Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 15, 1912, HOME, Page 4, Image 4

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4 50 «■. IKESTIOWS OR DTSPEPSIWAPE’S OIAPEPSIN This delightful stomach regulator brings relief in five minutes -Puts an end to Stomach trouble forever. "Really does" put mm ns in •rd< • tb >1 •GUI that makes P I est selling stoma, !i I'gubtor ,n tin world. If what yon eat ferments ini” stubborn lump.- yon beleh gas and eructate sou: ui igest,-,; food and acid; head is dizzy and acln-s. breath foul; tongue, ,ated; your insides tilled with bile and indig, -tihle waste, re member th,- moment l>l.ip, psin collier in cont m t with th,- stomach ail such j .y* ASKIN & MARINE COMPANY £ 9 z 9 \ 14 I 'll ('' 1 ' $ I Those New Coats I Z —The Johnny coat for women is one of the season’s ■ Z popular styles. The materials are widely assorted, H Z including chinchillas, boucles, diagonal mixtures and ■ g astrachans. The length varies from 45 in. to 50 in., ■ Let us show you the new tailored ■ suits, trimmed millinery, waists, ■ | Overcoats For Men | Every desirable style is included in this complete . overcoat assortment. English Models, Box Coats. ’ Raglans, Chesterfields, Convertible-Collar Coats, 2 The best of materials and workmanship throughout. ■ Z A price for every purse sl2, sls. $lB, S2O, $22, $25 Z ASKIN & MARINE -- 2 - - BLOOD POISON Piles and Rectal Diseases CURED TO STAY CURED. B' ;t tl’L. it.;* a iru< spe< W hl' pnsst xsv< the < X periem e of years ih» right kind’oi exp* li en* e -doing th* -am thing the right uiy hundreds and perhaps thousands of t iims with unfading, p< rm..- nent results No cut ting or detention from business. Don't you think it’s about tin.'* t treatment? I GIVI to get the ng 60’’. the celebrated (b-rman t- tkm f<?r Blo»»d Poison and gu. fHnbp results. Come lo me I cure j or make no charge and I u HI make my term*? within your reach 1 c ire Vari cocele, Hydrocele. Kidney. Bladd* • and Prostatic troubles, pil- s. Rupte;». Stricture, ilheumatism. Nervous b. bllity and ail acute and chronic dis charges of men and w«»m* n cured :i the shortest time i -.ssil ' if y< u can't call, write. Free conaultatUn and examination. Hours, k a ru to p. m Svndavs. 9 to I DP. J. D HUGHES. Spe:lali»t opnoFtte Third National Bank 2® 1 / 7 ? North Broad St . Atlants Ga nnis ■ It’s truly astonish ing ,a clous, and the joy is its hartniessn, s-. A large ",u-e< nt rase ”f Pape’.' Dia ; ps:.i will gi.,- you a hundred dollars’ vortlt of faction o your druggist hands you your money back. It's worth its weight in gold to men oid woiwn who can't g.-t their atom ic bs- regulated It belongs in your home--should. ;*1 waybe kept handy in ast- of a. si< k, .-.our, upset stomach dur >ig tin day or at ifighi It's the quk'k ■ st. surest and most hamile.-s stomach doctor in the world. (Advt.t mSBtS ; 'Wj I GOOD DENTISTS AND S GOOD EQUIPMENT MEAXS ■ MORE PRACTICE AND LOWER PRICES G<ld Crowns J 53.00 I Bridge Work $3.00 I Set Teeth $.5.00 S All work guaranteed. ATLA TA DEMAL PARLORS I C. A CONSTANTINE, Prop. C'..r. Peachtree and Decatur Sta. ‘1; ■ Entrance 19 ! , P«achtr»e St. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS.FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1912. EDUCATION CURE FOR CRIMINAL TENDENCIES Expert Tells Prison Association Care for Morals of Young Is Very Important. BALTIMORE. MIL, Nov. 16. In an address before the American Prison association here. Hr. Daniel Phelan, of Kingston. Canada, president of the American Association of Prison Sur geons, affirmed that most of the crimes committed were directly due to a lack of education. The lack of care and proper training of the young, he de clared, was tile chief cause of crimi nals. Dr. Phelan said: “Generally, people think of education as a- certain filling of the mind, with knowledge, a loading of the brain with acquirements, consisting of reading, writing, calculation, history, geography, literature, languages, philosophy ami all manner of sciences to a lesser or greater degree. The more of this knowledge the mind contains the bet ter educated Is the person—such is the prevailing idea. But all this is only a small part of the real education, it is merely supplying the implements re quired in the great work of general ed ucation. "An education consists In something far more and of far greater importance titan the mere adorning the mind with the delights of knowledge. It means the training of the physical powers, the cultivation of the mental qualities, the molding of the moral sense, the shap ing of the will, and the inculcation of lofty principles, such as make for good citizenship. It is this kind of education to which I refer when I ask your atten tion to its influence in the humanita rian and civilizing work of improving conditions. Educate Young Imperative. "We all know tiiat the impressions made on the young mind are the most lasting and wield the greatest influence in the shaping of the future life of. the individual. It is generally conceded that the only' way the state can deter per manently tlie malefactor from the com mission of his evil deeds is by educat ing him, for the weakness of the will fiower of the youth who is afflicted with evil tendencies can be strengthened by training and suitable education, the main purpose of which is not to en lighten the mind by means of a profi ciency in certain studies; rather is it to prepare the individual to live in socie ty, to awaken in him favorable ten dencies to action, intellectual incen tives to goodness and the highest sen timents of moral obligation. "The germs of moral insanity and also of crime are no doubt developed early in life, as the youth passes through a nervous and irritable state incident to his growth and develop ment, and is consequently more emo tional. impulsive and willful during that critical period. Early education should, therefore, be directed toward correcting the inherited and anti-social impulses. “A very large number of the offenses that are most severely punished by the state are to be traced to the lack of proper education, to conditions of squalid want, to temptations arising from privations and exposure, in all of which the state should be greatly in terested. "Tile slate lias It in its puwer to greatly improve conditions; to establish means by which proper Instruction may be given on certain lines*, and suitable training given to the mind, the will and the moral senses. "It is true that the youth will turn to evil by natural tendency, if untu tored and uncultivated, for it is easy for him to do wrong. Rut bend the sapling in the direction of rectitude and noble inspiration and it will be very difficult, when it. becomes a tree, to turn it in any other direction. Seek For Causes. “It must be admitted that the moral health of the people requires as much care and attention as their fihysi?al ail ments. It is absolutely necessary, therefore, that in both cases the ends which lead to these favorable condi tions must be sought, as are the germs of a specified disease, if any permanent results are to be obtained. Early train ing of the young and making of them good and worthy subjects ought to be the aim of those who seek tile greater good." That prison. life does not produce in sanity. but only serves to bring to the surface the insanity which is already latent in the criminal, was the state ment made by Dr. Paul E. Bowers, phy sician in charge of the Indiana state prison, in an address. The speaker scoffed at the general idea that prisoners are frequently driven to insanity by brooding over their condition, by remorse, and tierce introspection. He declared that thost prisoners of superior mentality who sens,, their position most keenly sel dom, if ever, go insane, whereas the prisoners of a low order of intelli gence, who are almost Incapable of feeling, form the class among whom insanity develops In prison. Ami this because they are abnormal before they enter the prison. SAVER'S PURE FLAVORING EX TRACTS have no equal. Sold every where 10c and 25c the bottle, at vmjt grocer’s. ~ (Advt.) EXQUISITE WEDDING BOUQUETS AND DECORATIONS. ATLANTA FLORAL CO, Call Main 1130. Advertisement.) W. G. KING. WELL KNOWN GREENSBORO MAN. DEAD I GREENrißolto, GA.. Nov. 15.—William G. Klug, a well known citizen of Greens boro, la dead. He had been In declining health for several months, having suffered from a stroke of paralysis, which brought on heart trouble He was 58 years of age and unmarried. He is survived by a sister. Mrs. P. I’. Garter, and a brother, Charles M. King, manager of the Greensboro Cotton Oil Company. 1 he funeral took place this morning, at 11 o'clock, from the residence of Mrs. I Garter. Interment was in the city feme- I tery. Rev. W. It. Mackay officiating. OFFICER KILLS NEGRO MAN WHO HAD WOUNDED HIM I GREENSBORO, GA., Nov. 16. Ralph Tuggle, a young white man residing near t’nion Point, shot and instantly killed Charles Jenkins, a negro. Higgle had been deputized to arrest a negro, Oscar Lewis, and went to the home of Jenkins to ask for the where abouts of I-<-wis. Jenkins became indig nant and shot the officer through his lower limbs. Before the negro could re load he was fired upon by Tuggle, the ball tearing away the upjter part of hts heac. No arrest was made, and | everything is quiet in the neighborhood. roRQER BV mail from I s M. Rich & Bros. Co | i 500 Hand Bags, worth $3 to $5, at | * < s V if" \ v Score another niercliandis- /fa ms £ > i,,g sroo i> for “ Thp Ealnous W | OW 2: \ ' ■ se< ‘ ul ' etl a maker s entire ■ surplus stock of bags at a reduction of almost half, 'to* ' ■ \ and l le places them on sale tomorrow at the same VM \.l jJy reductions. cjj ver - v newest bags for Fall’and advance 110 - it iday styles are included. Each bass is spir. span new. in ver . v S ' Z( ‘ an d shape now most popular, (,'hoiee of a great Inan y styles in till leather—morocco, saffian, goat seal, wel- rns. etc. Variously all leather, moire ami silk lined. Hilt, ~E=» ' C K un meta) and German Silver frames. Black, .brown, green, v \ r '“d. purple ami black. .\’ot a luig worth less than $3; many gy 5 * ' fig ; W A V worth to $5. Choice tomorrow at gjg" I .... p : S.—Don’t forget that Christmas is just 33 shopping 5 ' -4 VjL —A da y s awa y> an d that these bags make most desirable gifts. (Sale at B:3o—Famous Center Aisle—Main Floor.) :» $2.59 and $3 Long Gloves at $1.95 yer y occasion! Tile Wertheimer es ’'xa tate closed out the Wertheimer Glove Com- * Extra 1 Just In pany's business'at private um-timi. W'c bought atQ -jSj * heavily, and .these gloves are part of ouj- pur- - w 101) new chinchilla chases. ~ coats with and with- The gloves are full lb-biitlon length, perfectly cm a®" t THP Gus plaid backs. Belt- an d finely finished. Made of selected French iamb- ©C (1( ] (,]. plain stvles skin, full plump weight, and of perfect tannage. One -T™ fi-. ‘ • row of self-stitching on back. Choice of black, white » Hie very newest an(l tan $-.50.am15k3 glaves for 51.!15. Coming; J- coats ol the season. p. s,—Unusually complete lines in other gloves— hi gray or blue chin- Fownes, Trefousse, Vallicrs. Ireland Brothers, Fiske, chilla 513.5(1 and Clarke & Flagg, Bachnio and Dempster & Place. In ail ggf s]s 00 lengths, sizes and colors, $1 to $4.50. ’• ‘ (Gloves Left Aisle —Main Floor.) KO Ready-to Wea> —becond Floor g Men’s 50c Silk Hose at 29c $1 Shetland g Men’s tine, heavy silk hose at about half price Veils, 59c g because they are ‘Esee'-nds'’—they have little imper- ) l .t | ,() st()( , k teetmns that never do anybody any barm. of vp|ls w( -.OR The hose are one of the best of the standard 50c grades. this special for Saturday's sell- E* - Made of pure thread silk with lisle feet and top. The variety j n „. ' black, red ami black, etc., and brown and green, green and «L_ brown, etc. s ■ es. v t i er; perfect throughout. In black. W These hose are good, so good in tact that as they were white and some of the leading colors opened store employees spoke for them tn dozen lots. But, ot Usually SI.OO. Saturday only at 59c flla' course none will be sold to anyone until Saturday at 8:30 a. tn. Veils—Right Aisle—Main Floor g 50c values for 29c. ' ? 5 Women’s sl,Oll Silk Stockings at 10c | 111 Aii importer’s close-out lot ot perfect silk ()np nf th( . bisjgest pllers £ Sb "‘ l<i,1 ’ US ' fashioned and finely finished we ' vo ever had. Women are ]>lll(‘ thread silk with lisle heel. Side and buying it eagerly in white, cream Jjp* S* toe and lisle garter top to insure service. All find the black ami white com sizes, but in black onlv. Splendid $1 stock- Variously in 1 to 4- ‘ inch widths, and only 2ac. Hope Vw mgS tor ,|USt Me. ■ , "e have enough to last all dav. (Sale at B:3Q a. m.—Stockings-Mam Moor.) (Neckwear- .Main Floor.) ‘ i -5 —. _ jj : Boys’and Girls’ A Corset Clearance at *. E Indian Suits, 39c Values $3.50 to $3 G Ki \i Yip Hip— holes <l Because Ihe prices are half and J, Ck -‘J, special to bring boys arnl less, don't fancy that the corsets _____________ rtf > 2'irls to Tovland tomorrow. _ a ’' e li"t wholly desirable. For St! . •. ... iney are! Thev include the sam "ta It s an Indian suit with , ’■■ ~ , " ' ■.. , | | I ’ * t"’’ lutnous .Madame WA * head dress ot real colored Grace corsets, all spie. , |l:ni new feathers. The suit proper 7 this season. Then there are some is made of light-weight khaki. T discontinued models of some of Trousers and semi-sailor blouse ‘he_ best makes in the country— Sp l : are trimmed in red fringe cloth. V,l not to Rive nam.s s:i ■ . *• .11 -ill —they are in right good styles. skirts tor the girls similarly These corsets are variously of com S” CW treated. All sizes 4to 10, but ''' lnal! ' i» tine silk and r-J just 400 in all. and the 39e price ///SU inX'w or m/dimXw ’C "’l' s end them out a scooting. ///kM long hips. All sizes, and in most eve:. Hurry ///its Style. Any woman can lie fitted, ami 1 --S H-?;r E i, yes , wi R, ta,rb ', pcp ; i/ra “ KFWX nsr.l2? S’ and little hearts will go pit-a-pat L'J $3.50. mam sold ;i > $ ( ;.oo and ss.on . ©j' 23* when the “kiddies” see Toyland < J verv tew even up to $10.00.. choice tomorrow. $l9B Kight Annex-Mam Hour. “ Co-' S et s -s.cond Flook* * g M. Rich & Bros. Co CONVICTS UNLAWFULLY IMPRISONED MANY YEARS COU'MBT’S. OHIO, N0v.,15.- Discovery has been made that four penitentiary prisoners who had been transferred from the state prison to the state hospital for the insane have been unlawfully held for years after their prison sentences had expired. John H. Whaler, sent to the peniten tiary in -1874, has been confined thirty three years after his term expired. L. B. Chidester, a , forger, received In 1878, should hate been released in 1884. Jerry Carter, sentenc'd to the penitentiary for arson, has been 'detained twenty-four years more than his time. Charles Wil lis should have been released twenty seven years ago. The insane prisoners will be trans ferred immediately to their respective counties to be jirobated. FREEDOM FOR FILIPINOS IS PLANNED FOR JULY 4 WASHINGTON, Nov 15.- July 4. Uncle Sam’s Independence day, will also be that of his "little brown brothers," the Fili pinos, it was learned, if plans of lead ing Democrats do not go awry. To give the Filipinos limited independence July 4. 1913, is planned, if a special session of congress is held next spring. WOMAN STOPS RIOT WITH AMERICAN FLAG ZION CITV, ILL.. Nov. 15. -Arrests were expected to follow a riot in which the faithful followers of the late John Alexander Dowle battled witli opponents of their faith. Several heads suffere l tn the fight. In wltirh clubs were used freely by both sides, when a band of the faith ful were disturbed at prayers. D. I’. Schtlmaker, one of Dowie's clan, was knocked down, and as he was being beaten and kicked, a Mrs. Brister rushed to the center of the fight, stood over Schumaker and waved an American flag, shouting that none of the "independents" dared strike a man under its ft.his. This drarnatit incident brought the tightin;; to a stop. FARMER ATTEMPTING TO FLAG TRAIN IS KILLED ST. CHARLES, MO.. Nov. 15. Coroner Grant Arnold was called i<> Elnney, St. Charles county, to hold an inquest on the body of August Brandt, a farmer, who was killed by a Missouri. Kansas and Texas passenger train while in the act of lighting a match to flag the train. Finney is a flag station, and the per sons there are in a habit of using a newspaper as a torch to flag the train. Brandt, was single and about 35 year. <>f Sold Our Lease Must Give Possession at Once SALE' Closing Out Entire Howard Stock PIANOS ANO PLAYERS Everything Must Go Regardless of Cost. Only a Few Days Left to Take Advantage of Our BARGAINS waStaf I MMIHBbS I * asSr ■ |MMS F^iws."' wa i - BiWilW ‘ ... Open Until 9 0’ Every Evening I Howar Piano Co. 72 N. Broad ST 3? 5: £ 5E Si' 63 K3l «« •* I"