Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 28, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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GASMENTO BEi WED UNO DIKED Elaborate Preparations For En tertainment of Delegates Are Made by Atlanta Hosts. Elaborate preparations are being made for the entertaintpent of the 2,000 visitors who will come to Atlanta as ilelegates to the meeting of the Nation al Gas association. December 2 to 7. it is the plan of the Atlanta committee not to allow the visitors to spend one dull moment while they are here. i Luncheon will follow luncheon. Din ners innumerable will be given. The ater parties have been arranged, rhe • iitertainment is plannd to be on the most extensive scale Atlanta lias ever known. All the expense will be borne b\ the -as association and the Atlanta Gas Light Company, but Preston S. Ark wright, the chairman of tip- entertain ment committee, has named a number ~f prominent Atlantans who will aid Im in acting host. While there will be scores of private entertainments, the following official occasions have been arranged: Monday evening. December 2. buffet supper at the Piedmont Driving chib at 7:30 o'clock. Wednesday evening, December 4. the. nter party at the Grand opera housi . Friday evening. December ( v : :ju o'clock, banquet and beefsteak dinner .it Taft hall in the Auditoriu i;. There will be some 800 persons seated al this dinner, and arrangements have been made for some vaudeville sketches in addition to the usual . fter-dinner speaking. Saturday afternoon. I -e.inber 7. barbecue at Grant park. OFFICE HOLDER AT SAVANNAH TO QUIT AS TAFT GOES OUT SAVANNAH, GA., Nov 28. -Tl gl i . resignation of William R. Loaken, hid) will be personally tendered to 1’ i-sident Taft between non and Sat rday, the office of collector of customs t Savannah will become vacant on larch 4, the day of President Wilson'- i mtuguration. The step proposed by Mr. Lenke.n i no surprise to his friends. He leaves oday for Washington with his fam! •• for a stay pf several weeks. One of his first missions at the capital will be a formal conference with the president on the subject of the proposed resigna tion. Mr. Leaken says that he believes in a old doctrine that “to the victor be longs the spoils,’’ and that he proposes ■i hand in his resignation in ordc not :o avoid the incoming administration His term would expire next August. AMERICANS BLAMED BY SCOTLAND YARD FOR THEFT OF $50,000 LONDON, Nov. 28. That a band of \merican crooks "ho niak- Paris tlieii headquarters engineered the theft of 50.000 from a consignment of $1,000,- 'OO in gold specie from the Bank of England to the Credit Lyonnais at Alexandria, Egypt, was the theory on which Scotland Yard operatives w-re working today. It is believed the gold was stolen from te money pouches while they were be ing carried on a train from Bremen to Trieste and that the thlev< - did not lake more because they coulc not cany it. The theft occurred some time be tween November 12 and November 25. DISTINGUISHED MEN AT SEN. RAYNER'S FUNERAL WASHINGTON, Nov. 25.--In ihe presence of the most distinguished men ■f the nation, the funeral of Senator Isidor Rayner, of Maryland, took place yesterday at his former residence here. Interment was in Rock tri ek cemetery. The services were public, and a ilining was present which more than axed the* capacity ot* tin- residence. President Taft. Speaker Clark and members of the senate and house who <fre in the city attended CORN PARADE MARSHAL. I'aptain W. H. Ijmv, of tin Fifth in 'antry, Georgia state troops, lias been s lected by the corn she" <ornmlti'< 'f the Atlanta. Chamber of Comtnercc ' i be marshal of the corn parad< EDITOR WILLIAMS RECOVERS. WAYCROSS, GA.. Nov. 28. Editor . Volney WUlianas, of Th< Dal nal, is back at his office after a period ••f illness extending ovei several nonths. He hopes to be In his usual food health within a few week.-. To flavor fancy food deliciously use SAUER’S PURE FLAVORING EX RACTS. Vanilla. Lemon, etc. Thir teen highest awards and medals (AavtJ IMPORTANT NOTICE CHANGE IN SCHEDULE Effective Sunday. December Ist, the Louisville & Nashville Railroad "'til discontinue the Murphy accommoda tion between Blue Ridgi and Murphy This train will leave and arrive .it At ■ mta on the present schedule. WASHINGTON AND RE TURN $19.35 SOUTH- • ERN RAILWAY. Tickets on sale December Ist, 2d and id. Final return limit December lotn. 1912. (Advt.) Local. Sleeping Car At lanta to Chattanooga, via SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Leaves Atlanta Terminal Station 8:20 P. M., Occupy at Chattanooga until 7 A, M. J - ~ —■*' ■ ~ armed men guard BIG STEEL PLANTS; TRAINMEN ON STRIKE mffls T w SBV r G ’ Nov ' the guards t i ° Sed fOT armed Hornet J ere P ° Sted in the yards of Homestead, Braddock and Rankin steel mils as a result of the strike of trainmen of thtn't ‘ ST immediate adjustment Sim. r ? r d,ff,culty «ems unlikely, per today W ‘ th the sltuation declared I he strikers are demanding an increase L ’ he rein?,a( enient of three men discharged for circulating a peti c«rJ n « ,1Ba ‘ lng the trouble " "as de- H int 1 ?' e days have been Kiven for the reinstatement of the men. ff h lais m the mills admit the strike has practically tied up the mills. W. WOODS WHITE WILL ' TALK TO NEGRO STUDENTS J w. Woods Whitt- will preside over the Thanksgiving exercises of the At lanta Normal and Industrial institute a negro school, at Warren Chapel, to night at 8 o'clock. He will be assisted jhy a number of other prominent white citizens of Atlanta. Itr. s. R. Belk, o f tlle Park Street ( .Methodist Episcopal church, in West '.nd. will , na k e short ta]k an(j a paper will be read by City Attorney James L. Mayson. A large number of "bite persons will attend and the ne gro glee club will furnish a number of interesting features. The school is growing rapidly and has attracted the interest m many nt tn most prominent white citizens of Atlanta. i $80,000,000 MORTGAGE FILED IN 8133 COURT MACON. GA., Nov. 28. A mortgage so 000, tht largest ever put on j record in this county, has been filed in I the Bibb superior court in favor of the I'nited States Mortgage and Trust Company of New York by the Cen tral of Geoj'gia railroad. The mortgage matures in 1962, and is a general and refunding mortgage, designed to cover the recent issue of improvement bonds. Pimples Ruin Good Looks I But Cheer Up! In a Short Time Stuart’s Calcium Wafers Trans form Worst Complexions Into Perfect Loveliness. Many a sigh and heartache have been caused b\ pimples. But never mind. You will shortly get rid of all those spots and blemishes by using Stuart’s Calcium Wafers. fiflß I wnßk IHIWf The action of these Wafers is won derful. They make the skin breathe out just os your lungs expel impurities. Evett minute of the day and night th. s.- wonderful W afers keep the pores, busy. Instead of clogging the pores in the form of pimples, blackheads, eczema, rash, liver spots and other skin erup tions. these impurities cease to gather, they dry up and Nature soon gives the skin the bloom of youth and health. if ' ou would have a beautiful com plexion, please stop using cosmetics. C;in you not realize how they plaster up the pores ? Were you to cover your en tir. body with such a mask, you would die tn a day or two. Stuart s Calcium Wafers are very pleasant to the taste, are put up in convenient form to carry, and can be obtained at any drug store, at 50 cents a box. Make your dreams of a lovely com plexion come true. Tn a short time a very bad complexion is transformed to perfect loveliness. (Advt). DO YOU ITCH? If so use Tetterine. It cures eczema, ground itch, ringworm itching piles, in fant sore head and all other skin trou bles Read what C. B. Raus, Indianapolis, Enclosed find sl. Send me that value in Tetterine. One box of Tet terlne has done more for eczema In my family than SSO worth of other remedies I have tried. Use Tetterine li relieves skin trouble that has baf fled ilw best medical skill. It will cure you (let it today Tetterine. 50c at druggists or by mail. SHUPTRINE CO.. SAVANNAH, GA. (Advt.) I WILTON JELLICO COAL $5.00 Per Ton The Jellico Coal Go. ■ 82 Peachtree Street I toth Phones 3683 I .nr. ATLANTA GEOHtMAN AND NEWS. TIIVRSDAY. NOVEMBER 28. I<H2. rAe Stereos the Christmas Spirit BUY NOW; PAY IN JANUARY. Mm toB toS&t VISIT TOYLAND NOW. £ All charge purchases made the IBfl Toyland stocks a r e at S reSt ° f November **iU appear ■ to to ■ toftoMr M T 5 am ®A? Ude ° f rssbneES ar,d complete Xto upon bill mailed January 1. ■ ■W ■ Wto ■ ■ 1$ 'Cj#* S ( R lg ht Annex Main Floor.) the Decks for Xmas—A Great Sale| Monday—the first business day in De- ~ Tto cember—starts the Xmas rush. A Q ■_* 10*01 j! We’ll devote Friday and Saturday, there- A 0611821110113.1 sb Hit 3.16 3,t A1 V Sp jto fore, to Clearing the Decks for Xmas —we have - ~ " put CLEARANCE PRICES on all odd lot*. u • . ... S" broken lines, all odds and ends, and on much " * 1 " Mroatesl snil ‘‘ s iiap ol die season lml just Lto merchandise now occupying space needed for wonii'n <-aii snare. Brieliy. we have groupie! that toC» Xin as display’s ' J »iany suits, the stragglers Irom various sale lots and A glance over the page will show how timely the merchan- • XiL y hoiH J»lll o\\ll good Stocks. tlise and how great the savings—a fourth, a third, a half and S & \/w»l a su >t ill the 10l Worth less than f15 —We lie'. (*p *t.,, Tto even ” 1ore " « Jtot v!'>2.m -lock suits to sell resjularl' timler $14.75- most of lli. in .ire worth The sale is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, but we have E- '’SF-' i V XfeW SIS s’’() ni<l iin to $‘* r > no ' va . v of knowing how long any particular lot will last. Then, » ifw \ 1“ ' .. • ~ , . . toC- many good bargains are in quantities top small to advertise— ■ J A I'.Vt'l’V Sllll Is ot till'- season > newness, a.lltl strictly toC better come early. No phone or mail orders accepted. B. f Ws i all wool. Made in the very best styles in straight and cutaway • w K- '■ models. Plain tailored and trimmed styles. \’arionsi\ in fine ’ II fA T" IKI CT w* rtrCpt’Q oi* □ i» I lL ‘ broadrloths (think ol stylish broadcloth suits at SIH . diagonals, JjG M '***• ***£■> Ca I<X | I serges, two-lone effects, novelties, mannish mixtures, ete. i'hietiy Tto <.* CE* . !"> • x* I -WHto f| : L one or two of a kind, lml all sizes and styles in ihe lot Ali eoi- * ifLCIIOn OF X 01*2X161T Jl XICOS »<;■ I' a TWa ■ A -J ° ls all '’ li'Kl what you want and ,av< a> mmh or more 3* t hian you pay. But just 7* women can share, and suits at this gt* (ret this straight—despite the less than ..V , tfi K- | price won't ling, r $lO, halt prices at which these corsets will sell, they ,i ■ i .-2 These suits will not be shown before 9a. m. are all good models. H« Y (Ready-to-Wear—Second Floor.) S,, Soulc of them are The ver - v newest—nota- ®WWfIiS [ft v Girls’ Coak anrl at bly the Madame (trace sample lines. Others are broken t VllilS v>OalS allCl LziCSSeS 3.1 lines and models that we shall discontinue, more be- | 'WA ' Special purchases mid broken lines grouped m $1.95. and Hn mv worth sto cause the maker brings out Spring models than for anv UMLWi WwW lllll L, u half n,oie “to other re-ison Wo renoat the stvlev -,vo .r.,,,,1 1,, u - .nil 4 • "here are plain tailored Coats with and without belts, and a belted Coat m rut o.soii M. repeat, tnest.v Its ~D good -low and ; | revers and sailor collar of chamois colored cloth trimmed in bullet toT medium low bust, m ith long hips. II buttons and velvet tabs. Another style m velvet ctnfs. Materials are heavy toC \<IW n<>lp thp tnuipriuk hrn<*<i<L*«i <ill-< e > I f > h<'viots and meltons. Hrown. Copenhagen and nav.' blue Sizes variousl'v tow 111’ Hldltlldis DIDtdUtU sIIKS. '• > for girls 2to 14 years Only $5.95. 3 s * ' ,, t ,| is and coutils anil plain coutils ami batistes. Some t" s ?f 1 ‘ k- Wk The Dresses me ah wooi navt blue serge, and Include values up to $7.50. to °f the corsets are wahlon tilled. All are prettily trim- 'ij <1 '993& i> 11 ISA Broken lines in assorted waists ami Norfolk styles. All sizes from 4toll in to - ' med. Variously with two ami three pair of hose slip- ■* ‘ 1t V® Vill * oUK ,o,s , ” lt n '" :ill siz, ' < ' a *' h style. Choice $5.95. -3® porters attached. All sizes in the lot, hut not in everv //T ■' ; gj j|l E. Juvenile Section—Second Floor. ‘ „ $2 Flannelette Kimonos, $1.29 fa -pl.iy worth to $6. <b 1 .90 worth to $lO Beauty mid comfort at little cost rhe kimonos are made of a tii in qual- to? -*• "“♦T'' i. hy flannelette without any nap. Neat Empire styles in pretty Persian mid BCL -to P. S.—We repair, clean and alter corsets Os all kinds. characteristic kimono patterns, in blue and lavender. sto (Corsets Second Floor.) Kimonos—Second Floor. gsl Union Suits at 50ciReal Irish Laces; Half-Price 75 c Silk Hose at 43c 5; Jto The particular maker of Odds and ends of real Irish la.-e edges, insertings Firm quality, pure-thread silk hose, full sash- w®” these union suits sets anv antl headings in various widths and designs. Beautiful ioned and finely finished. Lisle or silk garter to (ftK'TXie i , , patterns. These exquisite laces that formerly sold at tops, lisle feet. Chiefly in blacks, a few colors, to 5 * ,to *'-**i» asic * e t' ,a ( have a dropped g§ c $g a var j. now j us f half, or 18c to S 3 a yard. Al) sizes. jto thread, a slight oil spot, or 9KZ any other little, “hurt” which I Lace Remnants at Half-Price $1.25 Silk really does no one any harm.. One big table of Lace Remnants, comprising the very laces rro j Then he calls them “seconds,” I that ha 'j« so “* K ? f, ? e ’y this season-in fact, that’s why these me OlOCKingS OOC St “la < , ,■ •, , 7 remnants. Find what you like and pay just hall the original Reaufiful nnalitfes of mire threml and distributes them under j marked price. Ho2 m Iffil X fe pnce,oh ‘ sbMf “ stomers - A Xma<t Hint Rahv’cßnv i»v..r,., ' The Sult ? are much a8 showu - ™ 3X11109 I lini---o<xuy b DUX and garter tops; others are all silk 'dEWW' P < ‘ rfectly cut and and C 9 IQ throughout. All have high spliced V '! made of a fine soft-ribbed Sea Is- I */ silk heels. These are called “run of •* land cotton. Full length sleeves, ■» , p • , , . - tli< j mill grade, but so far as we'ean 4? ankle length, shaped body, mercerized taped and crochet Box dress for babes and little girls rrom 1 to •> see are absolutely perfect. Bought lu JM toL trimmed. Pearl buttons. Fine elastic white ribbed. Sizes years. Ihe material includes enough 2i-nicli embroidery a regular waj._ they should be sl, '• •C, 4. 5 and 6. Instead of sl, pay 50c. flouncing with edging and inserting to match for neck ,V, ’ aI ! .. Choose at 83c. JsP r-rx IT 1 1. or and sleeves to make the fullest kind of dress. An prftt . brown, tan, sky, pink, to 50c Undershirts, 25c tily boxed, ready for a Xmas gift. Only $2.19. -- , Same grade and quality as the union suits and offered Laces Main floor, Light Aisle.) i IVICD S OUC OliK tIOSC 3.* 20C at half price for the very same reason. Full cut and sash- ’ Called “seconds." but yon would hardly know if we ioned, shaped body. All sizes. 4, 5 and 6. d»7 £ . rn P-ZU Artn hadn’t mid. Tremendous variety in black mid solid colors, to"* e-** r* > > /-v. 1 » nr- . tn t n ipA.uJ VI MU A. V two-tone mid accordion effects. Lisle feet and top to in- 5 Boys and Girls 25c Vests, 12 l-2c RLnUfo nn <4 Cnmfnrk I/O > -v i(e tbe rest or ))(HP sin< The boys’ Undershirts are in high and long and short O-D CIS aRG vOHIIO-lS WnniPn\ C1 Qir*r'L-ii-» rrc 7Q« to \ -• sleeves; the girls’in long sleeves only. In cream and ecru. \\\. inst 81 of tin rrih hl‘inb«d< o 1 u/IVVIUIIgS. • J/C am TB Broken lines and sizes for children from 3to 12. If you, * *' i * ' im l* orter ’ s dose-out lot of line Sill Stockings. FulJ hnd what you want you save just half—l 2 l-2c instead of I Hllu ('Ollltorts, <111(1 WO inf-ell) to ul(‘ai) tilOHl fashioned, all perfect, black onlv. Lisle heel sole and toe ® 25c ’ Underwear-Main Floor. up quickly. Sale starts at 8; finishes at 10 I :, " fi g:,lter top ‘ e to 3to . m t *4 1 to ' Stockings—Main Floor. "j- A Rucr a - nh — to early comers. I here are T 1 1* r> C go pure wool crib blankets worth $1.75 * OWding IvClTmiiritS 5p- sut r “ g " “ ra ' ,rM 19 »» M| ' ♦'!•<■ « ~Jg Carpet remnants made into rugs afford a saving of I (Blankets Main Floor.) -nest eie Ml -it •> Tonrth T" '‘/i* iT • 1;l " cy " ork - to. about half. Xo. ut wtotoll.w. <R Ug —TMrd F.00r.) ' ' r"p,|fT «C toL, 5 Leather Bags, 98c—Values to $2 The Beautiful Finished Art Pieces of the JJ,- A maker’s close-out lot, a small • sample ZkO ' Royal Society Co. Greatly Below Half ! ; t|Xf Surely the Time to Do x mas Buy ing 5 : I; to worth from a half to twice more. \ him w<* sell these pieces at much below half price, w are not unfair to? Styles much as pictured in seal and walrus j S , i* ' * ''» ! J 1 ’" P 1 i'*'* I hey f||-< <-hoirv, and re grain leathers. Some leather lined, others in ' 111 H ' n « nan their moiie.i s Wurth. Now we mils* speed mil these to' eij mercerized rep. Fitted with coin purse. Popu- kfcr r i stragglers solely t<> have clean slocks for Xm is. to». lar B j zes with gun metal. German silver and I toy or crease bottoms. An unusual opportunity to 'yi Ajg-. $.7.50 to $lO Finished Art Pieces, $2.98 to get a splendid bag at less than i 111 tiiiu.ui jj -• ’.y ' f jr_y J . Thiu ... .. ~ , , ~... „ ”• m-lc-'s. Worth to $2; only 98c. lows and many odds and ends All hauM cm'■ i'.i‘ -to , . , /-S, Bx:.x j, ■„ R<n a I Society fashion. »» Vanity and Card Cases! 5 at 98c £ 12 tO s l7 Finished Art Pieces 'at $5.98 3’ "to i ne i u de a kid card case mounted in Ger- ban to ■ man silver filigree work, also m solid Library Tabl. Ov-I fi..,.,.. Ullll |,sxs|.ineh Semis The work l ariisii. i,. to' * German silver, gold plated and German W’’. yond compare, and will mak< the loveliest imaginable Xmas gifts. Onl? |5.98 to ■ Z silver plated gun metal—9Bc. ~» " ' ' . a . ~ a ., ft _» „ to'. A German silver coin and vanity combina . amous enter Aisle Main Floor. tion is decorated in engine turned and emboss- ft yvy- '. 1 U„ J— s. 9 C n /• to ed designs. Inside compartments for coins and " / IXICSICITCI 11 Ji Ct till i. S 1* Cl 171011 S to-, ,<to v . in pj. p U ff. Also contains French bevel niir- ; 3? rors. ‘•.♦Bc. Famous Center Aisle— Main Floor. to|L r>,-:/ t"i •! nm■ !- ami otlo r incomparable loilet preparations ar<- beiii" to 2 'ta <h liionsi rated in the Famous Center Aisle. (Toilet GooiL \| ; .in Moor.) toC, j $25 M,r fa , bl^t'«7 S, so'' $5 -°v 0 al Sal ! o U™> me<l H ;.' S f We’ve sold this sewing table for years at $25; it is now UCS O $17.50 only because the maker uses it as a “leader.” To keep his Friday and Saturday you can have mi to factory busy and his organization intact, he manufactures quan- restricted choice of any Trinitned Hat in to . tities of these tables during otherwise idle monu nts. Then he stO( ' k <lurs alone excepted> that formerly •4! passes them on at about cost a “leader” to favored eus- K Aii'Hms beartheorS^ii price tickets; W Sh jto tomers. find what you like up to $12.50 and pay > Exactly as pictured of handsome mahogany. The drawer has fitted slid- just $5.00. , **■* - ing tray. Two deep pockets on side and other drawers as pictured. 28 inches Choose any other Trimmed Hat in stock \ r—high, with 26x14 top. Beautiful lines, and the best of workmanship throughout, (except the furs I ami pay just half price. i •jto An Xmas gift that any woman will appreciate. Will be laid aside and Formerly sls. S2O. $25 to SSO. 'mi* * 'nJ to-., delivered upon request. A splendid $25 table for just $17.50. Now at $7.50. $lO. $12.50 to $25.00. L I to Furniture—Fourth Floor Millinery—Second Floor. ) j Ya’* to WCH & BROS. CO. M. RICH & BROS. CO. 5