Newspaper Page Text
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
SMALL kitchen range, with hot water
cnjl, nearly new, cheap. Cali Ivy 3307
Combination coal and gas ranges
Southern Stove and Simply Company.
121 Whitehall.lo-15-4
For SALE- Goh s.-.-oud-l' and bi o k
Telephone Main 2246 11-1 9-12 1
FOR SALE- line National coal range,
perfect condition. Call 450 North Jack
•on street. 55-16-11 |
SECOND-HAND SAFES Smau. meun.rn ■
•nd large home sates. sls: Hall s bank
•nd fireproof safes, vault doors etc. C.
J Daniel, 416 Fourth National Ban build- ;
HEATERS. $2.50 to $45 We save you
enough to t>uv - tir coa'. Southern
rtove and Ku ppi- Company, 121 White
all street. 16 - i •- 4
8500 Worth of Music Free. |
At this season of the year it is dif
ficult for our salesmen to visit all of ‘
their prospective customers in time
to be given an ppnrt unity to explain
our prices and terms. In order to
facilitate their work and make
visit count, we are < fi>ring $5 worth
oj music free to every one who is now
readv to take the matter up with one I
of our sales'.to; . Put this ad out and
mail to us, . luting when our sales
man may call on you. how much you I
wish to pay < ash. *»’<•. Regardless of
whether our salesman can satisfy you
or not, this offer is open to you if you
will advL us <.f your Intentions to
purchase .as give us an oppor
tunity to explain to your our prices
and terms. Be sure and stat** In your
reply when our salesman may visit
your horn to talk the plan-’ question (
Post OlTief Box 1623.
Atlanta. <la
CADET lIEATERS? « ith“'c>.ii, "Scu’nni: '
St .ve an, Suppl; Company, .21 Wliite
>VTLI, sell my t pright Steinwaj piano so
■Jim If taken quick: need money and
mist sell. Plan,, In storage. Steinway
■°iam. care Georgian. 22-16-lli
■’OR SALE. CHEAP - <l7 .‘I \\ nvfitzer >’-r :
chestra. Phone Ivj 36 13-11 |
VE SEI.I. ST' l ' 1 .- Hit 1
expenses arc less. Southern Stove and*
Supply Company, 121 Wliiieli: i 10-15-4
COME to corner Peach' m and Ellis
streets for brick, lumber, doors, sash
..nd mantels, cheap. Denton A- Flournoy,
house wrecked 11-12-16
WOOD. 71
LOOK at our stove -at id rung. before
you buy one anywhere. Southern
Stove and Supply ‘ •mpary I White
>;«!. 10-o‘.-4
FOR SALE Browning .-iii'o ,'ti. shot
gun; splendid gun: good udltioii bar
gain. Phone Ivy 6432. Address 2."- West
North ate. ;1 i-18-37
FOR SALE Arnold ', vibrator, g: s stove,
wardrobe, sideboard and other house
hold furniture. R. 1. Red rooster and two
liens. 73 Williams st Phone ivv 3681 -1
11-18 16
LAWthOOK BARC.ArKs Sets of Airier.
Bankruptcy Reports, Century Digest,
Ency. of Evlti.. etc. Price, and terms on;
request. The Harrison Company, Atlanta.
CAST RANGES, <uu. winei bu. s. S3O and j
up. Southern Stove and Supply Com- |
pany, 121 Whitehall. 10-15-4 I
(<> \IJ COAL!
• both phones main shis.
PERFECTION oil heaters, $3. Ou up.
Southern Stove und Supply Compant,
1 - 1 Whitehall. ______ I "Ji, • I
FOUND -The best place ior prosperity
and success. Everybody's doing It.
Come odt to Southern California Th"
Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los
Angeles Examiner will set you right Out
December 25. Mailed to any address in
United States or Mexico 15 cents a copy.
Canada or foreign point 25 cents Seim
in your ~rler nou 10-21 4
safes flies; cabinet new S 2nd ltd.
Gookin Bank & < 'ffice Equipment Co.
NEV,, beautiful rugs woven from
old carpet, superior to any ill service:
plain or designed; any slz,. Catalogue
free Oriental Rug Conipat y, Baltimore
National Cash Registers
335-150; S6O-|75 and up. ' erais easy Lib
eral exchange allowance. I; ‘th phone:
60 North Broau Street. 7-20-52
For Exchange—Miscellaneous.
' \< • i 1 ■ exchange white en n
eled but- betisleiid i i ~.altrv>ti io. ar
all heater or rua. Ivy 6459-J. 11-19--B
ting, srr. v machine nd luiufli ores
tori. Special tools, and jiy. .
2^l-LJW Jd .H ‘1 t:. Sir- e L -XL 1 ?'
TO EXCHANGE b HbnaVr an.l
soil in Tie world .or a tired and frost
bitten at.n Lack East The Ninth Anni
ersary Edition f Th. Los \r;*el’*s Ex
aminer. out December 2Lth, 'HI! tell where
'hey ar earn! how u» vret one. Mailed lo
<ny address in United Stua s or Mexico 15
cents; Canada >r foreign j 'lnts. 25 cents.
in ."our >rder now. 10-21-4
»»NU 40-hi»rs'‘p<'Wvi I a\m*wl\ palm
ed *n<l runnpu tine, will trade tor real
estau or sell tor $!,000 cash; also a spe
cial l»argain for ca • i only, one 1912 four
door Maxwell, run about 3,000 miles, cost
$1,175, for *'s7' R ‘sooe Carden, 289
wood a venue. 11-16-12
IXCHANuE I i .uLunobih : idsier. one
tw»-sior> six r.u»m t’ouse. built cue vear
Dg 117 feet fr >ni car lire: near in; .*ost
••ip $2,400; ‘oan oi H'OO; equity $1,500. Auto
must bi lab* model ami in la*- •: •■‘■ndit’.ou;
;<ive full desariiKiori and make of car
with answer. CRvnti. .B<»> o”Xtlantu,
sa. 11-19-40
Auction Sales
1’1? EXCHANGE The be-- --lin'at.' and I
sod in the world for a tired and frost- I
bitten frrm back la,. The Ninth An-I
ilve/sary L< <tion « f The Los Angeles Ex- !
atnlber. ou*. De, ei ibe-r 25th, will >eil where !
•hey Hr, and fs- t. wi < ne. Mailed ’o !
niy adcresH in I'nited .■'Sates or Mexico,!
15 cents; Canada or foreign points. 25c. I
Send in your ,rd now. 16-21 ■ 4
-•ENTRAL \1 CTicN fuiji'R. Mitchel! j
st., buys and -ell.- every thine; regular I
auction Tue«iay m;,: Friday Bell phone '
MjR 2424 -"-:i-41
Decatur street W< buy and sell any ,
and everything Atlanta phone 2285; Bell
phone Main 14.34 Ma n 187 7-29-20
fiPRINGER’y Auuljon i louse, at 26 South
Pryor street, vlll buy or sell vour
Household gods, pianos and office furnl
- Ma ■ 10 3-j
PEMBROKE Sales Company under new
management, will accept \ our surplus
stock of any kind nr. c ns'lgnment; cash
advanced; settlement on date of sale. 142
r'uth Pryor street R.-ll pl ane Mum 1414,
I'jln 187. Atlanta phone 2'385 8-6 30
B ANTED Manufa -turers and merchants
to help manage the business end of the
•’anama canal. It is located at Los An
•jeles, the key to the great Southwest,
’hr Ninth Anniversary edition of The
."s Ingele- Examine], <<ut Dec>-niber 26,
•Il liayt .h, fa. is,n this great proj-
Mailed 1., ■ ■ United
Money to Loan.
sss ■? DO YOU WANT MONET?? ss»
OWNERS, come direct to us. Money in I
any quantity at 5 to 8 p»*r cent; $200,00u j
, for apartment bouses at 6 per cent. We
f handle purchase money notes, stocks ami |
nls Randolph Loan Co., 821 Candler I
j Building. Ivy V»f>9. 10-1-49
A'ANTED- Families to own some more of
those beautiful Southern California
i homes It is a habit, get it. The Ninth •
Anniversary Edition of The I>.,- Angelea
| Examiner, out December 25th, tells how i
1 the habit is acqtiired. Mailed to any ad
i dress in United States or Mexico 15 cents: !
i Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send |
I in your order now. 10-21-4
‘MONEY ON HAND foi Immediate loans
on property in or near Atlanta. J. E.
Van Valkenburg, 501 Equitable building
Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-3
| SPE' TA 1"7>~:4E Fi "NDS TO LEND, any
ammmt; 6 per cen» Write or calL S.
] W ii. Soutl Broad 1 tree' 4-1-17
'N FIP.f-T mortgage r.ii estate security.
i Hon ■ funds aim Insurance money. Rates
5V4 to S p< i "ent interest. We also make
monthly payment loans. We ear. give
yon the money as soon as titles are ap
I. H. Zi'kldNi:. l.os’i Manager.
SCRANCE CO. of Ameri
ca can make you a loan on
rXtlania improved property, •
through their loan corre-i
Bj»ondenis, 'l’lirnian. Black |
<ii Calhoun, 203-8 Empire
Bu Idh 6-7-12-1
(FARM placed In any amount on
n ]■ ••-d '■■iin lam::, in Georgia. The
F -t'o-n 'I- r'g:,,"" t'-impnny, Gould build
. • 7-13-1
i \VE HAVE plenty oi money to
i lend at lowest rates on Atlanta
and nearby property, either for
straight or monthly payment
plan. Also for purchasing pur
chase money notes. Foster &
Robson. 11 Edgewood Ave.
AND OTHERS, upon their own names;
i cheap rates, easy payments. Confiden
tly 1> 11 3 olman, 5!4 > bull ling.
WE i'AN negotiate any good 7
per cent loan, but have on
hand several amounis on which
there will be no delay. Do you
want $3,000 al 7 per cent?
• ' ip 1- I SGOO.OOO. Surplus $400,000
Manager Loan Department.
Business Opportunities.
1 '•',>!< SALE (’heap, if taken at once, bar
ber sl op with four chairs, two baths.
1 Doing good business. Good location. S7OO.
owner going ro war. 22 Wall street.
V I HNISII El> hoarding house f>»r sab*. 30
! Cali UIU" 27
RENT AND SALE >•' en ro n item
heneti apartment; live minutes' walk
Candler Bldg. Furnishings sold on easy
terms. B. i gain. Box 402. care <’.<•• »rgian.
\\ KNTED FamHies to own som n
of beautiful ‘/outhern California
homes. It is a habit, get it. The Ninth
Anniversary Edition .1 Th«- Los Angelea
Examiner, nut December 25tb. tolls how
th» habit is acquired. Mailed to any ad
dress in United States or Mexico 15 cents;
Can.ul; ur foreign points, 25 cents. Send
In your order now 10-21-4
Real Estate For Sale
I NEGRO LOT. 10x100, for S2OO cash.
■ • P. O Box 235. 55 I
s■-.‘•"l' \ ill l.i*'' an up-to-date cottage
•,i side right a( < upitol avetup*;
reins i r ?25 per month; $3,759 will Im:
new bungalow with ail < finvenienecs near
West P'.ach’rer : :i<l Fifth streets; » a.* '
t»rni: . nn si < 11. M or call'
■c; ■ J ill' 21
) : KALE In a p ~ • .- ; son •‘ I
th-' nt rlii side, he’v <>n th< I’eachtrees,
;t r> s’.b nc< Io for liit|c I. ss than $2,000. '
I ■ L' 1 < i'i I .;
\ BIG I > Alll •\ I \
1 V II";." will, a Hi,’ lot and email cot-!
tage, on Mhrieuti car line, .00 yards)
• i "O: • itit'D. S |< ndid land and running
■v < .it. ideal for chickens und truck I
' farming .
s. T. TIBBS.
i liOi: Fourth Niitiomil Bunk Bldg, j
1 !-•♦»- 56 I
iORS. Li. Five-room cottage on Cooper I
sire d, in first-class condition and ront-
I k »<• I tenant -.L<» per mon ii. My
equity 'l.lOO. Will iaio <BSO cash.'
Price is * ~!5l r. i\ Box 286, Atlanta.
• Ga. 11-16-49
i arg<
I and times as good as the one you
i are toilirie on bat*k East. 'I ake advan- •
age of hf percentage in your favor. The ‘
Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los An- j
' geles Ibandner, out December 25, will tell I
i you how this can be. Mailed to any ad- '
tress ii United States or Mexico 15 cents,
Cpnada or foreign points 25 cents. Send
FEV * bargains in
South Warren; 100x200. North Howard;
60x200, B nib vard DeKalb, about 50 lots
in the best sub-division in Kirkwood.
1 Home in Kirkwood, $4,800. worth SI,OOO
more. I. \. Roth phones 6 l»e
--cutuf. 27-16-11
■ " S \LE OR Ri \ ■ IO .rw S
north side bungal 'w, located No. '. 1
West Twelfth street, between W’est
I’eachuee and Spring streets, and s.i »uld
be seen to be appreciated. Has large liv
ing an<l dininc rooms, hardwood tloors.
beam ceiling: tw » bedrooms, bath be
tween. A most attractive, ne\> home in
fine section. Price 85,500 on terms, or
I for rent. Owner. 409 linkable Bldg.
’ vi’ \-T Lak 17. hi section of new road
I ’ avixiu and ca’- extension, a lot 51x:-5'4. ;
; shilled. S6OU; easy terms If you L 4<t this |
| two vears you can double your mom*\. i
I \ddress High Ground. Box Jt < are Uwi -
aian. ?1-11-46
if \..,4 want to enj'-y life hip ’LL t-hu'e I
| better than going abroad; fine tishinj . ’
I boating ,«nd bathing: 6-r<»on) house, plenty i
I of fruit and timber: one hour’s ri<ie of ;
I Atlanta- on ptile o. electric plant; lights
I can be had cheap- -<iirt cheap R. E. Fin- I
. L L Atlarr. . Gl 11-14-34 1
w ANTED One hundred thousand ready* !
made families to share in the prosperity I
'of Southern California The Ninth Anni- !
versary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex
' aminer. out 1 ‘eeember 25th. will tell why
land how Mailed to any address in United
'States or Mexico 15 cents a copy; Canada
lor foreign points. 25 cents. Send in your
• 4
FOR SALE on River car line, new three
r<>om house. SI.000; sls a month; no
rash payment John Carey, 3 Whitehall
street. 11-2-55
THE HOUSE you build, bu
? ° r
rent will nut be a modern home
nnless it is wired for electricity.
If v. uat xou have Go sab* 1m m.t worth
pi *1 i Wan \ in leougi.xt;
1 :'I • ' ♦b.e
Farms For Sale.
Plantation for Sale.
100 ACRES of land iii Green county, three
miles from Greensboro's court house,
fronting on well kept road. 60 acres in
cultivation, s'l acres in heavy timber;
plenty of running water: Innl lays well;
price $3,000; .{1,500 cash, the balance In
one, two an I three years at 7 per cent
interest. Call Mack. Main 3373, Atlanta
1347. Illa & Broa-l street. 11-19-29
WANTED S lips >1 all kinds to burn
California oil and carry merchandise for
the port of Los Angeles to and from the
Panama Canal. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th. tells just what the canal
will do to Southern California. Mailed to
any address in United States or Mexico,
15 cents; Canada or foreign points, 25
cents Send In your order now 10-21-4
Farms For Rent.
nd reao.
made families to share in the prosper
ity of Southern California. The Ninth An
niversary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex
aminer. out December 25th. will teil why
and how. Mailed to any address in United
States or Mexico, 15 cents a copy; Can
ada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in
your order now. 10-21-4
Legal Notices.
STATE OF GEORGIA County of Fulton.
To the Superior Court <>! Said County:
The petition of American Sumatra To
bacco Company, a corporation, respect-
1. That it was duly incorporated by
order of this court on the 12th day of
February, 1910, and th' reafter duly or
ganized in wl'h the provisions
I of the laws or tills state, and has sinc<
been In the active conduct of its busim ss
in accordance with the provision" of its
2. That it desires to amend its charter
by incorporating therein the following
provision; That whenever an election of
one or more directors of the company Is
held by the shareholders at any lawful
meeting thereof, the shareholders shall lie
entitled to cumulate their votes in the
following manner: Each sharehol.l i- shall
be entitled to a. number of 'VoteH equal
to the number o< directors to bo elected,
multiplied by the number >f stares of
I stock which h" holds, and shall be per
iinitted to distribute such votes as he
I pleases among 'h. candidates, or to cast
j t hem all for .n< <tanditlate if he bo
ciiooses, and those persons shall bo de
clared elected directors v. bo shall re
ceive the highest number of votes s»> eas;;
provided, that nothing herein shall be
construed to niter or change that provision
of the original charter of the company
which entitles the holders of the pre
ferred stock to elect a majority of the
board of direct ,rs in case of default in
the payment of dividends on the pre
ferred stock tu the amount of fourteen
<l4> per cent, and to continue to so elect
a majority of said board from the time
such right becomes operative until, but
only until, such time as all accrued and
mi).aid dividends on the preferred stock
shall have been paid up. as particularly
set forth in the original charter of the
corporation; and provided further that
it shall be within the right and power
of the shareholders to provide by by-laws
that the preferred and common stock
■nay be required to vote separately, and
until default shall be made in the payment
ol dividends on the preferred stock to
Hie amount of fourteen (14) per cent,
what number of directors may be voted
tor by the holders of the preferred
stock and what number may bo voted
for by the holders of the common stock,
and by-law to limit the right of each
class of stocks as to the number of
| directors for whom they may respectively
vol"; provided that after default as
aforesaid, the limitation upon the hold
ers of the preferred stock shall not de
prive them of the right to elect at least
! a majority of the members of said board
until the default is removed as aforesaid;
ami to provide by by-law how the by
laws providing for the foregoing limita
tions may bo altered, amended or
changed. The cumulative voting herein
allowed to apply to the voting for such
directors, either before or utter the oc
currence of a default as above set out,
.as the holders of the preferred and com
mon stock may at the time be entitled
to vote for under the provisions of the
original charter and of such by-laws on
this subject as the shareholders may
have heretofore adopted er nitty here
after adopt.
3. That it is provided In the original
charter of the corporation that this char
ter may be amended by and with the
consent of the holders of not less than
two-thirds In amount of all the capital
stock then outstanding, expressed at a
meeting of the shareholders held hi ac
cordance with the provisions of the by
laws of said corporation, at any time
and either in form or in substance.
* That at a meeting of the share
holders duly held in accordance with the
provisions of the by-laws of this corpora
tion, at which meeting all of the pre
ferred stock and all of the common stock
of the corporation was represented,
either in person ur by proxy, a resolu
tion was duly amt unanimously adopted
authorizing this application for an amend
ment to its charter to be made.
I Wlieref'.re, Amur petitioner prays that
; when it has complied with the law for
sin h eases made and provide!, this hon
orable court will pass an order amend
ing its charter In the manner and 'o the
extent as liertlnbefore so. out.
\VILS< *N. AH'irneys t, c Petitioner.
Filed in office th! Hie I2lli uav of No
i vetnber, 1912. F. M. MYERS.
Deputy Clerk.
: STATE OF GEORGIA Fulton t'ounty.
■ 1. Arnold Broyles, clerk of th" •.uper’ior
icourt of Fulton county, do hereby eerti
| fy that the loregoing is a true and eor
i reel copy of the application for an atnend-
I mem to die charter of the American
i Sumatra Tobacco Company, as the sam :■
appears of file in this office.
Witness my official signature and the
I seal of said court, this the L2th day of
! November, 1912. ARNOLD BROYLES,
, Clerk Superior Court, Fulton County . Ga.
' . '2-17
GEORGIA- Fulton County.
Bessie Harnes vs. C. Barnes.
Lit C. Burnes; By order of court you
are notified lint on the 25th day of Oc
tober, 1912, Bessie Barnes tiled suit
against you for divorce, returnable to
January Term, 1913, of said court.
You are required to be at the January
; Term of said court, to be held on the first
i Monday In January to answer the plain-
I tiff's complaint.
Witness tlie Hon. W. D. Ellis. Judge of
■said court, this 25th October. 1912.
To the Honorable Philip Cook, Secretary
of State for tl-e State of Georgia;
Tlie petit! n of o. F. Harper, residing
at Atlanta, Ca.; J. H. Garner, residing
at Atlanta, Gu.; E. S. Mansfield, resid
ling at Atlanta, Ga.: 11. M. Eubanks, re
siding at .Allanta. Ga., and J. It. Garner,
residing at Atlanta, Ga.. respectfully
They desire fur themselves, their asso
ciates ami successors, to be Incorporated
under the name of "THE AMERICAN
tlie t'U 'po.-o of carrying on tile business
oi an Industrial relief association supply -
fng medical attention and drugs to its
members during sickness. The stipulated
: premiums, od .anci assessments or dues
l ior which are to bo regularly payable and
collectible weekly <>r bi-weekl... and the
I policies or benefit ■ orliiieales t'or which
; ar. mu to provide for tlie payment of
any death benefit, nor for the payment of
'any benefit for disability caused by ae
, cidental injury or by illness, other than
they are to provide for the attend*
altee of the lissia-iatiotl's physiofe. i dur-
I mg illness, and also for the supply by
* the association of the necessary drugs
I prescribed by the said physician. Said
corporation is to have no capital stock.
I The principal offices of said association
tire to be located at Atlanta, Fulton coun
ty. Georgia, but tlie privilege is prayed
to establish branch offices and transact
business at other points in this state and
Petitioners do Intend in good faith to
go forward without delay to orgatii.-e said
association. They pray that they may be
incorporated, under the mime aforemen
tioned, under the laws of Georgia govern
ing mutual industrial insurance compa
nies. with all the rights, powers and priv
ileges accorded by said laws to an asso
ciation or a company organized upon the
plan and for the purpose herein above
", !■'. H.AKI'ER.
J. li. GARNER.
.. S. M.. Ns FIELD,
it. ..1. I .t'd.i.A I. s.
‘ ’ ■!\I•NJ I' I ‘
Hints on Disqualifications
There are many breeders of high-class poultry who are 1
comparatively new in the business so far as exhibition is con-
cerned. They breed good stock, but are a lit
tle timid about exhibition. In fact, they are
not quite sure of their ground. They are not
familiar with the disqualifications that, affect
their breed or breeds. We .hall not undertake
al this time to give you all the standard dis
qualifications. We could not do it if we wanted
to. We can, however, give advice that, we
trust, will put some one on the right track.
One of the most, important of these is shank
feathers on any of the breeds required to have
smooth shanks. A single feather on the shanks
or toes is sufficient to disqualify, and it does
not have to be a large one or long one at that.
This is easy to remember, and it is very impor
tant that it should not be overlooked.
The smooth-legged breeds include all Ply
mouth Rocks, Wyandottes, Rhode Island Reds,
Javas, Alinorcas. Orpingtons, Leghorns. Hamburgs, Houdans,
Spanish, Polish, all Games, Andalusians, Anconas, and so forth.
In fact, they include all varieties
of chickens, except Brahmas,
Cochins. Langshans, Sultans,
Silkies, Japanese Bantams, and
Brahma Bantams. If you have
any stock showing feathers or
stubs on the shanks, let them go
In Langsbans the shanks should be
feathered down to cover the outer toe.
If thi' feathers do not grow beyond the
middle joint of this outer toe, it is dis
qualified. Tim middle toe should be
smooth and free from feathers, al
though feathers growing upon the mid
dle toes do not disqualify. In all Co
chins. Brahmas and Cochin Bantams
the shanks and feet should be heavily
feathered and the fowls are disqualified
if the outer toe is not feathered to the
last joint. Bare middle toes would
mean a cut of 11-2 points. A clipped
wing on any variety cuts the bird out
of competition.
Look out how you cut tlie wings of
your good stock that you might want to
exhibit. A lopped comb disqualifies on
any breed except where the female’s
comb should fall over to one side, as
in Leghorns, Minorcas, Spanish An
dalusians and Dorkings. Os course, a
comb turning over slightly to one side
would not be considered defective
enough to be cut out entirely, but would
he discounted on tlie score from one to
two points as to degree.
Rose combs lying over to one side on
the head are included in the disqualifi
cations. A rose comb without a spike
at the rear is disqualified. In other
words, when it is blunt or square at
tlie back end it disqualifies. Little
points or pojections on the sides of a
single comb near the rear, called side
sprigs, disqualify. They may be small,
but it they are well defined points they
are out.
Squirrel tails in all varieties except
Japanese Bantams disqualify. By this
HAVE pen beautiful yearling White Leg
horn hens, headed by handsome two
year-old cock. This pen cost me over
$l5O and are from stock with a pedigreed
irai.-nested egg record of from 218 to 251
eggs (ter year. Can spare few eggs at $3
per setting. South Georgia Poultry Farm,
Sale City. Ga. 11-6-41
STOi K ani i EGGS for sale from prize
winning White Leghorns, at all times.
•Alts. Robert AVest, 132 Carter Hill road.
Montgomery,_Al«u 11-9-66
150 FINE White Leghorns $1 each. L.
S Bottcnfield. Phone 27-J Decatur, Ga.
Plymouth Rock».
WHITE Plymouth Rocks, 75c to $1.25;
have sold my farm, and chickens must
go. A. K. Chamlee, Worthen, Ga.
INGTONS, bred from prize winners at I
Gmisden, Ala.; Dalton, Ga.; Knoxville, :
Tenn.; Chattanooga, Tenn., shows. March
and April hatch. Trios, sls, S2O. $25;
pens, $25, S3O. $35. Guarantee satisfac
tion. George M. Moselev, Menlo, Ga.
THE FAMOUS Regal strain of White
Wyandottes. We have four pens of
these grand birds mated and can furnish
eggs for hatching at $3, $5, $lO per fif
teen. Now is the time to buy eggs that
will produce the winners for next season's
shows. Regal AVyandotte Yard. 230 Ogle
thorpe avenue, Atlanta. 11-16-18
THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs,
$1 per 15. 126 Windsor street. Maijt
3588. ‘ 10-9-15
I,\i . lAN ItUNN
fawn and white; high grade stock; low
prices; mature stock; ducklings, eggs.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Georgia Duck
Farm. Smyrna, Ga. 28-18-11
WHITE RUNNER ducks of quality; stock
and eggs for sale. Snow White Poultry
Yards, O. O. Ray, manager, Kirkwood, Ga.
. Incubators.
FOR SALE—Cyphers incubator, 144-egg
sir. . Perfect condition. Call Main
l'<>’; SALE Two ptae'kall? new incuba- I
tors, capacity 100 to 1.20 "nd 150 to 175; ,
also two brooders of same capacity. Ad
dress A. C. L.. care Georgian. B-16-2
GET out big catalogue of incubators and I
brooders. Southern States Incubator
and Brooder Company, College Park, Ga. I
10-30-16 |
Is your business worth advertising? I
Then if not try a For Sale or Business I
Opportunity a a in The Georgian.
Legal Notices.
GEORGIA —Fulton County.
Sallie Bettis vs. G. W. Bettis.
G W. Bettis: Ry order of court you are
notified that on the 25th day of October,
1912. Sallie Bettis filed suit against you for
divorce, returnable to January Tertn. 1913,
of said court.
You are required to be at the January
Term ot said court, to be held on the first
Monde; in January to answer the plain
tiff's complain'..
Witness the Hon. W. D. Ellis, judge of
•.aid court, this .." n c t > .sIL.
A.i’N' '1 L> RJW>yi ES. •;
- ’I-.-..".
is meant a tail carried higher than a
horizontal line through the base of the
tail. Where the main tail feathers are
all gone by moulting or otherwise it
disqualifies. Faking tn any manner,
such as coloring feathers or anything to
deceive, disqualifies. We have treated
principally of general disqualifications
this time. We will give some informa
tion in color disqualifications next time.
Attend the Fates
I would advise all who ate in de
gree interested in poultry to attend one
or more of the fairs to be held in their
section of the country or in reach of
railroads. All of these fairs will have
attractive poultry exhibits, which will
do you more good as an educator than
anything you er n do for yourself along
that line. Go and take your wives and
sons and
Spend the day, or'at least the greater
part of it, looking at the fine speci
mens of poultry, talking to the poultry
men, getting some of their experience,
the better modes of etc.
Ask questions, finaout if good poul
try pays better than scrubs. You will
certainly be doing your family a good
turn by letting them become interested
in better fowls. I say "letting them
become interested,” because in the ma
jority of instancs if is simply a matter
of seeing to believe and become inter
“AVill it pay to become interested?”
is frequently the question asked.
I will answer it by stating that 1 be
lieve there is scarcely one person in
ten who becomes interested and stocks
up with thoroughbred poultrj- who goes
back to the scrubs. This fact alone an
swers the question of profit, for there
are but few people in this world who
are willing to conduct any business
without profit, if they know it.
CREOSOTE is an excellent ‘germ
destroyer for poultry raisers to
use about the premises. We have
it in any quantity.
Atlanta Gas Light Co.
AVCH LD EXCHANGE pen White Orping
tons, three hens, one cock, tor Rhode
I Island Reds. J. N. AValiace, 309 Temple
Court building, 11-16-46
Al HITE Indian Runner ducks, best of
stock White Plymouth Rocks, winners
tur years and bred for laying: fox terrier
puppies C. O. Harwell, 115 North ITyor
I street - 11-11-19
Seedsmen for the South, 16 West
Mitehell street. Four City De
liveries Daily. North ’ and
Side 9 a. m., Inman Park
and West End 2 p. m. Beil
Phone M. 2568, Atlanta 2568.
Bl o’aV^: F *T in an,i '■jutdoor culture
r,,,, 1 , bßb - Lot us mail you a copy of our
Bl LB catalogue. I' gives the culture and
doseription of the different varieties of
L>l LBS.
re-seeding, try Hastings' Evergreen
Lawn Mixture. This mixture is com
posed ot gra-ses that are auapted to this
section, and on well prepared soil will
afford a beautiful velvety lawn the year
round. Price 20c a pound. 3U pounds 65c.
i pounds $1.25. 14 pounds $2.50. We can
supply you with the best grade of fanev
re-cleaned Kentucky Blue Grass, English
&na itaiiaii Rys Gr&ss ;hl! Whit© Clover.
AA E ( ARRY IN STOCK both the South
ern I oultry and Stock remedies. They
are both good. 25c and 50c sizes of each,
wJU ' VEA ' • IiEATES 7a~“de.
AI.AND for flower pots, fern pans and
pot saucers. We have al! sizes of each.
ehone us your orders.
I"|R SALE -Male pointer, fifteen months
old: good ranger and retriever' firs,
money order for sls talas him. Al L
c'rawfoi-d. Tiger. <1 q, 11-19-24
I Ft »R SALE- -Setters, pointers and hounds;
l trained, partly trained and untrained'
reyiseu list ready for mailing. R L
Whitt, Kernersville, N. c. 41-6-11
Horses and Carriages
I < -S-
I‘OR SALE Horse; weight 1,05(1 pounds'
age. coming seven. Cail or phone Lieu
! tenant Butler, Mr I’h erson. 11-18-6
I F<>R SALE - One Kentucky thoroughbred"
good combination saddle and buggv
I horse. For information call 321-L Fust
Point. 11-16-24
Legal Notices.
Helen Sowell vs. Randolph Sowell., 'ffiv:
orce. Fulton Superior Court, March
Tenn. 1911.
Verdict for total divorce 10th dav April,
1912. Notice is given that the 26th day
of October, 1912. the undersigned filed lit
office clerk superior court, Fulton county,
application for the removal .if the disa
bilities resting upon him under Hie -ver
dict in above stated cause-. Sci-l applica
tion will be bear at lie term n said
court, convening flrat Moitdav in Janu
ary, 1918. ' I ILL.
” •
Real Estate For Sale.
W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson
Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. Atlanta Phone Hit
GO LOOK at 560 Central avenue; a six
room cottage with hall; lot 50 by 150
feet; all conveniences; rents for $25 per
month. Price 53.150; SSOO cash and $25
per month. See Mr. Radford.
ON LAWTON STREET. West End, less
than one block from Gordon street, we
have a five-room cottage, on lot 50 by
125, that is a big bargain at $2,750; easy
terms. You can't beat this. See Mr.
A GOOD two-story eight-room house on
large lot, near North Boulevard, two
blocks of Ponce DeLeon avenue. Price
reduced from $5,500 to $4,750, on easy
terms. See Mr. White.
GO LOOK at 287 Ashby street, near
West Hunter street, and near the new
Ashby street school. A new five-room
cottage on a perfectly level lot, In per
fect repair. Price $2,000; S2OO cash and
S2O per month. See Mr. Bradshaw.
IN THE DRUID HILLS section, a nice,
level lot, 50 by 200 feet. AVe think It
cheap for $1,350, and S4OO cash and bal
ance to suit will handle it. See Mr. Brad
If You Have Money to Lend, We Can Place it Safely.
432 CENTRAL AVENUE—A ten-room house, with gas.- hot and eoM watw.
porcelain bath, etc. House has Just been papered and painted throughout.
Large lot. This is a bargain at $27.50 per month.
WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good desoriptioa nS
everything we have for rent. Get a copy.
CLOSE in on South Pryor street, in a good retail district, we have
two netv brick stores which we offer at $30.00 each. Let us
show you these.
Empire Trust and Safe Deposit Co.
Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sal*.
For Sale or Exchange
AN eight-room residence, newly painted, new roof, has seven fireplaces •-><*
located on large lot on cherted road, 115 feet front by 255 feet deex
This is the BIGGEST BARGAIN IN ATLANTA. Let us tell you about it.
Realty Sales Corporation
1 2 %Investment—White Renting Prop
erty--Best Section of North Side
WE have the best renting proposition In whits property in Atlant*, tr.
prominent north side street. No loan on this and with a reasonable cash
payment the rents wiil pay for the rest of it. V'e positively will not glvs
any information over the phone. Call in person.
Atlanta Suburban and Realty Co.
M. 2053.
Go Out and See for Yourself
TAKE Houston and Copenhill car line and get off on Highland View. This
street is being built up with beautiful homes. Lots range around 11.760
to $2,500.
A Few Left at $1,500
WE have only a. few left at $1,450 to $1,500. Call on any leading real Mtata
agent, get plats, etc, AU improv ements down on this property
NEAR North Boulevard, we have a new 6-room bungalow which is jam-up
in every way. Furnace heat, splendid Ist, right off car line with ten-min
ute schedule. SSOO cash and the balance to suit. See this place, as they ar«
scarce on the north side at this price.
NOT far from West Peachtree street. This beauty has 6 large rooms and
sleeping porch, is new and up to date in every way, elevated lot 45 by
160 to alley. Tenth street will soon be one of the choicest streets for
homes on the north side. Price $6,000,0n terms.
18 and 20 Walton Street. Both Phones 458.
Decatur Street
40x120 FEET, about 100 feet west of Hilliard, on the
north side of Decatur street, $l5O per foot. This
is a good place to get in on the ground floor.
Ivy 1839. Atlanta 2865.
Phone 8106 Mam.
X DANDY NEW ONE on Moreland avenue, close to Druid Hills, we are juy
completing the prettiest home on the street. The number is 292. This lot ;s
133 feet deep and has a frontage of 50 feet. Listen! Furnace heat, hardwon i
floors, front and side porches, exposed ceiling beams, dressing mirrors, beautiful
mantels, butler’s pantry, combination gas and electric fixtures, east front, walls
tinteii, tine hardware. This is a beauty and is sure to sell. Terms easy.
It is west of West Peachtree, fronting south; lot Is elevated about five feet
above sidewalk, six rooms, hall and bath, tile floor in bath, front and side porches,
hot air heat, plenty of closets, large furnace room, good neighborhood, hardw" •
floors. Lot is 150 feet deep. This place is getting better every day. Will st ii
you this on easy terms. Will tint walls to suit your own taste.
' BARGAIN IN NORTH SIDE LOT, one block nf ear line; alley on side. 50x
feet, close to Ponce DeLeon avenue and is SSOO under market value. For c'.iy,'
sale it is your's for the sum of $2,000: terms SBOO cash, balance $25 a month
It s an easy buy and you will make money.
A G< iol> north side lot to exchange fer small house; will pay the differer
What have you?
w-A w , -—A ( ' VK HAVE WHAT YOU WAM ‘
( w t"? F< M ]\T Kj* ON EAST LAKE PRIVE, we have
-* A a 1-z A w beautiful shaded lots; east fron ,I<J
»-st-a perfect; both for only $2,000.
/Y A I \ XT XZ ON PRETTIEST LOT In West Enn pafl.
V . t / I jf —* I commanding a splendid view c
- -A
Houses For Rent.
Stocton apartments, just opposite the
main entrance of Grant park, we have a
second-floor five-room apartment
equipped with all modern convenien''eV
such as cabinet mantels, tile hearth”’
electric lights, gas, bath, sink in the
kitchen. We furnish gas stove, water
heat and janitor's service. This apart
ment is In nice condition, on one of
the best, car lines in the citv, convenient
to schools and churches. Price »&,
Boulevard apartment, at the abova
number, on Highland avenue, we have a
nice five-room apartment, equipped whl
all the modern conveniences, such as cab
inet mantels, tile hearths, electric lights
gas, bath and sink in the kitchen with
steam heat; on car line, in good neigh”
borhood; convenient to schools ana
churches. Price S4O.
above number on Jackson street we
have a lower-floor six-room apartment
with all modern conveniences, such' as
cabinet mantels, tiling hearths, electric
lights, gas, bath and sink in the kitchen
This apartment is in nice, first-class con
dition, situated on a large, elevated lo’
in A-l good neighborhood, on a car fine"
convenient to schools and churches
Price $35.
And a long list of residences of ail kinds