Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 02, 1912, EXTRA, Image 10

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.'THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. READ FOR PROFST-GtOMGIAM WAN I ADS-USE FOR RESULTS “Business Guide of Atlanta” IT WILL PAY YOU TO CONSULT IT FOR ANY LINE OF BUSINESS Thee-following list of ads constitute a reliable guide to well known and reputable business enterprises, and to individuals in various lines of business in Atlanta and surroundings. The alphabetical arrangement insures ready reference for your con venience. All Kinds of Job Work Done. WE build wood or brick, remodel Headquarters for carpenters, cabinet makers. brick masons. plasterers; inte rior wall {tainting or tinting; put in glass, re-set grates, cement floors, shelving, ta bles and counters. Low prices and high quality guaranteed, South Forsyth Bell 1187. Atlanta 6087-M. 11-19-11 All Kinds of Stove Repairing. HENRY THE FIXKR, stove repairing and connecting 135 Marietta St. At lanta phone 1917. 11-21-7 Artistic Signs. NOT NOW?" M’GRATH & M’RAE. SIGN PAINTERS. Broad and Alabama. Main 160. 11-30-45 Blue Prints. 817 AUSTELL BUILDING MAIN 3840. QUALITY. LOW PRICES, PROMPT SERVICE. 9-80-55 Buttons and Plating Company. Buttons and Plaiting Co., Buttons made of your own material. 100% WHITEHALL ST. 11-19-10 Barber Shops. 8 VIADUCT PLACE, between Peachtree and Broad 11-22-22 Canes and Umbrellas. XMAS presentation; fine selection han dles; repairing, re-covering. Harry Briggs. 5 Vincent place. 11-30-68 Carpet and Rug Cleaning, Etc. You to know W. M. Cog cleans all kinds carpets; rugs a spe cialty. Ivy 8135-J. Atlanta 1818 145 Au burn avenue. 10-2-12 Carpenter and Builder. all kinds repair WORK D. M WHEELER, 19 S. Forsyth st Phone M. 4186, Atlanta 1547. 11-19-37 Cleaning and Dyeing. Chicago Cleaning and Dyeing Co CHEMICAL, steam and dry cleaning La dles' work a specialty Work called for and delivered 54 East Harris At lanta 5245. Ivy 1796. Ji-1214 Out Flowers and Plants. SEE or write me before placing orders. I can save you half your money in buy ing potted plants and cut flowers. W M. Bricken, 20 East Alabama street. 11-19-13 Fire-Proof Storage. WE~STORE~HOUSEHOIJD goods and pianos. Office and warehouse. 259-241 Edgewood avenue. Ivy 3037. John J. Woodside Storage Company. Funeral Directors. 1Y L. IJf-!E?~i’NI>ERTAKER AND EM EAI.MHR, SC SOUTH BROAD ST. 11-21-5 Help Wanted—Female. WANTED— ag bookkeeper and ste nographer; state experience, salary, color of hair and reference. Box 911, care Georgian. 11-30-60 'WANTED—First-class maid Apply 299 Washington st. 11-80 65 ■Two- young ladies, out of the city, want ing to learn the telephone work, write Miss Branham, 105 Fowler st.. City. IteFINED and competent lady would like to read afternoons to Invalid or one •hut in. Address Reader, care Georgian. 65-80-11 WaFTEP —Woman of good presence and education, ambitious and wanting more than the job. who will strive, for assured rapid advancement; expenses guaranteed; cam earn 880 and upwards weekly. M. Jarvis Inslee, 1120 Candler Bldg WANTED—keflned middle-aged white soman to keep house for widower Phone Atlanta 2908. Jl’J o ’?* WAITED Thoroughly experienced cloak and suit salesladies that come direct from suit department. Grossman's. 96 Whitehall streetll-80-40 WANTED Competent white woman to act as working housekeeper and care for old lady; two in family Good home and good wages Address Mrs. E. He lienna. care Georgianll-30 16 WANTED —Young women and girls desir ing permanent, attractive positions. Welfare of operators and clerks closely supervised by the company; thetr con duct on the premises carefully guarded by matron, women supervisors and chief operator, who have complete control over the retiring and operating room Two weeks' training course for those inexpe rienced. salary being paid while learning Salary Increased at the end of two weeks and. for those becoming efficient, in creased as they become worthy, with op portunities for ultimate advancement to 876 per month. References proving the standing of the applicant essential. Those having educational advantages preferred Lunch room and comfortable retiring rooms provided, with several hundred Carnegie library books tor the conven ience of operators Matron and trained nurse in attendance Apply preferably tn person. 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m., third floor Bell Telephone Exchange, corner Mitchell •nd South I’ryor. Atlanta, Ga 11-2-8 WANTED Two White chambermaids ' Apply Housekeeper Piedmont hotel - 11-29-30 Wan+’ed"~ white girl to do gen era 1 housework; small family; one baby Apply 299 Rawson street. 11 29-28 WANTEI» First -class cook Apply be tween 8 and 10 a m . Virginian apart ment, No. 3. Peachtree and Fifteenth mUHWitn, JD:- 9 -"* WA N TED — First - class cook 51 Eliza bath st 11 - :> 22 WANTED—Good all round servant for family Os three or fur Phon ■ Ivy 6544-J. or cnli at Juniper street. 11-28-14 gfcfcCi AL~IiAT 1 !S are given on "Situa tions Wanted" ads Your 30-word ad Inserted one time for 10c, three times for 10e7eeven times for 4Q<- WaKtFYX* Discourager: bin perfectly wood men and women to take a new wrfpon life and try a little happiness for a change The Ninth Edi tion of The Los Angeles Examiner out December 25. will tell you how to do it. to any address In United States or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or foreign 25 cents Send in your onion now ■„ 1m... ‘ wSMkiai tiers Wauled n d Hat Cleaning and Shoe Shine Parlor. GEORGE'S Hat Cleaning and Shoe Shine Parlor, 3% E, Alabama St. 11-11-9 Instrument Makerg. E. A. BOBUkOM MFG. CO., Instrument Makers. now located at 287% edgewood AVENUE. All kinds of high-grade light machine work done Special attention given to repairing of engineers' Instru ments, LEVELS and TRANSITS. 10-24-26 Mattress Renovating. WE renovate all kinds of mattresses; sat isfaction guaranteed. We buy feathers. Acme Mattreas Co. Bell phone Ivy 2994, Atlanta phone 1948. 11-19-27 Office Fixtures. P? CROCKETT & CARTER, 40-42 PETERS ST. BOTH PHONES. Real Estate Mortgages and Securities. GUARANTEE TRUST and Banking Com pany. 16 East Alabama Street. .Main 1077. 11-26-45 Roofers and Tinners. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY <)F~GI?AVEL AND TIN ROOFING AND PAINTS. WALKER ROOFING CO., 221 RHODES BLDG. M. 4075. ATL. 1915. 11-81-6 Roofing and Guttering. J. H WEST Tin and sheet Iron worker. Atlanta phone 1525. Repair work a spe cialty. 11-19-38 Sewing Machines. WE RENT new machines with complete set of attachments for $2 per month; also machines repaired; prompt delivery. Both phones 1893 Singer Sewing Ma chine Company. 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44 Stoves and Ranges. EXCELSIOR COOK STOVES. Sold In Atlanta for Forty' Years. HIGHTOWER HARDWARE CO. Stove and Range Repairing, f) AnTTI fE FIXER. STOVES AND REFRIGERATOR RE PAIRING. We sell secondhand gas stovea. We sweep chimnevs. 121 WHITEHALL STREET Atlanta Phone 22".5 Bell Phone Main 2699 Signs. CALL ON HAMMOND SlGv'i'o For GOOD WORK AND PROMPT ATTEN TION 49% E. ALABAMA MAIN 2716. 11-29-14 Tiles. SEE or write me before placing orders. I can save you half your money In buying your tile from me. W. M. Brick en. 20 East Alabama street. 11-19-16 Toys. REM EKTHEIt— Win soli toys. Hightower Hardware Co, 11-21-35 Trunks, Bags and Suitcases. retailed and repaired ' ROUNTR EE ’S 77 w^R r EE'E Ll< PHONES: Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654. Help Wanted—Male. BE A DETECTIVE Earn $l5O to S3OO per month; travel over the world Write Superintendent Ludwig. 1483 Scar ritt building. Kansas City, Mo. 83-30-11 $25 WEEKLY and expenses to travel and advertise; large reliable firm; whole or part time. Emory, 734 Sherman, Chicago. 47-80-11 MAN ANTI® with rig to introduce and sell 85 household necessities; big money; \A ilson made S9O weekly. We mean busi ness. Box 774. Dept. 13, Cedar Rapids, BE A DETECTIVE—Earn $l5O to S3OO per month; travel over world; stamn for particulars. National Detective Agency, Dept. 601, Chicago 61-30-11 MEN WANTED to learn barber trade; can qualify for position In few weeks; wages while learning; no previous ex perience necessary; everything in the business taught practically; sure of suc cess with us; tools given. Call or write Moler Barber College. 38 Luckle street WANTED- Young man. 16 or 17 years of age, who can use typewriter, for tile clerk and general office work; must be neat and willing to work; permanent po sition and bright future. 8., Box 807. care Georgian 34-30-11 W ANTED- Men wishing positions as tire- Imen, brakemen, motormen, or colored sleeping ear porters on first-class Geor gia roads, write Immediately; no expe rience necessary; no strike. Write Inter Railway, care Georgian. 41-30-11 PRINTER, first-class ad. Job and-make up man; permanent place for good man; no boozer need apply ; good pav; 9 hours C. A. Freeman. Social Circle. Ga. 78-30-11 11ELP WAX T E D—3o AC- TIVE YOUNG MEN TO OISTRI BUTE CIRCU LARS. APPLY TO AT LANTA ADVERTISING SERVICE. 18 HOUSTON STR EET. U-30-50 WANTED Persons to write and CODJ lei ters: $lO to 825 a week readily made by following our practical directions. Send self addressed envelope for particu lars. Brooks Copying Company. 924 Penn sylvania avenue, Washington, D. C. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE wanted no canvassing or soliciting reuulred. Good Income assured. Address National Co- Operative Realty Company, V-949 Marden building, Wasi.'ngton, D. C. u 2-11 I WILL SI \|tT Y<'U earning -1 .lailU’at home in spare time, silvering mirrors; no capital; free instructive booklet giv ing i>luns of operation. G. F Itedtnond, ■" pl S 9. Boaton, Mass 9-14 19 FREE ILLUSTR ATED R< ><>K tells' about more than 380.005 protected positions in Unite.l States service. More than 40.000 vacancies every year. There is a big chance here for you. sure and generous pay, lifetime employment Easy to get Just ask for booklet C-412. No obliga tion Earl Hopkins. Washington. D. C HERE'S Yolß OPPORTUNITY to make 8200 monthly; spare time; no matter where you live, no canvass.t g, guarantee free booklet will show von how H E. 1 • 1 pt A s I; . , Maaa 9-14-17 It AN IED Good, experienced butler Apply 51 Elizabeth st.u-28-21 SPECIAL HATES are given on "Sltca tions Wanted” Your 30-word ad inserted <>ne time for 10c, three times for avc, sex t n times for 40c. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN Published by The Georgian Company, 20 East „ Atlanta, Alabama-st. Georgia. Entered at Atlanta postoffice at second class matter. Subscriptions Payable In Advance. One year, mall, postage prepaid $5.00 Six months, mall, postage prepaid. 2.50 Three months, mall, postage prepaid 1.25 One month, mail, postage prepaid. 45 Subscriptions Payable In Advance. Delivered by carrier, one. year $5.20 Delivered by carrier, six months .... 2 60 Delivered by carrier, three months... 1-30 Delivered by carrier, one month4s Delivered by carrier In Atlanta and other cities, one week I? Want Ad Rates and Rules in the Atlanta Georgian One cent a word each Insertion. No ad taken for less than the price of ten words. Ads in larger type, 12c a line (four words to the line). Out -of - town advertisements must be accompanied with cash. Agencies’ discounts 10 and 5 per cent. Contract rates sent upon request. Telephone your Want Ads to The Georgian (both phones 8000) when It is more convenient to do so, and collection will be made at your home or at your office the follow ing day. This Is an accommoda tion service rendered Georgian Want Ad patrons and payment should always be promptly made on presentation of bill. Always ask that your telephone ad be re peated back to you by the ad taker to make sure that, it has been taken correctly. The Georgian can not guarantee accuracy or assume responsiblity for errors of any kind occurring in telephone advertise ments. Closing hours: To secure prop er classification, ads must be in The Georgian office before 1 o’clock the day of the issue. All ads must be ordered out In writing or at office. No discon tinuance notice taken over phone. Every word In the advertisement. Including the name and address, is counted. Each initial counts one word: compound words are counted two words. ADVERTISERS should retain re ceipts given in payment for Want” Ads over the office counter, as mis takes can not be rectified without them. In answering advertise ments addressed In care of The Georgian, if the advertiser requires references, send a duplicate of same. Help Wanted—Male. WANTED For U. S. army, able-bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For information, apply to Re cruiting Officer, corner Peachtree and Forsyth streets, Atlanta, or 411 Cherry st., Macon, Ga. 9-4-27 RAILWAY mail clerks wanted; $9() month; Atlanta examinations coming soon; coaching free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 49 W.. Rochester. N. Y 42-11-11 WANTEI’ Ideas Inventors write for Hst of inventions wanted and prizes offered by manufacturers. Also, how to get your patent. Sent free to any address. Ran dolph & Briscoe, patent attorneys, Wash ington, D C. 7-11-23 WANTEI’--Discouraged, but perfectly good men and women, to take a new grip on life and try a little happiness for a change. The Ninth Anniversary Edi tion of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25, will tell you bow to do it. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send in your order now. STOP at Hilburn hotel, heart of city, 10% Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet room; transient 50c. Open all night. 3-21-19 AV ANTED —Bright, strong boys to deliver routes in afternoons. Good wages and chance for promotion. Call at circulation depart ment The Atlanta Georgian, 20 East Alabama street. FREE massage, hair cuts, shaves, shampoos. All barber work free. Clean linen. Atlanta Barber College, 10 East Mitchell 5-27-6 YES, Professor G. O. Branning will teach you the barber trade (it’s easy). We teach in one-half time of other colleges. Course and position in our shops only S3O Why pay more? Thousands of our graduates tunning shops or making good wages. Atlanta Barber College, 10 East Mitchell street. 5-11-17 Help Wanted—Male and Female. WANTED—Boys and girls to work for us at home Easy work. Good pay. Ad dress Dixie Supply Company, Glennvtlle, Ga 40-30-11 3.0(H) Ladies or Gentlemen Interested In. 3.000 ladies or gentlemen interested in—l 2 charity work. Apply 56 Peachtree street ANY competent person desiring to better his present position can learn some thing of advantage about different ways of getting positions by sending address to Haynes Mfg. Co.. Henrietta, N. C. 30-29-11 SIOO IN GOLD FREE WILL BE GIVEN TO THE PERSON SUGGESTING THE MOST SUITABLE NAME FOR A NEW PERIODICAL TO BEGIN PUBLICATION ON MARCH 4 FOR UARTICULARS. ADDRESS PUB LISHER. 28 PONCE DE LEON AVENUE. ATLANTA. GA 11-25-3 Try Raney’s Blood Remedy FOR RHEUMATISM, OLD SORES, *l’l, CERS. CANCER. PELLAGRA. SCROFULA. FEMALE TROUBLES. IN DIGESTION. ECZEMA AND TETTER; SSO FOR A CASE OF SPECIFIC BIa’OD POISON IT FAILS TO CURE. CAI L ON THE RANEY MEDICINE COMPANY, 513 AUSTELL BLDG.. ATLANTA. GA. ATLANTA PHONE 614 OFFICE HOURS, 7 TO 6. SUNDAY, 9 TO 12 11-19-2 MONEY WANTED to plant in southern California, where it grows better than anywhere else in the world. One dollar grows to ten before you know it. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will give some exam pies of actual cases Out December 25. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send in your order now. Teachers Wanted. SPECIAL fall enrollment: good openings yet. Foster's Teachers Agency. Atlanta, Ga. 9-28-31 Salesmen Wanted. WANTED Stationery and novelty sales man for a No. I staple line. Big com mission Big sales. Best proposition ever offered Give references. Harry H Hamm, Erie, Pa. 54-30-11 YOI'NU MEN Experience unnecessary; qualify for road positions Write for list of positions open paying from SI,OOO to 88 ihhi a year International Co-Oper ative Salesman’s Training Association, Bra net, B. Charleston. W Ya 35-30-11 CAPABLE SALESMAN to cover Georgia with staple line; high commissions; SIOO monthly advance and permanent position to right man. Jess H Smith Co., Detroit. Mich. 43-30-11 Salesmen Wanted. I SALESMEN—SIOO to 8600 monthly selling our lubricating oils, greases, paints and specialties. Do not be satisfied; get our proposition. Salary or commission. Inland Oil Works Company, Cleveland, Ohio. 42-30-11 SALESMEN WANTED —Young men; for mer experience unnecessary. Qualify for road positions. List of openings. Big salaries. Register with us. Write for particulars. The international Co-Oper ative Salesman's Training Association, Dept. 37, Charleston, W. Va__ 11-16-7 MONEY WANTED to plant In southern California, where it grows better than anywhere else in the world. One dollar grows to ten before you know it. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will give some exam ples of actual cases. Out December 25. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send in your order now. Agents Wanted. MENTOR ~WOMEN~AGENTS^make $25 weekly sure. Self threading needles sell on sight. Big line of fast sellers. Circulars free. Bert Mullen, 1325 West Walnut street. Des Moines, lowa 52-30 11 AGENTS Just coin money selling NEW IMPROVED HOSIERY direct from mill, willi our big advertising offer. YOU CAN MAKE $25 DAILY. EVERYBODY BI'YS. CREDIT. Samples in leatherette case free. New Improved Knitting Mills, Chicago. 49-30-11 AGENTS—S2OO to SSOO introducing our Christmas special Miami Silk Poplin Necktie Combination; three 50c ties for $1 and beautiful Roman gold stickpin and cuff link set free to each purchaser; beau tiful folder containing two ties and jew elry set and showing the fourteen col ors free to workers. Come on, you money makers, while this is new. The Wilson Manufacturing Company, B-9, Lancaster. Ohio, 48-?,°-l_l AGENTS—MAKE BIG MONEY between now and Christmas. Our line a big money maker; no capital needed. Free sample case. Write today. E. M. Felt man, 8444 Sycamore street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 46-30-11 AGENTS—You can make $8 every day until Christmas selling our 10c Big Bargain packages of Christmas novelties; cost you only 4c; sell like hot cakes for 10c. Everybody buys several packages. Agents start with 100 packages; sell out in two or three hours. Particulars free. Full size sample package mailed for 3c in stamps. Rest Manufacturing Com pany, 14 Lexington avenue, Providence, It. 1.45-30-11 I MADE $20,000 in three years in the mail order business. Began small. Send for free booklet; tells how. No "outfit" scheme. H. System, 129, Marion, Ky. 11-23-3 $25,000 MADE with our mall order plans' Eent on approval. Entire cost $5, if they "make good” with you. Mall Order Adyerll sing Bureau, 921, Nashville, Tenn. BE INDEPENDENT! Start a. mall order business in your own home. We tell you how. and furnish everything needed wholesale An honorable and profitable business for man or woman. Particulars free. Many make $3,000 a year. Murphy Manufacturing Company, South Norwalk, Conn. 6-11-5 Situations Wanted—Female. SPECIAL RATES are given on "Situa tions Wanted” ads. Your 30-word ad inserted one time for 10c, three times for 20c, seven times for 40c. YOUNG lady bookkeeper, also with some experience In stenographic work, de sires position by the first of year; good references; small town preferred. Ad dress W. H. M.. Box 100, care Geor gian. 74-30-11 WOMAN WANTS position as cook, with room on lot, for small family. W. Jack son, 499 Butler street. 32-30-11 MIDDLE-AGED widow wishes to keep house for elderly couple or widower, in the city. -Mrs. R. C., Box 50, care Geor glan. 46-28-11 idATURE woman desires position as bookkeeper, accustomed to responsibil ity. handling money, taking charge of correspondence; also expert stenographer. P. O. Box 614, Atlanta, Ga. 35-28-11 Situations Wanted—Male and Female. WE iuvl^^lTsT E f) WITH US A NUMBER OF GOOD STENOG RAPHERS. EMPLOY- M ENT I )EPARTMENT R EMINGTON TYPE WRITER CO., 56 NORTH BROAD STREET. 11-30-51 WANTED—Ships of all kinds to burn California oil and carry merchandise for the port of Los Angeles to and from the Panama canal. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th, tells just what the canal will do to Southern California. Mailed to any address tn United States or Mexico. 16 cents; Canada or foreign points, 26 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Situations Wanted—Male. SPECIAL RATES are given on "Situa tions Wanted” ade. Your 30-word ad inserted one time for 10c, three times for 20c. seven times for 40c. WANTED—Position as druggist; expe rienced and licensed. Apply Salol, Box 907. care Georgian.B9-30-11 FIRST-CLASS young man, of morals and character desires change position. Good reasons. Been with present concern nine years. Can do any inside work (including stenography if neces sary), or outside work. Prefer outside. Do not answer unless position offers chance for promo tion. A-l references if desired. Address “Ambitious.” Box 330, care Georgian. 62-30-11 BOOKKEEPER would post small set of books on reasonable terms. Long ex perience. Correct work. D. 8.. care Georgian. 69-30-11 WANTED—To handle collection accounts for small concern, in the evenings; have had nine years experience in this line of work. Address T. A., Box 808, care Geor gian. 31-30-11 YOUNG LADY, under twenty years of age. desires position in office. I have had several years experience in clerical work. Address Miss E. V., Box 809. care Georgian. 29-30-11 BY YOUNG MAN, 24 years of age. posi tion as wagon driver: dry cleaning busi ness preferred; salary no object: must have work. G. M. F., care Georgian. 38-29-11 A FIRST-CLASS butler and cook wants a place at once: best of references given. William, 152 Randolph street. 29-29-11 WOODWORKER wants work; can do wa gon, carriage or automobile work; have had over twenty years experience. Ad dress 8., Box 238. <-are Georgian. 25-29-11 WANTED Position by reliable German man; willing to do any honorable work; prefer kitehen work. Address Henrv Harmon, care Swartz & Bleim, 27-29 S. Pryor st.4l-28-11 YOUNG MAN, experienced in lumber business, desires position; experienced all round office man. Phone Ivy 1237-J. WANTED—-Position with good concern as bookkeeper and cost accountant; thor oughly competent to take entire manage ment of office; am 30 years old and mar ried. Fourteen years' experience; best of references and bond furnished, if neces sary. Allow me a personal interview J. E. Webster, 176 Ivy street 52-27-11 WANTED—Position by young man with one year’s experience as bookkeeper and cashier and three years as stenographer; employed at present, but wish to make change C. S. E., Box 801, care Georgian. 30-27-11 W XNTED A position by a dairyman of fifteen years' experience; now employ ed, but have good reason for changing. Can give best of reference from present employer Address W. T. Watts. Route 1, Austell, Ga. 92-23-11 “The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin” ' | Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin. This is the RECOGNIZED RENT BULLETIN of Atlanta and surroundings. It contains a complete list of Desirable, Suitable and Modern place of description that is FOR RENT. The BEST of Rooms, Houses. Apartments, Flats, Housekeeping Rooms, Boarding and Rooming places (either f,. nished or unfurnished) in any locality can be located with ease through the Bulletin. Business Locations, War houses, Garages, Storage Houses, etc., can be found or rented with ease by reading and advertising In it. The Georgian employs special representatives to keep this Bulletin complete with each issue, for the benefit an/ convenience of our patrons. Save time, money, worry and useless steps by consulting this Bulletin when you a e J? to rent. Rooms and Board. TWO beautiful, newlj’ furnished or un furnished bedrooms with optional meals, to one or two refined ladies or gentle men, or small family to room; private home; walking distance. 324 Whitehall street. 72-30-11 NICELY furnished room for two gentle men; private home; good board: close in. 1.38-A Capitol avenue. 63-30-11 26 East North Avenue. BETWEEN the Peachtrees. Fine, light rooms and excellent table board. Ivy 6501. 11-30-44 THOSE appreciating a home with every comfort and refinement at reasonable rate?, call at 28 East- North avenue. Ivy 5551,11-30-38 WANTED—By private family in West End, a couple of young men; near cor ner Gordon and Lee streets. Phone West 1155-J. 11-30-20 ROOM AND BOARD at 327 Whitehall street; furnished; heat. Phone Main 3286.11-30-7 SELDOM can a first-class boarding house be found close in, high sanitary- condi tion, kept by dignified Methodst woman; Just opened at 249 Whtehall street. 27-30-11 FURNISHED rooms, with board or with out board; all conveniences. 305 South Pryor street. Atlanta phone 3150-M. FIRST-CLASS room and board. 94 Washington at.; all conveniences. DESIRABLE front room, with good board; north side; also table board. Ivy 2423-J, 11-29-10 CAN GIVE YOU two lovely rooms and board at 614 Peachtree. Ivy 6133-J. 11-29-9 ROOM AND BOARD in new, modern home in Inman Park; reasonable. Ivy 4231-J,ll-28-23 WEST END—Board with unfurnished rooms; heat and every convenience. West 950-J, 11-28-5 LARGE sunny front room; best table board; quiet home. 26 East Caln street. 39-28-11 TWO gentlemen to room and board. Furn ace heat. 73 West Peachtree. Ivy 435-L. 11-23-18 THE COZY' INN. 12 AND 16 WEST ELLIS; half block from Candler building. Best table board. Splendid rooms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Our motto, to please. Very reasonable. Call Ivy- 6552. 11 -27-30 BOARD AND ROOMS. EXCELLENT table; nice rooms; close in; all conveniences. 115 South Pryor. At lanta phone 4949, 45-27-11 NICELY furnished front room for couple or three young men; table boarders wanted. Ivy 6516. 139 West Peachtree street. 11-26-43 514 PEACHTREE desirable rooms with or without private bath, table board. Mrs. M. B. Nuckolls. Ivy 1499-.1,11-26-19 LARGE ROOM for couple or two gen tlemen; bath: all conveniences; excel lent meals. 17 East North avenue. 34-26-11 REFINED young couple wanted for front room, in furnace-heated north side bun galow. Homelike. Very reasonable to ac ceptable parties. Tee, care Georgian. 27-26-11 WANTED —Four young men in private home. Ivy 1489-L. 11-25-34 OPPOSITE THE CAPITOL. NICELY furnished rooms and excellent table board. 121 Capitol Square. Main 4839-L. 11-25-20 OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE; board by the week or month. 37 Poplar street. FIRST-CLASS boarding. 185 South Pry or street. Main 5300. 110-23-11 ROOM and board for rates. Call Main 830-L. 159 Central.ll-23-44 NICE front room for two; good table; reasonable. 79 West Peachtree. Ivy 1449-J.ll-20-33 PEACHTREE INN. ‘ THREE BATH ROOM SUITES, SUITABLE FOR FAMILIES, NOW OPEN, AND SEVERAL SINGLE ROOMS; STEAM HEAT AND BELLBOY SERV ICE; NIGHT AND DAY; EURO PEAN AND AMERICAN PLAN. clean rooms with excellent table board, $4 to $6 week. 123 Capitol ave. | WILL exchange nice, clean room and board close in for diamond, piano, mo torcycle or typewriter. Plano, Box 300. care Georgian. 11-8-32 Board Wanted. —Two connecting rooms, furn ished or unfurnished, with board, for lady and two grown sons; north side; prefer heat and private bath. Phone Ivy 2728.11-29-5 Furnished Rooms For Rent. ONE LARGE/~FRONT' lIOOM. FUIU NISHED FOR TWO GENTLEMEN (TWIN BEDS), ONE SINGLE ROOM; IN NEW STEAM-HEATED APARTMENT; EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE; VERY NEAR IN; NORTH SIDE. PHONE IVY 4281. 11-30-62 FOR RENT—Two connecting rooms, fur nished for light housekeeping, in private family. 162 Courtland St.ll-30-64 TWO or three light housekeeping rooms, furnished, with gas range; opposite Lyric theater; use of phone. Ivy 6407. ’ 80-30-11 NICELY furnished front room; close in; all conveniences. 213 Spring st, 11-30-42 FOR GENTLEMEN—WeII furnished room. Furnace heat. Georgian Terrace neigh borhood. Myrtle street, near Ponce De- Leon avenue Private home. Phone Ivy 1495,11-30-41 FOR RENT—Two connecting rooms, fur nished complete for light housekeeping. With pirvate family; hot and cold water; sink in kitchen; every convenience. 79 West Baker. 11-30-43 FOR RENT—Nice front upstairs room; conveniences. Reasonable. Ivy 3707-J. 455 Courtland.ll-30-49 FOR RENT —Three or four unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; private home; north side. Call Ivy 6566. 11-30-46 FOR RENT Large newly furnished room to one or two young men. Reasonable. Ivy 6666-J. ATTRACTIVE room for one gentleman in steam heated apartment; no children; sls per month. 87 Washington street. Apartment No_4. 11-30-30 ONE furnished room with bath; can get meals next door. Ivy 6240. 178 For rest avenue.ll-30-25 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished second floor, consisting of five rooms; gas con nections throughout; suitable for two i families. Ivy 2483-L. 319 Courtland. | ll-30-35 I A STEAM-HEATED furnished room; also liglit housekeeping rooms; close in. Ivy 2003-J. n_-30-53 TWO ROOMS, furnished complete for light housekeeping. Reasonable. Main 2851-L 11-30-37 TWO nice furnished front rooms for housekeeping: also bedroom. Call Ivv 4J®4?l 11-30-21 LARGE, pleasant room, steam heat, pri vate bath: can accommodate a few more table boarders. 279 Peachtree. 69-30-11 BRIGHT. steam-heated room, closet, electric lights, all conveniences. Ivv 5530-J. 11-29-21 Furnished Rooms For Rent. FOR RENT —Nicely furnished, steam heated room, adjoining bath, in apart ment with couple; suitable for one or two gentlemen. Two single beds. Call Ivy -6729.11-30-6 FOR RENT—Steam-heated rooms, near in; hot bath. 11 Cone street. 36-30-11 ATTRACTIVE front room, furnace heat and all conveniences; north side; in easy walking distance. Phone Ivy 6158-J or Main 3840.1-29-20 ONE furnished room; hot and cold wat er. 236 Central avenue. Main 5088-J or 11-29-24 NICELY furnished room; all conveni ences; gentlemen only. 44 East Harris, Apartment 1. Phone Ivy 1412. 11-29-23 TO COUPLE two conne-tlng, urnished rooms for housekeeping; all conveniences at sl7. 28 Pulliam street. Phone Main 4231-J, 11-29-2 COUPLE of men to occupy room in a steam-heated apartment Call Ivy 5792. 26-29-11 FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping: all conveniences; close in. 240 Central _ave nue. 11-29-14 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room, close in; conveniences. Ivy 5025-J. 62 West Baker, 11-29-11 For RENT—kewly furnished room, twin beds, den connecting: ideal for two gentlemen. Heat, electric lights, bath, hot and cold water. Private home. Rea sonable. 19 Currier street. 33-29-11 NEWLY' furnished front room; bath ad joining; steam heat; private West Peachtree home; separate beds if jtre ferred; to gentleman; excellent meals next door, ivy 1258.11-28-20 THREE furnished rooms for housekeep ing! Phone Ivy 2006-L. 95 E. Ellis st. NICELY furnished rooms; every con ven lence; north side. Ivy 2788-L. 11-27-33 NICE, newly furnished front room, con venient; quiet; private family; gentle men preferred. References exchanged. Ivy 2506-J.ll-28-17 VERY desirable furnished room for rent at 121 East North avenue. Phone Ivy 6132-J, References exchanged. 11-28-16 BEAUTIFUL room, adjoining bath, steam heat and electric lights, for one or more gentlemen, also small room for one. The Vernon, 61 East Cain street. Third floor. 11-28-15 FOR RENT—First floor, 54 Whitehall terrace, furnished for housekeeping; five rooms and hath; conveniences. 33-28-11 LARGE, nicely furnished front room; near in, 147 Spring street.ll-28-6 128 SOUTH PRYOR—Nice front room; conveniences; cheap. slain 5250. 11-28-7 FIVE beautiful rooms 7 and bath, partly furnished; excellent for light house keeping, only $35, including gas. 408 Courtland street.ll-28-4 FOR RENT—Furnished rooms, well heat ed, for couple: no children; all con veniences. 29 West Harris. 11-27-37 FOR RENT—Handsomely furnished fif teen-room residence. Everything new and fresh throughout. Steam heat. Nice two-story garage. Just across the street from Georgian Terrace. Could be used for first-class boarding or apartment house. Possession given at once. Best butler and cook in city. Several nice ladies al ready in house. Price $175, to right party. Phope Ivy 6531. Reason for renting, own ers leaving city,ll-27-36 FOR RENT Handsomely furnished rooms; everything new and fresh throughout. None but first-class need ap ply. Prices from $2.50 to $lO per week. 15 Ponce DeLeon avenue, just across the street from the Georgian Terrace. 11-27-35 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room; all conveniences. North side. Phone Ivy 5063-J. 11-27-34 Post 'RfeW —(Sne furnished front room in private home, close in. Rates rea sonable. Call Ivy 1075-L.ll-27-31 ONE nicely furnished room for rent at 319 Central avenue. Atlanta phone 5949-M. 11-27-15 FOR RENT—Three furnished housekeep ing rooms; sink in kitchen. 2763-J Main,ll-27-9 FOR RENT—Nice large furnished room for two young men. 20 West Harris street.2s-27-11 TWO clean, newly furnished rooms. Terms per month $5 and $lO. Delight ful front porch. 341 Capitol avenue. NICELY furnisheo rooms and first-class board. 406 Peachtree. Ivy 1746. 11-26-18 FOR RENT—Two front rooms, furnished for light housekeeping. 153 Whitehall street. Atlanta phone 5784-A. 26-26-11 STEAM HEATED rooms; hot bath; near in. 11 Cone st. Ivy 6135-.T.11-25-18 NICELY furnished room upstairs; con veniences; private family; no children; reasonable rent. 309 Richardson st. 11-25-16 FOR RENT —Large nicely furnished front room; also single room. 58 West Peach tree street.ll-23-34 FOR RENT—Furnished room; nice, light rooms, $lO per month. Close in, one block of Candler building. 102 Ivy street. 11-23-52 DELIGHTFUL front room; private bath; gentleman; refined home. Peachtree, care Georgian. 58-23-11 NICELY furnished rooms, BOc night, $2.50 a week and up. Broadway Hotel, 7% N. Broad street. Hot and cold water" 10-4-2 Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms; private family. 109-A Richardson street. 35-30-11 TWO large rooms, furnished or unfurn ished. Call Ivy 6258-.1.11-29-3 UNFURNISHED or furnished light housekeeping rooms or bed rooms. Bell phone Ivy 715-J. 67 E. Merritts. 11-26-34 Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. FOR RENT—Three large unfurnished rooms w'ith kitchenette; private bath and private front veranda; ail modern conveniences. 187 E. Fair street. 11-30-24 THREE unfurnished room for rent at 194 South Pryor street. 42-29-11 THREE or four desirable unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping: north side; 12 minutes’ walk to Candler Bldg Ivy 899-J.ll-29-18 THREE rooms for light housekeeping: price reasonable. Call Ivy 441. 27-29-11 FOR RENT—Two large, connecting rooms, hall, private bath. 400 Court land avenue.2B-30-11 THREE very large connecting unfurn ished rooms with kitchenette, sls per month. 210 South Pryor street. 11-28-3 THREE unfurnished upstairs rooms; all conveniences: $5 per month. 255 Hill street, or ’l2 Whitehall street. 11-28-2 FOUR unfurnished upstairs rooms; all conveniences. $8 per month. 255 Hill st., or 112 Whitehall street.ll-28-1 FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Main 2877-J. 247 South Pryor.ll-27-28 FOR RENT—Nice, large room, all con veniences; rates very reasonable; with couple without children; one block of Ter minal station. 39 Markham. 11-27-23 FOR RENT—One unfurnished room, downstairs, and conveniences, close in; reasonable. Ivy 6654.11-23-26 FOUR rooms in private home; reasonable rent. North Side. Ivy 3841-J. 11-19-14 Housekeeping Rooms For Rent. TWO large connecting rooms for light housekeeping; connecting bath, hot and cold water. 188 Gordon street. 11-39-32 Furnished Apartments For R ent ■ FOR RENT—Neatly furnlshe<U~a,C??® ment: two bed rooms, living room '■ kitchenette, with gas stove and eat,i„ electric lights and bath. No ebil,2 e( ‘® Apply 25 Dodd avenue, corner t'U,' n ;« For RENT-Furnished half cottalTtT 1 ! rooms and bath; phone; new gas r’anpß conveniences; good olcation on south Phone Main 4433-J. U-2&1 Furnished or Unfurnished Apart, mer.ts For Rent. FOR RENT—Second floor flat of seven rooms, furnished or unfurnished hot and cold water, electric lights, gas ’stove in hall that heats whole house. Between Peachtree and Juniper streets. Rent rea sonable. Apply to 156 Juniper street Bell phone Ivy 2342-L. 11-27-22 ———— x Unfurnished Apartments For Rent FOR RENT—Close in, modern five-room flat for S2O per month. This is in five minutes' walk front center of city. Call Main 4235. 11-30-56 THREE rooms and bath; steam heat, hot and cold water. Apply 459 Peachtree st., third floor. 11-30-57 FOR RE N T—A par t men tsi ne wi miidern and fireproof; select neighborhood: close in. A. W. Farllnger, 304 North Boule yard. 75-30-11 TWO CHOICE high-class north side apartments for rent; never been occu pied. Apply Glover Realty Contpanv, 2 1 - Walton street.ll-30-22 TWO CHOICE high-class north side apartments for rent; never been occu pied. Apply Glover Realty Company, 2% M alton street. 11-6-33 SECOND FLOOR apartment, seven large rooms, two tile baths, three porches, servant’s room, with lavatory' and stor age room in basement; S7O per month very desirable location. 3t East Sixth street. Phone Ivy 4378.38-29-11 FOUR connecting rooms; private bath-Tn house with owner; rooms newlv pa pered; sunny porches. 275 East Pine 11-25-17 HELP WANTED —To develop the re sources of Southern California, the land of progress and new ideas. Read about the opportunities in the Ninth Anniver sary Edition of The Los Angeles Exam iner, out December 25th. Mailed to anv address in United States or Mexico, 15 cents a copy; Canada or foreign points. 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Furnished Houses For Rent. A NICE cottage near Atlanta completely furnished for sls per month. Call Ivv 2814, U-30-19 MODERN, CLEAN. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. NICELY FUR NISHED. NORTH SIDE. IVY 2591-L.11-27-1 FOR SALE —Farm one-fourth as large and five times as good as the one vou are toiling on back East. Take advan tage of the percentage in vour favor. Ths Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los An geles Examiner, out December 25, will tell you how this can be Mailed to any ad dress in United States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or foreign points 25 cents Send In your order now. 10-21-4 ‘""-■ig S Unfurnished Houses For Rent. FOR RENT Five-room cottage. 74 Evans street. sl6. Apply owner, 50 Ogle thorpe avenue. 73-30-11 FOR RENT—I 92 East Georgia avenue, one six-room house, cabinet mantels, etc., modern, $17.50. Apply across the street. 11-29-27 FOR RENT—Five-room house, convenient to car line. Price sl7. 25 Glendale ave nue . 27-28 -11 FOR RENT—Eight-room house, 521 Courtland street; $35 a month: posses sion at once. See A. T. Spalding, 499 Courtland 5t.39-26-11 A NEAR-IN six-room cottage: large lot: modern improvements; good repair 14!) Walton st. Ivy 6212-1,.90-23-11 LEASE OR SALE—Artistic bungalow; screened, tiled, furnace, garage. “North Side." Georgian. 57-23-11 FOR’ RENT, HOUSES—CaII, write or phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph 0. Cochran, 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21 THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. WANTED—Children to attend the best schools in the United States. They are located in Southern California. Bring the j old folks along. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will tell the story of the most remarkable school system ever devised. Out Decem ber 25th. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents: Canada or for eign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Garages For Rent. TWO nice, new garages for rent; near Peachtree Inn; $6 each. Apply 506 Candler Bldg. 11-30-53 GARAGE for rent; suitable for two au tomobiles. Apply 459 Peachtree st. 11-30-58 Stores For Rent. WANTED—Visitors to come out and see the great Southwest. Most of them will want to stay. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th, will set forth the reasons. Mailed tc any address in United States or Mexico, 15 cents: Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Furnished Rooms Wanted WANTED—Two or three nicely fumlsbel rooms for light housekeeping: must b« desirable. Phone Main 300 between 8 and 5 o’clock Satur da y. 35-29-11 WANTED—Furnished room of medium size and price, by a quiet, elderly gen tleman; must have both a south and east window and chimney for his coal stove, bath with hot and cold water; right to cook breakfast in room; must not be on ground floor; must be in north and out side of Tenth street. State price. Ad dress Haight, Box 233, care Georgian. 34-28-11 Unfurnished Rooms Wanted. "WANTED—Unfurnished steam heated room by business woman; must be rea sonable; 'would not object to pleasant roommate: state price and location. L. A. H., 1333 Candler Bldg. 11-30-9 Furnished Houses Wanted. COUPLE want nicely furnished small cot tage; have own silver, linen; moderate rent; Dec. 15 or Jan. 1. Box 468, care Georgian. 11-30-63 Unfurnished Houses Wanted- WANTED HOUSES -We have demands for several first-class houses on the north side. If you have anything you want rented, list it with us. Phone I. 1600. Edwin P. Ansley. Realty Trus> Bldg H-21-27 Is your business worth advertising’ Then if not try a For Sale or Business Opportunity ad iu The Georgian.