Newspaper Page Text
THK A'lL-AMA GWltl j IA V AM) M.\\ S.
Lost and Found.
LOST—Bunch of keys by Janies R. El
lis, 280 Spring street. 90 iO
LOST—lndies’ suitease and contents on I
A . H. and A. train into Atlanta Wed- 1
nesday; evidently exchanged through nds- i
take for gentleman's suitcase of similar
appearance, which can be surrendered at *
same time the ladies' < ase is delivered. '
Return to C. G. Johnson, Marion Hotel,,
or J. K. (>rr Shoe Co 11-30-51 '
REWARD for information of smaTFgrav
horse mule that strayed from stable on
Martin street Wednesday night. W F
St illiams, 26 South Pryor street. Phone
Tvy 2754.76-30-11
LOST-- < heck on Bank of Athensi ~fo’’
$4.10, payable to Phillip Rosenberg: re
turn to 216 Capitol uve. and receive re
ward; 11-30-52
LOST Thanksgiving day a bunch of
keys. Yale and others, somewhere In the
business district uptown Kinder please ,
call Main 1871; ask for Akers 67-30-11 ■
LOST- Thanksgiving afternoon. onT’api
tol avenue, near Ormond or Capitol ave
nue car, fur neckpiece. Kinder please
call Mrs. Massengale. Ivv 4630-J
1 1-30-48 |
LOST - Solid gold tlat square-linked,
bracelet. Return and receive reward at
Henry Muench, jeweler. 63 Peachtree
street. 1130-47
LOST Pointer dog; white anj'brown
spots; scar on hind leg; short tail, i
Reward. Bell phone Main 4554. Atlanta
phone Main 4683. I S Shropshire
LOST— One book of str.a. car tickets fori
newspapers. Return to ad window The .
Constitution and re. ■: , reward. 43-29-11 !
LOST—On Soldiers Home car or in Yau
dette or on Whitehall street, string of I
gold beads, witii cameo pendant, liberal i
reward if call Main 2617. 185-A East
Fair street. 11-29-26
LOST Setter dog . >rai]g- < t ello«T and
white. Name ‘'Vet." Reward, inform
ation or return; no questions. Dr. IV. .lav !
Bell. Candler Bldg. Both phones. 11-28-10 i
SI.OO given for every sale of a ticket
to any charitable organiza
tion. Apply 56 Peachtree
. 11-30-3 ,
1 ve a Look at Gilbert’s
3 3 reachtree street, if interested in char- 1
ity work. 11-30-2 !
LADIES Ask your druggist for Ch (chea
ters Pills, the Diamond brand; for 25
years known as best, safest, always relia
ble; buy of your druggist. Take no other.
Chichesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold
by druggists everywhere 5-2-'
EVERYBODY knows fhat’.i, L. Burnett
has the newest and most complete line
of wall papers. H“ also guarantees al!
his work. Better be safe than sorry. .1
L Burnett, 22 E. Mitchell St. Phones 48
n - 2 m
GET YOUR PIANO tuned now. Don't'
. wait until 4 he rush and lose out Cali I
Dell nhone West 712 or address P. O
Box 656. No cheap jobs. Best work. .
Ramsey. .”.3-27-1 i i
refined, homelike. Limited number of :
patients cared for. Home provided fori
infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 26 Wind- ,
sor St.ll-9-57 I
SCREENS Wood fly’ screens metal fly
screens, hardwood doors, Venetian blinds, i
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
in the South. Write or phone W. R. Cal- 1
■away, manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank building, Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310.
_ s-15-r* i
SERIOUS RESULTS com** from trusses ,
improperly fitted. John B Daniel, at 34 <
Wall street, has an expert fltte” and it |
will cost you no more to
you, and it means insurance. C-24-19 ;
WEALTHY bank r’ widow, 50, would
marry. A.. Box 35, League, Toledo, i
Ohio. ' 57-30-11!
oil East Hunter, between Central .v<
S nue and Washli gtoi
11-23-51 !
MADAME CAMILLE tells past present
and future. Special reading, 2.>c, this
v. (**k. Located 50 Edgewood avenue, be
tween Ivy and 1M y r 4
Palmist and Lif< Reading.
GYPSY queen.
IS NOW LOCATED in tent, corner For
syth and Luckie: can be consulted on
sdi affairs of life. Charges moderate
Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-11
DROPSY CURED Relieves shortness of
breath in 36 to 48 hours IWixes swell
ing in fifteen to twenty days Writ, for
particulars. Collom Dm; ry Remedy Com
-1 any, 512 Austell building. Atlanta
5-25-11 i
PILES—If you have them, I will mail you '
a prescription for 52 cents • stamps)
taken) that cured me in 1904 of the worst ;
• ase of piles 1 have ever seen. It is a |
simple and harmless remedy. Address
Dr. J. T. Patterson, 445 G Edgewood .ivr, !
z Atlanta, Ga. 82-36-1 i j
DISEASES of women and children. 200- I
202 HUI yer Trust Bldg. Bell phone Jvy <
4619. >
or EDMONSON’S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and < Jot ton Root 1 ■ afe a
liable treatment for painful and sup- I
press, menstruation, irregularities and |
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail.
50< Frank Edn nd < n !•’ ■ nai ifac
turing chemists, 11 North Broad street.
Atlanta 4
Wanted—M eous.
WILL GIVE $lO5 for few shares Ger
mania Savings bam. -UH-k M A
Sinldi, 391 Pettus strew. Atlanta. 25-39-11 I
WANTED Second-hand pair
platform scales, to draw 2,000 poum s
Must be cheap and in good <■< mm ci .
Address Scales, care 1 -rgian '■■ 1 1 ,
WANTED-Fifty ol< Tea herTeds it
Will pay highest cash price. ,
Boston Feather Company. 1, Warro
place, or phone ivv 3372-L. At.. ■ •(
5971-A. 47-2' ■' ! 1
SECOND-HAND I.J.’yTTZ" tor be.' 8 (■• ;
■ ears • fid. Bell phont M 1389 1
WANTED Second-hand coal stove; ■ at<
if hard or soft, size ami price, als. name .
of stove. Address 504 Euclid avenm
WANTED—At once, one four-drawer let- ,
it !• filing cabinet Call M.>,'.
~r.Roi’ A 7'a‘l:D * ~
We'll Bring Caslt For
Old Clothes and Sbm
„ 166 DecaturJStreej
1 ORNITURE and household g >< ds, < fflce
fixtures and merchandise < f an\ kind ,
accepted on consignment. Ca.’h
Pembroke Sales Co.. 143 South Pr\< ’
Bell phones Main 1434. Main 187, A’ .<t a
WEPAY!ih;ili’ST‘o: b P •• '■
hold goods, pianos and fficc’ furmt ire ,
Cash advanced < n cot ' h 1 '• ’
Auction Company,
street. Bell phone Majn_?!£* .L ' !
wanted" w. ; -'
on household gooos. pianos m ! uj. '
furniture Cash ad’anood = n
ments. Springer’s ~n IL ,
ith Pryor street
I BTy MEN'S old
i Drop a card I B< k. 3J 1-*l
| If what you have f ’ -ale ,J i '
I the prl'-e of a Want A i. i • ' -r »-
for r. few tin ;
■ bit k nun
For Sale —Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE Seven-eighths kan t diamond
i ring worth HOo; n.r quick sale will take
■ DU. Address Me.. Box 200, care Georgian,
■ 1 93-30-11
' Beautiful upright mahogan}
i William Knabe a- <*>>. piano; less than!
one year old; cost new $750. and will sell ',
tor about <»ne-haif cist; don't answer un- i
! ,^: Ms you niean business. Address Knabe
‘.? r ' 'i-yi.i i:
i FOR SALE ()n< gut furn
ture cheap. Call 163 and 165 Walton
street, 91-30-11
I-Rl IT TREES. s!:a<h‘ trees, grape vines,
. rose bushes, privet hedge, etc.. th< very
i finest stock to be had. R. E. Lee, 223 W‘.
Lair street, Atlanta representative Coh-
88 ::<j- j 1
FOR SALE Two gentleman’s suits, two
overcoats, one cravanette coat, one rain
coat; almost new. Call Main 9097.
SALE one oal extension
ijtble; also medium sized heater. Call
i Main ~o:i7 - 11 -30 32
; Ft >R s.\l.E -Typewriter and stand in good
i condition for sale cheap. Call Ivv 2506-L.
W AN'liJ' Y<>u to know that “(’amp
Brothers" means the best in machine
Weik. ’I ell Camp jour machine troubles,
i New shop, new tools, at 275 Marietta
> s^ree l_. ne Main 2937. 11-30-5 |
I 4 (‘R SALE -Good second-hand folding!
; bed, eheap for cash, D. G. Thomas. 125 |
i Marietta street. Atlanta phone 1917.
I 11-30-8 |
FOR SALE, CHEAP One good heating
stove, one gas cooking stove, one wa-J
I ter heater, at 52 Kennesaw avenue,
j 26-30-11
Ft )R SALI »a t higl
sideboard, practically new: also dining
table to match; excellent- condition. Will
■sell at big bargain, ‘‘all 140 Capitol ave-
WANTED Manufacturers and merchants
to help manage the business end of the
i Panama canal. It is located at Los An- !
j geles, the key to the great Southwest.
; The Ninth Anniversary edition of The
Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25,
v ’i!l have the facts about this great proj
ect Mailed to any address in I'nited
States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or for
eign points 25 cents. Send in your or
der now. 10 21-4
'i.ngs comparatively new-, rent
IM UN 2806 \Ti. \ NTA 473. 11-19-6
SSOO Worth of Music Free.
At this season of the year it is dif
ficult for our salesmen to visit all of
their prospective customers in time
to be given an opportunity’ to explain
our prices and terms. In order to
facilitate their work and make every
visit count, we are offering $5 worth
of music free to every one who is now
ready to take th< matter up with one
of our salesmen. Cut this ad out and
mail to us, stating when our sales
man may call on you, how much you
wish to pay cash. etc. Regardless of
j whether our salesman can satisfy you
; or not, this offer is open to you if you
will advise us of your intentions to
purchase so as to give us an oppor
: tunity to explain to your our prices
i and terms. Be sure and state in your
i reply when our salesman may visit
I your home to talk the piano question
Post Office Box 1623.
Atlanta, Ga.
F’OR SALE Stetson piano f< ■; $250
Won In contest Reason for sale. Mrs.
jJ. H. Coleman, Route 3. Mitchell. Ga.
; J.<’<'ND-HAND SAFES—SmaII, medium
<nd large home safes, sls; Hall’« bank
ai firej rool safes, vault do< rs, etc C.
1 Daniel, 416 Fourth National Bank build
■ •
F< . SALI chi k<ins, Marlborough eed
I corn. c.inne<l fruits and tomatoes. W. A
‘ ignt r. Fa rar, Ga3l 29-11
enough to buy your coal. Southern
Stove and Supply Company, 121 White- ;
hid I street. !
, CcMBIN.XTI’»N coal and gas ranges.'
; S’ niio r: Stove and Supply Company,!
10-15-4 i
i WE SELL STOVES cheaper because our |
expenses are less Southern Stove and j
S jjJ Com) any, 121 Whitehall. 10-15-4
Ci'ME to corner Peachtree and Ellis I
streets for brick, lumber, doors, sash
: and mantels, heap, Denton & Flournoy,
house wreckers.
[LOOK at our stoves and ranges before
you buy one anywhere. Southern '
! Stove and Supply Company, 12L White-
' 4
‘ CADET HEA TERS, with cull Southern
Stove and Supply Company, 121 White
-10-15 4
-1 V. OOD 7-18-17
'cast RANGES, with water back, S3O and
up Southern Stove and Supply Com-
, pany. 121 W hitehall 10-15-4 |
Bankruptcy Reports, Century Digest,
| Ency. of Evid., etc. Prices and terms on
| request. The Harrison Company, Atlanta. ■
2L±AI |
B< H ;Hi >NES M . N ■4B
PERFEi !Tl< >N oil heati, - 50 up. '
I Southern Stove and Suppij <'•-mi an.-. .
• 121 Wb !l eh a IL 12 • 16 ~ 4
I and success Everybody's doing it
' Come out to Southern California. The
Ninth Anniversary <-«iiti<»n of T1 e Los
I Angeles Examiner will set you rigl t. Out
Decetnbet 25. Mailed to any address in
Fnite<! States or Mexico 15 cents a copy. (
I Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send t
in your order nowlo-_2l-4
National Cash Registers.
$35, SSO. S6O. $75 and up Terms easy. Lib
eral exchange allowance Botli phones.
60 North Broad Street 7-20-52 }
SAFES; files, cabinets, new <Y 2nd hd. ;
Gookin Bank & office Equipment Co. j
NEW beautiful i ups wovei irom your!
old carpet, superior to any in service. ,
i plain ot d< signed; any size Catalogue!
: free oriental Hug Company, Baltimore. >
_B-i6 31 i
HELP WANTED To develop the resour-
I ,■( of Southern t'alif rnia. 'lie land of
proy:‘ .- »n, n< v idea." !l‘*a<l aboutthe b -
i liortunlties in the Ninth Anniversary Edi- i
I tion of Th<" Los Angeles Examiner, out I
I December 25th. Mailed to any address in ;
: United States or Mexi<-<;. 15 cents a ci py; I
Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send
. j n< in-21 -4
- . ■■■"" ~~~r— — .jz:.■
Auction Sales.
ic'I'VTRAL AUCTION CO., 12 K. Mltchch
m buvs and sells everything: regular
./,)! Tuesday and Friday. Bell phone
m ■ i: y <
Decatur street. IVe buy and sell any I
and everything Atlanta phone 2285; Bell
phone Main 1434 Main 187
I SPRINGER'S Auction House! at 25 s mtn
Pryor street, will buy or sell your |
!b. •i ■ i e- '.a . pianos and office furnl-
I ture. Main 1536. 10-3-6
i PEMBR"KE Sale- Company under new
management,'l accopt your surplus
I stock of any kii d oi «'gni e> I cash
I • •ivam-rd -'’tri nent t' li’e of -r.le 14:;
1 i’r l '-r • re. ■ 1 t"ll i ' M<i I n 1 414,
. Malt, 187. Aiiatiia phone 2285.8-6 30
TO EXCHANGE The best climate and I
soil’ll, 'he 'lid fir a lit -d and frost - •
f,, n b„ ; 1.1 Ninth tn- :
~p,, rv.. r < ,• ,••,,,?:•? t!.< l.i- 'ngol'-s F.x
will DII v <‘t* M
! ..I ■ Mail" fit...
• I-. '■
1" 4 4
FOR sale Five-passenger 1911 Maxwell
, ' res 'n good condition; for $400.'
lids is a real bargain. Tall; quick. Ad- i
df'-ss <;.IL S.,_c,’re Georgian. 11-30-10
frOK SALE Five-passenger touring can
top, windshield, complete; perfect I
I condition. Apply Claud D. Tavlor, ’.3
' lll ’ | 9t"n street. .48-30-11
SALE Fifty-liorsepower five-pas
senger touring ear. equipped, and in
good running order. Will sell for $350, I
cash only. Be quick. Cash, Box 450. care j
Georgian. 45 28-11
i\X( II \N< 1 e tor automobile roadster, one
t w<»-si« »r\six-room house, built one
jear ago; 117 feet from car line; near in;
cost me $2,400; loan <>f $900; equity .»f
$1,500; autu must be late nuclei ami 1n
best tit eondition; giv«* full description
an<i make <u ear with answer. Owner,
1 BoX Atlanta. < a. 11-30-65
WANTED To buy moderate priced an- j
, tomobile in good shape, for cash. A. B. ,
1 : " x care Get>rgian 32 29 11
WANTF7D QI I< K Electric coupe, four- I
passenger; must be n. k. shape and I
' b " _ v U --x-; i .
, w \ NTEI ■ ylsli ne out and see :
the great Southwest. Most of them will !
I want to stay. The Ninth Anniversary ’
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out i
j De< » mber 2.»th. will set forth the reasons '
i Maile<l to any address in I’nited States or i
i Mexico, 15 cents; Canada or foreign points
25 cents. Send in your order now. in-21-4
Business Opportunities.
THEATRICAL rooming or boarding!
house for sale; party wants to leave j
city; everything new; always full. Ad- ;
uress Theatrical, care Georgian. 86-30-11
!• I \ E states $500; latest improved gar
den hose; nozzle and sprav: brass; will
I manufacture; North worth $5,000; half
leash, rest when patent allowed. Address
Inventor, S., Box 906, care Georgian.
RF2SPONSIBLE ■ . . ration <
< Jeorgia ami South Carolina territory
wants district salesmanager, capable of
managing salesmen: capital required, SSOO
to S7OO. You handle your money- Should
pay S2OO to SSOO per month. Investigation
invited. .1. M. Carter. 1421 Candler Bldg .
Atlanta, Ga 70-30-I1
azine Semi me your name and I will
mail you this magazine absolutely free.
Bes re 5 < 1 In vest a dollar anj w here get
this magazine; it is worth $lO a copy to
any,man who intends to invest $5 or more
per month. Tells you how SI,OOO can
grow to $22,000; how to judge different
classes of investments, the real earning
power of your money. This magazine
six months free, if you w»'ite today. H.
L. Barber, R. 449, 22 West Jackson boule
vard, Chicago 53-30-11
PROFITABLE position for right party to
handle our SI,OOO accident policy selling
for SI.OO yearly. Fays SI,OOO death and
$7.50 weekly benefits. Sold to men and
Women. Also $4, $6 and $lO policies. Ex
clusive territory. Pacific CnastW'a-iualtv
(V>., Newark. N J. 67-23-1 1
Wz\ NTED--Partner to invest small
amount in profitable business; office
work. W., Box 806, care Georgian.
WANTED To buy direct from owner,
small drug store. Must be good lo
cation and on paying basis. None but
owner need reply. Call at 235 South
L? s~r Main 5164. 11-29-1
UN IVEIfsA 1. ICE COMPANY stock f?r
sale. This stock is worth SIOO per
I share. Am willing to trade for land or
I one automobile. Address all cornmunica
! tlons to Box 55, Milledgeville, Ga.
I 11-26-37
\V A NTED-- Fami 11 es to own some more of
those beautiful Southern California
homes. It Is a habit, get it. The Ninth
Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles
Examiner, out December 25th. tells how
the habit Is acquired. Mailed to any ad
dress in United States or Mexico 15 cents;
Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send
In your order now. 10-21-4
Money to Loan.
sss ' DO YOU WANT MONEY?? sss
OWNERS, • ome direct to us. Money In
any quantity at 6 to 8 per cent; $200,000
for apartment houses at 6 per cent. We
handle purchase money notes, stocks and 1
bonds. Randolph Loan Co., 821 Candler 1
Building. Iyy 5069. 10-1 -49 i
'MONEY ON HAND for Immediate loans
on property in or near Atlanta. J. E.
1 Van Va’kenburg, sul Equitable building
, 6-6-22
Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-3
amount; 6 per cent. Write or call S.
W. Carson. 24 South Broad street 4117 .
ON FIRST mortgage real estate security. *
; Home funds and insurance money Rates ;
' st/4. to 8 per cent interest. We also make
j monthly payment loans. We car. give
you the money as soon as titles are ap
L. H. ZURDINE, I.nan Mar |ger
SURANCE CO. of Ameri
ca can make you a loan on
Atlanta improved property,
through their loan corre
spondents, Turman, Black
'& Calhoun, 203-8 Empire
.Building. 6-7-12-1
FARM 1 A LANS placed In any amount on
Improved farm lands in Georgia. The
Southern Mortgage Company, Gould hulld-
| lng 7-13-1
, - - - L
LOAN r-X--
MAINJ.'S (_( )
WE 11 \\ E pl‘iity oi moiH'v to!
lend at lowest rates on Atlanta
; and nearby property, either tor
straight or monthly payment
I plan. Also for purchasing pur
; chase money notes. Foster <i
I Robson. 11 Edgewood Ave.
' AND OTHERS, upon their own names; !
1 cheap lates, oasj payment?. Confiden- i
• • tiding
j WANTED Manufacturers and merchants i
to help manage the business end of the
i’anama canal. It is located at Los An- ]
’ geb-s, tho kov i<» lhe gr» at Southwest. ■
i The Ninth Anniversary edition of The ;
[ Los Angeles Examiner, nut December 25,*
will hav»‘ the sac ts about this .great pro.;- j
; cct Mailed to any address 1: Ui ited ,
’ ' • • l or for-
eign j 25 cents. Send In your or- ;
der now 10-21-4
Money Wanted.
SEVEN hundred dollars for one year, to
Lo paid in weekly installments; will
give fir ■ mortgage on stuck me’- l;.ui<i -<•
' worth live thousand dollars. C. < » M. i
I » ar< f Dorgian. '
I WANTED A loan on high class va« ant :
lets just across rad from Ansley I’arl; j
at reasonable rat* F. S. C. Ib-x B n 2 - ar*-
Georgian 28-28-11 !
FOUND The beet place for prosperity
and •u’- '-- Ever\b<**lj • -l-dug t
Come nut to Southern California ’lhe
I Sinti Anniversary • litlon of The L s
1 Ang'lus Examini 1 vi 111 s<4 you right Out
' I ••mber 25 A’a’-d to u:.\ address Ini
1 Unite*] Stat*" M* ' I*< « « nD a <•< py. 1
( Canada or l'’r»*<kn pmnb • • ents S*»n*l •
Purchase Money Notes Wanted.
!1 :»(
Real Estate For Sale
WEST END new b mgal<w
large corner lot; 204 Holderness, be-;
iween Gordon and Oak; substantial and;
' attractive; granite front, sleeping porch, i
1 modern conveniences. If you have s7<so
I cash, see this place. I’hone W. 460-J.
; _ J<s-30-ll I
' FOR SALE By owner, new six-room I
bungalow; inman Park; first-class; bar- 1
Tain. (-.iil Floyd, Ivy :’.l-i!*-J. 30 26
FOR SALE Nice six room cottage, on
half acre lot; all necessary out-build-i
! Ings, in South Carolina. Ivy 2453-L. X I
IY. Z., Box 910, care Georgian. 11-30 39
SSOO Equity KOI: SALL Six-room bun- ;
' galow in irkwood; lot 50 by 200; well
i-shaded; electric lights. Assume sl,ooo*
loan; balance easy monthly notes. A. G. I
G . Box HU, care < ;p*»rgian. 11-30-1 7 |
EY! You can do this by applying at I
once to Copenhill Laml Company, 836
Equitable building. They have a five
room bungalow, just finished; no mort
gagp on it; all improvements; three car
(lines; quick schedules; 93 Miranda ave
l nue, near North avenue. Highland and
I Pone** DeLeon avenues; small cash pa.v-
I ment and $25 per month gets it. The
1 best chance you will have. See Copen
hill Land Company, 836 Equitable build
ing. Phone Main 803..11-2.'-12
1 SIX-ROOM TWO-STORY home hi I< ik '
i wood; bargain for quirk sale at $2,600.!
I This is near the Sutherland. Homes like I
this selling at $5,000. Owner moving and
must sell; SSOO cash, balance one, two
and three years. Both phones 6 Decatur.
Kirkwo<<»a 11 -26-41
FOR SALE By owner, six-toom cot
tage; all improvements; for S3OO less
; than it cost. Price $1,900; $270 cash, bal
' an* e S2O per month. F. S. M., care Geor
FOR SALI On Rivei 1 new thre<
room house; $1,000; sls a month; no
cash payment. John Carey, 2 Whitehall
street. 11-2-55
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for eleetrieitj'.
WANTED -One hundred thousand ready
made families to share in the prosperity
of Southern California. The Ninth Anni
versary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex
aminer, out December 25th, will tell why
and how. Mailed to any address In United
States or Mexico 15 cents a copy; Panada
or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your
order now 10-21-4
Farms For Sale.
A FINE plantation of 5,500 acres, lo
cated eight miles of Leary. Ga.. four
miles from Holt, Ga.. on the Central of
Georgia railroad. 3,000 acres open, bal
ance in cut land, which can be cleared
at a small cost; almost the entire place
under wire fence; 18 tenant houses, two
large barns and one four-room <1 welling
This is *»ne of the cheapest farms in the
stat<. Will sell on easy terms or ex
chance part of the purchase price for
good Atlanta property. Address Planta
don, Box 811, care 11 eorgian. 11-30-29
thentic information on any matter con
cerning western Canada furnished free by
Canadian Progress Magazine, Calgary.
Canada. 56-30-11
NOW IS THE TIME to buy your truck
farm and get ready for the spring gar
dens. We have several first-class places
from 5 acres up that we can sell on good,
easy tertps. Atlanta Suburban Realty
Company, 31 Inman building Main 2053.
WANTED Families to own some more
of those beautiful Southern California
homes. It is a habit, get it. The Ninth
\nniversar> Edition of The Los Angeles
Examiner, out December 25th. tells how
the habit is acquired. Mailed to any ad
dr< - m United States or Mexico 15 cents;
Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send
»n your order now. 10-21-4
For‘Sale or Exchange—Farms.
670 \CRES, eight miles west of Dublin,
two miles east of Dudley, < n the M. D
S railroad. This land is good and strong.
Will make a bale of cotton to the acre.
| There is 16-horse cleared, 12 tenant
houses, one six-room dwelling. This place
I will rent for $1,600. Can exchange this
for city property or sell on easy terms.
1 \ddress H. R. C.. Box 813, car*- Geor
gian. 11-30-27
Farms For Rent.
1-1N1; dair> an, i truck farm for rent; six
miles from East Atlanta; four-room
house in good condition; fine well water; |
‘good outbuildings ami orchard; 25 or 30;
acres* in cultivation; 100 acres in pas
; ture. with pure running water. J. F. '
1!. ■ • Conh y. <la. 77-30-H
WANTED One hundred thousand ready-
made families to share in the prosper
ity of Southern California The Ninth An
niversary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex
aminer. out December 25th. will tell why |
•and how. Mailed to any address in United
States or Mexico. 15 cents a copy; Can
ada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in
your order now. 10-21-4
Farms Wanted.
WANT to communicate with owners of
< heap south Georgia lands; give descrip
tion and price in first letter P. <>. Box
235, At l«'ir»Dt- 66-30-11
WANTED -To I>uy ten acres about I<i’ir
miles from <*-n»er of city. Givo full
description anti price first letter. M. F.,
42 P< acht ree stre< 1 32 - 25-11
Timber Lands For Sale.
35 MILES from Valdosta, In Clinch
county. on the <?. s. and F. railr<tad, '
; have 12,000 aores of yellow pine timber
that will ( lit «»v< r 2,5()0 feet to the acre;
I practically none of this land has been
•leaned. The Macon to Jacksonville rail
road runs foi- three miles through this
I place. I ran soil this on easy terms or
! exchange* 50 per cent of the i>ureha.-*‘
: i.rice for some Xtlanta proper! v Price $5
‘pcracr.-. Address I’ T P . Box 812, ear
! Georgian. 11-30-28
Legal Notices.
BER. 1912.
V. 11 s.»ld before tie present court
ii'Hjs,. “old ejt- hall Building,'' lo-
cated ai the northeast corner of South
Pry. r and Las’ Hunter streets, the said
promises having Loon designated by the
board <>f < ..minis-- mors of roads and rev
-1 • mi* s of Pulton county as the court house,
in the - it) of Xtlanta. Fulton county,
Georgia on the first Tuesday in ]»«•*.•« ni
-1 Ler. 1.12. at public outcry, within the
I legal of sale, to th*' hlghes’ and
• best bidder or bidders, for cash, the
whol< . part or parts of the following <ie-
i scribe‘ property :
I All that traet .>r parcel of land lying and
being in the citx . f College Pari., being
I part of land lot oi.e hundred ami tiftj nine
(159 i. of the !■'< urteenth (11th) dHfrici of
'•riginally Hen •, non Fulton county,
Georgia, and more particularly described
as follows: Beginning at the *<< ithwest
I < orn* r of Harden avenue and Madison
street, running th n<-e west along the
south side <f Harden avenue seventy div*-
<7s> feet, them ** south one luindr* d and
ninet> i 19"» fee;. then* , e east seventy-live
(73) feet to Madison street, tlcm »• north I
alm g the w* st side of Madison sir* et on*? [
I hundred and nim-ty *l’.'") f* < ! , t.. th** l»e-
• ginning point. Levied upon as the jiroperty '
of Mrs. Mnttfn E. Jones to Hatlsfj a fl. fa I
i.swumi from the city court of Atlanta in!
! favor of 8. .1 Winn vs. Mrs. Mattle E,
! Jot., s A deed f..r the of levy
i and sale having boon executed, filed and
I recorded as required by law Tenant in
P2 : 2ii'' notified.
Xis" a 1 the same time and place, th** |
following described property t-« wit \U
tha' iiac’ or parcel of land lying ai d !>••-
Img in ihn ity of College Park, ’--eing i
part - f land lot (-r.e hundred ami fifty - I
nine (15?) of the Fourteenth <l4lh> dis-
; rlrt of original!* Il»nr\, now Fulton
• ••untv, G« • rgla. I'*'ing !■•’ l umber t\\"
<No .D. it) Ido k *'igl't> ”.\M as per
1 1.11 ■ f C(»ll* g»‘ I 11. Land ' rnpaaj -
, t.i."-’ • I Knuffniai,, . ivil
. •■niri •rr 111 : n• . • part i< ulari;. «l*
.<• rib. d .is fo’.h.u I’, tunning it th*'
XI \ th ’• 1. »ui riii,; th* 1 *•• » asi • I 'lir
Legal Notices.
1 the south side of Harden avenue one
, hundred (100) feet to the west line of lot
1 number four (No 4). of said block; thence
south parallel with Myrtle street one hun
. dred and ninety *l9O, feet, more or less,
to the north line of lot number one INO.
I), of said block, thence west, one hun-
! dred (100) feet to Myrtle street; thence
Inorth al mg the east side of Myrtle street
one Hundred and ninety (190) feet to the
i point .»f beginning. levied upon as the
property of John D. Muldrew to satisfy
j a h. fa. issued from the city court of
•XUanta in favor of Courtland S Winn
and E. H. Jordan as executors of the es-
■ tato of Sarah E. Winn, deceased, vs. the
said John D. Muklrew. A deed for the
purpose of levy and sale having been
I executed, tiled and recorded as required
Iby law ’i'*’’:ai ■ in possession notified
, Also at the st ne time an< placed ths
i following describ-d property, to-wii : All
that tract or parcel of land lying and be
ing In the city <.f Atlanta, and In land
lot one hundred and ten (110) of the
I’ otirteenth <! th» district, of Pulton coun
ty Georgia, and more particularly de
scribed as follows; Beginning at the
northeast corner of Ashby and Harwell
streets, and running thence east along the
north side of Harwell street one hundred
and tw* nty (120) feet, to a ten GO, foot
alb j ; thence north along the west side
of said alle> for ■ I • feet; thence west
parallel With Harw»4l street one hundred
land twenty (120) feet to Ashby street;
, thence south along the east side of Ashby
; Street f..rty (40) R et, to the point of be
ginning, being lot number twenty-one (21)
"J the Bros.’ sub-division by
S B Turman X-. *’<• , real estate agents.
Levied upon as the property of George F.
Oakes to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from
the city court of Atlanta In favor of Myr
tle I. Bree and (’ora L. Bree vs. the said
1 Oakes as maker and Dolph
XX alkor and L. W Franklin as Indorsers.
A deed for tho purpose of levy and sale
having been executed, filed and recorded
as required by law ’Lenant in possession
not I tied
Also at the time ami place, the
following described property, to-wit: All
that tract or pan el . f land lying and be
ing m the Seventh ward, in the city of
Atlanta, and In land lot one hundred ami
seventeen QI 7 I, of the Fourteenth * 14th)
district of Fulton county, Georgia, be
ginning on the west side of Lawton street
two hundred and seventy-three (273) feet
north »f the northwest ■ orner of Green
wich and Lawton streets, and extending
thence north along the west side of law
ton street forty-five *45) feet; then*'© west
parallel with Greenwich street one hun
dred and fifty (150) feet to an alley ten
GO) feet wide; then*'*? south along the
east side of said alley forty-five (45)
feet; thence west one hundred and fifty
(150) feet to beginning point. Being lot
number eight (8». on plat of lots of C.
R. Haskins made in February, 1910.,and
recorded in the clerk’s office of Fulton
county. In plat book 4. page 27. Levied
upon as th** property of Taylor M Uw
rence to satisfy a fi fa. issued from the
city court of Atlanta in favor of W J
Northen vs. the said Taylor M.
A dec i for the purpose of levy and sale
having been executed, filed and recorded
as r*? 1 1 uired by law. Tenant In possession
Also at the same time and’place, the
following described property, to-wit: All
that tract or parcel of land Iving and be
ing in the city of Atlanta ami in land lot
seventy-five (75), of the Fourteenth (14th)
district of Fulton county, Georgia, and
more particularly described as follows;
Commencing on the north side of Georgia
avenue at a point one hundred and twen
ty-three and one-fourth (123 L foot west
of the northwest corner of Georgia ave
nue and Formwait street, thence west
along the north side of Georgia avenue
forty-one and one-fourth (41' 4 ) feet, more
or less, to Hulsey's east line, thence run
ning north one hundred (100) feet, more
or- less, to Warwick’s south line: thence
east fortj one and one-fourth (ilVi) feet,
more or less; thence south one hundred
(100) feet, more or less, to the beginning
point. Levied upon as the property of
A. Irwin Almand to satisfy a ti. fa. is
sued from the city court of Atlanta in
favor of s P. Woods vs. the said A. Ir
win Almand. A deed for the purpose of
levy and sale having been executed, filed
and recorded as required by law Ten
ant in possession notified.
Also at the same time ami place, th* 1
following described property, to-wit: All
that tract or parcel <»f land Iving and be
ing in the city of Atlanta, being part *.f
land lot fourteen (14), of the Fourteenth
G4th) district of orfginallj Henry, now
Fulton county, Georgia, more particularly ,
described <i follows: Beginning at the
corner of Robert S. < Ireer's lot (said cor |
ner being the southeast corner of lot l
hereby conveyed), being on the west side I
of Moreland avenue (formerly the Uounty
Line road), and running thence north
along the west side of Moreland avenue
one hundred (100) feet to property of J.
D. Evans, them** west along said prop
erty four hundred (400) feet, to the Tay
lor lire; *hence south along said line one
hundred GOO) feet to R S. Greer's line
them e east along said line four hundred
(400) feet to the point of beginning; be
ing the same property described In deed
1 from •’ a. Rauschenberg to Mrs Fan
j nie Rauschenberg, dated September 6,
I 1911, and recorded in deed book 308, page
286. Fulton county records. Levied upon
as the property of R. s Morris to satis
fy a 11. fa. issued from the city' court
of Atlanta in favor of B. Moss vs. the
said R S. Morris. A deed for the pur-
I pose <»f levy and sale having been exe
-1 cuted, filed and recorded as required by
law Tenant in possession notified.
Also at the same time and place, the
following described property, ro-wit: All
that tract nr parcel of land situated, ly
Ing and being in land lot one hundred
and fifteen (115), of the Fourteenth (14th)
district of Fulton county, Georgia, ami
more particularly described as follows;
(’ommencing at a point on the southwest
corm-r of Lena and Stevens streets, and
running thence west along the south side
itreet forty (40) feel. thence
south one huj.dred and twenty <120) feet;
thence cast forty (40) feet to Stevens
street; thenre north one hundred and
twenty il20) fort to the beginning point
Being lot 1. of block <of the sub-division
of Sunset Park. Also u lot commencing
on the southeast corner of Lena and
Stevens streets, running thence easf along
Lena street forty <4O) feet, thence south
one hundred and twenty (120) feet; thence
west forty (40» feet to Stevens street;
thence north along Stevens street one
hundred and twenty (120) feet, to the
beginning point. Being lot 1, of block D,
of th.- sub-division of Sunset Bark. Also
three lots commencing at a point on lhe
east side of Stevens street one hundred
ami twenty (120) feet south of the south
east corner ol Stevens and streets,
and running thence south along the east
• -a Stex •■' - b1 reet one hundied
ami twenty '120) feet, ’hence east one
hundred ami twenty (120) feet; thence
north one hundred and twenty (120) feet,
them * west on** htindred and twenty (120)
L et, to the point of beginning Being lots
4. 5 and 6. of block D, of the sub-division
of Sunset Dark A plat of said sub
division of Sunset Dark mu*le by H. ('
Bailey, civil engineer. February, 1912, to
which reference is herein made. Is re
corded in plat book 5, page 46. Levied
on ns the proeprty of R S. Morris to sat-
■ a . fr*>m the Fulton < *>un
ty supei 1 favor of P B Hoj
kins vs. the -aid R S. Morris. A deed
for the purpose <<f levy and sale having
been *»ex* uted, filed and recorded as re
quired by law. Tenant in possession noti
Also, at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit; All
that tract or parcel of land lying and be
ing in th*’ city of Atlanta, bi mg part »>f
’.und Im ’went\ 20). of the Fourteenth
• 14th» district of originally Henry, now
I’ulton, county, Georgia, and being l«<ts
Nos •’>. 7 and x in block D of th*? sub
division ••! the Grant property as per plat
on silo in office of Forrest X- George
Adair, mor • partic ilarly described as fol
lows: Beginning at .1 point on the north-
' east corner of l air street and Powell
I street, ami running thence east along the
i north side of Fair street one hundred and
1 s’x oigi.t 11681 feet, thence north one
I hoindr< <i and for’;. *140) feet: thence west
one hundred and sixtv eight <168) feet to
j I'■well street; then**** south along the east
si*!** "i I'• well street one hundred and I
forty < 140) feet to the point of begin- ‘
ning. Levied on as the property of 17 I
<■ Lester !• 'U’lsfx fi fa Issue*! from
the < i y court of Atlanta in favor of Colo
nial Investment Company vs. the said E
• ' Lester A '!' *•<! f.»r the purpose of levy
' and sale having been * xecute<l, file*! am!
i lecorded as reouireit I y law Tenant m
j possession notiiicd.
I \l.-o, at the same time and place, the
following des< ribe«i pi-'perty. to-wit; Al!
that tract «»r par* • I of lami situated, lying
and L'-itiv in '.ami lot number one hundred
and fort’.-nlm- (No 14!h of the Four
teenth (iHlii dis irlv’ of original!) Henry,
iu u Fulton, < lunt’ . Georgia. Ill*- same
*nn !•<♦ * j, Lor <u,e hundred and so. rx .
1 tiv*- *.N" ID., in Map B of \V.-stw.*"<i •
Pari . . per p| u t 1 .‘orded in oee. book
“I’ 2.5. I dtoii "unty ree«c I■. nd
» SAH KDA), NOX EMBEK 30. 1912.
Legal Notices.
’ more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the corner formed by the in- [
tersevtion of the east side of Joe John- •
son &venue and the northeast side of
Gordon street, and running thence no T
along the east side of Joe Johnson avenue
one hundred ami six (106) feet to lot No. :
146 nf said plat; thence east along south '
side of said lot one hundred ami thirtv
five and four-tenths *135 4-;0i fret rn lot)
No. 144 of said plat, thence southwest;
along said lot one hundred and sixty-six I
(166) feet to Gordon street; theme north- 1
west along (Jordon street nine *9) feet I
to beginning point Levied upon as the 1
property of Mrs. Jessie \BMeans to sat
isfy a fi. fa. issued from the city court 1
of Atlanta in favor of Georgia Savings I
Hank and Trust Company vs the said
Mrs. Jessie A. Means. A deed for the pur
pose of levy and sale having been exe
cuted, filed and recorded as required by
law. Tenant in possession notified.
zXIso, at the swtne time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: A“
that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in the city of Atlanta, in land lot
fifty-four (54) of the Fourteenth (14th'
district of originally Henry, now Ful
ton, county, Georgia, more particularly
described as follows; Beginning at the
southwest corner of Garden and Bass
streets and extending thence south along
the west side of Garden street forty (40)
feet; thence west parallel to Bass street
one hundred and thirty five (135) feet,
more or less, to an alley; thence north
along the east side of said’ alley forty (40)
feet to Bass street, thence east along
the south side of Bass street one
hundred and thirty-fivp <135) feet, irmre
or less, to the point of beginning: being
the same premises conveved bv the Ger
mania Savings Bank to Mrs Annie Bra
zell, wife of J. XX’. Brazell, by deed dated
October 9, 1906, recorded In deed book
197. page 388. Fulton county records.
Izevied upon as the property 'of B XV
Brown to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the
city court of Atlanta in favor of Georgia
Savings Bank and Trust Co. vs the said
B. XV. Brown, as maker, and Janies W
Brazell, as administrator of the estate
of Mrs Annie Brazell, deceased, in
dorser A deed for the purpose of levy
and sale having been executed, filed and
recorded as required by law. Tenant in
possession notified
Also, at the same time and place, the
one-half undivided interest of Quinn
Callaway in ami to the following de
scribed property, to-wit: All that tract
or parcel or land lying and being In the
city of East Point, in land lot one hun
dred and thirty-two (132) of the Four
teenth (14th) district of originally Henry,
now Fulton, county, Georgia, and more
particularly described as follows: Be
ginning at the southeast corner of (’leve
land avenue and Randall street, thence
running south along the east side of Ran
dall street one hundred and forty-seven
and one-half feet; thence easterly
parallel with Pine street three hundred
(300) feet, more or less; thence north one
hundred and forty-seven and one-half
<l47’2’ teet to Cleveland avenue; thence
west ah ng the south side of ('leveland
avenue three hundred (300) feet p the
point or place of beginning; being the
north half of lots 1, 2 and 3 in block
A-l as per plat of S. N. Connally prop
erty in East Point, recorded in plat book
No. 4, page 79. Levied upon as the prop
erty of Quinn Callaway to satisfy a fi
fa. issued from the Fulton county su
perior court in favor of Bank of Siloam
vs. the said Quinn Callaway, as maker,
and J F. Rhodes, ns indorser. Tenant
in possession 11«» t ified
Also at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: All
that tract or parcel "f land lying and
being in the city of Atlanta, in land lot
fourteen (14i, of the Fourteenth (14th)
district of originally Henry, now Fultor
county. Georgia, and more particularly
described ns follows: Beginning at a
point on the southeast side of Waverly
waj' one hundred and seventy* (170) feet,
more or less northeastwardly from the
corner of Waverly way and Elizabeth
street, and running thence southeastward
ly along a rock retaining wall one hun
dred (100) feet; thence northeastwardly
five (5) feet; thence southeastwardly fif
ty (50) feet: thence northeastwardly fifty
(50) feet thenoe northwestwardly one
hundred and forty-seven and seven-tenths
*147 7-10) feet, to Waverly way; thence
southwestwardly along the southeast side
of Waverly way fifty-six and five-tenths
(56 5-10) feet, to the point of beginning,
said premises being Improved property
and known as No. 171 Waverly way. Lev
| led upon as the property of Mrs Emilie
I D. Morse to satisfy a fi. fa issued from
i the city court of Atlanta In favor of the
Security State Dank vs. the said Mrs
• Emilie D Morse Property pointed nut by
1 pliantlff’s attorney A dee*! for the pur
pose of levy and sale having been exe
u ed, filed ami re< orded as required bj
1a w Tenant in possession notified.
Also, at the same thne ami place, the
following described property, to-wit: All
that tract nr parcel of land situated, ly
ing and being In the city of Atlanta, Ful
ton county. Georgia, and more particular
ly described as follows: Commencing at
a point seventy-three (73) feet west from
the northwest corner «»f Magnolia and
Maple streets, theme running along the
north side of Magnolia street thirty-three,
and one-third (33 1-3) feet; thence north ’
one hundred (100) feet to a ten (10)
foot alley; thence east along said alley
thirty-three and one-third (33 1-3) feet:
thence south one hundred (100) feet to
beginning uolnt Levied upon as the
property or Joseph S Rivers to satisfy
three fi fris issued from the criminal
court of Atlanta in favor of the state
of Georgia vs. Spencer Reed, William
Nesbit ami I-rank Henderson, respective
ly, as principals, and the said Joseph S
Rivers, as security, on the three execu
tions 'loiiant in possession notified.
\lso at the same time and place, the
following described personal property, to
wit; (me satin brass be*]. IG.O. D. ta
ble, 1 G. O. chiffonier, 1 duplex mattress,
1 pair perfection pillows, 1 W. B
National spring. 1 E E D. table, 1
E. E. Buffet, 6 E E. D. chairs, 1 9 by
12 Axmlnster rug. 1 6 by 9 tapestry
rug. 1 sh tapestry rug 9 by 12, 15 yards
carpet, 4 pairs curtains. 2 pairs curtains,
1 Axmlnster rug 36 by 72. 2 Axmlnster
rugs 27 by 51. 1 Crex rug 8 by 10, 1 ma
hogany center table. 1 mahogany rocker,
1 three-piece mahogany parlor suit, 1
four-piece porch suit, 1 white and gold
tea set, 1 sanitary refrigerator, 12 shades,
26 yards linoleum. 1 swing, 1 pair draper- I
ies, 1 B. R. spring. Levied upon as I
th h property nf Mrs Francis Tisdale by
virtue "f a fi fa. issued from the ciD
• oiirt "f Atlanta in favor of Rhodes-Wood
Furniture Company vs. the said Mrs
Francis Tisdale.
A Iso ui the same thne an d place. 11 • •
following described personal property. 4 •
wit; Twenty-six mahogany chairs, 1 chit a
• ahinet. 9 iron beds, 9 R. E. mattresses,
1 < <i k dressers, ( oak washstands. 12 • < ■*»■*
seat chairs. 4 B. I\, 5 9 by 12 (’rex rugs,
9 j airs blankets, 9 comforts, 9 pairs pil
lows, 1 brass bed, 1 XV. B. spring. 1 R 1.
mattress. 1 pair pillows, 18 mahogany
tables, 1 sideboard, 32 mahogany chair*'
1 pair blankets, 1 comfort, 12 shades
Levied upon as the property of X’’-
tariano Garclo by virtue of a fi. fa.
issued from the city court •/ Atlanta
in favor of Rhodes-Wood Furniture
«Vunpany vs. the said Victariat; • ' Jar- !'.
Als.. ai the same time and ; ace the
following described personal property, to
wit: Al! personal property of office Sup
ply (’oinpany, consisting of stock of paper,
supplies, etc . on hand, all accounts re
ceivable, choses in action, et , of Offl'-e
Supply Company Levied upon as the
pr"p»Tty of < »fflce Supply Company
satisfy a. mortgage fi. fa i.-is ied from the
city court of Atlanta In favor "f C A.
Sisson vs. the said Office Supplj Com
pany This property being difficult and
expensive to transport, the sane will not
!»•* brought to and exj-<i before the
e door on th* ■ ■ but
• an be seen and examir.e* second floor
at No ('»’., North Broad <• r» • in the city
of Atlanta, < la
■ the tm< ice, the
following described pers. r al property, to
wit: one large ir<-n -a H K Hill
painted thereon i.c\ .i upon us the.
property of John M P- rd to satisfy a fi.
fa issued from the : '■■ •■ of the peace
court of the 1026th d -tr!* t. G M.. Ful-
I (on county, Georgia, in favor of J. B.
(’••nn vs. Mrs Ge< rp a Morgan as prin-
I ' ipal and John M Baird as security. |
This property being liffieult and expen- !
sive to transport, r will not be brought
and exposed at th* < ourt house door on j
th** date of sal** ’.’he same can be seen .
and examined it t *m Ilu Temple C'»urf 1
Building, corner t South Pryor and zXla
bama streets, xtian’a. Ga.
dANGUM Sh( t ■ r
Will be sold boLTo ..he court house d>•• r
In the citv of G'.an’a. die first Tuesday
in December, *l2, within the legal hours
"f sal**, iliu '"Hawing property, to-wit;
1 Sam*? being s* z*d by myself as tax col
t !♦•■ ’..*• "f Pußon ."•'.mt.', as p;opert\ »f
I** nuiib " •* biv . i ’ "*ir state and
Legal Notices. fl
eounty taxes for the years specified: ■
Als". m sam.- time and place the fefl
l iwing described property, to-wit: A eelfl
tain 10l in the city ot Atlanta, Ward ■
land lot 78, In the Kourteenth district fl
!• niton county, Georgia, fronting 50
. u lhe north side of West Baker streefl
b.'twr.n Spring and 'Vest Koarntrfl
-iri'l running back fftCi. fncAH
i or teas, in a northerly direction, the
J .nd i"f kiniv.i. as No 11 on said
a. mding to street numbers, the
'"■li.k impr"Vcd | r,iper'v in the ' ItyflM
! At la r. -iil.ii s levif.l .
' i •• | ‘.f I'.• Ivaity
! latJ.i said lot and against
I', i- I:.'alt;. <’..i:pany division
i’iii»e01.;.-, lev, is made on alt
’■j ir.t.y
,u ai.d 1!‘..1,
\ls. i.t same 'll ■ , irn-o.
t . rd.*.l wit: A
• it,. • ' .-ny ••' Atlanta.
8, land lot 106, J* the SeventWSith
I nty, • leorgt*. t:-"
70 teet on ti e east sido of Crescent a-■
nue, between Eleventh and 'twelfth
streets, and running hack 100 feat, more
or less, in an easterly direction, the house
on said lot known as No. on said street,
according to street numbers, the same
being vacant property In the city of At
lanta. adjoining Carter, levied on
as the property of C. Simmons to
satisfy a ti, fa. In favor of the state and
county against said lot and against said
<?. J Simmons for state and county
tuxes for the years 71.08, 1909, 1.910 and
1911 A i>. STEWART,
Tax Collector and Ex-Officio Sheriff Ful-
ton C.ainty,_'.;eorgla. 11-9-2.
To the Superior Court of Said County:
1 W. S McKemle and George C. Wal
ters ere successors and present owners of
' Eliot's Quick launch (Incorporated),” and
owners of all stock, said corporation be
ing located in said county, and granted
to K. Geissley, M. P. Cook and F. Dodd,
original petitioners, and being granted by
tlie superior court of said county on March
7. 1904. for the term of twenty <2O) years.
2 At a duly called meeting of the stock
holders of said corporation, on the 28th
day of October. 1912, a resolution was
passed authorizing the president of said
corporation to petition the superior court,
in the name of said corporation, for an
order allowing said corporation to sur
render its charter and franchise to the
state and be dissolved as a corporation.
Said resolutions were signed by all the
stockholders of said corporation, and a
copv of same is hereto appended as "Ex
hibit A."
3 George C Walters, president, peti
tions the court and shows that there are
no outstanding debts against said cor
poration. by "Exhibit B” hereto attached,
and that the dissolution of the same as
a corporation may be awarded without
any injustice to any of the stockholders
Wherefore. Petitioner prays for an order
of said court allowing said corporation
to surrender its charter and franchise to
the state and be discharged as a corpora
Attorneys for Petitioner.
going petition read and considered and
it la ordered by the court that said pe
tition be heard before this court on the
lltli day of December, 1912. It Is further
ordered that said petition be filed in
the office of the clerk of the court, and
that a copy of same be published as re
quired by law. J. T. PENDLETON,
Judge Superior Court, Atlanta Circuit.
This Bth day of November, 1912.
to certify that the foregoing is an exact
copy of the petition of "Eliot’s Quick
Lunch (Incorporated)” to dissolve and
surrender Us charter and franchise to
tho state; also a copy of the order of
tho court.
Clerk of the Superior Court.
Given under my bund and seal this 9th
day of November. 1912. 11-9-59
and by virtue of several orders in the
case of in re: Courtland S. Winn, as
administrator of the estate of Mrs. Mar
garet A. Cox. deceased, et al.. Fulton
superior court, I will sell before tlie court
house door of said county (old city hall-,
corner S Pryor and East Hunter streets,
iity of Atlanta, within the legal hours ut
sale, on the first Tuesday in December.
1913, as commissioner of Fulton euperiot
court in said above stated < ase. the foj-j
lowing described property, to-wit: T.vlTi
Nos. one (1), seven <7>, fourteen ill'.]
seventeen (17). and eighteen (18) as*
shown on the map of the Spruell property )
in land lot 91, 92 and 93. of the Seven-]
teenth district of Fulton county. Georgia*
by (’. F. Kauffman ,t Bro., civil engi-1
neers. of date Jul.' (•. I'l2, said map being
recorded in the offne of the clerk of th(|
superior court ot Fulton county.
Each of said parcels will be sold sep
arately Plats may lie had of said prop
erty by tailing at the office of the un
Terms of sale: 'me-thinl cash, balance
one and two y•■■irs, with seven per cent
interest from date, or all caph, at the
option of the purchaser.
tl-9-10 Commissioner.
STATE OF GEORGIA" County of Fulton?
To the Superior <’*>urt of Said County:
The petit i*>n of J. L. Ward and J. C
Fuller, .ill “f said state and county, re
spectively shows:
First That they desire for themselves,
their ass > i.itcs and successors, to be In
corporate'] and made a body politic under
lhe name and style of ‘'Ward-Fuller
Company,” fur the period of twenty <2o>
years, with the rights of renewal from
time to time thereafter.
Secori'i The principal office and place
•►f business of said company shall be in
Atlanta state an*l county
aforesaid, hut petitioners desire the right
to establish branch stores, offices and
agencies in any other county in this state
mid in other states.
Third The object of said corporation
Is pecuniary gain to itself and share
1 ■ urth The **apital stock of said cor
p<d.iti«»n shall he six thousand ($6,000)
dollars, ten per cent, of which amount
■ en ’■alii in: but petitioners
*!r<!re the right to Increase said capital
stock, at any time, to a sunt not ex
< • , <iing one hundred thousand ($100,000)
I dollars The said capital stock is to be
(divided into shares **f the j»ar value of
•me hundred ($100) dollars each.
Fifth The purposes for which said cor
poration is organized are as follows;
<a) To bu>. sell, manufacture an*
ro • r dl\ deal in’men’s clothing and X'aT' -
To lease, buy, sell, use and hole
all such property-, real or personal, a>
ma be necessary or convenient in con
-10 ’ion with the said business; to borrow
<*:d loan money, and to do any and all
things herein set forth as objects, pur
powers or otherwise, to the sane
. x’rnt ;md as fully us natural person.*-
might do.
Sixth Petitioners desire the right t*.
sue and be sued, to plead and be Im
pleaded, to make all necessary by-laws,
.did regulations, and to do all things that .
ina> be necessary for the successful
• arrving on of said business.
Seventh Thus desire for said incorpo
ration the power and authority to apph
for and accept amendments to its char
ier «»f either form or substance by a vote
of a majority of its stock outstanding at
th* 1 time. The\ also ask authority fol
-‘aid corporation to wind up its affairs,
liquidate and discontinue its business at
’any time h ti-o determine t*» do so by aj
vote of a majority of its stock outstand*!
Eighth Th-" desire i<»r the said <orji
poration that it have all such other
rights, powers, privileges and immunities
as are incident to like incorporations, or
permissible undet the laws of Georgia.
Wherefore, petitioners pray to be in
corporated undvr the name and style
aforesaid, with ihe powers, privileges and
immunities herein set forth, and as art
now. or may hereafter be, allowed a cor
poration of similar character under the
laws of Geongfa.
U\RI. I ir'i’Gl i:S( >N AND ANDERB( >N.
Petitioners’ Attorneys.
Filed in "tYice, this the 30th day of No
vember, 1912.
, ' ■ '
court f <aid - ountv. do hereby certifx
that *; •• f.-regoing is a true and correct j
! C'.py "f the application for charter of
I the ,4 Ward-Fuller Company,” as same
appears on file in this office. (
1■ I , fl
XRX* 'LI » HR< o i.1.: A
<,.i!gi.* 11-30-611
1 very desirable room. r.partment, house.]
u. ■ ■ I » f«c I