Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 23, 1912, EXTRA, Image 12
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. READ FOR PROFIT-GEORGIAN WANT ADS-USE FOR RESULTS “Business Guide of Atlanta” IT WILL PAY YOU TO CONSULT IT FOR ANY LINE OF BUSINESS The following list of ads constitute a reliable guide to well known and reputable business enterprises, and to individuals in various lines of business in Atlanta and surroundings. The alphabetical arrangement insures ready reference for your con venience. 'll Kir.ils of Job Work Done. TVF b-Ud houses, wood or brick, remodel j Headquarters tor carpenters, cabinet makers. brick masons, plasterers; inte • r’.or wall naintinif or tinting: put in glass, praxes, cement floors shelving, ta rzefc and counter.'’. Ecu prices and high quality guaranteed. (>2 l South Forsyth. Bei 1 1187 Atlanta 6087*M. 11-19-11 Blue Prints. ■ 317 AUSTELL BUILDING MAIN 3840. QUALITY. LOW PRICES. PRUMIT SERVICE. 9-30-55 Buttons and Plating Company. Buttons and "Plaiting Co.. Buttons made of your own materia’. 100 V. WHITEHALL ST. 11-19-10 Barber Shops. HAIR ( UTS, 15c. 3 VIADUCT PLACE, between Beachtree and Broad. 11-22-22 Carpet and Rug Cleaning, Etc. AVANTEd'YoxU to know W. M. Cox cleans all kinds carpets; rugs a spe cialty. Ivy 3135-J. Atlanta 1818. 145 Au burn avenue. 10-2-12 Carpenter and Builder. ~~ALL KINDS REPAIR WORK. D. M. WHEELER. 19 S. Forsyth st. Phone M. 4186. Atlanta 1547. 11-19-37 Cleaning and Dyeing. Chicago Cleaning and Dyeing Co CHEMICAL, steam and dry cleaning. La dies’ work a specialty. Work called for and delivered. 54 East Harris. At lanta 5245. Ivy 1796. 11-12-14 Cut Flowers and Plants. SEE or write me before placing orders. I can save you half your money in buy ing potted plants ami cut flowers. W. M. Brtcken, 20 East Alabama street. 11-19-13 Fire-Proof Storage. WE STORE HOUSEHOLD goods and pianos. Office and warehouse, 239-241 Edgewood avenue. Ivy 2037. John J Woodside Storage Company. Funeral Directors. U LEE? ''UNMR'FAKER ANU EM BALMER, 36 SOUTH BROAD ST. 11-21-5 Hat Cleaning and Shoe Shine Parlor. GEORGE’S Hat (’leaning and Shoe Shine Parlor. 3% E. Alabama St. 11-11-9 Help Wanted—Female. WANTED Four while chambermaids. Apply Housekeeper, Piedmont hotel. WASTE—Finn-class colored cook. 30 West North avenue, 11-22-8,7 WANTED An office girl to do work usu al!.' done by office boy. Address in ow.i handwriting I’._d. ' ! " x 847. 11-22-13 I H ave an attractive proposition for three active, ladles, old or y.nim. Ad dress Box 931. care Georgian. l'S-22-11 WANTED- First class cook at 68 Aus tin avenue. Inman Park. Good room anti good wages.3s-22-1 1 WANTED Experienced, rapid and neat stenographer. Salary $lO per week. Of fices prominent office building. Address 1024. care Georgian. II 22-16- SPECIAL RATES are given on "Situa tions Waited” ads. Your 30-word ad inserted one time for 10c, three times for 20c. seven times for 40c. WANTED Young lad) with postoffiee experience. Call Iv.' 441. 50-21-1 1 WAXTEb Young "lady stenographer with some experience. 676 Marietta St. 11-21-36 WANTED Capable, working housekeeper for family of four. Apply 400 Temple Court Phone Main 4706 "7-21 -11 FEW ladies to demonstrate Airio syrup from house to house. Weekly salary. Appb’ Mr. Spence. Kimball house. Satur day morning 9 to 12 and Mondov 9 o’clock. * 25-21-11 WANTED Young woman for general housework. Good salary. 65 Wabash avenue. 40-20-11 WANTED Trimmers on straw ready-to wear Hats; must be experienced. Nov elty Hat Manufacturing Company. 115-117 < larnett st reel. 27-20-11 WANTED Discouragen, but perfectly good men and women, to take a new grip on life and trj a little happiness for a change. The Ninth Anniversary Edi tion of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25, will tell you how to do it. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or foreign points. 25 cents. Send in your order now . 10-21-4 Help Wanted—Male. WANTED By one of the leading mer cantile houses, a good collector for the office building trade: must come well rec ommended and be able tn furnish bond. Andress Face, Box 204. care Georgian competent double entry i ■■ to keep small set of books during spare time, Call 601 Fourth National Bank Bldg., 9 to 11 Saturday. 12-22-11 WANTED Xu. 1 meat . utter Beiitqm~& Son, Mui let tu. Ga. 46-22-11 WANTED I >i, \< li i i j>air man willing to start at moderate salary and grow with business. Settled man preferred. Address, giving experience had. references and salary expected. I*. (). Box 1673, Atlanta. 11-22-19 SPECIAL RATES are given on ‘’Situa tions Wanted” ads Your 30-word ad inserted one time for 10e. thru times for 20e. seven t lines Jor 40c. WE want a man with plentj of'tms!i and energy to lake position where then h a good future; must invest *5(»i); mu answer this unless you mean business and can make good and have good references Box 690, i-are Georgian. 36-21-11 WANTED- Good man to work on 20-a. re --•vg farm. Atlanta phone 5881 B FURNISHED room free for boy making fires. 12 Kimball street. 34.20-I1 WANTED- Good all-round man servant who can milk and cook. Apple Bell phone 291-L East Point. 11-20-14 BA RBER WANT ED "a: ’ crnTT - tirst"-fla'«s white: *l4 guarantee. H T. Herr'. Model Barber Shop. Talladega, Ala. I ’ V. ANTED -Men to learn the 1 >arber trade. Few weeks completes. Tools given. Wages while u*vntng. You ean j-jin ua with assurance >.>u "11l succeed We have re. .deed praise fr.. > th '"> r In.-stig:. . Mattress Renovating. i WE renovate all kinds of mattresses: sat isfaction guaranteed. We buy feathers. Acme Mattress <’o. Bell phone ivy 2994. Athiiii.i phone 1948. 11-19-27 Office Fixtures. 7-A K PENT kk siio 1 r CROCKETT & CARTER. 40-42 PETERS ST. BOTH PHONES. Roofers and Tinners. WE M■' . ' A SPEi’fAl-TV <fl GR YVEL ANU TIN ROOFING AND PAINTS. WALKER ROOFING CO.. 221 RHODES BLDG. M. 4075. ATL. 1915. 11-21-6 Roofing and Guttering. J. 11. WEST Tin and sheet Iron worker. Atlanta phone 1525. Repair work a spe cialty 11-19-36 Stoves and Ranges. EXCELSIOR COOK STOVES Sold in Atlanta for Forty Years. HIGHTOWER HARDWARE CO. 11-21-34 Stove and Range Repairing. PAN. THE ElXEli. STOVES AND REFRIGERATOR RE PAIRING. We sell secondhand gas stoves. We sweep chimneys. 121 WHITEHALL STREET. Atlanta Phone 2235. Bell Phone Main 2639 Sewing Machines. WE RENT new machines with complete set of attachments for $2 per month; also machines repaired; prompt delivery. Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Ma chine Company. 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44 Tiles. . z-'.z’ -XZXZ'ZXZ Z'ZXZ'Z'/'Z'z-. SEE or write me before placing orders. 1 can save you half your money in buying your tile from inc. W. M. Brick en, 20 East Alabama street. 11-19-15 Toys. REMEMBER—We sell toys. Hightower Hardware Co. 11-21-35 Trunks, Bags and Suitcases RETAILED AND REPAIRED. RO I ’ NTR EE 'S 77 PHONES: Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654 Turkeys. bia YOUR Thanksgiving turkeys at Sewell (’onimission Company. Lowest prices in city. Wholesale and retail. 115 Whitehall street. 11-22-4 Help Wanted—Male. RAILWAY mail clerks wanted: *9O month; Atlanta examinations coming soon; c.aN hing tree Franklin Institute, Dept. 49 W., Rochester. N. Y. 42-11-11 STOP at Hilburn hotel, heart of city, iOU Walton street, If you want a elean, quiet room; transient l>oc. Open all night. . -21-19 WANTED Discouraged. but perfectly good men and women, to take a new grip on life and try a little happiness for a change. The Ninth Anniversary Edi tion of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25, will tell you bow to do It. Mulled to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 WANTED—Bright, strong boys to deliver routes in afternoons. Good wages and chance for promotion. Call at circulation depart : ment The Atlanta Georgian, 20 EastAkibama street. WANTED Ideas, inventors write for list of inventions wanted and prizes offered by manufacturers. Also, how to get your patent. Sent free to any address. Ran dolph * Briscoe, patent attorneys, Wash ington, D. C. 7-11-23 FREE MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves, shampoos. All barber work free. Clean linen. Atlanta Barber College. 10 East Mitchell 5-27-.6 YES. Professor G. O. Branning wiU teach you the barber trade (it’s easy). We teach In one-half time of other colleges Course and position in our shops only *3O. Why pay more? Thousands of our graduates running shops or making good wages. Atlanta Barber College, 10 East Mitchell street. 5-11-17 ! Help Wanted- Male and Female. Fry Raney’s Blood Remedy FOR RHEUMATISM, OLD SORES. '( L CER S. CANCER, PELLAGRA. SCROFULA. FEMALE TROUBLES. IN DIGESTION ECZEMA AND TETTER: s.>o FOR A CASE <>F SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON IT FAILS To CURE CALL ON IHE RANEY MEDICINE COMPANY 513 M’STELL BLDG., ATLANTA. GA. ATLANTA PHONE 614. OFFICE HOURS. 7TO 6 SUNDAY. 9TO 12. 8100 IN GOLD will be gixen to the per son suggesting the most suitable name for ? new periodical, to begin publica tion on March 4. For particulars address Publisher, 2*’ Ponce DeLeon avenue At lantii, Ga. 11-18-3 MONEY WANTED tn plant In f.onthern California, where it grows better than anywhere else in the world. One dollar grows to ten before you know it. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los j Angeles Examiner will give some exam ples of actual cases Out December 25 Mailed to any address In United States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send in your order now 10-21-4 Teachers Wanted. ! SPECIAL fall enrollment; good openings yet. Foster's Teachers Agency, Atlanta. 9 28-31 Agents Wanted. I’HREH live wire agents that can sell household goods: big commission and salary advances 120 Edgewood Ave ■ 48-21 11 W \NTED \gents to devote a few hours ; I each day selling household articles. | Phone West B;i9-.1 11-21-38 A'.LN IS W tNTIID- Men and women to i sell the best selling insurance on earth ■_ One agent sold 290.000 last month Dis trict managers wanted for Mississlpni Alabama and Georgia Address Joiner a Hibl.. 609 Temple Court building. At • 10 26-37 tre you it. need of anything today? 1 hen a Want Ad i*. The Gcorgiai v, ill Is,, g ' it for ; i-. i Pimm votir ad tu rve • . oigisn. I.- er' ... a sub- ration te ■ < ,e, \\ u . | >. t'ornnetent and THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN Published by The Georgian Company. 20 East Atlanta. Alabama-st. kkrnUT*- Georgia. Enteted at Atlanta postoffiee al second class matter. Subscriptions Payable in Advance. One year. mail, postage prepaid. 15 00 Six months, mail, postage prepaid. 2.50 j Three months, mail, postage prepaid 1 -5' j One month, mail, postage prepaid. .45 ; Subscriptions Payable in Advance. I Delivered by carrier, one year .?a.20 I Delivered by carrier, six months ... 2.60 Delivered by carrier, three months... 1.30 Delivered by carrier, one month4o Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and other cities, one week Want Ad Rates and Rules in the Atlanta Georgian One cent a word each insertion. No ad taken for less than the price of ten words. Ads in larger type, 12c a line (four words to the line). Out -of - town advertisements must be. accompanied with cash. Agencies’ discounts 10 and 5 per cent. Contract rates sent upon request. Telephone your Want Ads to The Georgian (both phones 80.00) when it is more convenient to do so, and collection will be made at your home or at your office the follow ing day. This is an accommoda tion service rendered Georgian Want Ad patrons and payment should always be promptly made on presentation of bill. Always ask that your telephone ad be, re peated back to you by the ad taker to make sure that it has been taken correctly. The Georgian can not guarantee accuracy or assume responsiblity for errors of any kind occurring in telephone advertise ments. Closing hours; To secure prop er classification, ads must be in The Georgian office before 1 o’clock the day of the issue. All ads must be ordered out in writing or at offibe. No discon tinuance notice taken over phone. Ever y word in the advertisement, including the name and. address, is counted. Each initial counts one word: compound words are counted two words. ADVERTISERS should retain re ceipts given in payment for Want Ads over the office counter, as mis takes can not be rectified without them. In answering advertise ments addressed in care of The Georgian, if the advertiser requires references, send a duplicate of same. Salesmen Wanted. Al '!-()AI()BHjf MEN WANTED THREE GOOD MEX TO SELL .HIGH GRADE AETOMOBILES. PRE EEK THOSE HAVING EXPERIENCE SELLING REAL ESTATE, TYPE WK ITEKS OK CASH REGISTERS. MUST BE AMBITIOUS AND OF GOOD ADDRESS. PER MANENT POSITIONS FOK THOSE WHO MAKE GOOD. ASK FOK MR. K. 11. WILLIAMS, PIED MONT HOTEL. FKIDAY OR SATURDAY, BE TWEEN 10 A. M. AND 2 P. M. 11-22-1 TWO wideawake salesmen; house propo sition; commission and salarj guaran tecd. Apply 129 Edgewood Ave, 19-21-11 WANTED—Salesmen for high-grade line elders and vinegars. Exclusive or side line. Liberal cornmissions with weekly settlements. Fine opening for good man. References required. Burr Mfg. Co.. Rich rnond, Va. 44-21-11 MONEY WANTED to plant in southern California, where it grows better than anywhere else in the world. One dollar grows to ten before you know it. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will give some exam ples of actual cases. Out December 35. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Situations Wanted—Female. SPECIAL RATES are given on ”Sltua tions Wanted” ads. Your 30-word ad inserted one time for I.oc, three times for 20c, seven times for 40c. 16.NPERIENCE1 > stenographer wants po sition; permanent or temporary. Main 1906-L, Atlant;! fdume 58541-B. 40-22-11 YOUNG '.adv must have work at once. Will take anything paying reasonable salary, fall <146 Atlanta phone 32-20-11 WANTED Position by experienced lady stenographer. Louise, care Georgian. 40-21-11 WANTED (’o sew out by the day. fi.25 per day. Good on nice dresses. Dress maker, 374 L. Hunter St. 39-21-11 WANTED Position by bookkeeper. Will take an assistant’s position if it pays living salary. Best references given. Ad dress 13, M.. Box 200, care Georgian. WANTED Bj musician, position placing classic music. Expert in sight read ing. acemiiponying, keeping time. Ad dress Miss It.. 217 East Fair street. YDUNG la<ly stenographer. eSperkmced in general office work would like position in traveling man’s office. "Marion.” eare Georgian. 11-20-10 REFINED young luii) desires position as office assistant; best references. F. K. K.. 41 Grady place i oil SALE Farm one-fourth as large and five times as good as the one you are lulling on back East. Take advan tage of the percentage in your favor The Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los An geles Examiner, out Dwember 25, will tell you how this ean be. Mailed to any ad dress in United States or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send In your order now 10-21-4 WANTED Cases tn nurse by experienced sick nurse; maternity cases a specialty; rates ree 'onable. Rest of referenees I'hfme West 1054. 36-16-11 Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING Remodeling and ladies' tailoring. Prices reasonable. 168-A Ivy street. 11-22-45 Situations Wanted—Male and Female. WANTED Shi’.is of all Itfndß t( bIMH California oil and carry mercharfdise for the i>ort of Los Angles to and from the Panama canal. The Ninth Anniversary Edition nf The Los Xngeles Examiner, oof December 25th. tells just what the canal will do to Southern California. Mailed to i any address in United States or Mexico. ' 1 15 cents; Canada or foreign points, 25 i cents. Send our order now. 10-21-4 1 l‘ ' t ■i feu m>t ,i _E.q Sale <>r Business Situations Wanted—Male. SPECIAL RATES are given on “Situa- ! t'ons Wanted" ads. Your 30-word ad inserted one time for 10c, three times for 20c, seven times for 40c. WANTED By high school boy, employ ment afternoons and Saturdays. High School, caie ' L-orgiari.49-22-11 , l oSI'I’IoN with some business firm: will ing to work small salary to begin; good ! reference. Address R. S. P., Box 203. care i Georgian 38-22-11 YOUNG .’JAN desires position in office with responsible firm; willing to start at bottom; good at figures and is good penman. Address Box 811, care Georgian. 27-22-11 WOULD LIKE to have a job in after noons cnd "atn'days. Can gl s best of references. Address H., Box 202, eare Georgian. 31-22-11 WANTED- .lob as bookkeeper or ship ping clerk. Can furnish best of refer ences Address 8.. Box 201, care Geor gian 32-22-11 LICENSED moving picture operator wants position in or out of city. Ad dress Competent, Box 209. care Georgian. 25-22-11 A MIDDLE-AGED gentleman, ambitious and willing, with good business educa tion. office and clerical experience, desires permanent employment. Address Mr. E. A. N., 82 Doane St., city. 31-20-11 WANTEI >- i’< iSITION "BY RELIABLE YOUNG MAN WITH BEST OF REF ERENCES; WILLING TO DO ANY HONORABLE WORK; HAVE HAD SOME EXPERIENCE IN BOOKKEEP ING’. ADDRESS A. S. H.. BOX 100, CARE GE))R<HAN.4I-21-11 YOUNG MAN, several years experience steno-bookkeeper and office work, wants to change position; any’office work ac cepted. Address Box 800, care Georgian. COLLECTOR of ability wants position with reliable firm. References and bond if required. Address P. O. Box 1493. 27-21-11 WANTED - Position as bookkeeper or cashier; five years experience; also A-l salesman. Address C. R., Box 201, care Georgian. 43-20-11 FIRST-CLASS <’IIAUFFEUR would like position in p> Ivate family or truck; four years experience. Address Joe Ku tier. 116 11.-lmon street. <lreenville, S. C. 33-20-11 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, all around office man, now employed near city; sober and active, wants position in At lanta with reputable firm. Address E. Z., Box 813, care Georgian. 28-20-11 YOUNG MAN, good education, wants of fice position, real estate preferred; ref erences. Address A., Box 200, care Geor gian. 30-20-11 REGISTERED licensed druggist wants position at once; good moral man; can furnish references. Address Mercury. care Georgian. 32-19-11 WANTED Position by young man, Ger man, as butler or to work around house and garden. Ad Iress German, care Geor gian, 27-19-11 EXPERIENCED bank cashier open for position. Best of references given. Ad dress Bank Cashier, care Atlanta Geor gian. 67-16-11 Boarders Wanted. SEE "Rooms and Board” Under Georgian Rent Bulletin. Personal. LADIES—Ask your druggist for Chtches ters Pills, the Diamond brand; fcr 25 years known as best, safest, always relia ble; buy of your druggist. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Bills are sold by druggists everywhere. 5-2-1 $2.50 —We want rooms to tint at $2J>9 a room. Bell phone Main 4807-J. 40-15-11 MATERNITY SANITARIUM—Private, refined, homelike. Limited number of patients cared for. Home provided for infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 26 Wind sor St.ll-9-57 FOUND —The best place for prosperity and success. Everybody's doing it. Come out to’Southern California. The Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will set you right. Out December 25. failed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents a copy. Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 FLY SCREENS. FLY SCREENS, FLY SCREENS -Wood fly screens, metal fly screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, metal weather strips furnished anywhere in the South. Write or phone W. R. Cal laway, manager, 1403 Fourth National Bank building, Atlanta. Ga. Main 5310. -15-5 SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34 Wall street, has an expert fitte- and it will cost you no more to havc< him fit you, and it means insurance. 6-24-19 Medical. MRS. DR. VIOLET McMILLAN. DISEASES of women and children. 200- 202 Hillyer Trust Bldg. Bell phone Ivy 4619. 9 28 58 DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy, Pennyrujai and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re liable treatment for painful and sup pressed menstruation, irregularities and similar obstructions. Trial box by mall, 50c. Frank Edmondson & Bro., manufac turing chemists. 11 North Broad street, Atlanta. 2-17-14 Dropsy. DROPS ot breath in 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swell ing in fifteen to twenty days. Write for particulars. Collom Dropsy Remedy Com pany, 512 Austell building. Atlanta. 5-25-11 Palmistry. psFcam p THE SEVENTH DAUGH TER OF THE SEVENTH. SHE tells your entire life by the planet you are born under. Every hidden mys tery revealed. Camp at 77 East Hunter street, between Washington and Central avenue. Moved from 138 Whitehall street. . 11-11-11 • GYPSY PALMIST. MADAME CAMILLE tells past, present and future. Special reading. 25c, this week. Located 50 Edgewood avenue, be tween Ivy and ITyor. 11-11-34 Clairvoyant and Palmist. HAVE RETURNED to Atlanta and is now located at 93 Auburn avenue. Was located at 17 East Mitchell street last winter. Anything you desire to know, you are assured truthful and positive facts about it. Readings. 25c and 50c. Make no mistake in the place. 93 Auburn avenue (in tent). 10-26-22 WANTED -Visitors to come out and see the great Southwest. Most of them will want to stay. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out i December 25th, will set forth the reasons Mailed to any address In United States or Mexico, 15 cents; Canada or foreign points 25 cents; Send in your order, now. 10-21-4 Palmist and Life Reading. 17 EAST MITCHELL ST. (IN TENT? GYPSY QUEEN. IS NOW LOCATED in tent, corner For syth’ and Luckfe; can be consulted on all affairs of life. Charges ’moderate Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-U Notices, NOTICE Having formed a partnership with Mr. Al Bartlett, at 217 Rhodes building, to conduct the business ofliranch of tlw- International Feature Film Com pan.'. Great Southern Feature Film Com pany and Al Bar'lett's Theatrical Agency, and as partnership—commenced on No vember 11. 1912 therefore I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by Mr. Al Bartlett or by the above men tioned firms prior to date of partnership. F. E. HAMP. 35-20-11 1 Are you searching for a position? Then , an ad in the "Situations Wanted ’ cul- 1 umns of The Georgian will assist you “The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin” Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin. Are you looking for the best Rooms, Houses, Apartments, Rooms for House ceping. Offices, Business Locations, Garages, Storage Houses, Boarding and Rooming places, etc.? • This bulletin contains a complete list of every desirable and suitable place that Is Dor Rent in tlie city and suburbs in each issue. For the benefit and convenience of our patrons The Georgian employs special men to cover the citv ana suburbs each day in searcli of all the desirable places. Save time, useless steps, money and worry by consulting this bulletin. It is for your convemoce. advantage of it. Rooms and Board BOARDERS wanted at 11 Currier, also table boarders; modern conveniences. Phone Ivy 5189-J. 11-22-39 HAVE two beautiful rooms with bath on parlor floor, with board. Call at 513 I 'eachtree for particulars. 2 _ 2 _ TWO young men can secure home com forts; excellent meals. 52 Formwait. z ll-22-28 GENTLEMAN to share large room: sepa rate beds with young man in private family; close in; reasonable. 56 E. Pine st. Ivy 5520-L.ll-22-27 NICELY furnished room at 19 Park street, West End, for two young' men or ladies; can use sn ail connecting room if for ladies for light housekeeping; or will furnish supper and breakfast for 25c a meal: dinner on Sundays for same. For information, call West 806-J. 11-22-23 RdoM AND BOARD in nice location; all conveniences. Call Ivy 6705. 11-22-11 NICELY furnislieS rooms with excel lent board at 254 Rawson street. Main 3793-J. 11-22-8 ROOM with board; all conveniences. S 8 Highland, Atlanta 3696, 26-22-11 YOUNG man to room and board in pri vate family. 160 Gordon St. Call West 73-J.ll-12-42 BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with good table board in private home. Ivy 1489-L,11.-21-43 ROOMS with board at 94 Washington St. Phone Main 1218-J.51-21-11 NICE front room, suitable for couple or two young men with board. 51 E. Cain. ROOM and board. All conveniences, with ' home-like comforts. 173 Luckie. 11-21-31 WANTED—Two gentlemen to room and board in private family. Furnace heat. Ivy 433-L. 73 AV, Peachtree. 11-21-21 TWO young men can get board in pri vate family at 234 S. Pryor. M. 5074-J. 11-21-9 NICELY furnished rooms, with or with out board. 227 S. Pryor St. M. 4540-L. 11-21-15 TWO nice furnished rooms and first-class board. 29 East Harris. Ivy 3741-L. 11-21-14 TWO or three refined young ladies can get board reasonable. Call Main 2915. 266 Whitehall st,ll-20-40 NICE front room for two; good table; reasonable. 79 West Peachtree. Ivy 1449-J.ll-20-33 ONE NICE large room; first floor; fur nace heat. Ivy 3694-J.ll-20-31 FURNISHED ROOMS and board. 37 E. Fair. Atlanta phone 2595.11-20-2 WANTED—Boarders, also table boarders. 400 Spring street. 11-19-5 NICELY furnished rooms, also table board; close in. 11l Washington street. Main 5361-J,ll-19-52 THOSE appreciating a home with every comfort and refinement at reasonable rates, call at 28 E. Nortli ave. Ivy 5551 SELECT BOARDING; 16 East Baker. Cleanliness, our motto. The best tables in the city. Ivy 2666-J.ll-18-33 OPPOSITE THE CAPITOL. NICELY furnished rooms and excellent table board. 121 Capitol square. Main 4838-L, .11-18-23 NICELY furnished front room for couple or three young men; table boarders wanted. Ivj- 6516. 139 West Peachtree st. 11-18-22 ROOMS AND MEALS, $5 per week, or rooms without meals. 102 Ivy street. 11-16-26 GOOD MEALS furnished; $3.50 per week. Also nicely furnished room. 178 Ivy. 11-16-19 PEACHTREE INN? THREE BATH ROOM SUITES, SUITABLE FOR FAMILIES, NOW OPEN, AND SEVERAL SINGLE ROOMS; STEAM HEAT AND BELLBOY SERV ICE; NIGHT AND DAY; EURO PEAN AND AMERICAN PLAN. 11-8-27 NICE, clean rooms with excellent table board, $4 to $6 week. 123 Capitol ave. WILL exchange nice, clean room and board close in for diamond, piano, mo torcycle or typewriter. Piano, Box 300, care Georgian. 11-8-32 NEAT ROOMS and homelike cooking; also table board; close in. 127 Capitol avenue. Main 5172-J. 10-22-26 Board Wanted. YOUNG man desires two meals a day and nicely furnished room in strictly private family. Rates must not exceed sls per tnontli. Address Schneebager, care Georgian. 11-21-16 Furnished Rooms For Rent. MARIETTA AND BROAD STREETS. NEW MANAGEMENT. A FEW ROOMS FOR KENT BY WEEK OR MONTH. FREE AND PRI VATE BATHS. ELEVA TOR, STEAM HEAT. PHONE MAIN 1755. TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping; close in? private porch. Al lanta phone 5052. 11-22-48 CHARMING furnished room with private tiled bath on Ponce Dee Lon avenue. Call Ivy 215-J.ll-22-37 li>R RENT—Front room; .-ingle room: housekeeping rooms. Ivy 3205-J. 210 Spring.ll-22-46 TWO nicely furnished front rooms, up stairs, two blocks of Terminal. 75 Nel son street.ll-22-41 ONE furnished front bed room, down stairs and one upstairs, two beds. 75 Nelson street. 11-22-40 FOR RENT -BRIGHT. SUNNY ROOMS IN NEW STEAM-HEATED APART MENT: MODERN CONVENIENCES; WHITE TILED BATH; VERY NEAR IN; N£l_RT H_S I DE. IVY 4281. 11-22-33 F< )R RENT —Two large, nicely furnished front rooms. Instantaneous heater, in : bath room. 2 J O Ivy street.ll-22-32 9OR RENT In private home, close tm sunny front room, for gentlemen or business ladles Ivy 3540-L.ll-22-31 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room, north side; block of Lyric. 49 West Cain 11-22-30 FURNISHED ROOMS for lodger and light housekeepers. Give us a trial. 145 Spring. 11-22-29 IFt >R RENT -One furnished room for housekeeping; all conveniences. 256 I Houston,ll-21-2 Foil RENT One nicely furnished or un furnished room in north side private home; connecting bath; hot water; liouse keeping privileges.lvy 6358-J. 11-22-17 BY 'iwi.ei. rhree or four rooms, w ith bath, burnished complete for housekeeping. References. Ivy 2825-L.ll-21-46 I NICELY furnished room, with or without board: steam heat: private family; ! nortli aide. Ivy 4538. 11-21-48 'N’CEI.Y furnished n . ms; conveniences; . meals if desired .'lain 1592-J. I 11-2t-41 Furnished Rooms For Rent. FURNISHED room, very close in; hot and cold water, gas and electricity. Toilet and bath adjoins room. Reasonable rent. Atl. phone 5600-8,11-21-40 TWO large steam heated rooms. Apart niMit B. 28 E. Alexander st. 11-21-2~> FURNISHED room, steam heat, electric lights, private home. Would board two young men, two meals per day: perma nent: private bath. Ivy 6164. 139 East Tenth street.ll-21-30 FURNISHED rooms with kitchenette; close in. 52 Williams. Ivy 2842-L. 11-21-32 NICELY’ furnished rooms; hot and cold water. 46 Houston St.ll-21-13 FRONT room for rent. "With board. 20 E. Ellis St. 11-21-12 PRIY’ATE family in West End would rent nicely furnished front room, board op posite. 50 Grady place, West 48-L. 11-21-11 FOR GENTLEMEN—WeII . furnished room. Furnace heat. Georgian Terrace neighborhood. Myrtle St., near Ponce De Leon avenue. Private home. Phone Ivy 1495.11-21-3 NICELY’ furnished front room, second floor; all conveniences; reasonable. 66 YVest Peachtree. Ivy 5552-J. 11-20-39 NICELY furnished room to gentlemen in steam heated apdrtment; close in; north side. Ivy 6033-J. 11-20-34 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished steam heated room, adjoining- bath, for gen tlemen. YValking distance of town. Call Ivy 5374-J. 11-20-20 FOR RENT —Newly furnished rooms, gen tlemen or couple. 4 YY 7 llliams. Ivy 6102, 11-20-22 FOR RENT -Nicely furnished front room; gentlemen preferred; conveniences; close in. 43 YVest Caln.ll-20-23 FOR RENT —Well ventilated steain-heat ed room; connecting bath; electricity; phone; everything first class. Main 1909. 37-20-11 ■ ■■■■ ■ ■ ''l 1 - ~ ■■ YVANTED—Refined young lady roor.ier; beautifully furnished steam-heated room; on car line; only sl2 per month. Meals in house if desired. Call Main 5571-J: 'll-20-17 FOR RENT —Furnished room, with all convenience. l !, including steam . heat; close in. 45 Williams street; apartment 3. 11-20-12 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room; pri vate family; conveniences; close in. 120 East Fair. 11-20-8 WANTED -Nice couple or young men to occupy large steam-heated front room; also refined young lady for single room. Excellent meals served. 301 Peachtree. 11-20-7 FOR RENT —Nicely furnished room for one or two gentlemen; private family; conveniences. 125 East Georgia avenue. near Capitol avenue. Main 37-14-L, 11-20-6 FOR RENT —Nice room, with private family; close in. 151 Spring street. 11.-20-4 COMPLETELY’ furnished housekeeping room; $2.75 weekly. 31 Hood, near Whitehall. Main 2758-J,48-19-11 NICELY furnished room; all conven lences. Ivy 5063-J. 11-19-34 FOR RENT—Three clean, sunny rooms, upstairs, for light housekeeping. $12.50. 341 Capitol avenue.4l-19-11 FOR RENT—First-class rooms at Y’oung's liofel; reasonable. We rent by the week or day. 27% South Pryor street, Atlanta. 37-19-11 WANTED—CoupIe to occupy large front room, with or without board, at 109 YV. Peachtree street; ten minutes walk of Candler Bldg.ll-19-4 FOR RENT—Furnished room in West End to gentlemen. Atlanta phone 3911. 11-16-30 NICE single rooms, $2 per week. 102 Ivy street.ll-16-27 NICE congenial lady wanted to share room with young lady. References ex changed. Main 1592-J.ll-16-39 FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms; rea sonable conveniences; no children. 240 Central avenue.ll-16-45 DELIGHTFUL front room: private bath; garage; refined home. Peachtree, care Georgian. 32-15-11 FOR RENT Handsomely furnished rooms; everything new and fresh throughout. None but first class need ap ply. Prices from $2.50 to $lO per week. 15 Ponce DeLeon avenue, just across the street from the Georgian Terrace. 11-15-17 BRIGHT, nicely furnished, steam heated room; close in; two young men. Ivy 5580-J,ll-18-42 NICELY’ furnished rooms within three blocks of Terminal station. 173 South Forsyth st.4o-18-11 NICELY furnished upstairs room; all con venlences; close in, 189 Ivy. 11-18-26 FOR RENT -Handsomely furnished fif teen-room residence. Everything new and fresh throughout. Steam heat. Nice two-story garage. Just across the street from Georgian Terrace. Could be used for first-class boarding or apartment house. Possession given at once. Best butler and cook in city. Several nice ladies al ready in house. Price $175, to right par ty. Phone Ivy 6531. Reason for renting, owners leaving city.ll-15-1.6 FOR RENT- Furnished rooms; newly fur nished; close in; elegant meals next door. Terms reasonable. 75 Washington, FOR RENT Two connecting rooms; el egantly furnished, for four young ladies or gentlemen; $6 a week: meals next door. Reasonable. 75 M'ashlngton.llß-3 NICELY’ furnished rooms. 80c night, $2.50 a week and up. Broadway Hotel, 7% N. Broad street. Hot and cold water. Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. FOR SENT—Unfurnished room in new bungalow, with owner; furnace heat: very reasonable; West End. Address Box 962, care Georgian. 47-22-11 FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms for rent. 343, S. Pryor.ll-21-39 TWO or three furnished or unfurnished rooms and kitchenette to desirable par ties. All conveniences and with refined people. Apply at ::47 Grant St. 11-21-19 THE WOODROW. 143 SPRING STREET. ROOMS furnished or unfurnished: also for light housekeeping. 11-12-12 What have you lost? Try a three-time ad in the "Lost and Found” columns of The Georgian and recover your articles. Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. FOR teENT—Two front rooms, north side; all conveniences; very reasonable. Ivy 825-J. 48-_22- 11 THREE beautiful rooms. $8: 1 •on street; % block from Peachtree road, beyond Buckhead. 54-21-11 THREE large connecting rooms in cot tage. 17 Grady place. West End. z 33-21-11 Ft>R RENT —Four rooms, secorid floor, all modern conveniences. Rent reasonable. Close in. 302 Rawson St. 30-21-11 FOR RENT Three or four rooms, suit able for- light housekeeping; sink in kitchen: instantaneous heater in bath room. 240 Ivy, Ivy 2125-.1.11-19-50 TWO very large unfurnished rooms, suit able for ligh. housekeeping; close to center of cit'. Ivy 6288-.1. 11-20-28 FOR RENT Two large first-floor unfur nished rooms: reasonable: references ex oh an ged. 439 Central avenue. 11- 20 -25 F< >R RENT Five new upstairs rooms: , bath, water and gas; $16.60. 55 South Mel 11-20-18 Fi fl'll rooms in private home: reasonable rent. North Side. Ivy 3841-.1. 1 1-19-14 Fol; ItENT—One unfurnished loom, downstairs, ami conveniences, close In; reasonable. Ivy 6661. 11-15-15 Housekeeping Rooms For Rent. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, one~furnish t ? and one unfurnished; close tn g. rew li-20'-5 TYVO connecting rooms keeping, furnished room. 140 Snrine street - 11 -16-31 — . Unfurnished Apartments For Rent M ILL sublease second floor apartnmni seven rooms; two baths. 31 East Sixth street. Phone Ivy 4378. 36-18-11 FOR RENT—Apartments, new moUer? and fireproof; select neighborhood' clos» in. A. W. Farlinger, 304 North Boule vard' 51-15-n Furnished Houses Fon* Rent. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished sbDroon bungalow, half-block; Ponce DeLeon avenue; modern conveniences; no chil dren; references. Phone Iw 1762-L 4f Kennesaw avenue. 11-16-6 Unfurnished Houses For Rent. FIVE rooms and bath, on ground flom $20.60 per month. 167 Crew; street. Iv< 3807-I'. • 11-22-I'a FOUR rooms and bath, ground floor $11.60 month. 158 Simpson street Phone Ivy 2807-L. 11-22-15 FOR RENT—Modern north side cottage' six rooms and bath; S2O per month’ Phone Ivy 6432. li-22-18 FOR RENT—Five-room cottage, 262 Wes< Fourteenth St., close to steel plant Phone Main 4449-J, 26-21 -11 118 WEST ALEXANDER STREET, close in, near corner Lovejoy street, 4-room hall and bath, all conveniences, sls pei month. Apply Fitzhugh Knox, 1613 Can dler Bldg, 11-16-35 445 LUCKIE STREET, right' near Tech 7 suitable for boarding students; $45. 778 East North avenue, six rooms; modern in every respect, with every convenience near Druid Hills; $35, 387 North Jackson street, eight rooms, S3O. Call Webster. Main 2106 day, 2506 night. 807-8 Fourth National Bank Bldg.n-16-21 LEASE OR SALE—Artistic bungalow- screened, tiled, furnace, gapage. ley Park." Georgian. 31-15-11 HELP WANTED —To develop the resour ces of Southern California, the land of progress and new ideas. Read about the Op portunities in the Ninth Anniversary Edi tion of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico, 15 qents a copy. Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send In your order now. 10-21-4 FOR RENT, HOUSES—cal'i write or phone for our rent bulletla. Ralph 0. Cochran, 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21 THE HOUSE you buihd, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. WAN TED—Children to attend the best schools In the United States. They are located in Southern California. Bring the old folks along. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will tell the story of the most remarkable school system ever devised. Out Decem ber 25th. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or for eign points, 25 cents. Send In your order now. 10-31-4 Stores For Rent, WANTED —Visitors to come out and see the great Southwest. Most of them will want to stay. The Ninth Anniversary- Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th. will set forth the reasons. Mailed tc any address in United States or Mexico, 15 cents; Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send in your order now. W-21-4 Furnished Rooms Wanted. WANTED—By young, refined couple, two rooms,- furnished complete for light housekeeping; steam or furnace heat; all conveniences; close in. Phone Main 571 WANTED—Two furnished 'bed rooms writh bath between; close in; board not necessary. Address Box 219, care Geor glan. 29-22-11 Unfurnished Rooms Wanted. YVANTED—Unfurnished room by young couple with meals or meals nearby. In man Park section preferred. State loca tion and price; references. Box 969. care Georgian. 11-20-11 Furnished Apartments Wanted. FAMILY of four adults desire to rent furnished apartment beginning in De cember. M. L. W., care Georgian. 11-20-9 Furnished Houses Wanted. WANTED—To rent furnished and estab lished boarding house. Answer quick B. E. D., care Georgian. 11-22 1 Unfurnished Houses Wanted WAN'I'ED HOUSES—We have demands for several first-class houses on the north side. If you have anything you want rented, list it with us. Phone I. 1600. Edwin P. Ansley, Realty Trust Bldg. 11-21-27 Garages Wanted. WANTED—To buy poxtable garage, sec ond-hand. if cheap for cash. Address B. C. A., care Georgian. 11-20-"’ HELP WANTED-To develop the ■ sources of Southern California, the land of progress and new ideas. Read about the opportunities in the Ninth Annivet sary Edition of The Los Angeles Exam iner, out December 25th. Mailed to an' address in United States or Mexico. 15 cents a copy; Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 L __ | _ | I—HI Railroad Schedule. "PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH ’ ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS, ATLANTA. The following schedule figures are pub lished only as information, and are not guaranteed: No. Arrive From—|No. Depart To— -35 N. Y0rk..5:00 am| 36 N. Yorkl2:lsam 13 Jaxville. .5:20 am 20 Col’bus. 5:20 am 43 Was’ton 5:25 am 13 Cine! 5:30 ant 1J Sh’port.. 6:30 am 32 Ft Vai. 5:30 am 28 Jaxville. 6:50 am 35 R'ham.. 5:45 an; •17 Toccoa.. 8:10 am 7 26 He111n.... 8 20 am ttYanad » .-5 am 29 N. .York 8.20 am 23 K. City. 7:00 an. 3 Chat'ga.lo:3s am 16 Brjns’k 7:45 am 7 Mac0n...10:40 am| 29 8'ham..10:45 ans 27 Ft. Vai..10:45 am| 38 N. Y’orkll.Oi a4». 21 Col’bus..lo:so am; 40 Co’J‘*‘.e ’2-00 n’’ 1 6 Cincill:lo ami 6 Mac0n..12:20 pn- 29 Col'bus.. 1:40 pm 30 C’pu5....12:30 pm 30 B’ham... 2:30 pm 30 N. Y’ork 2:45 pm 40 B’ham.. 12:40 pm 15 C’nooga 3:00 pm 39 Ch'lotte. 3:55 pm 39 B’ham... 4:10 pm 5 Macon... 4:00 pm *lB Toccoa. 4:30 pm 37 N. Y’ork. 6:00 pm 22 Col'bus. 5:10 pm 15 Bruns’k 7:50 pm 5 Cinci. .. 5:1*) pm 11 R’mond.' 8:30 pm 28 Ft. \ al. 5:20 vm 24 K. City.. 9:20 pmj 35 Heflin... 5:4u pio 16 C’nooga. 9:35 pm 10 Macon.. 5:30 pn 19 Col’bus .10:20 pm' 44 Wasli'n. B:4.'P" 31 Ft Va! .10:25 pnu 24 Jaxville. 9:30 pn 36 B'iiam...l2:oo ngt 11 Sh'port.ll:lo p: 14 Cincill:oo pm | 14 J'xville 11 ii o i’ : . Trains marked thus <•) run dMy. ex cept Sundae. Other trains run daily. Central time. Chv Ticket Office, No. 1 Peachtree