alabama and Georgia. Address Joiner & Hitch, 646 Temple Court building. At lan,a - ; 13,26-37 I’OK Earm one-fourth as large and five times as good as the one you arc toiling on back East. Take advan tage of .he percentage in your favor. The Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los An geles Examiner, out December 25, will tell sou how this can be. Mailed to any ad dress in I nited States or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or foreign points 25 cents. S£nd m your order now. 10-21-4 - - - Boarders Wanted. SEE “Rooms and Board” Under Georgian Rent Bulletin. Situations Wanted—Female. WANTED— Situation by young lady as tile clerk and general office work; can use typewriter. Address Miss M. M. (A, 21 \\ hitehall terrace. 53-15-11 \\ AN PEI) - By a lady of refinement, po sition in stenographic and general office work; have had three years’ experience. »IX V 3275-J. 54-15-11 YOl NG LADY of intelligence wants a position as companion or secretary. Best references. Address Secretary. Box :>O, care Georgian. 43-15-11 A (»I NG \V< >NL\N desires position as companion to invalid or nurse child two years old; experienced sick nurse; appreciate anything; honest and reason able. Anxious, care Georgian., 47-15-11 El LADY wants ppsTHbq as com- panion to lady, or invalid and assist "'bJUl'klbl work. Call lvy 3057. 50-15-11 POSITION as stenographer by one who has had five years experience In col lection work. Address “Capable,” care Georgian. 49-15-11 WANTED—To sew out by day. $1.25 per day; good on nice dresses. Dressmaker, 374 East Hunter. 28-15-11 WANTED—By a young lady posltipn as telephone operator, private branch or office work. Address R. L. I'.. I*. O. Box 631, City, 29-15-11 COMPETENT stenographer wants tempo rary work; eight years' experience. Ivy 2559-L. 11-14-44 POSITION by young lady with best of references; will work from 7 p. m. until 12: experienced telephone operator, book keeper or cashier. Address P. O. Box 236, City. 36-14-11 A-l STENO-BOOKKEEPER desires change position; five years experience best firms. "Marjorie,” care Georgian. : WANTED—Position by colored girl as nurse. Can give good references. Maude Talley. 191-A Currier street. YOUNG LADY, experienced, wants posi tion as clerk in grocery store or cashier; energetic: no time waster. Address Clerk, care Ge<irgian. 46-13-11 YOUNG LADA’ stenographer, now em ployed. desires change; prefer real es tate or insurance business; two years ex perience. Address Miss D. E., Box 207, pare (teorgian. 34-13-11 COMPETENT typewriter desires extra writing to do at home. Address A. B. C., Box 801, care Georgian. 36-12-11 MIDDLE-AGED LADY wants home with small family, to do light housework, for elderly couple. City only. Miss J. C., 163 Chapel street. 34-11-11 Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING, remodeling and altera tions; first-class work; reasonable prices. 168 ivy street. Apartment A. FIKST-I’LASS dressmaking. 37 East Alexander street. Phone Ivy 6523. , 11-13-5 , L Sewing. PARTIES wanting sewing done call at 372 East Hunter street. Satisfaction guaranteed. 11-12-7 Cleaning and Dyeing. I I ('hicatro Cleaning and Dyeing Co I CHEMICAL, steam and dry '‘leaning I,a dies work a specialtv. Work called I for and delivered. 54 East Harris. At** H-12-14 Situations Wanted—Male, WANTED—Expert male ste nographer wishes some extra work after 5 p. m. Can handle corretipondenee efficiently without dictation. Address W. I*. S., 14K Forrest avenue. 37-15-11 WANTEi ~j'<>si tion by young man with five icars experience as bookkeeper and general office man: operate typewriter an<l good penman: A-l references furn ished A C L., Box 210, care Geor gian 45-IVII Ci >M I '.I N A Ti' > N st enogra pher. bi ink keeper and general office man: can begin at once Address E. B M . 103 Elizabeth street lyj 2290; J 55; 14-11 WAITED Position by registered drug gist ten months actual experience. Ref erences. Address .1. H. VV.. Box 209. care (leorgl ■ 42-14-11 Y< il NG MAN bookkeeper, now employed, wishes to make change Can give good reasons tor doing so. Have three years experience. Address J.. Box 10:-. ear** F’OSITION W.lN'l'ED by man with long exper'o: -e m ■ fie, W rk. business eor- : \ I.' V : it. T. M'detate atari to start. I tefei .‘tices Address Comieiin’ are Georgian 41-13-11 Situations Wanted—Male. : FGR GENERAL housecleaning. J. H. Davis. 51 Williams street. 33-14-11 WA N T El)—Pos it lon as bookkeeper; ac- i curate A-l man; open for postiion De cember 1. Can handle heavy worß. Ref- ; erences very best. Address Z. E. R., Box ■ care Qeorgian. 52-12-11 ! WANTED Position by young man with two years’ experience as bookkeeper and I cashier and three years as stenographer; i prefer place where there is some book | keeping. G. E., Box 900, care Georgian. | , . 45-9-11 Situations Wanted—Maie and Female. WANTED—Ships of all kinds to burn California oil and carry merchandise fop. ■ the port of Los Angeles to and from the L a .P4 mu canal. The Ninth Anniversary I Edition of 'J lie Los Angeles Examiner, out ■ December 25th. tells just what the canal , will do to Southern California. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico, la cents; Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Lost and Found. LOST Black lynx necklace in Rich’s or Davison’s stores on on street between them Thursday afternoon about 5 o’clock. I lionv Ivy 3886 L with any information and receive reward. 41-15-11. $4.5 RE\\ ARD for black and white /emale setter; lost from 280 North Jackson Tuesday morning. Gall IL H. Hogg. I Alam j 1 l,s. 11-15-9 LOST- Prom 501 Bass street Wednesday morning Boston terrier dog, dark brin dle. white muzzle, screw tail, with white tip on end. Name. Bess. Had no collar on. Finder phone Main 4423-J or Main <42 and get reward. 11-15-1 WILL the party fhat~called Main 2128 1 uesday in regard to female setter that was lost call West 914 or Atlanta 1740" - 11-14-48 LOST—Wednesday night between Grand theater and 312 Capitol avenue; plain gold locket, with monogram. "F. B H ” Reward is returned to 5 Nelpon street. L<'ST—Bunch of' keys containing three Yale, four small keys and button hook on Whitehall street car Tuesday. Phone Atlanta 282, 11-14-3 LOST Brooch, with violet enameling en circling pearls. Call Ivy 6745-J. Re ward, 59-13-11 ' Lost Rock amber cigar holder as prize fight Tuesday night. Leave at Staten’s case and get reward. 54-13G1 LOST—String of gold beads, between North avenue and downtown district on West Peachtree or Peachtree street; reward if returned to Mrs. Seamans, 12 East North avenue. 11-13-26 WANTED—Manufacturers and merchants to help manage the business end of the Panama canal. It is located at Los An geles, the key to the great Southwest. The Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25, will have the facts about this great projr ect. Mailed to any- address in United States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or for eign points 25 cents. Send in your or der now. 10-21-4 Personal. $2.50 —We want rooms to tint at $2 50 a room. Bell phone Main 4807-J, 40-15-11 O. R. HENRY -Stoves repaired? 125 Ma rietta st. All kinds of stoves repaired Atlanta phone 1917. 11-14-49 , MATERNITY’ SANITARIUM—Private, refined, homelike. Limited number of patients cared for. Home provided ‘for infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell. 26 Wind ’ sor St- . 11-9-57 . SWITCHES made from combings and cut hair; prices, $1 to $1.25. Special atten tion given to mail orders. 49 West Cain ' street Mrs. Elma Leverett. 11-9-7 FOUND—The best place for prosperity and success. Everybody's doing it. i Come out to Southern California. The - Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los ’ Angeles Examiner will set you right. Out 1 1 December 25. to any address in : United States or Mexicq 15 cents a copy, • Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send 1 In your order now 10-21-4 CADET HEATERS, with coil. Southern t Stove and Supply Company, 121 White t hall 10-15-4 1 FLY SCREENS. FLY SCREENS, FLY SCREENS—Wood fly screens, metal fly • screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, metal weather strips furnished anywhere ; in the South. Write or phone W. R. Cal laway, manager, 1403 Fourth National Bank building. Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310 . 8-15-5 . SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34 Wall street, has an expert fltte" and It • will cost you no more to havo him fit you. and It means insurance. 6-24-19 Educational. WANTED—Private pupils; coaching done in both grammar and high schol Best of references. Phone . West 507- L. ' 25-14-11 Palmistry. (1E X UIX E G YPSY CAMP THE SEVENTH DAUGH TER GE THE SEVENTH. SHE tells your entire life by the planet j r ou are born under. Every hidden mys tery revealed. Camp at 77 East Hunter street, between Washington and Central avenue. Moved from 138 Whitehall street. GYPSY PALMIST. MADAME CAMILLE tells past present and future. Special reading, 2oc, this week. Located 50 Edgewood avenue, be tween Ivy and Pryor. 11-11-34 Clairvoyant and Palmist. HAVE RETURNED to Atlanta and is now located at 93 Auburn avenue Was located at 17 East Mitchell street last winter. Anything you desire to know, you are assured truthful and positive facts about it. Readings, 25c and 50c. Make no mistake In the place. 93 Auburn 1 aVenue (in 'tent), 10-26-22 WANTED Visitors to eotne out ami the great Southwest. Most of them will j want to stay. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th, will set forth the reasons 1 Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico. 15 cents; Canada or foreign points ' 25 cents.. Send In your order now. 10-21-4 Palmist and Life Reading, 17 EAST MITCHELL ST,, (IN TENT) GYPSY QUEEN. IS NOW LOCATED 1n tent, corner For* syth and Luckle; can be consulted nn /ill affairs of life. Charges moderate Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-13 Medical. ~~ ~M I<S~DR. DISEASES of women and children. 200- 202 Hillyer Trust Bldg. Bell phone Ivy 4619. 9->B-68 DH LI i.M''N I■ <N's Tansy. Penn.. r7>al and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re ! Hable treatment for painful and sup pressed menstruation. Irregularities and similar obstructions. Trial box by mall; 50c Frank Edmondson & Bro., manufac turing chemists, 11 North Broad street, Atlanta. 2-17-14 Dropsy. DROPSY’ CURED - Relieves shortness of breath in 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swell- I Ing in fifteen to twenty days. Write for particulars. Collona Dropsy Remedy Com pany, 512 Austell building, Atlanta. 5-25-11 Sewing Machines. WE RENT new machines with complete set of attachments for $2 per month; also machines repaired; prompt delivery. Ruth phoney 1893, Singer Sewing Ma chine Company. 79 Whitehall. 9-14 44 ! ~T—. — —— Notices. \ ' l' i; ll.iviiig b.mglu th- stock of g - and fixtures of P. W. Mien, L'S \\ vile itriet. I wilt not lie respuns ' Mi- ■ • bls ahi r fil l- days tr. :u . date. 1 ctober 13. 1912. L. Phillips 30-14-11 “The G eorgian’s Rent Bulletin” Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin. Are you looking for 'he best Rooms, Houses. Apartments, Rcsorhs for House jeping. Offices. Business Locations. Garages,'Storage Houses, Boarding and Rooming places, etc.? This bulletin contains a complete list of ’every desirable and suitable place that is For Rent in the city nnd suburbs in each issue For th' benefit and convenience of our natrons The Georgian employs special mon to cover the citv and suburbs each day in search of ali the desirable places. Save time, useless steps, money and worry by consulting this bulletin. It is for your convenience, so take advantage of it. Rooms and Board. . 91RST-CI.ASS boarding house at 185 South I'ryor street. Everything new ■ and first class. Mam 5300 ' IF Yi >U are looking for lirst-class roomlT. | with every convenience, call, West 950-J; With or without meals. 11-15-12 •WANTED JMi'I'LE TO OCCUPY BRIGHT, SI NNY ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE NORTH SIDE FAMILY, i yH°NE IVY 6239-J. 11; 14-29 I'K.K II I’l’.i-IE HoME—Near Pine street. large rooms; home table board; refer- I ences requested. Ivy 778-L. 11 -14-42 FOR RENT.-Two nicely furnished rooms. •74 Forrest avenue, ivy 4345. 11-14-43 EXTREMELY, large front room; excellent i meals; furnace neat. 75 West I'egch tree. Ivy 1040. 11-14-2? NICE young man desires congenial room mate; two nice rooms for couples or young men; good table. Main 1.918. 178 Washington. . _ TWO nicely furuisbeil rooms, one connect ing with bath, with good table, in pri vate family. M. 5017. 34 Cooper st. _ H-14-25 NICE front room for two; good table; rea sonable. 79 West Peachtree. Ivy 1449-J. 11-11-30 TABLE boarders wanted; 150 I’ourtlaud; nice meals; reasonable price. Atlanta phone 1482, 11-14-31 LARGE, sunny tioiit room, well prepared meals, 26 East Cain street. 41-14-11 BEAUTIFUL steam-heated room; best home cooking. $5 to $7 per week. 41. East Cain. Phone Ivy 6760-J. 11-14-12' WANTED -Roommate for young man, also young lady and congenial couple. Elegant, meals. Table boarders wanted. I Ivy 6516. 139 West Peachtree street. NEATLY kept rooms and extra good home cooking at 389 Courtland, corner Currier. 11 -14-10 FUR RENT—Large, sunny front room, ex cellent meals. Gentlemen or couple. North side. Ivy 6675. 11-13-12 NICE, congenial lady to share a room with a girl of. 17 years; references ex changed. Call Main 1592-J. H-13-29 dNEDOUBLE ROOM, newly furnished, and board; modern conveniences. 179 North Jackson. Ivy 19U7-.1. 11-13-11 ROOMS, with board. 131 Washington street. 11-13-8 WANTED —Three refined young women ■to board: private home; all conven iences; best home comforts and privi leges, 35 Currier. Ivy 5335-L. 11-12-25 ONE lafge front room with large dressing room attached; with meals; close in; private family. 56 East Cain street. Ivy 5520-1, - . . , 11-11-31 OPPOSITE TIIE CAPITOL. NICELY furnished rooms and excellent tattle board. 121 Capitol square. Main 4839-L.. 11-11-29 TWO nice rooms and board in West End home for couple. Bell phone West 568-J TWO gentlemen for table board. 24-D Carnegie way. 11-11-32 DESIRABLE ROOMS, With or without private bath; Georgian Terrace neigh borhood. Table board. Mrs. M. B. Nuck olls? Ivy .1499-J. 18-11-11 BOARD 308 South Pryor street; S2O per month. References. Main 2456-L. - - 28-11-11 EOR RENT With board, one large front room at 20 East Ellis. 11-9-49 FURNISHED room for rent, with <r wtthbut board, south side. Apply 188 Windsor £t. 11-9-42 WAN'tED—Roommate for young man; also young lady and congenial couple. Elegant meals. Table boarders wanted. Ivy 6516. 139 West Peachtree street. . 1 L 1 !? 36 LARGE furnished front room; board if desired. 10? M Harris. 11-9-22 PEACHTREE LNN. THREE BATH ROOM STITES, SUITABLE FOR FAMILIES, NOW OPEN, AND SEVERAL SINGLE ROOMS: STEAM HEAT AND BELLBOY SERV ICE; NIGHT AND DAY ; El RO PEAN AND AMERICAN PLAN. 11-8-27 NICE, clean rooms with excellent table board, $4 to $6 week. 123 Capitol ave. ’ 11*8 33 MILL exchange nice, clean room and board close in for diamond, piano, mo torcycle or typewriter. Piano, Box 300, care Georgian ii-8-;:2 SELECT B( >AR1)IX(1. 16 East Baker; “cleanliness our motto.’’ The best ta bles in the city. Ivy .1 11-8-10 GOOD meals furnished, $3.50 per week, also furnished rooms. 178 Ivy 11-8-37 TABLE BOAR! RS WANTED Every thing first-class; prices right. 252 Ivy street, 11-8-36 NICELY furnished front room for ecu- | p’e. Everything homelike. 278 Rawson street. <' <li M.i;n NEAT lU"'.\lS an 1 • . king; also table board; close in. 127 Capitol avenue. Main 5172-J. 10-22-26 HELP WANTED—-To develop the re sources of Southern California, the land of progress and new ideas. Read about the opportunities.. in the Ninth Anniver sary Edition of The Los Angeleft Exam iner. out l)eeember 25th. Mailed to any address in United States or . Mexico. 15 cents a copy: Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now, 10-21-4 Board Wanted. WAvri'HL Table board for two gentl< - men, in private family. Near old , l’» b ernacle. Ca 11 Ma in 2808. 11-15 • x REFINED young couple desire room and board in strictly private north side or West End home; would prefer furnishing own room. Must be reasonable. L. T. S., care Georgian. 56-14-11 REFINED, business young lady desires board in private family: close in; state rates and location. Address H., ('are Georgian. _____ _ 'V32 Y<H’NG LADY desires bo£.rd and room in private family. Price must be rea sonable. References exchanged. 907. cpre Georgian. 28-13-11 Furnished Rooms For Rent. DELP IHTFL T L fron i bath garage; refined home. I’eacbtree, care Georgian. - • FOR RENT Singh- room. st<;'m l.oai : .•Xery c<mepience g< ntlemen ■i lj 6. East Cain street, apartment 5. Ivy 3137. • - : 1 -15-10 ! FOR RENT Nicely ifurnished six-room modem c<>» tag* 1 , north side, walking dis tance; a’<o galago Ivy „. H-L . i • F< )R RE NT N IcS • Filrn »hed room In private family at 63 Krogg street. Iv\ ■ 6457. I FOR RENT Handsomely furnished | rooms; everything new and fresh throughout. None but first class need ap ply Prices from $2.50 to $lO per week. 15 Ponce DeLeon avenuo. just across the street from the Georgian Terrace. H -15 -17 FOR RENT Handsomeb furniijhpd teen-room residence. Everything nev. and fresh throughout. Steam boat. Nice two-story garag<* Just across tlje street from Georgian ’l'errace Gould be used for first-class boarding or apartment houst. Possession given at once. Best butler and cook in city Several nice ladies al ready in house Price $175, to right par ty. Phone Ivy 6531. Reason for renting, owners leaving city. 11-15-1.6 ATTR *TI \ E front r riAoe beat and ail conveniences (’oortland str« et. between Korrest av» nue aid Ukri I Baker: Phone Main 38V>. or 4v\ 6158-J. 52-15-11 Furnished Rooms For Rent. I'Hi'.X’r ROOMS, housekeeping rooms on lower floor. 210 Spring. Ivy 3205-J. TW 1 .'furnished rooms; elbse in. 93 Wasli ir.gmn s' i een__ Ma n 4652-J. 11-15-24 TWi> laig. <’i,nnvvting rooms, eomplete fiiii housekeeping, in cottitgv. close in, will, adults, to patties without children; middle-aged couple preferred; reference exchanged. 72 E. Fliir st. M. 3833-.1. , 11-15-26 THREE connecting furnished rooms in collage, with or without board, in home adjoining 42<T Peachtree. Ivy 778-L. 1 WO nice furnish'd rooms with all eon v.eniences. ,261 Forrest avenue. I'hone Ivy '',185. 11-14-28 IJ’»1 J ’» 'll RENT (sne nicely furnisheil room in private home; hot water; $9. Mrs. M. Box 930, care_Georgian 11-14-27 NICELY furnished, steam heated room, adjoining bath, for gentlemen: walking distance of town. Call Ivv 5374-J. NICE rooms, light housekeeping apart ment; private family; close in. 151 st - 11-14-22 Mt’ELY furnished or unfurnished looms, close in; references. Main 1807-J. ST. ( LALR HOTEL HAS just opened up. South Forsyth st.; nice furnished rooms from $2 to $3 per week. Atlunta phone 5386. il 14 OGLETHORPE apa UTMENT, ~ large, steam-heated room, electric lights, ad joining bath, newly furnished. 195 Ivy street Apartment I. 54-14-11 NEWLY furnished rooms, witli or with out board; excellent meals. 55 Luckle street. 11 -14-39 I'lil'Pi.E will rent large, cosy furnished room in steam-heated apartment to one or two gentlemen, private family; reas onable. 28 East Alexander street. Apart rnent C, Ivy 6750. 11-14-35 FI RNISHEI* room, steam-heated apart ment; convenient for two; ladies or two gentlemen; all conveniences and walking distance. Ivy §565. 11-14-36 Fi Hi KENT—TW< • LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED, STEAM - HEATED ROOMS; CLOSE IN; VERY REASONA BLE. ST. CHARLES. 45 WILIJAMS STREET; FIRST FUiOR. IVY’ 5458-L. ONE furnished room witli meals if de sired; private familj". Cail Ivy 1373-J. F< iR RENT Vary desirable well heated furnished rooms for couple, no children, one block off Peachtree, nice bath; Bell phone. Reefrenees exchanged. 29 .West . Harris, .. ' 11-14-8 F< i R RE NT -One' nicely furnished front room, cheap.,. Apply 86 East Baker street. 11-14 4 ONE furnished room, also roommate for young man; private home. 19 East Kar ri street. 11-13-39 NICELY furnished upstairs front room: all conveniences; rent vety reasonable, private home. Apply 223 Capitol avenue, or call Bell phone Main 2'.'58-L. 11-13-41 NICELY furnished front room, second floor; all conveniences, reasonable. 66 West I’eachtree. Ivy 5552-J. 11-13-32 LARGE furnished front room. Main 1552-J. Mrs. Terry, 207 Rawson. ONE nice, newly furnished front room. 28 West I’eachtree place. Ivy 6537-J. 103 WEST I’EACHTREE STREET, nice ly furnished tied room; gentleman. I’hone Ivy 2979-1. 11-13-28 FoR RENT—Two furnished rooms; rea sonable conveniences; no children. 240 Ci... al avenue. 11 -13-19 For RENT -Nicely furnished steam heated room, adjoining bath, for gentle men; walking .IfstArw’e of town. Ivv 537 4-J. 11-13-1.4 FOR RENT -Newly furnished large front room, in north side home; electricity, fires; all conveniences: meals convenient if wanted. Ivy 1327-L. 11-13-15 WANTED \ gentleman to share a room with another; separate beds; convenient. 41 Houston street. Ivy 4963. 11-13-6 TRAINED Nl RSE or couple can gel nicely furnished room', furnace heal. 2.19. .West I’eachtree. Telephone Ivy 6756. \ 31-13-11 TWo front rooms, nicely furnished; all , ' ll', init nces. 41 Cone st. 11-12-47. | feA 11< lAI N Five nicely furnished down-1 stairs rooms, opposite Grant park; I cheap to proper party. Main 2975-1. ONE nicely furnished room; conveniences; < in. ivy 3540-L. 11-11-30 TWo nicely furnished rooms for rem. Atlanta phone 5949-M. 319 Central ave nue. 1111-14 ONE furnish'd, furnari--l,"at".| room, hot water and use of phone. 485 I’eachtree street, upstairs. I’hone Ivy 2933-J. FoR RENT Nicely furnished room tor oneair two gentlemen in private family. All conveniences. J 25 East Georgia ave nue, near Capitol avenue. Main 3744-1.. For RENT Two beautifully furnished connecting first floor rooms, on north side; private family; all conveniences; walking distance. 74 East Merritts ave nue. 11 8-16 FOR RENT Furnisheil rooms; newly fur nished; close in; elegant meals next door. Terms reasonable. 75 Washington. _li-8-i FoR RENT Two connecting rooms, el egantly furnished, for four young ladles or gentlemen; $6 a week; meals next door. Reasonable 77> Washirgtim 11-8-3 1/ioK at our stoves Mid range* before you buy one any where. Southern j Stove and Supply Company, 121 White hall 10-15-4 NICELY furnished rooms, r.Oc night, $2.50 ! a week and up. Broadway Hotel, 1 N. Broad street. Hot and cold water. | 10-4-2 Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. i xi-i RNISHED front room ail conven* lences; walking distance; home with couple; meals next door: north skle. ivy 5427-.1 11-13-21 1 HE WOODROW. 1.43 Sl’lflNG STKHGT. ROOMS furnished or unfurnished; also for light hou» 11 -12-12 \\ \ NTIJ > V isitoi - ■ut and sa< ihe great Southwest Most of them ; will want ! • stay The Ninth Anniversary i I Jiit on of The Los Angela's Examiner, out . December 25th, will set forth the reasons. I Ma.lcd to an,, address in United States or I .Mexico, 13 cents; Canada or foreign points 25 cent.-. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. F<'R RIJNT < >re unfurnished room, downstairs, nn-l conveniences, close in; ' il 15 15 F<)R RENT Two connecting upstairs rooms, conveniences, with owner. 316 ■ 'I ■ 1 ■ • ' ! 1- I 3 I FOK REX' 1 ()ne unfurnished room. 5? < :■ street 81 15-H . \ -.Jr- fnut i Ice rot rris prl• rate bath, hall and porch; • very con venience for light housekeeping. Home witli owner Y«iung couple preferred. No children References. 11 Lucile avenue. I’bjJ'e 3 v cJ_7]»l-J_‘ '26-15-11 THREE or four large connecting un furnished rooms, verj reasonable. 210 S<>uth I ‘ry<>r_sti-vrt. 11-15-2 F< >B RENT Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, with private fami ly . all modern conveniences; ten minutes wtilk li "jn center ofcity. (‘all at 117 Pul liam street. 11-14-51 T\V<> nice unfurnished rooms with kitch enette -tor Lgirt housekeeping. all eon venien* < 3 17 East Gain 11-14-"? SE FOR RESULTS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1912. Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. I'liß RENT Three or four housekeep ing rooms; also furnisheil rooms fol young min. 21 Whitehall terrace. ONE niee unfurnished room'; close in. 17'-.. Easl i '.ijm 11-_1 ;t-3ti FOUR ilosiraliie unfurhisiiedl iroom-" I'"! - light housekeeping; north side; ten min utes' walk to Candler Bldg. Ivv 899-.1. -13-30 Housekeeping Rooms For Rent. F( 'll RENT Two connecting r ->• •ms. suit able fur light housekeeping, furnished or partly furnished. Apply after 6;30 p. rn. 217 Luckie street. 11-14-17 Furnished Apartments For Rent. FOR RENT Completely furnished for housekeeping, four-room apartment; private entrance front and back; rent $16.50. water included. Will sell furnish ings for $160; half price. Everything new. Quit boarding and housekeep in beautiful West End. We are going to California. Apply 170-A Lucile avenue. FIVE rooms, first floor, furnished apart ment; every convenience, ivy 6459-J. , 11-13-34 Ft iR RENT Two pretty, bright rooms and kitchenette; second floor; also en tire first floor of five rooms; comfortable; modern; north side. I’hone Ivv 2478. IN owner's home, private apartment; four rooms and bath, furnished complete for housekeeping: walking distance. Refer ences u y 2825-L. 11-11-38 Unfurnished Apartments For Rent FOR RENT—Apartments, new, modern and fireproof; select neighborhood; close in. A. W. Farlinger, 301 North Boule vard. 51-15-11 HALF or all of steam heated apartment B. 28 E. Alexander. 11-11-40 THREE and four-room brick apartments, near in: north side; heat, lights and bath; $25 and S3O. ivy 4676. 11-13-37 Furnished Houses For Rent. FOR RENT Nine-room house, complete ly furnished, filled with roomers. Party leaving city. Address H. G. M., care Georgian. 11-14-7 Unfurnished Houses For Rent. LEASE (»R SA LE—Artist io bungalow; screened, tiled, furnace, garage. "A-ns ley P;irk, ’ Georgian __ 31-15-11 HELP WANTED To develop the resour ces of Southern California, the land of progress and new ideas Read about the Op portunities in the Ninth Anniversary Edi tion of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico, 15 cents a copy; i Canada* or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now 10-21-4 (FOR KENT. HOU SE S —Cal I, write or ; phone for cur rent bulletin. Ralph O. ' Cochran. V* South Broad street. 4*l -21 THE HOUSE vou build, buy or rent will not be a modern home i unless it is wired for electricity. WANTED—Children to attend the best schools in the United States. They are, I located in Southern California. Bring the I old folks along. The Ninth Anniversary i Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will | tell the story of. the most remarkable school system ever devised. Out Decem ber 25th Mailed to any address In United States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or for eign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Stores For Rent. BRICK STORE and six-room cottage ad joining. north side, good location C. \V. Hatcher, both phones 44, 221 Gkant Bldg. li-18 I Unfurnished Rooms Wanted. WANTED Three first-floor unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; prefer private entrance Addres*s \\' I’ R Box 400, care Georgian. 30-13-11 Furnished Apartments Wanted WANTED Small furnished apartment with lath and kitchenette; moderate priced. A. N. C.. Room 202, Hotel Da kota. » 48-15-11 Fire-Proof Storage. WE STORE HOUSEHOLD goods anil pianos. Office and warehouse, 239-241 Edgewood avenue. ivy 2037. John J. Woodside Storage Company Railroad Schedule SOUTH EKN~ ILJ. 11 AV AY. “PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH" ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PySSENGER TRAIN'S, ATLANTA. The fallowing .schedule figures are pub lished only as information, and are not guaranteed: No. Arrive From —;Nm Depart To— -35 N Y0rk..5:00 am 36 N. Yorkl2:lsam 13 Jaxville. .5.20 am 20 Col'bus 5:20 am 43 Was’ton 5:25 am 13 C'nci. ... 5:30 am 12 Sh’port.. 6.30 am 32 Ft. Vai. 5:30 am 23 Jaxville. 6:50 tin 35 H'barn.. 5:45 am •17 Toccoa.. 8:10 am 7 C'nooga 6:40 am 26 Heflin 8:20 am 12 R mond r. 55 am 29 N York B:2oam 23 K. City 7:ooam 3 Chat'ga 10;3;> arn | 16 Bruns’k 7:45 am 7 Macon 10:40 am 29 B’harn..lo:4s am 27 Ft. Val..lo:4sam| 38 N. Ynrkll;olatn 21 Col'bus..lo:so am 40 ChTtte 12:V0 n’a 6 Cincl . .11:10 ami 6 Macon.. 12:20 pm 29 Col'bus.. 1:40 pm I 30 C'bu.s.... 12:30 pm 30 B’tiam .. 2:30 pm 30 N. York 2:45 pm 40 8'ham...12:40 pml 15 C'nonga 3:00 pm 39 Ch’lotte. 3:55 urn 39 B'harn... 4:10 pm 5 Macon 4:00 pm *lB Toccoa. 4:30 pm 37 N York. 5:00 pm 22 Col'bus. 5:10 pm 15 Bruns’k. 7:50 pm 5 Cincl . . 5:10 pm 11 R’mond. 8:30 pm’ 28 Ft. Vai. 5:20 pm 24 K City. 9:20 pm 35 Heflin... 5:45 pm 16 C'nooga. 9:35 pm 10 Macon.. 6:30 pn. 1' Col'bus..lo:2o pm 44 Wash’n. 8:45 pm 31 Ft Vai 10:25 prn 24 Jaxville, 9:30 pm 36 B'harn. .12:00 n*t 11 Sh’port 11:10 pm '4 Cincl 11 ue pm 14, ll:10pm .irked thus (•) run dally, U cept Sunday. Other trains run dally. Central time. City Ticket Office, No 1 I’eachtree St. Blue Printa. 317 AI STELL BUILDING. MAIN 3840. QUALITY. LOW PRICES, PROMPT SERVICE. 9-80-55 Stove and Range Repairing. dan; thk fixer~ STOVES AND REFRIGERATOR RE PAIRING. We sell secondhand gas stoves. We sweep chimneys 121 WHITEHALL STREET. Atlanta Phone 2235. Bell Phone Main 2639 4-4-7 Trunks, Sags and Suitcases. RF"l'AHi:i’ AND REPAIRED. ROUNTREE’S , H U ! - PHONES; Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654 For Sale—Miscellaneous. j FOR SALE —Twenty match machines, well placed and paying well. For quick i sale, SI.OO cash. Address M. M„ Box 500, | care Georgian. 11-15-25 CLOTHES Suit and oveccoat, good con fl I tion, cheap. 137 Crew street. 36-15-11 LADIES, the Titus Darner will be for sale at Miller’s book store Saturflay or Monday, 25-15-11 I | SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Leg Lambs —whole. .12 l-2c Legs cut 15c Lamb Frout. 10c and 12 1-2 c Round Steak 15c Loin Steak 15c Porterhouse Steak" 15c Pol Roast .. 10c and 12 l-2c Lifetime experience en ables us to give best meats. Xo delivery. 89 Decatur Street. 150 Marietta Street. CAMPBELL BROS. DUNTLEY PNEUMATIC CLEANERS l»- move dirt and germs from rugs, carpets, floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from $32.50 up; vacuum sweepers, $9.75. C. J. Daniel 416 Fourth Nat Bk. Bldg 12-2-11 LIFE-TIME FURNITURE, RUGS AND DRAPERIES. • $2.00 Medicine Cabinet....s .98 s.l?io Coal Vase $2.98 Never Tarnish Brass 8ed..510.00 National Springs $3.98 Child's Desk and Chair ....$2.98 Doll Go-Cart $1.50 $20.00 Library Table- $15.00 GOLDSMITH-ACTON- WITHERSPOON CO. 02 Peachtree'. 61 North Broad PI A N'O“B ARG AIN g: Must have room for Holiday Stock. $450 Fischer Upright—Handsome Walnut $l4O S4OO Fischer Upright Mahog any $135 S3OO Harvard Upright—-English Oak sllO S3OO Kingsbury Upright. ...$ 90 $250 Pianola, with SSO worth of music $ 50 $450 ('Flickering & Sons,sq...s 75 S4OO Kranich & Bach. sq...s 50 HALLETT & DAVIS PIANO COMPANY. 50 North Pryor Street. WM. CARDER. Manager. 11-14-38 Full SALE, I'HEAP All furniture in ; four-room apartment; gas stove, dining table, chairs, etc. Take Orme street car. get off at laivejoy. 85 Lovejoy street. • 38-14-11 FOR SAI.E, I'HEAI’ $17.50 Wurlltzer or chestra. I’hone Ivv 2959. 36-13-11 GAS STOVE. ONE of the new models, in perfect condi tion; will sell reasonable. 1 East Fair street jo rjier_ Whitehal 1. 11-13-9 COME to corner Peachtree and Frills? streets for brick, lumber, doors, sash and mantels, cheap. Denton Flournoy, house wreckers 11-12-15 X-.MAS BARGAINS. Morris <’hairs $lO to S3O Ladies''Desks $7 to $35 Music I'abincts $lO up Cllifforobes S2O to S6O Beautiful Rockers—all klndu—at lowest prices. Brass Beds sl4 to S7O Guaranteed finish. BUY your Christmas presents now. We will store them without cost and de liver them Christmas week. ROBISON’S. 21 E. Hunter. I'AllltlAllKS REI’\IRED AND RECOV ERED. NEW RUBBER TIRES PUT ON YOUR BABY'S CARRIAGE. PHONE IVV 3076 ROBERT MITCHELL. 229 EDGE WOOD. 7-18-15 4 LAW BOOK BARGAINS Sets of Amer. I Bankruptcy Reports, Century Digest, Encl us Evid., etc. Prices and terms on request. The Harrison Company, Atlanta. 1 U-l-37 3 CAST RANGES, with water back. S3O and up Southern Stove and Supply Com pany, 121 Whitehall 10-15-4 COAL! COAL! JELLICO LUMP. $4,75. PIEDMONT COAL COMPANY BOTH PHONES MAIN 3648. Fi iUNI > The best fur prosperity and success. Everybody's doing it. I Come out to Southern California. The • . Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los Angelis Examiner will set you right. Out I December 25. .Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents a copy. Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send In your order now 10-21-4 SAFES, files, cabinets, new - & 2nd hth Gookin Bank & Office Equipment Co. -30-31 NEW, beautiful rugs woven from your old carpet, superior to any in service, plain or designed; any size. Catalogue free. Oriental Rug Company, Baltimore. -16-31 National <’asb Registers. $35-SSO; S6O-$75 and up. Terms easy. Lib eral exchange allowance. Both phones. THE NATH'N AL CASH REGISTER CO.. ■] 6(> North Bread Street. 7-20-52 j \ m, ii'ic'i 11 registers every thing.” .\tlli ll< iIH Latest improvements. (’'i<b C’ l ' l re fdslers exchanged. UtlSll jMi sizes: easy terms T o t ,>l.O Atlanta Cash Register Co. l»f gISIt Lc> 34 East Alabama street. Furniture For Sale. F< HALEOne mission china closet r parlor suit, showcase, dressers, tables. ql curtains. Bargain. 487 Spring street. 37-13-11 ” | 17