Newspaper Page Text
‘Business Guide of Atlanta”
The following list of ads constitute a reliable guide to well known and
reputable business enterprises, and to individual in various Zes of
business in Atlanta and surroundings. T
The alphabetical arrangement insures ready reference for your con
Automobile Tires.
HAVIN'G i usl purchased the entire At
"iin.'a branch stock of tires of large Ak
,„r fa tory. we offer as long as they last:
28x3. $7.90; 30x3. $8.90; 30>3%,
Li 1.0 >2x3%, $12.90; 34x3%, $13.90; 32x4,
l!-,n 33x4. $18.90; 34x4, $19.90; 35x4,
n 36x4. $19.90; 36x4%. $27.50. Large
,f tubes. McPherson Auto Tire
rl c,.nv. 46 Auburn avenue, Atlanta,
Ga ' 26-19-11
* — —— ——-
All Kinds of Job Work Done.
>7l" l AM houses, wood or brick, remodel
Headquarters for carpenters, cablnet-
I makers, brick masons, plasterers; inte
rior wall painting or tinting; put in glass,
rf .set grates, cement floors, shelving, ta-
Hei and counters. Low' prices and high
mialftv guaranteed. 62% South Forsyth,
Bell 1167. Atlanta 6087-M. 11-19-11
Buttons and Plating Company.
Buttons and Plaiting Co.,
Buttons made of your own material.
100% WHITEHALL ST. 11-19-10
>■l ~~ ' '
Carpet and Rug Cleaning, Etc.
WANTED—You, to know W. M. Cor
cleans all kinds carpets; rugs a spe
cial'v. Ivy 3135-J. Atlanta 1818. 145 Au
burn avenue. 10-2-12
Cleaning and Dyeing.
Chicago Cleaning and Dyeing Co
CHEMICAL, steam and dry' cleaning. La
dles' work a specialty. Work called
tor and delivered. 54 East Harris. At
lanta 5245, Ivy 1796. 11-12-14
Cut Flowers and Plants.
SEE or write me before placing orders.
I can save you half your money' in buy
ing potted plants and cut flowers. W. M.
Bricken, 20 East Alabama street. 11-19-13
Carpenter and Builder.
D. M. WHEELER, 19 S. Forsyth st.
Phone M. 4186, Atlanta 1547. 11-19-37
Blue Prints.
SERVICE. 9-30-55
Help Wanted—Female.
WANTED —Ladies to sell flowers in bottle
perfumes and toilet waters for Xmas;
salary or commission. Phone Ivy 3135.
47-1 9-1 1
WANTED—Good colored woman to cook
and do home work at once. 219 Crew.
WANTED—At once, good cook. Apply
Myrtle street. 11-19-43
WANTED—Woman to cook and do gen
eral housework. 173 Forrest avenue
WANTED—Experienced, settled woman,
white or colored, to take care of babv
and do home work. Apply 593 North
Jackson, 11-19-25
"'"MAN WANTED to do general house
work, None but experienced need ap
ply. 300 Capitol_avenue. 11-19-26
"ANTED—Good chambermaid for one:
live on lot. Call Ivy 3509-L. 11-19-23
WANTED—An office girl io answer phone
for plumbing office. Ivy 4835, Atlanta
U9B, _11-19-18
CANTED—Saleslady in dry goods store:
experienced only need applv. 272 De
eatur street. ' 11-19-7
'■ILLS WANTED to make caps; steady
work and good wages. 295 Marietta st.
V ANTED—At once, experienced lady
demonstrator; salary or commission.
Come to 479 Euclid ave. Mrs. Travis.
V'ILL give goixl home and small salary
to refined lady to act as companion and
assist with housework. Phone ivy 6213-. L
"ANTED Good cook and house girl.
Apply 210 Hill st. Best wages paid.
"ANTED—An experienced lady book
keeper, who is fast and accurate in her
''.'” rk and writes a good hand, for posi
tion with one of the leading mercantile
nouses of this city. A chance to learn
modern office methods in a large, up-to
cate office. Give full particulars and ad
cress Bookkeeper, Box 804, care Georgian.
; 11-16-58
"ANTED—Some one, to make fur sots
?L.2 k jw Phone Ivy 5254-.1. 11-16-3
"ANTED—Discouraged, but perfectly
Boot! men and women, to take a new
S’-p on life and try a little happiness for a
change. The Ninth Anniversary Edi
son of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25. will tell you how to do it.
rr it an V address in United States
" r . Mexico 15 cents. Canada or foreign
oomts, 25 cents. Send in your order now
Help Wanted—Male.
"AN' IdD—Delivery boy with bicycle at
Lie .Shoe Renury, 80 N. Broad si.
".■''X 11 "'’—Receiving clerk by large de
!‘*ll'>ni' n t store. Applicant must be fa
els<. aT "’t 11 height rates and making out
.Give references and state salary
’•pected. Address P. O. Box 375, City.
WANTED at once; first-class
?!4 guarantee. H. T. Berry,
0,161 Barber .Shop. Talladega. Ala
.. 44-19-11
"ANled -First-class man cook: $5 per
Ivy 4231-.L43-19-11
■ -'*—Experienced, reliable colored
wotblack. .1. H. Miller, 5 Decatur st.
I: P —First-class young man ste
riii,. ai ' ber ' Permanent position for the
I'arty. Good chance for advanee
,u„’! 'hly tirst-class man wanted. Ad
...<>■ Box 888, Atlanta.ll 19-22
AATED Sober, capable young man.
AU,’’', ° n farm, to work on farm near
A.7 •* Gi.od salary and pleasant home
r| FD--Several neatly dressed young
111,7.1 for magazine canvass; 50% com
strr.’e.i ’’iianee to travel. Apply 98 Ivy
for u" 8 f° 8:30 a. m., 6 to 7 p. rn. Ask
!-L} b .'_Blols. 25-19-11
' 1! ' i’ A superintendent for planing
W'ii.' >asb and door manufacturer. S. A.
Co,, 254 Elliott st. 42-18-11
' . r, -D- Men to learn the barber
j >.- r ' ... w weeks completes. Tools
~ ''ages while learning. You can
Wo D w,th assurance you will succeed.
7*' e received praise from thousands
,u7 . ur I'eneficia! course. Investigate
str,'„, Muler Barber College, 38 Luckie
--ib ... __ ji-ie-H
•.' I C<Gored elevator boys. Tem
p-TjVmrt, Apply Engineer 11-18-20
• \ay mail ..vlerks wanted: JfO
' •■■■ Atlanta examinations coming
b. I’.? I *.',' i’ihg free. Franklin Instftui''
II «» U.. Rochester. N. Y. 42-11-11
Fine-Proof Storage.
"piai?o« OIt offi HOL goods and
j 'ffiee and warehouse, 239-241
Edgewood. avenue. Ivy 2037. John J.
W oodside Storage Company.
Hat Cleaning- and Shoe Shine
ci <:1- '°.KOE GEALELISL
Hal Cleaning and Shoe Shine Parlor.
East Alabama St. 11-11-9
Mattress Renovating.
M E renovate all kinds of mattressesEsat?
A, n^ l 'Vi UI l. guarante<M w »' ba - v feathers.
Aeme Mattress Co. Bell phone Ivy 2994,
Atlanta phone 1948. 11-19-27
Office Fixtures.
<a .‘'if'b'Kl'TT & CARTER
40-42 I l-.TERS ST. BOTH PI lox ES.
Stove and Range Repairing.
danT WFfix er.
Me sell secondhand gas stoves
\>e sweep chimneys.
ah 12 T |. W}lI 'rEHA F.L STREET.
Atlanta T hone 2235. Bell Phone Main 2639
Sewing Machines.
,nachine s witiTcomTiTte
set of attachments for $2 per month
riMhmachines repaired; prompt delivery'
?hin. &° neS 189 - 3 ‘ Sin S er y ewin M Mk
chine Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44
Tin and Sheet Iron Works.
WES ?' -Tin and sheet iron
cialtv n Ph ° ne 1525 ' llepair ' vork a s P e -
• • 11-19-36
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases.
T-K E KTA1 bE d~and~ri■ \IRED? ~
PHONES; Bell Main 1576. Atlanta* 1654.
SEE or write
l ean save you half your monev in
en s ''"o B D"", 1 ' V'e.from ,m, w. M. Brick?
en, Kast Alabama street. 11-19-15
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED Scientific farmer; aifaThTand
hay raiser. .Morrow Transfer Co At
ia nt a f <,a. 1113 33
WANTED For L~ S* army~abie- bodied
unmarried men between ages of IS and
3>i. citizens ot United States, of good
character and temperate habits, who can
speak, read and write the English lan
guage. I-or information, apply to Re
cruiting Officer, corner Peachtree and
Forsyth streets, Atlanta, or 411 Cherrv
su. Aiacon. Ga. 9-4-°*7
DRAUGHON ’S IJU >. <', >i, |. L i}E.
AtlantH. Day and night sessions.
Enter any time. Catalogue free.
.. 'l-5-43
at ~llb' 'r h hotel, heart of city, I'6’<-
vvalton street, if you want a clean, quiet
I room: transient 50c <>pen all night
IV\ANi Ij » Discouraged, nut perfectly
Sood men and women, to take a new
HsTip on life and try a little happiness for
J a change. The Ninth Anniversary Edi
[ lion of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 2a, will tell you how to do it.
Mailed to any address in I’nited States
or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or foreign
points 3a cents. Send in youj’ order now .
\A .\N3 ED—Bright, strong
! boys to deliver routes in
I afternoons. Good wages
and chance for promotion.
'Call at circulation depart
ement 'The Atlanta Georgian,
: 20_ East Alabama si reef.
I WANTED Ideas. Inventor? write for list
; us Inventions wanted and prizes offered
by manufacturers. Also, bow to get your
patent. Sent free to any address. Itar
; dclph a- Briscoe, patent attorneys Wash
! Ington. D C. 7-11-23
; FREE MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves,
i shampoos. All barber work free. Clean
i linen. Atlanta Barber College, in East
i Mitchell 5-S' 7 - .6
| YES. Professor G. O. Branning will teach
you the barber trade (it’s easy). We
I teach in one-half time of other colleges.
| Course and position in our shops only
i ?.30. Why pay more? Thousands of our
graduates running : qs or making good
wages .Atlanta Barber College. 10 East
Mitchell street. 5-11-17
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
I TRY Raney’s Blood Remedy for rheuma
; tism. Oil sores, ulcers, cancer, pellagra,
scrofula, female troubles, indigestion, ec
| zema and teller; 750 for a case of specific
| blood poison it fails to cure. Call on the
; Raney Medieini Company, 513 Austell
Bldg., Atlanta. Ga. Atlanta phone 614.
Office hours. 7 to 6. Sunday. 9 to 12.
SIOO IN GOLD "ill be given to the per
son suggesting the most suitable name
for a new periodical, to begin publica
tion on Mareli 1 For particulars address
Publisher, 26 Ponce DeLeon avenue. At
lanta, Ga. UM 8-3
I Mi'NEY WANTED to plant in southern
California, where it grows better than
anywhere else in the world. One dollar
grows to ten before you know it. The
Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los
I Angeles Examiner will give some exam
ples of actual cases, tint December 25.
Mailed to anv address in United States
or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or foreign
iiofnts 25 cents. Send in your order now.
Teachers Wanted.
SPECIAL fall enrollment, good openings
vet Foster’s Teachers Agency, Atlanta.
Ga. _ J?- 2 ?’?
Salesmen Wanted.
i mTTn'e Y \W\N3 ED to plant in southern
California, where it grows better than
anywhere else f:i the world, one dollar
i grows to ten before vou know it. i’he
| Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los
I Angeles Examiner will give some exam-
I pies of actual cases. Out December 2„.
Mailed to any address in United States
or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or foreign
■mints 25 cents Send in your order now.
poin.s - 10-21-4
Agents. Wanted.
\f?ENTS WANTED Men and women to
sell the best s-lling insurance on earth.
Otic agent “old 200.000 last month. Dis
trict managers wanted for Mississippi.
Alabama ami Georgia Addre- Loner .<■
Hitch 609 TemiMi Court building, AG
Jan; th 10 D.-o!
wi-at have j.itt lost T'-J t. : r :<c-1 1: p
~.i j r -1.0-1 and I < 'inti ~1 'in -of
The Georgian and recover your articles.
Published by The Georgian Company,
20 East .Atlanta,
Alabama-st. Georgia.
■ entered at Atlanta postoffice at second
class matter
i Subscriptions Payable in Advance.
I On e year. mail, postage, prepaid. $5.00
| Six months, mail, postage prepaid. 2.50
Three months, mail, postage prepaid 1.25
One month, mail, postage [frepald. .45
Subscriptions Payable In Advance.
Delivered by carrier, one yearss.2o
Delivered by carrier, six months .... 2.60
Delivered by carrier, three months... 1.30
Delivered by carrier, one month .... .45
Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in the Atlanta Georgian
One cent a word each insertion
No ad taken for less than the price
of ten words. Ads in larger type,
12c a line (four words to the line),
Out -of - town advertisements
must be accompanied with cash.
Agencies’ discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgian will not be respon
sible for more than one Incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time.
Closing hours: To eecure prop
er classification, ads must be in
The Georgian office before 1 o’clock
the day of the issue.
All ads must be ordered out In
writing or at office. No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone.
Every word in the advertisement.
Including the name and address,
is counted. Each initial counts one
word; compound words are counted
two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 8000) when
it is more convenient to do so, and
collection will be made at your
home or at your office the folioSv
ing day This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill. Always
ask that your teipphone ad be re
peated back to you by the ed
taker to make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsiblity for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given <in payment fur Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them In answering advertise
ments addressed in care of The
, Georgian, if the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
Situations Wanted—Female.
POSITION wanted by young lady as
bookkeeper or office assistant; good ref
erence. Address C.» Box 40, care ’Geor
gian. ,_
ED a settled white girl posf
lion as maid or waitress, or keep house
for a wi<L«*wer with one or two children;
best of references. Address Housekeeper,
Box 300, care Georgian. 51-19-11
WANTED- By a cap&ble, refined widow,
a position as housekeeper, governess or
companion; any position accented; must
have work at once. N., 311 Main street,
TiHoji, Ga. 45-19-D
WANTED t’"sition as cook. Apply 48
Hilliard street. .36-19-11
COMPETENT stenographer desires tem
porary work; eight years’ experience.
2559 ~ L - 46-18 -_1 1
EOR SALE Farm one-fourth as large
and five times as good as the one you
are toiling on back East. Take advan
tage of ihe percentage in your favor. The
Ninth Anniversary edition Os The Los An
! geles Examiner, out December 25, will toil
i\ on how this can bo. Mailed to any ad-
I dress in United States or Mexico 15 cents.
, Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send
in your order now. 1 0-21 -4
! WANTED- At once, bj young lady, posi
tion as housekeeper in small family.
Sa!ar\ expected, $4 week. Box 1.00, care
; ‘ *‘7? ’ - 11
i WANTED to 4io sewing by the dav. Call
' AtHnita 5949-M. 87-16-11
i W ANTED in linen room in h<Z
tel; willing to leave city. Address Will
’ g ;<. '■ G< ’*:-i i.i J>. 65-16 11
w.\ NTEI ’ t • bj * xpei ienc< d
sick nurse; maternity cases a snecialty;
I rates re- enable. Best of references,
i Phone West 1054. 36-16-11
! POSITION by young lady with best of
; references; will work from 7 p. m. until
' 12; experienced telephone operator, book-
I beeper or cashier. Address P. O. Box 236.
i City. .36-14-11
COMPETENT typewriter desires extra
writing to do at home. Address .A. B.
C., Box SOI. care Georgian. 36-12-11
PARTIES wanting sewing done call at
I 372 .East Hunter street. Satisfaction
j guaranteed. 11-12-7
i ——
Situations Wanted—Male.
REGISTERED licensed druggist want ■
position at once; good moral man; can
! furnish references. Address Mercury.
< are Georg*am. 32-19-11
WANTED Position by young man.
man, as butler or to work around house
I and garden. Address German, care Geor
i gjam 27-19-11
i YoENG MAN desire s a position in office
with a responsible firm; willing to start
at bottom; good at figures ami is a good
IP» nrnan Andress Box 811., care Georgias-.
-18 11
’ MAN. thoroughly in office
work, business correspondence, c<»llec-
• lions, etc., wants position with g iod man
! ufacturing company or business firm: good
i typewriter operator; satisfactory refer
ences; moderate salary to start. Ad-
j dress Capable, Box 300, care Georgian.
( WANTED—Position oy regtstereci drug
gist; ten months actual experience. Ref
erences. Address J. H. W.. Box 209, can*
j Georgian. 26-18-11
EXPERIENCED banl oaj en for
j position. Best of references given. Ad-
• dress Bank Cashier, care Atlanta Geor
| gian.67-16-11
| A DTM'GGIST of the first water wants a
position at once. Pharmacist, Box 806,
■■. -1 1
\V i »osHion by j oung man wlth
five years experience as bookkeeper ami
i general office man: operate typewriter
and good penman; A-r references furn-
• ished. A. C L., Box 210, carp Geoi-
i gi<in. 45- I 4-11
WANTED —Position as bookkeeper, ac
curate A-l man; open for postiion De
cember 1 <’an handle heavy work. Ref
erences very best. Address Z. E. R., B« x
205, 1 tare Gs orgian. 52-12-11
Situations Wanted—Male and
Female. .
\\ %NTED Bhips of ail kinds to burn
California oil and carry merchandise for
I the port of Loa (Angeles to and from the
i Panama canal. The Ninth Anniversary
; Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
[December 25th, tells just what the canal
will do to Southern California. Mailed to
'any address in I’nited States or Mexico.
1 15 ‘ cents; Canada or foreign points. 25
cents >c’ui In ypu£ how. 10-21-4
Boarders Wanted.
j SEE “Rooms and Board” Under Georgian
■. Bulletin.
I X< iTl'Having bought th<- stock of
gr< i cries and fixtures of I’. \V. Allen.
1 • tWylie strict. I v ill ru t be rv-p-.tis -
I blc for any debtk aft'.r five i'ays trern
■late, October 13, 1912. L. I’hiilip l .
'• 30-14-11
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin.
Are you looking for ‘he best Rooms, Houses. Apartments, Rooms for House eeping. Offices, Business
Locations. Garages, Storage Houses, Boarding and Rooming places, etc.?
This bulletin contains a complete list of every desirable and suitable place that is For Rent in the city
and suburbs in each issue
For the benefit and convenient-# of our patrons The Georgian employs special men to cover the citv and
suburbs each day in search of all the desirable places.
Save time, useless steps, money and worry by consulting this bulletin. It is for your convenience, so take
advantage of it.
Rooms and Board.
desirable rooms with or without private
bath, table board. Mrs. M. B. Nuckolls.
Ivy 1499-.1. It. 19-55
NICELY furnished rooms, also board;
close in; all conveniences. 56. Garnett
NIGELY furnished .ronin's, also table
board: close tn. Hl Washington street.
Main 5361-1. _ll-_l9- 52
EXCELLENT front room; clean and
light; good board and all conveniences.
Call £vy_2Bs6-_L. 50-19-11
'I'HeSE appreciating a home with every
comfort and refinement at reasonable
rates, call at 28 E. North ave. Ivy 5551
NICELY furnished rooms, with nr with
out board; reasonable. 72 Spring.
WANTED—CoupIe or two young men in
strictly private home. Also one un
furnished loom. Ivy 1489-L. 11-18-31
SELECT BOARDING’;' - 16' East Baker.
Cleanliness, our motto. The best tables
in the city. Ivy 2666-j. 11-18-33
NICELY furnished rooms and excellent
table board. 121 Capitol square. Main
4839-L, 11-18-23
TWO nice furnished rooms anil first-class
board. 29 E. Harris. Ivy 3741-L.
NICELY furnished front room for eouple
or three young men: table boarders
wanted Ivy 651 b. 139 West Peachtree st.
191 E. FAIR, nice rooms and board; all
conveniences. Main 3722-J. 11-18-21
R< i()M and board with private bath at 94
Washington st. 18-11
MAA AMi WIFE can get first class board
in strictly private family. Rates rea
sonable. 107 Broyles street. Phone Main
5381 -.L IVIJ-4
WILL BOARD four young men. Large
room with bath on Peachtree. Call Ivy
5450. _ll-16-52
ROOMS AND MEAI.S, $5 per week, or
rooms without meals. 102 Ivy street.
GOOD MEALS furnished: $3.50 per week.
Also nicely furnished room. 178 Ivy.
CAN ACCOMMODATE a few boarders.
31 West Peachtree place. Phone Ivy
4606. ■ 11-16-1
T\\ ’' YOUNG SIE.X eat! get good board,
■ nice front room. 12 West Pine. Phone
Ivy 5859-L.29-16-11
WANTED—CoupIe of young men board
ers; clean room, meals, close in.
85 I.uekie street.lyj3lso.l.l-16-20
PHo.NE IVY 6239-.1.11-14
WANTED —Roommate for young man;
also young lady and congenial couple.
Elegant meals. Table boarders wanted,
ivy 6516. 139 West Peachtree Street.
NEATLY kept looms and extra good
home cooking at 389 Courtland, corner
Currier. 11-14-10
WANTED Three refined young women
to board; private home; all conven
iences; best home comforts and privi-
■ leges. 35 Currier. Ivy 5335-1,. 11 -12-25
NICE, clean rooms with excellent table
board, s 4 to $6 week. 123 Capitol
WILL exchange tiice, clean room and
board close in for diamond, piano, mo
torcycle or typewriter. Piano, Box 300,
care J le< rgian. : i 8* 32
NICELY furnished front r< n for cou*
p’**. Everything homelike 278 Raw »n
street. Call Main 4238-J. 11-5-89
NEAT RO( and homelike cooking:
also table board; close in. 127 Capitol
avenu.e. Main .6172-.1. 10-22-26
HELP WANTED -To develop the re
sources of Southern Califorpia', the land
of progress and new ideas. Read about
the opportunities in the Ninth Anniver
sary Edition of The Los Angeles Exam
iner, out December 25th. Mailed to any
address in I’nited States or Mexico, 15
cents a copy; Canada or foreign points,
25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4
Board Wanted.
YoUNG LADY desires board n private
family; would be glad to exchange music
lessons two evenings a week m part pay
ment. Conservatory, care Georgian.
WANTEI Board bj young lady in pri
vate home, in or around Atlanta. Ad
dress Miss H. M P., care Georgian.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
*TWO furnished rooms for light house
keeping; close in; private porch. At
lanta )»b.<>ue [><?.'>2. 11-1.9-53
CoMPi-EIELY finished housekeeping
room; >-.75 weekly. 31 Hood, near
via a?SB-.L is
id; RENT Oti<
room; every coin • nience; steam heat, at
43 l.’ast Cain Ivy 2020. _ 4 1’J
F<»R REN'I Two nicely furnished rooms,
<ne connecting with bath; good table,
private family. References required. 34
Coopi ? . Mah ■. 11'
F( d: R 1 k\”l’ Tw o furnish* rooms (oi
light housekeeping, clo>e in; .$3 per
week: use of telephone. 266 Whitehall,
- 16
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms;
close in: all conveniences: gentlemen
only. 56 East Baker. Ivy’ 2965-L.
F< )R RENI Thre<
able for light housekeeping;
kitchen; Instantaneous heater in bath
•oom i v v 1 v ■ - J
F< rent On< ■ • '' rs front
room for gentlemen or couple; conven
ient to eight or nine different car lines.
' .-’7> ' 1
NICELS furnished rofim; all conven
ienees. £vy 506’’-J. 11-19-31
ONE furnished room for rent. (’<dl Ivv
F< i: iti wt x eiy furnisl e< room,
si earn heat, all conveniences. Apply 4
’ . g .1 ; 1.1 ’ ■. nts
F( >R RENT ’I fi ■ cleat • ■
tipstaffs, for light housekeeping Rea
sonable. 24 ! J pito) avenue.H -1 •11
FoR i;E.XT I-irs;-class rooms at Young s
hotel; reasonable. Wp rent by the
week or day. 27*.*! South Pryor street,
■ ■ 'i; *; i T 'i < fur-
nished room, with or without noa's in
home of private family. Call Main .'228 J.
FOR KHNT 'i’w-» first-class bed rooms*
for gentlemen or business ladies. 26
' ' ■ ' i • ;i< I '!•« ': ’ •’! 35
W A .X’CED -Couple to occupy large front
r< om. with or without board, at 109 W.
Peachtree street; ten minutes walk < f
g 11-19-J
WANTED B ird< , also table board< s
J9O Spring st rc< 1.1 11 9- r
F< >R RENT .\’i« (iy furnished steam
heated rooms. h< t baths, at 352 Wb.ite
’■ astreet. Mrs. Murphy. 11-16-65
F< >R RGN’i" Well furnished t- oms. < i >
in; ' team htat: with bath c< i•♦ < . ir.q
very desirable. <_\.ll Ivy G033-J. 11- 6-57
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT Furnished room in West End
to gentlemen. Atlanta phone 3911.
hl R.NISHED rooms, steam heat; close in;
Phone Ivy 4310,tl -16-61
NICE single rooms. $2 per week. 102 Ivy
street. H-16-27
FURNISHED steam heated room, electric
lights, adjoining bath. Apartment 2,
second floor. 88 East Ellis. Ivv 1323.
■ t ' 11-16-29
NICELY furnished r00m.., with kitchen
ette. on two car lines, one block from
Peachtree. Apply 75 East Pine, corner
Courtland. H -16 -51
F< • R RENT- line trout' room, beautifully
furnished. $lO. Main 2877-.1. 217 South
Pryor. H-16-47
I- '>R Eent -Two Srst-floor furnished
bed rooms, with tile bath, furnace heat.
Adults only Near West Peachtree.
Home rare Georgian 63-16-11
1-1 it.\t :-ii r.i > rooms mr light uouseKeep
ing or couple of gentlemen; best of con
dition; close in; all conveniences. 81
Brotherton street. Atlanta phone 3432.
ly furnished bed room: gentlemon. Ivy
2U:'-.L- 11-16-34
NICE eungenini liuly warned to share
room Uii4h young lady. References ex
changed. Main 1592-.1. 11-16-39
FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms, tea
sonable conveniences; no children. 240
Central avenue. 11-16-45
F< 'K HEM' ime nicely furnishei 1 mum.
steam heat, electric lights, hot wafer,
gentlemen only. Apply 44 East Harris
street; apartment No. 1. Phone Ivv 1412.
; 11-16-43
NICELY furnished room, with or with
out board; steam heat; private family;
north side, ivy 4538, 11-16-5
Tliltl. / furnished rooms; no children
taken. Main 2763-. L 11 -12-22
NEATLY furnished room for two y'oung
men; close in. 50 East Ellis street.
DELIGHTFUL front room; private bath;
garage; relined home. Peachtree, care
Georgian. 32-15-11
FOR RENT Handsomely furnished
rooms; everything new and fresh
throughout. None but first class need ap
ply. Prices from $2.50 to $lO per week.
15 Ponce DeLeon avenue, just across
the street from the Georgian Terrace.
BRIGHT, nicely litrnislied, steam heated
room; close in; two young men. Ivy
ONE furnished front room for rent. Cali
ivy 1075-1- 11-18-30
FOR RENT one large well-furnished
tv om to gentlemen or eouple. in strictly
private home; best section of inman
Park. Ivy 2804-.1. 11-18-32
NICELY furnished rooms within three
blocks of Terminal station. 173 South
!22T^U !I _U- 40-18-11
XICELY furnished rooms for rent rea
sonable; ideal location; close in. Call
al 19 West Cain. Ivy 6642. 11 -1 1 36
NICELY fiirnisiu d upstairs room; all eon
_veniences: cl<>se_in. 189 Ivy. 11-18-26
NICELY furnished room; adjoining bath;
all conveniences. 168 Ivy st. 37-18-1!
NICELY furnished room in private home;
all conveniences. 204 Forrest ave.
IFOR RENT Handsomely furnished fif
teen-room residence. Everything new
and fresh throughout. Steam heat. Nice
two-story garage. Just across the street
r from G< orgian ’t'< rrace Could he used for
I tirst-class boarding or apartment house.
: Possession given at . opce. Best butler
'and cook in city. Several nice ladies al
: ready in house. Price $175, to right par
ty. Phone Ivy 6531. Reason for renting,
owners leaving city. 11-15-16
NICE roonfct, light housekeeping apart
ment; private family; close in. 151
Spring fl
Nlt'RT.y furnished or unfurnished rooms,
close in; references. Main 4807-J.
HAS just opened up. 50G. South Forsyth
st.; nice furnished rooms from $2 to $3
perjweek. Atlanta phone H-14-20
NEWLY* furnish'-1 rooms, with or with
out board; excellent meals. 55 Luckie
street. IDI4 - 39
ONE furnished rodm, also roommate for
young man; private home. 19 East Har
ris str. et I 9
NlCfil#Y fun i '’'l upstairs fr< nt room
all conveniences; rent very reasonable;
private borne. Apply 223 Capitol avenm*.
or call I<ell phone Main 2958-L. 11-13-41
TWO front rooms, nicely furnished; all
conveniences. 41 < - fie st.ll-12-45
FOR IIE\7 burnished rooms; newly fur
nished; close in; Elegant meals next
door. Terms reasonable. 75 Washington.
FOR RENT Two connecting rooms; el
egantlx furnished, for four young ladies
or gentlemen; $6 a week; meals next door.
• » • 75 - 1 . • '■ - I ’ 118-3
NICELY furnished rooms, 50c night, 12.50
a week and up. Broadway Hotel,
N. Broad street. Hot and cold water.
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooma
For Rent.
ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished; mod
ern conveniences; North Jackson street;
reference? required. Phone Atlanta
61 R_- B. 45-18-11
FoR RENT One nicely furnished room
and two unfurnished rooms. 114 Irwin
street,4 1-18-11
F< »R RENT —One large unfurnished room,
$6; two unfurnished rooms. $10; one
furnished front bed room, $12,; two fur
nished ho(iso.kc» ping, 816. Apply 37
Carnegie wav. <>l-16-11
■ THE \\ < >7 >T)i?( > W
ROOMS furnished or unfurnished, also
f< r light I.ti’isck♦ eming. 11 -12-12
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
'i'll REE very large unfurnished rooms
and small kitchenette, $1.5 per month.
■ 1 ’ -1:■ 56
FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for
light housekee»ping. with private fami
ly; all modern c<. , nvenienc» , s; ten minutes
walk from center < f city. Call at 117 Pul
ham streel
I- < H 1; ■ ■ i ■- u -i i• • . - * isonable
rent. Northi_Si de. ]vy_3B4JjJ _ 11_J 9-14
THREE unfurr ished upstairs rooms with
sink ami closet; convenient to bath. 3
Angier .<■ ivy 6£70- 1. I I ;-t
THitEE ro< for rent 12 Crew
Call A1 am__ 43s. 32_H1 I
FOR RENT Three large connecting]
rooms with private entrance. 77 <’her i
ok»•'■ a venm•.• 30_l 8-11
FOR RI.NT Thr«unfurnished rooms [
for housekeeping: all conveniences;!
walking distance. Main 2877-J. 247 South
Pr\ or.ll -16-48 I
For KENT Three rooms and private!
bath, with 399 Washington
street. Phone Main 32’1-L. 58-16-11
V\ IT ’ t i • .X Ei: ■ ■ i •
wit!; private bath. \ll conver.ienees.
can iw J 49. I_L‘J2L?S
Fo!’R desirable unfurnished rooms for
light hoiisek'-eping; t orth side; t<-n min
utes walk to Candle Bldg. Ivv 899-J.
I 1-16-28
TWO ■ u i all rooms, nlet
rang«’d for light housekeeping; walk
ing distance; reasonable. References. 55
Hood street.3l-16-11
FOR RENT Thr»-*’ larg< connecting
rooms with priva’e entrance. 77 Chero
-1 6-11
!: I’. \ nt ■ ea
downstairs, and conveniences, close in:
’• 1 i ■ 11 15-15
-F< »R BENT Trirei or four hoZseEeep
ing r« cm ah- f rnisbed rooms for
young hit ir 2! Whitehall terrace.
TI’ESDAY. NOVEMBER 19. 1912. 17
Housekeeping Rooms For Rent.
TWO light housekeeping rooms tor couple
or two ladies. Call Main 1592-J.
T\Vt> connecting rooms for light house
keeping; also furnished rooms. 140 Spring
street. 11-16-31!
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
FOR RENT- Half or whole steam-heated
apartment. 28-B East Alexander.
BRAND NEW apartment for rent; neatly
furnished; Grant park section. Atlanta
phone 22.11-18-9
FOR RENT -Two pretty, bright rooms
and kitchenette; second floor; also en
tire first floor of five rooms; comfortable;
modern; north side. Phone Ivy 2478.
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOUR-ROOM apartment. West Peach
tree near in; rent S4O. Phone Ivy
TWO i ’ll <H< 'E high-class north side
apartments for rent; never been occu
pied Apply Glover Realty Company, 2%
Walton street. H-6-33
WILL sublease second floor apartment;
seven rooms; two baths. 31 East Sixth
Street, Phone ivy 4378.36-18-11
Fi iR RENT Apartments, new, modern
and fireproof; select neighborhood; close
in. A. w. Farlinger, 304 North Boule
vard., 51-15-11
Furnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished six-room
bungalow, half-block; Ponce DeLeon
avenue; modern conveniences; no chil
dren; references. Phone Ivy 1762-L. 40
Kennesaw avenue.ll-16-6
FOR RENT Nicely furnished six-room
modern cottage, north side, walking dis
tance; also garage. Ivy 2591-L. 11-15-11
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT Modern north side cottage,
six rooms and bath; S2O per month.
Phone Ivy 6432. 11-18-5
in, near corner Lovejoy street, 4-room,
hall and bath, till conveniences, sls per
month. Apply Fitzhugh Knox, 1613 Can
iller Bldg.ll-16-35
445 LUCKIE STREET, right near Tech;
suitable for boarding students; $45. 778
East North avenue, six rooms; modern in
every respect, with every convenience;
near Druid Hills; $35. 387 North Jackson
street, eight rooms, S3O. Call Webster.
Main 2106 day, 2506 night. 807-8 Fourth
National Rank Bldg. 11-16-jil
l.i:\.-i: OR SALE—Artistic bungalow;
screened, tiled, furnace, garage. "Ans
ley Park,” Georgian. 51-15-11
HELP WANTED—To develop the resour
ces of Southern California, the land of
progressand new ideas. Read about th* Op
portunities in the Ninth Anniversary Edi
tion of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th. Mailed to any address in
United States or Mexico, 15 cents a copy;
Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send
in your order now 10-21-4
Foil RENT. HOUSES-Cab. write or
phone, for cur rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Coch ran. 1 M South Broad street. 4-1-21
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
WANTl'D—Children to attend the best
schools in the I’nited States. They are
located in Southern California. Bring the
old folks along. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will
tell tin story of the most remarkable
school system ever devised. Out Decem
ber 25th. Mailed to any address in I’nited
States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or for
eign points, 25 cents. Send in your order
now. 10-21-4
Stores For Rent.
I’P-TO-DATE millinery establishment
wishes to rent half store to be used as
beauty parlors; excellent opportunity; no
opposition. Address Miss E. Hughes, 854
I»r<»ad street, Augusta, < J a.ll-16-64
BRICK STORE and six-room cottage ad
joining. north side, good location. C.
\V. Hatcher, both phones 44. 221 Grant 1
WAN! e out and aaa
the great Southwest. Most of them
will want to stay. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of 'l’he Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th, will set forth the reasons.
Ma .led to any address in I’nited States or
Mexico, 15 cents; Canada or foreign points
25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4
Furnished Apartments Wanted.
WANTED Furnished apartment or small
furnished bungalow; north side. Box
732. ya re Ge orgian. 52-19«-11
FI’ItNISHPH') house or apartment wanted
in good location; electric lights. State
particulars. Refined, Box 223, care Geor
gian. 91-16-11
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
WANTED Three or four-room house, In
neighborhood of Sheltering Arms, on
Walton street. Address W. M. 8., Box
101, care ’Georgian. 34-19-11
Office Space Wanted.
PHYSICIAN wants joint reception room
and separate office with dentist or
physician. Call Atlanta phone 3776.
Railroad Schedule.
SOUTIIERN railway?
The following schedule figures are pub
lished only as information, and are not
g ■ laran t eedj
No. Arrive From—(No. Depart To
35 N. Y0rk..5:00 am 36 N. Yorkl2:lsam
13 Jaxville...s:2o am 20 Col'bus 5:20 am
43 Was’ton 5:25 am; 13 Clnci 5:30 am
I” Sh’port.. 6.30 am 32 Ft. Vai. s:3oam
Jb .laxville. 6:50 ami 35 B'ham. 5:45 am
•17 Toccoa.. 8:10 am 1 7 C'nooga 6:40 am
26 Heflin ... B:2oam, 12 R’mond 6 55am
29 N York B:2oam 23 K, City. 7:ooam
3 Chat'ga.lo:3s am , 16 Bruns'k 7:45 am
7 M o q. 10.40 am 29 B'ham..lo-45 am
27 Ft. Vai. 10:45 am 38 N. YorklHOl am
21 Col'bus..lo:so am 40 ChTtte 12:00 n'n
'■ <'ini-i. ..11 10 am ; 6 Macon.. 12■ 20 pm
■2; Col'bus.. I:4opm 30 C'bus. .12:30 Dm
30 B’ham... 2:30 pm 30 N York 2:45 pm
40 H ham. .12:40 pm 15 C'nooga .'1:00 pm
39 Ch’lottc 3.55 om 39 B’ham... 4:10 pm
5 Macon. . 4:00 pm *lB Toccoa. 4:30 pni
37 N York. 5:00 pm 22 Col’bus. 5:10 pm
15 Bruns’k 7:50 pm 5 Clnci ... .’..10 pm
11 R’nrnnd 8:30 pm 28 Ft. Vai. 5:20 pm
24 K City 9:20 pm: 35 Heflin... 5:45 pm
16 <’ m■ ga 9:35 pm I 10 Macon.. 5:30 pt,.
19 (’ol'btts 10:20 pm 44 Wasb'n. 8 45 pm
31 Ft Vai 10:25 pin 24 Jaxvllle. 9:30 pm
36 B'ham. 12:00 ngt 11 Sh’port.ll:lo pm
14 i’in.■ i. 11 I'o pm ;14 J’xviip. 11 10 pm
Traiin marked thus'(•) run daily, ex*
ccpt Sunday.
Other trains run dally. Central time
Chy ’!’eket Office, No. 1 Peachtree St.
Aie you Fcarching fora position? Then
an ad in the “Situations Wanted’’ col- i
umnb of The Georgian will a isi you t
greatly. 1
j Lost and Found.
i I.< iST —A 7-hoisepowi i- twin Excelsior I
motorcycle, 1913 model. Taken from
I front of The Georgian office. License . i
j number 178.<6. Motor number 38485.• Had S
tandem seat. Gray machine with red
■ trimmings. Finder please notify W. S.
I Farnsworth. The Georgian, telephone 8000.
jll-19-58 ' 9
JL< »ST- On November 1.9, on West <3
Peaentree car, between viaduct and I’or-
I ter place, black err ehei bag, containing
I small purse anil gloves. Return to Mrs.
iT. M. Grady, 12 West Eleventh street,
I anil b'et reward. 11-19-41
I STRAYED front 20 Dark street, black
; cow. Reward for return. West 550.
ILt 'ST—Pair of gold nose glasses on
Woodward avenue or Pine street car,
or between Ivy and Piedmont, on Au
burn avenue. In Walter Ballard case.
Finder please return to 121 Auburn ave
nue or call Ivy 1977 or 6648-J. Libera! 4
reward, 11-19-20 -’S
LOST i >ne white aigrette on Whitehall
street, between Mitchell ant! Cooper
streets. Monday evening about 6:15. Re
turn to 514 Empire building or 31 Cooper
street. Reward. 11-19-19 1
LtiST -In Benjamin’s drug store, pack
age containing carving knife and fork;
lady tliat took this package by mistake
will please return to drug store. No
questions asked. 11-19-6
LOST Sunday night on Washington st.
or on street car. ladies' brooch, fleur
delis design. Reward for return to 285
Washington. 28-19-11
LOST—Saturday, November 16, 19f2~]Ta
mond brooch containing seven dia
monds. probably in shopping district.
For further information call Ivy 700. Sub
stantial reward for return to 800 Forsyth
huildin g. ll-19-16
LOST Ladles' hunting case gold watch;
letter Don ease. Reward for return to
513 I'each tree. 61-16-11
LOST—one stick pin, pearl surrounded
by diamonds. Liberal reward. How
ard Pattiilo, 508 Atlanta National Bank.
WANTED Manufacturers and merchants
to help manage the business encl of the
Panama canal. It is located at Los An
geles, the key to the great Southwest.
The Ninth Anniversary edition of The
Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25.
will have tiie facts about this great proj
ect. Mailed to any address tn United
States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or for
eign points 25 cents. Send in your or
der now. 10-21-4
Franco-American Hygene Co.,
Toilet goods sold by representatives
under guarantee.
Culiglene skin food.
Beautigiene for skin blemishes
Astringiene for flabby skins.
Depelagiene for superfluous hair; re
moves hair In three minutes without
slightest Injury to skin. I’hone Ivy 3435
and representative will call and demon
strate goods in your home.
Salesladies wanted. 46-19-11
LADIES Ask your druggist tor Chiches
ters Pills, the Diamond brand; for 25
years known as best, safest, alw.ays relia
ble: buy of your druggist, ’’’ake no other
Chlchesters.Diamond Brand Pills are sold
by druggists everywhere. 5-2-1
$2.50- We want rooms to tint at $2.50 a
room. Bell phone Main 4807-J. 40-15-11
relined, homelike. Limited number of
I patients cared for. Home provided for
infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 26 Win.l
sor St.ll-9-57
FOUND The best place for prosperity
and success. Everybody's doing it.
Come out to Southern California. The
Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los
Angeles Examiner will set you right. Out
December 25. Mailed to any address in
United States or Mexico 15 cents a copy.
Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send
in your order now 10-21-4
SCREENS--Wood fly screens, metal ilv
1 I screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywhei.t
in the South. Write or phone W. R. Cal
in way, manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank building. Atlanta, Ga Main 5310.
8-15-5 «
■ SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses
Improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 3«
Wall street, has an expert Otte" and It 1
■ will cost you no more to hav, him lit
you, and it means insurance. 6-24-19 /
i .
WRR’'nR. ~
DISEASES of women and children. 200-
202 Hillyer Trust Bldg. Bell phone Ivv
4619. 9-28-58
DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, Irregularities anti
similar obstructions. Trial box by mall,
s** Frank Edmondson & Bro., manufac- J
timing chemists, 11 North Broad street.
Atlanta. 2-17-14
DROPSY CURED -Relieves shortness ot
breath in 36 to 48 hours Reduces swell
ing in fifteen to twenty days. Writ* for
particulars. Collom Dropsy Remedy Com
pany. 512 Austell building. Atlanta.
SHE tells your entire life by the planet
you are born under. Every hidden mys
tery revealed. Camp at 77 East Hunter
street, between Washington and Central
avenue. Moved from 138 Whitehall street
MADAME CAMILLE tells past, present
and future. Special reading, 25c, this
week. Located 50 Edgewood avenue, be »
tween Ivy and Pryor. 11-11-34
Clairvoyant and Palmist.
HAVE RETURNED to Atlanta and is
now located at 93 Auburn avenue. Was
located at 17 East Mitchell street last
winter Anything you desire to know,
you are assured truthful and positive
facts about it. Readings, 25c and 50c.
Make no mistake in the place. 93 Auburn
ayenue <in tent h 10-26-22
WANTED Visitors'to come out and see
the great Soutliwest. Most of them will
want to stay. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of 'Che Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th, will set forth the reasons
Mailed to any address in United States or -1
Mexico, 15 cents: Canada or foreign points
25 cents. Send In your order now. 10-21-4 '|
Palmist and Life Reading.
IS NOW LOCATED In tent, corner For
syth and Luckie; can be consulted on
all affairs of life Charges moderate
Satisfaction guaranteed 6-25-1$
W anted—Miscellaneous.
~T B U
V.'AN'i'f',! ' Flat-top desk, second hand;
quartered oak or mahogany; good con
dition. I’luric Main 2444 40-19-I'l
We’ll Bring Cash For
Old Clothes and Shoes
166 Decatur Street.
-27-1:1 1
FURNITURE and Household goods? office
fixtures and merchandise of any kind
J accepted on consignment. Cash advance!.
; Pembroke Sales Co.. 143 South Pryor St. .
Bell phones Main 1434, Main 187. Atlanta
! 2286. 8-15-12
’ PAY HIGHEST cash prices for house’
’ hold goods, pianos and office furniture.
| Cash advanced <>n consignments. Central
i Auction Company, 12 East Mitchel!
street l?**H » b<’ne_Main_2H' < R-26-2C
i WANTEI» We pay b.ighest cash prices
j nn household goods, pianos and office
i furn:turc Ca.di advanced on consign- 4
I Springer's Auction House. 2*
I’l \ < T ■ •r> et_ Eel' p’mne M .
II BUY ?.lI’N”S old clothes aria shoes.
1 Diup a card. 1. Bock, 32 Beil street.