Newspaper Page Text
A Common Sense Treatment
for Colds and Catarrh.
Gives Instant Relief.
\ • matter how miserable you are’
v :■ > catarrh or a cold ip the head, nose |
:,,..ped up. throat sore, eyes running, j
if pain in the head, dry cough, fever, 1
breath, Ely's Cream Balm will give
, instant relief.
i gets right at the root of the trou
leanses, heals and strengthens the
sot-e membranes, stops the nasty
tli--.-n.rge so that you are not constant- I
I io> ing the nose and spitting. In a i
f minutes after applied you can just
f, it doing its work of clearing the
the pain and soreness are re
\ d. the breathing becomes natural
’ the stuffed up feeling is gone. This
rising, healing. antiseptic Balm
cins no mercury, cocaine or other
nful drugs. It is easy to apply, ;
pi -mt to use, and never fails to giv. i
i. f. even in the worst cases.
.' ever neglect a cold, and don't, suf-
' th ■ miseries of catarrh nor disgust ;
friends with your hawking, spit- i
and foul breath. Get a 50-. ( -nt '
• .-'le of Ely's Cream Balm from your
u rgist. ami start the treatment at ,
. You will find will be tin
investment you ever made. (Advt.)
A Simple Remedy Gives Color.
Strength and Beauty to
the Hair.
V OU d-n t have to have graj hair or I
fi '- 1 -i.' if you don't want to Wh\ i
" d <r unattractive'.' If your hair i
■ srt or faded, you can change it I
.' ■ ouickij and effectively by using '
'V'- til's- Sag. and Sulphur Hair!
lb uedy. Apply a little tonight, and in ;
a- morning you will b<* agreeably stir- I
a; ,-u at the results from a single
application. Th< gray hairs will be
■ s- conspicuous, and after a few more'
applications will be restored to natural i
' yeth's Sage and Sulphur also
tiidckly removes dandruff, leaves the I
clean and healthy, and ♦>romot«-s !
growth of the hair. It is a clean |
wholesome dressing which may be used
at any time with perfect safety.
Get a fifty cent bottle from your
druggist today, and see how quickly
!' will restore the youthful color and
beauty of your hair and forever end
the nasty dandruff, hot, itchy scalp
and falling hair. All druggists sell it
under guarantee that the money will
*>< refunded if you are not satisfied
after fair trial. Agents, Elkin Drug Co.
I win Wil I I mmb
Owes Her Life to
Eckman’s Alterative
A Valuable Remedy for Throat and Lungs
l-A -kman’s Alterative is being used with
>i!.-c*--.< H j n the treatment of Tuberculosis
;ti all parts of the country. Persons who
taken it, improved, gained weight,
ha listing night sweats stopped, fever
diminished, and many recovered. If
you are interested to know more about
it we will put you in touch with s«»ne*
who are now well. You can investigate
and judge for yourself. Pead of Mr>. ’
Govort’s recover.'..
Griffith. Ind.
“Gentlemen: Thinking that perhaps a
short history of the remarkable r»- iver?
of my mother-in-law (Mrs. Xnna Govern
might benefit some « sufferers, i give
the following testimonial: Abot:i Sep
tember 10. 1908, she was taken sick wi.h
Patarrhal Pneumonia, and continually
grew worse, requiring a trained nurse.
-Xigl.t sweats were so bad that it was
necessary to change her clothing once • r
wi.-e every night: her cough increased
ano got So bad that everybod.\ expected
’hat she would not live much longer. In
•January, when Rev. Win. Berg, of St.
Mu haels church, at Shereville, Ind., pre
fer her clea th. h
1 get Eckman's Alterative, iird see if it
v -« nhl not give her some relief. I then
’•equested the attending physician to give
"is diagnosis and he informed me that
■du- had (Consumption and was beyond all
medical aid. When 1 asked if he thought
’hat ii was useless to try the Alterative,
replied that ‘X’o physician could help
" any and 1 could suit myself about it.’
s " i immediately had Rev. Wm. Berg to
■nd for a bottle. ITaePcally
■ •ope for recovery. I insisted that she in
die Alterative, which she did. 1 am glad
II aj that she soon began tn improve.
"V.. she works as hard as ever, weighs
‘ ’•■“•ntv pounds heavier than she ever did
; more she took sick, and is in good
■•<dth. She frankly says she owe.- her
'’»■ and health to Eckman s Alterative.
' Sworn Affidavit) JOS. GRIM M ER.
li'kman’s Alterative is effective m
1 h"Uehitis. Asthma. Hay Fever: Throat
Lung Troubles and in upbuilding toe’
ten i loes n t contain p 11 -- ■’,
• ties or habit-forming drugs. I’"r sale by
•I of Jacobs’ drug stores and otlmr lead
mg druggists. Ask for booklet telling °i
1 verles. and write to Eckman Labora-
Philadelphia. Pa.. for additional j
O< onee. (Advt. i
I 'vster tatties, such as an- T-ldom
'" 'nd anywhere outside of youi o« n
itchett, are prepared on short notice b>
Zakas. Leave orders at the new breti"
”nd cake store, 30 Peachtree street
I'ive Points. Philip Thompson, the i>- -
b cad. cake and pastry baker in Ameri
is a friend in need when you a’ l
giving- luncheons, teas or any function
"here cake, pastry or cookies -o
served. AU bread anil cake left from ,
Saturday sold at half' prie< Manila) |
(Advt. i
Want Ads i
We are Specializing at $12.50
for Friday and Saturday
The Best Cut, Tailored and Trimmed
Suit, Overcoat
igftfy * wk or
SB Cravenette
CT $12.50
(&■ Al
est — Ta Vls, t an! * > ou *<H b 2 convinced before
purchasing elsewhere. Stop in and make a |
il\ comparison in Quality, Co or, Style, Model ;
j ” and Fit
We also carry a
complete 1 i n e in
Youths’, Boys’ and
Children’s Clothing ii'/
at Special Low IlSf’ \ 7 \ ’
Prices - II
•• •
Satisfaction Guaranteed y > pS
No Trouble to Show Goods ; -CS /
- Il iiji
The Largest Shoe // V ? Ki
nod Clothing Store in /1 I
the South. .
OtSAN .. _ ... OLSAN
company company
Succes'o s O Stumors
to D
As hundreds of Atlanta
men have done—prove to ?
yoin- lasting financial *
beneiil that vve can and
to $15.00 on
E\ er\ Suit and Overcoat '
yon git hci-t— "MH
Krom to $35 for a J K?’ jw fa
Suit or Overcoat that yon
can have made here Im*
sls. Over
to choose from. All work Guaranteed
Overcoat or 3 Piece Suit
Made Union
to Your n Label In
Individual JB Every
Measure Garment
Corner Auburn Ave. and Peachtree Street
127 Stores from Coast to Coast
k ts A. •
$- I Ilf] • I an ‘ l all inebriety and
tWM Opium and Whisky
eSr--'-; rhese diseases are curable. Patients al<o treated at their
;ame- Consultation confidential. A book on tlte sub-
StCy, ject tree DK B B WOOLLEY &. SON.. No. i-A Vie-
tor Sanitarium. Atlanta. Ga.
[Winter Clothes!|
/ A A Vuk
/ "\ si 'lllimTni nTffl r NUltuTnimll rtTnllx
i I no I
I WW I SIA week I
'IvI /I II If you were asked tiie question—“ What, would he 8
the easiest way for you to buy Winter Clothes for your-
V jk . self and your family?”—what would you say? Could
you think of a better, more sensible, easier way than ■
i\\y < O the paying of a small amount down and the balance by B
H “A DOLLAR A WEEK?” This plan appeals to the
<3 B rich and poor alike—it’s good business.
I $13.50 and up I W A ° a? I
B II I ■ B
I P rices are J usi as ou} as an y
■; WOmI prices. Every garment in my store is abso-
' TlllTli 11 [ill Tllr lll’Pili !§1 lately new. Only a few steps off White-
o hall. Every step means dollars saved to
W B y ° U ' rLL CREDIT YOU -
H Suits in all colors, handsomely trimmed, very styl- B
_ , B ish. They will delight you, for
I ! Full Lins of 6hous a sio<» t° $35.00 g
I Illi I "' Z'X I
y 'i W A special sale of Bine Serge Suits that cost $25.00
J ' /Lg 1 I I anywhere for
3 lb it hi $i5.00
F' 4 ' z I
I im" I* ' Other Suits in all colors and fancy mixtures, in
M < mart, nobby fall styles for
| ■ 1 JH| Isi SIO.OO to $30.00
B■, . B
I H r IB $5.00 to $25.00 B
I J Ik ~ BOYS’ I
IIT SI 5.00 111 | ' Norfolk S<-li< i Siin.-s. with B
11 Uwl " e " art ~ I
x Women’s Millinery in Abundance.
I' J Large Stock of Trimmed Hats for
g $2 to sls -g| I
or’ I
complete line of Men's I®
Beautiful stock of Women's ajSSsfe*’ nobby, smart Hats in the iat-
Coats: big. warm, stylish. winter styles, including
combining style and comfort’.
$7.50 Mil up | I h $1 to $5 I
14 W. Mitchell 14 W, Mitchell |