Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 23, 1912, HOME, Image 24

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—"•••wssrieSiN.Ar Jig** B ***?*'-*- - i GOODYEAR COMPANY MAKES HIT Window Displays. Balloon, and 50 Per Cent Equipment Indi cate* Atlanta Activity. The Goodyear concern whose tires were on 42 of the 88 cars at the show, typifies the activity, the enthusiasm, the ambition, the enterprise of youth. It is composed of young men and when ever you meet them they are the kind of mOn you like to meet. After nil, men a: e the big thing behind any busi ness. Window Display! Everywhere. It would be impossible for me to comment on the suqffoss of the Atlanta show without mentioning the attrac tive and attentive compelling power of the window displays placed in windows of al) the leading dealers In Atlanta. The design was simple, but highly ef fective. Tiie arrangentent of the tires In the dealers’ windows was identical with the ones placed in the branch win dow at 223 Peachtree. In addition, the branch had a “Wingfoot” worked 1n sand on the floor. A large non-skid tire was run over the wet sand, thus leaving the imprint of the deep cut blocks which clearly and apparently demonstrated the non-skid properties '>t this popular non-skid tread. These attractive and tasteful win dows decorated with show colors added much to the gayness and festivity of the Auto City of the South. Balloon “Goodyear” Creates Sensation. Wherever one went one heard wagers and comments on the height, size and capacity of this famous balloon. Every toy balloon on the street showed that Atlanta had “Hailoonltes." Despite the fact that the Goodyear shipped special ly from Milwaukee did not arrive early in the week. Manager Hyde put up the balloon with illuminating gas from the city plant. That the balloon did go up and save disappointment was due to the superiority of the city gas and to the Initiative and resource of Mr. Hyde and his men in getting a special pipe to the balloon. Mr. Hyde also announced that owing to the delay- in the 52 hy drogen tubes sent from Milwaukee the balloon would remain in Atlanta until the hydrogen arrived. Then that it would carry up friends —no matter how long it took. Tn the recent aeroplane flights held at the Speedway It Is notable that the machines of both Charles Wiggins and Thornwell Andrews were equipped with Goodyear fabric and tires. Goodyear aeronautical supplies are used almost exclusively by leading aviators Goodyear Popularity. Goodyear monthly sales now just about equal their yearly sales in the year 1909. Last year's output for the first six months was 18.307 automobile tires. This year's output for the same six months come to 495.988 tires. At every show these tires stand out just M they have over the country. The fact that such a concern of such importance as the Goodyear Tire ami Rubber Company sent bo many repre sentatives. not onlj' men from the fac tory, but from all the branches in the South, proves that the Atlanta show Is of considerable Importance. Credit to Mr. Hyde. To Mr. Hyde is due much credit for boosting Atlanta and for getting his concern to pay such tribute to the au tomobile industry In the South. It is pleasant to note the ceaseless activity of M: . Hyde and w hat he has done for the good of the business. OPEN NEW TRUCK FIELD. The lack of railroads in some of the South American countries promises to open tn entirely new field for motor trucks Where steam and electric rail roads have not penetrated and local and Interurban transportation is proving a serious problem, the motor truck tills a long felt want. Tlie Gramm Motor Truck Company, of Lima, Ohio, recently shipped a two ton truck, which is to be used as a twenty-passenger omnibus, to Brazil, where a firm of Americans have under taken to establish a transportation service. CA DILLAC STEINHAUER & WIGHT 228-230 Peachtree St. Ivy 2233 fiTiTfiß “30” Touring Gir •• FrAvJlIiH O” To uri n Car -1 uo sizes ■ MUliljiw H cylinder The White T T 120-28 Mur»<rtt«,St. I Simple Engine * Accessible * Economical / ar ‘ I The ’ ’ r j»-Wqr-lc »o, st. j ■ r {WO JY.' aL -4 .Jpg Nrtdßfer '/v» Jr F® A • xi i'W®" IF’ 11. E. Hyde, Manager Atlanta Branch of Goodyear Co. STEVENS DURYEA OFFERS NOVELTY IN NEW DESIGNING An adjustable rear seat is the motor car novelty this tall. It is an advance toward increased comfort, for however easy riding a ear may be, the passen ger’s enjoyment depends a great deal on his sitting position. And that is a matter of leg room and seat angle. In designing their new car—which they intend for an epoch maker —the Stevens-Duryea engineers gave special attention to ease; and .1. Frank Duryea got the idea of the adjustable rear seat into his mind. The Atlanta Georgian Automomli Department A ' Y "'f Y 1 | f S I .-Xy . h* A WARNING. Teacher Now. Johnny, what do we learn from the parable of the prodigal son ? Johnny— Why—er—l s’pose it teaches us not to be a calf. ADAPTABLE MAN. Artist (to gentlemen whose potrait he has just painted)—why are you Facing at your portrait so thought fully? Gentlemen lam wondering what I'd better do to myself to make me look as much like the picture as possible. ar King of the Auto Show BUCK Is Acclaimed HERE ARE SOME OF THE POINTS IN WHICH BUICK EXCELLED: PHICE SERVICE COMFORT APPEARANCE OPERATION POWER UPKEEP COST WEIGHT GRACE ACCESSIBILITY OF PARTS SPEED Don t make the mistake of buying some other car and then wish you had bought a BUICK. Buyers of motor cars do not have to grope in the dark. The happy experience of thousands of Bl IUK drivers is proof that BI’IUK embodies all the best, most practical and most desirable * I features that have made f he motor IK • car a boon to humanity. We wish to express our appre ypOßi| ’ ! K ciation for the many compliments II iinf t expressions of approval re- ; *’. v the Bl IUK auto show . -• all stlo ' v vis- I Mr J o, ' s bitercsted in BUICK cars Z " ! H BUICK sales r 00 1“ for • art her inspection and demonstra . «l!b> rfi tion. ' BUICK INCLUDE EVERY ACCEPTED STANDARD FEATURE AS REGULAR EQUIP MENT AND IN THE BUICK LINE OF THREE TOLLING CARS AND TWO ROADSTERS IS A CAR FOR EVERY MOTORIST. BUICK prices: Touring ears, fully equipped. Model 23. si.100; Model 31, $1,350; Model 40. $1,725. Roadsters. Model 24, $1,000; Model 30. $1,190. BUICK MOTOR COMPANY Atlanta Branch, 52 North Prvor Street R. H. LOSEY, Manager HMIBG LKH OUTPUT At Meeting of Stockholders It Is Decided to Greatly En large Activities. On Friday, October 23. the R-C-H Corporation invited those interested in the company, including shareholders, to attend a meeting for the purpose of disclosing fully the ondition of the company's business, l> lleving that those 1 who had contribute.! in any form to the upbuilding of the companj were enti tled to as much information as to its activities as tiie stoeK holders and offi cers, and at that meeting a condition or status was shown that was most grati fying,. Contracts backed by deposits from dealers for oars aggregating, both in domestic and foreign trade, more than 16,000 were shown. The capacity of the company tn turn out cars according to the high standard which it main tains is now over 50 cars per day. The report showed that the company indulged in the fullest confidence of the meeting and that cost of operation and production was such as to afford a safe margin to the company, and also indicated conclusively that fairly com pared, the car gives as much to the public, at the price, as any car on the market. The reports from the dealers and from the public as to the satisfac tion given to users of the cars were extraordinary. One of the purposes the management had in mind was to learn whether those Interested in the company deemed it ■better to limit the production to such as the present facilities of the company enabled them to place upon the market or to undertake to meet the greater de mand by enlarging the activities of the company. At this meeting a most un usual tribute was paid to the company and the car production. Every one at the meeting assented to a plan of oper ation for the company during the next year whereby its output will not be cur tailed and Its financial position made so secure that despite any rumors that may have been behind them, the friends of the car, its users and those inter ested In its success show that it may be positively assured that the R-C-H is in the field for an even greater suc cess than it has enjoyed in the past, and will continue to meet the increas ing demand, whatever it may be. The R-C-H Corporation advises that i within the near future they may have I some further details confirmatory here of to give out to the trade, as well as the public. It has been discovered that In the city of Philadelphia there are at present on the statute books thirteen separate or- ■ dinances governing and defining the i rights of various classes of vehicles. ■ The new ordinance now being consid eredl is a composite of all the thirteen. I Maximum speed of ten miles an hour is ; provided within the city llmtls under penalty of a $25 line. HUDSON ATTRACTS INTEREST r— 7YTWT- 11 1 .t ' i\ -S3 ’ L™ I ' iSHI HRkt* 1 nc \'eu. 'HUDSON "37” Torpedo .ttJESgl\- s Jr* ’’ Four {.'vlmder * L— ; J *— -W ' - Hudson “37.” the product of Howard E. (Joifin. has made the Fulton Auto exhibit a popnl one at the show. Km "SIX" TO BE TESTED IB BOOTH Studebaker Car Will Be Driven Through Heavy Sands on Radiator Test. The new Studebaker six which was driven down to Atlanta ffom Detsoit by Chief Engineer and Designer Haz lett will be sent from Atlanta through th<» sands and bad roads of south Geor gia and Florida on the final crucial test. Harry Cohen, of Atlanta, and George Meinzinger, of the factory experimen tal department, will make the trip, and their instructions are to drive the car as hard as possible and give it the roughest treatment that any owner would possibly subject his car to. In explaining the idea of this trip, Mr. Hazlett said: “We have tested this car over moun tains and the worst roads in the central section, but we haven’t had the oppor tunity of trying it out on the sands of the South. We want to nut this car to an absolute test on the sand, in order to find out which'of our three radiators is best suited for the South. If the car heats up the boys will put on the other radiators, and we will find by actual test which we will want to put on cars for Southern trade. Details of every mile and the behavior of the car in each mile of travel will be fur nished me, and I can know then just what is best. I have told these boys that I don’t want them to take care of this car, but if necessary tear it up. for we must know these facts before we ship cars to our dealers.” /"•'w • \ '' vn k - - . i - w The car will be driven down through way down the east coast of Fl south Georgia, and probably all the and then back to Detroit l"?■ sfj. .’SHetfetel" * "• a g ,j tfWMI “If s ail ! so s ™^ e ”l just like an ■ Electric” II THAT’S what you’ll say after having looked at i g the perfected control system in the Henderson Luxury Car. It’s the simplest idea in the world ?| —the exclusive Henderson single lever center i control. The lever is between the front seats —entirely out of the way. Just raise up the lever, pull slightly toward you and engage your clutch —you roll forward on low. Let the lever drop downward —pull out clutch —press lever forward —and you are | in intermediate gears. Disengage the clutch —pull lever back | to you —and on high gear you rush forward swiftly and silently S in this Henderson Luxury Car. Reverse is lever above and slightly forward. It’sallsosimpletohandleyou'llbeastonished. K | This Henderson offers unusual features at an unusual price 11 —and with everything you’ll want in a motor car. Il $1485 A Complete Car in Every Detail I Dynamo Electric Lights {Left-Hand Drive Self Starter Single Lever Center Control Long Stroke 4Js xSX Silent Motor 34x4-in. Tires 116-in. Wheeibase Demountable Rims Nickel Trimmings Stutz Rear System Gasoline Tank Under Dash Cowl Three-Point Suspension Imbedded Dash Lamps ~ i Silk Mohair Top SSO Model B Stewart Speedometer with Grade indicator g Windshield Robe and Foot Rails Completely Equipped S 3 Ij I lUAUIV V,»l WIUI cvciy ucsiramc icaturc. n s inuuc ngin. g| a( a moderate price—and the Hendersons of Indianapolis stand back of it. We are ready to demonstrate now Atlanta Auto Sales Co. 225-227 PEACHTREE STREET. General Distributors for Georgia. South Carolina and Florida. / z 'K Henderson Five-Passenger .y _ ' Touring Car ■PLx I TJSL, ,