Newspaper Page Text
New Discovery Eases Stiff. Sore. Swollen Joints and Muscles,
While Backache and Bladder Disorders Disap
pear After Few Doses are Taken.
No matter how liaill) you suffer, how
chronic your case may be. or what
failed to cure you. your pains will leave,
your aches vanish and th< torturous,
killing backache or rheumatism will
bother you no more.
This is what Croxone. the new sci
entific discovery, does for sufft r. rs ot
such troubles. It cures these diseases
because it reaches the cau.-e and re
moves it. It soaks right in through the
•walls and linings of the kidneys and
cleans out the stopped-up. Inactive or
gans like water does a sponge—neu
tralises and dlssolv, > ven particle ot
uric acid and make.-, the kidneys sift
from the blood all the wast, matter
an,i poisons that lodge in tin- Joints and
muscles to scratch and irritate and
cause rheumatism. It soothes and
heals the delicate linings of the blad
der and leaves the kidneys in a clean,
strong, healthy condition, so thee can
filter the blood and keep you well.
“A Man Is As Old As
He Feels”
j 'teX * Vou can’t judge shoes
/ by that standard.
A*. Scientific lasting and
perfect fitting make a
I’ all 0111 Atlanta-
,na d<‘ shoes feel like old
/»’ friends the first day you
wear them.
Highest quality of material and workmanship
make them hold their shape and look new a long
time after ordinary shoes are in the discard.
All the latest styles in stock; a “made-to-meas
ure’’ department at your service.
We will appreciate your call —your feet will
appreciate the result.
We fit absolutely.
Red Seal Shoe Shop
93 Peachtree
Young Man Suppose
You Try Our Clothes?
—miiiiiiiiiii r.iii
JT’S F SY enough to “save
money on clothes if you don’t
£. ,/Jy J) care what you wear—but to save
I AJF $lO to S2O and still get the same
/wi smartness, same perfect fit and
JIW If I same quality that you have been
' cheerfully “coughing up” the ex
tra ten to twenty “bones” for,
J* is a “hoss of a different color.”
Regular $25 to $35 Suits
and Overcoats, sls
Now. figure it out for yourself, and then come in
and make us prove it.
Overcoat or 3-Piece Suit
Made gd Union
to Your Label In
Individual Every
Measure toil Garment
Corner Auburn Av nue and Peachtree Street
|L 127 Stores from Coast to Coast
If you suffer with backache—have
1 tins In tic neck or sides- nervous or
dizzy spills- a few doses of Croxone will
rvliev,- the congestion and you will be
.surprised how quickly all kidney, blad
' der and rheumatic troubles will disap
Croxone is different from all other
remvlie.s. It is not like anything else
on earth ever used for the purpose.
Pills, tablets, and other medicines mere
ly itimujate the kidneys, at the best,
I giving only temporary relief. Crox
one removes the cause. It starts to
work the minute you take it and re
’ lievi your suffering thp very first time
you us, It. It Is so prepared that it
• is practically impossible to take it into
i the human system without results. You
I can secure an original package of Crox
i one at trilling cost from any first-class
druggist, such as Jacobs’ Pharmacy,
. which will pqisonally return the pur
i chase price if Croxone should fail in a
single case. (Advt.)
Turk Ambassador to Germany
Recalled by Sultan to Take
Up Negotiations.
peace negotiations between the Gulga
rians and Turks at Bagehakeui, near
Chatalja, entered their final stage today
with the arrival of Osman Nizami Pa
sha, Turkish ambassador to Germany,
and the real leader of the Ottoman
peace commissioners. Osman Nizami
Pasha was recalled by his government
because he is regarded as the strongest
man In the empire, for the leadership
of the Turkish peace forces.
As usual, numerous reports were cir
culated throughout the day as to the
course of the parleys. One report, be
lieved to have been inspired by the Ot
toman government, was that the Turks
were to be allowed to retain Salonika
and Adrianople and all of the southern
coast of Turkey in Europe.
Turkey’s democratic political situa
tion is becoming desperate. Seeing
their power waning, the members of
the committee of union and progress
are doing their utmost to stir up dis
cord by making the charge that ths
government is preparing to abrogate
the constitution. Dr. Nazim Hey,
founder of the committee, is a prison
er of war in Greece and many of its
influential members are either refugees
abroad or under arrest here, but the
remaining members are making up in
energy what they lack in numbers.
They charge that enemies of liberty
are plotting to restore Abdul Hamid to
the throne.
Dog Meat Luxury
In z\drianople
29.—Meat stripped from the bones of
stray ddfcs in the streets of Adrianople
has become a luxury in the besieged
city, where scores are dead and dying
from famine and hundreds of others
from disease.
A batch of refugees, who made their
way through the lines at Adrianople at
night, arrived here today In custody of
Bulgarian soldiers with fresh details of
the terrible conditions In the be
leaguered city.
A large section of the city has been
destroyed by fire and in the conflagra
tion many men, women and children
perished. Hundreds of non-combatants,
made homeless by the flooded waters
of the Tunga, Arda and Marita rivers,
stormed the mosque of Sultan Selim
and the old sultan's palace of Eski-
Serai, which had been converted by the
Turks Into hospitals. Wounded sol
diers were thrown Into the street by
the half-clad, starving civilians.
There are about 150,000 persons
cooped up in the city, Including the
populace of 80,000, 60,000 Turkish sol
diers and about 10,000 refugees who
hastened there whev the Bulgarian
army moved southward. These include
Turks, Bulgarian Jews, Armenians,
Greeks and a scattering of Servian
Turkish soldiers standing as guards
over the bazaars, the residences of the
governor of Vilayet and the bishops
have joined the rabble in plundering
for food.
Bulgarian shells have destroyed two
of the four lofty minerats of the mosque
of Sultan Selim, the most imposing
mosque outside of Constantinople, and
the rains have ruined much of the
gorgeous interior decorations.
At the west end non-combatants, in
cluding many women and children,
have perished since the beginning of
the Investment of the city from Are,
famine, flood and Bulgarian shells.
Servia Prepares
To Fight Austria
VIENNA, Nov. 29.—Servia has begun
the mobilization of a new army to take
the field against Austria In the event
of war between the two countries, a Bel
grade telegram to The Relchpost says
today. Old men and boys barely big
enough to handle a inusket are being
mustered in. while the government Is In
ducing Christian prisoners, captured with
the Turkish army, to join the new Servian
corps. The army Is being equipped with
arms captured from the Turks at Kuma
novo and Monastic.
The arsenals are working night and
day. turning out vast quantities of am
munition and repairing broken guns cap
tured from the enemy.
Now Rournania
Prepares for War
—Rournania, the only Balkan govern
ment which has remained neutral
throughout the Balkan war, has begun
to prepare for hostilities.
The government today commenced
active military preparations along th<
northern frontier, where Russia was
concentrating 60.000 troops. Mobiliza
tion orders were issued by King Charles
and all the garrisons are being
Servians Ordered
To Hold Durazzo
BELGRADE. Nov. 29. The Servian
government intends to hold the Alba- |
nlan port of Durazzo against all sit- ,
tavks. Orders were toda.v sent to Gen
eral Jsiukoviteh. commander of the Ser-
terday, to strengthen the torts com- |
mantling the harbor. Premier ’iihll. Ii i
today r>'iii.-e<| to comment on Gen.'al I
J.mkovltCh's luessiyfv of edltt nee to I
Bulgars to
Modify Terms
PARIS, Nov. 29.—Au important mod
ification and one which may be a pre
hide to others probably will be made by
tlie Bulgarians in their peace terms, it
was stated today in a dispatch to The
Matin from its Belgra/k 1 correspondent.
According to this intelligence, the
Bulgarians will not Insist upon the
Turks evacuating the Chatalja de
fenses of Constantinople, an original
condition to which the Turkish plenipo
tentiaries strenuously objected.
Germany has made an important
movement in the international situation
by opening negotiations with Servia <>n
tlie question of Servia occupying a por
on tlie Adriatic co . i.
GARY. IND., Nov. 29. Ethel Smith,
for whom Billy Rugh. Gary's heroic
newsboy, sacrificed ins lift, bus left tlie
ho-pltal and returned to her home. Hei
life- was despaired of until Billy Rugh
offered to go to tlie operating table and
furnish from ills lam. leg tile live skin ;
necessary to save her from tlie effect of .
the burns. The skin grafting restored
tlie girl to health, but Billy Hugh died
from pneumonia, tlie result of amputat
ing ins leg.
The highest point of woman’s hap- ,
piness is reached only through moth
erhood, in the clasping of her child i
within her arms. Yet the mother-to- <
be is often fearful of nature’s ordeal :
and shrinks from the suffering inci- i
dent to its consummation. But for
nature’s ills and discomforts nature ;
provides remedies, and in Mother's
Friend is to be found medicine of
great value to every expectant mother.
It is an emulsion for external
application, composed ot ingredients
which act with beneficial and sooth
ing effect on those portions of the
system involved. It is intended to
prepare the system for the crisis, and
thus relieve, in great part, the suffer
ing through which the mother usually
passes. The regular use of Mother's
Friend will repay any mother in the
comfort it affords before, and the help
ful restoration to health and strength
It brings about after baby comes.
Mother's Friend
is for sale at , ww. *
g or ” r Mfr's m
free book for
expectant moth
ers which contains much valuable
information, and many suggestions of
a helpful nature.
mA " Ladies’ Suit
Mfu ,N o*- 11 * store I
iw -00
9.17 tW OW E*?rwww:aa
H ISB ==
‘.c 1 | ‘ la B r-
11 $1 A WEEK
•. I I I Starting today you cap take your pick of any Ladies’ |
I I ’I Suit in our store at this one price. Hundreds of them I
'1 I I se ’ from, and every one worth almost twice this
4^”* I vk PriCe ’ ° Ur guarantee with every garment. Call early. S
W£ ' Ll trust you | Alterations Free | we'll trust you I
This sa'e shoo'd .Ut act the attention of the I I I k I ■ ■ " ** «Z
Cash buyer as well .'s the ones desirinq cred- lA/hifch<lll 1- J
L' Bu \T' e W|l not 9ive any discount for cash Wil Ulld B1 IS • ! HK’l IH/hitohall H
than Cash Stores «sk for the same grades. \frPPT &!■ WBI D■ ? I ni 1
Come on up ant .ee them «nd you will UU&bl WMRggMa'' £7 *fiEi■ H 3 L tJT'.lt \trPPI
s>m r • or. we ■ ■ 10 ;u(M 1)C1u > '***l 'J tI V•
tiful Suits at this p> Over A <t P ® Pt
——— Tea Co. mjk. Ove A<£ C J ‘
kStfiLA' s?!s>■ 4 ■■ Tea Co.
- f*eT*r WHaWWiWRBMwMW— ww Hn
A v
j Southern Suit and Skjrt Co. 43-45 Whitehall Street Southern Suit and Co.
Two Great Saturday I
I Suit Specials At ?
1^ $ 14 73and$ 16- 50 1
JiSk $25 Suits Saturday $14.75
WB c 3
La 111 tilis # aiax . v ot * finesT tail °rcd Suits you II hud the
a verv newest materials and the greatest range of styles i
C WBHiwWi shown this season.’ Imported Cheviots, Diagonals and |
v foreign Worsted novelties are most prominent in the
showing. Select from an assortment of over 100 Suits
7 bK $14.75r
c —— * — —■ K
) Pin $ Shipment of New English Whip- *
& cord Suits On Sale Saturday at $16.50
1 MBHI English Whipcord Suits in navy blue and black. A |
refined tailored model, in a 11,sizes yXI ?***/"I ?
"dl be ready Saturday at XO • vZ
/ | Coat Sale Continues Tomorrow, $10.95 |
- 400 Coats in the handsomest materials of the season. Fine zibelines in grays and browns. Boucles in
tans, grays, brown and black and white. Rough mixtures in tans, browns, grays and black and white,
Chinchillas in navy blue and grays. Curly Buriys in black only, and many fancy imported
novelties in various new winter colorings. The models are all new
)and very attractive. One, in particular, is a stunning gray and white. A
button-trimmed, strapped back style, with wide rolling trimmed lapel. t K
Others are in tailored models, braid trimmed, with braid trimmed patch
pockets. Choice df
Southern Suit & Skirt Co. ?
? if Atlanta’s Exclusive Women’s Apparel Store” 43-45 Whitehall St.