Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 25, 1912, HOME, Page 18, Image 18

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18 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. Auction Sales. AT AUCTION. SEVERAL CONSIGN- MENTS OF FINE HOUSEHOLD GOODS, IN CLUDING EARLY ENG LISH DINING ROOM SUITS. SEVERAL BRASS BEDS. MAHOGANY DRESSERS. CHIFFON IERS, DAVENPORT, LEATHER PARLOR SUIT. MATTING, LIN OLEUM, HALL RUN- NEBS, RUGS, AX MIN STER AND WILTON ART SQUARES, ETC., TUESDAY. NOV. 26, A3' 12 E. MITCHELL ST. COMMENCING at 10 a tn., we will offer to the highest bidder a fine lot of household goods. Including Early Eng lish buffet, pedestal dining table and set of chairs to match: three very tine brass beds with National springs, felt mattresses, feather pillows. wool blankets, mahogany dressers, bird’s eye maple chiffoniers, fine mahogany parlor suit upholstered in genuine leather. ladles desk, mahogany dress ing table, davenport, mahogany. Early English and fumed oak rockers, oak chifforobe. mahogany library table, iron beds, gas stove, a fine lot of odd reception parlor and reception hall chairs and settees, rugs, lace curtains, hall runners, Axminster, Wilton and Brussels are squares, matting, lino leum, hall and stair carpets, pictures, bric-a brae, set of brass andirons and many other fine house furnishings too numerous to mention, absolutely to the highest bidder Tuesday, November 36, at 10 a m. Open for inspection Monday. CENTRAL AUCTION CO,. 12 E. Mitchell St. CENTRAL AUCT TO N~C 67.“12* E Mit. • hel 1 st., buys and sells everything; regular auction Tuesday and Friday. Sell phone Main 3424 10-3-41 PAWN BROKERS AUCTION’ HOUSE, 51 Decatur street. We buy and sell any and everything. Atlanta pnone 2285; Bell . phone Main 1434. Main 187. 7-29-20 SI’RIN’GER'S Auction House, at 25 South Pryor street, will buy or sell your » household goods, pianos and office furni ture Main 1526 10 3-6 PEMBROjKE Sales Company under new • management; will accept your surplus stock of any kind on consignment; cash advanced; settlement on date of sale. 143 South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1434, Main 187, Atlanta phone 2J186_ 8-6_30 WANTED- Manufacturers and merchants to help manage the business end of the Panama canal. It Is located at Los An geles, the key to the great Southwest. The Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25, will have the facts about this great proj ect. Mailed to any address In United States or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or for eign points 25 cents. Send in your or der now 10 21-4 TO EXCHANGE—The best climate and soil in the world for a tired and frost bitten farm back East. The Ninth An niversary Edition of The Ix*s Angeles Ex aminer, out December 25th, will tell where they are and how to get one. Mailed to any address In United States or Mexico, 15 cents; Canada or foreign points. 25c. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 For Sale—Miscellaneous. lAiR sale CHEAP Smith Premier typewriter No. 2. Call Main 171*2, or Atlanta 1803 Address .1. F. G., 42 Mudl ■*on ave 11-25-36 GROCERIES. Western meats, vegetables, fruits Phones Ivy 1751-52-53. Bar uett's. 810 Pea* htree street 11-25-23 RADIANT HOMEr hard coal stove; per fect condition Bell phone M. 5155-3. or apply 620 Washington street _ _42- 26-11 J**OR SALE Stoves, beds, mattress, fur niture. chickens, etc., at bargain prices See them at 96 Holderness st.. West End Owner leaving city. p -25- ■ I FOR SaEe (’Reap $17.50 Wurlitzer or chestra Phone Iv>y 21*59. 38 -25 -1 * FOR S ALE Moslem safe; good corn!itlon double Inside and outside doors; 26x25x 17 inside. A. M. Sheets, 121 N. Prvor street. 11-25-11 FOR SALE—-Second -hand Diebold N Kienzle safe; finish spoiled, but other wise good condition: double inside and outside doors; dimensions 34x26x15. Box 244, care Georgian. 11-25-10 notice!. YOUNG LADY. 17. wants position as stenographer: good character, will con sider small salary. Address Anxious, Box 314, care Georgian. 25-25-11 DI’NTLEY PNEUMATIC CLEANER sHe? move dirt and germs from rugs, carpets. floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from $32.50 up; vacuum sweepers, 19.75. C. J. Daniel A- Co. 416 Fourth Nat. Bk. Bldg 12-2-11 FOR SALE MISC VISIT OUR TOY BASEMENT. Wheelbarrows 50c up Doll Carts $1.50 up Doll Beds $1.50 up ( ‘hairs and Rockers . . . .$1.50 up Desk and Chair $2.98 up Dining Room Set $3.50 up Steel Wagons SI.OO up Velocipedes $2.00 up Automobiles $3.75 up Special showing of Furniture. Suitable for holiday gifts. Terms if desired. Goldsmith-A.-ton Witherspoon Company. Lifetime Furniture. Rugs and Draperies. 62 Peachtree. 61 N. Broad. BUY - YOUR THANKSGIVING TURKEYS AT SEWELL COMMISSION CO M P A N Y. LOWEST PRICES IN CITY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 115 WHITEHALL STREET. ROOMING HOUBI PROPOSITION EIGHT ROOMS. CLOSE IN will SACRIFICE FOR CASH OR MIGHT RENT TO RIGHT PARTY; FURNISH INGS COMPARATIVELY NEW RENT OF BUILDING IS REASONABLE Bl'll MAIN 2806. ATLANTA 473 __ 11-19,« FOR SALE Qteap. gas stove. 42 Crew ztreet. , 113-33. h LADIES' black broadcloth coati size 42 full Matin-lined; never worn- will «eii I cheap. *'all Ivy 1416 before 9tn the morn- I ing or after 6 In the evening 11 -22-38 ft>R SALE—(***** bras- bed. spring ami i mattress; good condition; for sale halt i price Phone ivy 4281. 11-22-34 ORDERS taken for Vll kind of A a ke- Also sweet wafers. Mrs Jeter. 16 Sl*al place. 11-22-3 HEATERS. 32 50 to 345? We save enough to buy your coal Southern Stove and Supply Company, 121 White hal 1 street 10-15-4 COMBINATION coal and p - rang*-- ~1 SitLTl®,1 OVe and Supply Company. ■’ Whitehall 10-15-4 For Sale—Miscellaneous. WE SELL STOVES cheaper because our expenses are less Southern Stove and Supply Company. 121 Whitehall 10-15-4 COME 10 corner Peachtree and Ellis streets for brick, lumber, doors, sash ami' mantels, cheap. Denton & Flournoy, house wreckers. 11-12-15 i CARRIAGES REPAIRED AND RE?’OV~ ERED. NEW RUBBER TIRES PUT ON YOUR BABY’S CARRIAGE. RHONE IVY 3076. ROBERT MITCHELL, 229 EDGE WOOD. 7-18-15 LOOK at our stoves and ranges before you buy one anywhere. Southern Stove and Supply Company, 121 White -10-15-4 CADET HEATERS, with coil. Southern Stove and Supply Company, 121 White ball. 10-15-4 LAW BOOK BARGAINS -Sets of Amer. Bankruptcy Reports, Century Digest, Ency. of Evid., etc. Prices and terms on request. The Harrison Company. Atlanta. CAST RANGES, with water back, S3O and up. Southern Stove and Supply Com pany, 121 Whitehall. 10-15-4 COAL! COAL! JELLICO LUMP $4.75. PIEDMONT COAL COMPANY. BOTH PHONES MAIN 3648. PERFECTION oil heaters, $3.50 up. Southern Stove and Supply Company. 121 Whitehall. IQ-15-4 Fol ND The best place for prosperity and success. Eveirybody’s doing It. 1 Come out to Southern California The Ninth Anniversary edition of- The Los I Angeles Examiner will set you right. Out 1 December 25. Mailed to any address In | United States or Mexico 15 cents a copy. I Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send in your order now 10-21-4 SAFES, files, cabinets, new 7 A~2nd~ hd? Gookin Bank & Office Equipment Co. -20-31 NEW beautiful rugs woven from your old carpet, superior to any in service; plain or designed; any size. Catalogue free. Oriental Rug Company, Baltimore. -16-31 National Cash Registers. $35. SSO, S6O, $75 and up. Terms easy Lib eral exchange allowance. Both phones. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., HELP WANTED—To develop the resour ces of Southern California, the land of progressand new Ideas Read about the Op portunities in lhe Ninth Anniversary Edi tion of The la>s Angeles Examiner, out December 25th. Mailed to any address In United States or Mexico, 15 cents a copy: Canada_or foreign points, 25 cents. Send In your order now 10-21-4 Money to Loan. FOR 6 per cent and 7 per cent loans. See John E. Gay, 801 Empire Life Bldg Main 141 10-4-45 MONEY ON HAND fo* Immediate loans on property In or near Atlanta. J. E. Van Valkenburg, 501 Equitable building. 6-6-22 WEYMAN * CONNORS. ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-3 SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND, any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call S. W Carson. 24 South Broad street 4-1 17 ON FIRST mortgage real estate security Home funds and insurance money. Rates s'i to 8 per cent interest. We also make monthly payment loans. We car. give you the money as soon as titles are ap proved. RALPH Q. COCHRAN CO., 19 S. BROAD ST. L. H. ZURLINE, Loan Manager. THU PRUDENTIAL IN SURANCE CO. of Ameri ca can make you a loan on Atlanta improved property, through their loan corre spondents, Turman, Black & Calhoun, 203-8 Empire Building. 6-7-12-1 FARM LOANS placed In any amount on Improved farm lands In Georgia The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould build ing. 7-13-1 AND BROKERS *°' MTm / L,-- BLDG. loan Shone main jj« CO STRICTLY PRIVATE WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson. 11 Edgewood Ave. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments Confiden tial. D. H. Tolman. 624 Austell building. Real Estate For Sale. BIK A NEW HOME WITH RENT MONEY—OnIy one left; five-room bun galow; No. 93 Miranda ave., between North and Ponce DeLeon ave.; all Im provements; nf> mortgage on it; small cash payment and then only $25 month, like rent See Copenhill l.and Co.. Own ers, 836 Equitable Bldg. Phone Main 603. A BEAUTIFUL shaded lot In College Park. 75 yards from car line; will sell at a sacrifice. Write to H. P. Landrum, care I*. 0., Atlanta Ga 52-23-11 WANTED To buy nice six-room bunga low in suburbs; large lot; prefer all conveniences, near car line; on easy terms; not over $3,250; give location, price ami terms. Address Home, Box 205. rare Georgian. . 50-22-11 FOR SALE OR RENT BY OWNER A north side bungalow, located No. 99 West Twelfth street, .between West Peachtree ami Spring streets, and should be seen to be appreciated. Has large liv ing and dining rooms, hardwood floors, beam ceilings, two bedrooms, bath be tween. A most attractive, new home in fine section. Price $5,500 on terms, or for rent. Owner, 409 Equitable Bldg IF you want to enjoy life buy this place; better than going abroad; tine fishing, boating ami bathing: 5-rootn house, plenty of fruit and timber; one hour’s ride of Atlanta; one mile of electric plant; lights can be. bad cheap—dirt cheap. R. E. Ffn ley, Route 4, Atlanta, Ga. 11-14-34 FOR SALE on River car line, new three? room house; $1,000; sls a month: no cash payment. John Carey, 2 Whitehall street. f_ 11-2-56 THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. Real Estate for Sale or Exchange. FOR SALE or exchange for anything of value, equity in house and lot at 412 Fraser st.: must go. Call Main 1792. or Atlanta 1803. Address J. F. G„ 42 Madi son _ave. 11-25-37 Farms For Sale. Plantation For Sale. 100 ACRES of land !n Greene county, three miles from Greeneboro*» t ourt house, fronting on well kept road, 50 acres in cultivation, 50 acres in heavv tim ber. plenty of running water; land lies well: price $3,000. $1,500 . ash. the balance in <>ne. two and three years at 7 per cent ' inlerest Call Mack. Main 3373, Atlanta ! 104, ti u South Broad street. 11-20-16 Farms Wanted. W \Nn.l» *po buy ten acres about four miles from center of eltv. ’ Give full i desvription and price first letter. M. E.. 4. I eachtree street. 32-25-11 ’ 1 READ FOR PROFIT— GEORGIAN WANT ADS— USE FOR RESULTS POU MW’ Thomasville Poultry Show The poultry show just recently held at Thomasville was a success in every way. The weather whs line, the at tendance good, but best of all, there was a large and choice display of poul try—so much so that a larger tent was necessary to accommodate the cooping. It. was held, as usual, in the great pine park in the very heart of the city. To say that there was quality would be putting it mildly, ipdeed. Take, for example, W. H. Lester’s exhibit of White Rocks. They were crackerjacks from start to finish. His first prize pullet, also winner of sweep stakes for the best bird in the show, was one of the best I have seen in a long time. His first prize pen showed quality all through, good enough to win sweepstakes for best pen in the show. E. E. Mack, of Thomasville, made a regular killing with his White Wyan dottes and Buff Orpingtons, as will be noted from the awards. Besides all his winnings in the reeftlar classes, he was fortunate enough to get three of the sweepstakes prizes, viz., best hen in the show, best cockerel in the show and the whitest bird in the show, all on his White Wyandottes. This is nothing unusual for Mack, for he won a lot of sweepstakes atyl regular prizes at both Atlanta and Augusta last year. He did not make these sho&s this year. In the Rhode Island Red alley the honors were pretty well divided be tween W. W. Nesbitt and B. F. Cren shaw, both of Bainbridge, Ga. These breeders of Reds are certainly on the right track from the rich colored birds they were showing. In White Orpingtons W. N. Single tary showed stock that was simply beautiful to behold, not only to the cas ual observer, but the experienced eye as well. They showed uniformity and careful breeding. We. wish we had the space to mention 'each and every one. Taking It up one side ami down the other, the Thomasville show was a splendid success and a long step in ad vance for the poultry business in that sectioi). We trust that they will con tinue to improve in the future as they have in the past. The awards: Anconas. A. T. Snodgrass—First and second cock, second and third pullet, first pen. E. 1. Mathews. Panama City, Fla.— First hen. Ettie M. Mathews, Panama City, Fla —Second hen., W. L. Wight, Cairo, Ga.—First an( second fockerel, first and second pullet Andalusians (Blue). E. I. Mathews, Panama City. Fla.- First cock, first hen, first pullet. Ettie M. Mathews. Panama City, Fla. —Second hen. > Games. Pit (Warhorse)—Dr. J. E. White, best pal r. Cornish Indian —Ettie M. Mathews, Panama City, Fla., second pullet: R. R. Vann, first pen. Wljite Indian —C. C. Cocroft, first hen, first, second and fourth cockerel, first and second pullet. R. A, Weldon, third cockerel, third pullet. ’ Langshans. L. A. Varnadoe —First cockerel, first pullet, first pen. Leghorns. (Black) E. I. Mathews. Panama City, Fla.—Second cock, third hen. Ettie M. Mathews, Panama City, Fla. —Second hen (Brown)—Mrs. T. J. Pfister—First cock, first hen, first cockerel and first pullet. Ettie M. Mathews. Panama City, Fla. —Second cockerel. (White) E. I. Mathews. Panama City, Fla.—First cock. C. C. Cocroft—First cockerel, first pullet and second pen. E. Crozier —First pen. (Rose Comb White) Ettie .M. Math ews. Panama City. Fla. —First cockerel, Leghorns. FOR SALE- Three hens and one cock erel, thoroughbred White Leghorns, Ferry strain; first money order for $3.50 gets them. R. H. Crawford, Tiger, Ga. 150 FINE White Leghorns, $1 each. T7 S. Bottenfield, Phone 27- J Decatur, Ga. „ SPECIAL. HAI E pen beautiful yearling White Leg horn hens, headed by handsome two year-old cock. This pen cost me over $l5O and are from stock with a pedigreed trap-nested egg record of from 218 to 251 eggs per year. Can spare few eggs at $3 per setting South Georgia Poultry Farm. Sale City, Ga. 11-6-41 STOCK ANT* EGGS for sale from prize winning White Leghorns, at all times. Mrs. Robert West. 132 Carter Hill road. Montgomery, Ala. 11-9-66 Rhode Island Reds. HAVING purchased the entire flock of J. 1. Hosford and, combined with mine, I can offer for sale first pen, fourth pen and fifth pen at the Georgia Poultry as sociation. October-November, 1912; cock erels. $2.50 up; pullets, $2.50; have over two hundred to select from: eggs. $3.00, $5.00 and SIO.OO per setting of 15. Mrs. A. L. Mall hews. Redan. Ga. 11-25-35 My combined winnings so far this season at the Hagerstown. Macon and Au gusta shows on S. C. R. I. Reds were five firsts, four seconds, four thirds and four fourths. As show birds they win and as utility stock they lay and pay. Eggs and stock for sale. For prices write Mrs. P T. Calloway. Washington, Ga 10-26-9 Plymouth Rockg. GREEN ACRES Home of White Plym outh Rocks. Pullets $1.60; cockerels $3 Farm reared, bred to la> and win. Eggs, babv chicks. Maud Freeman, R. 5, Griffin, Ga. 100-23-11 MY While Rocks won championship pen and best bird over notable competition at South Georgia and Florida show, judged by F. J. Marshall; a few cockerels and pullets for sale I have some quality matings. Henry W. Lester, Thomasville, Ga. 11-23-39 Wyandottes. THE FAMOUS Regal strain of White Wyandottes. We have four pens of these grand birds mated and can furnish eggs for hatching at $3. $&, $lO per fif teen. Now is the time to buy eggs that will produce the winners for next season’s Shows. Regal Wyandotte Yard, 230 Ogle thorpe avenue, Atlanta. 11-16 18 Minorcas. FOR SALE Excellent Black Minorcas; good layers: $2 each. H. V. Franklin. Register. Ga. 49 20-11 Hogs. PIGS -$3.50 to s*» each Some of lot very fine English Berkshire; large and thrifty. College View Poultrj and Stock Farm. Route 1, College Park. Ga 11-23-20 Turkeys. FOR SALE—Another fine flock of Giant Mammoth Bronze turkeys of prize-win ning blood. Mrs. J. H. Odom. Niota. Tenn.. Route No 1 48-4-11 JUtKJf. IJ. MARSHALL first pen, first pullet. E. 1. Mathews, Panama City, Fla. —Second cockerel, second pen. (Single Comb Buff) Ettie M. Math ews. Panama City, Fla. —First pullet. E. I. Mathews. Panama City, Fla. —Sec- ond pullet. Black Minorca*. Frank B. Harris —First pen. Orpingtons. (Buffi E. E. Max?k—First and. second cock, first and third hen. first, second and third cockerel, first, second and third pullet, first pen. T. R. Jongs— Second pen. H. A. McGee—Third cock, fourth pullet and third pen. E. Crozier —Fourth pen. (Black) E. E. Mack —First cock, first and second hen, first pullet. W. W. Nesbit. Bainbridge. Ga.—Second cock, third hen. second and third pullet. (White) W. E. Singletary—First cock, first ben, first pullet, third cock erel and second pen. H. C. Arnold- First cockerel, third and fourth pullet. W. G. Turpin, Americus, Ga. —Second cockerel, second pullet, first and third pen. C. M. Tuttle—Second, third and fourth hen. Plymouth Rocks. (Barred) E. I. Mathews, Panama City, Fla—First cock. G. W. Stephen son—First pen. (Partridge) Henry Herbener—First cqpk, first hen. (Buff)H. C. Arnold—First cock, first, second, third and fourth hen, first, sec ond and third cockerel, first, second, third and fourth pullet, first and second pen. (White) H. C. Arnold—First cock, first and second hen, second cockerel, second and third pullet. H. W. Lester -—Third hen, first and third cockerel, first pullet and first pen. E. I. Math ews, Panama City, Fla. —Second pen. Webster Edwards—Fourth hen. Rhode Island Reds. (Rose Comb) Ettie M. Mathews. Pan ama City, Fla.—First hen. first cock eral and first pullet. (Single Comb) W. W. Nesbit, Bain bridge. Ga. —First cock, second hen. first and fourth pen. B. F. Crenshaw, Bainbridge, Ga.—Second cock, first hen, second cockerel, first and second pul let. second and third pen. B. W. Stone —First cockerel. third hen, fourth cock. E. I. Mathews. Panama City, Fla. —Third cock. Wyandottes. (Columbian) Ettie M. Mathews, Pan ama City. Fla. —First hen. (Buff) E. I, Mathews,—Third hen. Ettie M. Mathews —Second hen. (White) E. E. Mack—First and sec ond cock, first and second hen, first, second and third cockerel, first and-sec ond pullet, second pen. E. L. Aider man, Pine Park, Ga. —Third and fourth cock, third and fourth hen. C. R. Grif fin—Fourth pen. (Partridge) C. C. Cocroft —First cock, first hefii Bantams. (Buff Cochin) Worden E. Mack- First pair. Mary Mack—Second pair. (White Cochin) Webster Edwards- First pair. Ducks. (White Indian Runners) H. W. Les ter-First and second pair. B. W. Stone—Third and fourth pair. (Fawn and White) C. M. Tuttle- First and second pair. Sweepstakes. Best pen on exhibition (White Rocks) —H. W. Lester. Best cock on exhibition (White Rock) H. C. Arnold. Best hen on exhitbition (White Wy andotte) —E. E. Mack. Best cockerel on exhibition (White Wyandotte)—E. E. Mack. Best pullet on exhibition .(White Rock)—H. W. Lester. Whitest bird on exhibition (White Wyandotte hen) —E. E. Mack. Best bird on exhibition (White Rock pullet)—H. W. Lester. Ducks. PURE White Runners; a large flock for sale; old breeders, and birds five and six months old. Write quick. R. J Latta, Yorkville. S. C. 35-25-11 FOR SALE—Pure White and Fawn" and White, grown stock, ducklings and eggs Prices low. Quality high. Satisfaction guaranteed. Georgia Duck Farm. Smyr na, Ga. 119-23-11 CHAMPftINSHIP White Runner ducks; eggs from best pens. $5.00 per setting; second pen, $3 00.- Henry W. lister, Thomasville, Ga, 11-23-40 WHITE RUNNER ducks of quality; stock and eggs for sale. Snow White Poultry Yards, O. O. Ray, manager, Kirkwood. Ga. Poultry—Miscellaneous. 11. G. HASTINGS' & CO? SEEDS .PLANTS. BULBS, AND PET STOCK; NORTH AND SOUTH SIDE DELIVERIES IN THE MORNING 9 O’CLOCK, INMAN PARK AND WEST EN» 2 P, M. PHONES 2568.. A SWEET SINGING CANARY bird and nice brass cage makes a very accepta ble gift. Wq have a beautiful lot of birds at $2.50 each and cages at from $1 to $5. A NICE LOT of gold fish at 10c, 15c and 25c each; globes at 25c up to $3; orna ments and fish food. ALL V AKIETIES of bulbs for indoor and outdoor planting. Time now to plant them. Bulb catalogue free. WE HAVE a fine lot of fems and other potted plants and can save you money on them. RED COMB MEAT MASH, the food that makes hens lay In the winter time; get a l*ag of it and make the hens lay; $2.25 per 100 pounds; 10 pounds, 25c. WE HAVE a remedy for every chicken disease. If you have a sick chicken, phone us. WIZARD BRAND SHEEP MANURE is an ideal fertilizer for the lawn; $1,50 per bag of 100 pounds. One bag suffi cient tor ordinary size lawn. Order a bag today. You will be surprised at how much better the lawn will look. WE HAVE a nice lot of fox terrier pups little beauties, at $7.50 for males, $5 for fenjules. THIS IS A GOOD TIME to sow'Tinglish rye grass. Just sprinkle It over the old lawn. It comes up in a few days and is pretty and green all winter and spring wiliT'sell orTexchange ' WHITE *'R BROWN leghorns, White Wyandottes. Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks or Indian Runner ducks for White, Black or Buff Orpingtons. Cornish games Minorcas, any variety of Wyandottes ex cept wfflte. rabbits or pigeons College View Farm, Route 1, College Bark. Ga F**R SALE -Twenty-five S. C. White Leghorn pullets. 15 White Wyandotte pullets; all laying; first-class stock. E. B Havey. Box 81. Lithonia, Ga. 11-22-25 Associated Charities. Associated Charities. Cut Out, Fill in. Sign and Mail Today. Atlanta. Ga., .1912. Associated Charities, City: Please enroll my name as a sustaining member. Until further notice, i will contribute $ an nually for its support, to be paid , Name G Address • ■ ■ This Space Donated By EOSTER & ROBSON, REAL ESTATE. Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. FOR RENT 11-r. b., 94 Nelson street $50.00 8-r. h., 225 Ivy st., Dec. 1 50.00 10-r. 11., 432 Central avenue 27.50 ' 8-r. h., 9 Orange street 37.50 9-r. h., 9 East North avenue.... 55.00 8-r. h., 15 West Third street 32.50 9-r. h., 52 Cooper street 37.50 [ 8-r. h., 504 Gordon street 25.00 WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY’ RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of everything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTING AGENT, 12 AUBURN AVENUE, PHONE MAIN 612. Real Estate For Sale. EIGHTH STREET BUNGALOW—S4,2SO. NEAR North Boulevard, we have a new 6-roorn bungalow which is jam-up in every way. Furnace fieat, splendid lot, right off car line with ten-min ute schedule. SSOO cash and the balance to suit. See this place, as they are scarce on the north side at this price. TENTH STREET BUNGALOW. NOT far from West Peachtree street. This beauty has 6 large rooms and sleeping porch, is new and up to date in every way. elevated lot 45 by 160 to alley. Tenth street will soon be one of the choicest streets for homes on the north side. Price $6,000,0n terms. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton Street. * Both Phones 458. Do You Ever Think of the Widows and Fatherless? The Associated Charities does. During the past twelve months the asso ciation interested itself in 120 widows, all with children under 14 years of age. , Your subscription to the Ad Men’s Associated Charities Fund may mean life Itself to one or more widows and fatherless. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. A Little Thought On Your Part Must Convince YOU that gifts of money, of clothing, or of food, in themselves are un able to help a struggling family permanently. The immediate wants of a family once supplied, and the unfortunates revert to begging with its at tendant miseries. THE ASSOCIATED CHARITIES REMOVES THE CAUSES OF POV ERTY. HELP THE AD CLUB HELP THE ASSOCIATED ' CHARITIES HELP OTHERS TO HELP THEMSELVES. hakiiils J. H. EWING WHY NOT INVESTIGATE? EVERY paid worker of the Associated Charities could double his or her salary in some other line of work. The money spent in salaries produces a se7v*l.l for the public which could not be obtained by a private eonceriffor twice the sLm If you are skeptical investigate the Associated Charities—its books and records are open to you—Oß ASK ANY AD MAN. records Space donated by Atlanta Suburban Realty Company. ROUGHLY SPEAKING, IT COSTS I'HE ASSO CIATED CHARITIES $lO to look after and work a permanent cure from poverty in every “ease*’ coming under its observation. YOU CAY SCRIBE ENOUGH TO TAKE CARE OF ONE “CASE.” HELP THE AD MEN IN THEIR CAMPAIGN. R. 0. COCHRAN CO., Real Estate, Renting at/d Loans. Eggs. THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs' $1 per 15. 126 Windsor street. Main 3588. 10-9-15 Incubators. GET our big catalogue of incubators and brooders. Southern States Incubator and Brooder Company, College Park, Ga Horses and Carriages good condition. Ivy 2144-L. 11-23-30 GOOD side spring Mayer buggy for sale cheap. Can be seen at 133 Peeples St. SPRING wagon and good set of single wagon harness for sale. ‘ lan he seen at 133 Peeples St. 11-23 -12 FOR SALPU-Horse; weight 1,050 pounds; age. coming seven. Call or phone Lieu tenant Butler, Fort McPherson. 11-18-6 Ponies. FOR SALE—Ponies for Christmas, S6O to SBS; nice spotted ponies. Can make arrangements to ship for Christmas. J. P. Frank. 204 Fourth Ave., Nashville. Tenn Bones. GROUND BONES FOR CHICKENS EVERY’ day. Campbell Bros.. 89 Decatur Disenfectants. CREOSOTE is an excellent germ destroyer for poultry raisers to use about the premises. We have it in any quantity. Atlanta Gas Light Co. 10-30-13 Real Estate For Salt Legal Notices. SEALED PROPOSALS rno” PLUMBING, HEATING AND WIRING Required in the U VV??I HOUSE FOR FULTON COUNTY LADER CONSTRUCTION on the south east corner of South Prvnr J? i ?? , Hunter streets, in the city of ui„^ St Georgia, for Fulton county. Geortf a- ’ 1. Separate sealed proposals for each loads’ ao,ressed ‘he commissioners o’} roads and revenues of Fulton count?. Georgia, will be received iintnit^ 5 ,' a. tn., December 2. 1912 to? th J °£ k thl ° f material and >abor required for •A) PLUMBING, CONSISTING rttr tS‘ .^TTINGi T ,<B> HEATING, CONSISTING OF (C) IRING, CONSISTING riu* C1T ’ WIRI ™ a& in £ qui <£ In the building, covering an area of ? ‘^/fa U lL b city of Atlanta, Georgia, for’ Fulton spection‘at’the’ m ,ile Z?‘* 11 in" »peciion at the office of the commiaqinn flccu° f f°ih ls anil reven ues and at the of °L the aSsi <>ciate architects. A Ten Wk Brown and Morgan * Dillon «n --as sa*.- 2. Copies of drawings and specifics Hnn«i may be obtained from the above archf ß tects at 807-610 Forsyth building Wanta tor’’ f2*V°f n r a <le P Oß,t of a certified check for 120 for each set. Said cheek t, I>7. to ’J 1 * maker “p™ the return of didon nBS and in 8. All bids must be submitted on sne- ? r rf Li?' 0,108,11 bjanks furnished by above and h l ? V 8| or ' vill nt ” be considered and accompanied by a certified cheek for nat’ahl. re t nt ’ t,C ,Otal amount of bid payable to the commissioners of roads and revenues of Fultm, . ountv, Geortfa as a guarantee that the successful bidde? Wil enter into a contract according to said plans and specifications and execute a bond for double the amount of contract MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1912 Real Estate For Sale gHARP & HELP THE AD MEN HELP THE ASSOCIATED CHARITIES HELP OTHERS TO HELP THEMSELVES. SPACE DONATED BY SHARP & BOYLSTO REAL ESTATE. Houses For Rent. FOR RENT BY~~ Geo. P. AFoore REAL F.STATE AND RENTIW 10 AUBURN AVENUE M Atlanta Phone 5408. Bel* Main -j 377 EAST FAIR STREET; we have a room cottage that we have just n* first-class shape; new plumbing- all r* newly papered and carrying all um conveniences; nice neighborhood do' school and within easy walking ’disti Price $25. 248 SOUTH PRYOR STREET; vYta two-story house of eigh* room ail modern conveniences; nice ne'zb hood; close to schools and within minutes walk of center of the eltv dandy location for boarding house us shovr you through. Price $35. ' Railroad Schedule. "PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOL ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE 0 PASSENGER TRAINS, ATLANT, The following schedule figures are lished only as information, and are guaranteed: No. Arrive From—l No. Depart T* 2 C’cinnati.2:ssam 36 N. Yorkl2-1 35 N. Y0rk..5:00 am' 2 J'ville 30| 13 Jaxville...s:2o am 20 Col'bus. 5 3 43 Was’ton 5:25 am 13 Cfncl 5:3* If Sh’port.. 6:30 am 32 Ft Vai. 5:3 25 Jaxville. 6:50 am 35 B’ham.. 54 •17 Toccoa.. 8:10 am 7 C’nooza 6'4* 26 Heflin.... 8:20 am 12 R'mond 6:5i 29 N. York. 10:30am 23 K. City. 7.0 i 3 Chat’ga.lo:3s am 16 Bruns’k 7:4; 7 Mac0n...10:40 am 29 B’ham..lo:4i 27 Ft. Vai.. 10:45 am 38 N. Yorklhii 21 Col’bus..lo:so am 40 ChTtte 12:01 6 Cinci 11:10am 6 J’ville..ll:2( 29 Col'bus.. 1:40 pm 30 C'bus..,.l2:i 30 B’ham... 2:30 pin 30 N. York 2 * 40 8’ham...12:40 pm 15 C’nooga 3:o® 39 Ch'lotte. 3:55 pm 39 B'ham... 4:l® 5 J'ville 4:sopm *lB Toccoa. 46® 37 N. York. 5:00 pm 22 Col'bus. 5:lfl 15 Brunu’k 7:50 pm 5 Cinci.... S:M 1 Jack'vllle.B:lopm 28 Ft. Vai. 5:2fl 11 R'mond. 8:30 pm 35 Heflin... 5:4a 24 K. City.. 9:20 pm* 10 Macon.. 5:3fl 16 C’nooga. 9:35 pm 1 ("clnati B:3® 19 Corbus..lo:2o pm I 44 Wash'n. Bla 31 Ft. Vai..10:25 pm 24 Jaxville. o:3® 14 Cinci 11:00 pm 111 Sh'port.ll:!® 86 8'ham...12:00 ngt j 14 J’xvllie 11:M Trains marked thus (•) run daily,® cept Sunday. ■ Other trains run dally. Central * :r.® City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree, Legal Notices. within ten days after the i.oilß tton of acceptance of his bid. failiruw said certified check shall 1 :ue f'd® to the commissioners of roads and ■ emies as liquidated damag* ■ 4. (>n signing of contract and appj of bond, the certified cheeks o* tlu-uiO cessful bidders will be return -<l :*•> ■ respective makers. ■ 5. Bidders will furnish sufficient „ dence of their ability and this class of work and must proper resources to ear*-.* out w>rk‘O facgirily to the arehite*-*s and the *■ ntissioners of roads and revenues. ■ 6. This work, tor which above ■ posals are requested, nu.s* • omnin'iK'O the site not later than December If. ■ 7. Payments nnon the work ""‘‘M made on the certificate of the ard'M on the first day of each and t-w*'.' during the time of this eontraet per cent of the value of the ■ nished and erected, provided ine M tractor lias made application »''«■ signature for said eer :tic;n ■ on " r '■ the 27th day of the preceding *U"*;‘ that a schedule of material and ““’M place lias been furnished with tne ™ mate. A certificate will be gw eE ' architects for the balance, or n 1’" M upon completion of the .-ontra.';. formlty with the plans and ■-!•’>' ■ application having been made - M 8. Each proposal shall be ■ the full name of the bidder, an a company or corporation, by t'. 1 ;,-" of each partner or officer, w ■ shall be written in ink ami *.-xi ,rt - M words as well as figures. , ■ 9. The commissioners of roadi enues of Fulton count,'. 1 the right to reject any or ** !l neI M 10. By order of th* i.* 111 "-’;- 1 roads and revenues of I-alt" 1 ■ Georgia. (Signed) CLIFFORD L AM'bK’W Chairman Commissioner Revenues. Fulton I'.umty. - ,p H. M. WOOD, (’jerk. Peter Brown vs. Mrs. I 'an..:e ' , I Mrs. Judith Everett ence Everett-, Robert Hm-’L f administrator of estate Qulncey Everett, deceased. ‘ county, Georgia, and MaU •' Everett, of Vance county. lina. . Equitable petition to , ' Pn ,\'T •.wM title to lot at junction of u *■•' Forsyth streets, in the city ' : Georgia. In Fulton super'": M ary term, 1913. To Martha Tetlow h'''' r 'V' L ■ Nance county. North 1 a- 1 You are hereby comma*.' " _ U appear at the next term "J l ' , a “ court of Fulton coimUM held on the first Monday n then and there to nn< V r . '('icre* l( .H ant’s petition, as in defa.'■ lI ■ ',| court will proceed as to .I’*I*ll 1 * 11 pertain. t . pe ||. *■ Witness the Hon. tieoicr of said court, this 4*h •**•* 1912. A RN( *l.ll '? HPSt’l® CANDI.F.R, THOMS* *N 111 NOTH'E ■ GE( »RGlA—Fulton Cc-.ino y To Whom It May ' ■"'" I ' e , r 1 ~'ake«■ hereby given that 1 in’*' l ' ..... "-'B cation for a parole f"*' '’t”' ..... .<: ■ who was convicted "f tm*•* spring term. 1893. of l' ‘ tB court, Atlanta. Ga.. and ■■ imprisonment in the si; | Said application will | < prison commission a* , ' |p ' , q.r BB sion. which meets on the n ( December. 1912. ie Attorney for !!-■