Newspaper Page Text
’ • ¥
PLOYEES often have
an opportunity to buy
an interest in their em
ployers’ business.
That may happen to
YOU some day.
Opportunity comes to
every one. Those who
save systematically will
oe prepared.
Would you be ready
NOW if opportunity'
Prepare for your op
portunity by becoming
a regular money saver
at this bank.
Atlanta, Georgia
i T ill! ’ '’ alt ' of $195 pianos is II
| * the result of a desire to g
1 serve every one who loves IB
5 music—to put into every home ®
a where there are children and K
fl young people a reliable piano 11
fl of excellent tone. W
a Every piano sold at this IF
5 price, on convenient terms, is, B
j in every particular, what we g
1 say it is. IP
uJ We are bound by duty to K
|] -elect these $195 instruments ft
W with great care. Only after M
■ thorough study have we made ■
s our selections. -
We offer a small ■
8 number of new pia- fhaAT g
nos in handsome ma- WIMK E
■ nogany eases of beau-B
tiful design at only ” E
I Terms: $lO Now, $6 Monthly B
m While these instruments It
if last, we know there will be a V
steady demand. Therefore, we K
T strongly urge our patrons to Mr
F come and see them as soon as Q
* ■ ossible. Why not today? K
Opposite Lowry Bank.
• WM. CARDER. Manager |
If. Dealers Wanted in Unoccu-
c med Territory.
v\ A
■•Greatest Mlaetrel of Them AU."
•ilanta lodge. No. 52.1 I. al Ordei
»t Moose gives $7 a week, sickness or
1 ident:’ SIOO funeral: free medical
attention members and familv. D'tw
per month. For Moose frge Ln.-
'/TBity. free Tuberculosis Sanitarium,
“c Home for Aged and Infirm. 2-_>c
arterly. .No assessments. Non-seg
urian. Non-political. Only reliable
--n wanted. Boozers will not applv.
Ihe • initiation fee of Atlanta lodge
a short time, is ss—-Only t? with
and when initiated.
Jt'-r $25. Examination sl. M.tdical
•m> rs- Or. C. ». Rho les. «o_-'l-4
‘♦lanta Bank building: Dr. w H.
301-2 Waltoi building- Get ex
ued early, please. It is important
i should join toda: and sa-’e S3O.
National Director.
’ I'eaclitiee St. Candle: Blog,
lephone tv .! <7. P. O Box He'
" one ami all.
Wake Up! You
Lazy Stomach!
Make Your -Stomach Cheerfully
Do Its Work—Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets Digest
Your Food and Assist
the Stomach.
■ People who complain they are worn '
to a frazzle are nearly always dyspep
tic and are recommended to use Stu
art’s Dyspepsia Tablets. The stomach
gets lazy, food ferments and sours, gas
belches up, there are symptoms of >
bloating, the blood becomes thick and
sluggish, the liver is blamed, the head
is heavy, the mind is blank and the
dining room is a chamber of horrors.
One of the greatest evils of our mod
ern life is the quick lunch. To this
evil, as much or more, than any other,
may be traced the preponderance of I
the stomach troubles of our times. In- I
stead of taking time to thoroughly mas- I
ticate the food before swallowing it. the !
average person rushes through the ’
meal, bolting the food, deglutition tak
ing place while it is only partially mix
ed with saliva, and only half masti- I
cated, thus leaving the stomach to do
the work the teeth should have done.
Stuarts Dyspepsid Tablets contain
digestive elements, a single grain being
capable of digesting 3.000 grains of
food, including meats, egg-, grain. veg
etables, starches and mineral matters.
They prepare every particle of food by
thorough digestion for ready absorp
tion and assimilation by the lacteal
glands, which pass it into the blood,
whence it is conducted to all parts of
the system, rebuilding and revitaliz
ing it.
Every druggist has Stuart's Dyspep
sia Tablets in stock ami sells them at
50 cents a box. (Advt.)
If what you have for sale is not worth
the price of a Want Ad in The Georgian
for a few times then talk business to the
iunk man.
Visit the Toyland Annex
IM. Rich & Bros. Co. f
Girls and Misses’Coats at sls, $19.75, $25 ?=
Worth to $25, $35.00, SSO S'
3SZ to 18-vear-old girls and misses who wish
- distinguished looking coats at a third to a half less
3? ’ than the usual prices will find them tomorrow at Rich’s.
2® 7 —<‘<nnes about because of the long, warm au-
tuinii in the North. Women wouldn’t wear coats; re
e?? f '"”F -7 tailers wouldn’t re-order, even worse, many cancelled AC
gJJ jjk L orders already given. And the makers just had “to
jW get oin from in under.” Aware of conditions, our wtf
E AV buyer sped to New York last week, captured these
3? ® lus/ '-oats at tremendous discounts —and here they are,
-r-'!’lie styles and materials will please the most ex-
* / J’; striking chinchillas and bouelis. stunning black and white
• ‘ .f' A . stripe and two-tone diagonals and chinchillas, solid color serges, JL,
8® ' broadcloths and diagonals, smart imported English coatings—in
A'' ~3 F s h ol ’t- material that has been pronounced fashionable and
w'wtF right. Styles inelude belted and plain coats, tailored coats
s*® wIE I an< ’ °b ,f>rs "'bi wide revers and collars of cloth, corduroi or
velvet. Half lined with satin or self material, unlincd and full Mt Z
SP lined. Ev r\ smart color and combination. Almosl 250 coats
' n ;u "L ;| b !| t these savin its. Ms?
IBk sls 00; values to *25.
J sl9 75; \;dll<’S to -<>s.
I $25.00; values to SSO.
I Swl ew Suits-=All Underpriced ;
2J 1 Some a Third; Others a Half and More J
v i' W' I'hesc Suits are the result of our buyer's trip to Neu
JW [' A’' 4 n York last rteek. He secured makers’ surplus stocks, ‘‘close- .
I ■ 0 out’’ lots and sample lines at reductions of a third to a
w : halt. Every kind of suit for every woman, we believe, is
AA jSE represented. And all are underpriced thus: Suits al I
-2 fl $11.85; values to $18.50. $25.00; values to SSO.
Zif Ready-to-Wear—Second Floor. -
5 Rare Glove Opportunities/ Ladies’ 50c Vests J
5 25c J*
Two Glove ■’plums that came to u> under
\er\ advantageous trade circumstances arc I hese Vests come from an over
-5 passed OU to von al proportionate savings. I zealous maker who classes them
| as‘‘seconds. They may have lit- gwy*
» $1.50 French Suede Gloves 95c " |i "' win eh win I( v> do
--jg ” ■ anyone any harm. gQ
Real French Kid Gloves. mad» of selected skins, full plump ' Made of a fine soft-ribbed Sea Island, i
weight and of perfect tannaA two-clasp style; black only with | cotton, full cus perfectly fashioned I
three rows of self-stitching on back. with shaped body. Fine clastic white j
ribbed. Full sleeves. Mercerized taped I
5 $1.50 Black or White Gloves $1.19 <S h ~earl but '
■yjp These Gloves are scarce even at their full price, so there’ll be I AZocfre 1
-"Wl a rally to get th an at $1.19. Two-clasp style heavily embroidered OOC V CSIS IOC gQ
“'Vg with four rows of self-stitching on back. lln blacks are self- . Girls' and boys' 26c and 35c I.'nder-*gjr
stitched or with white: the white are sell-stitched only. $1.50 | shirts. Perfect goods but broken
Gloves for just $1.19. I sizes. The boys’ shirts are cotton 3*
ribbed with high neck and long or
P. S.—Complete line- of best French, English and Do- short sleeves. Th.- girls' shirts are in i-
..J! mestic Gloves here in every length, size and color. And . heavier <t> am fleece-llneii garments
;* intelligent salesladies to help you promptly and efficient. JF
’w ly- Gloves $1 to $4. rm Ise. <’
" Gloves—Main Floor (Underwear —Main Floor)
B.„ Phon, „3.3,. “ RL "OrLSHE.MER, Pr0p,,.,.,.
Saturday and Thanksgiving Week for Cash Only
Turkeys 25 to 27 1-2 c
Ducks 23c
Geese 15 to 17 1-2 c
Hens 20c
Fries and Roasters 23c
Our own slaughtered Hogs.
Shoulders, small 12 l-2c
Hams, small 15 C
Loins, small 15c
Chops, small 17 l-2c
Lard—pure. Our own make. No chemicals—
-10 lbs., $1.60 5 lbs., ’ sßsc
Steaks 12 1-2 to 20c
Roasts 10 to 15c
Pots 8 to 12 l-2c
Stews 5 to 7 l-2c
Stew 7c
Shoulder 10c
Forequarter ■ 12 l-2c
Hindquarter 15c
Hams—sugar cured 17 1-2 to 19c
Bacon—sugar cured 19 to 21c
All at low figures. No phone orders at above prices.
bass ~Bass Bass bassbass i bass i bass i bass [bass bass bass baSST
<Z) ———————
i Sensational Saturday Sale of |
I New Tailored Suits I
% co
£ ; . ’ . ■ >
“ Nearly 1,000 To Sell: About J 4 Price -
< Another big shipment of Tailored Suits arrived by this morning’s ex
c/i press, making nearly one thousand suits to be included in three great bar-
gain lots tomorrow. These suits were bought at about 50 cents on the dol- >
fiQ lar from overstocked manufacturers and will be sold at half and less than co
half real retail values. All are brand-new models—serges, whipcords, diag- gg
onals, Bedford cords and mixtures. Coats lined with guaranteed satin. Tai
loring of highest class. , co
< Suits Worth Suits Worth Suits Worth S
Up to $17.50 at Up to $25.00 at Up to $35.00 at *
1 $9.90 $12.50 $15.00!
CO co
| Bargains in Coats Dresses: Skirts %
(y- New 54-inch (oats, of heavy black cloths Beautiful new Dresses of all-wool serges, 03
and stylish mixtures; smart styles; splendid- satin messalines and other popular mate-
CO ly'ailored; real $12.50 C.C Qf) rials; black and all best Qfl CO
“ values; this sale <s#O«wU shades; up to $17.50 values .... dO.vU
Very handsome 54-inch Coats of silk plush. Great sale of new Skirts, including whip- PJ
heavy mixtures and black broadcloth; ele- cords, serges, etc., in black and navy; also
CO gantiy tailored and worth d O fZfi new mixtures and novelty QE
up to $25.00: choice 31 faivU skirtings: up to $8.50 values. .. co
“ Saturday Bargains in Millinery «
< Table of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Hats ami Grand collection of new Trimmed Dress
CC Untrimmed Shapes, worth Qfir* flats in hlack every good color combi- cr
up to $3.00; choice vOC nation. Two lots: C/“,
X .K- lla tS worth up to I Hats worth up to I
New large Velvet Shapes, worth up to $.>.00; $lO 00 at s ls 0 0 at 5?
S in this special sale OEJ r
“ a....„iy $1.35 52.98 53.98
< Other Specials in Ready-to-Wear Department >
. r .. . . *
ty) Ladies* Waists in pretty lingerie styles and Ladies* heavy ribbed fleece-lined Vests and
cj plain tailored Qft Pants; per pc §
effects vvU garment CmWV
~~ Beautiful Satin Messaline Waists in black Ladies' ribbed fleece-lined Union Suits; ex-
and colors; $5.00 £ 4 QF tra good AQ— 53
< values 4# I aww quality "twC
CC ... .
Ladies' Satin Messaline Petticoats, in black Children’s ribbed fleece-lined Union Suits in &
(f) and colors; this fl* 4 Est this sale, LZ
sale I aQw only VvC ®
® One lot of Black Taffetaline Petticoats, worth Children's ribbed fleece-lined Vests and
up to $1.00,. OQrf* Pants, in this 1—
O) tomorrow WWW sale IvC 03
< . . . >
X Children's Velvet and xMLWooI Coats; sizes ■ Ladies’ Outing Gowns, full cut and well
for ages 2to 6 fl* 4 Qf? made,
years I B vw only "FwC W
< >
CC (/>
“ Store Open Saturday Night No Charge for Alterations On
(/) Until 10 o’ Clock Suits, Coats, Etc. C 3
< g
% Ladies’ and Men’s Furnishings, Etc.
co Ladles’ two-clasp Kid Glove.-'. | Ladles' plain hemstitched Hand- r/,
black and colors; $1.50 Iwßlsi 4>wC I uDlw kerchiefs; very ape-
quality; pair • O clal at> only ■©
tri Ladles' full elbow leng.h Kid Big table of Ladies’ Belts, l.a- Ladles’ all-linen Handkerchiefs
Gloves; the $3.50 AQ <l,es ’ and Men’s Hose Supporters. w lth embroiderer: C A ST
kind: only I. V Ladles' and Men’s Neckwear, initials
Cu . „ wide Sash Ribbons, Shopping , , , ■'i
j- Men's Kid Gloves, verj tin-$2.00 Bags an(] | lun a r eds of Jewelry Men s Shirts—samples of regular (/)
y, grade: in QQc Novelties: values up to $1.00; al)
at. choice cholc «
CQ R. & G. make Corsets in new 0 Ladies' Hair Swtiches; black, (/)
__ models; in this sale AOa brown and blond; real C/5
„ at. only $4.00 values
C/5 CO
» Sale of Blankets and Comforts %
</> ' —
EXTRA SPECIAL! One hundred pairs of three-quarter yB co
2 size good weight Cotton Blankets will be sold ftiL
x (Not more than 3 paibs to a buyer.) w
x Babies' Crib Blankets, soft and ] Extra large and heavy Blanket*: I Good size Cotton Comforts, silk- Ir/j
■X 390 $1.48 a".'.'”:"* 1 : 98c g
a special! -uch $4.00 values. $2.98 covers >1.48 CP
Single-bed size Cotton Blankets, I’*' l l b “ Extra size sllkollne-covered Cot-
tf'. -ale tomo: row Extia large and very fine Cali- ton Comforts;
ai I)a i r W<M» flornia Wool Blankets; the kind $3.00 values 9I*VO Qj
I 'ull 11-4 .-iz.e heavy <'otton Rial.- -old by other stores at $5.00 and Very fine sateen-covered Cotton
S ;t,:y * u "- 98c $3.98 $2.98 %
< Specials in Domestics, Linens, Etc. >
1/5 Big .a ol qua : I'lanne ettes and outings. Extra large and fine Linen Towels, scalloped and «m
Z) v.> th 15c and 19c. at p< hemstitched; 75c to $1.50 values; ?
<• vard choice >
x (P
- I'ull size White < .ocheted Bed Spreads in beautl- Extra large and heavy full bleached Turkish Bath (P
c/c ful M csflll - patterns; $1.25 values; Towels; 50c. 75c and SI.OO OC—.
only sJJJU values
“ Great Sale of New Dress Goods |
60-inC'n Imported Zibelines and 54 to 60-inch All-Wool Broad- | Novelty Dress Goods in various
>s-. Camel's Hair Cloakings, worth cloths. Novelty Suiting.-, etc., up I weaves and colorings; up to 50c
t/5 ■ ' jo
< We Give £ 18 West
-- Green Kjr jirj, Mitchell,
Trading Bjw Near g
< Stamps w w Whitehall </>
Cu \P