Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 02, 1912, EXTRA, Image 11

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| t tt2 ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEIVS.READ FOR OROFIT-GEQRGIAN WANT XXOS»—USE FOR RESULTS ' Lost and Found. --r--;.77Hn» l <jp and contents on - ' ■ ® . vVdentiy ex"hanged through mis itesdal „ P ntleman's suitcase of similar take t '■ ~ can be surrendered at appear- 111 ’’.kJ. ladies’ case is delivered. I lame timr Marion Hotel | Return to g Cu 11-30-54 . of small gray rE" aKI for > strayed from stable on I ho r street ‘Wednesday night ’ W K ; South Pry ° r atreet I lU M 1?;, ave. and I wa£i- rlav a bunch of i LC'ST— T' tin others, somewhere in the keys, ialejin i' Finder please | afternoon, on Capi- ■ LOS I Ormond or Capitol ave- : V 1 a \ fur "neckpiece. Finder please | Massengale. Ivy «*>-J’. 80 . 48 | = cold flat square-linked LOST .■'.’ !i * Ret urn and receive reward at bra w.jnch jeweler, 63 Peachtree Henry Muench, jeweie 11-30-47 s ueet —-r-rt white and brown h" ST . "’ n ar er on hind leg; short tail, spots a' h Main 4554, Atlanta R, ’" ar '\ I .in 4683 I. S. Shropshire, phone Mam 4bS4. 33-30-11 [«&.•»<» jsmisstMsea ffer <in Soldiers Home car or n lau - I;♦> nr <>n Whitehall street, string of H beads with cameo pendant; liberal [gold beaus, 2617 185-A East . Irewani cau iVla, “ 11-29-26 dog. Orange (yellow) and P A ’\Name “Vet.” Reward, inform [♦un or return; no questions. Dr. W. Jay feeU Candler Bldg. Both phones. 11-28-10 Personal. |si4)o~given for every sale of a ticket l 0 anv charitable organiza tion. Apply 56 Peachtree P 11 11 ' ' '' 11-30-3 EavZa~Look ~at Gilbert’s Window. I" I'eaehtree street, if interested in char tv work. _ IkiPi- B aT>Ti- S Ask your druggist for Chiches f,‘s 'pills the Diamond brand; for 25 Lears known as best, safest always relia ble- bur of vour druggist. Take no other. res'Diamond Brand Pills are sold |hv“ druggists everywhere. 5-2-1 IfVFRYB< •1 ’Y knows that J. L. Burnett I has the newest and most complete line lof wall ’ papers. He also guarantees all 11,1 s work Better be safe than norry. J. 1/Burnett. 22 E. Mitchell St. Phones 48 ' 11-J l-o i“,'F'r _ lo’r'R _ PIANO tuned now. Don’t 1 wait until the rush and lose out. Call Bell phone West 712 or address P. O. Box 656. No cheap jobs. Best work. Ramsey. RNITY SANITARIUM—-Private, refined homelike. Limited number of patients cared for. Home provided for infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 26 Wind sor St.ll-9-57 FUTsCREHNS. FLY SCREENS, FLY SCREENS- Wood fly screens, metal fly screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, metal weather strips furnished anywhere in the South Write or phone W. R. Cal laway, manager, 1403 Fourth National Bank building, Atlanta, Ga Main 5310. 2-15-5 SERIOUS RESULTS come "From "trusses Improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34 AVall street, has an expert title" and it will cost you no more to have, him flt you. and it means insurance. 6-24-19 Matrimonial. WEALTHY banker's widow, 50, would marry. A., Box 35, League, Toledo, Ohio. 57-30-11 Palmistry. G YPS Y P. CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST, located on East Hunter, between Central ave nue and Washington street. 11-11-11 MISS BECK, WORLD-FAMED INDIAN PALMIST: A GIFTED WOMAN. LO CATED 76 EAST HUNTER STREET. ___ _J4-£ 3 251 GYPSY PALMIST. MADAME CAMILLE tells past, present and future. Special reading, 25c, this week. Located 50 Edgewood avenue, be -Iween Ivy and Pryor.ll-11-34 Palmist and Life Reading. 17 EAST MITCHELL ST , (IN TENT). GYPSY QUEEN. IS NOW LOCATED in tent, corner For syth and Luckle; can be consulted on til affairs of life. Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed- 6-25-11 Dropsy. DROPSY CORED—Relieves shortness of breath in 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swell ing in fifteen to twenty days. Write for particulars. Collom Dropsy Remedy Com pany, 512 Austell building,’ Atlanta. . 5-25-11 Medical. PILES—If you have them, I will mail you a prescription for 52 cents (stamps taken) that cured me in 1904 of the worst case of idles I have ever seen. It is a n rnli , „. an<l harmless rem’edy. Address ur JI. Patterson, 445% Edgewood ave., Atlanta, Ga. 82-30-11 DR. violet McMillan. 7>ao of women and children. 200- -<L Hillyer Trust Bldg. Bell phone Ivy BI’MONDSON'S Tansy, Pennyrejai nAi p°t*on Root Pills, a safe and re “ab!e treatment for painful and sup- P r esse menstruation, Irregularities an'd ’1™ lla b obstructions. Trial box by mall, „ rank Edmondson &• Bro., manufac » che mlsts, 11 North Broad street, Atlanta. 2-17-14 Wanted—Miscellaneous. for f ew shares Ger- Kmtn? la «, Sa n Vlngs bank stock. M. A. _jmtF__- ? 'l Peters street, Atlanta. 25-30-11 nYo T En ~ Second-hand pair portable Must v. scales ’ t 0 draw 2 .°00 pounds. Addreoa c C “? ap an<] in Rood condition. Scales, care Georgian. 37-30-11 'wm' YP y. ifty 01(1 feather beds at once. Boston pa J highest cash price. Address Place father Company, 17 Warren 5971 \ or P hone Ivy 3372-L, Atlanta yr-'irs Pi bicyele for boy 8 to 10 ■ V-'-'l—BgU.Phone M. 1389.40-28-11 ' rh'JJ>' r ’ 'Second-hand coal stove; state of\t,,vn or . Bize and price, also name tove. Address 504 Euclid avenue. SV-rrw- 31-28-11 :.r J? 1 ’ once, one four-drawer let DROP A CARD , L.Hf'ns Cash For Old Clothes and Shoes THE VESTIAIRE” jpjpv-, 1,16 Uecatur Street. ' !. , and household goods, office • rentp'r® an<l merchandise of any kind I’ hn,i<? n <_T ns ’Piment. Cash advanced Be Dhn k „ e S U es . Co - HS South Pryor St. 1'285 Plon es Main 1434. Main 187, Atlanta V• F -Wrp-v _ 8-15-12 N, ,! ,!, '’UEST cash prices for house* t-'aib ,P |anos and office furniture. Anctctn' a o ce< on conK ignments. Central »treet n.n Onl 1 P any ’ 12 E a »‘ Mitchell — — ell Phone Main 2424 8-26-2 C on hPP.PY*; pay highest cash prices furnlt jrc Se o ( ü BOOIIB, pianos and office merits \.', as h advanced on consign- Pr< Orlngers Auction House. 25 > r street. Bell phone Main 152£ I Top a cl °thes and " s' ces. b' a ” ■ ■ \ ou for sale is not worth ' T if,.,, a " ant Ad in The Georgian m a n nies then talk business to the For Sale—Miscellaneous. FOR SA IJE—Seyen -elgh ths karaUliam< >n?l ring, worth $100; for quick sale will take sro. Address Me., Box 200, care Georgian Beautiful upright mahogany «illiam Knabe & Co. piano; less than one year old; cost new $750, and will sell for about one-half cost; don’t answer un less you mean business. Address Knabe Piano, care Georgian. 92-30-11 FOR SALE—One bedroom suit of furni~ ture cheap. Call 163 and 165 Walton street. 91-30-11 FRUIT TREES, shade trees, grape vines, rose bushes, privet hedge, etc.; the very finest stock to be had. R. E. Lee. 223 IV. Fair street. Atlanta representative Con cord Nurseries. 88-30-11 FOR SALE—Two gentleman’s suits, two overcoats, one cravanette coat, one rain coat; almost new. Call Main 9097. FUR SALE—One oak extension dining table; also medium sized heater. Call Main 9097. 11-30-32 hull SALE—Typewriter and stand In good 'condition for sale cheap. Call Ivy 2506-L. AVANTED—You to know that “Camp Brothers” means the best in machine work. Tell Camp your machine troubles. New shop, new tools, at 275 Marietta street. Phone Main 2937. 11-30-5 FOR SALE—Good second-hand folding bed. cheap for cash. D. G. Thomas, 125 Marietta street. Atlanta phone 1917. FOR SALE, CHEAP—One good heating stove, one gas cooking stove, one wa ter heater, at 52 Kennesaw avenue. FOR SALE—Oal< tlnislied. highly polished sideboard, practically new; also dining table to match; excellent condition. Will sell at big bargain. Cali 140 Capitol ave nue. Atlanta phone 5300. 11-30-11 WANTED-Manufacturers and merchants to help manage the business end of the Panama canal. It is located at Los An geles, the key to the great Southwest. The Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25, will have the facts about this great proj ect. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or for eign points 25 cents. Send in your or der now. 10-21-4 ROOMING HOUSE PROPOSITION— EIGHT ROOMS, CLOSE IN; WILL SACRIFICE FOR CASH OR MIGHT RENT TO RIGHT PARTY; FURNISH INGS COMPARATIVELY NEW; RENT OF BUILDING IS REASONABLE. BELL MAIN 2806, ATLANTA 473. 11-19-6 BUY YOUR PIANO NOW SSOO Worth of Music Free. At this season of the year it is dif ficult for our salesmen to visit all of their prospective customers in time to be given an opportunity to explain our prices and terms. In order to facilitate their work and make every visit count, we are offering $5 worth of music free to every one who is now ready to take the matter up with one of our salesmen. Cut this ad out and mail to us, stating when our sales man may call on you, how much you wish to pay cash, etc. Regardless of W’hether our salesman can satisfy you or not. this offer is open to you if you will advise us of your intentions to purchase so as to give us an oppor tunity to explain to your our prices i and terms. Be sure and state in your , reply when our salesman may visit your home to talk the piano question over ADDRESS PROSPECT DEPART MENT. Post Office Box 1623. Atlanta, Ga. FOR SALE—New Stetson piano for $250. Won in contest Reason for sale. Mrs. J. H. Coleman, Route 3, Mitchell. Ga. SECOND-HAND SAFES—SmaII, medium and large home safes, sls; Hall’s bank and fireproof safes, vault doors, etc. C. J. Daniel, 416 Fourth National Bank build- -7-33 FOR SALE—Chickens, Marlborough seed corn, canned fruits and tomatoes. W. A Wagner, Farrar. Ga.3l-29-11 HEATERS. $2.50 to $45. We save vou enough to buy your coal. Southern Stove and Supply Company, 121 White hall street.lo-15-4 COMBINATION coal and gas ranges? Southern Stove and Supply Company, 121 Whitehall.lo-15-4 WE SELL STOVES cheaper because our expenses are less. Southern Stove and Supply Company, 121 Whitehall. 10-15-4 COME to corner Peachtree and Ellis streets for brick, lumber, doors, . sash and mantels, cheap Denton & Flournoy, house wreckers.ll-12-15 : LOOK at our stoves and ranges before you buy one anywhere. Southern Stove and Supply Company, 121 White hall. 10-15-4 CADET HEATERS, with cull. Southern Stove and Supply Company, 121 White hall. 10-15-4 CARRIAGES REPAIRED AND RECOV ERED. NEW RUBBER TIRES PUT ON YOUR BABY’S CARRIAGE. PHONE IVY 3076. ROBERT MITCHELL. 229 EDGE WOOD. 7-18-15 CAST R ANGES, with water back. S3O and up Southern Stove and Supply Com pany. 121 Whitehall. 10-15-4 LAW BOOK BARGAINS—Sets of Amer. Bankruptcy Reports, Century Digest, Ency. of Evid., etc. Prices and terms on request. The Harrison Company, Atlanta. COAL! COAL! JELLICO LUMP. $4.75. PIEDMONT COAL COMPANY. BOTH PHONES MAIN 3648. PERFECTION oil heaters, $3.50 up. Southern Stove and Supply Company, 121 Whitehall.lo-15-*4 FOUND—The best place for prosperity and success. Everybody’s doing it. Come out to Southern California. The Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will set you right. Out December 25. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents a copy. Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send in your order now.lo-21-4 National Cash Registers. $35, SSO, S6O, $75 and up. Terms easy. Lib eral exchange allowance. Both phones. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.. 60 North Broad Street. 7-20-52 SAFES, flies, cabinets, new & 2nd hd. Gookin Bank & Office Equipment Co. -20-31 NEW, beautiful rugs woven from your old carpet, superior to any in service; plain or designed; any size. Catalogue free. Oriental Rug Company, Baltimore. -16-31 HELP WANTED- T" develop lhe resour ces of Southern California, the land of progress and new’ ideas Read about th* Op portunities in the Ninth Anniversary Edi tion of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico, 15 cents a copy: Canada or foreign points. 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Auction Sales. CENTItAL~AUCTION'CO., 12 E. Mitchell st., buys and sails everything; regular auction Tuesday and Friday. Bell nhone Main 2424. PAWN BROKERS AUCTION HOUSE. 51 Decatur street. We buy and sell any and everything. Atlanta phone 2285; Bell phone Main 1434. Ma in 18 c 7-29-20 SPRINGER’S Auction House, at 25 South Pryor street, will buy or sell your household goods, pianos and office furni ture. Main 1526, 10-3-6 PEMBROKE Salos Company under new management; will accept your surplus stock of any kind on consignment; cash advanced; settlement on dale of sale 143 South Prvor street. Bell phone Main 1434. Main 187, Atlanta phone 2285. Pl® ?0 TO EXCHANGE The best climate and soil In tne world for a tired and frost bitten farm back East- The Ninth An niversary Edition of The Los Angeles l-.x aminer, out December 25th, will tell where they are and how to got one Mailed 'o I any address in United States <r Mex’co. 15 cents: Canada or foreign points. 2;.<- Send in your order now. 10----« Automobiles. for sale. FOR SALE—Five-passenger 1911 Maxwell car; tires in good condition; for S4OO. This is a real bargain. Talk quick. Ad dress G. H. S., care Georgian. 11-30-10 —Five-passenger touring car, $350; top, windshield, complete; perfect condition. Apply Claud D. Taylor, 12 Houston street.3B-30-11 FOR SALE—Fifty-horsepower five-pas senger touring car, equipped, and in good running order. Will sell for $350, cash only. Be quick. Cash, Box 450, care Georgian. 45-28-11 AUTOMOBILES WANTED. EXCHANGE for automobile roadster, one two-story, six-room house, built one year ago; 117 feet from car line; near in; me loan of $900; equity of $1,600; auto must be late model and in best of condition; give full description and make of car with answer. Owner, Box 626, Atlanta, Ga,ll-30-65 ANTED-—To buy moderate priced au tomobile in good shape, for cash. A. B. C., Box 805, care Georgian. 32-29-11 \\ ANTED QUICK —Electric coupe, four passenger; must be o. k. shape and cheap. Ivy 3339. 44-28-11 WANTED—Visitors to come out and kee the great Southwest. Most of them will want to stay. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th, will set forth the reasons Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico, 15 cents; Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Business Opportunities. THEATRICAL rooming or boarding house for sale; party wants to leave city; everything new; always full. Ad dress Theatrical, care Georgian. 86-30-11 FIVE states $500; latest Improved gar den hose; nozzle and spray; brass; will manufacture; North worth $5,000; half cash, rest when patent allowed. Address Inventor, S., Box 906, care Georgian. 71-30-11 RESPONSIBLE corporation opening Georgia and South Carolina territory wants district salesmanager, capable of managing salesmen; capital required, SSOO to S7OO. You handle your money. Shouid pay S2OO to SSOO per month. Investigation Invited. J. M. Carter, 1421 Candler Bldg. Atlanta, Ga. 70-30-11 FREE—INVESTING FOR PROFIT mag azine. Send me your name and I will mail you this magazine absolutely free. Before you invest a dollar anywhere get this magazine; it is worth slo' a copy to any man who intends to invest $5 or more per month. Tells you how SI,OOO can grow to $22,000; how to judge different classes of investments, the real earning power of your money. This magazine six months free, if you write today. H. L. Barber, R. 449, 22 West Jackson boule vard, Chicago.s3-30-11 PROFITABLE position for right party to handle our SI,OOO accident policy selling for SI.OO yearly. Pays SI,OOO death and $7.50 weekly benefits. Sold to men and women. Also $4, $6 and $lO policies. Ex clusive territory. Pacific Coast Casualty Co., Newark, N, J. 67-23-11 WANTED- Partner to Invest small amount in profitable business: office work. W., Box 806, care Georgian. WANTED—To buy direct from owner, small drug store. Must be good, lo cation and on paying basis. None but owner need reply. Call at 235 South Pryor street or phone Main 5164. 11-29-1 UNIVERSAL ICE COMPANY stock "for sale. This stock is worth SIOO per share. Am willing to trade for land or one automobile. Address all communica tions to Box 55, Milledgeville, Ga. 11-26-37 WANTED—Families to own some more of those beautiful Southern California homes. It is a habit, get it. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th, tells how the habit is acquired. Mailed to any ad dress In United States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Money to Loan. sss?? DO YOU WANT MONEY?? sss " OWNERS, come direct to us. Money in any quantity at 5 to 8 per cent; $200,000 for apartment houses at 6 per cent. We handle purchase money notes, stocks and bonds. Randolph Loan Co., 821 Candler Building, Ivy 5069.10-1 -49 MONEY ON HAND foi Immediate loans on property in or near Atlanta. J. E. Van Valkenburg, 501 Equitable building 6-6-22 WEYMAN * CONNORS. ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-3 SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND, any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. S W Carson, 24 South Broad street. 4-1 17 ON FIRST mortgage real estate security. Home funds and insurance money. Rates 5% to 8 per cent interest. We also make monthly payment loans. We can give you the money as soon as titles are ap proved. RALPH 0. COCHRAN CO., 19 S. BROAD ST. L. H. ZURLINE. Loan Manager. THE PRUDENTIAL IN SURANCE CO. of Ameri ca can make you a loan on Atlanta improved property, through their loan corre spondents, Turman, Black & Calhoun, 203-8 Empire Building. 6-7-12-1 FARM LOANS placed In any amount on improved farm lands in Georgia. The Southern Mortgage Company. Gould build* tug 7-13-1 JEWELERS AND BROKERS loan <y fHONZ MAIN X-C J STRICTLY PRIVATE WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson. 11 -Edgewood Ave. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments. Conflden tial. D. H. Tolman, 524 Austell bullding. WANTED—Manufacturers and merchants to help manage the business end of the Panama canal It is located at Los An geles, the key 10 the great Southwest. The Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25. will have the facts about this great proj ect. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or for eign points 25 cents. Send in your or der now. 10-21-4 Money Wanted. SEVEN for one year, to be paid in weekly installments; will give first mortgage on stock merchandise worth five thousand dollars. C. O. M., care Georgian. 84 30-11 WANTED —A loan on high class vacant lots just across road from Ansley Park at reasonable rate. F. S. C.. Box 803, care Georgian. 28-28-11 FOUND—The best place for prosperity and success. -Everybody’s doing it. Come out to Southern California. The Ninth Anniversary edition of Tha Los Angeles Examiner will set you right. Out December 25. to any address In United States or Mexico 15 cents a copy. Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send in your order now 10-21-4 Purchase Money Notes Wanted. WILL EXCHANGE real estate for pur- I < ha:-o money notes. Address Hall, rare Georgian. H-27**20 Real Estate For Sale. WEST END new bungalow; seven rooms; large corner lot; 204 Holderness, be tween Gordon and Oak, substantial and attractive; granite front, sleeping porch, modern conveniences. If you have $750 cash, see this place. Phone W. 460-J. FOR SALE—By owner, new six-room bungalow; Inman Park; first-class; bar galn. Call Floyd, Ivy 3149-L FOR SALE Nice six-room cottage, on half acre lot; all necessary out-build ings, in South Carolina. Ivy 2483-L. X. Y. Z., Box 910,_care Georgian. 11-30-39 SSOO EQUITY FOR SALE—Six-room bun galow in Irkwoocf; lot 50 by 200; well shaded; electric lights. Assume SI,OOO loan; balance easj’ monthly notes. A. G. C., Box 807, care Georgian. 11-30-17 BUY YOUR HOME WITH RENT MON- EY! You can do this by applying at once to Copenhill Land Company, 836 Equitable building. They have a five room bungalow, just finished; no mort gage on It; all improvements; three car lines; quick schedules; 93 Miranda ave nue, near North avenue, Highland and Ponce DeLeon avenues; small cash pay ment and $25 per month gets it. The best chance you will have. See Copen hill Land Company, 836 Equitable bulld ing. Phone Main 603,11-29-12 FOR SALE., SIX-ROOM TWO-STORY home in Kirk wood; bargain for quick sale at $2,600. This is near the Sutherland. Homes like this selling at $5,000. Owner moving and must sell; SSOO cash, balance one, two and three years. Both phones 6 Decatur. J. A. EARL, Kirkwood, Ga.ll-26-41 FOR SALE—By owner, six-room coL tage; all improvements: for S3OO less than ft cost. Price $1,900; $270 cash, bal ance S2O per month. F. S. M., care Geor gian. 11-26-3 FOR SALE —On River car line, new three- room house; $1,000; sls a month; no cash payment. John Carey, 2 Whitehall street.ll-2-55 THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is for electricity. WANTED—One hundred thousand ready- made families to share in the prosperity of Southern California. The Ninth Anni versary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex aminer, out December 25th, will tell why and how’. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents a copy; Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Farms For Sale. A FINE plantation of 5,500 acres, lo cated eight miles of Leary, Ga., four miles from Holt, Ga., on the Central of Georgia railroad, 3,000 acres open, bal ance in eut land, which can be cleared at a small cost; almost the entire place under wire fence; 18 tenant houses, two large barns and one foiy-room dwelling. This is one of the cheapest farms in the state. Will sell on easy terms or ex cbance part of the purchase price for good Atlanta property. Address Planta tion. Box 811, care Georgian. 11-30-29 FREE INFORMATION on Canada. Au thentic information on any matter con cerning western Canada furnished free by Canadian Progress Magazine, Calgary, Canada.s6-30-11 —FARMS— NOW IS THE TIME to buy your truck farm and get ready for the spring gar dens. We have several first-class places from 5 acres up that we can sell on good, easy terms. Atlanta Suburban Realty Company, 31 Inman building. Main 2053. 11-27-42 WANTED—Families to own some more of those beautiful Southern California homes. It is a habit, get It. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th, tells how the habit Is acquired. Mailed to any ad dress In United States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send ■n your order now. 10-21-4 For Sale or Exchange—Farms. 670 ACRES, eight miles west of Dublin, two miles east of Dudley, on the M. D. S. railroad. This land is good and strong. Will make a hale of cotton to the acre. There is 16-horse cleared, 12 tenant houses, one six-room dwelling. This place will rent for $1,600. Can exchange this for city property or sell on easy terms. Address H. R. C., Box 813, care Geor gian. 11-30-27 Farms For Rent. FINE dairy and truck farm for rent; six miles from East Atlanta; four-room house In good condition; fine well water; good outbuildings and orchard; 25 or 30 acres in cultivation; 100 acres in pas ture, with pure running water. J. F. H atcher. Con ley, Ga.77-30-H WANTED—One hundred thousand ready made families to share in the prosper ity of Southern California. The Ninth An niversary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex aminer, out December 25th, will tell why and how. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico, 15 cents a copy; Can ada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send In your order now. 10-21-4 Farms Wanted. WANT to communicate with owners of cheap south Georgia lands; give descrip tion and price in first letter. P. O. Box 235, Atlanta. 66-30-11 WANTED —To buy ten acres about four miles from center of city. Give full description and price first letter. M. F., 42 Peachtree street. 32-25-11 Timber Lands For Sale. 35 MILES from Valdosta, in Clinch county, on the G. S. and F. railroad, I have 12.000 acres of yellow pine timber that will cut over 2.500 feet to the acre; practically none of this land has been cleared. The Macon to Jacksonville rail road runs for three miles through this place. I can sell this on easy terms or exchange 50 per cent of the purchase price for some Atlanta property. Price $5 per acre. Address F. T. P., Box 812, care Georgian. 11-30-28 Legal Notices. SHERIFF SALES FOR DECEM BER, 1912. Will be sold before the present court house door, “old city hall building," lo cated at the northeast corner of South Pryor and East Hunter streets, the said premises having been designated by the board of commissioners of roads and rev enues of Fulton county as the court house, in the city of Atlanta, Fulton county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in Decem ber, 1912, at public outcry, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder or bidders, for cash, the whole, part or parts of the following de scribed property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the city of College Park, being part of land lot one hundred and fifty-nine (159), of the Fourteenth (14th) district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, Georgia, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Harden avenue and Madison street, running thence west along the south side of Harden avenue seventy-five (75) feet, thence south one hundred and ninety (190) feet, thence east seventy-five (75) feet to Madison street, thence north along the west side of Madison street one hundred and ninety (190) feet, to the be ginning point. Levied upon as the property of Mrs. Mattie E. Jones to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the city court of Atlanta in favor of S. J. Winn vs. Mrs. Mattie E. Jones. A deed for the purpose of levy and sale having been executed, filed and recorded as required by law. Tenant in possession notified. Also at the same time and place, the following described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and be ing in the city of College Park, being part of land lot one hundred and fifty nine (159) of the Fourteenth 114th> dis trict of originally Henry, now Fulton county, Georgia, being lot number two (No. 2i. in block eighty-two (82). as per plat of College Park Land Company’s property, made by O. F. Kauffman, civil engineer, in 1905, more particularly de scribed as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of Harden avenue and Myrtle street, running thence east along Legal Notices. the south side of Harden avenue one hundred (100) feet to the west line of lot number four (No. 4), of said block; thence south parallel with Myrtle street one hun dred and ninety (190) feet, more or less, to the north line of lot number one (No. 1), of said block; thence west one hun dred (1001 feet to Myrtle street; thence north along the east side of Myrtle street one hundred and ninety (190) feet to the point of beginning. Levied upon as the property of John D. Muldrew to satisfy a fl. fa. issued from the city court of Atlanta in favor of Courtland S. Winn and E. H. Jordan as executors of the es tate of Sarah E. Winn, deceased, vs. the said John D. Muldrew. A deed for the purpose of levy and sale having been executed, filed and recorded as required by law. Tenant in possession not!fled. Also at the same time and place, the following described property, to-wit; All that tract or parcel of land lying and be ing in the city of Atlanta, and in land lot one hundred and ten (110) of the Fourteenth (14th) district, of Fulton coun ty Georgia, and more particularly de scribed as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Ashby and Harwell streets, and running thence east along the north side of Harwell street one hundred and twenty (120) feet, to a ten (10) foot alley; thence north along the west side of said alley forty (40) feet; thence west parallel with Harwell street one hundred and twenty (120) feet to Ashby street; thence south along the east side of Ashby street forty (40) feet, to the point of be ginning, being lot number twenty-one (21) of the Edmondson Bros.’ sub-division by S. B. Turman & Co., real estate agents. Levied upon as the property of George F. Oakes to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the city court of Atlanta in favor of Myr tle E Bree and Cora L. Bree vs. the said George F. Oakes as maker and Dolph Walker and L. W. Franklin as indorsers. A deed for the purpose of levy and sale having been executed, fijed and recorded as required by law. Tenant in possession notified. Also at the same time and place, the following described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and be ing in the Seventh ward, in the city of Atlanta, and in land lot one hundred and seventeen (117), of the Fourteenth (14th) district of Fulton county, Georgia, be ginning on the west side of Lawton street two hundred and seventy-three (273) feet north of the northwest corner of Green wich and Lawton streets, and extending thence north along the west side of Law ton street forty-five (45) feet; thence west parallel with Greenwich street one hun dred and fifty (150) feet to an alley ten (10) feet wide; thence south along the east side of said alley forty-five (45) feet; thence west one hundred and fifty (150) feet to beginning point. Being lot number eight (8), on plat of lots of C. R. Haskins made in February, 1910, and recorded in the clerk's office of Fulton county, in plat book 4, page 27. Levied upon as the property of Taylor M. Law rence to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the city court of Atlanta in favor of W. J. Northen vs. the said Taylor M. Lawrence. A deed for the purpose of levy and sale having been executed, filed and recorded as required by law. Tenant In possession notified. Also at the same time and place, the following described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and be ing in the city of Atlanta and in land lot seventy-five (75), of the Fourteenth (14th) district of Fulton county, Georgia, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing on the north side of Georgia avenue at a point one hundred and twen ty-three and one-fourth (123)4) feet west of the northwest corner of Georgia ave nue and Formwait street, thence west along the north side of Georgia avenue forty-one and one-fourth (41 >4) feet, more or less, to Hulsey's east line; thence run ning north one hundred (100) feet, more or less, to Warwick’s south line; thence east forty one and one-fourth (41%) feet, more or less; thence south one hundred (100) feet, more or less, to the beginning point. Levied upon as the property of A. Irwin Almand to satisfy a fi. fa. is sued from the city court of Atlanta in favor of S. P. Woods vs. the said A. Ir win Almand. A deed for the purpose of levy and sale having been executed, filed and recorded as required by law. Ten ant in possession notified. Also at the same time and place, the following described property, to-wit; All that tract or parcel of land lying and be ing in the city of Atlanta, being part of land lot fourteen (14), of the Fourteenth (14th) district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, Georgia, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the corner of Robert S. Greer’s lot (said cor ner being the southeast corner of lot hereby conveyed), being on the west side of Moreland avenue (formerly the County Line road), and running thence north along the west side of Moreland avenue one hundred (100) feet to property of J. D. Evans; thence west along said prop erty four hundred (400) feet, to the Tay lor line: thence south along said line one hundred (100) feet to R. S. Greer’s line; thence east along said line four hundred (400) feet to the point of beginning; be ing the same property described in deed from C. A. Rauschenberg to Mrs. Fan nie Rauschenberg, dated September 6, 1911, and recorded in deed book 308, page 286, Fulton county records. Levied upon as the property of R. S. Morris to satis fy a fi. fa. issued from the city court of Atlanta in favor of B. Moss vs. the said R. 8. Morris. A deed for the pur pose of levy and sale having been exe cuted, filed and recorded as required by law Tenant in possession notified. Also at the same time and place, the following described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situated, ly ing and being in land lot one hundred and fifteen (115), of the Fourteenth (14th) district of Fulton county, Georgia, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the southwest corner of Lena and Stevens streets, and running thence west along the south side of Lena street forty (40) feet; thence south one hundred and twenty (120) feet; thence east forty (40) feet to Stevens street; thence ndrth one hundred and twenty (120) feet to the beginning point Being lot 1, of block C, of the sub-division of Sunset Park. Also a lot commencing on the southeast corner of Lena and Stevens streets, running thence east along Lena street forty (40) feet; thence south one hundred and twenty (120) feet; thence west forty (40) feet to Stevens street; thence north along Stevens street one hundred and twenty (120) feet, to the beginning point. Being lot 1, of block D, of the sub-division of Sunset Park. Also three lots commencing at a point on the east side of Stevens street one hundred and twenty (120) feet south of the south east corner of Stevens and Lena streets, and running thence south along the east side of said Stevens street one hundred and tw’enty (120) feet, thence east one hundred and twenty (120) feet; thence north one hundred and twenty (120, feet, thence west one hundred and twenty (120) feet, to the point of beginning. Being lots 4, 5 and 6, of block D, of the sub-division of Sunset Park. A plat of said sub division of Sunset Park made by H. C. Bailey, civil engineer, February, 1912, to which reference is herein made, is re corded in plat book 5, page 46. Levied on as the proeprty of R. S. Morris to sat isfy a fi fa. issued from the Fulton coun ty’ superior court in favor of P. B. Hop kins vs. the said R. S. Morris. A deed for the purpose of levy and sale having been eexcuted, filed and recorded as re quired by law. Tenant in possession noti fied. Also, at the same time and place, the following described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and be ing in the city of Atlanta, being part of land lot twenty (20). of the Fourteenth (14th) district of originally Henry, now Fulton, county, Georgia, and being lots Nos. 6,7 and 8 in block D of the sub division of the Grant property as per plat on tile in office of Forrest & George Adair, more particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at a point on the north east corner of Fair street and Powell street, and running thence east along the north side of Fair street one hundred and sixty-eight (168) feet: thence north one hundred and forty (140) feet; thence west one hundred and sixty-eight (168) feet to Powell street; thence south along the east side of Powell street one hundred and forty (140) feet to the point of begin ning. Levied on as the property of E. Lester to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the city court of Atlanta in favor of Colo nial Investment Company vs. the said E. C. Lester. A deed for the purpose of levy and sale having been executed, filed and recorded as required by law. Tenant in possession notified. Also, at the same time and place, the following described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in land lot number one hundred and forty-nine (No. 149) of the Four teenth (14th) district of originally Henry, now Fulton, county. Georgia, the same being lot number one hundred and forty five (No. 145» in Map B of Westwood Park, as per plat recorded in deed book ’’U.’’ page 225, Fulton county records, and Legal Notices. more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the corner formed by the in- j tersection of the east side of Joe John- j son avenue and the northeast side of I Gordon street, and running thence nor I along the east side of Joe Johnson avenue > one hundred and six (106) feet to lot No. 146 of said plat; thence east along south I side of said lot one hundred and thirty- 1 five and four-tenths (135 4-1.0) feet to lot i No. 144 of said plat; thence southwest along said lot one hundred and sixty-six (166) feet to Gordon street; thence north west along Gordon street nine (9) feet to beginning point. Levied upon as the property of Mrs. Jessie A. Means to sat isfy a fi. fa. issued from the city court of Atlanta in favor of Georgia Savings Bank and Trust Company vs. the said Mrs. Jessie A. Means. A deed for the pur pose of levy and sale having been exe cuted, filed and recorded as required by law. Tenant in possession notified. Also, at the F»me time and place, the following described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the city of Atlanta, in land lot fifty-four (54) of the Fourteenth (14th) district of originally Henry, now Ful ton, county, Georgia, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Garden and Bass streets and extending thence south along the west side of Garden street forty (40) feet; thence west parallel to Base street one hundred and thirty-five (135) feet, more or less, to an alley; thence north along the east side of said alley forty (40) feet to Bass street; thence east along the south side of Bass street one hundred and thirty-five (135) feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; being the same premises conveyed by the Ger mania Savings Bank to Mrs. Annie Bra zell, wife of J. W. Brazell, by deed dated October 9, 1906, recorded in deed book 197, page 388, Fulton county records. Levied upon as the property of B. W. Brown to satisfy- a fl. fa. issued from the city court of Atlanta In favor of Georgia Savings Bank and Trust Co. vs. the said B. W. Brown, as maker, and .James W. Brazell, as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Annie Brazell, deceased, in dorser. A deed for the purpose of levy and sale having been executed, filed and recorded as required by law. Tenant in possession notified. Also, at the same time and place, the one-half undivided interest of Quinn Callaway in and to the following de scribed property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being In the city of East Point, in land lot one hun dred and thirty-two (132) of the Four teenth (14th) district of originally Henry, now Fulton, county, Georgia, and more particularly described as xollows: Be ginning at the southeast co. ar of Cleve land avenue and Randall street, thence running south along the east side of Ran dall street one hundred and forty-seven and one-half (147%) feet; thence easterly parallel with Pine street three hundred ,300) feet, more or less; thence north one hundred and forty-seven and one-half (147%) feet to Cleveland avenue; thence west along the south side of Cleveland avenue three hundred (300) feet to the point or place of beginning; being the north half of lots 1, 2 and 3 in block A-l as per plat of S. N. Connally prop erty In East Point, recorded in plat book No. 4, page 79. Levied upon as the prop erty of Quinn Callaway to satisfy a fi. fa. Issued from the Fulton county su perior court In favor of Bank of Siloam vs. the said Quinn Callaway, as maker, and J. F. Rhodes, as Indorser. Tenant In possession notified. Also at the same time and place, the following described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the city of Atlanta, in land lot fourteen (14), of the Fourteenth (14th) district of originally Henry, now Fultor county, Georgia, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeast side of Waverly way one hundred and seventy (170) feet, more or less northeastwardly from the corner of Waverly way and Elizabeth street, and running thence southeastward ly along a rock retaining wall one hun dred (100) feet; thence northeastwardly five (5) feet; thence southeastwardly fif ty (50) feet; thence northeastwardly fifty (50) feet; thence northwestwardly one hundred and forty-seven and seven-tenths (147 7-10) feet, to Waverly way; thence southwestwardly along the southeast side of Waverly way fifty-six and five-tenths (56 5-10) feet, to the point of beginning; said premises being improved property and known as No. 171 Waverly way. Lev ied upon as the property of Mrs. Emille D. Mor,se to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the city court of Atlanta in favor of the Security State bank vs. the said Mrs. Emllie D. Morse. Property pointed out by pliantlff’s attorney. A deed for the pur pose of levy and sale having been exe cuted, filed and recorded as required by law. Tenant in possession notified. Also, at the same time and place, the following described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situated, ly ing and being in the city of Atlanta, Ful ton county, Georgia, and more particular ly described as follows: Commencing at a point seventy-three (73) feet west from the northwest corner of Magnolia and Maple streets, thence running along the north side of Magnolia street thirty-three and one-third (33 1-3) feet; thence north i one hundred (100) feet to a ten (10) foot alley; thence east along said alley thirty-three and one-third (33 1-3) feet; thence south one hundred (100) feet to beginning point. Levied upon as the property of Joseph S. Rivers to satisfy three fi. fas. issued from the criminal court of Atlanta In favor of the state of Georgia vs. Spencer Reed, William Nesbit and Frank Henderson, respective ly, as principals, and the said Joseph S. Rivers, as security, on the three execu tions. Tenant in possession notified. Also at the same time and place, the following described personal property, to wit: One satin brass bed, 1 G. O. D. ta ble, 1 G. O. chiffonier, 1 duplex mattress, 1 pair perfection pillows, 1 W. B. National spring, 1 E. E. D. table, 1 E. E. Buffet, 6 E. E. D. chairs. 1 9 by 12 Axminster rug. 1 6 by 9 tapestry rug, 1 sh. tapestry rug 9 by 12, 15 yards carpet, 4 pairs curtains, 2 pairs curtains, 1 Axminster rug 36 by 72, 2 Axminster rugs 27 by 54, 1 Crex rug 8 by 10, 1 ma hogany center table. 1 mahogany rocker, 1 three-piece mahogany parlor suit, 1 four-piece porch suit, 1 white and gold tea set. 1 sanitary refrigerator, 12 shades, 26 yards linoleum, 1 swing, 1 pair draper ies, 1 B. R. spring. Levied upon as the property of Mrs. Francis Tisdale by virtue of a fi. fa. issued from the city court of Atlanta in favor of Rhodes-Wood Furniture Company vs. the said Mrs. Francis Tisdale. Also at the same time and place, the following described personal property, to wit: Twenty-six mahogany chairs. 1 china cabinet. 9 iron beds, 9 R. E. mattresses, 4 oak dressers, 4 oak washstands, 12 cane seat chairs, 4 B. P., 5 9 by 12 Crex rugs, 9 pairs blankets, 9 comforts, 9 pairs pil lows, 1 brass bed, 1 W. B. spring, 1 R. E. mattress, 1 pair pillows, 18 mahogany tables. 1 sideboard, 32 mahogany chairs, 1 pair blankets, 1 comfort, 12 shades. Levied upon as the property of Vic tariano Garcio by virtue of a fl. fa. issued from the city court of Atlanta in favor of Rhodes-Wood Furniture Company vs. the said Vlctarlano Garcio, Also at the same time and place, the following described personal property, to wit: All personal property of Office Sup ply Company, consisting of stock of paper, supplies, etc., on hand, all accounts re ceivable. choses in action, etc., of Office Supply Company Levied upon as the property of Office Supply Company to) satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issued from the city court of Atlanta in favor of C. A. Sisson vs. the said Office Supply Com pany. This property being difficult and expensive to transport, the same will not be brought to and exposed before the court house door on the day of sale, but can be seetnand examined on second floor at No. 6% 5 Broad street, in the city of ;■ Also at tne W 'me and place, the following desci ibv<? >nal property, to wit: One large iron safe, H. K. Hill painted thereon. Levied upon as the property of John M. Baird to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the justice of the peace court of the 1026th district, G. M., Ful ton county, Georgia, in favor of J. B. Conn vs. Mrs. Georgia Morgan as prin cipal and John M. Baird as security. This property being difficult and expen sive to transport, It will not be brought and exposed at the court house door on the date of sale. The same can be seen and examined in room 110. Temple Courf building, corner of Soutli Pryor and Ala bama streets, Atlanta, Ga. C. W, MANGUM. Sheriff STATE AND COUNTY TAX SALES. Will be sold before the court house door In the city of Atlanta, the first Tuesday in December. 1912, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Same being seized by myself as tax col lector of Fulton county, as; property of parties named below, for their slate and Legal Notices. county taxes for the years specified: Also, ai same time and place the fol lowing described property, to-wit: A cer tain lot in the city of Atlanta. Ward 6. land lot 78, in the Fourteenth district of Pulton county, Georgia, fronting 50 feet on the north side of West Baker street, between Spring and West Peachtree streets, and running back 200 feet, more or less, in a northerly direction, the house on said lot known as No. 11 on said street, according to street numbers, the same being improved property In the city of Atlanta, adjoining Chambers, levied on as the property of Peachtree Realty Co. to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the city of At lanta against said lot and against said Peachtree Realty Company division be inb impossible, levy is made on all said property, for state and county taxes for the years 1909, 1910 and 1911. Also, at same time and place, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: A cer tain city lot in the city of Atlanta. Ward 8, land lot 106, In the Seventeenth dis trict of Fulton county. Georgia, fronting 70 feet on the east side of Crescent ave nue, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, and running back 100 feet, more or less, in an easterly direction, the house on said lot known as No. on said street, according to street numbers, the same being vacant property in the city of At lanta, adjoining Carter, levied on as the property of C. Simmons to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the state and county against said lot and against said C. J. Simmons for state and countv taxes for the years 1908, 1909, 1910 and 1911. A. P. STEWART, Tax Collector and Ex-Officio Sheriff Ful ton County, Georgia. 11-9-20 GEORGIA—FULTON COUNTY. To the Superior Court of Said County: 1. W. S. McKemie and George C. Wal ters are successors and present owners of "Eliot’s Quick Lunch (Incorporated)," and | owners of all stock, said corporation be ing located in said county, and granted to F. Gelssley, M. P. Cook and F. Dodd, original petitioners, and being granted by the superior court of said county on March 7, 1904, for the term of twenty (20) years. 2. At a duly called meeting of the stock holders of said corporation, on the 28th I day of October, 1912, a resolution was . passed authorizing the president of said corporation to petition the superior oourt, in the name of said corporation, for an order allowing said corporation to sur render its charter and franchise to the state and be dissolved as a corporation. Said resolutions were signed by all the stockholders of said corporation, and a copy of same is hereto appended "Ex hibit A." 3. George C. Walters, president, peti tions the court and shows that there are no outstanding debts against said cor poration, by “Exhibit B” hereto attached, and that the dissolution of the same as a corporation may be awarded without any injustice to any of the stockholders Wherefore, Petitioner prays for an order of said court allowing said corporation to surrender its charter and franchise to the state and be discharged as a corpora tion. CARL HUTCHESON AND ANDERSON, FELDER, ROUNTREE & WILSON, Attorneys for Petitioner. FULTON SUPERIOR COURT—The fore- going petition read and considered and it is ordered by the court that said pe tition be heard before this court on the 14th day of December, 1912. It is further ordered that said petition be filed in the office of the clerk of the court, and that a copy of same be published as re quired by law J. T. PENDLETON, Judge Superior Court, Atlanta Circuit. This Bth day of November, 191$. GEORGIA, FULTON COUNTY—This is to certify that the foregoing is an exact copy of the petition of “Eliot’s Quick Lunch (Incorporated)’’ to dissolve and surrender its charter and franchise to the state; also a copy of the order of the court. ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk of the Superior Court. Given under my hand and seal this 9th day of November, 1912. 11-9-59 GEORGIA, FULTON COUNTY—Under and by virtue of several orders in the case of in re: Courtland S. Winn, as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Mar garet A. Cox, deceased, et al.. Fulton superior court, I will sell before the court house door of said county (old city hail), corner 8. Pryor and East Hunter streets, city of Atlanta, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday In December, 1912, as commissioner of Fulton superior court In said above stated case, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: Lots Nos. one (1), seven (7), fourteen (14), seventeen (17), and eighteen (18) as shown on the map of the Spruell property in land lot 91, 92 and 93, of the Seven teenth district of Fulton county, Georgia, by O. F. Kauffman & Bro., civil engi neers. of date July 6, 1912, said map being recorded in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Fulton county. Each of said parcels will be sold sep arately. Plats may be had of said prop erty by calling at the office of the un dersigned. Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance one and two years, with seven per cent interest from date, or all oash, at the option of the purchaser. FORREST ADAIR. 11-9-10 Commissioner. STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Fulton. To the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of J. L. Ward and J. C. Fuller, all of said state and county, re spectively shows: First —That they desire for themselves, their associates and successors, to be in corporated and made a body politic under J the name and style of “Ward-Fuller Company,” for the period of twenty (20> years, with the rights of renewal from time to time thereafter. Second —The principal office and place of business of said company shall be in the city of Atlanta, state and county aforesaid, but petitioners desire the right to establish branch stores, offices and agencies in any other county in this state and in other states. Third—The object of said' corporation is pecuniary gain to itself and share holders. Fourth —The capital stock of said cor poration shall be six thousand ($6,000) dollars, ten per cent, of which amount lias already been paid in; but petitioners desire the right to increase said capital stock, at any time, to a sum not ex ceeding one hundred thousand ($100,000) dollars. The said capital stock is to be divided into shares of the par value of one hundred ($100) dollars each. Fisth —The purposes for which said cor poration is organized are as follows: (a)—To buy. sell, manufacture and generally deal in men’s clothing and fur nishings. (h)—To lease, buy, sell, use ar.d hold all such property, real or personal, as may be necessary or convenient in con nection with the said business; to borrow and loan money, and to do any and all things herein set forth as objects, pur poses, powers or otherwise, to the same extent and as fully as natural persons might do. Sixth—Petitioners desire the right to sue and be sued, to plead and be im pleaded, to make all necessary by-laws and regulations, and to do ail things that may be necessary for the successful carrying on of said business. Seventh—They desire for said incorpo ration the power and authority to apply for and accept Amendments to its char ter of either form or substance by a vote of a majority of its stock outstanding at the time. They also ask authority for said corperation to wind up its affairs, liquidate and discontinue Its business at any time it may determine to do so’ by a vote of a majority of its stock outstand ing at the time. Eighth- -Thej' desire for the said cor poration- that it have all such other rights, powers, privileges and immunities j as are incident to like incorporations, or ' permissible under the laws of Georgia. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be in corporated under the name and style aforesaid, with the powers, privileges and immunities herein set forth, and as are now, or may hereafter be, allowed a cor poration of similar character under the laws of Georgia. CARL HUTCHESON AND ANDERSON, FELDER. ROUNTREE & WILSON, J Petitioners’ Attorneys. Filed in office, this the 30th day of No- W vember, 1912. ’ ARNOLD BROYI.ES, Deputy Clerk. GEORGIA —Fulton County. I. Arnold Broyles, clerk of the superior , court of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the application for charter of , the “Ward-Fuller Company,” as same’’ ! appears on file in this office. Witness my official signature and seal of said court, tills 30th day of November, 1912. ARNOLD BROYLES. Clerk Superior Court, Fulton (bounty Georct* 11-30*61 Every desirable room, apartment, house, rooms for light housekeeping, business I locations, garages, stores that are for rent in Atlanta and surroundings can be found in "The Georgian’s Kent Bulletin’’