Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 21, 1912, EXTRA, Image 12

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS.reaD FOR PROFIT— GEORGIAN WANT ADS— USE FOR RESULTS Wanted—Miscellaneous. WANTED Al once. 200 chairs. one rheo stat or econonizier: can use second hand —for moving picture house. <'barb s S Fagan. Piedmont, Ala. '<■' H WANTKP Radiant Home i <»i't at coal. Give price and condition. I'. 11 Box 188. 11--"-:; | I BUY EEATHEh'B. . ATLANTA PHONE 1176. HELI. MAIN <S-'H ;. I : ■ K;’ * HP.I'P A~’ARD Tie’ll Wring Cash For - ■ i...0»s ana Shoes HF. t’ESTIAIRE" 166 I>ecatur Street * y ! ’_• X : ■ ; - •• i grinds. < ffiC6 fixtures and merchandise of any kind accented on consignment. Ca?h advanced. ? remnroke Sales Co.. 143 South Pryor St. Bell phones Main 1434. Main 187. Atlanta xVE PAY HIGHEST cash “prices for hou e hold goods, pianos and office furniture. s Cash advanced on consignments. Central E Auction Company. 12 East Mitchell 1 street. Bell phone Main 3424. 8-26-26 L ' WANTED Wp paF"highest cash prices on househol<] goods, pianos and office furniture Cash advanced on consign; ments. Springer’s Auction House, 25 s,. Pi eet Bell phone Main 1 >26, T BUY MEN’S old clothes ana shoes. Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Beil street. For Sale—Miscellaneous PT \ Vl’ ’'Eh •' “ r ™E valley I Ij.'V.a I row Easy for r>«,t culture Bloom in three weeks. 30c for 6,50 c for 12. $1 for 25. postpaid to any address. K Ponce Delzcon Floral Company, odanta, S Ga. 11-20 42 Fill; SALE Two or three suits furniture and some other household effects. Apply at once to owner. 9 < (range street. 51-20-11 FOR SALE. L A GOOD, heavy canvas tent, two big poles, at a bargain. Apply 62 Peachtree street. Main 2674. 11-20-38 ' FURNITU’RE, CHEAP. CASH WE Bl'Y AND SELL BARGAINS. SOUTHERN WRECKAGE COMPANY, 114 SOUTH FORSYTH STREET 1.1-19-6 DUNTLEY PNEUMATIC CLEANERS re move dirt and germs from rugs, carpets, floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from $32.56 up; vacuum sweepers, $9 75. C. J. Daniel .V Co, 416 Fourth Nat Bk. Bldg 12-2-11 FOR SALE* MIS( VISIT OI K TOY BASEMENT. Wheelbarrows 50c up Doll Carts ... .$1.50 up Doll Beds $1.50 up Chairs and Rockers ....$1.50 up Desk and Chair . s $2.98 up Dining Room Set $3.50 up Steel Wagons SI.OO up Velocipedes $2.00 up Automobiles . $3.7.5 up Special showing of Furniture. Suitable for holiday gifts. Terms if desired. t ioldsmith-Acton-Witherspoon Company. Lifetime Furniture. Rugs and Draperies. 62 Peachtree. 61 \. Broad. ft FOR SALE (m« suit furniture; cost new $75; has been iisod two months. <’an he bought for $35 «'nil .Main 5329-1. or leave g.word. K .1. Ashworth. 29-20-11 I SMALL kitchen range, with hot water coll, nearly new, cheap, ('all Ivv 3307. K 38-19-11 COMBINATION coal and gas ranges Southern Store and Supply Company. I £2l Whitehall. 10-15-4 FOR SALE -Good second-band hrb 1.. Telephone Main 2246 11-19-12 [ HEATERS, $2.50 to $45. We save you enough to buy jour coal Southern Stove and Supply Company, 121 White hall street. 10 15-4 CADET HEATERS, with c<>ll. Southern Stove and Supply Company, 121 Whlte g ball. ___ 10-15-4 ' WILL sell my upright Steinway piano tor sllO If taken quick: need money and must eell Piano in storage. Steinwuv |. Piano, care Georgian. 22-10-11 [ VoR SAIJC, CtIEAP sl7 50 Wurlltzer or I chestra Phone Ivy 2959. 36-13-11 WE SELL Stoves cheapeTbe? ause our expenses are lees Southern Stove and Supply Company, 121 Wh 11 ehaJ I. 10-15-4 COME to corner Peachtree and Ellis streets for brick, lumber, doors, sash and mantels, cheap. Denton & Flournoy. I house wreckers. 11-12-15 CARRIAGES - REPAIRED ANI>" RECOV ERED. I NEW RUBBER TIRES PUT ON YOIR BABY'S CARRIAGE PHONE IVY , 8076. ROBERT MITCHELL. 229 EDGE | WOOD. 7-18-15 ? LOOK at our stoves arid ranges before you buy one anywhere. Southern Stove and Supply Company, 121 Whlte- I hall. 10 15 4 FOR” Ml -E Browning automatic siioD ;• gun: splendid gun good condition: bnr : gain. Phone Ivy 6432 Yddress 23 West ? orth ave ‘ 11-18-37 t SALE Arnold's vibrator? gas stove, wardrobe, sideboard and other house [ hold furniture. R. 1. Red rooster and two hens. 73 Williams st Phone Ivv 3681-.1 ■?' 11-18 16 £, La V* BOOK HARG AI NS Sets of Amer .« Bankruptcy Reports, Century Digest, ft Ency. of Evid., etc. Prices and terms on | request. The Harrison Company, Atlanta. t CAST RANGES with water back, S3O and B's UP- Southern Stove and Supply Com |l|Miny. 121 Whitehall 10-15-4 COAL! ( OAL~ JELLICO LL'MP. $4.75. PIEDMONT C<>AL COMPANY MBt_ both giomis m hn 3648 K PERFECTION oil heaters. $3.50 iiJT »■' Southern Stove and Supply Company |fcij.2l Whitehall. _ 10-15-4 FOUND—-The best place for prosperity and success. Everybody's doing It I- Come out to Southern California The | Ninth Anniversary edition J rhe Los B ;Angeles Examiner will set you rigln out fc .December 25. Mailed to ary address in -United States or Mexico 15 . . rits a copy H or foreign points 2.’ cents. Serin - > l,ur order now 10 21-4 St'.SAFES, files, cabinet, mv. ,t"2nd l.d 4L Gookin Bank & Office Equipment Co r Si'-L gv.NEM beautiful ru.vs w»ven from vour ©c oi4 evrpet. superior ti any in service: | plain or designed: any Size, Catalogue ■ free. Oriental Rug Company, Baltimore | 8-16-31 ■ National Cash Registers. i $35-SSO: S6O-$75 and up. Terms easy Llb eral exchange allowance Both phones A THE N'ATioNAL 'ASH REGISTER CO. 60 North Broad Street. 7-20-52 MP"'"'- .-—c Bankrupt Sale. “7 ; aijl receive bids on all the slock of fixtures and supplies, materials and furnishing, in th, • ••llcatessen store :l of Victor I'apticnoudo on Seturda'. No ' 'Veinber 23d, at 9 a. m Separate blus ■will be received on the above stock as a Whole, and In parcels and lots, to sul : ,'the bidders, and will be o|,ened in the : office of the undersigned trttste. . ."tj 1 Grant Bldg All bids reemved subject |.. L Lt he approval of tin- court E?i . HARRY DoDD, Trustee hl® *2o Grant Bld-:., ttlauta. Go lt. u.i ■_u__ _ Altai have you b ■ ~r . ■L2.' in ." ■ I-"- ■ I - ~ , jf 'Auction Sales. AT AUCTION. 's E\ E R L ('ONSIGN MENTS, INCLUDING ITRIGIIT PIANO. (X)AL RANGE. BRASS BEDS, QUARTERED O A K 'DRESSER AND CHIF iFONIER. SOLID MA HOGANY PARLOR SLIT UPHOLSTERED IN GREEN LEATHER. FINE* ROOKERS. RI GS. LACE CURTAINS, HALL REN NERS, WOOL BLANK ETS. BRASS (USPI DORS. ETC.. FRIDAY, NOVEM BER 22, AT 12 E. \HT( II ELL STREET. CENTRAL A LOTION GO.. 12 E. Mitchell St reet, TO EXCHANGE - The best climate anti soil in the world for a tired and frost- 1 bitten farm back East. The Ninth An : niversary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex- , aminer, out December 25th, will tell where , they are and how to get one. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico, , 15 cents; Canada or foreign points, 25c. , Send in your order now. 10-21-4 ■ CENTBALAUCTn >N CO., I- li. Mitchell st., buys and sells everything; regular auction Tuesday and Frhlay. Bell phone Main 2424 10-3-41 , PAWN HROKEBS AUCTION 801 SE, 51 Decatur street. We buy and sell any 1 and everything. Atlanta phone 2285; Bell t phone Main 1434 Main 182 _7-2!< ; 2O I SPRINGER'S Auction House, at 25 South Pryor street, will buy or sell your . household goods, pianos and office furni- ' tore Main 1526 10-3-C PEMBROKE Sales Company under new 1 management; will accept your surplus stock of any kind on consignment; cash ; advanced; settlement on date of sale. 143 i South Pryor street. Hell phone Main 1434, Main 187, Atlanta phono 2285. 8-6-30 1 WANTED Manufacturers and men hauls ' to help manage the business end of the Panama canal. It is located at Los An- . geles. the key’ to the great Southwest. * The Ninth Anniversary edition of The Ixts Angeles Examiner, out December 25, will have the facts about this great proj- t ect. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or for eign points 25 cents. Send in your or der now. 10-21-4 < Automobiles. HAVING just purchased the entire At lanta branch stock of tires of large Ak ron factory, we offer as long as they last: Casing, 28x3, $7.90; 30x3. SK.9O; 30x3'.. $11.90; ::2x3' 2 . $12.90; 34x3'5.. $13.90; 32xi. $17.90; 33x4, $18.90; 34x4, $19.90; 35x4, $19.90; 36x4, $19.90' 36x4V 2 , $27.50. Large stock of tubes. McPherson Auto Tire Company. 46 Auburn avenue. Atlanta, da. 26-19-11 MACHINE WORK GENERAL REPAIR WORK, gear cut ting, screw machine and punch press work. Special tools, dies and jig's. AMERICAN SPECIALTY MFG. CO.. 29 1 293 Marietta Street. 11-16-5." TO EXCHANGE - the best climate anti soil in the world for a tired and frost bitten farm back East. The Ninth Anni versary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex aminer. out December 25th, will tell where they ar eand how to get one. Mailed to any address In United States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send In your order now. 10-21-4 AUTOMOBILES FOR EXCHANGI. <>NE 40-horsepower Haynes, newly paint ed and running tine, will trade for real estate or sell for SI,OOO cash: also a spe ■ rial bargain for rash only; one 1912 four door Maxwell, run about 3,000 miles, cost 5i.175. for $575. Roscoe Carden, 289 Edg> - won. I a' emm 11-16-12 AUTOMOBILES WANTED EX'’ll \NGE for automobile roadster, one two-story six room house, built one year ago. 117 feet front car line; near in, cost me $2,400; loan of $900; equity $1,500. Auto must be late model, and In best condition; give full description and make of car with answer. Owner, Box 626, Atlanta, Ga- 11-19-10 Money to Loan. FOR 6 per cent and 7 per cent loans. See John E. Guy. 801 Empire Life Bldg Main 141. 10-4-45 WAN TED F.tiinlles to own s.une more of those beautiful Southern Callfurnla homes. It is a habit, get ft. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th. tells how the habit is acquired. Mailed to any ad dress in United States or Mexico 15 cents: Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21 -4 MONI'V ON !lani> immediate loans on property in or near Atlanta J. E. Van A’alkenburg, 501 Equitable building -6-22 WEYMAN CONNORS. ESTABLISHED 1890 Mortgages on Real Estate. 41-3 SPECIA L HCM E FUNDS - '!'' > _ 17en7>, any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. S. W. Carson. '-’4 .South Broad street. 4-1 17 ON FIRST mortgage real estate security Home funds and insurance money. Rates 6 1 -? to 8 per cent interest. We also make monthly payment loans We car give you the money as soon as titles are ap proved. RALPH 0. COCHRAN CO., 19 S. BROAD ST. 1. IL ZI'RLIN’L, l.tiau Maua<''r THE PRUDENTIAL IN SURANCE CO. of Ameri ca can make you a loan on Atlanta improved property, through their loan corre spondents, Turman, Black & Calhoun, 203-8 Empire Building. 6-7-12-1 FARM LOANS placed in any amount on improved farm lands in Georgia. The Southern Mortgage Company. Gould build ing 7-13-1 JEWLLERS AND BROKERS As r\ 301 BL °G. t o an ruewE MAJ.' J’S t_(j ' STRICTLY PRIVATE ' WF II V\ E plenty of money to ■ lend at lowest rates on Atlanta ’ and nearby property, either for ; straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur- • chase money notes. Foster & ‘ Sobsoi'. 11 Edgewood Ave. ~ SfONFtV'FtIR S Al TarTel TT’bhTpjJjg ANP •‘TUFKS, upon tlip’r own names; . Heap rate.*?, easy payments Uontiden- WE ( \,\ negotiate any good 7 per eent loan, hut have on h.iml seV“ra) amounts, on which there will be no delay. Do you '■ want nt 7 per cent ? I REALTY TROST (’OMi’.WY ( apital $600.1100. Surplus $400,000 s. It. M KIWEY. Managei' Loan Depuriim-nt. Business Opportunities. FOR SAUK—Furnished rooming house of nine rooms; seven bed rooms, reception I hall, dining room* and kitchen: .six rooms I bringing in more than the expenses of | the house. ( tv. leaving the city. Wil] ; sell at a sacrifice. Address B. P. A., ’ e ' ,r ’ a 11 11-20-24 i FOR >AIJ.' ' L»‘ap. if taken at. once, bar- > her shop with four chairs, two baths. Doing gooi business <;< «»d location. S7OO. | '.Jwner going to war. 22 Wall street. FURNISHi J > hoarding house for sale. 30 t RENT AND SALT. Seven-room steam heated apartment; five minutes’ walk Candler Furnishings sol<3 on easy terms. Bargain, Box tO2, care Georgian. WANTED Families to own some more I of thos, beautiful Southern California homes. !' is n habit, get it. The Ninth Annlvf rsary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out I ■, ember 25th, tells how : ‘lie habit i : aci; lired. Mailed to any ad- i re-s in I'nited States or Mexico 15 cents: 1 Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send | in your order now 10-21-4 Real Estate For Sale FOR SA I.E Seven-room one and a half story handsome new home, 30 Vedado way; beautifully finished, furnace heat; $5,250: $750 cash, balance S3O monthly. This is a line location and property and I a bargain. W. IL S. Hamilton, owner. I De atur, Ga. Bell phone Decatur 412. - !! NEGRO Lt'T, 40x100, for S2OO cash. Ad dress I*. ' >. Box 235, 55-19-11 $2,600 WILL BUY an up-to-date cottage on south side right at Capitol avenue; rents for $25 per month; $3,750 will buy new bungalow with all conveniences near West Peachtree and Fifth streets; easy terms; must sell. Phone M. 324 or call al 401 Gould Bldg. 11-19-32 A BIG BARGAIN $3,500. ; 20 ACRES with a nice lot and small cot tage, on Marietta car line. 200 yards from station. Splendid land and running water. Ideal lor chickens and truck , farming S. T. TIBBS. 603 Fourth National Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Farm one-fourth as large and five times as good as the one you are toiling on back East. Take advan tage of the percentage in your favor. The Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los An geles Examiner, out December 25, will tell you how tiiis car. be. Mailed to any ad dress in I'nited States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send In your order now. 10-21-4 A FEW bargains in Kirkwood? - 69x248’. South Warren. 100x200. North Howard: ' 60x200, Boulevard I 'eKalb, about 50 lots in the best sub-division in Kirkwood. Home in Kirkwood, $4,800, worth SI,OOO more. J. A. Earl. Both phones 6 De •utUir 27-16-11 FOR SALE OR RENT BY OWNER A north' side bungalow , located No. 99 West Twelfth street, between West Peachtree and Spring streets, and should bi seen to lie appreciated. Has large liv ing and dining rooms, hardwood floors, beam ceilings, two bedrooms, bath be tween. A most attractive, new home in fine section. Price $5,500 on terms, or for rent. Owner, 409 Equitable Bldg. AT EAST LAKE, in section of new road paving and car extension, a lot 51x357, shaded. $600; easy terms. If you hold this two years you can double your money. Address High Ground, Box 24, care Geor- Klam 11-14-46 IF you want io enjoy life buy this place; better than going abroad; fine fishing, boating and bathing; 5-room house, plenty of fruit and timber; one hour's ride of Atlanta; one mile of electric plant; lights can lie had cheap dirt cheap. R. E. Fin ley, Route i. \tiunta, Ga. 11-14-34 WANTED Ono hundred thousand readv made families to share in the prosperity of Southern California. The Ninth Anni versary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex aminer, out December 25th. will tell why and how. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents a copy: Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now. iO-21-4 Ft >ll SALK On 11i\ er ear hue, new three- * room house; $1,000; sls a month; no cash payment. John Carey. 2 Whitehall streoL 11-2-55 THE HOI >F you build, buys or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. Farms For Sale. FOR SALK 260 acres land Cherokee county, Georgia; about 100 acres in cul tivation; balance heavily timbered; half mile from railroad station; convenient to church and school; two tenant houses. IL 'lk Col him. Porterdale. <1 a 11-20-20 Plantation For Sale. 10(1 ACRES of land in Greene county, three miles from Greensboro’s court house, fronting on well kept road. 50 acres in cultivation, 50 acres in heavy tim ber: plenty of running water: land lies well: price $3,000; $1,50(1 cash, the balance in one. two and three rears at 7 per cent interest Util Maek. Main 3373, Atlanta 1.'i17. II 1 ,; South street. 11-20-16 Plantation for Sale. too ACRES of land in Green county, three miles from Greensboro's court house, fronting on well kept road. 50 acres in cultivation, 5o acres in heavv timber; plenty of running watftr; land' in? s well, price 000; $1,500 cash, the balance in one. two and three years at 7 per cent interest ('all Mack. Main 3373. Atlanta 1347. 1 I S. Broad Street_ 11-19-29 WANTED—-Ships of all kitids to burn California oil and carry merchandise for the port of Los Angeles to and from the Panama Canal. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of Tile Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th. tells just what the canal will do to Southern California. Mailed to anj address in United States or Mexico, 15 cents; Canada or foreign points, 25 cents, send in your order now. 10-21-4 Farms For Rent. WANTED One hundred thousand ren. made families to share in the prosper ity of Southern California. The Ninth An niversary Edition of Tile Los Angeles Ex aminer, out December 25th, w ill tell why and 'now. Mailed to any address iu United States or Mexico, 15 cents a copy; Can ada or foreign points, 25 cents. Semi in your order now. 10-21-4 Legal Notices. TAKE N< ITICE. ” That Theo I' Miller lias applied to the superior court of Fulton countv, Georgia, for removal of disabilities fixed bv tlm v, t - diet in the divor< e suit of Ethel Miller ver sus Theo I'. Miller, and the same will be heard in said court at Atlanta. Ga.. .lunu ary term. 1913 IRNt'LD BROYLES, Clerk. GEORGIA? Fl LTt'.N t’l'l'N'D' «ltt Hie Superior Court of Said County- To Whom It May Concern; Edward Van Winkle as owner, having presented his petition seeking the i stablishment of lost certificate No. 615. dated July 1. 1907. for twenty (201 shares of the capital stock of the Lowrx National bank, all persons concerned are hereby called upon to show cause before me. or the judge presiding in ; the third division of Fulton superior court, on December 14. 1912. at 9:30 o'clock a. m., or as soon thereafter as a hearing can be had. why the copy sworn to should not be established in lieu of said lost or ■>str. .. eu original. This November 11. 1912. .1 T. I'ENDLIiT' 'N. Judge S. C A. C. WLMHISH y ELLIS, \ttornevs Nltllt'i: The co-partnership heretofore existing between Dr .1 M Blosser and J D. Rives, doing business under the 1 name of the Modern Construction Com pany. has this day beeti dissolved by mu .tual consent. Mr .1. D. Rives will con tinue the business under tile name of the Modern Construction Company, with of fices nt 468- 409 Coil'd building. Atlanta, 'la., and be rest.ot.slide for all the liabll ties ~f the i-ompan.' and he entitled to collect all debt.-' in favor of the compait'. This 31st da-. ■ r ' ictober. 1912. i I'. RIVES. .1 W BLOSSER. 11-6-8 POUI/TKY* J-DITtD JUD® rJ. MARSHALL Have a Specialty Many there are who think if there is money m the raising of one good pure breed of chickens there must be ten times the amount more to he made by the handling ot ten breeds on the same farm. But quite the contrary is true. It seems to be the rule that those who attempt too much really accomplish but little, and it seems but natural, too, that tvhen one puts his whole time and energy upon one thing, that thing should certainly be done 'well. It is surely true of stock-raising. Very few of those who have made a success of fowls, or, in fact, stock of any kind, have handled more than one breed. There is so much to be learned, so much experimenting to be done and so much stock must be annually raised from which to select the desired breeders, that the man who undertakes to breed twelve to twenty different kinds of fowls has shouldered a big job. and it will not take him ' many years to find it out. It has been my experience .that at times when 1 I haie had as many as five breeds of fowls on hand at. one time. I was always inclined to slight some of the breeds in my attention to the betterment of some others. At times I felt as if I could not spend any more money on this or that breed, but might on some other one. Hence one suffers while the other advances. Therefore it has been my experience that I got de cidedly more satisfaction and much more money returns when I kept but one variety than 1 did from the five breeds, and that a great number of breeds meant Leghorns. IT.’ SPECIAL. HAVE pen beautiful yearling White Leg horn hens, headed by handsome two- J’, e ® r *°‘ t * cock. This pen cost me over sloo and are from stock with a pedigreed trap-nested egg record of from 218 to 251 eggs per year Can spare few eggs at $3 per setting. South Georgia Poultry Farm, Sale City, Ga. 11-6-41 STi H'K AND EGGS for sale from prize winning White Leghorns, at all times. Mrs. Robert West, 132 Carter Hill road, Montgomery, Ala. 11-9-66 150 FINE White Leghorns $1 each. L S. Bottenfield. Phone 27-J Decatur, Ga. Orpingtons. FEW PENS or single birds. Buff Orping tons; high-class stock. Morris Farm, Clarkston, Ga. 10-19 8 AI. iny last season’s winners for sale. Pens and single birds. Ribbons and cups go with birds. V. A. Ham, Newnan, Ga- _ 9-21-1 Rhode Island Reds. Aly combined winnings so far this season at the Hagerstown. Macon and Au gusta shows on S. C. R. 1. Reds were five firsts, four seconds, four thirds and four fourths. As show birds they win and as utility stock they lay and pay. Eggs and stock for sale. For prices write Mrs. P. T. Galloway. Washington. Ga. 10-26-9 Plymouth Rocks. EGGS from prize-winning Barred Plym outh Rocks; four ribbons, first cock, first, fourth and fifth hens. Silver cup (sweepstakes) on just four birds. Fine cockerels for sale. Benjamin H. Spurlock, Lithonia. Ga. 9-14-5 Wyandottes, THE FAMOUS Regal strain of White Wyandottes. We have four pens of these grand birds mated and can furnish eggs for hatching at $3, $5, $lO. per fif teen. Now is the time to buy eggs that will produce the winners for next season's shows. Regal Wyandotte Yard, 230 Ogle thorpe avenue. Atlanta. 11-16 18 Games. I'l RE GRIST champion pit games, guar anteed game and fighters. W. A. Sum merlin, Buchanan, Ga. 47-20-11 Minorcas. FOR SALE Excellent Blaek Minorca liens; layers: $2 each. H. V. Franklin, Register, Ga. 49 20-11 Bantams. BANTAMS -Gaine bantams, Sebrights, Buff Cochins. Carlisle Cobb, Athens. Ga. 4-26-30 Eggs. 1 WILL GIVE 10 cents above Philadel phia quotation, current receipts, f. o. b., Philadelphia, for fresh eggs from tiie ship per’s own hens or from other hens which the shipper guarantees to be absolutely fresh. Gerhard Bros.. 2117 Venango street. T’hilailelphiiu_ Pa ._ _ 40 6-11 THiiROI’VIHBRED Buff Orpington eggs. $t per 15. 126 Windsor street. Main 3588. 10-9-15 Ducks. PURE Fawn and White Indian Runner drakes for sale, $2 each. Oscar Smith. Warthen. Ga. 46-20-11 NOTE. A BARGAIN Thirty purebred Pekin ducks for sale; in line feather and condition. Will accept s'ls for the lot. Eli. Keiincr. UlaiksUm. Ga. 11-20-30 INDIAN l: i' S'Fits Thirty-five two year-old "Harshbarger' fawn; and white; pure wliite eggs: 240-egg record ’train: S6O. l-'i.'te n pure white Indian Runner ducks. “Fishel," at $3 each. 11. lL_s.<i-i I 'altotij, Ga. A FEW White Indian Runners. Fishel strain: young ducks beginning to lay. $4.50 each: $12.50 a trio; also English standard. $1 each. Sawnee Farm, Cum ming, Ga. 11-7-30 rNI 'lan RUNNERS Pure white and fawn and white; high grade stock; low prices; mature stock: ducklings, eggs. Satisfaction guaranteed. Georgia Duck Farm. Smj Ga. 28-18-11 WHITE Rl'NNElt ducks of quality; stock ami eggs for sale. Snow White Poultry Yards. O. O. Ray, manager, Kirkwood, Ga. 11-14-19 If what you have for sale Is not worth the price of a Want Ad in The Georgian for a few limes then talk business to the junk man. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. $6,900 PIEDMONT PARKDISTOIC T HOMEt" ALMOST facing the park and between the park and Peachtree street, we are Instructed to sacrifice a 9-roont. furnace-heated home, on nice la gi 'ot. Two baths, large rooms, closets, porches, etc. In Al condition. Easv terms. Let us "show" you. WILSON BROS. PIIU.XE M 4<f« ’ ;01 EMPIRE BLDG. I FJMAXSSALI. trouble and reaction of spirit. We may have the facilities for prop erly handling a number of breeds and not cramp or crowd any of them and give each the same treatment that it would get if it were the only one on the farm. Y’et that does not imply that wc shall try the same thing and make a failure. With necessary capital and skill at command, a number of breeds may be kept by one person with very good success. Yet with all that, the ninety-nine out of the hundred will succeed much better with the one good breed. Incubators. FOR SALE—Cyphers incubator. 144-egg size. Perfect condition* Call Main 4736-J, 29-19-11 FREE POULTRYMEN. GET our big catalogue of incubators and brooders. Southern States Incubator and Brooder Company, College Park. Ga 10-30-16 Disenfectants, X’REOSiJfFFOR SALE. CREOSOTE is an excellent germ destroyer for poultry raisers to use. about the premises. We have it in any quantity. Atlanta Gas Light Co. Poultry—Miscellaneous. CLOSING OUT SALE —Cheap: Keller strass M hite Orpingtons, Thompson's double-mated Ringlet Rocks and Wliite Leghorns. Cockerels and pullets from the above varieties. White Indian Runner ducks. Fishel and Valentine strains. Mv foundation stock is the best I could buy Write Paullin’s Poultry Farm, Fort Gaines, Ga. 1.1-16-1.1. MY WINNINGS at Macon fair October 15 - 2o were six firsts, three seconds, one third, one fourth out of eleven entries in R. I. R., I. W., Pit Games, F. and W. Ducks. Stock and eggs of above breeds for sale. Also Blaek Orpingtons. Write H. L. D. Hughes, Danville, Ga. 10-23-28 WHITE Indian Runner ducks, best of stock 11 bite Plymouth Rocks, winners for years and bred for laying; fox terrier puppies. C. O. Harwell, 115 North Pryor str eet, 11-11-19 11. G. HASTINGS & CO., Seedsmen for the South, 16 West Mitchell street. Four City De liveries Daily. North and South Side 9 a. m., Inman Park and West End 2 p. m. Bell Phone M. 2568, Atlanta 2568. 1\ L. HAIE IN STOCK a beautiful as sortment of flowering plants, the prices are reasonable, ('all in and see them. KEI-.l’ BEht'RE YOUR FLOCK plentv of "Red Comb" meat mash. It is a well balanced food for laying hens and ducks; can be ted wet or dry. A trial order will convince you that it is an egg-producing food; 10 pounds, 25c; 50 pounds, $1.15; 100 pounds, $2.25. A (HH7I ( fljTfri'7) BEGIN using Lee's Germozone in your fowls’ drinking wa ter. It is not only a remedy, but a pre ventive of roup, cholera, swelled head, canker, etc. Both liquid and tablet form 50c. The tablets can be sent by mail. IF YOU HAVE A HORSE OR CGW that is run down and off feed, try Lee’s Best Stock Conditioner. If it is fed regularlj' to your cow it will increase the flow of milk: 2U. pound package 25e. GALVANIZED IRON DIFiNKTxT; FOUNTS, grit and shell boxes, feed pans and hoppers. IDEAL EGG CARRIERS beat paper bags tor carrying eggs. Hold even one dozen with no breakage or overcounts. Several dozen can be stacked ’very conveniently. Price 15c a dozen, two dozen 25c, 75c for 100. Dogs. FOR SALE—MaIe pointer, fifteen months oid: good ranger and retriever- first money order for sls takes him. M i. Crawford, Tiger. Ga. 11-19-24 FOR SALE Setters, pointers and hound?;’ trained, partly trained and untrained' revised list ready for mailing R I, M liitt, Kernersville. N. C. 41-6-li Hogs. T.YKINi; ORDERS for «>ight weeks fine Berkshire* at >l3 pair. .Morris Farm, Clarkston, Ga. 10-19-7 Horses and Carriages FOR SALE -Two mules and one large horse; will sell cheap Apply at 52 Yuri; ■we>]ue. Bell phone Main 461.' 11-20-41 FOR SALE Horse: weight - !.050 piTund?- age. coming seven. Call or phone Lieu tenant Butler. Fort McPherson, 11-Is.f, Ft 'lt SALE (me Kentucky thoroughbred" good combination saddle and buggv horse. For information call 321-1. East Point. 11-16-24 Cows. FOR S.iLE Four good Jersey rnfich cows Fresh in milk. Shipper Br-'.s a M hite, :68 Marietta street. Both phones •' IS - 11-20-43 Real Estate For Sale. Houses for Rent. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND LOANS. Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. Atlanta Phone is.. "IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD., IT'S SO.” ISBL FOR SALE. GO LOOK at 560 Central avenue; a six room cottage with hall: lot 50 by 150 feet; all conveniences; rents for $25 per month. Price $3,150; SSOO cash and $25 per month. See Mr. Radford. ON LAWTON STREET. West End, less than one block from Gordon street, we have a five-room cottage, on lot 50 by 125. that is a big bargain at $2,750; easy terms. You can’t beat this. See Mr. I Bradshaw. I A GOOD two-story eight-room house on large lot, near North Boulevard, two blocks of Ponce DeLeon avenue. Price reduced from $5,500 to $4,750, on easy terms. See Mr. White. GO LOOK at 287 Ashby street, near West Hunter street, and near the new Ashby street school. new five-room cottage on a perfectly level lot. in per fect repair. . Price $2,000: S2OO cash and S2O per month. See Mr. Bradshaw. IN THE DRUID HILLS section, a nice, level lot. 50 by 200 feet. We think it cheap for $1,350. and S4OO cash and bal ance to suit will handle it. See Mr. Brad shaw. If You Have Money to Lend, We Can Place it Safely. FOR RENT. 432 CENTRAL AVENUE- A ten-room house, with gas, hot and cold water, porcelain bath. etc. House has just been papered and painted throughout. I Large lot. This is a bargain at $27.50 per month. WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY KENT BULLETIN, giving a good description ol everything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 61$. | . ■ 1 ... .. Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Salt For Sale or Exchange AN eight-room residence, newly painted, new roof, has seven fireplaces, and , located on large lot on cherted road, 115 feet front by 255 feet deep. I This is the BIGGEST BARGAIN XN ATLANTA. Let us tell you about it. Realty Sales Corporation 13 SOUTH BROAD ST. PHONE M. 221. MONEY TALKS DO YOU WANT ANY? BUY 322 SPRING ST. IT’S SAFE House has eight rooms; lot 46%x160; house now rented for $42.50 per month. This will take care of taxes, insurance and you will still have a nest egg. ■I, ■ I ■ - I '■ - II ■!W ■ - -■ - 124 GREENWICH ST., WEST END—Well built six-room bungalow; furnace heat and very modern; lot 47x200, covered with shade trees; ideal location Price not too higli; easy terms. ROSALIA STREET Five-room bungalow : modern: owner lives out of city and has written us to sell; lot 40x195; small cash payment will swing this; house now rented for $22.50 month. 366 NORTH JACKSON ST. -Six-room bungalow: modern in every respect, garage in rear and is altogether a very attractive place for some young cou ple looking for a home. THE L. C. GREEN COMPANY 305 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. PHONE IVY 2943. M’LENDON BROTHERS REAL ESTATE AND RENTING. 504-5-6 THIRD NAT'L BANK BLDG. PHONES—BELL. IVY 531; ALT. 1738. I _____ _ ■ 108 EAST AVENUE —Two-story, 7 rooms: lot 50x100; alley on side; ga- ; rage and servant’s house: one block from car line; rented for $35. Price, $5,250; SSOO cash, balance monthly. EDGEWOOD AVE. LOT. 50x90 —West of Jackson street. Price. $7,500; half cash. PACES FERRY ROAD. 28 ACRES, with 550 feet of frontage, just this side of where Randall Mills road runs into Paces Ferry. Has a beautiful home site, with an old house on it. Price, SSOO per acre; one-half cash, balance one and two years. EIGHTH STREET BUNGALOW—S4,2SO. NEAR North Boulevard, we have a new 6-room bungalow which is jam-up in every way. Furnace heat, splendid lot, right off car line with ten-min ute schedule. SSOO eash and the balance to suit. See this place, as they are scarce on the north side at this price. TENTH STREET BUNGALOW. NOT far from West Peachtree street. This beauty has 6 large rooms and sleeping porch, Is new and up to date in every way. elevated lot 45 by 160 to alley. Tenth street will soon be one of the choicest streets for homes on the north side. Price $6,000,0n terms. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton Street. Both Phones 458. ■ I — II 111 »——wnmnwmbmmam■■bm—wawmmbmbbmmnaan■■•• 71 Waddell,lnman Park—s2,Boo FIX E-ROOM COTTAGE, all conveniences. In an ex cellent neighborhood, close to car line. S3OO cash —balance like rent. J. H. EWING 116 LOBBY CANDLER BUILDING. Ivy 1839. Atlanta 286.7. Main 1804. Atlanta 999. MFzRCER W. GILMER No. 8 Auburn Avenue. $50,0(10 to INVEST in rent-paying or other good proposition, mortgages Ltiruiitisc money notes, stocks and bonds considered. $2,000 HiR store and home property, neighborhood excellent for increasing an already profitable business. Sh.MI-< IzN lit Al 4. rent-paying. Bound to make you money. Selling P**’ foot less than vacant property in same block. A $5,500 offer —$500 cash. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. REAI. ESTATE AND BUILDER?, FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDIN& Phone 2106 Main. A DANDY NEW ONE on Moreland avenue, close to Druid Hills, we are Oompietmg the prettiest home <>n the street. The number Is 292. This io! - 23.. feet deep and has a frontage of 50 feet Listen! Furnace heet, hardwyy'i floors, froi-•; and side porches, exposed celling beams, dressing mirrors, beautify mantels buth rs pantry, combination gas and electric fixtures, east front, wall timed, tint hardware, This is a beauty and is sure to sell. Terms easy. LOOK XT THAT NEW H< d SE \VE~HE B HILDING ON~SI X TEE NT H >' T It is west of XVest Peachtree, fronting south; lot is elevated about rive fc above sidewalk six rooms, hall and hath, tile floor tn bath, from and side porches hot air heat, plenty of closets, large furnace room, good neighborhood, hardwoou floors. Lot is i. n feet deep. This plaee is getting bettor every day. Will -c you this on easy terms. Will tint walls to suit vour own taste. ■' ■ ... „ 'i— FOR SALE BY PRETTY LOTS OR BUNGALOV- Gr-w T-s M. T ‘"'E HAVE WHAT YOU WANT ' Hr !-< r-C H on east lake drive, wc have ■*' < -ft—a > beautiful shaded lots; east front > < ... perfect; both for only $2,000. WEAL T Y - - CAT A T T~> \ XT ON PRETTIEST LOT in West End 1 t ««.•> I commanding a splendid view, slx-i" bungalow. Price $3,750. Terms. I 511 EMPIRE BUILDING. HEAL ESTATE, RENTING, LOANS. Fhones 15® ? APARTMENTS STOCTON APARTMENTS— Out in th. Stocton apartments, just opposite th. main entrance of Grant park, we hav. second-floor five-room apartment* equipped with ell modern convenience/ such as cabinet mantels, tile heart'/ electric lights, gas, bath, sink in th. kitchen. V e furnish gas stove, water heat and janitor's service. This apart’ ment is in nice condition, on one rt the best car lines in the city, convenient to schools and churches. Price ?3g’ 144 HIGHLAND AVENUE=uUTH Boulevard apartment, at the above number, on Highland avenue, we have a nice five-room apartment, equipped with ail the modern conveniences, such as cab inet mantels, tile hearths, electric lights gas, bath and sink in the kitchen with steam heat; on car line, in good neigh borhood; convenient to schools arzi urches. Price S4O. 163 NORTH JACKSON STREET~aT777 above number on Jackson street «■» have a lower-floor six-room apartment with all modern, conveniences, such cabinet mantels, tiling hearths, electri. lights, gas, bath and sink In the kitcher This apartment is in nice, first-class cor dition. situated on a large, elevated 1/: in A-l good neighborhood, on a car line convenient to schools and churches Price $35. And a long list of residences of all kinds