Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 28, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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QIIMERCHANbISE JIII •bSb Groups of Our Chil dren’s and Junior’s Coats Reduced 1/4 Off I / < ..v r Group One 'WMr Ooats for A « cs 10 > 12, 14 yy '* r aQ d la Years Z Aji&- -k °t Chinchillas, Cheviots, ||Ei Zibelines, Cloths, Macki- ' naws anrt Fancy Diago- I U . nals. W-A ,v 1 \ f'. i i ',s 9.00 Coats $ 0.50 Ud W. 10.(10 Coats 7.50 Upj 1/ 12.50 Coats 8.38 I i ..J 18.00 Coats 13.50 20.00 Coats 15.00 Group Two ; , For ages 2 through 6 years—including Flushes, $ Corduroys, etc. Prices $7.50 to $25. Re . |J duced if (SECOND FLOOR.) Tremendous Sacrifice Trimmed Millinery At Less Than Cost Prices We are offering many I rimmed Hats in our stock, also a large col lection of Shapes, Ostrich Flumes, Wings and Novelty Stick-Ups L e s s T han Cost - I —"—** ~ L l " l "'"” M r|r , - „ !!■!■ :uuur« fe &> 3L IMp —IKf- fix Women’s Seal Plush Coats, $35 values will be sold tomorrow, choice, $29.75 r <MHiSh €£ (SSfei; nsrsffl kbu ~W» r - JBhr .PW t.J/' v Yw «miw) <W\4to) (Mil l. 7rH wPi rffl ' I / s I H r Mi 11 L\U ' A iii II U i . ■ •rl Hl \ 'll I yii I u i < |’ J 11VI f > F Ht I idi b h ii / i »i U [N w■ 7 J id LU) TOMENT AND s3o*? SUITS * fPIDAY-ONI W OMYdflfflKY Positively the greatest GARMENT VUUE EVER OHERED ATLANTA WOMEN • EVERY SUIT BRAND NEW one/ LATEST MODELS SALE BEGINS FRIDAY MORNING Here’s What We’ll Give You Tomorrow: Magnificent selection of Suits in fully thirty different models in the most fashionable fabrics including English Diagonals, English Cords, Bedford Cords, Wide Wales, Cheviots and Serges. All the wanted shades of Navy, Copenhagen, Golden Brown, Wood Brown, Taupe, Grays, Black; also some very late novelty striped effects that shovz a trend toward Spring styles. Every suit is beautifully lined throughout with the famous Skinner’s guaranteed Satin. Qy U-T Now ladies here is your opportunity at last! Jra 0 |T $25.00 and $30.00 Suits, for this sale .... J.M.HIGH COMHWT. J.M.HIGII COMBOT. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. THURSDAY, NO\ EAIDER 28. 1912. fill PRICES THEllfi HI? LOWEST - - Women’s Black Cloth Coats Satin Lined Throughout, A </ Plain tailored, Black Cloth I Coats, Smart J New Models. Special l/l , $14.75 NAJI V Vi J. A 1 lg ''j U Lovely Styles *M(h ‘ in Fine Chiffon 1 ( { 1 Broadcloth 1 I ” I I Illi h Richest Satin 1 1 Linings. \\ \ $19.75 W Women’s Novelty Colored Coats / A'' MiWw f Pi i (pfcl a I u i Values to $20.00 at $10.95 This lot of wonderful values in cludes the most stylish models in English and Scotch Diagonals, Mix tures and in plain colors. Lovely, warm woolens worth $15.00 to S2O. Values to $25.00 at $14.75 The fashionable- plaid-b acks and chinchillas are here in great va riety, also novelty and plain diago nals and worsteds. A.i sizes, 14 to 44. Values up to $25.00. 7