Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 29, 1912, EXTRA, Page 9, Image 9

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lb < ' . "Marie" writes: "1 would like a remedy for a pimply, oily skin. 1 suffer from con stipation, headache and Indigestion." Answer: Get from your druggist 3-trraln sulpherb tablets and take according to di ructions, These tablets are packed in sealed tubes and contain full dire, tions for using. 1 have found them to be the most reliable in such ailments as arise from constipation. They are made of sul phur, cream of tartar and herb medicines and if taken regularly will cure \ our con stipation and purify the blood, thus caus ing your skin to become clear. Those are fine for children, as they do not sicken * * » "Mary”—You can easily cure your lit tle girl of bedwetting by mixing' 1 ounce of comp, fluid balmwort, f drams tinc ture rhusarcmatic and 1 dram tincture cu bebs. Mix thoroughly and give in water about one hour before each meal ten to fifteen drops. • • * Doctor: "My blood, stomach and bow els are badly affected, due to a very se vere ease of catarrh of the head ' Can you recommend a cure?” J. E. S.—You should use the following local treatment: Get 2 ounces of anti septic vilane powder and make a catarrh balm by mixing one teaspoonful of the powder witlu 1 ounce of vaseline or lard and use in the nostrils as far as possible Also snuff from the palm of the hand through the nostrils the following wash- To one-half teaspoonful of vilane powder add a pint of warm water and use two er three times daily. For internal treat ment for the bl 1. stomach and bowels, obtain ‘the following ingredients: Mix' shake well and take a teaspoonful four times a day; Comp, fluid balmwort, I ounce: extract buchu, 1 ounce, ami comp, syrup sarsaparilla. 1 ounces. * » * "Sadie says: "1 misplaced the pre scription you sent me for dandruff and itching scalp. Will you please send it again?” Answer: There is nothing better for dandruff and itching scalp than plain yel low ininyc.l. which is sold in 4-ounce :irs al any well-stocked drug store. Tse this according to directions and you will seen be cured of all diseases of the hair and scalp. • • • "Nina It " writes: “Please advise me wl-rt to take to overcome extreme >i ". My arms and bust have no de li pTen’ and my face is so thin that it ■ I ■ ■ itlvely homely, although my features :. ■< tegular.” ' -wcr: .Many ladles would be much : e b miliful if they were somewhat as increased weight is possi- ■ .buy every w man to he ■ lie” best. Regin taking 3-grain .- ■ .'.'retire tablets, which are obtained COTE STOJIACH DISTRESS IN FIVE MINUTES That lum; of lead feeling will quickly th' st'imivh; the di.-..-;ive juice ; : ce ntnem • o dige. i feud and yout ;i::nach will f. vl fin. and sati-r ictmy n iiv< nin.Uts. 1 hat is, ifi you will simply swallow wo ’.ii-i STOMACH TABLETS -if you won’t, then yot n st suffer. Perhaps you < on't know that A’!- 11 - NA STOMA’ 11 TABLETS arc «•••< anteed to curt- a:r ease of indigestion, no matter of how long standing. or money back. Perhaps you know tha t tv he n yo u r stomach is upset, that your food does [ where can supply you at 50 cents a not digest and consequently blood is not. box. (Advt.) v .«■-uawa .sPMKJKwmariiigKi itw inwv—B miu i McCLURE’S Formal Toy Opening | TOMORROW, FRIDAY Nov. 29 I 3 to 6 P.M. Santa Claus will be present and w distribute souvenirs to (Wi I the children. « Come and see the fun Music ' s's , ? / I ;V See Tomorrow’s Georgian Announcing Sat. Toy Specials McCLURE TEN CENT CO. 63 Whitehall St. BIG CROWDS AT POPU-I LAR BONITA THE ATER TODAY. Lovers of higb-clas- mumcM eomedy are being royalh ent< i m in<'<, .r »‘ver popular Bonita Th- it» r. * tree street, today by the , '■ 1 '■ Musical Comedy Comi>an> chorus of beautiful •.Aviation '• "J • who are presenting Kids.” one of the best musical 1 of the season. The attendance today blns tin m - val any since the house opened. C on tinuous performane. ■ .• • ■ 10:30 p. tn. Admission f ■ J children, sc. Beautiful motion putu • - between shows. (Advt.i MOW MANY desirable .mar. I. I> kno* that you have ' ... .•.„ >k(nß There are hundreds tl i- '• u for nice, home like ’"'■ l ‘ ,a.. ld It'Ui'h them with an ad m At anted” column of lb« <<*• & «=/ AfoA er dO e,f i?^T sed ’ envelopT'roi sMeri J '’ can order of whole merit addsT , y , n a tw< > months’ treat-” S th Cr: .- 1 S t hall be very Siad to re . ru ‘ or “’ ula - Get nI 1110 'Tug store mkmJ" W,ns !n *»Tedtents and mix yourself, taking a teaspoonful at tneal times and at bedtime. lodide of potassium, 2 drams: St,dium salicylate, 4 drams; wine 11 coienicum, ounce; comp, essence . car<Uoi, 1 ounce; comp, fluid bairnwort, 1 , ounce, and syrup sarsaparilla, 5 ounces. jus is my favorite prescription for rheu matism. • • • Charlotte” writes: “Some time ago you answered through your columns tell ing Marie how to cure a bad cough and la’”' " 1 - ou kindly repeat the formu- Answer: I shall he very glad to repeat the formula lor you. Get from your drug- g )s t a 2*g-ounce package of essence men tho-laxene and mix with honey or home made sugar syrup and take according to directions given on the bottle. This is a very mild laxative and will surely cure your cold in a few days at most.' it is absolutely harmless and verv pleasant to take. “Ted" writes: "1 have had chronic ap pendicitis for some time, but can not con sent to an operation. My stomach is in a bad condition also. Can you help me?" Answer: The best scientific and satis factory treatment for you is tablets trio peptine, which you can get at any well stocked drug store. They are packed in sealed cartons, with full directions for l taking. I think many eases of appendi |citis could be prevented if triopeptine was used regularly. * * » "Mrs. T.” writers: “1 have been sick for some time and do not seem to he able to get anything to give me strength. 1 am nervous and can not sleep. Could you prescribe a good tonic?” Answer: The best system and nerve tonic I know of is made by mixing 5 ounces syrup hypophosphites comp, and 1 ounce tincture cadomene inot cardamon). Mix by shaking well and take a teaspoon ful before meals. This is a fine tonic for old and young. • • • “X. Y. Z." says: "In the last two years I have become so fat that I am very uncomfortable. Diet and exercise do not seem to do any good.” Answer: I receive daily letters from hundie,:s of grateful people who have used the following treatment for reducing their weight. I advise you to purchase these separately, so as to avoid any substitu tion- Aromatic elixir, 5 ounces: glycol arbolene, 1 ounce. Mix, shake well before using. Take a teaspoonful for the first three days after your meals, and there after lake two teaspoonfuls until you are the weight you wish to be. Sind for Dr. Baker’s book on "Health and Beauty.” (Advt.) fiiriii.-'m-d with sufficient nutrition to prop.-fly nourish the body. if you >.<■ distressed afte- eating; if gas tn- sour food is forced up into th< mouth, than your stomach is not tight: your tooil is fermenting, not digesting, an . ou need MI-O-NA STOMACH ; TABLETS and need them badly. It’s an easy matter to set the stomach MI-O-NA CONQUERS DYSPEPSIA , ?«MaiurKaraißM>w>inim-«Hn<u » |- I AM THANKFUL FOR ZAKAS’ PURE BREAD.” SAYS THE HOUSEWIFE. More than any other one thing, per- 1 1 .. |K that the good housewives of At pmta are thankful for is the fact that frv<h pure and wholesome cake, bread md pastry ran be had at Zakas* cake and bread stor<. 30 Peachtree street - 1.. ;vi points To i rove that Zakas ,„, u nd cake, made with creamery table l.utter and fresh eggs, mixed in the . • -fui electric machine, under the < u rvision of Philip Thompson, the i:,.ston expert, is the best to be had, tpe r"gu!ai inc pound take will be sold it 3()e pound. (Advt.i read FDR PROFIT USE F 0.3 RESULTS. GEORGIAN WANT ADS . right, and if your stomach does not properly digest the food you put into it, the proper thing to do is tp get a box of MI-O-N’A STOM ACH TABLETS at once. Druggists every THE ATLANTA GEO KG LAX AND NEWS. UK 1 1 DAY. NON’EMBER 29. 1912 I gX. 0 s * I / 1 / > U I If. 1 ?- _ I ,4 ' k/ ONE WEEK'S j I PIANO SALE J B&gg ovf- HOWARD PIANO COMPANY i tj I h*iisrib3 lid -*n I ■ u AjL T at m1 J W ■ w.tig.iwuJ •!£ - #hwm muni vmii n« L.-« <W *- M ** "* “* *“*"*•* ,* e “• c * **"*'■ ">■ \<s Received at Main Office, No. 12. So. Broad St, Atlanta. Ga. Te ephone 290. 2 Cwr °- s - 11 Nashville, Tenn., 27th. H S Howard Piano Co., Atlanta, Ga. Ils CilickerinE « We Wlll glVe you one 11101,0 weeK t 0 wind up your K | busiriGSs - ggS SSOO ||pi Must have possession entire building Deo. 7th. H ttE v!osing^Ui II i Weatherholt Piano Co. H IsS Price E slls We are just in receipt of the above telegram from purchasers of our lease giving us %•<_ seven more days to dispose of the stock of Pianos and Players still on our wareroom Q| floors unsold. - During this sale our warerooms have been crowded with careful buyers eager to se cure one of these great bargains. I II u 4 K. Everyone Remarks: | | IS jh “I Never Saw Such Bargains.” | Kllw Price gl 1 Owing to the enormous stock on hand and the limited time in which to dispose of S $565 - hem.'is the only reason any instruments are left. | Commencing Friday Morning at 9 O’CSock || Th'- choice .of these bargains, from Ift different • factories, in various styles and woods i||j .. from.which to make your selection, will be offered I VI [ AT YOUR OWN PRICE AND TERMS | |:fg Everett Bag $375 A SUGGESTION: IBM Clc.'ngOut ■ ; , ||i Price |i j ONIYFOyiWIKSUNTIICHIISTMIS. Blit tOU.I WIFE M DAUGHTER J PIANO ■ ‘ OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS WRITE US H tl f W.H. HOWARD PIANO CO. I ibO Schubert • I® $450 72 N. Broad. “20 Piano Boxes for Sale.” Ivy 3161 bl Closin Out felfT ' # 11 1 P pice , / $lB6 Sill J ITBTT - ■mfITMRWW»Tt IV _ . .. .. . iWMMiei . .M. -- . .... SUFFERED TOMES IITHECZEIA Spots Burst and Ran All Over Face. Sore and Inflamed. Had to Tie Mittens on Hands. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured Completely, Freeland. Md.—“ Baby's eczema started In little spots and would burst and run all over his face and whyrever the water would touch his face, it would make another sore. Pimples would break out and make his face sore and inflamed, and he was very cross and fretful. It was awful. He suffered tortures from it, and we had to tie mittens on his hands to keep him from scratching. We tried everything we knew and had him to three doctors, but they could not help him. A friend of mine told me of the Cuti cura Soap and Ointment and 1 went to a drug store and bought them. When we would bathe his face with the Cuticura Soap and apply the Cuticura Ointment, he would be much better. .He would wake up In the nil. hts and cry with hfs face and we would put on some of the Cuticura Ointment and then he would rest all right. By keeping this up every day his face began to heal and then got well altogether. He suffered just about a year before we used the Cuticura Soap and Ointment and they have cured him completely of the eczema. We use the Cuticura Soap all the time and there is no belter soap for the skin.” (Signed) Mrs. Harry Wright. Mar. 21. 1912. Cuticura Soap and Ointment do so much for pimples, blackheads, red, rough skins, itching, scaly scalps, dandruff, dry, thin and falling hair, chapped hands and shapeless pails, that it Is almost criminal not to use them. Sold everywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Hook. Ad dress rs«t-c*r<l 'Cutlcurp. Dept.T, Boston.” «<: •Tender-faced men should use Cuticura Soap Sliaviug tick, 26c. Hatupic tax. | J. M. HIGH COMPANY I Boys’ Department SPECIAL PRICES FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY 100 Dozen good .Madras Waists. < A A A genuine bargain 35c, 3 for JllavU 50 Rubber Rain Coats. rt' PA Sizes 6,8, 10. Special 4)Z«Jv 50 Rubber Kain (’oats. d- *7 P Sizes 12 and 14. Speei;;’ /Z) 50 Rubber Rain Coats. j aa Sizes 1 and 18. Special J)j»Uu 100 Reefer Coats for little boys. Sizes 21-2 to 9 years. Con sisting of blue serges, shepherd plaids, and a great as- sortment of mixed colors, worth fully $5.00. >• (T -J) nr This sale only 3 100 Boy.-,’ Double-Breasted Suits. Worth fully (tr r $7.50. Priced for this sale qOk/D A big line of Boys’ Hats. All Kinds and Prices. Rah Rah Hats 50c ... ... asr?- —r ; . a., .ft . 1 ■■ ■ KODAKS! I Go to Elkin’s to Buy I YOUR Kodak a- We carry a complete line of Eastman Kodaks and Kodak Supplies. We do your developing FREE. ,Bir We charge reasonable prices for printing and mounting pictures. We do only expert work. Stop in and take a look at our stock. We have an experienced Kodak man who will aid you in making a selection. Now is the time to get a good Kodak. ELKIN DRUG CO. S at Five Points . 9