Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 16, 1912, HOME, Page 38, Image 38

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38 —MAGAZINE SECTION The Goat Getters- as By T. E. POWERS, the Famous Cartoonist 1,0. OI Ha —•« I l>w> Barite z / . • e SAMBEfoUKETo T r W MAZUMA this is ^ T JI / HE wants ( |IN SURE You For. A MILLION I WHERE WEREYbu J -HOBOKEN. J I towsure You y~LJ nx Y — 7 £~ f k How KICH AKE i\J —J ® ? fsiT ) C SURE qo) , You? y ] Q> j \ v J s ——s I lu Introduce) /TY /**> uL jA k /&\i\ u£ Wvl n nv. fivm Itn\ 7a U mTmk. wz aSa. ✓■y<y •* mH w L i/ c / ' U+T ia 7 A 7 m jKlfipr w'CW^ - w/' ( ~r snr /’ ■— I x/l jR % fl ' «Hr / fA JL JHm I'? TTTT'" V/ I C/? Q J p Jjl JI ,VJ ’ 5 WHAT IS VoUR OCCUPATIONS CBANKER, y 0 U NEVER HAD 1 z . ~ HoNoTHINq, EXCEPT <7 7'„' _ '' How OLD WAS 'Your FATHER |\4 5, W SERIOUS / (LET ME / APPtNDtTHEb'UPX , CIRRHOSIS GF j (OU I ? WHEN HE DIED?WHO 1$ X/ JjM DISEASE DID SF F ‘ THE NECK ,IN FLAM NATION o£ \MY QOAT! ; Youa Favoriti Poet? I .You? J A J THE LuNqs, Typhoid, Measles < ; r*— Y — \_— —T EXCESSIVE HAEMOQLoBIN IN THE ( ) \ \ BLOOD,qXMSTITIS, HEART DISEASE ) / ) C ANO EPIZOOTIC _ x > 4v (A 77 j&\ r\ JtJ EIUL r z X 1/ '— —WI V 5 ‘— X< .. I r 3lt; LSr? = Hi 11l ■! s ill ™w I Yih K »^^^U^W^r>waM ßgwg »a g Z ’ <>—>4> t LETTER No. 2 Atlanta, Ga., October Bth, 1912. Or. L. A. Hines, Care Hines Optical Company. Dear Doctor: It gives me great pleasure to say that the glasses fitted by you to my eyes are most satisfactory. I had little hopes when I went to you, of getting glasses that would give me relief as well as good vision, as I have spent so much with the leading oculists of this and other cit ies without results, that I was dis couraged. Your glasses have given me the sight of my childhood and I want to thank you. Very truly yours, <Mrs.) ANNIE L. GEORGE. 263 Whitehall Street. HINES OPTICAL CO. DR. L A. HINES IN CHARGE. 91 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. WILTON JELLICO COAL $5.00 Per Toni The Jellico Coal Co. j 82 Peachtree Street I Both Phones 3663 I Georgian Want Ads Get Results SUPERIOR SERVICE via NEW ORLEANS to Louisiana, Texas, Old and New Mexico, Arizona and California Winter Tourist Excursion Fares On Sale Daily November Ist to April 30th, 1913. Liberal Stopovers. Final Limit May 30, 1913. Four Daily Trains for Houston and North Texas Points. Two Daily Through Trains to California Leave NEW ORLEANS 11:30 a. m., and 11:45 p. m. Through Standard arid Tourist Sleeping Cars. Electric Block Signals. Oil Burning Locomotives. Call or write for full particulars. O. P BARTLETT. Genl. Agt. R. O. BEAN, T. P. A. 1901 First Avenue, 121 Peachtree Street. Birmingham, Ala. Atlanta. Ga. Men’s Shoes *4 Soled Sewed 50c at GWINN’S SHOE SHOP 6 LUCKIE STREET, OPPOSITE PIEDMONT HOTEL. BELL PHONE IVY 4131. ATLANTA 2640. Guaranteed Work BEFORE | \— n K ' Call Taxicab Co. When in a hurry. Beil Pnoncivy 367. Atlanta 220 .Maddening skin diseases can't exist if Tetterine is used because Tetterine is | scientifically prepared to remove the | GAI SE as well as the EFFECT. TETTERINE CURES SKIN DISE AS E S 'Jesse W. Scott. Milledgeville, Ga.. writes: ' I suffered with an eruption two years and one box of Tetterine cured me and two of my friends. It is worth its weight In gold. ■ Tettcrin-- cures eczema, tetter, ground cli. ery sl’ielns, itciiitiK -piles and othar ■ ilium’s. Ge’ it today Tetterine 50c at druggists or by mail. i SHUPTRINE CO.. SAVANNAH. GA. , THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS.SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 16. 1912. ! CHICHESTER S PILLS the iham»n» RBANO. a Ladles! Ask your Drugdat for /A r * hl.rhea. ter’. m»»»on<rftrund/vV\ Ws’.JgL lw «"ld "r “"aW EX m?' ‘""I * ith B!ue R bbo.. VZ I? ** ’SS I.* 1?“1 *?“ •••’er B «y «r v..r * I I fff A-’fwCin-CTrng.TEH'S IX rs BRAND IMIXS. for •» Gy nr jnnkwrnss Beit. Safest. *lw»y, Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE - - -i—-I READ FOR PROFIT GEORGIAN WANT ADS USE FOR RESUI T « Hi kill frT~! # W r i 1 ij. ■Flu! I tuJhiihTrniTiTigi ■ \ J , II ‘ <Tr HIM v Ui iu »warw' Come Over For A While ’ r T A/HAT are you doing tonight? Can't j V you and Mrs. Bruce come over and visit for a while ?" For getting people together there is nothing quite equals the telephone. In the evening, a telephone call to a neighbor frequently results in a jolly, informal party. The local and long distance sen ice of the Bell Telephone system promotes so ciability. Whim Yon Telephone —Smile SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY JELLICO LUMP I $4.75 PIEDMONT COAL CO. Both Phones M. 3648 I I I J ■Opium, Whiskey and Drug Habit* treated I ■ A Hat Hume or at Sanitarium. Book on subject | ■kJE |»ee. DR B. M. WOOLLEY, M N, Victor ■■HIM Sanitarium. Atlanta, Georgia. SANTAL-MIDY (3) Relieves in 24 Hours Catarrh of the Bladder All DruggUtf Bniart of Counterfeits SANTAL-MIDfl Southern California affords more opportunities than any other area in the world. WHY? Because it has proven its i possibilities in a thousand ways. The pioneer work is none. ; The chances to follow proven lines are unlimited. The es- i| sentials ate: Climate, land, water, power, transportation ,1 and markets. Southern California has them all. You Will Want To Know All About This Marvelous Country I I THE NINTH ANNIVERSARY NUMBER OF THE j LOS ANGELES "EXAMINER" will be issued WED- i NESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1912. and will be the greatest edition of its kind ever published, giving you every possi ble information about this famous land. It will tell you about its farming possibilities, its poul try, its fruits, its walnuts, its oil production, its beet industries, its live stock, its cotton, and. in fact, anything and everything you may wish to know about Los Angeles and the marvelous country of which she is the metropolis. The information will be accurately and entertainingly | set forth, and aporopriatelv illustrated. The proposed opening of the Panama Canal turna all the eyaa es the world on this region. This special edition will be mailed to any address In the United fltat** or Mexico for Fifteen Cents per copy. As the edition la limited, and ao a« not to disappoint anyone, an ‘ b ® J , request with remittance is desirable. Remember that some of friends may not see this announcement. Use the •oupon below and see that the} get a copj'. IF Los AngelM "Examiner,"* -■-'--'-v--- , Los Angeles, Cal. Enclosed please Andcents, for which you will ■ please send the Ninth Anniversary number of your paper to \ i the following names: Name.. Street J J ■ City state j Name Street < City..... state S h i—||lll, Los Angeies Examiner LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA