Newspaper Page Text
25 FT. NOT
Misses Gladys Miller and Chris
tine Hooper and H. L. Collier,
Jr., Have Narrow Escape.
Miss Gladys Miller, Mips t'liristini
Hopper and Henry L. Collier. Jr., are
congratulating themselves today on a
remarkable escape from death yester
day in an automobile accident at the
corner of Ponce DeLeon and Highland
avenues. The machine in which they
were riding home from the Tevh-Clem
•on game struck a depression in the
street and precipitated them headlong
into a snow bank 25 feet away.
Miss Miller landed in a drift of snow
and pile of autumn leaves just a fev.
feet from a log. Miss Hooper was
thrown still farther, and young Col
lier, hardened with several seasons of
baseball pitching at Tech, came out un
scathed, although he took a five-foot
higher flight and a ten-foot longer dive.
-TJne machine was smashed, but the
young women didn’t even lose their
hats, and the party of three went home
on a street car.
Machine Junk Only, Now.
The machine was badly bunged up. It
had crashed through ten red lights put
oot by the city to warn pedestrians and
vehicles, and scattered glass, oil and
Wicks in all directions; had given up
Its four wheels, which went roiling off
toward the curbstones, and lost-its ra
diator and top and all but itj (number
'Automobile experts looked It over to
day and declared it would have to go
to the Junk heap.
A motorman, who said he couldn't
keep With the auto, and others who saw
the accident told of it today. Accord
ing to them, Young Collier, who is a
sori of Henry' Collier, of 252 Peachtrne
street, and Frank Lewis, son of the late
T; S. tewls, of the Sumner apartments,
106 Juniper street, were running abreast
OUt Ponce DeLeon, the lattyr in a high
powered National roadster and accom
panied by his friend, Miss Wilson.
Pair Racing, Honors Even.
They seemed to be racing, with hon
ors about even. At Highland avenue
and Ponce DeLeon avenue, the streets
are torn up for new paving, except for
a space between the car tracks, w hich
Lewis took safely.
Collier, who kept straight ahead to
tllfi right, was not so fortunate. Lewis
heard the crash that followed, and turn
ecl in.. tiw to se.g the occupants thrown
out. He came back and off< fed the
use of his car, but the Colliei* party de
clared they were all ami could
get home on the trolley.
' ..
The Chicago and Cincinnati .delega
tions to the National Commercial tlas
association convention,'th be held in
Atlanta December 2 and ?. will travel
in a Louisville and Nashville 'special,
all Pullman car train. This train will
be in charge of B. J. Kellum, of Chi
cago, and will consist of a club car,
Seven twelve-sootion drawing room
sleepers, two dining, cars and an ob
■ servation car. It will leave Chicago
Sunday, December 1, at 3:30 p. m., via
the Pennsylvania lines to Cincinnati
and the Louisville and Nnshvilie rail'
road from Cincinnati to Atlanta, ar
riving here at 3:30 p. iu. Monday. Tl;e
party will consist of between 200 and
250 of the most prominent gas people
throughout the North and Northwest.
.Realty dealers who are members of
the .Atlanta Real Estate Board are be
ginning to see results in the multiple
listing system recently inaugurated by
this organization. This system con
sists in part of listing with every mem
ber of the board all properties listed
with them separately, and has made it
possible sos the board to dispose of 25
per cent of all property placed with it
to date.
This percentage was attained with
the sale yesterday of 21-23 Ivy street'
at an estimated rate of SXOO a front •
foot, or a total of $40,000. The property 1
has a one-story brick building on It '
and is 50x100, lying between Gilmer '
street and the abutment of Exchange '
jfiace, adjoining a parcel recently 1
bought by Joel Hurt.
MACON. GA., Nov. 29 -Not even
when pelted himself did Chief of Police
W. B. Chapman put a ban on the throw -
ing of snowballs by the boys of Ma-I
con. Several policemen, whose bats
had been knocked oft by well aimed ‘
balls of snow, appealed to »he chief sor 1
advice, hesitating about arresting the I
youngsters. “Lt them alone," said the'
chief, "because snow like this falls ini
Macon only once every ten years or so. I
and a boy is a boy only once.”
The pollcem. n , ven c-iri'ed out the l
chief’s advise so far as to arrest Carl I
Jackson, a chauffeur, who struck a
smlH boy who had hit him with a j
_. . T
Chattanooga, tenn , Nov.
Delegates began arriving hen to. nj
for the eleventh session of ta- Sout
em Textile association, which will ho'
firn basin'-s session tomorrow
LOUISVILLE, KY., Nov. 29.—The
general session of the Southern Educa
tional association was resum'd today
at the Warren Memorial church. The
attendance of the delegates was grati
In connection with the regular meet
ing, fourteen meetings of the various
depaftrnents of the association had been
arranged, each' with its separate pro
The convention began yesterday. The
delegates were welcomed to Louisville
by Dr. I. N Bloom, president of the
local board of education, and Bishop
Charles E. Woodcock, of this city. Re
sponse on behalf of the association was
made by the Hon. J. N. Powers, state
superintendent of education, Jackson,
After the reception of the delegates
papers on educational subjects were
r■ ad hv members of the association.
Arh<>ng those who addressed the organ
iz.ation on this subject Were the Rt. Rev.
Thomas F. Gailor, bishop of Tennessee,
Memphis, Tenn.; Dr. E. E. Rail, pro
fessor of education, University of Ten
nessee, Knoxville, Tenn., and Dr. Wil
liam Dinwiddle, president of the S. W.
f’ri sbyterlan university, Clarksville,
11 iM R M&pQSiifcM I
Splendid Toilet Values | A Most Accepts- I .. Paten ‘ ts „ at Cut Prices i
We make a specialty of serviceable Toilet b!e Present Just run your eyes down this list of splendid
Articles. In this department you are sure to values in Patent Medicines. The figures here- rS
find just what you want. Observe this list and - with attached are about as attractive as we
■ prices: /re » /|\ have ever made. You need some of these.
H h ' wampoie-s cod Liver oh H
■ Palm Olive Cream 38c H IB L aX . a . tIV ,? Br ?. n '° Qulnine
D. *R. Cohl Cream 9c, 19c, 29c and 38c VI L. B — ,ck 8 Ca P udlne 17c
Pond’s Cold Cream 19c and 38c I .W■ f ”‘, CX ', " T ", '' ; r i'. c
Elkin’s New Cold Cream; tube, 25c; jar... 38c I MsS?’ o Dodson s Liver Tone 34c
Rubifoam Tooth Wash 18c I UyURK VX* SA Chamberlain’s sough Remedy 18c
St Lyon’s Tooth Powder 15c I 03 Kmgs New Discovery 39c
El Sanitol Tooth Powder 14c JI ',’P tl 1■ ■«. j , - > L?P e P 8 in . • ••• ••• 37c
Q c.'lgale’s Tooth Paste 20c /MSV <•,) . Ua , r ‘ S Dyspeps.a Tablets ........... 38c
■ Euthym.d Tooth Paste 17c L? (SV; IhSYWJ&<’B W yeth s Sage and Sulphur Hair Tonic 38c
Kelenes Tooth Paste 18c tV Sage Hair Tonic 37c
Sheffield’s Dentifrice 15c £? r , U , na T tl 69c
Uorothyol Mouth Wash 25c ? X lek s 1 neumonia Cure 18c and 38c
Pyoral 50c x Robinsons Barley 15c and 25c
Satin Skin CreamAL.’..'.i9c'and 35c H Is. California Syrup of Figs 36c
gH Aubrey Sisters’ lh autitier 20c and 39c jfCn Cnifahla L. a ,, rS ,I 1 s '’/G’ ’ ’’' L’ ESH
9 Krom’s Beauty Cream 19c and 39c 011113010 10. Lady Os Fellows Syrup of Hypophosphites 99c
■ Rexall Tool h Paste 19c Ex' Gentleman W Simmons Liver Regulator (powder f0rm)...16c H|
Harmony Spearmint Tooth Paste 25<r Bg ueniiemail Listerine 18c, 38c and 69c
M Plso s Cure 17 C KM
| Perfumes! Perfumes! Wa ide&T ni * Extra Specials B
Nover before have we purchased a larger stock of per- H \ If?. Prices are good from Saturday through Monday
I 1 rounUmPen Y B
■ I x kA «<> x rs.P; Peroxide of Hydrogen." usually” sells fr ■
I x" IbidA
3 r.PIv.AmI otherst We have sets“ o? perfSnes I ■ have it in all styles It te. sells for 50e ~»c ■
H made up in beautiful plush 01 Kfl ..„ »„ con nn ~lp ~cn ~iaf has stood the’*6* L ’<’,7-0” r ,1.2 5 c
S cases. These sell for 51.50 Up t© 525.00 test <.f years. It is standard. We have a Brorn^ S
—_ beautiful line, just suited for Holiday bottle Wine of (iardui sg c
Fiver S Extracts gifts. $1 bottle Pinkham’s Compound 69c ■
~. . , ... .. ... , ~ , Prices- Horlick’s Malted Milk, 50c size for 35c and the $1 size
e have these odors: Azurea. “l.e Trefie and 1 rices. f , )r
’Safronal.” each of which Is to be had at gr, an ounce. CO AO fn CJC Art Mentholatum. regular' price’2sc ' 14c ®
The regular price <>t these extracts is sl. vJ» W -pIO.UU - ran i.; ag ] e Brand of Milk 14 C
..xj 50c bottle Lemon Elixir 25c tei?
SDPCi.I! " e are als o agents for the famous Rexall 25c bottle Bell’s Tine, Tar and Honey L...... ,15c gas
■* Fountain Pen, which sells from —■ ll -———
H Harmony perfumes, ounce...' L 45c SI.CO up to $5.00 ' Chamois Skin ! Tourists’Cases
M Levy’s Laßlache Face Powder 38c
■ r \zur«-a PoWder ,ler ’ 74c ... Fa S? Chamois Skin, We have just received
■ java Rke powder ifou Want These Towels Medium faeTchamo®' a fine ilnp of Tour- o
■ Ilprp, * a w e have just re. 5° r ?" jn n ases>
■ Face powder ' "t I' -, spun ‘ 0 .'.' 2 3c
H ra- r nirA Powdpr iQc Abx,,rbtnt and can supply your Ato and house-cleaning separate compartments
n ii. ci. hiu- 1 wants in this line. They are full size Chamois Skin. 65c, 75c. for various articles.
H n, ”I well made. The wav we sell them ® l -25 and $1.50 $1 value for 63c; $1.50
it's -iltimst like ".from 1..-.1- .- , . M e have a beautiful line value for 83c, and $2 JO
Candy For Sunday ' jj c ', ' f „ - ■
Always keep in mind that we are headquar- n »u w .. ■.
ters for ilie best caml\ mad<-. We get it fresh KUIIU lOUfSCIt UD
M from the makers and it goes to you as tasty lOJICT racier »» ~
and delicious as the moment it was manufae- u- i . ' 0(1 are , run u°w-n, you need a tonic. A good tonic,
tured. When you buj Huyler's, Park \ Tilford's " e nave th e best on the market. One that will build you up quickly but safely. VINOL
and Liggett's. you know there's n"m- better Either packages or in rolls. There are ust " le Ibing. It is pleasant to take, is a valuable Hca
These are candles with reputation behind them. 1.000 sheets in eaeli Get in the rentedy for the lungs and can not be surpassed as a de-
Get a box for Sunday, or any other day. for the of buvlna vour toilet'n». r XL™ "•naon lightful. strength-riving. Invigorating tonic for fhtJse re- K
■ wife, sweetheart or sister You can’t please them Elkin Four nlckaaes rolls?™ 25C operating from sFckness, or whose £IOO ■
better. We also handlean enormous amount of <Ol rolls) •••“*** systems are rundown. 80tt1e............... >*«W
three “star” specials ' ” ~ H
■ ' , ~, With every 25c box of Har- Just to get you acquainted 2' he 1 r < es bothing better for that
| [T-— "tony Powd.-r, we will with the Superior merits of ■
l’J/1 Mank UPC OtrriT fe a'A EL. give FREE a powder puff. Rexall Tooth Powder, which 25c. Buy a bottle, then add a
fl I I 1 The P uff llself is worth all of eiCe F pppp' within? S S. ) . n , g pel l ny *?„ th< ? price (26c ln * ]l >, B
■ ftl I ’° R,ve FREE with each pur- -and well give you a box of
rl ■ TH" - I?™ 9 g • e Jsc ' but we g ive both chase of this powder a Rexall Cold Tablets S
0 Tn Lady f " r RcXi,n Toot h ” r u»h. Both 25ciy®?h .. ~ ab ! etß - 26c B
C I T” every i nc iy whose pi , r - Rubber Goods fine Stationery A Good Watch
K' T" (liases in our Toilet Depart- Rexall Fountain Syringe, red rubber. gag
t? . ' mint amount to $1 or more bolds two quarts, worth $1 98c Elkin's is the place for Here is an excellent time-
w. will present FREE a Man - ?Xin WhUe . stylish stationery. You plecp ’ guaranteed for a B
I '., 1= leure Outfit, like the one shown Rubber Glovcf. made of pure gum rubber. . year. It is the Rexall
■ f'.l '.' In this ent Th- nntut slate, white or red in color 75e can buy a box of P a P p r ... . B
t i . ng, . iSh . . 8t .69c with embossed styles.’ gun ntekri B
__TL ' boards and a hoof-shaped or- Seamless Face Bag. holds *4 pint, re in gold, and with envelopes and imitation gold You B
• ange Stick. Only one to a cus- lp vps h ',?‘ , « Pbp ' toothache, earache 65c should not be without one B
, , Shower Bath Spray, .-an attach to anv to match, for , wnnoiit one. w
I —__ _ tomer. bath tub faucet, fine value 79c I on b' ••• [Bargain Q 7c g]
I For Christmas Shoppers Save Yoi!r Hair — Don ’ i Be Bald ||
I ManlcureSet. a' A/ ..” 1
9 There's nothing.nicer as a gift for al rhej make prime presents. Prices are P? 11K . 11 ri, ls |sß
1$ ladv than a Manicure Set. We have I (Aaspnable. Come in and take a look It"fertilizes th
tin min various makes and Styles Some ! RflZOrS j* 11 ! 1 Puts life into deafi
■ made up m roll cases that can b< j a ,lair - ls makes for
slipped into tile pocket. We hav- Man Gillette bat.-iy Razor ... $5 up to sls vigorous growth. It is
icure Sets from 25c to SIO.OO. Auto-Stri«p< ty Razor . . .$5 harmless and absolute- -•
White Ivory Goods rs:./ Razo*Mc% t 2,15
■ Ine of White Ivory goods . . \ 1 \
M N ' ZiiMw
M . t*lease bear in rnind that these prices are for Sat- Bottle Bottle
| urday through Monday and are good at our branch \
H store, the Pharmacy, where you will receive the /iWR / \ 5 ° C
same courteous treatment and prompt service that you ci \ X and ®
been used to at our main store at Five Points / 'X $1
WASHINGTON. Nov. 29^—These
army transfers and assignments were
announced today:
First Lieutenant Owen <’. F’isk, med
ical corps, to his home preparatory to
retirement from active service-
First Lieutenant Philip J. R. Kiehl,
Eleventh cavalry, d-tailed at [’nited
States Military academv, West Point,
N. v.
Lieutenant Colonel Francis A. Min
ter, medical corps, to army medical
school, this city, as instructor in mili
tary hygiene.
First Lieutenant Charles G. Bettier,
from field artillery to coast artillery
First Lieutenant Georgq M. Morrow,
Jr., from coast artillery corps to field
First Lieutenant 11. M Darnell, medi
cal reserve corps, from Fort Hunt, Va ,
to his home.
First Lieutenant George 1.. VanDeusen.
coast artillery corps, recently promoted
from second lieutenant, assigned to One
Hundred and Fourth company.
Following changes in station officers
ordnance department ordered:
First Lieutenant Fred C. Wallace, from
Plcatinny arsenal. Dover, N. .1., to ar
senal, Benicia. Cai.
First Lieutenant Francis I’. Miles, Jr.,
from Benicia arsenal. Benicia, Cal., to
Picatinny arsenal, Dover, N. J
COLI MHIA. S. C . Nov. 29. Walter >l.
Page, of New York, editor of The World’s
Work, anil Dr. David F. Houston, <.f St.
Louis, chancellor of Washington univer
sity. have accepted invitations to deliver
addresses on National Education day at
the Fifth National Corn exposition here,
next January.
James Irwin.
James Irwin died at a private sani
tarium vesterday afternoon after a long
illness. He is survived by three children
Anni ■ Irwin and Sam L. and Ernest M.
Irwin. Tk<- body was removed to <«reen-
I erg & Bond’s and will later be taken to
Jonesboro for funeral and interment.
That awful sourrlesss, belching of acid and foul gases;
pit Os the the h artburn, nervousness, nausea bloating utter eating,
feeling Os fulln.dizzi.P ss and sick headache, means your stl macl ’ ,s fUP
of our bile youi liver is torpid -your bowels epnsttpated. It »nt jo
stomach's fault -it isn't indigestion—it's biliousness and cans J*Pa‘’,’ n ’ th _
Trv t'asear.-ts; tiu-v immediately sweeten the stomach, remote the sour
undigested and fermenting food and foul gases; take tbp exP ® SB bile T E P °’ n V( t , ur
J. H t
\ J
'i.9 CSHIS« Never grip? or sicken.
Aver Leming.
The funeral of Aver Leming, the in
fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lem
,ng. who died at the residence, sBl Ma
rietta street, yesterday morning, was held
this morning at 10 o'clock in &
Bond s chapel. Interment at Mestview.
“!f Any Man Would
Come After Me, Let
Him Deny Himself, and
Take Up His Cross
Daily and Follow Me.”
Since the closing of the houses, one hundred and
eighteen of the inmates have come to us.
At least seventy per cent of them were under eighteen
years of age. i
Clothing had to be given to thirty-five, the majority of
whom were wholly destitute.
1 Five were unquestionably mentally deficient.
J >S D : ■' =•" : ■ 0 .. ■ ■
Fifty-one of the one hundred and eighteen were carried
to their own homes, where they were welcomed and re
Twenty-two were given positions where they can sup
port themselves.
r Sixteen had to be placed in hospitals for treatment, *"
A boy, the son of one, and eight of the girls have been
put in schools.
’ Twenty were cared for in private homes.
< i N:.- . ."’
Thirty-five in Institutions.
Thirty-six cases are still in our hands.
Shall women who have erred be given a
chance to be saved?
Shall their babies and those of girls betrayed be
given a decent opportunity to live?
’ 'I ‘
You answer “Yes;” no danger of a negative; but grave
peril of your forgetting that which must be done for the
women and babies.
This woman, who knows from bitter experience, has
not forgotten—the giving of money as well as sympathy.
Her gift is twenty-five hundred dollars. JF-V
What is yours for Martha’s Home, where the fallen
may come; for the Florence Crittenton home, where
babies may be born; for the Florence Home, where babies
may be reared?
There is no other place for them, < •.
What will you do?
One hundred men.spending each sixty cents a day for
cigars together with two hundred spending each thirty
cents a day for cigars, consume in smoke every month
more by eleven hundred dollars than the amount of this
woman's gift.
*- • 1
In twelve months’ time they consume in smoke forty
three thousand and two hundred dollars.
In a night more than the amount of her gift goes for
the seeing of a play.
And five hundred women wearing hats which cost an
average of twenty dollars apiece have upon their heads
not only the amount of her gift, but the equivalent of the
entire sum asked to help babies and women in dire need
—Ten Thousand Dollars.
Say not: “There Is your wretched asceticism attack
ing smoking, the theater and the attractive dressing of
Not so.
Only questioning.
Remember the Cross of Christ and answer.
Can three hundred men consume annually for
ty-three thousand two hundred dollars for tobac
co smoke?
Can three thousand dollars be spent for an •
evening’s entertainment?
Can ten thousand dollars be worn on five hun
dred heads?
And men and women say impatiently, “Too many calls
for chanty” in a city of 200,000 inhabitants where women
are sinning and suffering and their babies being neglected
for the lack of money?
Last week five babies had to be refused admittance to
Florence Home, a bare cottage in a quarter being given
over to negroes. .
Gaunt, unpainted and dangerous, on the city’s edge
stands the Florence Crittenton Home with its mothers.
Fourteen babies are there today.
And Martha's Home, as yet, is only a dream in the
heart of a woman who fell arid rose again to follow her
Savior. .
You, too, will see it and do your share.