Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 20, 1912, EXTRA, Page 12, Image 12
12 |1 Asked a Retired •t- ■■■ -.■ h ‘ Business Man “Do you find if mor? difficult to keep your mind occupied sulliciently to maintain good health t ; ian when you were actively engaged in the atrenuous pursuit of dollars*’’ "5’0,” he replied, “for I systematite my play, the same as I did my work. “For example, I go South in the winter and North in the summer, which gives me an entire change of scene and climate. Each day I spend a few hours on the golf course. I read, go to the theaters and occa sionally hear the gieat artists. To round out my day. I always play t few selections on my Kimball Aeme lodic Player Piano. "All my life 1 have enjoyed out door sports and good literature, hut. I never had an opportunity to 1> come acquainted wit;, gnod music until I bought my Kimball Player Piano. Now the works <>l rhe old Masters, the operas and even the popular music are e constant isource of pleas ure and revels t on to me. “I am alwi.v tel! ns' my friends that if they v. ■ ! < n’y follow my schedule they uld never grow w-ary for the lack of something to do.” The Kimball AcmelotJic Player Piano has the '■ * n«"‘s,‘»s ry to reproduce hand-played music. This instrument piny* the full scale, notes —plavH Kind-all or any 88-note roll—bill, round, riel;, mellow tone, selected mater; -Is. best ■•re rk manahip, roll-guiding device, Aemelodic soloist, ten exclusive im provements, music roll library priv ileges. We will take your “nev'er-playsd" pUno tn part payment.. ipiayer Piano W. W. KIMBALL CO. ATLANTA BRANCH f 4 North Pryor St H. R. CALEF. Manager. ■bbbbbhbbbmmtmi w* wjaw«r.u«Brnw ATLANTA’S Automobile Show AUDITORIUM ARMORY Oaiiy 10:30 A. TO 10:30 P. M, MUSIC AFTERNOON AND EVENING Admission 50c TABERNACLE Wednesday. November 20 8:30 P. M. Alkahest Lyceum System Presents BUCK QUARTET In Grand Concert. Fourth Number of Lyceum Course. Admission. 25c to sl. Monday Night, November 25. Marcella EM BRICH and Assisting Art sts Tickets on sale now at Philhps & Crew. Cable Piano Company or at the Alkahest office—Prices. 50c to $2 Phone Main 1238, READ FOR PROFIT, USE FOR RESULTS. ’ qgnm A Fully Equipped Pope-Hartford iff $2250 N| W Gray & Davis Electric Starter, Electric Dynamo Lighting, 181 I op, Windshield, Four Speed Forward 1 fans mission, W] Double Drop Frame. Firestone Demountable Rims, IK lar 36x4% Tires. 1K I al Igl I - i | /«; ?'• horsepower. 4--Cylinacr, ainiorstpower, $4251) hK j' - / 3 and 5-i on 1 rucks, Fire Apparatus, Police Patrol, Arnbu- VjgH /j|f lancesand Motorcycles. A'* M7ZE.T MIE AT THE SHOW jW\ ' \ T or ' CF xr-wERVICE /JKfcS| „ L. S Crane Nj ? 30-32 James Street ■ ‘ nr Vr’ii n r mwarn ■■■■!.■■ uii*_iu.ji—-otb -er--. •»■ «.waww aan w« »- • • aw ■ ■ yia « . Order by MasS From liM. R i & Bros. Co. f .* ... « : E 300 New Coats; Save l /3 to Yi : -S2 —— — , - 'tb Those of you who have friends in the Jpl ij* North know how unusually warm it has i been there this tall. So women wouldn’t ** wear winter coats; and stores wouldn’t order t 5 cSrjfc f rom t^le ma k ers Worse, even—stores jjp: 35 countermanded earlier orders, and the mak- ers had hundreds of unsold coats on their § 3j I A\ V j hands. They were in despair. Ks f lifts, W O Ur ew Vork buyer wired us the Ss: • * t market conditions, so last, week our coat JJ ■ 35 Vwilc WT* buyer slipped off to market. He captured •< <* fflrf ** °F season ’ s smartest coats at ** io °ff' O n sale tomorrow for the f* rs{ time. See window. JJ Almost any kind of coat you had thought of JR Jjl ? * s 1" re a * these third to half savings. And the eoats JhSjH embody every new style thought of the season. There S* are three-quarter and full length edats; full lined, half .hfl . lined and unlined; eoats that fasten over fancy buttons. wT ■T'W b- - " r "''th elaborate silk frogs. Some coats are belted; 5 'm others are plain; there are simple and fancy tailored MR models—coats, in short, -for .the miss, maid or matron. * jS ' dIBB Choose from the following: | Street Coats, Chinchillas, Solid colors, Sc S 'HF Motoi Coats, Boucles, black and JF ’f .-" JS Polo Coats. Camel’s Hair. s ‘ r ‘P®- -C Tw ‘ T u n + Diagonals, T to .V’ "?-■ Johnny Coats. lur .'. sects. Plaid *5 K' ’ 'Wra School Coats “I J Novelties. g *• ft >< bcnjoi boats, Velour de Brown and «a' • K Outing Coats ’ Laine - blue combina - ;ne i etc.. etc. etc., etc. tions, etc., etc. Ijj time at these prices: B Madeira C ° atS at $ 5.00; values to $25.00 3 Eyelet Scarfs Coats at $19.75; values to $37.50 5; g and Squares Coats at $25.00; values to $45.00 5' 5 only 50c How w>- obtained such Save a Third to a Half on churming Scarf- and • 6 0,» Your New Suit S : jQI our own little secret. Made 'Sa of a Ane round-thread un- ]IS elegant suits went on sale yesterday for the «® one, hemstitched border and very first time. Duplicates of these very suits sold . machine - embroidered in earlier in the season for a half to twice over the J 5» .Miuisite Madeira eyelet present prices. Blit these ai’C OUl‘ makers’ SUl'plllS B£' JIP embroider} designs Scans sl()( .{ <s> aH( ] 001110 to US UTlderpriced. To this lot II S| “ "’ SHrt ( ,f 14S suits we have added all the broken lines and i stragglers trom our own good stocks incidentally <<2 •J $1 Collar and Cuff clipping their pric’es a fourth to a third. There are / M Cases 50c more than 250 suits in all. and they represent the S* . , cream of this season's stvles and materials. Sizes for St ' <if r surd<- regulation all in leading (*olors, mixtures and nlack. .\Il grouped siz. ;,nd style, with stik U1 jdeT one of three pricos at those 1 remcndous savings: an draw ,-trlng. Blue :.rown - OJI7QE « 'R» tan m- green An inexpert- SllitS Worth to $35 at <J> 1 /.OJ Jb 6 -iv, Mdution to some one s O C n/A M jp Xmas problem Worth ?l. Suits WOVth tO $-)0 at .pZtO.UU lAn Needlework Famous SllitS WOl'tll t<> $67 at- $39.75 I *--p* 1 ' titer \islr Main Floor.) Sales nt 8:30. Ready-to-Wear—second floor. M. RICH & BROS. co. * THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS.WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 1912. Atlanta Chapter of Daughters J the American Revolution Se/el Henry & S. G. Lindemaj PIANO ~ ~~~ I > I t I I fig. ’ - J,. ’ \ 1 T I FiM Q. I kWr i 'it I In the selection of a Piano by the Atlanta Chapter D. A. for their beautiful hall at Piedmont Park, the Clevelan Manning Piano Co secures further laurels for the progress! spirit of their house, and adds further distinction to that gn Piano, the Henry & S. G. Lindeman. Cleveland=Manning Piano Ct 80 MIRTH PRYOR “STORE BEAUTIFUL” 811 MIRTH PRYiW "The Most Progressive in Our Line” BUILT IN THE SOUTH IT IS A WONDERFUL CA| That can overcome traditions and establish a position of supremacy for Southern bl automobiles. That is what the “Corbitt” has done in seasons. A wonderful tri™ to superiority, we think. El s“i:, - % Us Agents I At ShoM I the Oi> Ge< OUT I Agency I ShotQ Electric 1— Lights PropositicJ Corbitt equipment is in keeping with a car of the highest class. Standard Equipment, Electric Starter, Electric Lights, Hartford Shock Absorbers, W ner Auto-Meter, Demountable Rims, Top, Windshield. Kellogg Four-Cylinder Tire Puß Tools. Tool Box, Jack. Robe and Foot Rails, etc. „ < 2-Passenger Roadster SI,BOO Pleasure Cars * 4-Passenger Touringsl,97s I 5-Passenger Touring $1,975 Trucks 1 One Ton sl,Boo | ( One and one-half tons2,ooo ’ SIGMA ENGINEERING CO., Agent J CORBITT AUTOMOBILE COMPANI HENDERSON, N. C. USE GEORGIAN WANT ADS. I