Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 28, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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4 ~ 'C ASTORIA L&tup: _ For infants and Children, K fASTORIii' 118 “ v ™ Ha ” LH-niS|| SS®. PEH CENT * j Jalte Beal’S tllG Z A > V |l| EWSjMfI Signature Z/V H jPromotes DigeshonfteeriiF n f AAtf nessandßest£oiUainsndttff| '"*■* g l\ IM s* o Opium. Morphine iwMiiwral kt II I F \'.' i Not Narcotic. f V riS i lai fee I a .p» h F O i Zlywram'- } II I /I ’ 11 W*a fl Di ts:ioni:ti Snia * I sit ■ ! to/w. ] Jmh f linn & Zu J. USB gi*-* i Aperfecl Remedy forfimstifa | 8 tj tion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea I HJ m JSzfe Worms,ComnlsimisJewrish \ gt 1*0!* lIVPF rwss and Loss of Sleep. V/ IUI UlUl Facsimile Sitjnaintf of 5 ■ • w> |i■ „ SSJ Thirty Years l Hxact Copy of Wrapper. m ckntaur sommmy. new you* city. |’ I r " LIABLE ESTABLISHED 23 YEARS IR E.G.GRIFFIN'S GATE CITY OENTAL ROOMS BEL^ HONE 241 z WHITEHALL ST. atte l *°; nt SET OF TEETH PLATES MADE AND DELIVERED SAME DAY GUARANTEED ■ CROWNS $3.00 °orT .. .. $4.00 l l% G s SI.OO up attf&s soc up jJ A t I | Hours, 8a.m,t07 p. m. _A jfrA j Sundays, 9a.m.t01 p. m. I am doing the Best Dental Work, using the Best Materials, working Graduates of long Experience, men of Ability—a Specialist In each branch. Consequently you are bound to get the best. I guarantee that. I am Point one of the Largest Dental Practices In the South; it's because I give the Best j 8 '■ the ’east money. Ic. ifford It because lam doing the volume of business. riaCWWMjaWHMHWHaaMIBMiUWHWWM Herring-Hall-Marvin Safes a id | r ijcjrity Fireproof Cahinets | - - ™---t======: Several store-worn samples and odd sizes at very low price tor immediate sale. We need room. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. ! Gookh) Bank and Office Equipment Company 113-115 N. Pryor St., Atlanta I - - - ~ ...t Kansas City Florida Special FLENDID THROUGH TRAIN Atlanta to Kansas City Atlanta to Jacksonville Atlanta to Brunswick DAILY SCHEDULE NORTHBOUND. SOUTHBOUND. Lv. Atlanta .. 7:00 a.m. Lv. Atlanta 9:30 p.m. Ar. Birmingham 12:25 noon Ar. Jacksonville 7:40 a. m. Ar. Memphis 8:10p. m. . ~~T2 a tz ~ Ar. Brunswick 7:45 a. m Ar. Kansas City . . . .10:2oa. m. I , „. Ar. St. Lquu 7:25 a. m. <| Electric Lighted Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars Modern Coaches Dining Cars SOUTHERN RAILWAY FRISCO LINES ■ Prbmiei Carrier of the South " St. L. A S. F. R. R.” Jacksonville to Birmingham Birmingham to Kansas City. R. L. BAYLOR. 0 P A. A P. MATHEWS. D. P. A ATLANTA L ■«■.!.. " i ui w.. . ~M , - wItML , t WAY TO RENT YOUR ROOMS: fesE THE GEORGIAN 'REN I BULLETIN” 1 'rm: atlama glokgiax and nkws. Thursday. November m 2. WOMAN ACCUSED OF KILLING GIRL 7 YEARS AGO FREED BY JURY AUGUSTA. MAINE. Nov 28—Ml s. E.sie Hubus Raymond, who has been on trial here for th-- murder of Matti' Hackett. nt.v< n ago. was :equii-| tec! yesteiday. | The jury was out two hours and ai half. I The < ontention of Ute state was that; Mrs. Raymond strangled the Hackett girl to death in a fit of Jealousy caused by the attentions paid the girl by Ray mond. When the foreman announced tin verdict, a scene unprecedented in a Maine court took place. Women cried hysterically and cheered. Men applaud ed and for mor.- than a minute bedlam reigned. Bert Raymond rushed toward his wifi . She cried out ‘‘Bert" as she feii I into his arms. I Scores of women were crying and not ’ a few men were sobbing at the scene. Judge did not admonish the spectators for their actions. Mrs. Hackett, mother of the slain girl, and her daughters sat within fif teen feet of Mrs. Raymond when the verdict was announced. They did not applaud, but when the cheering had subsided Mrs. Hackett said she was glad theft the verdict was not guilty. HUNTER ACCIDENTALLY KILLED BY HIS BROTHER liLI.I.J AY, GA.. Nov. 28.—News lias just reached Ellijay of the accidental kill ing of Thomas Ponder, aged about 21 years, by ids little brother by the acci dental discharge of a shotgun while out hunting. The Ponder family lives near White Stone. Three brothers were out hunting on Town ereek, when they sat on a log to rest. The small boy in folding with the gun accidentally discharged it, the load entering the forehead of his broth er, shooting out Ids brains. He lived about two hours, i The boys were sons of William Ponder and grandsons of Thomas Ponder. Sr. GILMER FARMER JAILED TO FACE ARSON CHARGES EI.ELIA V, GA., Nov. 28. Three empty I houses belonging to Brownlow and Mark i Stanley, farmers living near Protection, in I the eastfirn part of Gilmer county, and a ! barn with feedstuff, were burned. Th» I tires ire supposed to have been of in | eemliary origin. The Stanleys came to i Ellijay and' phoned to Blue Ridge for bloodhounds, but failed Io get them- Sheriff Penland has arrested Loe Gong and Lester Ixing, neighbors of the Stan leys, on warrants charging them with ar son, the warrants being sworn out by the Stanleys. The prisoners are in jail. The affair has created great excite ment in the neighborhood, where all the parties are well known. SUBWAY FOR STREET CARS. WAYCROSS. GA., Nov. 28. —Materiai I has been ordered by the Atlantic Coast Line for the subway thai will be con structed on Plant avenue for the usp of street cats. The work will begin just as soon as the material arrives and will ' be completed within a short time. CHILDREN HAVE THE HARDEST COLDS Rapiu'.i growing ciiiid en need a ton ic 'o make reserve strength witli which I ■ ■■‘■■’si • umrhs and colds. And for sensitive stomachs Jacobs’ Wine Cod Jjiver Extract is best, as it does not disturb the stomach—instead it stimu ■■ om amt ineri-ttses the appe tit.e. a;, objectionable oils and fats have been eliminated, ami the medici nal properties of the livers combined with wild cherry extract, syrup of hy poplmspliites, aromatics and port wine, giving a very pleasant tonic and the most, rapid in strengthening and building up the system. To prevent coughs, colds, bronchitis, grippe ami pneumonia, it is invaluable; delicate children and the aged need it especially; and us a reconstructive aft er fevers and grippe it brings back the strength faster than anything else. Jacobs’ Wine Cod Liver Extract is our own laboratory- product and we know it is superior to any similar prep aration. We gusrante ■it unqualifiedly, if it does not benefit the patient, return empty bottle and we will refund your I money. Two siz’es: Sue and 67c, at all Jacobs’ stores. (Advt.) NOTICE, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ATLANTA & WEST POINT R. R. COMPANY. Effective Sunday, December 1, 1912, i changes of schedule will be made as follow e: No. 18, from Columbus, will arrive Atlanta 10:20 a. m. instead of 10:30 a. m. No. 41. for West Point, will leave At- I Uinta .7:45 p. m. instead of 5:40 p. in, J. P. BILLUPS. General I’assengc ' Agent. FLOWERS and FLORAL DESIGNS. ATLANTA FLORAL CO.. Both Phones Number 4. 41 Peachtree. • Advertisement.! Local Sleeping Car At lanta to Chattanooga, via' SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Leaves Atlanta Terminal 1 Station 8:20 P. M.. Occupy at Chattanooga until 7 A. M, ■ Y I GOOD DENTISTS AND GOOD EQUIPMENT MEA.’.S MORE PRACTICE AND I LOWER PRICES Gold Crown# $3.00 ■ Bridge Work $3.00 ■ ?«’ Ten 1 AU work svisraßtsed j ATLANTA DENIAL PAKLIIKSI C. A. CONSTANTINE. y :ql , I J.'.'h r.e .nd Dceatn St» ® Ultimo. W<, P.echtre. S: » 'CALEB POWERS, OF I GOEBEL CASE FAME, MARRIES RICH GIRL -1 NEWPORT. KY , Nov,, j ß.—Congress nun Caleb Powers, of the Eleventh con greseional district of Kentucky, who was I la id a prisoner for ;. -ars in the state pen [ itentiary in ei : I. -ctlon with the assassira ' lion of Governor Goebel, married Miss | Anna Dorothy hjaufman, at the home of the bride's parents, ill this city, last r.ig'it. - • , The ceremony was performed by Judge Harry Hawkins, an intimate friend of .Mr. I powers. The briue is the daughter of a funner well known • inciimati capitalist. BURGLARS IN MACON EVEN STEAL CONFEDERATE BILLS MACON, GA.. Nov. 28. iRLu-mt p. - iieemen and detectives are busy s<-ek- > ing to arrest the burglars who on the 1 | last two nights have committed fifteen robberies. The thieves have taken everything from an fmte-bellum ten- • cent piece to a cow. From the resi t dene,- of Mrs. R. C. Keen, on Rogers avenue, a large collection of Confed- i erat, money, worth sllO, npo. far ■ value, at the time of its issue, was stolen. , M. Birdsong, of th,- Houston road, lost his second Jersey cow of the week. Nc i arrests have been made yet. ' Chamberlin=Johnson=Dußose Co. Atlanta New York Paris Plain Facts for Fair Women’s Minds About An Unusual Display of Fur Coats As we are writing the first snow of the season is falling. It is fit and proper that you should know about this display of fur coats—know just how it stands ready and capable of helping you. First, foremost and most important it inspires confidence, it re lieves the mind of any woman who wishes to invest in a fur coat of all doubt and worries that might arise in a store where sales are of more consideration than reliability. No one can buy an unworthy fur coat in this store. We do not buy them: none is here. But there is more to fur coats than just quality—and Jthat is where this display becomes of greatest interest. These we bid you see this season have lost that bulkiness and heaviness that you have become accustomed through years to asso ciate with fur coats. They are trim, they are smart, they show the lines of tailoring fashionable right now. And there is a variety and a diversity here that puts you at ease at once. You will know where there are so many coats that you will find one to your exact liking—this means in the matter of pride as well as of style At $59.09- -A black Pony Coat, and it is richly marked, with deep shawl collar and roll cuffs, fashioned along the straight lines best this season, lined with figured or with plain Skinner’s satin. At $65.00—A black Pony Coat in, the very smart three-quarter length, with the short turn back collar and vest effect front, lined with purple satin. -—•--At $98.50— A Seal Coat, full length and perfectly plain, just noticeably fitted in at the back. At $25.00-— A natural Pony Coat—-the soft brown shade-—full length, great roll collar and cuffs of brown - - At sl2s— A black Pony Coat, full length, with large collar and cuffs of £eal, brocaded satin lining. ----- At $137.50—A Sable Squirrel Coat, rich, beautiful in color and quality oi skins, full length. At sls9— A Seal Coat oi three-quarter length that many will like for an wrap. It is a cutaway coat, collarless, with bands of skunk at the neck and around the cuffs. It is lined with apricot satin At SISO.OO— A Seal Coat, seven-eighth length, with large collar and turn back cuffs of Siberian Squirrel, cutaway effect, lined with purple satin, shirred at the edges. At $175.00 A Seal Coat, full length, plain, and the quality of the seal is very tine. It is soft, lustrous. At $175.00— A Seal Coat, full length, cutaway, with a great shawl collar and large cuffs oi beautifully marked Siberian Squirrel. It is lined with richly brocaded satin. Chamberlin JohnsoiuDußose Company MACON TO REPAIR ROUGH STREETS PENDING PAVING MACON, GA„ Nov. 28.—The bill which Joe Hill Hall put through the legislature, requiring the city to set i.-ble 833,000 .very yiar for paving, means that M icon will in due time have all paved streets. However, to maintain the general excellence of the thoroughfares until that time, city co Ijas commissioned a street re pairing force, whose sole duty Mill be to “work on unpaved streets. This gang marts to work this week. Its creation has been hailed with delight by owners of vehicles. | Obtain New Life. Howells’ Lymphine TABLETS THE SUPREME TONIC AND VYTADIZER Restore; the lost nerve for?e and exhausted vital Ry bj reylacinj the norvo and brain tissues A remedy fe* Nerroim frustration. Neurasthenia Piralyais and ail vitiated r .weakened conditio.p of the system In mtn or women. A positive remedy for Dy.-pepr-fa and Indigestion. (Juarnntffed free from n.i.cotic drugs. T?erj Inch improcerpent com*’ to slay. Writ? Im our h?a boon I.a>'b packuge .•ontainlnu FULL I'Als* TREAT MEN! by mall. sl. C. 11. HOWELLS CO.. 50 Church St., New York Cit3’. sale *1 *ll i ’ - u iie sto ?• k. Atlanta: Brown ac Allen. 24 WhiMUalJ SL. At lanta. end leading drugjbt- YOUR CHILDREN ——■■■■■■MB Sturt your children right. Giva them 8 Bank Account in this Bank and encourage them to save systemati cally. Saving and thrift are important items in the education of a child. “As a Twig is Bent, So the Tree Inclines.” The saving habit once formed in a child s life is a permanent basis for character. It leads to inde- , pendence and financial success. Four per cent in- 1 terest paid: SI.OO starts the account. WE FURNISH METAL SAVINGS BANKS tieorgia Savings- Bank & Trust Co. Open Saturdays from 4tol in addition to morning hours i