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News of the Automobile World "~l TDUE ANTA (xIIXZRGIAN I "November jo
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Harriet Miss Emily Cassin Rebecca
Holiday Shopping Causes a Lull
In Atlanta's World of Society
\DE’< IDEI> lull " ill be observed
in the soclul world for the
next few weeks, because of
Christmas shopping, and partly,
too, on account of the fact that
most of the brides have married
and gone away, and nearly all of
the buds are now formal'.’ "in so
ciety.” However, an Important
wedding is on for the coming week,
and one pf the most charming of
the "buds" will be presented. Th'
marriage of Miss Edna McCan
dless and Mr. Albert Thornton on
Wednesday evening, th” 4th, and
the debut reception of Miss Emily
Cassin. which is dated for Thurs
day, the sth, ate the larger events
of the coining week. The McCan
dless-Thornton wedding i.- one of
th” most interesting of this year's
series, on account of the personal
popularity of the young couple, as
well as the social prominence of
the two families. The ceremony
will take place at A Saints church
and will be followed by a rcceptiot
at the home of ,M and Mr.. Ed
' ard S Me''and
Two hum'c-d invitations him
been issued to Mis- r -sin's lebut
reception, which a 1.1 be -n •'...
jf Thursday, from l to 7 o’eio 1 .
| the residence of M.- i;. . g HIP
yer, who tend' . tin. reception to
'oer granddaughter
i Tic.: gm - - wii Oi . < eivt 1- '
Miss I'assii awl 1 Imus, a
Miss Hell I'arter ■'( t'olumbus.
Mis. Hil’yer and M -. .1. D. t m ..
mother of ~]||. debutante.
Among the affairs of tin coming
We'-k for wltieu email; have been
Issued is a large b. idge party al the
Capital City club which M■ s. 11. E.
Scott gives on Wednesday after
noon, and an evening party which
Mr. find Mrs. Charles Sol pie give
on Monday <
Miss Helen Dargan and het house
guests. Misses Martine McCulloch
and Rose Briscoe.
Among th" many parties for Miss
Dargan, who has been one of the
most feted debutante- of tin- sea
son, will be an afternoon bridge,
which Miss Estiu Smith givi - on
December 6.
Miss Eugenia Walker, a brlde
■ lent who will b« married the latter
part of I >.■<•, inb'-r to M Douglas
Gllmoi Stim - We hingtoii, D.
1 '.. .V|U I" O nd' ll I II! Ill' . noon
bridge party next eel, -u Erfdiiy,
'.y M ‘ Mil .a h |(iit.e!ii> ■ I.i ji
Wld '• :• ■ elle htfii iff lit so ■ th.
itA ill 'i go- Sts
. > uiusiea I and -o i i -a .-nt o i i
V eek will be th Informal reception
.111' . Mi ami Mi Jo.-epti Itieb
“'ilwn give Menu 1. veiling, tv
•J* ' iiicit tiioy nav< ins he.; a nunibe
of f ri> Is to meet Air. and Mrs. A
VonSliiblnsky, musicians of inter
national repute. A program by
these noted musicians, assisted by
Miss Eda Bartholomew, will be
presented In the music room of the
Richardson residence. As usual, at
tlm niusieales given In this artistic
and hospitable home, a pleasant
social side, will be emphasized, Mr.
and Mis. Richardson to be assisted
in entertaining by Mr. and Mis.
Daniil Pres.-ley Yates and Misses
I'- - ’ erfni an Louise I< i • hardson.
An unusually beautiful and ar
tistic entertainment will lie given
at the llom of Mi and Mrs. Alex
ander w . Smith on Tuesday even
ing. December 10, when "Alice tn
Wonderland” will be sung, with
iccomi ’ by Mt M<
Hutchinson. Airs. John Lamar
M. iI, Mi (Teviston. Mr. Alexan
d< Smith and Mr. Lynn Werner
v id -ing the four rmes in the bril
i nit a • ifta, and hi shl. s the
work of th” quartet, there will be
. Mis Mi-rib Hutchinson will
"Th' Happy Prince." by Liza
I.i'hmiu. with musical accompan!-
ut by M Hutchinson, the pro
g'- i for the evening being identi
cal vith th;.i »•■.. led by Liza l«-ii- a
i u for In r closhix com ei't In New
I A k. just l.iefi.i. .■ returning tv Eng- |
t mo of the few wi ddings of De
cember will be that of Aliss Helen
Prior to fir. Sterling Grime- Tur
ner on Thursday, the 19th. Aliss
Prior has chosen home ing,
and will be attended by a group o*
friends as attendants. A reception
will follow the ceremony, aftei
which Air. Turner and his bride
will leave for a stay of two or
three weeks in Cuba, and will go
from there to New York. > m their
return to Atlanta they will be at
home at the Georgian Terrace. Airs.
Walter Clarke, of Chicago, will
arrive next week to be her sister's »
guest until after the wedding.
The cordial interest of many
friends centers in the marriage of
Alls-' Grace Callaway to Dr. George
Kent Varden, which has been dated
for Thursday evening, December
16. The ceremony will take place
at S:3O o'clock at. the home of the
bride’.- parents, Air. and Airs. How
ard Callaway, on Piedmont avenue.
Th, bride-elect is a popular .nd
charming young woman and her
fiance is a prominent young profes
sional man. There wil! be no at
tendants, except Dr. Frederick
Hodgson will i"t as Dr. Varden'
h' st man. A series of parties will
... i . •
■ vsi to take place soon after
r 'hi’istiua-. Mb- May Scott, of
Mll w :.uke<. I ■ Aliss < i Ila w ay'
4w -t for Ui< wedding uud the pur
ees in her honor,
* ————— —— -—, . . . _ —...... .... . .
Dancing Is Favorite Over Bridge
With Debutantes and Matrons
nA N< 'ING II - . ki'U til. piaei
of bridge partle with At
lanta society, not only in the
debutante contingent but in the
married set as well. Erom the col
lege girl to th" matron and the
prominent mini of affairs, every -
body's dancing. Some (if the most,
nimble devotees of the "turkey trot"
are men of wealth and influence -
some of them with debutante
There is a new club composed of
married couples which meets once
or twii” a week at the home of
a member or at the Driving club for
an evening of dancing, and one may
be sure the "turkey trot” is not
taboo. As a matter of fact, the
"turkey trot" is an easy, delight
tul dance, which may or may not
be graceful and pretty, according
to the "turkey trotter,’* and tt is
sure to grow in popularity, despite
. the ridicule that has be*-n east upon
it, because of its eccentric presen
tation by some dancers.
The large affairs of the season
ive be.-n oa: s. eotiliioiis, germans
and dinner-ilanc. .-. Some brilliant
and beautiful ; tYalr- of this kind
have bl ighteii. ■ t. ( autumn sea
son, and otheis tn in prospect.
Especially during the iioli'icys will
dancing be m ord" . for the young
folks w lio llgu prominently nt
tba season al’' always enthusi
astic duucers.
'»• Ti Nil - ii't'lock v. aso "f
w ek's big dances, taking i ici m
Wedtie-day evening at th Pi d-
I inont Driving club. A iar- num
ber of tile younger numbt rs of so
ciety w; r— m sent, ate t ■■ chap
erons jj a tin irr! i met
hers of th" club.
The second affair o'' th< Nine
< >'i 'locks will tn- a fan. ■ ir s; ba ll
near Christmas. Auot r brilliant
holiday ball will be git en by the
Cotillion club on the 23d. This
will follow a large theater party at
the Atlanta arid w i.' '■ given at the
Piedmont Driving • üb, instead of
at the Capita) City club, as In for
mer vcai- Air. Tiiomas B. Paine,
who is noted as the best leader of
oti lions In So ith, is the
president of this 1 club, wl left
includes on its t” "f membership
a number of th- most prominent
people of the <•!■'. I’his Is a mar
ried members’ du , whereas the
Nine O'Clocks l.a. uelors, wlm
the exception a those who have
married since jo ning, committing
matrimony m I" ing deemed suftl
•lent reason a expelling a mem
ber. Many Ji young married
girls (a vei ■ larmlng contingent
in Atlant i ety) ari the official
Nine O'Clc '■ chaperons.
A numb of dates for dances
have tn 'll . tor the members of
tlie evll'.'k set uring the holidays.
" be a dinner-
. oi'' ceil Air. and Mrs. John AV.
C' ci so- it tin Piedmont Driving
uti on tic- evening of December 24
'.a their young daughter, Miss
-rgar. Grant; a dance for guests
whii! Air. ric Mrs. Henry Jackson
give, also .1 (be Driving club, on
th< evening of tlie 27th for their
■■ unu daughter, Aliss Eula Jack
son. md l.mei on the evening of
tin .hi b. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
win V Air-ley give a.t their resl
.. ti"e. complimenting Miss Mamie
An-.-y, who Is at school in New
y..rl and will spend the holidays
at home. \ number of other as-
- will be planned for the en
\ nt of the college set. Most of
• y oung girls off at school will re
;urn by tile 20th, and the holiday’
caienda. will till up soon there
Among the delightful dancing
...titles for tlie college set which
.fford opportunity for the young
girls and the men of the young
dancing ■ ont’.ngent. both in Atlan
t nd among tlie students of Teen.
" the regular Saturday afternoon
I. nces at Segadlo’s hall. Also each
i ternoon from 5 to 7 o'clock, fol
iiwlng a football game, these
dances an given in special honor
oi the visiting college men. A most
enjoyable Thanksgiving dance f01....i.-i’
....i.-i’ the Tech-Clemson game this